  • 8/14/2019 Silver DC Game Guide


    SILVER - Walkthru (version 1.12)

    Written by Tim Wuyts (June 25th - July 5th, 1999) E-mail:[email protected]

    The author is also the webmaster of The Cheat Empire:

    Where you can always find the latest cheats & walkthroughs for PC Games.For the LATEST VERSION of this Guide, check his website!

    (Copyright notice at the bottom)


    1. Introduction2. Updates3. General Tips & Hints4. Walkthrough

    4.1 The Beginning4.2 The Telescope4.3 The Demon4.4 Intercepting the Galleon4.5 The Oracle & Search for the Fire Orb4.6 Search for the Ice Orb4.7 Search for the Health Orb4.8 Search for the Lightning Orb4.9 Search for the Earth Orb

    4.10 Search for the Acid Orb4.11 Rescueing the Rebels4.12 Finding the Traitor4.13 Search for the Time Orb4.14 Search for the Light Orb4.15 Battle at Metalon4.16 Silver4.17 Apocalypse

    5. Special Moves6. Weapons

    6.1 Short Range6.2 Long Range

    7. Shields

    8. Magical Items9. Food10. Other Items11. Keys12. Characters13. Legal Notice

    13.1 Terms of Use13.2 Webmasters


  • 8/14/2019 Silver DC Game Guide



    Silver is one of the big surprises in the gaming market this year (or it is tome). A greatstoryline combined with good looking graphics (which run very smoothly on low end

    computers)and a lot of atmospheric music makes this game an experience to remember. Theonly downsideI could find is the lack of control from time to time. Although your team ismanageable ittends to get confusing when you encounter a great number of enemies and everythingbecomespretty hectic.

    The greatest part of this game is concentrated on fighting. Although you have togo througha whole storyline, you can't reach the end unless you fight and that's something Ican't

    help you with.

    I first finished the game based on the walkthrough of MysticWar([email protected]).Then I replayed the game to write this walkthrough. This guide is a bit moredetailed,following your actions step by step, there are some small changes in the playingorder andadditional tips to help you defeat the bosses.

    I will guide you from the beginning till the end. Tell you which magic works bestwithwhich opponents, which keys have to be used on which location, how to get all

    special moves& magical items, ... I will not include a section with secrets, since I don'tknow if Ifound them all (they are hard to miss if you know what you are looking for).

    There are also a few errors in the game (not in every Silver game). If youexperience anytroubles during gameplay: eg. error messages or the bell under the sewer thatdoesn't work,check out:

    You'll find some UNOFFICIAL PATCHES there and solutions to for bugs.

    Anyway, let's start with the walkthrough ...

    2. Updates==========

    25-06-99 - V1.00 - The original works

    10-08-99 - V1.01 - Little addition to the Acid Orb Quest

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    16-08-99 - V1.10 - Solution for game bugs added (incl. sewer bell)

    27-08-99 - v1.11 - Extra tips to defeat Fuge & DracoSpecial thanks to R. Vercammen & Daved Howell for the tips.

    06-06-00 - v1.12 - Updated Legal Information

    3. General Tips & Hints=======================

    During the game you should always be offensive ... I almost never used my shieldduring thegame. The only time I use blocking/dodging is when I faced Apocalypse himself.The reasonfor this is simple: most enemies aren't that dangerous and most of them willcontinue toattack you if you keep on blocking, so eventually the shield will be wasted.

    Always use the strongest weapon available. Only if you are using long range

    weapons, youshould use the one with the highest effeciency. eg. An arrow can sometimes reachcertaincharacters on elevated spots, while knives or axes don't (since they travel in astraightline to the target). It also doesn't make any sense to activate a lever with eg.a fire bowif you could have used your catapult.

    * Keys to remember *7 - Selects last used short range weapon8 - Selects last used magical weapon (orb/item)9 - Selects last used long range weapon

    0 - Selects last used shield

    Remember that you have to use magic in order to become better at it. If you don'tuse magicat all you'll end up with level 1 spells. It takes ages to defeat Silver likethat. So usemagic when you see fit, especially if the enemies are vulnerable to a specifickind ofmagic.

    Magic should be used efficiently. If you see a particular kind of magic isineffective on

    your enemy, stop using it. Even if it has a minor effect, don't waste any moremana(particularly in the beginning of the game). Only use magic when it's highlyeffective(read: does a lot of damage) or when you are surrounded by enemies and want to dosome blastdamage. Using the magic is also very logical: fire should be used on ice enemies,ice onfire, earth works good on acid and acid works good on earth. NEVER combat acidbasedcharacters with an acid based spell, that only makes the character stronger!

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    That's aboutall you have to remember. The walkthrough specifies when to use which magic.

    * Keys to remember *F1, F2, F3 - Switch magic level to 1, 2 or 3F5, F6, F7, F8 - Switch spell to x1, x3, x5 or infinity

    When you are under attack you have 3 possibilities:- Take care of it yourself (group only attacks when attacked)- Let the entire group attack one specific target- Take control of each member of your group, let them attack a target, then switchtoanother character. That way you can attack multiple targets.

    * Keys to remember *TAB - Switch between characters1, 2, 3 - Select character 1, 2 or 3~ or / - Select entire group (depends on which kind of keyboard you use).

    All level bosses have a certain routine in which they attack. If you learn theroutine andfigure out when he's vulnerable, you can easily defeat them.

    For tips on weapon use, take a look at the weapons section.

