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20 DECEMBER 2015 (SUNDAY)20 DECEMBER 2015 (SUNDAY)3.00 PM @ THE GALAXY3.00 PM @ THE GALAXYMuslim Converts Assn. SporeMuslim Converts Assn. SporeGEYLANG, CHANGI ROADGEYLANG, CHANGI ROAD

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SURAH SAFF : 61 : 6SURAH SAFF : 61 : 6SURAH AHQAF : 46 : 10SURAH AHQAF : 46 : 10

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 "Whoever recites a letter from the Book of "Whoever recites a letter from the Book of

Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, Allah, he will be credited with a good deed,

and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do

not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but

Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a


((Hadith reported by TirmidziHadith reported by Tirmidzi))

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““And [mention] when And [mention] when Jesus, the son of MaryJesus, the son of Mary, said, ", said, "O children O children

of Israelof Israel, indeed , indeed I am the messenger of AllahI am the messenger of Allah to you to you

confirming what came before me of the Torah confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing and bringing

good tidings (good tidings (MUBASH-SHIRANMUBASH-SHIRAN) of ) of a messenger to come after a messenger to come after

me, whose name is Ahmadme, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with ." But when he came to them with

clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic.”clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic.”

((Qur’an: Saff: 61: 6Qur’an: Saff: 61: 6))


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“One who announces to a people[or person] an event”

“An annunciation which produces a change in the

: (or complexion) of the person to

whom it is made: and hence, imply “a joyful

annunciation; joyful, or glad, tidings; good news”

From the term :

Thus term : Means “glad tidings or good news”

Jesus a.s. is here referred to as :

We also know that the Greek word “evangelion” from which the word “Gospel”

was derived, actually means “the Good news”. Do note that the New Testament 4

Gospels - are actually narrations written “about the life of Jesus” –written

anonymously over 70-90 years later allegedly by “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.”

But what is the “Gospel” –which Jesus a.s. taught?

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… the most important ‘glad

tidings’, since his mission then was only 3 years and did not leave any written text ?

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(Jesus is also recorded to have said)(Jesus is also recorded to have said)

“ “ I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.

But when he, But when he, the Spirit of Truththe Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all , comes, he will guide you into all

truth. truth. He will not speak on his own; he will only speak what he He will not speak on his own; he will only speak what he

hearshears, and he will , and he will tell you of what is yet to cometell you of what is yet to come. He . He will bring will bring

glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to to

you….” you….”

((John: 16: 7-14John: 16: 7-14))

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““Jesus said to them :Jesus said to them :

‘ ‘Have you never read in the scriptures:Have you never read in the scriptures:

“ “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstoneThe stone the builders rejected has become the capstone”;”;

The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

Therefore Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from

you and given to a people who will produce its fruityou and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on . He who falls on

this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be



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((Matthew: 21: 42-44Matthew: 21: 42-44))

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““And one of the scribes come up and asked him, And one of the scribes come up and asked him, ‘Which commandment is the first of all?’ ‘Which commandment is the first of all?’ Jesus Jesus answered answered ‘Hear O Israel! The ‘Hear O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord our God, the Lord is One!Lord is One!

The Lord our God, the Lord is One The Lord our God, the Lord is One ... You are right ... You are right in saying that in saying that God is One, and there is no other God is One, and there is no other but Himbut Him” ”

((Mark 12: 28-29)Mark 12: 28-29)

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“Jesus says : ‘Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” *

(Matthew 7 : 21 )

( * Islam : means “submission of God’s will” )


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17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Matthew 5: 17-18Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

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19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5: 19-20Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

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““Amongst all people, I am the nearest to Jesus son of Amongst all people, I am the nearest to Jesus son of

Mary in this world and the hereafterMary in this world and the hereafter. The prophets . The prophets

are paternal brothers, they have different mothers are paternal brothers, they have different mothers

but but their religion is one their religion is one (and the same).”(and the same).”

((Hadith reported by BukharyHadith reported by Bukhary))

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“ “The likeness of me and the other Prophets is similar to that The likeness of me and the other Prophets is similar to that

of a man who built a house and perfectly decorated it except of a man who built a house and perfectly decorated it except

for a space of one brick. The people used to go round this for a space of one brick. The people used to go round this

house, wonder and say, ‘If only this missing brick were put house, wonder and say, ‘If only this missing brick were put

in!’ in!’

Thus, I am that brick and I am the Last of the Prophets.”Thus, I am that brick and I am the Last of the Prophets.”

