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Shared Velocity Encoding: A Method to Improve theTemporal Resolution of Phase-Contrast VelocityMeasurements

Hung-Yu Lin,1,2 Jacob A. Bender,1,2 Yu Ding,2 Yiu-Cho Chung,4 Alice M. Hinton,5

Michael L. Pennell,5 Kevin K. Whitehead,6 Subha V. Raman,2,3,7

and Orlando P. Simonetti1–3,7*

Phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) is usedroutinely to measure fluid and tissue velocity with a variety ofclinical applications. Phase-contrast magnetic resonanceimaging methods require acquisition of additional data toenable phase difference reconstruction, making real-timeimaging problematic. Shared Velocity Encoding (SVE), amethod devised to improve the effective temporal resolutionof phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging, was imple-mented in a real-time pulse sequence with segmented echoplanar readout. The effect of SVE on peak velocity measure-ment was investigated in computer simulation, and peakvelocities and total flow were measured in a flow phantomand in volunteers and compared with a conventional ECG-triggered, segmented k-space phase-contrast sequence as areference standard. Computer simulation showed a 36%reduction in peak velocity error from 8.8 to 5.6% with SVE. Asimilar reduction of 40% in peak velocity error was shown ina pulsatile flow phantom. In the phantom and volunteers, vol-ume flow did not differ significantly when measured with orwithout SVE. Peak velocity measurements made in the volun-teers using SVE showed a higher concordance correlation(0.96) with the reference standard than non-SVE (0.87). Theimprovement in effective temporal resolution with SVE recon-struction has a positive impact on the precision and accuracyof real-time phase-contrast magnetic resonance imagingpeak velocity measurements. Magn Reson Med 000:000–000,2011. VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: phase-contrast MRI; flow quantification; real-timeimaging; shared velocity encoding

The phase shift caused by moving spins was firstdescribed in 1954 (1), and this effect was used to mea-sure motion in seawater in 1960 (2). The technique ofphase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI)relies on this basic principle and has served for over twodecades as an important clinical diagnostic tool used pri-marily to measure volume flow and peak velocities inmajor blood vessels and through heart valves (3–5).Today, the most commonly used PC-MRI methods stillfollow the original approach of acquiring two gradientecho datasets with different phase sensitivities to veloc-ity. Phase-difference reconstruction is performed on eachcomplex image data pair to eliminate any residual non-zero phase variation due to effects other than velocity.

Current PC-MRI methods use ECG synchronization

and frequently use strategies of k-space segmentation to

reduce acquisition time (6,7) to a reasonable breath-hold.

However, as with any ECG-triggered pulse sequence, this

method requires a reliable ECG signal and regular car-

diac rhythm. Signal-averaging and respiratory gating can

be used to suppress respiratory motion artifacts when

breath-holding is not feasible. Furthermore, the velocity

information resulting from a segmented k-space acquisi-

tion is a weighted temporal average of the velocity wave-

form acquired over multiple cardiac and respiratory

cycles; short-term hemodynamic variations are lost, such

as those that occur under pharmacological stress (8,9),

following physical exercise (10,11), or during other phys-

ical maneuvers (14,15). Real-time PC-MRI would be de-

sirable for these applications and as an alternative for

patients with irregular cardiac rhythm or inability to

breath-hold.Although real-time acquisition of cine images without

ECG synchronization or breath-holding is often used toevaluate cardiac function in patients when conventionalECG-triggered segmented k-space acquisitions fail, real-time PC-MRI is not commonly utilized due to its intrinsi-cally slower acquisition rate. Various methods for real-time PC-MRI have been previously proposed, includingthe use of alternative k-space sampling trajectories suchas gradient-echo echo-planar (12–16) and spiral readouts(17–19). Although these rapid k-space sampling strat-egies have successfully demonstrated the feasibility ofmeasuring blood flow in real time, temporal resolutionremains a concern. Temporal data sharing schemes suchas view-sharing are commonly used to improve effective