    If the screen appears to be moving in a certain region, try using your amulet ofseeing.Usually there's a chest hidden on that spot.

    And last but not least, SAVE your game if you get the opportunity. But before yousavemake sure you picked up everything, have your characters at full health, full mana

    and allspecial moves recharged. That way you won't have to do it all over again if youwould needto load the game.

    4. Walkthrough==============

    4.1 The Beginning-----------------You'll start at your home. Go inside to pick up the sword and continue practicewith your

    grandad. Jennifer will be kidnapped, follow them all the way to the harbour.Once this isdone, walk through the barracks in order to reach Haven. Once inside you'll beambushed bythe Duke and the rebels.

    4.2 The Telescope-----------------You're in the rebel camp right now, pick up the torch by the fire and talk to alltherebels (If you talk to Ben, he'll teach you the web of death SP). Head for the

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    caves youpassed just before you where ambushed, use the torch and walk inside. Now headfor thelibrary.

    Once inside, save the professor from those nasty imps and continue your waythrough thelibrary. Inside the library it's wise to attack the jester imps and horn imps

    first, sincethey seem to be summoning/calling new imps into the area. You'll also have tosaveprofessor Whittle from the Imps, afterwards you can continue your way through thelibrary.Let the gold imp (Slink) live, he'll lead you to a secret room. Once you comeback intolibrary he'll transform into a mega-imp.

    * Mega-Imp *Not so though to defeat. Does only minor damage with his club and blasts. Usethe web ofdeath SP in combination with the thrusting movement (CTRL + forward). I don't

    think it'swise to keep your distance in order to avoid the blast radius. Since the imp hasa muchlonger range than you, it's important that you are close to him so that can hithim too.

    Once he's finished, continue your quest. You'll meet Teronus, who will tell youthetelescope is inoperable. He'll give you an ice wand, which comes in handy whenfacing yourenemies in the next part of the quest. Teleport down with Teronus.

    4.3 The demon

    -------------Once your grandad gets killed, follow Teronus through the magic portal. Selectyour icewand and use it to take out the imp down below, then continue. You'll reach afountain.After you take care of all the imps (remeber to take out the imp with the horn assoon aspossible), you have 2 possibilities: You can enter the building on the right inorder toobtain some extras (food + gold) or go to the left and continue your quest. Isuggest yougo and pick up the extras, it might come in handy later on.

    Once you've entered the building on the left, take the elevator down and go talkto thejanitor (enter the machine through the little door). He'll give you a silver key.Now moveon. You get an extra damage bonus if you attack the golom type creatures with theice wand.At a certain point you'll reach a room with 4 golems and an invisible jester imp.Your maingoal is to take out the imp, since he regenerates the golems. Remember that youcan alsohit him when he is invisible! Go to the right and meet Frink and Dr. Buzuki, you

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    can alsouse the silver key here. Then go back and enter the door on the left ... you'llmeet moregolems here. Fight your way through until you meet the demon from the otherdimension.

    * Demon *Hide behind the rock in the middle, that way you don't get hit by the fireballs he

    shoots atyou. Take out the imps from this location. Attack him with your ice wand (byshooting icebolts at him). He's vulnerable when he's recharging (you'll see some sparksaround him) andwhen he summons additional imps. All the other times you shoot at him, he'llprobably blockthe ice bolts. You can also shoot through the crack in the rock, but I found thisfrustratingly difficult. It's easier to move to the side of the rock and shootfrom thatposition.

    Once the demon has perished, reinforcements will arrive (surprise!). Operate the

    telescopeand you'll see the boat heading for Rain. One last meeting with the rebels andyou're offto Rain.

    4.4 Intercepting the Galleon----------------------------Sekune will become your partner on your quest through rain. At the entranceyou'll also geta better sword. You can either use that or keep on using the ice wand (that wayyou alsohave a pretty powerful long ranged attack).

    Your objectives for the rest of Rain or pretty simple ... clear the city of allenemies.There are however 2 things you should do: first of all you should save an oldlady, Edith,she'll give you a teddybear. Secondly, you have to reach Othias' tower, only tofind outthat the galleon has already left the city. Upon entering Rain you can walk in 3directions: up, right and down. Walk downwards, that's where the main objectivesneed to besolved. If you happen to meet a boy, follow him, he wants to help you!

    4.5 The Oracle & Search for the Fire Orb----------------------------------------

    Upon your return to Haven, Frink will come and inform you that Dr. Buzuki wants tomeetDavid and the Duke at the Oracle. After you've met the Oracle, you know your realmissionobjectives (your search for the 8 orbs). You'll also be given a map by the Duke,whichcomes in handy for traveling long distances.

    Use your map (M) and travel to Othias' Tower. Use the horn, given to you by theOracle, toremove the magical protection. Kill the annoying green imps. Once you are

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    inside, you'llget the fire orb. If you search the chest, you'll find some useful stuff,including thereaper SP and a steel key.

    4.6 Search for the Ice Orb--------------------------Head back to the Oracle and walk down from there on. You'll reach Winter.

    The fire orb comes in handy here, so I suggest you use it against all ICEcreatures. Letyour mana points recharge while you are attacking the regular guards. Once youarrive, icedragons will appear from beneath the bridge, use fire magic to take them out.Walk to thenext screen, take out the enemies and enter the cave at the bottom.

