



Jason Parks

Bachelor of Arts, Bethel University, 2000

A Thesis

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty

of the

University of North Dakota

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Master of Arts

Grand Forks, North Dakota




Copyright 2011 Jason Parks


This thesis, submitted by Jason Parks in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Master of Arts from the University of North Dakota, has been read by the Faculty

Advisory Committee under whom the work has been done and is hereby approved.





This thesis meets the standards for appearance, conforms to the style and format

requirements of the Graduate School of the University of North Dakota, and is hereby approved.


Dean of the Graduate School





Title Sign Language Word List Comparisons: Toward a Replicable Coding and

Scoring Methodology

Department Linguistics

Degree Master of Arts

In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a graduate degree

from the University of North Dakota, I agree that the library of this University shall make it freely

available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying for scholarly

purposes may be granted by the professor who supervised my thesis work or, in his absence, by

the chairperson of the department or the dean of the Graduate School. It is understood that any

copying or publication or other use of this thesis or part thereof for financial gain shall not be

allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that due recognition shall be given

to me and to the University of North Dakota in any scholarly use which may be made of any

material in my thesis.

Signature ___________________________

Date ___________________________



LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... ix

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................. xi

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................xii


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Analyzing word lists for lexical similarity ............................................................... 2

1.2 Previous sign language word list comparison studies .............................................. 3

1.3 The problem ............................................................................................................. 6

2 HYPOTHESIS AND METHODOLOGY PROPOSAL ...................................................... 8

2.1 Methodology proposal for the coding system .......................................................... 9

2.1.1 Synchronic analysis ...................................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Phonological basis of coding system ............................................................ 9

2.1.3 Identifying a sign token for coding ............................................................. 11

2.2 Handshape parameter values .................................................................................. 12

2.2.1 Description of codes used for handshape values ........................................ 15

2.2.2 Identifying variants of a handshape parameter value ................................. 17

2.3 Location parameter values ...................................................................................... 18

2.4 Joint movement parameter values .......................................................................... 23

2.5 Palm orientation parameter values ......................................................................... 27

3 PROCEDURE................. ................................................................................................... 28

3.1 Participants ............................................................................................................. 28


3.2 Elicitation procedure .............................................................................................. 31

3.3 Word list video data coding procedure ................................................................... 32

3.4 Assessing similarity using Levenshtein distance.................................................... 34

3.4.1 Calculating Levenshtein distance ............................................................... 34

3.4.2 Levenshtein distance applied to sign language word list comparisons ....... 36

4 RESULTS......... ................................................................................................................. 40

4.1 Identifying similarity groupings based on Levenshtein distance results ................ 40

4.2 Validity of Levenshtein distance results ................................................................. 44

4.3 Evaluation of parameters ........................................................................................ 48

4.3.1 Individual parameters ................................................................................. 48

4.3.2 Parameter sets ............................................................................................. 53

4.4 Evaluation of handshape parameter values ............................................................ 56

4.5 Evaluation of word list items .................................................................................. 58

4.5.1 Comparison of item subsets ........................................................................ 58

4.5.2 Items with elicitation problems .................................................................. 61

4.6 Similarity results using refined parameters, values, and word list items................ 63

5 CONCLUSION...... ............................................................................................................ 66

5.1 Refining the parameters for comparison ................................................................ 67

5.2 Refining parameter values ...................................................................................... 68

5.3 Refining the word list items ................................................................................... 69

5.4 Final methodology proposal ................................................................................... 69

5.5 Areas and considerations for future research ......................................................... 70

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................72

Appendix A Word list items ................................................................................................. 73

Appendix B Rank and frequency of parameter values.......................................................... 75

Appendix C Levenshtein distances between each variety pairing ........................................ 81


REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 83



Figure Page

1. Signs that would be considered similar—identical in two out of three parameters ................. 4

2. Handshape parameter value inventory—99 values with codes and images ........................... 14

3. Location parameter value inventory—25 body and 6 spatial location values ....................... 20

4. Examples of body contact coded as initial or final location parameter ................................. 22

5. Location coding examples where non-dominant hand contact is disregarded ....................... 23

6. Joint movement parameter coding example for "Fingers" value ........................................... 25

7. Joint movement parameter coding example for "Wrist" value .............................................. 25

8. Joint movement parameter coding example for "Elbow" value ............................................. 26

9. Joint movement parameter coding example for "Shoulder" value ......................................... 26

10. Annotating word list videos using ELAN .............................................................................. 33

11. Calculating the Levenshtein distance between two signs for “cat” ....................................... 37

12. Dendrogram of Levenshtein distance similarity groupings based on six parameters ............ 41

13. Correlation of mean Levenshtein distance to mean RTT-R intelligibility score between

countries ................................................................................................................................. 47

14. Visual comparison of Levenshtein results of individual parameters for variety groupings ... 50

15. Levenshtein distances of variety groupings for parameter sets ............................................. 55

16. Levenshtein distances of variety groupings for four sets of word list items .......................... 59

17. Dendrogram of Levenshtein distance similarity groupings for 4P-215-74 data set ............... 65



Table Page

1. Similarity grouping example based on Blair’s lexical similarity criteria................................. 3

2. Handshape coding suffixes for finger variations ................................................................... 16

3. Handshape coding suffixes for thumb variations ................................................................... 16

4. Unique code suffixes for handshapes..................................................................................... 17

5. Handshape values with variants ............................................................................................. 18

6. Participant metadata ............................................................................................................... 30

7. Levenshtein distance between two pronunciations of "afternoon" ........................................ 35

8. Levenshtein distance between two signs for "cat" ................................................................. 37

9. Levenshtein distances of variety groupings based on the six parameters of the initial coding

system .................................................................................................................................... 42

10. Levenshtein distances and RTT-R intelligibility scores for three country comparisons ....... 46

11. Levenshtein distances of variety groupings based on individual parameters ........................ 49

12. General statistics of individual parameter Levenshtein distance results ................................ 52

13. Levenshtein distances of variety groupings based on parameter sets .................................... 54

14. Handshape values that occur least frequently to combine with similar values ...................... 57

15. Handshape values to merge because they are hard to distinguish ......................................... 57

16. Levenshtein distance results for four sets of word list items ................................................. 59

17. 12 word list items with the most missing data entries ........................................................... 61


18. 14 word list items that elicit the most sign tokens ................................................................. 62

19. Levenshtein distance results of sets with reduced word list items and handshape parameter

values ..................................................................................................................................... 63

20. Word list items ....................................................................................................................... 74

21. Rank and frequency of the combined initial and final handshape parameter values ............. 76

22. Rank and frequency of initial handshape parameter values ................................................... 77

23. Rank and frequency of final handshape parameter values ..................................................... 78

24. Rank and frequency of the combined initial and final location parameter values ................. 79

25. Rank and frequency of initial and final location parameter values ........................................ 80

26. Rank and frequency of the two palm orientation parameter values ....................................... 80

27. Rank and frequency of the five joint movement parameter values ........................................ 80

28. Levenshtein distances between each pair of sign language varieties ..................................... 82



This word list comparison study is the result of the work, participation, and support of many

people over several years of fieldwork and research. First, I thank my wife and coworker,

Elizabeth Parks, who provided valuable input on the word list coding and methodology

development and has consistently encouraged me during the coding, analysis, and writing of this

thesis. I am also grateful to my advisory committee members who provided vital guidance and

timely feedback during this thesis project: Dr. John Clifton, Dr. Albert Bickford, and Dr. Mark


I thank the various SIL International survey team members (Beth Brown, Julia Ciupek-Reed,

Christina Epley, Elizabeth Parks, Bettina Revilla, Audrey Stone, and Holly Williams) who helped

elicit the word lists used in this study. The data analysis would not have been possible without the

enthusiastic involvement of Chad White who wrote the programs and designed the software to

convert the sign language data for analysis using the Levenshtein distance metric. Michael

Lastufka also developed helpful programs to evaluate various scoring systems and parameter

value frequencies. In addition, Dr. Nelson Fong provided timely assistance with the ANOVA

statistical calculations.

Finally, I acknowledge and thank the numerous deaf and hearing people who graciously

welcomed our survey teams and assisted us in our survey fieldwork—especially the deaf

participants who shared their knowledge, experience, and time with us during the word list




This study describes and evaluates a methodology for sign language word list comparisons.

The purpose of this sociolinguistic research tool is to identify similarity relationships among sign

language varieties by assessing similarities of lexical items. Similarities are calculated using the

Levenshtein distance metric which measures the number of differences between signs.

In this study, the methodology was refined for optimal efficiency through an analysis of:

which parameters of a sign should be compared, which values should be included in each

parameter value inventory, and which items should be used in the word list. As a result of the

study, I propose both an efficient coding system and a methodology that is replicable and

relatively objective, easily merges multiple data sets, and identifies similarities among sign

language varieties. The validity of the methodology is supported by similarity grouping results

that highly correlate with intelligibility testing results of other studies.

The word list data for this study comes from video data archived with SIL International that

represents 50 sign language varieties from 13 countries, mostly in Latin America and the





Research in language variation can offer helpful insights to organizations and individuals

involved in education planning, language policy, and language development. In language

variation studies, the use of multiple research instruments that explore a broad range of

sociolinguistic and linguistic factors in variation can reinforce conclusions by describing the

language situation from a variety of perspectives. One relatively straightforward research

instrument used to assess language relatedness is comparison of word lists. There are two general

methodological approaches that have been applied to word list comparisons of spoken languages:

comparing cognates (forms that have descended from a common historical form) and comparing

similar forms regardless of the historical relationships.

Within the approach comparing cognates, the historical-comparative method (Campbell 2004,

16-27, 188-197) compares language varieties to identify shared innovations and groups the

varieties based on these shared innovations. In the absence of a historical-comparative analysis of

the varieties, phonostatistic and lexicostatistic methods can be used to determine the relatedness

of the varieties being studied. Phonostatistic methods do this by measuring phonological

differences between forms (Simons 1977). Early practitioners of lexicostatistics identified

apparent/probable cognates based on phonetic similarity, and cognate percentages were used to

determine language relatedness (similarity groups were based on both shared innovations and

shared retentions) (Gudschinsky 1956, 180-81). More recently, some practitioners have proposed

that related forms should be identified purely on the basis of phonetic similarity, regardless of the

actual historical relationship between the forms (Sanders 1977, 32-37).


A variety of methods have been used to calculate the phonetic similarity of forms.

McElhannon (1967) judged forms as similar if 50% or more of the phonemes corresponded.

Deibler and Trefry (1963) calculated similarity by scoring comparisons on a scale of zero to four

based on the number of phoneme differences between the two forms. Blair (1990) outlined what

has become a common methodology to assess lexical similarity. When comparing two forms, all

pairs of phones are classified into one of three categories; and forms are considered as similar or

non-similar depending on the number of phone pairs in each category and the word length. Using

this method, language varieties are grouped based on the overall percentage of similar forms. For

a rough simplification of the scoring criteria, two forms are considered similar if at least half of

the phones are identical or very similar, another 25% are at least somewhat similar, and only 25%

of the phones can be different (Blair 1990, 31-33). In the past decade, the Levenshtein distance

metric (minimum number of edits required to convert one form into another) has been used to

calculate similarities between forms on a gradient scale using a more nuanced measurement than

the similar vs. non-similar categorization (Heeringa et al. 2006).

Sign language researchers using word list comparisons have generally followed the lexical

similarity tradition since the early research from the late 1970's to the present. In the following

three sections, I will briefly describe: an example of lexical similarity analysis in spoken

languages, how previous studies have analyzed lexical similarities among sign languages, and a

problem in previous studies that will be the focus of this study.

1.1 Analyzing word lists for lexical similarity

For an example of a lexical similarity analysis in spoken languages, Kluge (2000; 2005)

describes a study of 49 Gbe language varieties in West Africa. For one set of similarity judgment

criteria, Kluge followed Blair’s methodology (1990) with a few modifications based on a

comparison approach by Schooling (1981) that ignores reduplication and apparently affixed


morphemes occurring in the same position. For an example of how this similarity criteria would

consider words as similar or non-similar among selected Gbe language varieties for the item

“cow”, see Table 1 (Kluge 2000, 19). With focus on the morpheme ɲĩ, the Arohun, Ayizo, and Be

variety forms are considered similar since they share two identical phonetic segments (ɲ and ĩ)

and the additional affixed morphemes (bu and n ) in the Ayizo and Be variety forms are

disregarded since they occur in the same position. The Dogbo and Be variety forms are

considered non-similar since the additional affixed morphemes (n and xwe) do not occur in the

same position.

Table 1: Similarity grouping example based on Blair’s lexical similarity criteria

Similar words Non-similar words

ɲĩ (Arohun variety)

ɲĩbu (Ayizo variety)

ɲĩn (Be variety)

xweŋĩ (Dogbo variety)

ɲĩn (Be variety)

Using this criteria for identifying similar forms, Kluge's Gbe study identified three main

clusters of the 49 language varieties. The lexical similarity percentages ranged from 71-100%

between any two language varieties within one of the three main clusters, the average similarity

among all varieties within a cluster ranged from 82-91%, and the average lexical similarity

between clusters ranged from 64-70% (Kluge 2005, 34).

1.2 Previous sign language word list comparison studies

Over the last few decades, dozens of sign language researchers have used percentages of

lexically similar words in word list comparisons as a research instrument for sign language

identification, making meaningful contributions to cross-linguistic and variation studies. In

general, to evaluate lexical similarity these studies each identified a set of sign parameters to

compare and developed a scoring criteria; unfortunately, the scoring criteria and the set of

parameters were often different in each study.


In four of the previous studies, three parameters have been used for comparison: handshape,

location, and movement. Guerra Currie et al. (2002) and Aldersson and McEntee-Atalianis (2008)

scored signs as similar if at least two out of the three parameters were identical. Bickford (2005)

grouped signs as similar if the locations were the same and either the handshape or movement

parameter was also the same. For example, these three studies would consider the two signs for

“water” shown in Figure 1 as similar since they differ in just the handshape parameter and the

location and movement parameters are the same.

Figure 1: Signs that would be considered similar—identical in two out of three parameters

Hendriks (2008) used these same three parameters, but focused on the initial location of a

sign for the location parameter. Hendriks’ scoring criteria gave one point if all three parameters

matched, half of a point if two out of three matched, and zero points if less than two parameters


Vanhecke and De Weerdt (2004, 30) compared four parameters (handshape, location,

movement, and orientation), and identified four types of similarity in their scoring system:

identical (four out of four parameters identical), similar (one small difference in just one

parameter), related (differences in one or two parameters), and different (more than two

parameter differences). Johnson and Johnson (2008) compared signs based on these same four

parameters, and in some cases a fifth non-manual parameter. For each parameter that was


identical they gave one-fourth or one-fifth of a point depending on whether four or five

parameters were compared. Sasaki (2007) evaluated word lists based on five parameters:

handshape, location, movement, orientation, and one/two hands. Sasaki used scoring criteria that

categorized signs into three groups: identical, similar (four out of five parameters identical), and

distinct. Xu (2006) compared signs based on the following five parameters: handshape, location,

movement, palm orientation, and iconic motivation. In Xu's scoring criteria, at least three out of

the five parameters needed to be identical to be scored as similar. In addition to the five

parameters, Xu also considered iconicity and handedness when evaluating similarity. Hurlbut

(2007) compared signs based on seven parameters, and weighted more heavily certain parameters

considered to be of extra importance. Hurlbut scored signs as similar if at least two parameters

were identical.

Woodward (1977, 337-340; 1993) calculated lexical similarity and listed the percentage of

similar forms between word list items of sign varieties. However, Woodward describes no

scoring criteria used to identify similar forms or what if any parameters were identified for

comparison. Parkhurst and Parkhurst (2007, 12) used a scoring criteria where one point was given

if signs were identical, half of a point if judged as similar, and zero points if judged as completely

different, but did not identify specific parameters used for comparison.

In the first word list comparison study using data gathered by our SIL International survey

team during fieldwork in Guatemala in 2007, E. Parks and I (with input from Bickford), identified

four parameters and developed parameter inventories to explore various scoring systems (Parks

and Parks 2008). In that preliminary study, we chose scoring criteria that required an identical

handshape in either the initial or final sign positions and an identical location in either the initial

or final sign positions for lexical items to be considered as similar. We coded signs using an

inventory of 48 handshape parameter values and 23 location parameter values (2008, 24-25). The


word list comparison analysis of the Guatemala sign varieties provided a catalyst for the

methodology proposal of this study.