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University,Columbus, Ohio, USA.2Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, Ohio, USA.3Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, TheOhio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.4Siemens Healthcare, Columbus, Ohio, USA.5Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University,Columbus, Ohio, USA.6Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.7Department of Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Grant sponsor: National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute; Grant number:R01HL102450-02

*Correspondence to: Orlando P. Simonetti, Professor of Internal Medicineand Radiology, The Ohio State University, 410 West 10th Avenue, Room527 Doan Hall, Columbus, OH 43210.E-mail: [email protected]

Received 3 May 2011; revised 4 October 2011; accepted 5 October 2011.

DOI 10.1002/mrm.23273Published online in Wiley Online Library (

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 000:000–000 (2011)

VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

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temporal resolution in dynamic imaging and have beendemonstrated to increase the accuracy of estimation ofthe left ventricular end-systolic volume (20). A view-sharing scheme incorporating more frequent updating ofthe central lines in a segmented k-space acquisition (21)has been shown to improve the temporal resolution ofPC-MRI (22). However, view-sharing alone may not besufficient to achieve adequate temporal resolution withreal-time velocity imaging, in particular at the high heartrates encountered during pharmacological or exercisestress testing, or when accurate peak velocity measure-ment is required. Additionally, any data sharing schememust be compatible with the desired k-space trajectory[e.g., echo-planar imaging (EPI), radial, spiral] and paral-lel imaging method (e.g., GRAPPA, TSENSE). View-shar-ing methods, EPI, and parallel imaging can each placecompeting requirements on k-space trajectories. Viewsharing requires flexible phase-encoding line orderingwhile EPI uses blipped phase-encoding gradients to stepthrough k-space, making practical combinations of thesetwo methods potentially unworkable.

In the present work, a simple method originallydescribed by Bernstein (23) that we call shared velocityencoding (SVE) (23,24) is investigated as a means toimprove the effective temporal resolution of PC-MRI.Unlike view-sharing, SVE shares velocity encodings,rather than portions of k-space, between adjacent framesresulting in a doubling of the effective temporal resolu-tion. The method does not impose specific requirementson the k-space trajectory and therefore works seamlesslywith EPI and parallel imaging under-sampling strategies.The aim of this is to investigate and demonstrate theadvantages and tradeoffs of the SVE method applied to

real-time PC-MRI. Computer simulations are used toinvestigate the impact of SVE on the precision of peakvelocity measurement, a pulsatile flow phantom is usedto evaluate the accuracy of real-time flow and peak ve-locity measurements, and experiments in normal humansubjects are used to demonstrate the feasibility and effec-tiveness of real-time PC-MRI utilizing SVE.


PC-MRI is typically performed using one of two meth-ods: one-sided encoding (Fig. 1a) in which velocity com-pensated and velocity encoded data are acquired foreach cardiac phase (25), or two-sided encoding (Fig. 1b)in which data with equal and opposite velocity encod-ings are acquired (26,27). The SVE concept, illustrated inFig. 1d, is to share one version of velocity encoded k-space data (kþ or k�) between adjacent frames in two-sided velocity encoded PC-MRI. In Fig. 1d, the odd-num-bered frames are identical to the four frames generatedby conventional phase-contrast reconstruction (Fig. 1b);SVE additionally reconstructs intermediate frames (evenframes 2, 4, and 6). Although each of these additional(even) frames shares velocity data with the adjacentframes, each contains a unique set of data that representsa velocity measurement centered at the time between theoriginal frames. Thus, SVE neither interpolates databetween the original frames nor alters the temporal win-dow used to sample the flow information. Instead, ituses a sliding window that advances one full k-space ata time, rather than shifting two full datasets betweenreconstructed frames as is done conventionally. SVE canalso be applied to segmented acquisitions, in which case

FIG. 1. The top two diagrams illustrate conventional one-sided (a) and two-sided (b) velocity encoding. The red bars in all diagramsshow the data included in the reconstruction of each frame. One-sided velocity encoding (a) utilizes pairs of velocity encoded (ke) andvelocity compensated (k0) k-space data. Two-sided encoding utilizes k-space data pairs with positive (kþ) and negative (k-) velocity sen-

sitivities (b). The proposed method of shared velocity encoding (SVE) image reconstruction is illustrated in (d). SVE cannot be combinedwith one-sided encoding as shown in (c) since image pairs sharing the same velocity encoded data (ke) would be redundant.