    In the cave the same rule applies, fire magic is very effective. Continue yourway untilyou reach a big wooden door. Make sure your mana points are fully recharged, thenopen the

    door. A giant ice viking will appear. Yep, you guessed it right, he's the levelboss.

    * Ice Viking *Most important thing to remember is to keep your distance. His blast is quitedamaging andhe might start dropping ice cones on your little head. Therefore it's also unwiseto fightthis nasty dude with your sword. Keep on using fire magic on him all the way. Inthemeanwhile, let Sekune attack the little helpers. You can recharge your manapoints bypicking up the magic orbs they leave behind, you'll fry the bastard in no time!

    After you've killed the level boss walk through the wooden door and pick up theice orb.Stipe will arrive and he wants you to come to the library to meet professorVelding. Onceyou arrive, you'll first have a little talk with professor Whittle, who'scomplaining thathe doesn't get enough brain exercise (keep this in mind for later). Then go overtoprofessor Velding. He'll mention an underwater world called Spires, where thehealth orb islocated. He also tell you to contact Thaddeus in Rain, since he has a kind ofsubmarine.

    4.7 Search for the Health Orb-----------------------------Instead of heading for Rain straight away, you need to obtain a key which isneeded to reachUpper Rain (where the tavern is). In order to get the key you need to travel toDavid'sHouse (use the map). The creatures at David's House are particularly vulnerableto firemagic (like all the other wood-creatures), but you might as well defeat them bysword. From

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    there on move to the right and then upwards. You'll enter a screen with a gorge,kill allthe enemies and move to the right (to Vivienne's cottage). Enter the house andtake herwith you. Walk back to the 'gorge-screen' and move to the left. You'll meet theparanoidmayor of Rain. Once you scared his guards off, he'll drop the city key. Pick itup and

    continue your way. Use ice magic on the fire creatures, if you continue you'llmeet a firedemon.

    * Fire Demon *Let the other members of your group alone, as long as the fire demon targets them,you won'tget hit. If he starts to fire at you, use the rock in the center as a shield.Keep onattacking him with ice magic. If you run out of mana, start using the ice wand.You mightwant to kill some of his little helpers in order to get some magic orbs. The firedemon

    isn't a real threat.

    Once he's killed move upwards (a fire will block your way). Now it's time totravel toRain. (Use the map again) You should move up from the entrance of Rain,eventually you'llreach the gate where you have to use the city key.

    Clear upper Rain of all enemies (don't miss any of them, since one of them leavesa scrollof the cleaver SP). Enter the tavern once you reach it.

    You'll have to talk to a few persons in the tavern:

    - Talk to Jug (big guy in the middle), after your little brawl, he'll join yourgroup if

    you want too (I usually dump Sekune at this stage)- Talk to Albert (old guy on the left), give him 30gp and he'll tell you how to

    enterlower Rain. (By ringing the bell: 3 times - pause - 2 times - pause - 1 time)

    - Talk to Jonah (the captain standing by the bar), buy his cursed doubloon for30gp.- Talk to Randalph the magician (with the fire sword), he'll sell you the sword

    for 100gold pieces. This is optional of course.

    Once you did all this, head towards lower Rain (running down from the entrance of

    Rain)until you reach the bell in the dead alley. Ring the bell like Albert told youand the gatewill open. Once you cleared the first screen, don't walk in the alley. You'llfind awerewolf there and he's hard (but not impossible) to beat if you don't have somesilver.Instead, walk into the dark alley (lower left corner of the screen). You'll findAlbertagain and he'll offer you some silver (I suggest you buy it, makes it a whole loteasier to

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    kill the werewolf). Then walk to the next screen, where you'll meet the big badwolf.

    * Werewolf *I attacked the werewolf with all of my characters at once. I didn't use any magicon him,the weapons combined with the silver do enough damage. Try to corner him, so hecan't get

    away. This is important since, you'll have to beat him at short range. Let allof yourcharacters perform special moves, this does extra damage to to werewolf. Heshould be downin no time.

    Fight your way through lower Rain until you meet the boatman. Pay him with thecurseddoubloon you bought from Jonah. After your little chat with Thaddeus, you're ofto Spiresin your own little submarine.


    Cutscene: Silver is mighty pissed off ... you'll also get to know your nextopponent, Jag.-

    The creatures in Spires aren't vulnerable to a particular kind of magic, so Isuggestbeating them with conventional weaponry. Use your SP's if you want certainenemies to betaken out quickly (like the ones launching fire balls at you). You'll soon reachthe nextboss; a healthy green dragon.

    * Green Dragon *

    Move your team mates to the back of the middle section (or somewhere else, as longas theyare out of your way). Ice magic is particularly effective against the dragon.Don't startshooting the dragon from any location, it's highly ineffective. It's best thatyou RUNtowards the dragon, right up to the pillar that divides the middle and sidesection. Thenturn back and run to the other side of the screen (past the pillar, into the sidesection).The dragon will follow you and he'll arrive shortly after you. Just go and standbeneathhim (on his shadow or just in front of his shadow) and shoot an ice bolt at him.

    (This kindof attack is very effective) Once you've launched the bolt, run away, since thedragon willcrash into the ground causing a blast in a certain radius. Now repeat the aboveuntil he'sdead.

    The health orb is now yours (it will come in very handy). If you haven't killedevery enemyin Spires, do so now (unless you already have the infernum exstinguere). There'sa room

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    with a chest, within you'll find the amulet mentioned above.