1.3 The problem

In general, previous sign language word list comparison studies lack a detailed description of

any parameter values that were used to code sign parameters, and in some studies the criteria for

similarity judgments were largely subjective (or not made explicit). Consequently, it would not be

possible to accurately replicate the results of these studies given the methodology description

available in the reports. The difficulty of evaluating and comparing various similarity criteria sets

is accentuated by the lack of reporting of the raw data. Nor is it currently possible to compare the

similarity percentage results between studies since the studies do not share a common similarity

criteria set, the number of parameter values and possible distinctions within a sign parameter have

never been described, and the sets of word list items have been different. Also, it is not possible

to add any additional word list data from other sign varieties to an existing study and obtain

results for the combined data set since the similarity criteria set is not sufficiently described and

the raw data used to make similarity judgments is not reported. Any of these factors could

conceivably affect the similarity percentages that are calculated by a study, and thus the

percentages from different studies are not comparable.

In response to the problems identified from previous sign language word list comparison

research, in this study I propose a word list comparison methodology that justifies which

parameters should be used, clearly defines a set of possible parameter values for each parameter

being coded and compared, and uses a scoring system based on Levenshtein distances rather than

lexical similarity judgments. With the use of a computer software package developed for

Levenshtein distance analysis of word lists, and another program written specifically to convert

sign language word list data for Levenshtein distance analysis, the proposed methodology is less


subjective and requires much less time to analyze, is replicable by other researchers, is relatively

easy to learn, and allows results to be compared among various studies that follow the proposed


With this research focus, in the next chapter I will describe my research hypothesis, a sign

language coding system methodology including a description of sign parameters and possible

parameter values, and the Levenshtein distance similarity metric. In the third chapter, I will

discuss the procedure used for eliciting and coding sign language word lists. The fourth chapter

will present the comparison results and an assessment of their validity, based on wordlist data that

has been archived with SIL International. In the final two chapters, I discuss my interpretation of

the results and propose a refined methodology for sign language word list comparisons followed

by a conclusion and suggestions for future research.




The main research goal for this study is to find an appropriate selection of parameters for

comparison, possible values that may be assigned for each parameter, and lexical items to include

in an optimal word list, so that word list data can be efficiently analyzed to produce a similarity

matrix and a dendrogram (a tree diagram) that reflect relationships between pairs of language

varieties and among clusters of language varieties. In order to determine an appropriate word list

comparison methodology to meet my research goal, I worked to adapt previous coding and

scoring systems. The coding system of this study had two stages of development. In the first

stage, I developed an initial coding system and applied it to the data set. In the second stage,

based on observations of the results using the initial coding system, I propose a final refined

coding system for application in future sign language word list comparison studies.

In the initial coding system, I identified six parameters of a sign for comparison: initial

handshape, final handshape, initial location, final location, palm orientation change, and joint

movement. Signs were coded for each of the six parameters using a detailed inventory of unique

values with descriptions of how to consistently apply the coding system. These sign parameters

and the parameter coding values were not meant to be an exhaustive inventory of every possible

phonetic component of a sign, but rather an easy-to-follow coding system that was sufficiently

detailed to provide valid similarity grouping results for word list comparisons. This coding

system was tested on a video data set of 50 word lists (most lists contained 241 lexical items)

representing sign language varieties from 13 countries. Then, similarities among the language

varieties were evaluated using the Levenshtein distance metric which calculates the similarities of


lexical items. In this chapter I discuss the methodological basis for the coding system, and then

give a description of the values developed for each parameter of the initial coding system.

2.1 Methodology proposal for the coding system

This section describes the basis for the proposed methodology: it is a synchronic, not a

diachronic, analysis (section 2.1.1), sign parameters are selected that reflect both the simultaneity

and sequentiality of sign language phonology (section 2.1.2), and criteria are developed to

identify sign tokens (or utterances) in the word list video data in a consistent manner (section


2.1.1 Synchronic analysis

The proposed methodology is a synchronic analysis of the elicited items—the analysis

compares sign language varieties at one point in time without reference to historical development.

In contrast, a diachronic analysis would determine whether items share a common historical form.

Therefore, this synchronic analysis does not claim to identify signs that can be traced back to a

common ancestral form (cognates). In addition, it makes no claims of genetic relationships and

does not distinguish between inherited or borrowed signs (loans). Kessler (2001, 5) states,

"whether language elements share certain properties because they are inherited from a common

ancestor language, or whether they share them through borrowing, the language and the elements

in question can be said to be historically connected." So despite not making these distinctions, the

results of this type of synchronic analysis could prompt questions and suggest areas of focus for

future studies of historical relationships among sign language varieties.

2.1.2 Phonological basis of coding system

The sign language coding system for word list comparisons that I recommend is based on a

phonological framework that includes both the simultaneity and sequentiality of sign language. In


early sign language linguistics, Stokoe et al. (1965) identified three parameters of a sign that they

regarded for analytical purposes as occurring simultaneously: place of articulation or location,

handshape, and movement. The sequentiality of sign language is described in the Move-Hold

phonological model of Liddell and Johnson (1989, 208-210). In this model, signs are regarded as

consisting of sequences of segments. The coding system I propose presupposes this richer

conception of sign language phonology, which recognizes both simultaneity and sequentiality in

the structure of a sign—an assumption that is held in most subsequent theorizing about sign

language phonology (Brentari 1998; Sandler 1989).

In the initial coding system for this study, six parameters were chosen to describe both the

sequential and simultaneous phonetic components of a sign. To represent simultaneity, both the

handshape and location features were identified. To represent sequentiality, the handshapes and

locations were each identified twice, once at the initial position of the sign, and once at the final

position of the sign. These parameters of handshape and location are two of the most common

parameters identified for transcription and analysis in previous word list comparisons and have

been the focus of many other sign language linguistic studies. Another common parameter that I

wanted to include in the coding system was movement, but previous transcription systems for

movement have varied widely and some aspects of movement can be captured by identifying

changes in handshape and location. In an effort to focus on only a few easily distinguishable

aspects of movement, I chose two parameters to represent various movements throughout the

duration of a sign token: palm orientation change (marking if the palm orientation changes by at

least 45 degrees or not) and joint movement (fingers, wrist, elbow, or shoulder). For the

handshape, location, and two movement parameters, a set of phonetic value inventories was

created with the goal of developing a well-defined and user-friendly coding system that also

described enough phonetic values to provide clear distinctions when comparing sign language



Signs were coded based on phonetic not phonemic contrast. I took this coding approach for

two reasons: sign language linguists have not developed a standard methodology for identifying

phonemic contrast, and elicitation sessions during fieldwork often took place under time

constraints that would not have allowed a thorough investigation of phonemic contrast.

Non-manual mouthing features of a sign were not included for comparison because written

words were used during elicitation and participants’ exposure to oral training varied (some

participants mouthed almost every written word, while others used much less mouthing), and in

some cases hearing people were present during elicitation and participants may have mouthed

words for the hearing audience even if the mouthing was not natural to their sign language. Due

to these factors, mouth movements in the data appear to have been strongly influenced by spoken

languages in idiosyncratic ways that make them unreliable for lexical comparison.

Distinctions were not made between one-handed and two-handed signs. This approach

follows the argument made by Johnston (2003, 61) that variation that is not likely to be

phonemically different should be disregarded. For example, during fieldwork in many

communities it appeared that the difference between one-handed signs and two-handed signs was

often only a contrast between citational and non-citational forms without a change in meaning.

Some participants signed very formally during the elicitation sessions (preferring two-handed

signs) while others were much more casual and tended to prefer one-handed signs. Disregarding

this type of variation in the coding system, I also only coded the handshape of the dominant hand.

The non-dominant hand was only represented in the coding system if it was a point of contact

(location parameter value) for the dominant hand.

2.1.3 Identifying a sign token for coding

In order for other researchers to easily add to the existing word list corpus or replicate the

results of the study, I developed the following criteria to identify and consistently code sign


tokens in the video data. Some signs had one easily recognizable token and the parameter coding

was straightforward. However, in some cases, signs appeared to be multimorphemic forms with

more than one distinct sign token. For these situations, if there was a quick and smooth transition

between just two locations, the sign was coded as one token. Other signs that appeared to be

multimorphemic signs were coded into two separate sign tokens if the participant made a

significant pause between locations. To determine if a pause was long enough to separate a sign

into more than one token, the pause duration was compared to the participant's usual signing

speed and tempo for other elicited items. If a sign contained three distinct locations for what

appeared to be one sign, the sign was coded into separate tokens so that there would be at most

two locations in one token: one initial and one final. For example, several sign varieties in Latin

America have the signs for man or male, and woman or female used as an affix for many

concepts relating to people or kinship (e.g. boy, girl, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother,

brother, sister, and others). In other cases, participants may fingerspell the letter "o" or "a" at the

end of a sign corresponding to the last letter in the written Spanish word. These additional sign

components were coded as separate tokens representing the item, unless there was a total of only

two distinct locations in the sign with a quick and smooth transition movement - in which case

the sign would be coded as one token.

A fingerspelled sign was included in comparisons and coded as one token. The first manual

alphabet form was coded as the initial handshape and the last manual alphabet form was coded as

the final handshape. The intermediary manual alphabet forms were disregarded since many forms

in fast fingerspelling were blurred and difficult to distinguish in the video data.

2.2 Handshape parameter values

In their study of American Sign Language, Liddell and Johnson identified over 150 hand

configurations (Liddell and Robert E. Johnson 1989, 223). This amount of distinction in a coding


system seemed overly detailed for the purpose of word list comparisons. Instead, I based my

selection of handshape parameter values on a study of four distinct sign languages by Rozelle

(2003). Rozelle identified an inventory of 68 handshapes among the data set; 22 of these

handshapes were identified in all four languages. Each sign language had a handshape inventory

ranging in size from 34-49 handshapes (Rozelle 2003, 80).

The initial list of handshape values included 102 handshapes listed in the appendix of

Rozelle's dissertation and three other fairly common handshapes our survey team had identified in

the Guatemala sign variety comparison, for a total inventory of 105 handshape values. Six of

these 105 handshapes were never observed in the video data. These six handshapes were

combined with other handshape values to increase the simplicity of the coding system by not

including values that only rarely occur and consequently do not have a significant influence on

similarity calculations. The resulting inventory of 99 handshape values is listed in Figure 2

alphabetically by the handshape value code along with an image representation of the handshape

value. (Handshape images are used with permission and slightly modified from Rozelle (2003)).


Figure 2: Handshape parameter value inventory—99 values with codes and images


In Appendix B, Table 21 contains a list of the 99 handshape values according to rank-

frequency among the entire word list data. Four of the five most frequently occurring handshapes

of this database (coding values: 1, 5, S, and A-Text) match the rank of the pooled data of the four

sign languages analyzed by Rozelle (2003, 108). Rank-frequencies of handshape values for only

the initial handshape parameter are listed in Table 22, and Table 23 lists only the final handshape

parameter rank-frequency results.

The initial handshape parameter values were identified at the same point in the video data as

the initial location parameter values. Similarly, the final handshape and location parameter values

were identified at the same point in the video data timeline. If the handshape was the same at the

beginning and end of a sign token, the same value was coded for both the initial and final

handshape parameter values.

2.2.1 Description of codes used for handshape values

The handshape value codes were written in Latin script for ease of coding and analysis using

computers. The coding values were designed for use by researchers familiar with written English

and ASL in order to avoid the necessity of memorizing abstract value codes. The values were

assigned the codes listed in Figure 2 based on the value's similarity to the ASL manual alphabet

or numbering system. For example, the ASL manual alphabet handshape was assigned the

code "B". There is one irregular code that doesn't correspond to a letter of the ASL manual

alphabet: "ILY" which stands for the "I love you" handshape, , used in ASL and many

other sign languages.

Six main variations of finger configuration (or flexing of finger joints) were distinguished in

the coding system by the addition of suffixes to the basic manual alphabet handshape code. These

six code suffixes for finger variations are listed in Table 2. In the handshape descriptions, the


term “base joint” refers to the metacarpal-phalangeal joint, and the term “non-base joint” refers to

the proximal and/or distal inter-phalangeal joints.

Table 2: Handshape coding suffixes for finger variations

Code suffix for

finger variation

Description Example

"bent" only the base joint of finger(s) are flexed


"flex" only the non-base joint(s) of finger(s) are flexed


"flexgap" non-base joints are flexed in both finger(s) and thumb, but not

touching each other Fflexgap:

"flex+" non-base joints of finger(s) are extremely flexed but not

completely flexed to palm, and finger(s) are also touching thumb Fflex+:

"gap" base joint is flexed in selected finger(s) and thumb is opposed,

but finger(s) and thumb are not touching each other Ugap:

"little" only the index finger is selected rather than all fingers, and the

other fingers are completely flexed to palm (the term “little”

does not refer to the little or pinky finger) Olittle:

The coding system identified four variations due to the position of the thumb. Code suffixes

for thumb variation were separated from the manual alphabet code (and possible suffix for finger

variations) with a hyphen followed by a “T” for thumb. The four thumb position variations are

listed with examples in Table 3.

Table 3: Handshape coding suffixes for thumb variations

Code suffix for thumb variation Description Example

"-Text" thumb extended


"-Tflex" thumb joint flexed


"-Top" thumb opposed


"-Ttog” thumb together with side of palm


There are nine code suffixes that are unique to only one manual alphabet code in the

handshape inventory. These unique code suffixes are listed in Table 4.


Table 4: Unique code suffixes for handshapes

Unique code suffixes Description Image

"Gspread" middle, ring, and pinky fingers are extended and spread, rather

than completely flexed to palm as in "G"

"Olittlebent" only index finger is flexed at base joint, all other fingers' joints

are completely flexed to palm

"Olittleflex+" only index finger is extremely flexed and touching thumb, all

other fingers' joints are completely flexed to palm

"Olittle-Tund" thumb tucked under flexed index finger, all other fingers' joints

are completely flexed to palm

"Rhole" index and middle fingers are touching, and either the index or

middle finger is flexed to form a hole between them

"Tcross" thumb and index finger are touching and crossing each other,

base joint of index finger is flexed

"Wunspr" index, middle, and ring fingers are unspread and touching each

other, rather than spread as in "W"

"Y-MID" middle finger is fully extended, rather than flexed as in "Y"

2.2.2 Identifying variants of a handshape parameter value

For some handshape values, one value may be used to code a variety of slight handshape

variations. In most of these cases, the variations were either not distinct enough to be clearly and

accurately distinguished in the video data (due to low video quality, poor lighting and

backgrounds, and only one camera angle perspective) or the handshape variation only occurred a

few times in the entire dataset and the value inventory would have been unnecessarily complex if

separate handshape values were identified and coded. Another reason for combining certain

handshape variations was that many participants appeared to have different physical variations in

the degree of flexing or extension possible in the thumb and finger joints. If the handshape

observed in the video data did not exactly match one of the handshape values in the inventory, the

most similar handshape value existing in the inventory was chosen to represent it. See Table 5 for

examples of how slight variations in handshapes were coded as one handshape value according to

the handshape value inventory.


Table 5: Handshape values with variants

Handshape value code Handshape variants Description of variation


middle finger may be completely flexed to palm, or may be

only slightly flexed and touching thumb


index finger may be flexed at only one non-base finger joint, or

both non-base finger joints


ring finger may be flexed at only the base joint, or all ring

finger joints may be flexed


middle finger may be flexed at only the base joint, or all middle

finger joints may be flexed


thumb may be fully extended, or proximal inter-phalangeal

thumb joint may be flexed


thumb may be fully extended, or proximal inter-phalangeal

thumb joint may be flexed


non-base joints of thumb and the middle, ring, and pinky

fingers may be flexed, or only the base joint may be flexed


non-base joints of thumb and index finger may be flexed, or

only the base joint may be flexed


non-base joints of middle and ring finger may be flexed, or only

the base joint may be flexed


thumb may touch the side of the middle finger, or touch at the

tip of the middle finger


non-base joints of the index finger may be flexed and the

middle finger fully extended, or the non-base joints of the

middle finger may be flexed and the index finger fully extended


middle, ring, and pinky fingers may be completely flexed to

palm or extended; thumb may cross the index finger on either

the near or far side of the index finger


thumb and pinky finger may be fully extended, or may be

completely flexed to palm

2.3 Location parameter values

The initial coding system identified two location parameters within one sign token - an initial

and a final location. In their study of American Sign Language, Liddell and Johnson (1989, 274-

276) identified 56 body locations, 38 non-dominant hand locations, and 14 spatial locations for a

total of 108 locations. For the purpose of word list comparisons evaluating similarities among

sign language varieties, I hypothesized that this level of coding detail would not significantly

enhance similarity results, and would actually hinder consistent application of the coding system.


At a lower level of distinction, a total of 62 locations were identified in Rozelle's study of four

distinct sign languages. Rozelle found 18 body locations and six spatial locations that were

common to all four languages. The location inventory sizes of each language ranged from 34 to

46 locations (Rozelle 2003).