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each block in the figures would represent a segment ofk-space, rather than all k-space lines.

Figure 1c illustrates why the SVE method can only beused with two-sided velocity encoding. In one-sidedencoding, there is no velocity information in the velocitycompensated data; the SVE strategy of shifting only onek-space block at a time would result in new velocity in-formation in only every second reconstructed image; ad-jacent frames would carry identical velocity information,as illustrated in Figure 1c.

The intention of the SVE reconstruction scheme istherefore to restore temporal resolution that is typicallylost in two-sided PC-MRI by boosting the effective tem-poral resolution by a factor of two. It should be notedthat while SVE doubles the effective frame rate, compar-ing Fig. 1b and d reveals that the temporal window ofeach frame is unchanged with SVE reconstruction.


Sequence Implementation

Real-time gradient-echo EPI (GRE-EPI) with SVE recon-struction was implemented on a 1.5-T MR system with32 receiver channels and maximum gradient amplitudeand slew rate of 45 mT/m and 200 mT/m/ms respec-tively (MAGNETOM Avanto, Siemens Healthcare, Mal-vern, PA). The GRE-EPI sequence was implemented withecho train length ¼ 15, a center-out k-space acquisitionorder to minimize effective echo time, and through-planevelocity encoding as illustrated in Fig. 2. A 25� rapid bi-nomial water excitation pulse (28) was used in conjunc-tion with the EPI readout to provide the fat suppressionneeded to avoid off-resonance artifacts. This resulted ina echo time of 3.9 ms (measured from the first pulse ofthe 1-1 binomial water excitation pulse) and a repetitiontime of 13.75 ms at a VENC of 150 cm/s. Four shots perimage were used to collect a total of 60 k-space linesresulting in an acquisition time of 55 ms for each full k-space dataset. Parallel imaging technique TGRAPPA (29)with acceleration rate 2 was used to reconstruct 120

lines per image. Other imaging parameters used were:2405 Hz/pixel readout bandwidth, 120 � 160 pixelreconstructed matrix, 10 mm slice, 300 mm � 400 mmrectangular field-of-view (2.5 mm � 2.5 mm pixels).Maxwell correction was used to account for the effect ofconcomitant gradients on the phase maps (30). A sum-mary of imaging parameters is given in Table 1.

Computer Simulation

Simulations were performed to confirm that the expectedimprovement in temporal resolution with SVE yields amore accurate measurement of peak velocity. A velocitywaveform was designed to approximate systolic aortic

FIG. 2. Pulse sequence diagram illustrating details of the segmented EPI acquisition with velocity encoding on the slice-select gradient

axis. Center-out encoding is used for every echo train. The diagram accurately depicts the sequence timing used in this study, althoughonly two of the four shots used for each image are shown. Echo train length of 15, four shots per image, and TGRAPPA accelerationfactor of 2 resulted in 120 reconstructed lines.