    4.8 Search for the Lightning Orb--------------------------------Once you have the infernum exstinguere amulet, head back to the fire tree andextinguish it.Frink will come and inform you that Dr. Buzuki wants to meet you near the Oracle.I suggest

    you continue your quest, since all Dr. Buzuki has to say is that he has improvedhispotions.

    You'll end up in a swamp. None of the magic you have right now is very effectiveagainstany of these creatures, so you'll have to take care of them with your regularweapons.You'll arrive at some cross roads, go to the LEFT! (You don't have to do this,but it'llsave you a trip to this region later on in the game) Eventually you'll bump intothe swampmonster (big, brown and ugly ... you can't miss it).

    * Swamp Monster *None of the magic is effective against this big guy. Let your whole party attackhim andyou should switch between characters, that way you can use all of the SP's. Youshouldwatch out for the attacks the monster has to charge up for (fire shower & an SP).Once hestarts charging up (you'll see some sparks around him or he'll start to growl)move yourparty away from him. Especially the fire shower is very damaging. If you areable to pullyour party out on time and keep on attacking him like described above, he'll soon

    be turnedinto a lifeless hump of meat.

    Note: If you have trouble killing the monster, skip him for now and proceed to theright atthe crossroads. You can come back for him later if you want to, so ...

    Now that the monster is killed, you can open the chest in the back. Pick up thelightningstaff and the bronze key (red). Head back to the crossroads, but proceed to theright now.After killing some of the swamp monsters, you'll reach the monastary. Cagen wantsto join

    your team. (I picked Cagen, but you might as well stick with Vivienne, it's up toyou).

    In the monastary you'll meet some funny monks who have this crazy idea that youare anenemy. Slice them into little chunks. One of the monks in the temple (where theyarepraying (or something like that)) will leave a scroll behind with the scythe SP.Once youcleared the monastary you'll meet the mystic monk. He'll help you if you can givehim a

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    life question to ponder about. Now head back to the library and talk to professorWhittle,he'll have a Question of Life scroll for you. Head back to the monastary and givethescroll to the mystic monk. He'll offer you an ethereal potion, giving you theopportunityto witness the events you saw in the intro. Pick up the wood key Reuben leavesbehind.

    Travel back to David's House and move on right from there. The enemies you facenow areextremely easy to kill. Fire magic is very effective against them. Once youreach thewaterfall, head on up the stairs. You'll arrive at Reuben's House, open it withthe woodkey. Inside you'll meet Chiaro, I suggest you let him go. Head upstairs, openthe chestand voil , the lightning orb is yours.

    4.9 Search for the Earth Orb----------------------------

    Now you can head back to Winter (if you already killed the swamp monster).Instead ofwalking into the cave, head up the stairs. Again, keep in mind, fire magicagainst icecreatures and normal weaponry against the guards. Once you reach Glass' Palace,open itwith the bronze key.

    The mercenaries of Glass aren't particularly vulnerable to a specific kind ofmagic.However, I suggest you use magic from time to time, this way you'll be able todestroy yourenemies at a higher pace. Eventually you'll reach Draco, the ice dragon.

    * Draco *I found this one of the more difficult level bosses, especially if you don't knowhow to'take care' of him. Your other team members will be frozen, so you'll have todestroy himyourself. Fire magic is your only option to damage Draco. On top of that, he'sonlyvulnerable when he's charging up for health or a special attack (you'll see littlesparksaround him). This is the routine: first he'll throw 3 fire bolts at you, makesure youare standing behind Jug, that way he can't hit you. Secondly, he'll rapid fire

    some smallerbolts, again, Jug is the solution to your problems. After this attack he'll startchargingup health, so you can attack him with a fire ball. (a magic orb will appear)He'll fly upinto the air and shoots 3 bolts at you (yep, you guessed it, Jug). Start headingforthe magic orb once he has fired his last bolt at you, shoot a fire ball once hestarts tocharge. Once you have the magic orb, head back to hide behind Jug. Ice conesshould be

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    falling from the ceiling by now. It's still possible to get hit by some, but mostof themwill fall behind you, minimizing the damage. Once you reach Jug, the wholeroutine startsover again.

    -You can avoid the ice-shower by running to the right (perfectly horizontal) side

    of thescreen and then back behind jug just in time to miss the 3 missiles.

    Tip given by Daved Howell ([email protected]).-

    Walk through the door on the left in the back ... that's where the earth orb andthebarracks key is located. Now, walk back to the throne room and enter a room onthe bottomright (hallway with 2 chests). You'll find a jewelled key here. Run back andyou'll walkpast a door in which you can use this key. Inside the room you'll find the amulet

    of seeingand an ice key (blue). Now travel to the entrance hall of Glass' Palace (eitherby map andwalking back inside or running all the way back). In the entrance hall you canuse the icekey to open the door. Here you'll find some weapons and a summon golem scroll(level I).

    4.10 Search for the Acid Orb----------------------------Travel back to the rebel camp and you'll find out that the rebels have beenambushed. Talkto rebels (esp. Fat Bob) to find out what the password in the tavern is. Now

    travel to thetavern and talk to Mildew, the innkeeper. After your little chat (incl. toWilliam, who'sthe traitor BTW) in the cellar, enter the sewer system. Talk to the rebel who'swaiting foryou. He'll teach you the falcon SP.

    Almost all sewer enemies are particularly sensitive to earth magic, so use it ifyou wantto take out some archers. After killing all the enemies in the next room, takeyour outcatapult (any other long range weapon or magic also works) and shoot the bellabove the door

    that's blocking your way.