The initial coding system of this study contained 31 values for the location parameters: 25

body locations, and six spatial locations. See Figure 3 for a diagram of the location values and

brief coding value descriptions written in parentheses.


Figure 3: Location parameter value inventory—25 body and 6 spatial location values

In Appendix B, Table 24 lists the 31 location values by the rank-frequency occurrence results

from the entire database, and Table 25 contains the rank-frequency results for both the initial and

final location parameters separately.

Location parameter values were based on the position of the dominant hand at the beginning

and end of a sign token. While coding location values, I focused on identifying where changes in


the speed of movement occurred. Word list items were usually elicited a few seconds apart so that

the participant's hands would come to a resting position between signs and the initial and final

locations would be easily observed. If the dominant hand remained in only one location

throughout a sign token, the same location parameter value was coded for both initial and final

location parameters. If a multimorphemic form was given for a particular item, or if several

variant forms were given in quick succession, and the dominant hand did not return to a resting

position between signs, coding judgments were made to predict the natural initial or final location

parameter value of each sign token. In some cases, due to video quality or camera angles, it was

difficult to determine if the dominant hand made contact with a body location. If the dominant

hand appeared to be near a body location, but the video data was not conclusive on whether

contact was made or not, I coded the body location rather than the spatial location.

In some cases, when the dominant hand made contact with only one body location and the

movement was repetitive, it was difficult to decide if the body location value should be coded as

the initial or final location parameter. See Figure 4 for two examples of this situation. In the sign

for “church”, “SHand” (the side of the non-dominant hand) would be coded as a final location; in

the sign for “paper”, “Palm” (the palm of the non-dominant hand) would be coded as the initial



Figure 4: Examples of body contact coded as initial or final location parameter

To differentiate the body contact location as the initial or final location between these two

examples, the acceleration of the dominant hand movement before and after contact with the

body location was observed to determine the parameter choice. In the sign for “church”, the

dominant hand accelerated just prior to body contact, so the body contact location value “SHand”

(side of hand) was coded in the final location parameter and “SN” (neutral space) was coded in

the initial location parameter. In the sign for “paper”, the dominant hand began to accelerate just

after making contact with the body location, so the body location “Palm” was coded in the initial

location parameter and “SN” (neutral space) in the final location parameter. The assumption

underlying both judgments is that motion normally accelerates during the course of a sign’s

movement: movements that decelerate or are slower are regarded as transitional movements, not

part of the lexical specification of the sign.

In a two-handed sign, if the hands made contact, the body location value at the point of

contact on the non-dominant hand was coded for the location parameter. However, in two

situations, contact with the non-dominant hand was not considered the most salient location value

of the sign token. In the first situation, the non-dominant hand was not coded as a location

parameter if it made contact with the arm of the dominant hand at a point closer to the body than


the wrist area. In the second situation, the dominant hand made contact with the non-dominant

hand while the non-dominant hand was lying against a head or torso body location. Figure 5

shows examples of these situations.

Figure 5: Location coding examples where non-dominant hand contact is disregarded

In the sign for "tree", the location parameters would not be coded as “Palm” (palm of non-

dominant hand), even though the palm of the non-dominant hand touch the elbow of the arm of

the dominant hand. Instead, both the initial and final location parameter values would be coded as

"SN" (neutral space) - the location of the dominant hand. In the sign for "sleep", the body location

“Cheek” would be coded rather than the location of contact with the non-dominant hand “Palm”.

In both of these examples, the non-dominant hand was not judged as the most salient location

value: the non-dominant hand was relatively distant from the location of the dominant hand, or

contact was made with a more central body location value.

2.4 Joint movement parameter values

According to Sandler and Lillo-Martin (2006, 197), path and internal movements are "the

main kinds of movement found in lexical signs." Path movements can be characterized into one

of four main types: straight, arc, "7", and circle movements; and internal movements come from


changes in the handshape or palm orientation (Sandler and Lillo-Martin 2006, 197). In the initial

coding system, I did not categorize these two movement types directly, but they were represented

indirectly by the combination of two movement parameters: the joint movement parameter and

the palm orientation change parameter. In addition, some aspects of movement were represented

indirectly by coding both the initial and final positions of the handshape and location parameters.

This section focuses on the joint movement parameter, and in section 2.5 I discuss the palm

orientation change parameter.

Five joint movement parameter values were identified for the initial coding system: Fingers,

Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, and Hold (no movement at all). Hand-internal movements would usually

be coded as "Fingers" or "Wrist", and path movements would be coded as "Elbow" or "Shoulder".

When more than one joint was moving, the smallest (most distal) joint was encoded. This resulted

in the following parameter value sequence based on coding priority: Fingers > Wrist > Elbow >

Shoulder. In Appendix B, Table 27 lists the five joint movement features according to rank-

frequency from the entire database.

The joint movement parameter value would automatically be coded as "Fingers" if the initial

and final handshape parameter values had been coded with different values. However, joint

movement would also be coded as "Fingers" if the fingers only slightly wiggled or trilled while

maintaining the same handshape value. See the sign for "colors" in Figure 6 for an example.


Figure 6: Joint movement parameter coding example for "Fingers" value

The sign for "yes" shown in Figure 7 is an example of a sign where the joint movement

parameter would be coded as "Wrist".

Figure 7: Joint movement parameter coding example for "Wrist" value

The sign for "never" shown in Figure 8 is an example of a sign where the joint movement

parameter would be coded as "Elbow".


Figure 8: Joint movement parameter coding example for "Elbow" value

The sign for "chicken" shown in Figure 9 is an example of a sign where the joint movement

parameter would be coded as "Shoulder".

Figure 9: Joint movement parameter coding example for "Shoulder" value

If it was difficult to distinguish if a movement at the beginning of the sign was actually part

of the sign or just a transitional movement, the duration of time the dominant hand remained at

the final location was compared to the duration of movement. If the movement was much shorter

in duration than the hold, and there was no acceleration just prior to the hold, the movement was

considered a transitional or pre-sign token movement, and the joint movement parameter value

was coded as "Hold".


2.5 Palm orientation parameter values

The palm orientation parameter categorized movement as one of two parameter values. If the

palm orientation of the dominant hand changed by 45 degrees or more among any two positions

in the entire sign token, the parameter was coded with the "P+" value. If the dominant hand palm

orientation did not change by at least 45 degrees, the parameter was coded with the "P-" value. In

Appendix B, Table 26 shows the two palm orientation change values in order of rank-frequency

from the entire database.




The coding system described in the previous chapter was applied to word list video data that

was collected and archived by SIL International sign language survey teams between November

2007 and January 2010. The video data set represents 50 sign language varieties from 13

countries, mostly in Latin America and the Caribbean. Most word lists contained 241 lexical

items. In this section, I discuss the participants, word list elicitation procedure, coding procedure,

and how similarities among language varieties were calculated using the Levenshtein distance


3.1 Participants

In various regions of each country, deaf community members encountered at deaf association

or club gatherings, schools, and religious meetings volunteered to participate in the study. As

much as possible, the survey teams screened participants to elicit word lists from people who

were active members of the deaf community, were deaf or hard of hearing, had grown up in the

elicitation city region, and had not traveled internationally. Within a country or region, the survey

team tried to include an equal representation of both males and females and younger and older

generations. Using these guidelines, the participants of this study are fairly reliable

representatives of their sign language communities. Although most of the word lists represent

sign language varieties from Latin America and the Caribbean, word lists from the United States

were included since American Sign Language has had a wide influence in much of the Americas.

Word lists from Ireland and Northern Ireland were also included since I wanted to see what type


of similarity scores would be calculated between sign language varieties that were generally

considered to be quite different and had relatively less historical connections with varieties in the

Americas. Some basic metadata of the 50 participants representing 13 countries are listed

alphabetically by country in

Table 6.


Table 6: Participant metadata

Country Country


City of


Gender Age Deaf family


Age started


Chile Chile-01 Puerto Montt female 20 no 3

Chile Chile-02 Punta Arenas female 21 no 1

Chile Chile-04 Iquique female 30 no 18

Chile Chile-05 Santiago male 38 no 16

Dominican Republic DomR-01 Santo Domingo male 25 no 10

Dominican Republic DomR-02 Santo Domingo male 20 no 7

Dominican Republic DomR-03 Barahona male 42 no 21

Dominican Republic DomR-04 Santo Domingo male 35 yes 11

Dominican Republic DomR-05 La Romana male 18 yes 6

Dominican Republic DomR-06 La Romana female 16 no 8

Dominican Republic DomR-08 Santiago male 27 no 8

Dominican Republic DomR-09 Moca male 35 no 14

Dominican Republic DomR-10 Puerto Plata female 36 no 12

El Salvador ElSal-03 La Libertad male 27 no 11

El Salvador ElSal-08 San Salvador female 23 yes 3

El Salvador ElSal-12 Ahuachapan female 19 yes 7

Honduras Hond-01 Tegucigalpa male 27 yes 15

Honduras Hond-05 Juticalpa female 19 no 10

Honduras Hond-10 San Pedro Sula male 28 yes 4

Honduras Hond-11 El Progreso male 24 no 7

Ireland Ire-01 Dublin male 50 yes 10

Jamaica Jam-01 Kingston male 26 no 12

Jamaica Jam-02 May Pen male 25 no 7

Jamaica Jam-03 Portmore male 50 no 1

Jamaica Jam-06 Mandeville male 27 no 6

Jamaica Jam-07 Montego Bay female 28 yes 5

Jamaica Jam-08 Brown's Town female 25 no 3

North Ireland NIre-01 Belfast male 22 no 3

Panamá Pan-01 Panamá female 44 no 32

Panamá Pan-06 David male 40 yes 17

Paraguay Prgy-02 Asunción male 28 no 5

Paraguay Prgy-03 Coronel Oviedo male 52 yes 17

Paraguay Prgy-04 Caaguazú male 37 no 14

Paraguay Prgy-05 Ciudad del Este female na na na

Paraguay Prgy-06 Ciudad del Este male 28 no 6

Paraguay Prgy-07 Itaugua female 45 yes 17

Paraguay Prgy-08 Asunción female 41 yes 1

Paraguay Prgy-09 Itaugua female 37 yes 5

Perú Peru-01 Arequipa female 18 no 8

Perú Peru-05 Chiclayo male 19 no 9

Perú Peru-18 Lima female 23 yes 1

Perú Peru-22 Trujillo female 28 yes 5

Saint Vincent StVin-01 Kingstown female 33 no 3

Trinidad Trin-01 San Fernando male 27 yes 6

Trinidad Trin-02 Port of Spain male 33 no 3

Trinidad Trin-03 Port of Spain female 47 yes 3

United States USA-01 Hartford female 32 yes 1

United States USA-05 Los Angeles female 21 yes 1

United States USA-06 Los Angeles male 42 yes 1

United States USA-07 Los Angeles male 23 no 14


3.2 Elicitation procedure

With each of these participants, a word list containing up to 243 items was elicited using a

Powerpoint presentation on a notebook computer. One video camera was set up directly in front

of the participant, and index cards were inserted into the camera view between each Powerpoint

slide to visually identify each word list item in the video. The elicitation slides for each item

usually contained both written spoken language words (either in English or Spanish depending on

the most common spoken language of the region) and an image. For all but 41 items that were

difficult to accurately represent visually, the slides included images since the visual

representations tended to help facilitate accurate elicitations, and written English or Spanish

literacy was often low in the deaf communities. For 40 items that had clearly opposite or

contrasting concepts, two contrasting images were included in the slide with an arrow to identify

which item was being elicited. As in the study by Osugi et al. (1999, 92), the survey teams found

this comparison technique of contrasting concepts to be effective and easily understood by

participants during elicitations. Similar to the approach of Parkhurst and Parkhurst (2007, 11),

participants were encouraged to include any variants or synonyms for each item to try to avoid

the problem outlined by Rensch (1992, 13) where similar forms actually existed among sign

varieties, but the similar forms did not happen to be elicited.

A basic set of 241 items were included in most word lists in this study. The list contained

lexical items from a variety of grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, quantifiers,

interrogatives, and others) and semantic domains (animals, food, household items, weather, time,

family, numbers, physical characteristics, religious items, emotions, physical activities, and

others). In comparison to previous word list comparison studies, the items of this study most

closely resemble the items used by Bickford (2005, 34-37). Two additional items were included

in the four Peru word lists. For two of the 50 word lists not all of the items were elicited: the

Prgy-07 word list contains only the first 112 items, and the Hond-01 word list contains only the


first 215 items from the 241-item list. One United States word list (USA-01) contains 210 items

elicited in a slightly different order than the others. See Table 20 in Appendix A for a list of the

word list items in the order that they were typically elicited.

From all 50 participants, a combined total of 15,720 sign tokens were elicited from 11,831

item elicitations. For 73% of the item elicitations, only one sign token was elicited; due to

multimorphemic forms or multiple variants for one item, two sign tokens were elicited for 22% of

the items, and 5% of the items prompted three or more sign tokens.

3.3 Word list video data coding procedure

The word list videos were annotated using the ELAN media annotation software (Max Planck

Institute for Psycholinguistics 2011). An ELAN template was used with eight tiers. The first tier

labeled “gloss” was created as a parent tier with a controlled vocabulary containing the word list

items. Six dependent tiers were created corresponding to the six parameters to be coded: initial

handshape, final handshape, initial location, final location, palm orientation change, and joint

movement. Controlled vocabularies containing the parameter values were created for each of

these tiers so that coding errors due to typing or spelling would be avoided, and the parameter

values could be easily accessed from a drop-down menu. An eighth tier was created for

comments to mark items that may be of interest in future studies: fingerspelling, notes on

elicitation misunderstandings (homonyms, copying or describing the elicitation image), and

marking variants for sociolinguistic variables if an explanation was given (variants based on

region, gender, age, etc.). A screenshot of coding sign token parameters in ELAN is shown in

Figure 10.


Figure 10: Annotating word list videos using ELAN

If the participant did not recognize the item being elicited and gave no sign, the sign was

coded as “xxx” for all parameters. If a sign or phrase was elicited, but it was an obvious

misunderstanding of the item due to written language homonyms or an unclear elicitation image,

the sign was coded as “???”. If participants only described an item or the elicitation image, and

the explanatory signs were clearly not meant to represent the lexical item, these signs were coded

as "???". In the analysis, if parameters were coded as “xxx” or “???” that item was omitted from



3.4 Assessing similarity using Levenshtein distance

The algorithm used in this study to calculate similarity among sign language varieties is

called the Levenshtein distance (string edit distance) metric. In essence, it measures the amount of

difference between lexical items by calculating the differences in strings.

In contrast to Blair's approach of assessing lexical similarity in which pairs of words are

considered to be similar or not similar, Levenshtein distance measurements provide a more

nuanced assessment of how different the words are. In addition, Levenshtein distance calculations

can be rapidly and objectively calculated by computer programs without the need for a research

analyst to make pair by pair similarity judgments.

In this section, I describe how Levenshtein distance calculations are made, how they have

been applied to spoken language studies, and how they were applied in this study.

3.4.1 Calculating Levenshtein distance

In spoken languages, in preparation for Levenshtein distance calculations, each phonetic

segment of a word is assigned a unique character code, typically symbols in the International

Phonetic Alphabet. Depending on the level of distinction desired in the comparison, these codes

could include diacritics. Once each word is represented as a string of characters representing the

individual phonetic segments, pairs of character strings are compared to assess the difference (or

Levenshtein distance) between the lexical items. Levenshtein distances are calculations of the

minimum (most efficient) number of edits that would be necessary to make two character strings

identical. There are three possible types of edits that may be necessary: insertions, deletions, and

substitutions. The Levenshtein distance (sum of edits) is usually normalized by length to correct

skewing that would occur in the calculation of average Levenshtein distances based on word

length. If only the raw number of edits were averaged to calculate Levenshtein distance, longer

words would have larger influence on distances than shorter words. Normalization by length can


be done a variety of ways, Heeringa et al. (2006, 53) recommend dividing the number of edits by

the length of the longest alignment between the two words. Consequently, the normalized

Levenshtein distance between words from two different language varieties could range from zero

(identical character strings) to one (completely different strings) for each lexical item. If a word

list contains multiple variants for one lexical item, the Levenshtein distance would be the average

distance of all comparisons of variants for each word list pair. The Levenshtein distance between

two language varieties for an entire word list is the average of the distances calculated for each

word list item.

As an example of how Levenshtein distance would be calculated between two forms in a

spoken language, Table 7 shows the edits needed to change one pronunciation/form of

"afternoon" in English (æǝftǝnʉn) to another pronunciation/form (æftǝrnun) (White 2010, 4).