((Hadith agreed upon by Bukhary and MuslimHadith agreed upon by Bukhary and Muslim))

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“Say (O Muhammad): Do you see? Whether this message

(teaching) be from Allah and yet you reject it, and a

witness from among the Children of Israel bore witness

of one like him………...”

(Qur’an : Ahqaf: 46: 10)


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Many Muslims scholars understands this verse as a

reference to him being like Moses a.s. - as prophesized

and recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy 18 : 18

“I will raise up for them a prophet like unto you (O

Moses) from amongst their brethren; and I will put My

words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that

I command him. And whoever will not give heed to My

words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will

require it of him.”

( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 )

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“I will raise up for them a prophet like unto you (O Moses)

from amongst their brethren …”

( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 )

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“ … “ … and I will put My words in his mouth, and he and I will put My words in his mouth, and he

shall speak to them all that I command him. And shall speak to them all that I command him. And

whoever will not give heed to My words which whoever will not give heed to My words which

he shall speak in My name ...”he shall speak in My name ...”

( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 )

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““Nor does he (Muhammad) say (aught) of (his own) DesireNor does he (Muhammad) say (aught) of (his own) Desire. .

It It is no less than inspiration sent down to himis no less than inspiration sent down to him: He was : He was

taught by one mighty in Power, endued with Wisdom”taught by one mighty in Power, endued with Wisdom”

((Qur’an: Najm: 53: 3-5Qur’an: Najm: 53: 3-5))

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““Proclaim! (or Read!) Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord in the name of thy Lord

and Cherisher, Who created― “and Cherisher, Who created― “

((Qur’an: al-’Alaq: 96: 1Qur’an: al-’Alaq: 96: 1))

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After birth was separated from After birth was separated from

his mother and adopted by the his mother and adopted by the

leading man in power (leading man in power (PharaohPharaoh).).

Well-loved by all in the Well-loved by all in the courtcourt of of


After birth was separated from After birth was separated from

his mother and adopted by the his mother and adopted by the

leading man in power (leading man in power (QurayshQuraysh


Well-loved by all in the Well-loved by all in the councilcouncil

of the Quraysh.of the Quraysh.

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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Gave up life in Pharaoh's court Gave up life in Pharaoh's court

and spent time in the wilderness and spent time in the wilderness

around the Sinai peninsula. around the Sinai peninsula.

Married and had a family before Married and had a family before

becoming a prophet (he married becoming a prophet (he married

the daughter of the daughter of JethroJethro).).

Kept away from the Quraysh Kept away from the Quraysh

way and spent time in the way and spent time in the

mountain outside Makkah.mountain outside Makkah.

Married and had a family before Married and had a family before

becoming a prophet (he married becoming a prophet (he married

the the KhadijahKhadijah daughter of daughter of


Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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Experienced first revelation in Experienced first revelation in

the Mountain (the Mountain (Mount SinaiMount Sinai).).

Preached the clear message of Preached the clear message of

the Absolute Oneness of God. the Absolute Oneness of God.

““Hear O Israel! Your Lord God is Hear O Israel! Your Lord God is

One GodOne God.”.”

Experienced first revelation in Experienced first revelation in

the Mountain (the Mountain (Jabal NurJabal Nur).).

Preached the clear message of Preached the clear message of

the Absolute Oneness of God. the Absolute Oneness of God.

““There is no god except Allah There is no god except Allah

(the One and Only God(the One and Only God))””

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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Commanded to preach to the

people in power (i.e. Pharaoh),

who knew him.

His initial encounter (calling)

was rejected but he was not


Has his brother Aaron who

assisted him throughout his


Commanded to preach to the Commanded to preach to the

people in power (i.e. the people in power (i.e. the

QurayshQuraysh), who knew him.), who knew him.

His initial encounter (calling)

was rejected but he was not


Has ‘Ali, his cousin likened as his Has ‘Ali, his cousin likened as his

‘brother’, who assisted him ‘brother’, who assisted him

throughout his mission.throughout his mission.

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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He was brought to the presence He was brought to the presence

of Allah by undertaking a of Allah by undertaking a

journey up on Mount Sinai to journey up on Mount Sinai to

experience the “experience the “epiphanyepiphany” ”

(beatific vision of God). (beatific vision of God).