    -I got a lot of questions from people who were stuck here. Since I neverexperienced anytroubles, I was kind off stunned and began looking for errors in the walkthrough.Luckilyit is a programming error. You can download an UNOFFICIAL fix at:

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    In the next room, walk through the LEFT exit, this is by far the easiest way,since youautomatically get the objects you need later on in the sewer. You'll also pass adoor whichrequires a green key. Keep this in mind for later! Eventually you'll end up in aroomwhere you'll find a red valve spanner (on the left). After you picked it up, head

    down thestairs. You'll now end up in a room where you can go left or right. First goLEFT. Now usethe valve spanner on the machine.

    -Cutscene: Silver is still pissed ... Khan will be your next opponent.-

    Head back and now leave the room on the right side. After taking out the enemieshead down.You'll meet a giant rat (it's nice to see the little rats worship the big one :).

    * Giant Rat *This one is pretty easy to defeat. Don't use any magic, let your 3 charactersperfrom afalcon SP on him and let one of your characters perform the scythe SP. That's it,he'sdead.

    Pick up the Acid Orb and head up the stairs.

    4.11 Rescueing the Rebels-------------------------You're in lower Rain now (it should be unflooded by now). Travel to Thaddeustower and open

    the chest. Then walk down, kill the enemies and use the bridge to reach thestairs. There'sa lot of fighting involved from now on. At a certain point you'll meet Khan.He's prettyeasy to kill, I wouldn't even call him a 'boss'. Just use the falcon SP on himand if youraim is good, you'll probably kill half the garrison he has brought with him. Now,you'llreach a door where you can use the barracks key. Don't use it just yet, firsthead up thestairs. You'll meet a pesky, green troll here. He'll turn invisible, just followhim(you'll see a dark shadow). I don't know if using the amulet of seeing helps

    here, I didn'tnotice any difference. Anyway, follow him and once you've hit him enough he'llleave a ringof invisibility. Now head back down and open the door with the barracks key.

    You'll have to combine some long and short range fighting once you're inside.Some enemiesjust can't be hit without using magic or a long range weapon. If you can't hityour targetdirectly with magic, try using a bow.

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    You'll end up in a room with lots of doors (and a lot of little green dragons).You don'thave to enter each door. You'll find a lot of food supplies, if you decide to doso.Continue your way through the big door on the right. You'll meet Jeremiah, who'sstuck in acage. He'll throw a gold key down, which a lizard will pick up. Use yourcatapult to shoot

    the lever on the left side of the room (I don't exactly know how a little stonecan pulldown such a big lever). Once the bridge is down, you'll have to fight somesmaller enemiesand the big lizard.

    * Big Lizard *He isn't though at all, let some characters do SP's on him and let someone elsefight himfrom a distance with magic. He should go down in no time.

    Now pick up the gold key and leave the screen on the left. You'll meet the Duke,after a

    little chat continue your quest. Once the next room is cleared of enemies, pullthe levernext to the toilet (on the left). A staircase will appear. You can go up or downin theroom you enter after you can save your game (I hope it's still clear). Walk upfirst,you'll end up with a lot of gas and exploding vials, which come in handy later on.Thencontinue until you meet Fuge.

    * Fuge *This is one of the thougher characters to beat. In the beginning, he'll disappearand

    appear in the lower right corner. Use your ring of invisibility, that way you canattackwithout any retaliation, and drink a strength potion. Use your SP's when you seefit. Onceyou have done enough damage Fuge will start using magic. Just head to the lowerregionand hide behind the wall, that way none of the magic Fuge uses will hit you. Thisis also agood time to crank up your health a bit. You can also use the gas and explodingvials fromthis position, if you want too. Once he stops firing magic at you, use your ringagain.Continue like this until he's dead. Basically all you have to do is keep on eye

    out on yourown health. You'll have to eat food/drink health potions at regular intervals. Inever usemagic against Fuge, since he always seems to dodge it.

    -This routine to defeat Fuge is suggested by a gamer:

    First go to the library to pick up the Hurricane SP and Golem Scroll Update. Now,youshould go back and face Fuge. You can defeat him like this:

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    1. Amulet of Seeing2. Summon the Golem3. Open the chest (that appears)4. Wait until the golem dies, then attack Fuge with the Hurricane SP (after youdrink astrength potion)5. Now use the falcon SP

    6. Repeat the whole process and in about 2 minutes Fuge will be defeated

    Tip given by R. Vercammen ([email protected]).-

    Once he's finished pick up his swords, the half moon key and walk through thelittle door.You'll meet the warden, kill him and pick up the cell key. Before heading back tofree theDuke, enter the door on top of the screen. You'll meet Moss, give him theteddybear andhe'll run off to his mother. Now head back to the Duke and free him with the cellkey.

    You'll go and meet Glass now, she appears to be friendly. She'll also tell youhow to findout who the traitor is.

    4.12 Finding the Traitor------------------------After you've spoken with Glass, Frink will appear again. He'll tell you to meetDr. Buzukiat the Oracle (again). You can choose to meet him or continue your journey. Headfor thelibrary at Gno and use the gold key to open to large wooden doors. Now you canpick up thehurricane SP scroll and an upgrade of your summon golem spell. Travel to the

    harbour, talkto Jonah and book passage to Deadgate (300 gold coins).