Table 7: Levenshtein distance between two pronunciations of "afternoon"

Beginning form Edit Resulting form

æǝftǝnʉn delete ǝ æftǝnʉn

insert r æftǝrnʉn

substitute ʉ /u æftǝrnun

Levenshtein distance (number of edits) = 3

Levenshtein distance (normalized) = 3/8 = 0.375

In contrast to this example where the Levenshtein distance between the two forms is 0.375, a

Blair style lexical similarity judgment would only have two possible values: similar or not

similar, and the two forms from Table 7 would be considered as similar since six of the eight

phones are identical.

Over the last decade, several studies have analyzed differences among language varieties

using Levenshtein distance. Investigating Nisu language varieties spoken in Yunnan, China, Yang

(2009) found that Levenshtein distance results complemented the findings of historical-

comparative analysis and had a high correlation with intelligibility testing results. According to

Yang (2009, 28), while comparative analysis identifies specific differences and intelligibility tests


reveal the effect of the differences on comprehension, Levenshtein distances "clarify the degrees

of difference between varieties”.

3.4.2 Levenshtein distance applied to sign language word list comparisons

To calculate Levenshtein distances for sign language data, the value for each of the six

parameters coded for a sign token is assigned a single character, and the six parameters are

treated as if they were a phonetic spelling by arranging them in a fixed sequence. For the initial

coding system of six parameters, each sign token was represented as a string of six characters.

Since all sign tokens were coded with the same number of parameters, there were no edits due to

insertions or deletions; the calculation of necessary edits to a character string were only based on

substitutions (when parameter values were not identical for a given pair of forms).

For an example of how the Levenshtein distance would be calculated for the lexical item

“cat” between two sign varieties of Chilean Sign Language, Chile-01 and Chile-05, Figure 11

shows the images of the initial and final positions of each sign.


Figure 11: Calculating the Levenshtein distance between two signs for “cat”

Table 8 lists the parameter values for each sign with the last column showing the tally of

Levenshtein distance edits.

Table 8: Levenshtein distance between two signs for "cat"

Chile-01 Chile-05 Value difference Edits

Initial handshape parameter value 5 B-Text Yes 1

Final handshape parameter value A Bbent-Text Yes 1

Initial location parameter value Fore Fore No 0

Final location parameter value Fore Fore No 0

Palm orientation change parameter value P- P- No 0

Joint movement parameter value Fingers Fingers No 0

Levenshtein distance (normalized): 2/6 = 0.333

Comparing these two signs, since the initial and final handshape parameter values are both

different each would require one edit. No edits would be needed for the location or movement

parameters since there were no differences between the parameter values. So the non-normalized

Levenshtein distance for this comparison would be two. In this study, Levenshtein distances were

normalized (dividing the number of edits by six for the number of parameters compared), so the


normalized Levenshtein distance would be 2/6 = 0.333. In comparison, for a Blair style lexical

similarity criteria requiring at least two of three parameters (handshape, location, and movement)

to be identical for signs to be categorized as similar, these two signs for “cat” would be

considered as similar.

In Levenshtein distance calculations that involve more than one sign token per word list item,

the resulting Levenshtein distance is the mean of Levenshtein distances between every possible

combination of sign tokens. For example, if variety A is coded for two sign tokens (A1 and A2)

for word list item X, and variety B is coded for three sign tokens (B1, B2, and B3). The

Levenshtein distance between varieties A and B for item X would be the average of distances

between A1 and B1, A1 and B2, A1 and B3, A2 and B1, A2 and B2, and A2 and B3.

The Levenshtein distances of this study were calculated using the SLLED and Rugloafer

software programs developed by White (2011). The word list parameter data was first exported as

interlinear text from ELAN. Then, the SLLED software served as a converter program where

parameter values for an item were assigned a single character and arranged in a fixed sequence.

The SLLED software allows the user to select which of the six parameters are to be included in a

comparison if a subset of the six parameters is desired. The SLLED software outputs the

converted word list data as an XML file which is the input format required by Rugloafer. The

Rugloafer software acts as a front end for the various features of the RuG/L04 software suite for

dialectometrics and cartography primarily developed by Kleiweg (2011) which includes the

calculations of the Levenshtein distance between variety pairs.

While Levenshtein distance can calculate similarities between pairs of language varieties, the

results can also be used to group many language varieties into clusters based on similarities. In

the "Preferences" menu of the Rugloafer software, there are several clustering algorithm options

available for selection. For this study, I used the agglomerative clustering method called the

unweighted pair-group method using the average approach (UPGMA) which uses a proximity


matrix to cluster varieties and calculate the Levenshtein distances between clusters. In the

UPGMA method, the distance between language variety clusters is the "average distance between

pairs of objects, one in one cluster, one in the other", and "tends to join clusters with small

variances" and be "relatively robust" (Everitt, Landau, and Leese 2001, 60). For example, if two

varieties (X1 and X2) are grouped together at a Levenshtein distance of 0.40, and two varieties

(Y1 and Y2) are grouped together at a Levenshtein distance of 0.45, and the four varieties are

grouped together as a cluster at a larger Levenshtein distance (e.g. 0.53), this Levenshtein

distance for the grouping of X and Y would be calculated as follows: calculate the average

distance between varieties X1 and Y1, and X1 and Y2 (e.g. mean Levenshtein distance of X1 to

Y = 0.50), then calculate the average distance between varieties X2 and Y1, and X2 and Y2 (e.g.

mean Levenshtein distance of X2 to Y = 0.56). The Levenshtein distance of the cluster of X and

Y would be the average of the two distances: 0.50 + 0.56, divided by 2 = 0.53.




While analyzing the results, I had a four-point research focus: 1) to calculate the degrees of

difference among the sign language varieties and produce a dendrogram showing these

relationships, 2) to assess the validity of the results by determining the correlation between word

list comparison and intelligibility testing results, 3) to evaluate the coding system parameters and

value inventories in order to refine and optimize the comparison methodology, and 4) to evaluate

and refine the set of word list items to elicit for comparisons. In this chapter, I present the results

of each of the four points in the analysis.

4.1 Identifying similarity groupings based on Levenshtein distance results

The dendrogram in

Figure 12 displays the Levenshtein distance similarity groupings for all 50 sign language

varieties comparing the six parameters and parameter value inventories of the initial coding

system. In the dendrogram, an output of the Rugloafer software, word list pairs and groupings are

linked by vertical lines—the position of these lines in the horizontal x-axis correspond to the

average Levenshtein distance among the varieties in the cluster. The number of shades for

clusters in the dendrogram is based on a number chosen in the Rugloafer software preferences

prior to similarity calculations to help distinguish the similarity groupings.


Figure 12: Dendrogram of Levenshtein distance similarity groupings based on six parameters

In general, the formation of sign language variety similarity clusters based on Levenshtein

distances groups varieties most clearly by countries. This general grouping pattern confirms the

Levenshtein distance results. One would expect sign language varieties from the same country to

be more similar to each other than to sign varieties from other countries (due to increased


language contact, shared deaf educational settings and places of learning sign language, and

shared historical influences). As expected based on known historical connections, the varieties

from Ireland and Northern Ireland are the most different from any of the varieties in the


The Levenshtein distance numerical results corresponding to the vertical lines that connect

varieties in the dendrogram are listed in Table 9. The variety groupings are listed from top to

bottom from most to least similarity. The Levenshtein distances listed in the right column

correspond to the average Levenshtein distance among the varieties included in the cluster as

calculated by the unweighted pair-group method clustering algorithm. These same Levenshtein

distances are used to create the dendrogram shown in

Figure 12 and correspond to the positions on the x-axis where varieties are linked by a

vertical line.

Table 9: Levenshtein distances of variety groupings based on the six parameters of the initial coding system

Variety groupings Levenshtein distance

Honduras (H) 0.341

United States (U) 0.348

Jamaica (J) + St. Vincent (S) 0.383

U + JS 0.401

Chile (C) 0.417

Trinidad (T) 0.419

Panama (Pan) 0.426

UJS + T 0.438

Peru (Pe) 0.442

El Salvador (E) 0.458

Dominican Republic (D) 0.464

H + Pan 0.476

UJST + D 0.492

Paraguay (Par) 0.506

UJSTD + HPan 0.513

UJSTDHPan + Pe 0.536

UJSTDHPanPe + E 0.552

C + Par 0.572

UJSTDHPanPeE + CPar 0.626

Northern Ireland (NI) + Republic of Ireland (RI) 0.643



The purpose for the different shades of similarity clusters is not to identify or classify distinct

sign languages but rather to visually separate and distinguish sign variety groupings. Defining the

difference between languages and dialects is a bold and complicated endeavor that is beyond the

scope of this study. Consequently, although the Jamaica, Saint Vincent, Trinidad, and United

States sign varieties are all in the same shaded cluster and the Levenshtein distance of this group

is less than the Levenshtein distance within the groups for most of the other countries, the

Levenshtein distance grouping results do not alone prove that these language varieties should all

be considered dialects of one sign language without agreement from other sociolinguistic research

tools. Even so, these similarity results could be used as a basis for preliminary grouping of

varieties into languages as long as there is a full awareness that they are only based on the

similarities of lexical items. In combination with other sociolinguistic research tools, this study

could contribute to the discussion of identifying sign languages and dialects that should also

include other factors such as historical influences, language attitudes and identity, and

intelligibility. Intelligibility testing results of Jamaican and Dominican Republic participants

towards a United States sign language variety are discussed in more detail in section 4.2. In

support of making preliminary language groupings based on Levenshtein distances, a study of

spoken language varieties in Central Asia found that similarity groupings “perform well in the

preliminary classification of varieties even when the dataset includes unrelated varieties” (van der

Ark et al. 2007, 7).

Following the pattern of many lexical similarity studies, it may be tempting to propose

thresholds of Levenshtein distances among sign varieties that would predict intelligibility or

language groupings. However, thresholds may not be consistently applicable. Hendriks (2008,

37) found that lexical similarity scores among what were considered to be similar sign languages

were lower than the common thresholds used to predict language groupings for spoken languages.

In another word list comparison study evaluating how changes in scoring criteria effect similarity


results, Kluge (2008) recommends focusing more on the relative relationships rather than

absolute scores and thresholds when making conclusions about language similarities and

proposing directions for future research. Without including other related research findings, it is

difficult at this point to propose an accurate Levenshtein distance threshold that could be used to

predict language groupings. First, Levenshtein distance results would need to be calibrated

against known situations, and then the proposed thresholds would need to be adjusted based on

the scoring criteria used.

4.2 Validity of Levenshtein distance results

The Levenshtein distance results seem to produce a distinct representation of the similarities

among the 50 sign language varieties. To assess the validity of these results, I will discuss a few

observations with corresponding factors that reinforce the accuracy of the similarity groupings. I

will also compare the Levenshtein distances with intelligibility testing results between speakers of

sign languages in the United States, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic.

In examining the results, there are anecdotal factors that support the similarity groupings.

First, there is a relatively large difference between one Paraguayan sign language variety (Prgy-

07) and the other seven Paraguayan varieties. Actually, the Prgy-07 participant represented a deaf

community that was perceived by others in the country to use a unique sign variety. If we

excluded Prgy-07 from the comparison, the Paraguayan varieties would be grouped at a

Levenshtein distance of 0.420 rather than 0.506. In another observation, three Jamaica sign

varieties are more similar to the St. Vincent variety than to other three varieties from Jamaica. As

an explanation, during fieldwork in St. Vincent, the survey team was told that deaf people from

St. Vincent (including the word list participant) have had frequent contact with deaf people from

Jamaica. The Levenshtein distance results suggest that this contact was with only a subset of the

Jamaican deaf population. The grouping of the Honduras varieties (0.341) and the grouping of the


United States varieties (0.348) show the least amount of variation of any grouping of language

varieties within a country. This may reflect the use of a more highly standardized sign language

in these two countries than in the other countries in this study. At least in the United States, there

are by far the most published materials relating to sign languages of any of the countries of this

study. This would contribute to standardization despite the relatively large deaf population and

land area of the country. The dendrogram placed the sign varieties from Chile and Paraguay as

the most different from the other varieties in the Americas. From a subjective perspective, the

survey team members fluent in American Sign Language had more difficulty negotiating meaning

with deaf people in Chile and Paraguay than with deaf people from the other countries

represented in this study from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.

The groupings of varieties within a country that have the largest Levenshtein distances (the

Dominican Republic: 0.464, El Salvador: 0.458, and Peru: 0.442 - excluding Prgy-07 from the

Paraguay varieties) may be a result of one or more of the following three factors: 1) deaf

educational institutions that are relatively less integrated on a national level than other countries,

2) historical influences that have caused greater diversity in sign varieties, and 3) less mobility

and interaction among regional deaf communities. Each of these factors was observed to some

extent by the survey teams during fieldwork in these three countries. The Dominican Republic, El

Salvador, and Peru all had a few deaf schools that were run by the government and at least one

deaf school that was privately run by a mission organization from the United States - usually

using a sign variety more similar to ASL than the sign varieties of the government run schools

(Williams and Parks 2010; Parks and Parks 2010a).

A limited set of intelligibility testing results also correlate with the Levenshtein distance

results. Intelligibility testing is intended to determine the degree to which users of one language

variety will understand users of another variety. Intelligibility is often assessed by a methodology

called Recorded Text Testing (RTT). In the traditional RTT methodology described by Casad


(1974), after listening to a portion of a recorded text, participants responded to questions about

the text which were evaluated to assess how much was understood. A modification to this

methodology using the retelling method (RTT-R) rather than asking questions is described by

Kluge (2007). In an RTT-R, a text is played for participants and the participants are asked to

retell the text. RTT-R scores are determined based on the percentage of pre-selected data points

from the text that were included in the retelling by the participant.

Intelligibility of an American Sign Language narrative video text was evaluated in the

Dominican Republic and Jamaica using a methodology similar to a recorded text test retelling

method (RTT-R) (Parks and Parks 2010b). The text was elicited and hometown tested in Tucson,

Arizona. Testing of this text was conducted by the SIL Americas Area sign language survey team

in three locations: Los Angeles, California (to approximate the higher end of scores we might

expect from similar language varieties from the same country as the storyteller), Jamaica, and the

Dominican Republic. The mean RTT-R score from each of the three locations was compared to

the mean Levenshtein distance among all word list pairs between each country. The number of

data points for each research instrument, the mean Levenshtein distances and RTT-R scores, and

the standard deviations from the mean are shown in Table 10.

Table 10: Levenshtein distances and RTT-R intelligibility scores for three country comparisons

RTT-R and

Levenshtein distance results


United States

Jamaica to

United States

Dominican Republic

to United States

RTT-R data points 7 9 11

Mean RTT-R score 87.4% 74.6% 55.9%

RTT-R standard deviation 7.1% 17.6% 15.8%

Levenshtein distance data points 6 24 36

Mean Levenshtein distance 0.337 0.415 0.520

Levenshtein distance standard deviation 0.025 0.040 0.039

The correlation results show a linear negative relationship (r = -1.000, p = 0.014) between

RTT-R intelligibility testing results and Levenshtein distances (a negative or positive correlation

coefficient near 1.00 shows a strong relationship between the results). These results must be

interpreted with caution since the intelligibility results only go in one direction (understanding of


the Tucson sign variety text), and because only mean scores are compared rather than the scores

from both instruments for one individual since the same participants were not involved in both

the word list and intelligibility testing elicitations. A graph of the correlation with the trend line

and equation showing the relationship between the mean Levenshtein distances and RTT-R

scores is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Correlation of mean Levenshtein distance to mean RTT-R intelligibility score between countries

A high negative correlation (r = -0.86, p < 0.01) between Levenshtein distances and

intelligibility was also found by Beijering et al. (2008, 18) in a study of 18 Scandinavian language

varieties. In another study, for a data subset excluding data analyzed with a different

methodology, Yang (2009, 28) found a strong negative correlation (r = -0.79, p < 0.001) between

Levenshtein distance and intelligibility among Nisu language varieties in China. Yang (2009, 27)

also found a “high degree of agreement” between the Levenshtein distances and historical-

comparative analysis results.

Comparing the Levenshtein distance word list comparison methodology with the

intelligibility testing methodology, both have certain advantages and I would recommend that

selection of one over the other be dependent on the fieldwork context. In general, the word list

comparison tool is better suited to fieldwork situations where time is short (it requires less onsite


Republic to USA

Jamaica to USA

Within USA

Mean Levenshtein distance = -0.579(Mean RTT-R) + 0.844

R² = 0.9997




50% 60% 70% 80% 90%


n L



in d



Mean RTT-R score


fieldwork time) and potential participants may have had little formal education or exposure to

testing methods (the elicitation procedure is much easier to explain). The RTT-R methodology

requires much more onsite preparation including the elicitation of an appropriate narrative text

and hometown testing to calibrate the results. On the other hand, the word list comparison

methodology requires more time to analyze than the RTT-R. Even though the results appear to be

highly correlated, where feasible, I would advise that both be used since multiple perspectives can

strengthen the research conclusions and recommendations.

