Page 1: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define


lists and compound data

Page 2: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define


Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define name value]

Applications (aka procedure calls)[procedure args …] Procedure is run with the args as inputs

Conditionals (if expressions)[if test consequent alternative] Evaluate test If result was true, evaluate and return consequent, otherwise alternative

Compound procedures[args … → exp] Makes a new procedure with the specified arguments and return value Expression for return value can refer to args

Page 3: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

How compound procedures are called:An approximation

[define double [n → [× n 2]] [double 4]

[[n → [× n 2]] 4] substitute value of double

[ [n → [× n 2] ] 4 ]

[× 4 2] replace call with body substitute argument into body




Page 4: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Some primitive data types

Integers (whole numbers)1, 2, 3, -1, 0, -43589759, etc.

“Floating-point” numbers3.14159, -44.0, anything with a decimal point

Characters Booleans (truth values)

Two values: “true” and “false” Used to represent answers to questions

Note: there are good reasons for having different kinds of number types, but we’re not going to try to justify them at this point. Just be aware that they’re there.

Page 5: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Some composite data types

Strings (i.e. text) Sequences of characters “this is a test”, “so is this”

Colors Specify amount of red, green, and blue light for a pixel One integer (0-255) per “channel” (red, green, blue) One integer (0-255) for level of opacity (the “α-channel”)

Bitmaps The kind of image manipulated by a paint program 2-dimensional array of color objects One color object per pixel of the image

Page 6: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

A new composite data type: the list

Lists are sequences of data objects Any length Any type of data object Different types of data can appear in the same


Example: a CD database A list of data objects representing CDs Each CD is represented as its own list:

Artist Title Year

Page 7: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Okay, what can we do with lists?

[list item1 item2 … itemn]Creates a list containing the specified items, in order

[get list index] Extracts the item from list at position index (a number) Index counts from zero So for an 5-element list, the elements are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

[first list], [second list], …, [tenth list] Extracts the specified element of list.

[length list]Returns the number of items in list

[append list1 list2 … listn]Creates a new list with all the items in the input lists, in order

Page 8: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define


Notice that lists print in the same bracket notation as code

This may seem confusing, but The system doesn’t print code

back at you So you can’t mistake them for

one another It will turn out to be really

useful to have lists and code look the same

► [define my-list [list 1 2 3]][1 2 3]

► [append my-list [list 4 5 6]][1 2 3 4 5 6]

► [get [append my-list [list 4 5 6]] 5]6►

Page 9: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Mapping and folding

[fold p start-value list] Joins all the values of list together using procedure p Mostly useful for summing, multiplying, or otherwise mushing

together the elements of a list [fold + 0 [list 1 2 3]] returns: “[+ 3 [+ 2 [+ 1 0]]]”

[map procedure list] Runs procedure on every element of list and returns their return

values as a new list [map – [list 1 2 3 4]] returns “[-1 -2 -3 -4]”

We’ll talk later about additional capabilities of map and fold

Page 10: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

How map works (approximately)

[map double [list 1 2 3 4 5]] [map [n → [× 2 n]]

[list 1 2 3 4 5]] [list [[n → [× 2 n]] 1]

[[n → [× 2 n]] 2] [[n → [× 2 n]] 3] [[n → [× 2 n]] 4] [[n → [× 2 n]] 5]]

[list [× 2 1] [[n → [× 2 n]] 2] [[n → [× 2 n]] 3] [[n → [× 2 n]] 4] [[n → [× 2 n]] 5]]

[list 2 [[n → [× 2 n]] 2] [[n → [× 2 n]] 3] [[n → [× 2 n]] 4] [[n → [× 2 n]] 5]]

[list 2 [× 2 2]] [[n → [× 2 n]] 3] [[n → [× 2 n]] 4] [[n → [× 2 n]] 5]]

[list 2 4 [[n → [× 2 n]] 3] [[n → [× 2 n]] 4] [[n → [× 2 n]] 5]]

… [list 2 4 6 8

[[n → [× 2 n]] 5]] [list 2 4 6 8

[× 2 5]] [list 2 4 6 8 10] the list: [2 4 6 8 10]

Page 11: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define


Sum of a list fold + over all elements

Mean (average) of list Divide by the length (number

of elements)

RMS (root-mean-square) A.k.a. standard deviation Easy:

Take the root of the mean of the squares of all elements

Get the squares by mapping square over all the elements

► [define sum [list → [fold + 0 list]]]

<Procedure sum>► [define mean

[list → [∕ [sum list] [length list]]]]

<Procedure mean>► [define rms [list → [sqrt [mean [map square list]]]]]<Procedure rms>► [define square

[number → [× number number]]]<Procedure square>► [rms [list 1 2 3 4 5 6]]3.8944405226628

Page 12: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Searching and filtering

[list-index predicate list]Returns the position within list of the first item

that satisfies predicate [find predicate list]

Same, but returns the item itself [filter predicate list]

Same, but returns all the items (as a list) satisfying predicate

Page 13: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define


We’ll use this list several times, so put it in a variable

Find all the numbers in it

Find all the strings

Find just the first number

Find where the first number is

Verify that position really has a number

► [define silly [list “a silly” “list” “with” 2 “numbers and” 5 “strings”]]► [filter number? silly][2 5]► [filter string? silly]["a silly" "list" "with" "numbersand" "strings"]► [find number? silly]2► [list-index number? silly]3► [get silly 3]2