Table 1

Imaging Parameters Used for Phantom and Volunteer Scans



SVE and


Temporal resolution (ms) 55 55 (SVE)110 (non-SVE)

VENC (cm/s) 150

Parallel acceleration 2xFlip angle 25�

Acquisition Segmentedgradient echoFive lines

per segment

Real-timegradient echoEPI Four shots

per imageEcho train length 1 15Read direction

FOV (mm) 400Pixel Number 160

Pixel Size (mm) 2.5Bandwidth (Hz/pixel) 600 2405

Phase direction

FOV (mm) 300Pixel Number 120

Pixel Size (mm) 2.5Repetition time 4.6 ms 13.75 msEcho time 2.0 ms 2.5ms

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flow at a heart rate of 75 beats per min (800 ms R-Rinterval). The waveform consisted of a 300 ms half-sinewave followed by zero velocity for the remainder of thesimulated RR interval (see Fig. 3a). Acquisition of k-space data for a single velocity encoding was assumed totake 50 ms; this can be considered as the time to acquirecomplete image data in the case of real-time imaging, orone segment of k-space in a segmented acquisition. Two-sided encoding was simulated for both SVE and non-SVE reconstruction. The alignment between samplepoints and the velocity peak was varied and peak veloc-ity calculated over a range of time shifts of the samplingraster to investigate the influence of SVE on the averageand maximum variability in measured peak velocity.


A pulsatile phantom was used to compare SVE with con-ventional non-SVE reconstruction. The phantom con-sisted of rigid pipe with a 0.5200 inner diameter and 0.8400

outer diameter connected by flexible tubing to a Cardio-flow 5000 system (Shelley Medical Imaging Technolo-gies, London Ontario, Canada). The pipe was positionedalong the length of the magnet bore passing through atransverse imaging slice at magnet isocenter. The servomotor established a cyclical flow waveform consisting ofa 512 ms half sine wave with a peak flow of 100 mL/sfollowed by 512 ms of no flow. A transit time ultrasoundflowmeter (Transonic Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY) with theflow probe (ME19PXN) positioned between the pumpand the imaged slice, at the junction of the flexible tub-ing and the rigid pipe, was used to record and verify theMRI flow measurements.


This study was approved by our institutional reviewboard and was compliant with the Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Informedconsent was obtained from all volunteers. Thirteenhealthy volunteers (mean age 32.5 6 12.5 years, range19–56; three females) with no history of cardiovasculardisease were scanned. Through-plane velocity measure-

ments were made in each volunteer in the ascendingaorta and main pulmonary artery immediately distal tothe valve at the valve leaflet tips. Multiple scout planeswere used to ensure the velocity measurement planeswere perpendicular to the vessels of interest. Threemeasurements were made in each vessel. The first andthird measurements utilized a conventional, retrospec-tively gated, segmented k-space PC-MRI acquisition,which were averaged to account for physiological drift.This is the same pulse sequence and scan parametersused in our clinical cardiac MRI laboratory for velocitymeasurements. The second acquisition in each vesselutilized the real-time PC-MRI sequence. Real-time datawere acquired over � 10 cardiac cycles and the volun-teers were instructed to breath-hold to ensure registrationwith the segmented k-space acquisitions. Acquisition pa-rameters (see Table 1) including spatial resolution andtemporal resolution were matched as closely as possiblebetween the segmented k-space and real-time acquisi-tions. The real-time sequence used two-sided velocityencoding to enable SVE reconstruction; the segmentedbreath-hold scan utilized the standard PC-MRI gradientecho sequence available on the scanner which incorpo-rated one-sided encoding. The real-time data were recon-structed both with and without SVE for comparison.

Flow and Peak Velocity Analysis—Phantom and VolunteerData

The measurement methods described here were used forboth the phantom and the volunteer data. ROIs weredrawn on the vessels of interest in the PC-MRI cines, andimage analysis was done using the freely available soft-ware Segment version 1.8 (31). Peak velocity and totalflow over the cardiac cycle were measured. From the real-time data, the peak velocity was manually selected foreach heartbeat and then averaged over all cardiac cyclesfor the purpose of comparing with the segmented k-spacesequence that results in a single measurement of peakvelocity and flow volume for each scan.