4.3 Evaluation of parameters

I evaluated each of the six parameters of the initial coding system individually, and then in

sets of two, four, and five parameters in contrast to all six parameters to determine which

parameters or parameter combinations most clearly grouped the varieties based on similarities

and differences. These comparisons in combination with ANOVA statistical evaluations helped to

identify which parameters were most efficient in assessing similarity among sign varieties. In

section 4.3.1, I compare the Levenshtein distance results of each parameter individually to

evaluate if any of the six parameters of the initial coding system are obscuring similarity results.

Then based on the weaknesses observed in certain parameters, in section 4.3.2 I evaluate various

subsets of the six parameters in order to omit unclear parameters which would simplify the

coding system and improve the similarity distinctions shown in the results.

4.3.1 Individual parameters

As shown in section 4.1, the Levenshtein distance results show there are 12 groupings of sign

varieties based on country groupings. In this section, I use Levenshtein distance similarity scores

of these 12 groupings (instead of all 1,225 variety pairings) to show relative differences among

the parameter sets. Table 11 shows the Levenshtein distance results of these sign variety


groupings (listed in rows) for each of the six parameters individually and for all six parameters

together (listed in columns). A table cell marked with an “x” indicates that the parameter results

did not exactly group only the varieties listed in that row. Cells with an “x” indicate that the

parameter is not clearly and distinctly grouping varieties based on similarities.

Table 11: Levenshtein distances of variety groupings based on individual parameters















United States (U) 0.425 0.406 0.358 0.301 x 0.346 0.348

U + Jamaica & St. Vincent (JS) 0.505 0.490 0.436 x x x 0.401

UJS + Trinidad (T) 0.529 0.547 0.463 0.426 x 0.411 0.438

Honduras (H) + Panama (Pan) 0.607 0.599 x 0.413 x 0.408 0.476

UJST + Dominican Rep. (D) 0.637 0.635 0.492 0.445 x x 0.492

UJSTD + HPan 0.682 0.676 0.528 0.455 x x 0.513

UJSTDHPan + Peru (Pe) 0.697 0.698 0.541 0.497 x x 0.536

UJSTDHPanPe + El Salvador (E) 0.721 0.719 0.566 0.509 0.332 0.481 0.552

Chile (C) + Paraguay (Par) 0.748 0.747 0.620 0.522 0.321 0.463 0.572

UJSTDHPanPeE + CPar 0.829 0.824 0.640 0.568 0.351 0.540 0.626

N. Ireland (NI) + Rep. Ireland (RI) 0.849 0.851 x 0.548 0.320 x 0.643

UJSTDHPanPeECPar + NIRI 0.863 0.873 0.694 0.609 0.376 0.613 0.666

The Levenshtein distance results listed in Table 11 for individual parameters are also

graphically displayed in Figure 14 to help clarify the discussion of observations that follow

(missing data points for variety groupings in the graph represent cells with an “x” in the table).


Figure 14: Visual comparison of Levenshtein results of individual parameters for variety groupings

The initial and final handshape parameters consistently identified the 12 groupings that were

also apparent in the results based on all six parameters. The initial location parameter missed two

groupings, and the final location parameter missed just one grouping. The two movement

parameters had the most divergence from clearly identifying the 12 groupings: the palm

orientation change parameter was the most divergent missing seven groupings, and the joint

movement parameter missed five groupings. The groupings that were identified by the palm


orientation change parameter only produced Levenshtein distances between 0.332 and 0.376

without much distinction, and in two cases not following the trend of increasing differences

between groups for the groupings in the 9th and 11th rows of Table 11.

One explanation for why the movement parameters are not as helpful in identifying degrees

of difference among language varieties may be slight skewing of results due to the fact that

parameter values could be identical merely by chance. This is especially apparent for the two

movement parameters since they only have a few possible parameter values. For example, since

there are only two possible values in the palm orientation change parameter, the probability of

that parameter being identical for two sign tokens is 50% (25% chance both are P+ (0.5 x 0.5)

plus 25% chance both are P- (0.5 x 0.5)). Furthermore, from the occurrence frequencies of the

parameter values for the entire database (see Appendix B), we know that "P-" is coded for the

palm orientation change parameter for 69% of all sign tokens and “P+” occurs 31% of the time.

The probability of identical parameter values between two members of a pair just based on

chance would now be 57.2% (0.69 multiplied by 0.69 = 47.6% for “P-”, and 0.31 multiplied by

0.31 = 9.6% for “P+”). This would slightly skew the results toward smaller Levenshtein distances

among language varieties and decrease the relative degrees of difference shown by other


The final location parameter consistently calculated higher similarities than the initial

location parameter and the handshape parameters. One possible explanation for this trend is the

high frequency of occurrence for neutral space (51%) as the final location parameter value. Just

based on chance matches of only the neutral space parameter value (0.51 multiplied by 0.51 =

26%), the high probability would produce a Levenshtein distance of at most 0.74 between a pair

of sign varieties for the final location parameter.

Table 12 lists a few statistical observations of the Levenshtein distance results based on all

1,225 variety pairs for each parameter comparison. The Cronbach’s Alpha is an internal-


consistency reliability measure: to calculate it, the results are split in half and the halves are

compared to each other for every possible combination of split halves. The output is a value

between zero (no internal consistency: extremely low reliability) and one (internally consistent:

extremely high reliability). As a rough guideline, data is considered unreliable if the Cronbach’s

Alpha is less than 0.7. The mean, standard deviation, and range (the difference between the most

similar variety pair and the least similar variety pair) of Levenshtein distances for the 1,225

variety pairs are listed for each parameter. The standard deviation and range indicate the level of

distinction among variety pairs that each parameter is able to produce. A larger standard deviation

and range shows that the results are less clumped together which would suggest that similarity

groupings are easier to identify in the results.

Table 12: General statistics of individual parameter Levenshtein distance results















Cronbach’s Alpha 0.9663 0.9670 0.9375 0.9169 0.6959 0.8981 0.9771

Mean Levenshtein distance 0.725 0.722 0.564 0.501 0.324 0.479 0.554

Standard deviation 0.1225 0.1242 0.0958 0.0876 0.0476 0.0839 0.0886

Range 0.541 0.599 0.498 0.458 0.272 0.447 0.416

The initial and final handshape parameters gave the largest ranges and standard deviations of

Levenshtein distances of any parameter which suggests that they produce clearer groupings of

similarity—it is more likely that the difference among Levenshtein distances will be statistically

significant if the distances of the data set have a larger range and standard deviation. In addition,

both handshape parameters produce larger mean Levenshtein distances than the location or

movement parameters. These two observations are related: since handshapes produce a larger

mean Levenshtein distance they are more likely to be different which increases range of

Levenshtein distances especially for the least similar variety pairs. This high difference in

handshapes follows the results of two other studies—in a set of signs that differed by only one

parameter, handshape was most frequently the different parameter, followed by movement, and

then location (Aldersson and McEntee-Atalianis 2008, 63-67; McKee and Kennedy 2000, 56-57).

In contrast to the pattern in these two studies, in this study movements showed less distinction in


differences than locations. One explanation may be due to the lower number of possible

parameter values for movements than locations in the coding system of this study. The large

number of parameter values for handshapes in this coding system may also explain the tendency

for these parameters to show more differences among variety pairs.

The Cronbach’s Alpha internal-consistency reliability measure shows that the handshape

parameters have the highest reliability of the individual parameters (initial handshape parameter:

0.9663, final handshape parameter: 0.9670) - only slightly lower than the reliability of all six

parameters combined (0.9771). The palm orientation change movement parameter had the lowest

reliability (0.6959) which is under the 0.7 threshold for recommended reliability.

4.3.2 Parameter sets

Based on the observations of the performance of individual parameters in section 4.3.1, I

explored possible simplifications of the coding system. Various sets of parameters are compared

to see if similar or even enhanced results can be obtained by excluding certain parameters from

the analysis. Table 13 shows the Levenshtein distance results of 12 groupings of varieties (listed

in rows) for four sets of parameters (listed in columns): all six parameters, five parameters—all

parameters except palm orientation change (labeled as 5P-NoPO), four parameters—the

handshapes and locations not including the two movement parameters (labeled as 4P-NoMove),

and the initial handshape and location parameters (labeled as 2P-Initial). The statistical values of

Cronbach’s Alpha (internal-consistency reliability measure), standard deviation and range

(difference between most similar and least similar variety pair Levenshtein distances), and the

mean Levenshtein distance are also given to help compare the effectiveness of various parameter

sets in distinguishing similarity groupings.


Table 13: Levenshtein distances of variety groupings based on parameter sets

6 Parameters 5P-NoPO 4P-NoMove 2P-Initial

Cronbach’s Alpha 0.9771 0.9781 0.9771 0.9726

Mean Levenshtein distance 0.554 0.599 0.628 0.645

Standard deviation 0.0886 0.0993 0.1053 0.1074

Range 0.416 0.476 0.495 0.503

United States (U) 0.348 0.361 0.365 0.383

U + Jamaica & St. Vincent (JS) 0.401 0.422 0.433 0.451

UJS + Trinidad (T) 0.438 0.464 0.481 0.483

Honduras (H) + Panama (Pan) 0.476 0.509 0.539 0.572

UJST + Dominican Rep. (D) 0.492 0.531 0.552 0.565

UJSTD + HPan 0.513 0.554 0.585 0.605

UJSTDHPan + Peru (Pe) 0.536 0.577 0.609 0.620

UJSTDHPanPe + El Salvador (E) 0.552 0.598 0.630 0.644

Chile (C) + Paraguay (Par) 0.572 0.621 0.660 0.685

UJSTDHPanPeE + CPar 0.626 0.681 0.716 0.735

N. Ireland (NI) + Rep. Ireland (RI) 0.643 0.707 0.728 0.759

UJSTDHPanPeECPar + NIRI 0.666 0.724 0.755 0.769

The ANOVA statistical analysis showed that all four parameter sets were significantly

different from each other (p < 0.01). The Levenshtein distance results of the four sets of

parameters shown in Table 13 are visually displayed in Figure 15.


Figure 15: Levenshtein distances of variety groupings for parameter sets

The combination of parameters that seems to show distinctions between similar and different

groupings most efficiently while still maintaining a high internal consistency is the four-

parameter combination of initial and final handshapes and locations (labeled as 4P-NoMove).

These results have a high internal-consistency reliability based on the Cronbach’s Alpha value of

0.9771 (equal value to the six parameter set, and only slightly less than the five parameter set

(0.9781)). The range of Levenshtein distances from the most to least similar variety pair for these

four parameters (0.495) and the standard deviation (0.1053) are larger than the ranges and

standard deviations of the five and six parameter combinations which suggests that the

distinctions between similarity groups are clearer in the four parameter set. A study of


Guatemalan sign varieties also found that inclusion of the palm orientation and movement

parameters in the comparison resulted in a smaller range among similarity scores (Parks and

Parks 2008, 27).

The relative relationships of the variety groupings (increasing Levenshtein distance while

progressing through the variety groupings) are similar among all the parameter sets with one

exception: the 2P-Initial parameter set comparison calculates the grouping of the Dominican

Republic varieties with the varieties from the United States, Jamaica, Trinidad, and St. Vincent at

a smaller Levenshtein distance than the grouping of all Honduras and Panama varieties. This

observation combined with a smaller Cronbach’s Alpha value (0.9726) suggests that the 2P-

Initial set is not optimal. Since the 4P-NoMove set yields similar results to the initial six

parameter set with even more distinction between similarity groups, and the two movement

parameters require more time to code consistently than the other parameters, the 4P-NoMove set

is the optimal choice of parameters to evaluate during comparisons.

4.4 Evaluation of handshape parameter values

For the initial and final handshape parameters, the initial coding system identified 99 distinct

handshape values. Two small subsets of these handshape values either occurred very infrequently

or were difficult to distinguish during coding. I combined or merged these values in order to

propose a coding system with improved efficiency and consistency without sacrificing clear

similarity groupings. There were 19 values that occurred less than 0.10% of the time; I combined

17 of them with one of the other 80 handshape values with similar features, and two of them with

each other ("U-Top" and "Ugap" were both coded as "U-Top"). I also combined the infrequent

values “ILYbent-Top” and “7” with “ILYflex-Top”, and used a new code name, “ILY-Top” for

the resulting value. These 19 least frequently occurring values are shown in Table 14.


Table 14: Handshape values that occur least frequently to combine with similar values

Rank Code name

to be merged

Occurrences Frequency Code with the following similar value

81 U-Top 23 0.08% U-Top (merged with Ugap)

82 Rhole 21 0.07% R

83 Ybent 19 0.06% Y

84 F-Text 18 0.06% Lbent

85 E-Top 16 0.05% C

86 Ugap 14 0.05% U-Top

87 7 13 0.04% ILYflex-Top, ILYbent-Top = ILY-Top

88 Olittle-Tund 11 0.04% T

89 1flex-Tflex 10 0.03% Lflex

90 ILYbent-Top 10 0.03% ILYflex-Top, 7 = ILY-Top

91 E-Ttog 8 0.03% E-Text

92 1-Ttog 6 0.02% 1

93 F-Ttog 6 0.02% F

94 Iflex 6 0.02% Ibent

95 Wflex 6 0.02% W

96 E-Tflex 5 0.02% E-Text

97 I-Ttog 5 0.02% I

98 1-Tflex 3 0.01% L

99 Y-MID 2 0.01% Y (or Wunspr for middle finger variant)

There were seven pairs of handshape parameter values that were difficult to distinguish in the

word list videos. I merged each of these pairs, reducing the handshape parameter inventory by

seven values. These seven merged values are listed in Table 15. I used a new code name "Fgap"

for the initial coding system values of "Fflexgap" and "Gspread".

Table 15: Handshape values to merge because they are hard to distinguish

Code name to be merged Remaining code with similar features

5bent 5-Top

5flex-Text 5flex

8flexgap 8gap

B-Ttog B-Text

C-Top C

Clittle-Top Clittle

Gspread and Fflexgap Fgap (new code)

By merging the sets of handshape values representing infrequently occurring values and those

representing features that were difficult to distinguish in the videos, the handshape parameter

value inventory was reduced from 99 to 74 values. After evaluating word list items in section 4.5,

I examine the effects of these refinements in addition to word list item refinements in section 4.6.


4.5 Evaluation of word list items

In order to determine an optimal set of word list items to use in comparisons, I analyzed the

results with two foci: to compare different subsets of items to determine if certain subsets may

enhance or obscure the clarity of similarity relationships, and to identify specific items that may

tend to skew results or cause missing data due to unclear elicitations.

4.5.1 Comparison of item subsets

Levenshtein distances (using the 4P-NoMove parameter set, labeled in this section as 4P-All)

for the complete set of 243 word list items were compared to Levenshtein distances for three

subsets of items to determine if certain subsets produced more distinctions in similarity

groupings. One subset included 67 items containing animals, foods, and other basic nouns

(labeled as 4P-AnimalFoodNoun) that were relatively easy to represent with images during

elicitation—45 items from this set are the same items as used in a 50-item noun list described as

highly iconic by Parkhurst and Parkhurst (2003, 14). Another subset consisted of all the

remaining 176 items not included in 4P-AnimalFoodNoun, which may be considered to be a list

of items less easily represented by images during elicitation (labeled as 4P-NoAnimalFoodNoun).

The third subset of only 25 items contained colors, days, and months (labeled as 4P-

ColorDayMonth). This small subset was chosen based on intuitive observations during coding

(high similarities within a country and low similarities between countries), and I was curious to

see the resulting Levenshtein distance similarity groupings this relatively small subset of items

would produce. Table 16 shows the Levenshtein distances for the four sets of word list items

(listed in columns) including the Cronbach’s Alpha internal-consistency reliability evaluation,

mean, standard deviation, and range.