Page 14: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Any and every item in a list

[any predicate list]True when any item in

list satisfies predicate [every predicate list]

True when every item in list satisfies predicate

► [define cd-database [list [list “The white album” “The Beatles”] [list “Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band” “The Beatles”] [list “Pod” “The Breeders”] [list “Dummy” “Portishead”]]]► [define artist [album → [second album]]]► [define Beatles? [album → [= [artist album] “The Beatles”]]]► [any Beatles? cd-database]True► [every Beatles? cd-database]False► [filter Beatles? cd-database][["The white album" "The Beatles"]["Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" "The Beatles"]]

Page 15: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

How do you count the number of Beatles albums in the database?

Page 16: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

How do you count the number of Beatles albums in the database?

► [length [filter Beatles? cd-database]]2

There’s also a built-in count procedure:

[count Beatles? cd-database]

By the way, we’re not holding you responsible for memorizing all these procedures For tests, we’ll provide you with the names and arguments for all

the lists procedures you’ll need

Page 17: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

How do you get the titles of all Beatles albums?

Page 18: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

How do you get the titles of all Beatles albums?

► [define album-title [album → [first album]]]<Procedure album-title>► [map album-title «procedure to apply to each element» [filter Beatles? cd-database]] «list of elements»["The white album“ "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"]►

We’ve slipped an extra feature into this: comments Anything enclosed in «»s is ignored by the computer. It’s just there as a note from the programmer

Page 19: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Extracting chunks of lists

[prefix list count]The first count elements of list

[without-prefix list count]All but the first count

elements of list

[suffix list count][without-suffix list count]Elements taken from/dropped

from the end rather than the beginning of the list

► [prefix [list 1 2 3 4] 2][1 2]

► [suffix [list 1 2 3 4] 2][3 4]

► [without-prefix [list 1 2 3 4] 1][2 3 4]

► [without-suffix [list 1 2 3 4] 1][1 2 3]

Page 20: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Last, but not least, the apply procedure

[apply procedure list] Calls procedure and

passes it the elements of list as arguments

Really, really useful

► [apply + [list 1 2 3 4 5]]15► [apply max [list 1 2 3 4 5 1]]5► [apply get [list [list 1 2 3 4 5] 2]]3► [apply append [list [list 1 2] [list 3 4] [list 5 6]]][1 2 3 4 5 6]

Page 21: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Exercise 3

On web site Build a CD database using lists and strings Write procedures to extract information from it Doesn’t require understanding the rest of this

lecture Due Tuesday

Page 22: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Esoteric issue:The textual representations of lists

The rest of this lecture is esoteric You don’t need to fully understand it yet But

It will teach you a notation that you may find more convenient

It will let you understand what’s going on if the system prints something at you in this notation

Page 23: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

The textual representations of lists

How do you call a procedure on the list [1 [2 3]]?That is, the list with two elements: The number 1 The list [2 3]

Several ways you could imagine notating it: [my-procedure [1 [2 3]]] [my-procedure “[1 [2 3]]”] [my-procedure [list 1 [list 2 3]]]

Page 24: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Textual representations of lists

We’ve been stuck with: [list 1 [list 2 3]] Good points

Unambiguous Bad points

More typing Looks different from the printed representation Slower than providing a pre-made list

How can we notate pre-made lists as arguments? Need another kind of quotation mark

Page 25: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

The quote operator

We use single-quotes to notate lists Just like quoting strings but

Result is a list, not a string Use single-quote, not double-quote Only use it at the beginning:

‘[1 [2 3]] is the equivalent of [list 1 [list 2 3]]

Page 26: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

More on quoting

‘[1 2 3] ≈ [list 1 2 3] ‘[1 [2 3]] ≈ [list 1 [list 2 3]]

Do not put ‘ inside of ‘ as in: ‘[1 ‘[2 3]] ‘[1 “foo”] ≈ [list 1 “foo”] ‘[1 foo] ≠ ‘[1 “foo”]

‘[1 foo] isn’t illegal syntax And it isn’t a list with a string It’s a list with a new kind of data object: a symbol

Page 27: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define


Like strings but: They can only be individual words – no spaces,

brackets, etc. When embedded in a quoted list, you don’t need any

extra quote marks ‘[a b c] vs. ‘[“a” “b” “c”]

Use eq? to check if two symbols are the same, not string=?

Good because eq? happens to be a lot faster than string=? Faster and more convenient than strings Less flexible than strings

Page 28: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Ow, my head hurts

[+ a 1] is a procedure call expression Returns the value of the variable a + 1

‘[+ a 1] is not a procedure call expression It’s a quoted list:

First element is the symbol + Second element is the symbol a Third element is the number 1

The + isn’t a reference to adding The a isn’t a reference to the variable a

‘a is the symbol a, not the variable a

Page 29: Sixteen lists and compound data. Recap Names: constants and variables When evaluated, return a specific data objects Can make new names with: [define

Don’t panic

Yes, quote is confusing But you’ll get used to it

We’ll ease into using it It will turn out to be mind-bogglingly useful

Just remember it isn’t really any different from the quotation marks in strings

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