The phantom data were analyzed with nonparametricmethods due to the non-normality of the data (as indi-cated by normal-quantile plots) SVE and non-SVE flow

FIG. 3. On the left (a) is a plot of simulated aortic velocity vs. time. The velocity is modeled with a half wave sine with R-R interval ¼800 ms and pulse duration ¼ 300 ms. Graph on the right (b) shows the results of theoretical, SVE, and non-SVE peak velocity measure-ments over a range of temporal offsets expressed in milliseconds relative to simulated half sine wave. The error function is periodic.

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or velocity measurements were compared to the refer-ence standard through Wilcoxon’s signed rank test andalso compared to one another through Wilcoxon’s ranksum test. SVE and non-SVE flow measurements werecompared to ultrasound flow using Wilcoxon’s signedrank test.

The SVE and non-SVE flow and peak velocity meas-urements on the 13 volunteers were compared with thereference standard segmented acquisition using concord-ance correlation coefficients (CCCs) and Bland-Altmanplots. The CCC measures how closely the SVE/non-SVEmeasurements adhere to a 45� line (i.e., a line of perfectagreement) when plotted against the reference standardvalues, with a value of 1 denoting perfect agreement.

Each analysis required methods to account for correla-tions between the aorta and main pulmonary arterymeasurements on the same subject. Limits of agreement(bias 6 1.96 s.d.) for the Bland-Altman analysis were cal-culated using Bland and Altman’s formula for repeatedmeasures data (32) while CCCs and their confidenceintervals were calculated using King, Chinchilli, andCarrasco’s method for repeated measures data (33).


Computer Simulation

Figure 3b illustrates the measured peak velocity as afunction of the temporal offset between sample pointsand the true peak. The results show that both SVE andnon-SVE reconstructions underestimated the peak veloc-ity at any offset between the peak and sample points dueto the implicit temporal averaging of a finite temporalwindow. For smaller offsets, SVE and non-SVE showedidentical performance; however, when the offsetincreased, the additional frames generated by the SVEreconstruction were able to more accurately capture thepeak velocity and reduce the peak velocity error com-pared with conventional (non-SVE) reconstruction. SVE

Table 2Computer Simulation Error in Peak Velocity Measurement

Expressed as Percentages of True Peak Velocity

Non-SVE (%) SVE (%)

Minimum error 4.51 4.51Maximum error 17.30 7.76

Error range 12.79 3.25Average error 8.81 5.59

FIG. 4. Example magnitude and phase-velocity images for segmented k-space (a), real time non-SVE (b), and real time SVE (c) of thethoracic aorta in a volunteer showing typical image quality. Aortic velocity waveforms are shown from one volunteer acquired using seg-

mented k-space, real-time SVE, and real-time non-SVE (d). Note the degradation in peak velocity when real-time acquisition is usedwithout SVE reconstruction.

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showed a 36% reduction in peak velocity error on aver-age (SVE: 5.59%, non-SVE: 8.81%), and reduced themaximum potential error caused by temporal misregistra-tion of the velocity peak with sample points by 55%(SVE: 7.76%, non-SVE: 17.30%). Numerical results arelisted in Table 2.


The two-sided velocity-encoded real-time data wasacquired over nine pulsatile cycles. These were com-pared with the reference standard obtained using thestandard segmented k-space acquisition, and also to flowmeasured using the ultrasound flow probe. The medianphantom flow measured using SVE reconstruction (26.96mL/s) was closer to the reference standard flow (26.24mL/s) than non-SVE (22.57 mL/s), though neither me-dian was significantly different from reference standard(P ¼ 0.16 for SVE and P ¼ 0.43 for non-SVE), and themeasurements were not significantly different from oneanother (P ¼ 1.00). The median SVE flow was signifi-cantly (P ¼ 0.004) less than ultrasound flow (32.07 mL/s). Although there was a greater difference between the

median non-SVE flow and the ultrasound flow, statisti-cal significance was not achieved (P ¼ 0.10) due to thehigh variability in the measurements (range ¼ 21.74–33.66 mL/s). The median peak velocity measured usingSVE (96.39 cm/s) was not significantly different from thereference standard peak velocity of 97.85 cm/s (P ¼0.18). The median non-SVE peak velocity (95.43 cm/s),on the other hand, was significantly lower than referencestandard (P ¼ 0.04), although it was not significantly dif-ferent from the median SVE peak velocity (P ¼ 0.14).


