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Different types of Acne

Acne is an infection of the skin, caused by changes in the sebaceous glands.

The most common form of acne is called acne vulgaris, which means

"common acne". The redness comes from the inflammation of the skin in

response to the infection.

Oils from the glands combine with dead skin cells to block hair follicles.

Under the blocked pore, oil builds up. Skin bacteria can then grow very

quickly. This infection makes the skin become swollen and red, which

becomes visible.

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Effects of acne

People of all ages can get acne, although it

occurs more commonly in adolescents. Acne can

affect people physically, psychologically, and


Physical effects

Acne causes scarring, and acne pustules can be

very painful and sensitive.

Psychological effects

People suffering from a bad case of acne, especially

adolescents, can develop low self-esteem which can lead

to depression.

Social effects

Low self-esteem issues can make a person suffering

from acne withdraw from many social events. It makes

developing new personal relationships (especially love

relationships) more difficult. Low self-esteem can also

cause problems with career advancement as the

person may find it difficult to present a positive


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SkinB5 is a Patent Pending & award winning

innovative all-natural acne supplement that

works from within to eliminate and cure acne

on the face and all over the body by

controlling skin oil production, balancing

hormones, strengthening immune system

and reducing stress.

The SkinB5 acne treatment system is based on a safe dose of vitamin B5

which is proven to increase skin health and reduce acne by regulating the

skin’s production of sebum, or skin oil. SkinB5's effectiveness is proven and

safe for users of all ages.

Order and Customer Support

SkinB5 Pty Ltd Enquiries Email id: [email protected] Web Customer Support Hotline 1300 088 655 (Within Australia) or 888-292-5335 (US Customers)

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