    Once you are in deadgate, you should only remember one thing. Take out theskeletons withthe purple armor first! They can create new skeletons, so if you let them live,you'llkeep on fighting forever. None of the magic is extremely damaging to theskeletons (nope,not even the life magic), but you can use your magic to take out the purpleskeletons from adistance if you want too. Continue your quest until you meet John. He'll tellyou that

    William is the traitor. Now proceed to the next screen, once it's cleared youhave 2options. You can go right (under the bridge) or you can go down. I first wentdown. Hereyou'll see 2 black ghosts attacking a ghost called Canitos. Help him and he'llgive you thestone key. Proceed through the magic door and once this room is cleared, gothrough theother magical door. Now head back to the screen where you can head right, underthe bridge.Once you clear this area, you can have a little talk with professor O'Leary.

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    He'll leaveyou a scroll of revelation.

    4.13 Search for the Time Orb----------------------------Travel to the Airlock in Spires and use the stone key to open the chest. You'llget thelycanthrope magical item. Now travel to the Rebel camp. After a little talk, Ben

    willteach you the berserker SP. Then go over to Edith and talk to her. She'll giveyou thering of resist magic (it'll come in handy from time to time). Now leave the campthroughthe back. Once you reach the fountain David will automatically use the scroll ofrevelation.

    The enemies in the next region aren't vulnerable to a specific kind of magic, butI suggestyou use some form of magic to take out the ones that use magic on you. Also usethe ringof resist magic, that way it's easier to approach the enemies who are casting

    earth magic.The trolls you'll meet aren't though, a falcon SP and a few slashes with yoursword areenough to kill them. At a certain point, you'll reach a screen with 3 levelswhere you caneither leave the screen to the right or down. Walk down first. You'll reach acamp (thedig) where you'll find the time orb and a rusted key (green).

    Walk up the path and after a while you'll reach a screen with 3 exits: the way youcame in,to the left and another one to the right (down the stairs). Walk down the stairs.Here

    you'll meet a blue earth creature.

    * Blue earth creature *This creature isn't difficult to defeat once he stops disappearing. But frankly,I haven'tfigured out yet what makes him stop. It seems that after killing his minions afew times(4 or 5 times), he automatically starts attacking you ... once he does, use thering ofresist magic. That way you're invulnerable to his close range earth magicattacks. Usethe level 3 ice spells to freeze him. Then just finish him off with specialmoves.

    He'll leave an iron key, which you can use to open the gate. You'll find anothersummongolem spell and a bone key among other things.

    4.14 Search for the Light Orb-----------------------------First head for the sewers to open the gate with the rusted key (green). This iswhereyou'll find the armageddon SP, the enemies in the sewers should be easy to defeatby now.

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    Travel to boneyard in Deadgate and open the magical door with the bone key.You'll arriveat Atro. Use your amulet of seeing in order to see the beholders. The easiestway todestroy them is by using the Armageddon SP. They go down from the first time andsince youhave 3 characters to use that SP .. (hint, hint). Eventually you won't be able to

    use theSP any more since it takes a long time to recharge, start using level 3 lightningmagic.This does a lot of damage and the ray of lightning travels fast, so the beholderswon't beable to dogde the beam.

    In the second room, enter ANY door (it doesn't matter which one). Again somebeholders todefeat. Head up and enter the next room. Here you'll meet the Lady of Light(which lookskind of dark to me).

    * Lady of Light *Magic isn't very effective against her. It does little damage or she's able tododge it,neither is good. Let your team stand still just before the 3 steps and attackwith onecharacter. If she would happen to be attacking you, use the ring of resist magicor switchto another character. Just move in close and start using all your SP's (anythingfromcleaver to berserker works good, Armageddon does little damage). If she isn'tkilled bythat time, attack with another character (also use his SP's). She should go downpretty


    The light orb is located in the next room (right platform). Then save your game.Now goto the rebel camp or first go and buy some potions at the oracle (if you do Isuggest youbuy some magic potions). Once you arrive at the camp and had a conversation withthe Duke,Glass will give you her claive and transport you to Metalon. (I suggest using thecharacters which you used throughout the game)

    4.14 Battle at Metalon----------------------

    You're transported immediatly into the action. Destroy the guards and continueyour way.(Using the Armageddon SP at Metalon proves to be very efficient, little effort todestroyenemies & little damage inflicted to you). After clearing a couple of screens theanelectus (orange pyramid) will drop out of the sky. Pick it up and continue yourway.Make sure you use your amulet of seeing BEFORE you walk down to Metalon. Adiamond shieldcan be found in the chest there.

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    Down in Metalon it's the usual routine: fighting, fighting and more fighting. Ata certainpoint you'll reach a kind of shrine with red steam/fire. Use the ane lectus on itto opena portal below. After your teleportation, continue your way until you reachanother shrine.If you use the ane lectus here, some gates will open and blood will come gushing

    out. Nowhead back (you'll see that the monster escaped). After you teleport again, therobot withthe wart-hog head appears.

    * Wart-Hog Robot *If you use magic on this boss, use light magic ... it does the most damage. Therest ofthe battle should be fought at close range. Use all your SP's from cleaver toberserker onhim with ALL your characters. DON'T use the armageddon SP, since that will givehim extrahealth. Even if you used all your SP's on him with all your characters, it's

    possible thatyou have to hit him a few more times (SP's might be necessary, but will need torecharge).However, he shouldn't be that hard to beat anymore.