Table 16: Levenshtein distance results for four sets of word list items

4P -


(243 items)



(25 items)



(67 items)



(176 items)

Cronbach’s Alpha 0.9771 0.9179 0.8701 0.9750

Mean Levenshtein distance 0.628 0.678 0.651 0.615

Standard deviation 0.1053 0.1748 0.0827 0.1196

Range 0.495 0.850 0.500 0.537

United States (U) 0.365 0.151 0.485 0.334

U + Jamaica & St. Vincent (JS) 0.433 x 0.539 0.430

UJS + Trinidad (T) 0.481 0.418 0.568 0.466

Honduras (H) + Panama (Pan) 0.539 0.471 x 0.518

UJST + Dominican Rep. (D) 0.552 0.621 x 0.512

UJSTD + HPan 0.585 x x 0.566

UJSTDHPan + Peru (Pe) 0.609 x x 0.603

UJSTDHPanPe + El Salvador (E) 0.630 0.637 0.652 0.621

Chile (C) + Paraguay (Par) 0.660 0.795 0.672 0.654

UJSTDHPanPeE + CPar 0.716 0.808 0.708 0.714

N. Ireland (NI) + Rep. Ireland (RI) 0.728 x 0.709 0.735

UJSTDHPanPeECPar + NIRI 0.755 x 0.739 0.760

The results of the four different sets of items are visually displayed in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Levenshtein distances of variety groupings for four sets of word list items


Compared to the 4P-All set, the 4P-AnimalFoodNoun subset produced slightly larger

Levenshtein distances in the more similar variety groupings and slightly smaller Levenshtein

distances in the less similar variety groupings. The Cronbach’s Alpha internal-consistency

reliability measure was the lowest (0.8701) among this set of items, and four variety groupings

were not clearly identified (shown by an "x" in Table 16). In comparison, Bickford (2005, 23)

found that a smaller 84-item list that was elicited with pictures and that contained potentially

more iconic concepts produced 7.5% higher similarity scores compared to a 240-item list that

included an additional 156 items that were only elicited with written words and not images.

In the contrasting 4P-NoAnimalFoodNoun item subset, the Levenshtein distances are very

similar in absolute distances and relative relationships to the 4P-All set. The 4P-

NoAnimalFoodNoun subset calculated a slightly larger range (0.537) than the 4P-All set (0.495).

Similarly, in two other studies, word lists containing items that were judged as less-iconic have

produced a greater level of distinction among language varieties (Parkhurst and Parkhurst 2003;

Johnson and Johnson 2008, 37). The ANOVA statistical analysis showed that 4P-All and 4P-

NoAnimalFoodNoun were not significantly different from each other (p < 0.01). From these

observations, the exclusion of items that are elicited with pictures and that may be judged by

some standards as "more iconic", only results in minor changes to both the absolute Levenshtein

distances and the relative relationships of similarity grouping results.

Interestingly, the 4P-ColorDayMonth item subset showed extremely high distinction (a range

of 0.850), maintained similar relative relationships across most of the selected groupings (not

distinguishing five groupings; shown by an "x" in Table 16), and had quite a high Cronbach’s

Alpha (0.918) for a small set of items. Vanhecke and De Weerdt (2004, 34-35) also found a

higher than expected number of identical signs from a list that included colors, days, and months

among five regions in Flanders. From all five regions, they calculated 72.3% of 1,401 concepts to

be similar or related. Their finding complements the trend found in this data: among groupings of


relatively similar sign language varieties, the items of colors, days, and months will show high

similarity between varieties (e.g. four ASL varieties grouped at a Levenshtein distance of 0.151).

But in comparisons of relatively different language varieties, the items will reveal sharp

differences among variety groups (e.g. Chile varieties grouped with Paraguay varieties at a

Levenshtein distance of 0.808). This may be due to a higher standardization of these items within

a country as they are basic concepts that may be more consistently taught in deaf schools.

4.5.2 Items with elicitation problems

There are two sets of word list items that caused problems during elicitations. The first set,

listed in Table 17, contains 12 word list items that have the most missing data entries since they

tended to be difficult to elicit or to cause misunderstandings during elicitations. Out of all 50

word lists, these 12 items had no data entries for at least 20% of the word lists.

Table 17: 12 word list items with the most missing data entries

Item No data entries

sharp 17

to count 17

continue 16

story 14

correct 13

to start 11

enemy 10

early 10

late 10

only 10

to meet 10

weak 10

The difficulty these items caused during elicitation did not seem to be related to whether they

included an image or just a written word—the ratio of items with images for these 12 items is

similar to the ratio of items with images for the entire word list. One possible explanation for

elicitation problems that occurred with items that did include images was that the images were

confusing to participants (e.g. the participants did not directly associate the image with the item).

This is the reason the two items “to live” and “to die” were not elicited after fieldwork in Peru.


Another possible explanation is that the items may represent concepts that participants are not as

familiar with as other items in the list.

The second set of problematic items consists of 14 word list items, listed in Table 18, that

may skew similarity calculations due to the large number of sign tokens they tend to elicit.

Table 18: 14 word list items that elicit the most sign tokens

Item Ratio of sign tokens per participant

feather 1.91

lightbulb 1.86

window 1.84

bus 1.84

computer 1.82

land 1.78

you’re welcome 1.77

grass 1.75

rich 1.73

rope 1.72

shirt 1.72

chicken 1.71

dog 1.66

tomato 1.66

The large number of sign tokens for these items may indicate that these items represent vague

concepts that are prone to trigger several variants or descriptive phrases instead of single signs.

Another explanation may be that the elicitation images for these items were open to multiple

interpretations. These items may also tend to vary based on cultural differences. For example, the

item “window” in one region may have several types: one sheet of glass, several horizontal metal

panes that rotate, vertical panes that rotate, or just a cut-out opening in a wall. Each type of

window may have a different sign, but the differences among signs are due to differences in

regional construction norms and not the generic concept of the item.

The effect of reducing the number of word list items from 241 to 215 on similarity groupings

is discussed in section 4.6. Regardless of the results, excluding the items from Table 17 that are

most often missed by participants would increase the comfort levels of both participants and

researchers during the elicitation sessions since some participants feel embarrassed when an item

is not recognized or they are not familiar with the sign corresponding to that item. In addition,


some participants tend to become bored or easily distracted during the elicitation of many items,

so reducing the number of items will also improve participant comfort.

4.6 Similarity results using refined parameters, values, and word list items

To evaluate how similarity results would be affected by using the refined handshape

parameter value inventory of 74 values and/or the reduced set of 215 word list items, I

recalculated Levenshtein distances for two sets of data: one set consisting of the four handshape

and location parameters evaluating 215 items coded with the initial handshape value inventory of

99 values (labeled as 4P-215-99), and a second set that based on the four parameters evaluating

215 items that identified only 74 handshape parameter values (labeled as 4P-215-74). The

Levenshtein distance results for these two refined parameter sets are compared to the 4P-NoMove

set (labeled in section 4.5.1 as 4P-All, and in this section as 4P-241-99) in Table 19.

Table 19: Levenshtein distance results of sets with reduced word list items and handshape parameter values

4P-241-99 4P-215-99 4P-215-74

Cronbach’s Alpha 0.9771 0.9757 0.9759

Mean Levenshtein distance 0.628 0.622 0.618

Standard deviation 0.1053 0.1092 0.1101

Range 0.495 0.511 0.512

United States (U) 0.365 0.358 0.352

U + Jamaica & St. Vincent (JS) 0.433 0.423 0.415

UJS + Trinidad (T) 0.481 0.477 0.469

Honduras (H) + Panama (Pan) 0.539 0.531 0.529

UJST + Dominican Rep. (D) 0.552 0.537 0.533

UJSTD + HPan 0.585 0.578 0.575

UJSTDHPan + Peru (Pe) 0.609 0.601 0.597

UJSTDHPanPe + El Salvador (E) 0.630 0.625 0.623

Chile (C) + Paraguay (Par) 0.660 0.653 0.649

UJSTDHPanPeE + CPar 0.716 0.711 0.708

N. Ireland (NI) + Rep. Ireland (RI) 0.728 0.731 0.724

UJSTDHPanPeECPar + NIRI 0.755 0.757 0.751

As would be expected by eliminating word list items that were difficult to elicit correctly, the

mean Levenshtein distance was slightly less in 4P-215-99 (0.622) compared to the complete set

of word list items in 4P-241-99 (0.628). Likewise, the comparison using the reduced set of

handshape parameter values had a slightly smaller mean Levenshtein distance (0.618). ANOVA


statistical analysis showed that 4P-241-99, 4P-215-99, and 4P-215-74 were not significantly

different from each other (p < 0.01). The Cronbach’s Alpha is also very similar among all three

data sets. This statistical analysis indicates that using the reduced sets of word list items and

handshape parameter values (improving elicitations of word lists, and the efficiency and accuracy

of coding) does not negatively impact the similarity distinctions of the Levenshtein distance

results among sign language varieties. In fact, the standard deviation and range of 4P-215-74 is

actually larger than the other two sets which would suggest that it shows more distinctions

between similar and different sign language varieties.

The dendrogram in Figure 17 displays the Levenshtein distance similarity groupings for all

50 sign language varieties comparing the four parameters of handshapes and locations using the

refined word list of 215 items and the reduced handshape parameter value inventory of 74 values.


Figure 17: Dendrogram of Levenshtein distance similarity groupings for 4P-215-74 data set

In comparison to the dendrogram that was produced using the initial coding system (

Figure 12), the similarity groupings are very similar with only a few small changes in the

grouping of varieties within a country. A matrix of the specific Levenshtein distances for each

word list pairing is shown in Table 28 of Appendix C.




Given the results of the evaluation of the coding methodology and of the Levenshtein

distance similarity results, in this chapter I summarize my interpretations of the results and

present a final proposal for an efficient and effective coding methodology for sign language word

list comparisons. First, I propose a set of parameters to use for comparisons and explain why

certain parameters of the initial methodology should be excluded from future word list

comparisons. Second, I propose a reduced inventory of possible parameter values to be used for

the handshape parameters. Third, I propose a reduced set of items for word list elicitations.

A refined set of 215 word list items is recommended for optimal similarity calculations and

participant comfort during elicitation sessions. Using the proposed coding methodology, this

preliminary word list comparison evaluating the similarity of lexical items using the Levenshtein

distance metric appears to produce both reliable and valid degrees of difference among sign

language varieties. The Levenshtein distance results had a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.9759 (internal

reliability rating), and their validity is supported by a high negative correlation with intelligibility

testing results (r = -1.000, p = 0.014).

Since word lists are relatively quick to elicit during fieldwork, the proposed coding system is

straightforward with well-defined parameter values, the Levenshtein distance calculations can be

performed rapidly and objectively, and the SLLED and Rugloafer analysis software is user-

friendly with many helpful outputs, word list comparisons using this methodology can effectively

contribute toward sign language identification, documentation, and language development project



5.1 Refining the parameters for comparison

I recommend basing word list comparisons on four phonetic parameters of a sign token:

initial handshape, final handshape, initial location, and final location. Analysis of the results using

the six parameters of the original methodology indicates that the two parameters coding

movement have low internal-consistency reliability and do not produce similarity groupings as

clearly as do the handshape and location parameters. The palm orientation change parameter had

a low Cronbach's Alpha of 0.6959 and did not group seven of the 12 common similarity

groupings of varieties calculated by the other parameters. Likewise, the joint movement

parameter had a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.8981 and did not group five of the 12 common similar

variety groupings. In comparison, the Cronbach's Alpha of the handshape and location parameters

was higher, ranging from 0.9169 to 0.9670 which shows that the comparison results of these

parameters have more internal-consistency reliability. Both initial and final handshape parameters

calculated all 12 of the common similarity groupings; and the initial location parameter only

missed two while the final location parameter missed just one grouping. Since the movement

parameters produce less clarity and distinctions in the similarity groupings, have a low internal-

consistency reliability, and certain aspects of movement are represented indirectly through the

coding of the initial and final positions of handshapes and locations, I do not recommend

including the two movement parameters in the final proposed methodology. In addition, they

require more time and are more difficult to code than the handshapes and locations.

Relative similarity groupings and Levenshtein distance ranges calculated by the four-

parameter set and either of the handshape parameters alone are quite similar. It could be argued

that only the final handshape parameter should be used to assess similarity since it has the highest

Cronbach's Alpha of any single parameter and has the largest range of Levenshtein distances

between the most similar and least similar language varieties. However, locations tend to have

fewer errors in articulation than handshapes since they require less detailed motor movements


(Siedlecki Jr. and Bonvillian 1993; Meier et al. 1998), thus coding only for handshape may

introduce noise in the analysis due to production errors. Finally, since the Cronbach’s Alpha is

higher when four parameters are compared than when just one handshape parameter is compared,

and the locations are relatively easy and quick to code, I recommend keeping the location

parameters in the coding system.

5.2 Refining parameter values

Sign tokens were coded for each of the four parameters using an inventory of unique values

with descriptions of how to consistently apply the coding system and combine minor feature

differences. The initial and final location inventory contained 31 possible values in the initial

methodology and I do not propose making any changes to the number of values. Although they

did not cause problems, for clarity and consistency with other location value codes, I would

recommend modifying the code names of four location values that were unnecessarily

abbreviated in the initial coding system: changing "Should" to "Shoulder", "Fing" to "Finger",

"Fore" to "Forehead", and "Hip" to "HipLeg".

For the initial and final handshape parameters, the initial coding system identified 99 distinct

handshape parameter values. As described in section 4.4, two sets of handshape parameter values

were merged to make the coding system more efficient and accurate - reducing the total inventory

from 99 to 74 values. Since using the reduced handshape value inventory produced similarity

results that were not significantly different from the initial handshape value inventory (p < 0.01),

I recommend using the refined inventory of 74 handshape values. This will decrease the time

required to learn the coding system and become consistent in applying it. In future studies, if one

of these 74 values appears to combine contrastive features among the language varieties being

compared, additional parameter values can be added to the coding and scoring system (the

SLLED software was designed with “empty” spaces for additional values).


5.3 Refining the word list items

There were 26 items highlighted in section 4.5.1 that tended to be difficult to elicit or that

tended to trigger several variants or descriptions that may skew similarity calculations. I

recommend excluding these two sets of problematic items to reduce the total number of items

from 241 to 215 items. Excluding the 12 items listed in Table 17 will increase participant comfort

during elicitation sessions and reduce missing data entries. In addition, excluding the 14 items

from Table 18 that tend to elicit the largest number of sign tokens will reduce the skewing of

similarity results due to potentially vague concepts. In general, comparing more word list items

improves the reliability of the results, yet there is a tension between this advantage and the

potential negative effect of participants becoming bored or tired with long elicitation sessions.

Reducing the number of items as recommended will maintain the advantage of good reliability

resulting from a longer list while improving participant comfort during elicitations.

Since the difference between the results from the complete set of items and the results from

the subset of items "4P-NoAnimalFoodNoun" with items that some might consider "less iconic"

was small, I do not propose excluding the "more iconic" items. In addition, I recommend

including these items at the beginning of elicitation sessions since the participants usually become

more comfortable with the elicitation procedure when the first items are very familiar and easily


5.4 Final methodology proposal

The final proposed word list comparison methodology includes 215 word list items and uses

four parameters to code sign tokens: initial handshape, final handshape, initial location, and final

location. The handshape parameter value inventory contains 74 values, and the location inventory

contains 31 values. Sign tokens are coded for these parameters and values using ELAN software.


This ELAN data is converted by SLLED software in order to calculate Levenshtein distances and

degrees of difference among sign language varieties using the Rugloafer software.

5.5 Areas and considerations for future research

Many areas remain for future research due to the exploratory nature of this study of word list

comparison methodology. First, it may be possible to enhance Levenshtein distance calculations

by assigning weights to parameter values - producing a smaller distance for similar values and

larger distance for different values instead of a binary score. For example, when comparing the

initial location parameter, the values “Cheek”, “Chin”, and “Wrist”, are currently considered

equally different from each other and one edit would be tallied in the Levenshtein distance

calculations for any difference. By assigning weights to values, relatively similar location

parameter values like “Cheek” and “Chin” would calculate a smaller Levenshtein distance than

the comparison of two values like "Cheek" and "Wrist". But further research is needed to

determine what weights should be assigned to parameter value pairings, how weighted value

pairings would affect similarity calculations, and whether there would be noticeable differences

in the relative relationships of sign varieties.

A second area for further research would be to expand and refine the analysis of the

correlation between Levenshtein distances and intelligibility testing results. For example, Ciupek-

Reed (2011) reports intelligibility testing results of an ASL text in El Salvador that could be

compared to the Levenshtein distances among the sign varieties of these two countries as reported

in this study.

Third, other sign language sociolinguistic research methodologies could be used to support or

contradict this word list comparison methodology and the Levenshtein distance results. For

example, the data from a previous study that used a Blair-style lexical similarity method could be


reanalyzed using the methodology of this study. The results of the two methodologies could then

be compared and the pros and cons of each method could be evaluated.

Fourth, it will be important to evaluate the proposed word list comparison methodology

among sign varieties from more distinct regions of the world. It is possible that articulatory

feature distinctions would be observed while coding word lists from a larger sign language

variety database that would require a modification of the current parameter value inventories. A

more complete understanding of the limits of the smallest and largest Levenshtein distances

expected between very similar and very different sign language varieties might improve the

interpretation of Levenshtein distances and relative similarity relationships.