He was brought to the presence He was brought to the presence

of Allah during the miraculous of Allah during the miraculous

journey of journey of Isra’Isra’ and and Mi’rajMi’raj – –

including the “including the “epiphanepiphanyy” - (but ” - (but

far greater than that far greater than that

experienced by Moses, as his experienced by Moses, as his

journey transcends into the journey transcends into the

realm never traverse by except realm never traverse by except

him – the beloved of Allah.) him – the beloved of Allah.)

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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His life and his people were His life and his people were

threatened and oppressed, yet threatened and oppressed, yet

managed to bring his people managed to bring his people

safely out of the land of safely out of the land of

oppression through “oppression through “ExodusExodus”, ”,

and established a community, and established a community,

governed over them by the Law governed over them by the Law

of God (of God (TorahTorah).).

His life and his people were His life and his people were

threatened and oppressed, yet threatened and oppressed, yet

managed to bring his people managed to bring his people

safely out of the land of safely out of the land of

oppression through “oppression through “HijrahHijrah”, ”,

and established a community, and established a community,

governed over them by the governed over them by the

((Shari’ahShari’ah) ) Law of GodLaw of God ( (Qur’anQur’an

and the and the SunnahSunnah).).

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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He was victorious over the He was victorious over the

Pharaoh’s army with Allah’s Pharaoh’s army with Allah’s

direct Divine intervention which direct Divine intervention which

routed and vanquished this routed and vanquished this

military force, a more superior military force, a more superior

to the Bani Isra’il who were to the Bani Isra’il who were

lesser in numbers and lesser in numbers and

equipment – drowning – drowning them.

He was victorious over the Makkan

(Quraysh) army with Allah’s direct

Divine intervention at the Battle of

Badr, in which angels were sent to

aid Muslims and they routed and

vanquished their enemies who

were more superior to them in

numbers and equipment. Also the

Battle of al-Ahzab

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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Had to face enemies within his Had to face enemies within his

community (the hypocrites) who community (the hypocrites) who

introduced the ‘introduced the ‘golden calfgolden calf’ to ’ to

undermine Moses teaching and undermine Moses teaching and

authority. The ‘golden calf’ was authority. The ‘golden calf’ was

then destroyed and the then destroyed and the

perpetrators exposedperpetrators exposed

He had to face enemies within He had to face enemies within

his community – the “his community – the “munaa-munaa-

fiqunfiqun” (hypocrites). They build a ” (hypocrites). They build a

mosque (“mosque (“masjid Diraramasjid Dirara”) to ”) to

undermine Muhammad’s undermine Muhammad’s

teaching and authority. The teaching and authority. The

mosque was burned and mosque was burned and

destroyed; the perpetrator destroyed; the perpetrator

exposed and condemned by exposed and condemned by


Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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Although he was at first rejected

by his people but in the end was

overwhelmingly accepted as the

Messenger of God.

Power over his community both

as spiritual leader as well as the

supreme temporal ruler.

Although he was at first rejected Although he was at first rejected

by his people but in the end was by his people but in the end was

overwhelmingly accepted as the accepted as the

Messenger of God.Messenger of God.

Power over his community both

as spiritual leader as well as the

supreme temporal ruler.

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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Had his teachings codified.

Married and had continuous

chain of descendants linked to

his noble families.

Had successors to continue his


Died and buried on this earth.

Had his teachings codified.Had his teachings codified.

Married and Married and had continuous

chain of descendants linked to

his noble families.

Had successors to continue his Had successors to continue his

mission. mission.

Died and buried on this earth.Died and buried on this earth.

Prophet MosesProphet Moses Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad

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“for We assuredly sentamongst every nation, (other nations)a Messenger” (Q: Nahl : 16:36)  


ADAM (other nations)       NOAH (Nuh)

(Shem) (Ham) (Yaphet)

  JACOB (Ya’akub))

(1st Born) (2nd Born)

ISHMAEL (Isma’il)                        ISAAC (Ishaq)

  JOSEPH (Yusuf)  MOSES (Musa)

DAVID (Dawud) 

ABRAHAM (Ibrahim)

SOLOMON (Sulaiman)(many others amongst Israelite)

JESUS CHRIST (‘Isa al-Maseeh)

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“for We assuredly sentamongst every nation, (other nations)a Messenger” (Q: Nahl : 16:36)  

JOHN THE BAPTIST (Yahya) MUHAMMAD(The chosen Seal of Prophethood)

ADAM (other nations)       NOAH (Nuh)

(Shem) (Ham) (Yaphet)

  JACOB (Ya’akub))

(1st Born) (2nd Born)

ISHMAEL (Isma’il)                        ISAAC (Ishaq)