Six measurements (real-time SVE, real-time non-SVE,plus the reference standard technique for both aorta andmain pulmonary artery) were reconstructed in each ofthe 13 volunteers for a total of 78 velocity waveforms.The number of cardiac cycles for individual real-timescans ranged from 8 to 15 with a mean of 11.1. Examplemagnitude and phase images and the resulting aortic ve-locity waveforms from each of the measurements in asingle volunteer are illustrated in Figure 4.

FIG. 5. Bland-Altman plot of flow for reference standard versusSVE (a) and reference standard versus non-SVE (b). Both SVEand non-SVE show similar bias in flow measurements.

FIG. 6. Bland-Altman plot of peak velocity for reference standardversus SVE (a) and reference standard versus non-SVE (b). SVEshows reduced bias in peak velocity measurements compared tonon-SVE.

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SVE and non-SVE measurements were compared withthe reference standard using the CCC. SVE and non-SVEmeasurements of flow demonstrated similar agreementwith the reference standard: the estimated CCCs wereclose to one another (0.72 for SVE and 0.71 for non-SVE)and there was a significant amount of overlap in their95% confidence intervals ((0.54, 0.84) for SVE and (0.52,0.83) for non-SVE). In contrast, the CCC comparing SVEpeak velocity with the reference standard (0.96) was con-siderably larger than the CCC comparing non-SVE peakvelocity to the reference standard (0.87) and there wasno overlap in their 95% confidence intervals ((0.95, 0.98)for SVE and (0.78, 0.93) for non-SVE), indicating that theSVE peak velocity results more closely match those ofthe reference standard.

Agreement with reference standard was also assessedusing Bland-Altman plots (Figs. 5 and 6). As seen in Fig.5, SVE and non-SVE measurements of flow exhibitedsimilar levels of bias (�8.93 and �9.49 respectively) andlimits of agreement: �27.82 to 9.97 for SVE and �28.03to 9.06 for non-SVE. However, as seen in the CCC analy-sis, SVE and non-SVE peak velocity measurementsexhibited different levels of agreement with referencestandard; as seen in Fig. 6, SVE measurements of peakvelocity were less biased (0.46 compared with �5.08)and exhibited a narrower agreement interval: �10.07 to10.98 for SVE and �20.32 to 10.16 for non-SVE.


We have shown that the improvement in the effectivetemporal resolution of real-time PC-MRI provided bySVE reconstruction resulted in peak velocity measure-ments comparable with the conventional segmented k-space acquisition that served as the reference standard.The segmented acquisition had an acquired true tempo-ral resolution equivalent to the effective temporal resolu-tion of the real-time sequence using SVE. The resultsdemonstrated in flow phantom and volunteers were sup-ported by the computer simulation showing that SVEreconstruction improved peak velocity accuracy whencompared with standard reconstruction. Both SVE andnon-SVE somewhat underestimated the peak velocitydue to the temporal averaging inherently caused by thefinite length (110 ms) temporal sampling window. Themeasured peak velocity was also sensitive to the tempo-ral alignment of the acquired sample points with theinstant the peak velocity occurs. The simulation showedthat when the peak velocity fell between temporal sam-ple points, it was more severely underestimated. The in-termediate frames generated by SVE improved the preci-sion of peak velocity measurements by reducing themaximum potential misalignment between the center ofthe temporal window and the time of the velocity peak.On average, SVE yielded a more accurate and less vari-able peak velocity than conventional reconstruction oftwo-sided encoded PC-MRI data. Reduced variability isexpected to enhance the reliability of peak velocitymeasurements and to improve the evaluation of physio-logical beat-to-beat variability in volume flow and veloc-ity. In phantom, and volunteer studies, SVE resultsshowed a significantly higher concordance correlation

with the reference standard than non-SVE, which tendedto underestimate peak velocity as expected from the sim-ulation results. These results indicate that SVE shouldbe the reconstruction method of choice when two-sidedvelocity encoding is employed. SVE fully utilizes the ve-locity information already encoded into the k-space dataset by combining the alternately velocity encoded dataset in a sliding window fashion.