As a final consideration for future research, although one of the primary goals of this word

list comparison methodology was to develop a more objective process to assess sign language

variety similarities, in some cases it was difficult to consistently and accurately code the

parameter values for each sign token. Difficulties coding handshapes were mainly due to poor

video quality resulting from less than ideal lighting conditions and backgrounds during fieldwork.

Since only one video camera was used, signs were only viewable from one perspective and it was

difficult to determine some locations and movements in three dimensions. If sufficient resources

of time and equipment were available, coding accuracy would be improved by using multiple

video cameras, adequate lighting, and a standard background material.

While I hope that this study provides a quick, efficient, and accurate tool to be used on a

broad scale in future sociolinguistic research of sign languages, additional research is needed to

strengthen the claims that can be made from the results. I encourage future sign language

sociolinguistic researchers to continue to modify and refine this methodology in order to

appropriately apply it to their specific contexts.




Appendix A

Word list items

The word list items are listed in their elicitation order grouped by topic and/or semantic

domain in Table 20. The last two items were only elicited from five participants near the middle

of the elicitation.


Table 20: Word list items

1 cat 50 shirt 99 happy 148 early 197 angry

2 mouse 51 shoe 100 sad 149 late 198 laugh

3 dog 52 table 101 hot 150 year 199 tired

4 chicken 53 bed 102 cold 151 week 200 money

5 rabbit 54 door 103 beautiful 152 sunday 201 to sell

6 horse 55 window 104 ugly 153 monday 202 to buy

7 elephant 56 house 105 to love 154 tuesday 203 to pay

8 bear 57 garbage 106 to hate 155 wednesday 204 to count

9 lion 58 rope 107 to start 156 thursday 205 to need

10 spider 59 feather 108 to finish 157 friday 206 deaf

11 fish 60 knife 109 to work 158 saturday 207 to sign

12 snake 61 book 110 to play 159 month 208 name

13 cow 62 paper 111 yes 160 january 209 story

14 animals 63 lightbulb 112 no 161 february 210 what?

15 banana 64 computer 113 true 162 march 211 how?

16 apple 65 city 114 false 163 april 212 when?

17 grapes 66 plane 115 good 164 may 213 where?

18 carrot 67 bus 116 bad 165 june 214 who?

19 onion 68 red 117 easy 166 july 215 how many?

20 tomato 69 black 118 difficult 167 august 216 all

21 bread 70 white 119 friend 168 september 217 some

22 corn 71 green 120 enemy 169 october 218 more

23 rice 72 blue 121 man 170 november 219 less

24 meat 73 yellow 122 woman 171 december 220 many

25 egg 74 colors 123 boy 172 to dance 221 nothing

26 milk 75 three 124 girl 173 to cook 222 only

27 wine 76 six 125 father 174 sweet 223 always

28 coffee 77 nine 126 mother 175 hungry 224 never

29 salt 78 ten 127 son 176 to sleep 225 now

30 food 79 twenty 128 daughter 177 to dream 226 almost

31 flower 80 hundred 129 grandfather 178 to help 227 continue

32 tree 81 thousand 130 grandmother 179 to fight 228 other

33 leaf 82 numbers 131 husband 180 to forgive 229 new

34 wood 83 full 132 wife 181 peace 230 problem

35 fire 84 empty 133 brother 182 to run 231 correct

36 grass 85 wet 134 sister 183 to sit 232 with

37 wind 86 dry 135 family 184 to stand 233 school

38 mountain 87 dirty 136 cousin 185 to build 234 church

39 sea 88 clean 137 soldier 186 to see 235 god

40 land 89 long 138 doctor 187 to search 236 devil

41 river 90 short 139 police 188 to meet 237 jesus

42 island 91 old 140 king 189 to ask 238 mary

43 rock 92 young 141 judge 190 to understand 239 angel

44 water 93 weak 142 law 191 to lie 240 thank you

45 sun 94 strong 143 teacher 192 to kill 241 you’re welcome

46 moon 95 fat 144 morning 193 sharp 242 to live

47 stars 96 skinny 145 afternoon 194 pain 243 to die

48 ice 97 poor 146 day 195 blood

49 snow 98 rich 147 night 196 afraid


Appendix B

Rank and frequency of parameter values

The following tables list the rank and frequency of each parameter value based on the

occurrences in the complete database of 50 sign varieties representing 13 countries. These

frequencies were quickly calculated thanks to a package of xml and xsl scripts developed

specifically for this word list comparison study by Lastufka (2010). In Table 21, the 99

handshape values are listed by rank-frequency for all coded handshapes in both initial and final

handshape parameters. The total tally of occurrences was 30,370.


Table 21: Rank and frequency of the combined initial and final handshape parameter values

Rank Handshape code Occurrences Frequency Rank Handshape code Occurrences Frequency

1 B-Text 2,975 9.80% 51 ILYflex-Top 107 0.35%

2 1 2,807 9.24% 52 5-Tflex 103 0.34%

3 5 2,350 7.74% 53 Fflexgap 93 0.31%

4 S 1,812 5.97% 54 Bbent-Top 90 0.30%

5 A-Text 1,054 3.47% 55 K-Text 87 0.29%

6 F 1,045 3.44% 56 Uflex 87 0.29%

7 B 1,036 3.41% 57 8 83 0.27%

8 O 865 2.85% 58 M 83 0.27%

9 Bbent-Text 813 2.68% 59 U-Text 83 0.27%

10 5flex-Top 721 2.37% 60 Olittleflex+ 82 0.27%

11 V 707 2.33% 61 E-Text 76 0.25%

12 Obent 658 2.17% 62 B-Ttog 71 0.23%

13 U 639 2.10% 63 Vbent 62 0.20%

14 1flex 611 2.01% 64 Wunspr 62 0.20%

15 L 609 2.01% 65 Ubent-Text 60 0.20%

16 Ttog 589 1.94% 66 Bbent-Ttog 58 0.19%

17 I 513 1.69% 67 R-Text 54 0.18%

18 5-Top 500 1.65% 68 Ubent-Top 54 0.18%

19 Y 497 1.64% 69 8gap 53 0.17%

20 C-Top 485 1.60% 70 3flex 51 0.17%

21 A 484 1.59% 71 Clittle 49 0.16%

22 R 402 1.32% 72 Fflex+ 45 0.15%

23 W 396 1.30% 73 3flex-Top 43 0.14%

24 1bent 365 1.20% 74 Ibent 43 0.14%

25 5flex-Text 346 1.14% 75 Lbent 41 0.14%

26 G 320 1.05% 76 Uflex-Top 41 0.14%

27 Bflex-Text 313 1.03% 77 N 37 0.12%

28 D 308 1.01% 78 8flex+ 33 0.11%

29 Vflex 278 0.92% 79 Bflex-Ttog 32 0.11%

30 K 269 0.89% 80 8flexgap 31 0.10%

31 Oflex+ 268 0.88% 81 U-Top 23 0.08%

32 8-Text 267 0.88% 82 Rhole 21 0.07%

33 Olittle 224 0.74% 83 Ybent 19 0.06%

34 5bent 216 0.71% 84 F-Text 18 0.06%

35 Mbent 210 0.69% 85 E-Top 16 0.05%

36 Olittlebent 206 0.68% 86 Ugap 14 0.05%

37 1-Top 199 0.66% 87 7 13 0.04%

38 Tcross 179 0.59% 88 Olittle-Tund 11 0.04%

39 5flex 175 0.58% 89 1flex-Tflex 10 0.03%

40 3 171 0.56% 90 ILYbent-Top 10 0.03%

41 Clittle-Top 162 0.53% 91 E-Ttog 8 0.03%

42 Lflex 162 0.53% 92 1-Ttog 6 0.02%

43 Ubent 157 0.52% 93 F-Ttog 6 0.02%

44 C 147 0.48% 94 Iflex 6 0.02%

45 B-Top 145 0.48% 95 Wflex 6 0.02%

46 E 140 0.46% 96 E-Tflex 5 0.02%

47 ILY 132 0.43% 97 I-Ttog 5 0.02%

48 T 119 0.39% 98 1-Tflex 3 0.01%

49 Gspread 115 0.38% 99 Y-MID 2 0.01%

50 Bbent 113 0.37%

In Table 22, the 99 handshape values are listed by rank-frequency for the initial handshape

parameter, the total tally of occurrences was 15,185.


Table 22: Rank and frequency of initial handshape parameter values

Rank Handshape code Occurrences Frequency Rank Handshape code Occurrences Frequency

1 1 1,586 10.44% 51 M 58 0.38%

2 B-Text 1,522 10.02% 52 ILYflex-Top 55 0.36%

3 5 1,085 7.15% 53 Ubent 54 0.36%

4 S 868 5.72% 54 T 53 0.35%

5 A-Text 552 3.64% 55 E 51 0.34%

6 B 530 3.49% 56 Bbent 50 0.33%

7 O 480 3.16% 57 8 47 0.31%

8 F 467 3.08% 58 5-Tflex 46 0.30%

9 V 375 2.47% 59 Uflex 38 0.25%

10 Bbent-Text 370 2.44% 60 B-Ttog 35 0.23%

11 5flex-Top 334 2.20% 61 E-Text 35 0.23%

12 U 331 2.18% 62 8flex+ 33 0.22%

13 I 298 1.96% 63 Wunspr 33 0.22%

14 L 293 1.93% 64 8gap 32 0.21%

15 Ttog 290 1.91% 65 Clittle 29 0.19%

16 Oflex+ 249 1.64% 66 Vbent 29 0.19%

17 A 247 1.63% 67 Olittlebent 27 0.18%

18 Obent 233 1.53% 68 R-Text 27 0.18%

19 C-Top 230 1.51% 69 Bbent-Ttog 26 0.17%

20 Y 229 1.51% 70 Fflex+ 24 0.16%

21 1flex 220 1.45% 71 U-Top 21 0.14%

22 W 212 1.40% 72 3flex-Top 20 0.13%

23 R 205 1.35% 73 8flexgap 17 0.11%

24 5-Top 192 1.26% 74 Ibent 17 0.11%

25 G 187 1.23% 75 3flex 16 0.11%

26 D 167 1.10% 76 N 16 0.11%

27 5flex-Text 166 1.09% 77 Uflex-Top 16 0.11%

28 1-Top 149 0.98% 78 Bflex-Ttog 15 0.10%

29 K 146 0.96% 79 E-Top 14 0.09%

30 8-Text 145 0.95% 80 Rhole 12 0.08%

31 5bent 135 0.89% 81 F-Text 10 0.07%

32 1bent 133 0.88% 82 Olittle-Tund 10 0.07%

33 Bflex-Text 125 0.82% 83 Ybent 10 0.07%

34 Vflex 124 0.82% 84 Ugap 9 0.06%

35 Mbent 113 0.74% 85 Lbent 8 0.05%

36 B-Top 108 0.71% 86 Ubent-Text 8 0.05%

37 3 95 0.63% 87 7 6 0.04%

38 Olittle 92 0.61% 88 E-Ttog 5 0.03%

39 Gspread 89 0.59% 89 ILYbent-Top 5 0.03%

40 Clittle-Top 87 0.57% 90 1flex-Tflex 4 0.03%

41 C 85 0.56% 91 I-Ttog 4 0.03%

42 5flex 77 0.51% 92 Ubent-Top 4 0.03%

43 Tcross 73 0.48% 93 E-Tflex 3 0.02%

44 Olittleflex+ 71 0.47% 94 F-Ttog 3 0.02%

45 U-Text 66 0.43% 95 1-Ttog 2 0.01%

46 Lflex 65 0.43% 96 Iflex 2 0.01%

47 ILY 63 0.41% 97 Wflex 2 0.01%

48 Fflexgap 62 0.41% 98 1-Tflex 1 0.01%

49 K-Text 61 0.40% 99 Y-MID 1 0.01%

50 Bbent-Top 60 0.40%

In Table 23, the 99 handshape values are listed by rank-frequency for the final handshape

parameter, the total tally of occurrences was 15,185.


Table 23: Rank and frequency of final handshape parameter values

Rank Handshape code Occurrences Frequency Rank Handshape code Occurrences Frequency

1 B-Text 1,453 9.57% 51 Ubent-Top 50 0.33%

2 5 1,265 8.33% 52 Uflex 49 0.32%

3 1 1,221 8.04% 53 E-Text 41 0.27%

4 S 944 6.22% 54 B-Top 37 0.24%

5 F 578 3.81% 55 8 36 0.24%

6 B 506 3.33% 56 B-Ttog 36 0.24%

7 A-Text 502 3.31% 57 3flex 35 0.23%

8 Bbent-Text 443 2.92% 58 Lbent 33 0.22%

9 Obent 425 2.80% 59 Vbent 33 0.22%

10 1flex 391 2.57% 60 Bbent-Ttog 32 0.21%

11 5flex-Top 387 2.55% 61 Fflexgap 31 0.20%

12 O 385 2.54% 62 Bbent-Top 30 0.20%

13 V 332 2.19% 63 Wunspr 29 0.19%

14 L 316 2.08% 64 R-Text 27 0.18%

15 5-Top 308 2.03% 65 Gspread 26 0.17%

16 U 308 2.03% 66 Ibent 26 0.17%

17 Ttog 299 1.97% 67 K-Text 26 0.17%

18 Y 268 1.76% 68 M 25 0.16%

19 C-Top 255 1.68% 69 Uflex-Top 25 0.16%

20 A 237 1.56% 70 3flex-Top 23 0.15%

21 1bent 232 1.53% 71 8gap 21 0.14%

22 I 215 1.42% 72 Fflex+ 21 0.14%

23 R 197 1.30% 73 N 21 0.14%

24 Bflex-Text 188 1.24% 74 Clittle 20 0.13%

25 W 184 1.21% 75 Oflex+ 19 0.13%

26 5flex-Text 180 1.19% 76 Bflex-Ttog 17 0.11%

27 Olittlebent 179 1.18% 77 U-Text 17 0.11%

28 Vflex 154 1.01% 78 8flexgap 14 0.09%

29 D 141 0.93% 79 Olittleflex+ 11 0.07%

30 G 133 0.88% 80 Rhole 9 0.06%

31 Olittle 132 0.87% 81 Ybent 9 0.06%

32 K 123 0.81% 82 F-Text 8 0.05%

33 8-Text 122 0.80% 83 7 7 0.05%

34 Tcross 106 0.70% 84 1flex-Tflex 6 0.04%

35 Ubent 103 0.68% 85 ILYbent-Top 5 0.03%

36 5flex 98 0.65% 86 Ugap 5 0.03%

37 Lflex 97 0.64% 87 1-Ttog 4 0.03%

38 Mbent 97 0.64% 88 Iflex 4 0.03%

39 E 89 0.59% 89 Wflex 4 0.03%

40 5bent 81 0.53% 90 E-Ttog 3 0.02%

41 3 76 0.50% 91 F-Ttog 3 0.02%

42 Clittle-Top 75 0.49% 92 1-Tflex 2 0.01%

43 ILY 69 0.45% 93 E-Tflex 2 0.01%

44 T 66 0.43% 94 E-Top 2 0.01%

45 Bbent 63 0.41% 95 U-Top 2 0.01%

46 C 62 0.41% 96 I-Ttog 1 0.01%

47 5-Tflex 57 0.38% 97 Olittle-Tund 1 0.01%

48 ILYflex-Top 52 0.34% 98 Y-MID 1 0.01%

49 Ubent-Text 52 0.34% 99 8flex+ 0 0.00%

50 1-Top 50 0.33%

In Table 24, the 31 location values are listed by rank-frequency for the combined initial and

final parameters, the total number of occurrences was 30,370.


Table 24: Rank and frequency of the combined initial and final location parameter values

Rank Location code Occurrences Frequency

1 SN 14,141 46.56%

2 Fing 1,919 6.32%

3 SFFace 1,699 5.59%

4 Palm 1,634 5.38%

5 SLoCheek 1,082 3.56%

6 Chin 1,039 3.42%

7 SHand 1,002 3.30%

8 Chest 960 3.16%

9 Fore 941 3.10%

10 Tips 901 2.97%

11 Lips 749 2.47%

12 Cheek 731 2.41%

13 SUpCheek 593 1.95%

14 SFAHead 590 1.94%

15 BHand 561 1.85%

16 Nose 309 1.02%

17 Wrist 234 0.77%

18 LoArm 207 0.68%

19 Elbow 171 0.56%

20 Ear 170 0.56%

21 Ribs 145 0.48%

22 Eye 135 0.44%

23 Should 86 0.28%

24 Neck 64 0.21%

25 UpArm 61 0.20%

26 Waist 61 0.20%

27 THead 44 0.14%

28 Teeth 39 0.13%

29 BHead 37 0.12%

30 Hip 37 0.12%

31 SAHead 28 0.09%

In Table 25, the 31 location values are listed by rank-frequency separately for the initial and

final location parameters, the total number of occurrences was 15,185.