  JOSEPH (Yusuf) (The Quraysh tribein Mecca, direct 

descendants of   Ishmael)    

  MOSES (Musa)

DAVID (Dawud) 

ABRAHAM (Ibrahim)

SOLOMON (Sulaiman)(many others amongst Israelite)

JESUS CHRIST (‘Isa al-Maseeh)

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When Moses , upon whom be peace, read the Tablets, he found

mentioned in them the merits of the nation (Ummah) of Muhammad,

may blessings and peace be upon him, and said: "O Lord! Which is

this mercy-given nation that I find in the Tablets?”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Allah answered: "It is the nation of Ahmad*, whose people are

content with whatever little provision I give them, and I am content

with whatever little good works they do. I make each one of them

enter the Garden by his testimony that La ilaha illa'Llah.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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And Moses said: "I find in the Tablets a nation of people who shall be

resurrected and assembled on the Day of Rising with their faces like

full moons. Let them be my nation!"

But Allah replied: "They are the nation of Ahmad; I shall gather them

resurrected on the Day of Rising, when their foreheads and limbs

shall be blazing white from their wudhu’ (ablutions) and their sajda


Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people whose

clothes are on their backs and whose swords are on their shoulders,

people of certitude and dependence ; they glorify Allah from

minaret-tops, and they continue to seek to fight for every righteous

cause, until they do battle against the Dajjal. Let them be my nation!"

But He said: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation for whom the earth

is a place of worship and ritually pure, and for whom booty is lawful;

let them be my nation!"

But He replied: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people who fast

the month of Ramadan for You, and whom You then forgive all they

had done before; let them be my nation!"

But He replied: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people who go

on pilgrimage to the Inviolable House for Your sake, whose longing

for it is never exhausted, whose weeping is long and tumultuous,

whose talbiya is clamorous; let them be my nation!"

But He said:"They are the nation of Ahmad.“

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "What will You give them for that?"

And Allah said: "I shall grant them more forgiveness, and shall allow

them to intercede for those who come after them.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people who ask

forgiveness for their sins; when they raise their food to their mouths

it does not reach their stomachs before they are forgiven; they start

with Your Name and end with Your praise; let them be my nation!"

But He said: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation whose members will

be the foremost on the Day of Rising, but are the last to be created;

let them be my nation!"

But He replied: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people whose

gospels are held within their breasts and they recite them; let them

be my nation!"

But He replied: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people among

whom, when one of them intends a good deed but does not perform

it, it is written as one good deed for him, while if he does perform it,

it is written as ten to seven hundred times its worth; let them be my


But Allah said: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation among whom,

when one of them intends a sin but does not commit it, it is not

recorded against him, while if he does commit it, it is written as a

single sin; let them be my nation!"

But He replied: "They are the nation of Ahmad.“

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation who are the best of

people, who exhort to good and forbid evil; let them be my nation!"

But He said: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! I find in the Tablets a nation of people who will

be resurrected and brought on the Day of Rising as three groups. One

group shall enter the Garden without reckoning, another's reckoning

will be easy, and another will be rigorously judged, then made to

enter the Garden; let them be my nation!"

But He said: "They are the nation of Ahmad.”

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Moses said: "O Lord! You have spread out all this goodness for

Ahmad and his nation; let me be a member of his nation!"

But Allah told him: "O Moses! I have chosen and preferred you over

other people with My Message and My Speech; take what I have

given you, and be one of the thankful.”

- Taken from: Imam ‘Abdullah Al-Haddad r.a. "The Lives of Man“ -

Wahb ibn Munabbih, may Allah be pleased with him,

said (narrating a hadith):

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Al-Ham-dulil-laahAl-Ham-dulil-laah ! Shouldn’t we be glad and grateful to this! ! Shouldn’t we be glad and grateful to this!

Our affection and love for the Prophet Muhammad Our affection and love for the Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. .

commensurate with how well we know him, his virtues, his concerns, commensurate with how well we know him, his virtues, his concerns,

his excellences etc. which Allah has accorded him.his excellences etc. which Allah has accorded him.

During his time, people had the privilege to meet him face-to-face, During his time, people had the privilege to meet him face-to-face,

encounter, interact, and gaze upon his Noble and blessed encounter, interact, and gaze upon his Noble and blessed


For us now, we can be expected to love the Prophet For us now, we can be expected to love the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص only only

after fulfilling several approaches.after fulfilling several approaches.