    After he's killed you'll reach the entrance to Silver's temple. This part isharder, sincesome magicians will start casting all kinds of spells at you (and they disappearonce youapproach them). The key to defeating your enemies is the armageddon SP (again).It doesdamage to all the enemies, including the magicians. If you don't have thearmageddon

    SP available, let David use the ring of resist magic. Now he can approach themand do somedamage with other SP's (if you're fast enough) or use magic himself wihtout beinghit. Whenusing magic, keep the counter rule in mind. Combat acid (green) with earth(brown) and viceversa. Fire (red) with ice (blue) and vice versa. There is on exception, at acertainpoint a lightning magician is best fought with LIGHTNING MAGIC. He gains healthpoints ifyou use ice magic on him!

    Let's return to the quest now ... fight your way through Silver's Temple until you

    reach aroom with 2 magic doors and 1 exit on the right. Open the middle magic door withthe halfmoon key. Inside is a hellhound, which can easily be defeated. The chestcontains agranite key and some potions. Go back to the previous room and open the othermagic doorwith the granite key. Here you'll meet Oberius, who gives you some tips fordefeatingSilver. Back to the previous room and take the exit on the right. At a certainpoint

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    you'll reach a room which is completely sealed off. Use the pillars (just clickon them),this will open the doors. The ones on the left will give you some potions, behindthe oneson the right are a few enemies. Once they are defeated, the door in the middlewill open.

    You'll arrive in a large room, which is difficult to clear, because of the large

    number ofmagicians. The Armageddon SP should help you, but it won't be enough to destroyall ofthem. So you'll have to use your magic or long ranged weapons (like the claive).Once thisroom is cleared, you shouldn't experience too much trouble reaching Silver.

    4.16 Silver-----------After a little chat, Silver will kill William (too bad, it would have been morefun to killhim yourself). Afterwards, the battle with Silver begins.

    If you thought defeating Silver was going to be though, well ... you're wrong,he's prettyeasy to defeat. This is how you do it:

    I used David and Jug to hold of the robots that appear from time to time. Don'twaste anytime fighting them with regular blows. Only use your special moves, anything fromthefalcon SP to the bereserker SP will take them out with one hit. The scythe SPalso is aviable option. Put David and Jug opposite to each other, that way they can takeon therobots that appear on their side, giving each character more time to regenerate

    their SP's.The bots should fall like flies, leaving magic orbs behind for Cagen.

    While David and Jug attack the bots, Cagen should attack the chandelier in thecenter of theroom (= the source of Silver's powers). You should let him attack with level 3spells,starting with fire magic proceeding with ice magic, health magic, lightning magic,earthmagic, acid magic, time magic and light magic (in this order). Each time Silverisdefeated, he will regenerate and you should proceed with the next kind of magic.Let him

    pick up the magic orbs once his mana is used up then let him continue the attack.(LetCagen attack the power source, then switch to another character so they can holdof the bots... Cagen will continue his attack until his mana has run out. But remember, thisdoesn'twork with all kinds of magic. With some orbs you'll have to keep control overCagen inorder to keep attacking the source.)

    Once this is done, Nemesis will show up and destroy Silver. You still get the

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    chance to say"Hi" to Jennifer and you're off to fight Apocalypse.

    4.17 Apocalypse---------------He's a though boy. Apocalypse is hard to defeat because you don't have any healthpotions,food and magic at your disposal. On top of that, you only have the falcon SP to

    assist you.Eventually (once you learn his fighting pattern) it becomes easier.

    This is the best way to deal with Apocalypse:Strike him once he lands (Thrust move: CTRL + mouse forward) from then on blockhis attacks(CTRL + right mouse button). Once he flies up, retreat (CTRL + right mouse buttona fewtimes) to avoid his blast once he lands (make sure you aren't cornered). Once theblast hasvanished, strike him again in the same manner, then block until he flies of again.Thisis the end of the first routine. You should use the falcon move whenever you see


    Once he takes off for a second time, he is charging his orange lightning bolts.You canonly avoid them by moving around. Don't turn back to the direction you came from,since thebolt will hit the surface somewhere in your previous path. Make sure you avoidthese, theypack quite a punch.

    Then Apocalypse will fly further away, this means he is going to fire somefireballs at you.Look in his direction and block. That way the fireballs will be bounced back and

    you can dosome extra damage.

    Now he will let some eruptions take place. There isn't a full-proof method toavoid thefire balls that fly out of the craters. The way I did it was like this: go andstand rightnext to a crater (bottom side), now this crater will erupt. Once the eruptionstarts, runto the other side in a diagonal way (so from bottom right to upper left or bottomleft toupper right). Once you see you're clear, move to the bottom of the crater on thisopposite

    side. Repeat this 3x then you start all over again

    Repeat until he's finished. Once he's lost all of is health, he'll fly toward themiddleof the screen and starts shooting fireballs at you. Deflect them with your shieldand watchhim explode.

    All that rests now is the escape from the temple (which is quite lengthy) andsailing intothe sunset.

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    5. Special Moves================

    If you want to find out what the special move exactly does, try it out ... it'seasier towatch what it does than it is to explain!