Although measurement of peak velocity can be greatlyaffected by temporal resolution, volume flow measure-ment involves integration of flow over the entire cardiaccycle and may not be as sensitive to it. The flow phan-tom showed similar volume flow for the reference stand-ard, SVE, and non-SVE techniques, although all threeMRI methods yielded flow measurements lower than theultrasound flow probe. In volunteers, flow volumes gen-erated using SVE and non-SVE reconstructed data agreedwell with one another but were nearly 10 mL/s lowerthan the reference standard segmented acquisition. Onepossible source of this underestimation is the intrinsicsensitivity of flow measurement to small backgroundphase offsets. As recently pointed out by Gatehouseet al. (34), even small background phase errors of theorder of 1 or 2 cm/s can corrupt volume flow measure-ments, which are based on the integration of velocitiesacross the entire cross sectional area of the vessel andacross all phases of the cardiac cycle. The use of a seg-mented echo planar readout with rapid gradient switch-ing may contribute to greater eddy current generatedphase offsets, but this was not investigated.

A unique advantage of SVE over conventional view-sharing methods is that it can be easily combined withexisting k-space trajectories and undersampling strategiessuch as EPI and TSENSE as shown in this study. SVE isa reconstruction technique and could be combined withconventional echo-sharing to further improve temporalresolution. Note that the concept of SVE can also beextended to multidirectional flow-encoding. For the bal-anced four point encoding scheme that is often used toencode velocity in x, y, and z directions (26), the effec-tive temporal resolution could potentially be increasedby a factor of four using SVE, because each of the encod-ings are sensitive to velocity and could be shared using asliding-window type reconstruction.


It is expected that EPI acquisition may be more sensitiveto eddy-current induced phase offsets; this may explainthe difference in flow measured using the EPI sequence(SVE or non-SVE) compared with the conventional gradi-ent echo standard. Our primary interest was in the effectof SVE on temporal resolution, which mainly impactspeak velocity measurements; as such, background phaseoffsets were not investigated or corrected in this study.A recognized limitation of two-sided versus one-sidedvelocity encoding is that two-sided encoding lacks aflow-compensated image; therefore magnitude imagesmust be reconstructed using velocity-sensitized data andmay be more sensitive to flow artifacts. However, giventhat quantitative velocity measurements are the primeobjective of PC-MRI, this is of limited significance. It

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should also be noted that only healthy volunteers withnormal velocities and normal heart rates were includedin the study; imaging large vessels in normal adult sub-jects places relatively low demands on spatial and tem-poral resolution. The segmented k-space gradient echosequence used as the reference standard can be config-ured to run with higher spatial and temporal resolutionthan was utilized, although at the expense of longerbreath-hold duration. Higher spatial and temporal resolu-tion would be required in patients with higher velocityblood flow, such as children with congenital heart diseaseand patients with stenotic valves and high jet velocities.It will be important to investigate the accuracy of peak ve-locity measurements using the real-time sequence in theseand other patient populations in the future.


The SVE reconstruction method demonstrated real gainsin temporal resolution that resulted in more accuratepeak velocity measurements. With SVE reconstruction,real-time velocity measurement becomes practical withthe temporal resolution approaching that of conventionalsegmented PC-MRI. SVE enables real-time velocity imag-ing that is not limited by patient cooperation or breath-holding abilities, or regular cardiac rhythm, and isexpected to become an important clinical imaging tool.


The content is solely the responsibility of the authorsand does not necessarily represent the official views ofthe National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute or theNational Institutes of Health.


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8 Lin et al.

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