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Generally we should first confirm his Prophethood, obey his Generally we should first confirm his Prophethood, obey his

commands and prohibitions; support, help and protect him, reviving, commands and prohibitions; support, help and protect him, reviving,

practicing, teaching and spreading his practicing, teaching and spreading his SunnahSunnah; invite all to Allah, to ; invite all to Allah, to

the Book of Allah and ways of Allah’s messenger; inculcate in the Book of Allah and ways of Allah’s messenger; inculcate in

ourselves his noble characteristics and ourselves his noble characteristics and AdabAdab. Maintain esteem . Maintain esteem

respect and love for the Prophet respect and love for the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص; preserve his Sunnah from ; preserve his Sunnah from

neglect or attack (in practice and by teaching them); sharing his neglect or attack (in practice and by teaching them); sharing his

likes/dislikes; understanding his likes/dislikes; understanding his Shari’ahShari’ah; loving for People of his ; loving for People of his

House (House (Ahlul-BaytihiAhlul-Baytihi) and his loyal companions, and the true ) and his loyal companions, and the true Ulama’Ulama’ ; ;

showing compassion to his entire showing compassion to his entire UmmahUmmah; extend his message of the ; extend his message of the

Mercy of Allah for the worlds.Mercy of Allah for the worlds.

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True love must be ‘True love must be ‘sinceresincere’ and ‘’ and ‘selflessselfless’ – something related to ’ – something related to

our Islamic concept of our Islamic concept of TauheedTauheed. We love the Prophet . We love the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص because because

of Allah s.w.t.of Allah s.w.t.

How do you inculcate this?How do you inculcate this?

It must begin with a true sense of “It must begin with a true sense of “gratefulnessgratefulness”. Only from this ”. Only from this

can the feeling of true “can the feeling of true “love love ” grow.” grow.

What we seek is that What we seek is that “love“love” (” (hubbhubb) which Allah and His ) which Allah and His

Messenger Messenger ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص meant by “meant by “lovlovee”, not our self-deluded ”, not our self-deluded

‘understanding’ of love. ‘understanding’ of love.

Allaahu musta’anAllaahu musta’an

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““O people of the Book! now hath come unto you, making (things) O people of the Book! now hath come unto you, making (things)

clear unto you, Our Messenger after the break in (the series of) clear unto you, Our Messenger after the break in (the series of)

Our MessengersOur Messengers, lest ye should say: there came unto us no , lest ye should say: there came unto us no

bringer of glad tidings and no warner (from evil): but now hath bringer of glad tidings and no warner (from evil): but now hath

come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner (from evil): come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner (from evil):

and Allah hath power over all things.”and Allah hath power over all things.”

((Qur’an: Maa-idah: 5: 15Qur’an: Maa-idah: 5: 15

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“ “ Say (O Muhammad): Say (O Muhammad): ""If ye do love Allah, follow meIf ye do love Allah, follow me: Allah will : Allah will

love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving,

Most Merciful.“ Most Merciful.“ ”.”.

((Qur’an : Aali ‘Imran : 3 : 31)Qur’an : Aali ‘Imran : 3 : 31)

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Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves

[by sinning], [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed,

Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the


((Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 53)Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 53) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015)

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And And return [in repentance] to your Lord and submitreturn [in repentance] to your Lord and submit to Him to Him

((ASLIMUASLIMU) before the punishment comes upon you; then you ) before the punishment comes upon you; then you

will not be helped. will not be helped.

((Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 54)Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 54)

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Muhammad is the Messenger of AllahMuhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those who ; and those who

are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but)

compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them

bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking Grace bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking Grace

from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure.... “from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure.... “

((Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29))

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“ “ ... On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their ... On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their

prostration. This is their similitude in the Towrah; and their prostration. This is their similitude in the Towrah; and their

similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its

blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick and it stands blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick and it stands

on its own stem (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As on its own stem (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As

a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at him. Allah has a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at him. Allah has

promised those among them who believe and do righteous promised those among them who believe and do righteous

deeds Forgiveness and a great Reward.” deeds Forgiveness and a great Reward.”

((Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29) )

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“Today, those who are bent on denying the truth have lost all hope of

[your ever forsaking] your religion: do not, then, hold them in awe,

but stand in awe of Me! Today have I perfected your religious law for

you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings,

and willed that (ISLAM) self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion.”

(Qur’an: Maa-idah: 5: 3)

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“It is He (Allah) who sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance

and the religion of truth (ISLAM)to manifest it over all religion. And

sufficient is Allah as Witness.”