    Web of Death ... Ben (rebel camp) teaches you this SP the first time you talk withhimReaper ......... Scroll found in Othias' TowerCleaver ........ Scroll left behind by an enemy, close to the tavern in RainScythe ......... Scroll left behind by an enemy monk in the temple of themonastaryFalcon ......... Rebel teaches you upon entrance of sewer systemHurricane ...... Scroll found behind the wooden door of the Library Entrance(Golden Key

    needed)Berserker ...... Ben (rebel camp) teaches you this SP near the end of the gameArmageddon ..... Found on a scroll in locked sewer room (rusted key (green)


    6. Weapons==========

    Remember that some weapons are more effective if you perform a certain move. eg.the battleaxe does a lot more damage when you use it in a swinging motion (CTRL +left/right) than athrusting movement.Blunt weapons should be used with a regular stroke (CTRL + click).Swords do the most damage if you use the thrusting movement (CTRL + forward).

    Try to remember this, because it allows you to take out your opponents a lotfaster. Buteven if you are using a sword it might be wise to use a swinging motion if you aresurrounded by a lot of enemies.

    6.1 Short range---------------Short Sword ............ Level 1, Damage 8Broad Sword ............ Level 3, Damage 14Battle Axe ............. Level 4, Damage 19Long Sword ............. Level 6, Damage 33War Hammer ............. Level 8, Damage 91Mace ................... Level 9, Damage 77

    Bastard Sword .......... Level 11, Damage 116Dual Knightly Swords ... Level 12, Damage 111 (Fuge's weapon)

    6.2 Long range--------------Catapult .... Level 1Knives ...... Level 2 (Straight line)Short Bow ... Level 4Long Bow .... Level 6Axes ........ Level 6 (Straight line)Bombs ....... Level 8 (Radial damage)

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    Fire Bow .... Level 8Claive ...... Level 12 (Magical, automatically attacks enemies when launched)

    7. Shields==========

    Wooden Shield ........ Defence 40

    Rivited Shield ....... Defence 80Iron Rimmed Shield ... Defence 100Steel Shield ......... Defence 200Crested Shield ....... Defence 400Dragon Shield ........ Defence 800Enchanted Shield ..... Defence 1600Diamond Shield ....... Defence 10000 (that's right)

    8. Magical Items================

    Ice Wand .................. Level 1, Damage 8 (Sword + Ice bolts)

    Fire Sword ................ Level 3, Damage 11 (Sword + Fire balls)Lightning Staff ........... Level 5, Damage 16 (Staff + Lightning)Ring of Invisibility ...... Become invisibleAmulet of Seeing .......... You can see invisible charactersRing of Resist Magic ...... Resist all magicSummon Golem (I,II,III) ... Summons Golem that aids you (each scroll you find adds1 level)Lycanthrope ............... Allows you to transform into a werewolf

    9. Food=======

    Apple ......... + 20 HealthCarrot ........ + 40 HealthBread ......... + 60 HealthCheese ........ + 80 HealthCake .......... +100 HealthRat ........... +130 HealthPie ........... +160 HealthChicken Leg ... +200 Health

    10. Other Items===============

    This list may be incomplete, since I made it after I played the game (unlike theother listsin this walkthough). If I missed something, please let me know.

    Torch ..................... Used in the cave to reach the Library at GnoTeddybear ................. Give to Moss who is imprisoned in the dungeonMagic horn ................ Used to remove magical protection at Othias' TowerCursed doubloon ........... Payment for boatman who transports you to ThaddeusSilver .................... Can be used to do some extra damage to the werewolf inRainInfernum exstinguere ...... Used to extinguish the fire tree

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    Question of life scroll ... Give to mystic monk at the monastaryValve spanner ............. Used to drain the flooded lower RainScroll of revelation ...... Used to reach the Dig (behind the rebel camp)Ane lectus ................ Used at shrines with red steam/fire at Metalon (2x)

    11. Keys========

    Silver Key............ Used to open door in Dr. Buzuki's cave beneath the librarySteel Key ............ Used to open the turret door that blocks your entrance toWinterCity Key ............. Used to open gate that leads to upper Rain (tavern)Bronze Key (Red)...... Used to open the door to Glass' palaceWood Key ............. Used to open Reuben's HouseJewelled Key ......... Used to open door in the middle of Glass' PalaceIce Key (Blue) ....... Used to open door in the entrance hall of Glass' PalaceBarracks Key ......... Used to open barracks door (to enter prison where rebelsare held)Gold Key ............. Used to open door in the Library Entrance at GnoHalf Moon Key ........ Used to open magic door in Silver's Temple

    Cell Key ............. Used to open the cell of the DukeStone Key ............ Used to open chest in the Spires airlock (Lycanthropemagical item)Rusted Key (Green) ... Used to enter a room in the sewers (Needed to getArmageddon SP)Iron Key ............. Used to open the gate at the Dig (just after you killed theboss)Bone Key ............. Used to open the door in the boneyard which leads to AtroGranite Key .......... Used to open magic door in Silver's Temple

    12. Characters==============

    *TM* These are the team members I usually fought with

    David ...... Good all rounder & main character of the game *TM*Sekune ..... Good for long range fighting, but weak in all other areasVivienne ... Good all rounder (the female version of David) although slightlyweaker than

    DavidJug ........ I call him 'the Beast', awesome close range attacks due to his highstrength

    but his magical skills are mediocre *TM*Cagen ...... Extremely high dexterity combined with good magical skills andaverage close

    range combat. *TM*Chiaro ..... Best magician in the game, but too weak in other areas to be good.

    13. Legal notice===============

    This document is Copyright to Tim "PhoenixT" Wuyts. If you are unsure as to whether ornot you may distribute this document, contact the author ([email protected]).

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