Table 25: Rank and frequency of initial and final location parameter values

Initial Location Final Location

Rank Code Occurrences Frequency Rank Code Occurrences Frequency

1 SN 6,413 42.23% 1 SN 7,728 50.89%

2 Fing 1,085 7.15% 2 Fing 834 5.49%

3 SFFace 926 6.10% 3 SFFace 773 5.09%

4 Palm 908 5.98% 4 Palm 726 4.78%

5 Chin 656 4.32% 5 SHand 613 4.04%

6 Fore 597 3.93% 6 SLoCheek 610 4.02%

7 Tips 550 3.62% 7 Chest 465 3.06%

8 Chest 495 3.26% 8 Chin 383 2.52%

9 Lips 481 3.17% 9 Tips 351 2.31%

10 SLoCheek 472 3.11% 10 Fore 344 2.27%

11 Cheek 398 2.62% 11 Cheek 333 2.19%

12 SHand 389 2.56% 12 BHand 298 1.96%

13 SFAHead 340 2.24% 13 SUpCheek 282 1.86%

14 SUpCheek 311 2.05% 14 Lips 268 1.76%

15 BHand 263 1.73% 15 SFAHead 250 1.65%

16 Nose 213 1.40% 16 Wrist 140 0.92%

17 Ear 94 0.62% 17 Elbow 115 0.76%

18 Eye 94 0.62% 18 LoArm 113 0.74%

19 LoArm 94 0.62% 19 Ribs 101 0.67%

20 Wrist 94 0.62% 20 Nose 96 0.63%

21 Elbow 56 0.37% 21 Ear 76 0.50%

22 Should 48 0.32% 22 Waist 49 0.32%

23 Ribs 44 0.29% 23 Eye 41 0.27%

24 Neck 37 0.24% 24 Should 38 0.25%

25 UpArm 34 0.22% 25 BHead 35 0.23%

26 Hip 23 0.15% 26 Neck 27 0.18%

27 SAHead 22 0.14% 27 UpArm 27 0.18%

28 THead 18 0.12% 28 THead 26 0.17%

29 Teeth 16 0.11% 29 Teeth 23 0.15%

30 Waist 12 0.08% 30 Hip 14 0.09%

31 BHead 2 0.01% 31 SAHead 6 0.04%

In Table 26, the two palm orientation values are listed from most to least frequently occurring

out of 15,185 total occurrences.

Table 26: Rank and frequency of the two palm orientation parameter values

Rank Palm orientation code Occurrences Frequency

1 P- 10,508 69.20%

2 P+ 4,677 30.80%

In Table 27, the five joint movement values are listed from most to least frequently occurring

out of 15,185 total occurrences.

Table 27: Rank and frequency of the five joint movement parameter values

Rank Joint movement code Occurrences Frequency

1 Elbow 7,551 49.73%

2 Fingers 4,847 31.92%

3 Wrist 1,552 10.22%

4 Shoulder 1,026 6.76%

5 Hold 209 1.38%


Appendix C

Levenshtein distances between each variety pairing

Table 28 lists the Levenshtein distances between each pairing of the 50 sign language

varieties (1,225 pairs) using the four parameter coding system of initial and final handshapes and

initial and final locations. This data set uses the refined word list of 215 items and the refined

handshape parameter value inventory of 74 values.


Table 28: Levenshtein distances between each pair of sign language varieties

Chi le-01

0.456 Chi le-02

0.428 0.445 Chi le-04

0.453 0.436 0.444 Chi le-05

0.710 0.729 0.699 0.706 DomR-01

0.681 0.683 0.660 0.659 0.353 DomR-02

0.698 0.692 0.676 0.676 0.374 0.373 DomR-03

0.683 0.679 0.647 0.672 0.427 0.377 0.327 DomR-04

0.724 0.709 0.696 0.709 0.523 0.508 0.469 0.475 DomR-05

0.694 0.704 0.694 0.697 0.471 0.414 0.459 0.427 0.472 DomR-06

0.693 0.673 0.668 0.657 0.439 0.411 0.410 0.400 0.487 0.439 DomR-08

0.709 0.724 0.693 0.705 0.474 0.438 0.420 0.434 0.534 0.462 0.409 DomR-09

0.698 0.707 0.677 0.685 0.403 0.379 0.331 0.348 0.466 0.416 0.432 0.409 DomR-10

0.684 0.683 0.674 0.681 0.682 0.646 0.649 0.641 0.699 0.672 0.656 0.645 0.648 ElSa l -03

0.704 0.699 0.703 0.713 0.596 0.557 0.522 0.535 0.613 0.612 0.565 0.548 0.496 0.504 ElSa l -08

0.702 0.678 0.689 0.692 0.666 0.622 0.639 0.631 0.680 0.672 0.644 0.639 0.641 0.384 0.526 ElSa l -12

0.710 0.712 0.694 0.732 0.608 0.553 0.543 0.547 0.611 0.606 0.565 0.581 0.539 0.657 0.563 0.641 Hond-01

0.698 0.693 0.684 0.706 0.582 0.537 0.506 0.535 0.596 0.592 0.565 0.579 0.500 0.665 0.570 0.648 0.308 Hond-05

0.689 0.697 0.683 0.701 0.590 0.535 0.512 0.523 0.604 0.597 0.570 0.569 0.505 0.648 0.547 0.643 0.305 0.289 Hond-10

0.713 0.714 0.718 0.709 0.593 0.554 0.530 0.558 0.603 0.589 0.538 0.556 0.526 0.655 0.541 0.647 0.382 0.370 0.343 Hond-11

0.751 0.757 0.748 0.761 0.784 0.771 0.758 0.754 0.801 0.792 0.760 0.754 0.755 0.755 0.748 0.763 0.775 0.764 0.752 0.789 Ire-01

0.723 0.734 0.728 0.735 0.547 0.548 0.486 0.507 0.563 0.561 0.544 0.563 0.486 0.681 0.547 0.684 0.602 0.577 0.597 0.600 0.718 Jam-01

0.727 0.732 0.729 0.730 0.512 0.520 0.469 0.488 0.551 0.581 0.543 0.534 0.474 0.679 0.513 0.667 0.580 0.567 0.577 0.583 0.711 0.373 Jam-02

0.723 0.727 0.731 0.729 0.522 0.534 0.460 0.483 0.558 0.551 0.546 0.527 0.472 0.674 0.531 0.651 0.591 0.572 0.572 0.598 0.716 0.360 0.322 Jam-03

0.750 0.744 0.747 0.744 0.565 0.543 0.516 0.521 0.604 0.573 0.570 0.561 0.525 0.699 0.554 0.677 0.626 0.604 0.608 0.613 0.723 0.420 0.374 0.385 Jam-06

0.739 0.741 0.735 0.736 0.503 0.513 0.447 0.489 0.546 0.541 0.527 0.524 0.458 0.680 0.526 0.673 0.590 0.560 0.561 0.573 0.727 0.364 0.316 0.315 0.356 Jam-07

0.732 0.722 0.728 0.732 0.559 0.551 0.532 0.530 0.571 0.597 0.561 0.561 0.517 0.682 0.519 0.674 0.601 0.608 0.594 0.604 0.732 0.433 0.382 0.398 0.417 Jam-08

0.750 0.753 0.758 0.754 0.762 0.725 0.737 0.738 0.737 0.749 0.763 0.743 0.745 0.745 0.756 0.755 0.766 0.739 0.744 0.754 0.724 0.759 0.735 0.747 0.760 NIre-01

0.670 0.668 0.680 0.678 0.577 0.545 0.568 0.555 0.620 0.574 0.567 0.566 0.573 0.630 0.613 0.618 0.587 0.567 0.582 0.590 0.762 0.643 0.619 0.617 0.645 Pan-01

0.648 0.645 0.643 0.652 0.549 0.495 0.496 0.500 0.609 0.573 0.536 0.561 0.494 0.568 0.538 0.574 0.493 0.458 0.479 0.478 0.739 0.576 0.571 0.561 0.604 Pan-06

0.648 0.637 0.648 0.649 0.715 0.669 0.692 0.669 0.695 0.710 0.698 0.711 0.690 0.693 0.715 0.695 0.730 0.701 0.716 0.731 0.768 0.721 0.725 0.708 0.734 Prgy-02

0.666 0.651 0.657 0.668 0.736 0.676 0.719 0.686 0.735 0.719 0.680 0.718 0.726 0.688 0.712 0.694 0.745 0.734 0.727 0.741 0.769 0.748 0.732 0.731 0.742 Prgy-03

0.659 0.640 0.659 0.651 0.736 0.701 0.723 0.693 0.703 0.714 0.711 0.725 0.722 0.690 0.708 0.700 0.746 0.731 0.728 0.745 0.785 0.735 0.731 0.742 0.749 Prgy-04

0.666 0.662 0.661 0.649 0.733 0.679 0.717 0.689 0.741 0.729 0.725 0.730 0.702 0.697 0.728 0.703 0.755 0.722 0.720 0.736 0.775 0.752 0.746 0.752 0.766 Prgy-05

0.652 0.644 0.675 0.657 0.731 0.691 0.710 0.688 0.728 0.722 0.706 0.726 0.713 0.697 0.713 0.689 0.727 0.709 0.706 0.732 0.776 0.742 0.734 0.739 0.751 Prgy-06

0.650 0.623 0.670 0.668 0.702 0.662 0.704 0.665 0.741 0.716 0.676 0.733 0.713 0.715 0.726 0.667 0.747 0.727 0.726 0.729 0.778 0.719 0.719 0.715 0.723 Prgy-07

0.620 0.625 0.620 0.622 0.725 0.674 0.697 0.659 0.693 0.687 0.681 0.721 0.705 0.682 0.696 0.690 0.724 0.703 0.704 0.710 0.769 0.728 0.727 0.718 0.749 Prgy-08

0.649 0.640 0.649 0.647 0.719 0.665 0.682 0.661 0.696 0.682 0.684 0.717 0.692 0.699 0.713 0.703 0.719 0.703 0.697 0.711 0.772 0.722 0.707 0.717 0.732 Prgy-09

0.672 0.678 0.674 0.676 0.601 0.569 0.558 0.573 0.609 0.613 0.579 0.590 0.561 0.666 0.594 0.660 0.618 0.603 0.610 0.598 0.731 0.607 0.604 0.577 0.630 Peru-01

0.639 0.641 0.653 0.649 0.616 0.588 0.571 0.571 0.623 0.627 0.600 0.630 0.565 0.665 0.609 0.659 0.655 0.637 0.636 0.626 0.761 0.645 0.609 0.605 0.645 Peru-05

0.670 0.668 0.658 0.673 0.596 0.576 0.527 0.526 0.611 0.616 0.568 0.588 0.548 0.691 0.602 0.654 0.618 0.594 0.590 0.587 0.763 0.580 0.560 0.553 0.591 Peru-18

0.630 0.652 0.637 0.650 0.624 0.589 0.567 0.553 0.612 0.623 0.586 0.597 0.561 0.634 0.581 0.652 0.630 0.617 0.608 0.608 0.767 0.630 0.600 0.588 0.635 Peru-22

0.730 0.747 0.755 0.752 0.537 0.552 0.476 0.490 0.555 0.552 0.534 0.547 0.464 0.692 0.505 0.670 0.543 0.562 0.553 0.546 0.748 0.414 0.369 0.366 0.441 StVin-01

0.735 0.735 0.730 0.735 0.549 0.534 0.467 0.506 0.556 0.574 0.548 0.523 0.480 0.659 0.503 0.658 0.529 0.551 0.545 0.521 0.733 0.432 0.411 0.420 0.472 Trin-01

0.727 0.724 0.710 0.717 0.592 0.580 0.536 0.556 0.587 0.609 0.571 0.576 0.525 0.657 0.564 0.663 0.568 0.588 0.585 0.560 0.733 0.490 0.494 0.472 0.538 Trin-02

0.704 0.729 0.713 0.718 0.577 0.571 0.551 0.555 0.618 0.604 0.577 0.591 0.536 0.660 0.522 0.654 0.614 0.621 0.625 0.602 0.724 0.518 0.469 0.468 0.520 Trin-03

0.715 0.724 0.713 0.723 0.489 0.501 0.446 0.471 0.553 0.563 0.545 0.546 0.457 0.659 0.547 0.647 0.551 0.535 0.555 0.567 0.695 0.402 0.361 0.373 0.453 USA-01

0.726 0.725 0.728 0.731 0.511 0.510 0.457 0.491 0.545 0.527 0.517 0.535 0.455 0.674 0.509 0.672 0.579 0.563 0.560 0.571 0.717 0.399 0.375 0.378 0.446 USA-05

0.729 0.739 0.734 0.737 0.529 0.549 0.473 0.516 0.595 0.591 0.525 0.547 0.484 0.678 0.524 0.664 0.605 0.574 0.576 0.590 0.733 0.409 0.372 0.383 0.444 USA-06

0.748 0.737 0.742 0.735 0.525 0.529 0.483 0.533 0.582 0.537 0.546 0.575 0.484 0.686 0.537 0.680 0.607 0.588 0.589 0.605 0.725 0.415 0.400 0.419 0.449 USA-07


0.371 Jam-08

0.762 0.765 NIre-01

0.629 0.625 0.754 Pan-01

0.545 0.579 0.723 0.461 Pan-06

0.729 0.721 0.743 0.667 0.655 Prgy-02

0.745 0.743 0.778 0.690 0.687 0.459 Prgy-03

0.735 0.736 0.766 0.696 0.679 0.373 0.413 Prgy-04

0.767 0.762 0.758 0.673 0.665 0.422 0.504 0.448 Prgy-05

0.755 0.744 0.764 0.692 0.673 0.409 0.476 0.411 0.435 Prgy-06

0.701 0.720 0.761 0.660 0.658 0.575 0.530 0.525 0.606 0.595 Prgy-07

0.723 0.729 0.751 0.685 0.662 0.361 0.438 0.368 0.430 0.380 0.533 Prgy-08

0.725 0.729 0.743 0.686 0.659 0.363 0.431 0.364 0.425 0.396 0.523 0.343 Prgy-09

0.600 0.618 0.735 0.617 0.562 0.659 0.712 0.689 0.701 0.700 0.714 0.661 0.673 Peru-01

0.628 0.617 0.764 0.600 0.581 0.647 0.697 0.669 0.669 0.670 0.678 0.663 0.664 0.501 Peru-05

0.552 0.599 0.736 0.601 0.548 0.673 0.726 0.693 0.708 0.708 0.671 0.670 0.688 0.385 0.487 Peru-18

0.595 0.597 0.741 0.620 0.574 0.654 0.682 0.674 0.697 0.678 0.675 0.660 0.663 0.478 0.469 0.450 Peru-22

0.348 0.427 0.731 0.640 0.559 0.733 0.755 0.742 0.761 0.751 0.711 0.733 0.714 0.595 0.635 0.573 0.601 StVin-01

0.387 0.467 0.741 0.628 0.555 0.714 0.725 0.727 0.746 0.726 0.701 0.701 0.705 0.579 0.623 0.573 0.589 0.346 Trin-01

0.470 0.509 0.728 0.639 0.574 0.705 0.723 0.722 0.735 0.734 0.708 0.711 0.714 0.602 0.632 0.578 0.609 0.440 0.340 Trin-02

0.476 0.481 0.749 0.616 0.582 0.700 0.716 0.718 0.739 0.722 0.697 0.706 0.704 0.616 0.618 0.609 0.597 0.491 0.441 0.468 Trin-03

0.386 0.487 0.728 0.597 0.524 0.700 0.712 0.715 0.731 0.731 0.690 0.713 0.696 0.555 0.604 0.535 0.601 0.395 0.400 0.466 0.508 USA-01

0.374 0.472 0.743 0.620 0.552 0.723 0.740 0.730 0.747 0.728 0.713 0.721 0.714 0.569 0.620 0.547 0.616 0.409 0.418 0.478 0.496 0.294 USA-05

0.384 0.469 0.757 0.616 0.574 0.732 0.740 0.748 0.763 0.746 0.717 0.732 0.731 0.602 0.628 0.567 0.622 0.430 0.445 0.496 0.492 0.348 0.346 USA-06

0.413 0.489 0.748 0.635 0.581 0.729 0.748 0.738 0.758 0.748 0.732 0.737 0.728 0.602 0.636 0.587 0.638 0.444 0.460 0.511 0.526 0.354 0.321 0.361 USA-07



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