(Qur’an: Fathu: 48: 28)

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““Indeed, Allah confers blessing (salutations) upon the Indeed, Allah confers blessing (salutations) upon the

Prophet, and His angels salutes [him too and ask Allah to Prophet, and His angels salutes [him too and ask Allah to

bless him]. bless him]. O you who have believedO you who have believed, salute him [also] and , salute him [also] and

ask Allah to confer blessing upon him [worthy of his ask Allah to confer blessing upon him [worthy of his

station] and [to grant him] peace.”station] and [to grant him] peace.”

((Qur’an: Ahzab: 33: 56Qur’an: Ahzab: 33: 56))

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““Say the ‘Say the ‘SolawatSolawat’ (invocation of Allah’s blessing for me as ’ (invocation of Allah’s blessing for me as

Allah commands) for your ‘Allah commands) for your ‘SolawatSolawat’ shall be ’ shall be

ZakahZakah (a purification and spiritual growth) (a purification and spiritual growth)

for your own selves.”for your own selves.”

((Hadith reported by Ibn Mardaweh in, Al-Jami’Hadith reported by Ibn Mardaweh in, Al-Jami’))

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““Whosoever say ‘Whosoever say ‘solawatsolawat ’ upon me once, ’ upon me once,

Allah will say ‘Allah will say ‘solawatsolawat ’ upon him ten times.” ’ upon him ten times.”

((Hadith reported by MuslimHadith reported by Muslim))

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““Verily Allah, Most Exalted, has angels who are commanded to Verily Allah, Most Exalted, has angels who are commanded to

roam and observe the people on earth. They will convey to me all roam and observe the people on earth. They will convey to me all

the ‘the ‘salams salams ’ from people of my community.”’ from people of my community.”

((Hadith reported by Ahmad, An-Nasa-i, and Ad-DarimiyHadith reported by Ahmad, An-Nasa-i, and Ad-Darimiy))

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““Foremost to me amongst the people on Judgement Day Foremost to me amongst the people on Judgement Day

will be those who conveyed much ‘will be those who conveyed much ‘SolawatSolawat ’ to me ’ to me

(while they were in this world).”(while they were in this world).”

((Hadith reported by TirmidziHadith reported by Tirmidzi))

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The Prophet The Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: “Shall I inform you who is miserly said: “Shall I inform you who is miserly

person?”, they (companions) replied : “Certainly, O Messenger of person?”, they (companions) replied : “Certainly, O Messenger of

Allah.” Allah.”

He (the Prophet He (the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.) then said: .) then said:

““Whoever, whenever my name is mentioned in his presence, yet do Whoever, whenever my name is mentioned in his presence, yet do

not invoke ‘not invoke ‘SolawatSolawat ’ upon me, he is the miserly person.” ’ upon me, he is the miserly person.”

((Hadith reported by TirmidziHadith reported by Tirmidzi))All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015)

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““O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, the O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, the

Unlettered Prophet, and upon the family of our Master Muhammad, and Unlettered Prophet, and upon the family of our Master Muhammad, and

his wives, the mothers of all the Believers, and upon his descendants, the his wives, the mothers of all the Believers, and upon his descendants, the

people of his house, just as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of people of his house, just as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of

Ibrahim, in the worlds, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!"Ibrahim, in the worlds, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!"All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015)

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““And sanctify our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, the And sanctify our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, the

Unlettered Prophet, and upon the family of our Master Muhammad, and Unlettered Prophet, and upon the family of our Master Muhammad, and

his wives, the mothers of all the Believers, and upon his descendants, the his wives, the mothers of all the Believers, and upon his descendants, the

people of his house, just as You have sanctified Ibrahim and the family of people of his house, just as You have sanctified Ibrahim and the family of

Ibrahim, in the worlds, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!"Ibrahim, in the worlds, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!"All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015)

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May Allah grant us and all our beloved parents, teachers, family May Allah grant us and all our beloved parents, teachers, family

and companions, the success (and companions, the success (TAUFIQTAUFIQ) and the Guidance ) and the Guidance

((HIDAAYAHIDAAYA) to attain to His Acceptance, Forgiveness and Mercy ) to attain to His Acceptance, Forgiveness and Mercy

((RAHMAHRAHMAH) and gain His Pleasure () and gain His Pleasure (MARDHA-TILLAHMARDHA-TILLAH).).



To be continued ….. INSHA-ALLAH

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