
September 2015

Fagpakker til Cand.merc. linjerne i Kolding - Efterår

Cand.merc. International Virksomhedsudvikling

Cand.merc. Styring & Ledelse

Cand.merc. Business Controlling

M.Sc. Strategic Entrepreneurship

Fagene der er præsenteret skal ses som eksempler og bruges som inspiration til planlægning af dit eget udlandsophold.

Der vil kunne komme ændringer til de fag du får forhåndsgodkendt – også efter du er taget afsted. Det hjælper vi dig selvfølgelig med at løse.

Ved spørgsmål og vejledning om udlandsophold kan du kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line, på [email protected]

September 2015


Australien .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Deakin University ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Griffith ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Belgien ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Solvay Business School Brussel ........................................................................................................................................ 12

Estland ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

University of Tallin ................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Holland ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

University of Tilburg ............................................................................................................................................................. 19

September 2015


Har du mod på at studere på den anden side af kloden i et internationalt miljø og holde øje med kænguruer

inden du krydser vejen? Så skal du tage på udveksling Downunder!

Australien byder på nogle af de bedste universiteter, hvor der er fokus på de internationale studerende. Du

vil derfor opleve at møde mange udvekslingsstuderende - ligesom dig selv.

Uanset hvor i Australien du vælger at rejse hen møder du en lokalbefolkning er der meget afslappede og

venlige. Og så har Australien nogle af de flotteste strande og naturparker, som bestemt et besøg værd.


Deakin University ligger i Melbourne i den sydøstlige del af Australien. Deakin huser mere end 34.000

studerende fordelt på 4 fakulteter og er dermed en smule større end Syddansk Universitet. Deres fakultet

”Faculty of Business and Law” svarer til vores samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, og her er der kurser inden

for erhvervsøkonomi, ledelse og jura. Der er dermed rig mulighed for at finde dag der er spændende for

netop dig.

Deakin University deler deres akademiske år op i trimestre i stedet for semestre, som du er vant til

herhjemme. Vær opmærksom på at ”course” betyder program (hele uddannelser) og ”unit” betyder

enkelte fag.

Du kan selve søge efter fag ved at bruge deres ”unit search funktion” som du finder her:


September 2015



Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Deakin University

Fagene er omregnet fra Deakin Credits, og du kan derfor se ECTS værdien for hvert enkelt fag.

Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at

det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje.

Global Governance - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This unit aims to further students understanding

of the politics of contemporary global

governance. The first part of the unit explores

international organizations within world politics.

Students will become aware of the key theories

and concepts of co-operation and apply them to

international organizations such as the IMF,

World Bank and the WTO. The second part of the

unit examines the roles of non-governmental

organizations in their interactions with

governments and international organizations in

respect to recent campaigns which seek to

address global poverty, environmental

degradation and human rights abuses.

International Relations Theory - 7,5 ECTS,


This unit focuses on the evolution of international

thought in the twentieth century by

concentrating on the debates and disputes

between competing intellectual perspectives in

International Relations theory. The origins of the

discipline of International Relations will be

analyzed, and the traditional perspectives of

liberalism, realism, neo-realism and the English

School will be explained and critically evaluated

for their contemporary relevance.

Public Relations Campaign - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This unit is designed to apply and extend the

knowledge of the public relations campaign, a

key component of public relations practice.

Students will examine the theories and models

which work behind major campaigns and critically

analyze existing campaigns.

Marketing Communications - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter faget “Markedskommunkation” på SDU

Campus Kolding

The unit will provide an overview of the key

elements of the marketing process with an

emphasis on integrating public relations and

marketing strategies in the formulation of

campaigns. Key elements of the marketing

process will be examined and include analysis of

the marketing environment, consumer

behaviour, marketing research methods and

September 2015

forecasting, market segmentation and

implementation of the promotional mix.

Organizational interventions and strategies - 7,5

ECTS, Efterår

This unit is concerned with the development of

practical skills required to deliver individual and

group-based interventions within the workplace.

These skills include collecting and integrating

information, then selecting and implementing

appropriate intervention strategies. Interviewing

and counselling skills will also be developed.

Financial markets - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Topics addressed in this unit include: the

operation and structure of a modern financial

system; direct and intermediated finance;

interest rate determination and yield curve

analysis; financial institutions; equity markets

and instruments; sources and types of short-

term, medium-term and longer-term debt

finance; the foreign exchange markets and

offshore funding in the international markets

Investment and portfolio management - 7,5


This unit aims to develop an overall

understanding of investment management in

relation to different asset classes and equip

students with skills to construct, manage and

evaluate portfolio outcome through a framework

that optimizes the outcome using the key

principles of modern portfolio theory.

International finance - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

The unit will enable students to understand the

modern financial techniques underpinning

investment, financing and risk management

decisions of multinational corporations. In

addition the unit covers international financial

markets, international corporate governance,

alternative investments, derivative securities and

international portfolio management.

Analytical Skills for Managers - 7,5 ECTS. Efterår

This unit aims to develop foundation skills and

knowledge required for data driven, evidence

based approaches to business decision making

and business performance analysis. To this end,

the unit first introduces the skills necessary to

enable an understanding of business metrics.

Techniques and principles of data visualization

are introduced that enable graphical depictions

of data that can improve comprehension,

communication and decision-making.

Online Marketing - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This unit examines and discusses the impact of

the internet on marketing science and practice.

Particular emphasis is given to the role of the

World Wide Web in current and future integrated

marketing communication, customer fulfilment

strategy and customer relationship management.

September 2015

Financial Interpretation 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This unit aims to develop an understanding of

how financial reports and other relevant

information is used to support decision-making in

and about organizations. It emphasizes the

environment within which businesses operate

and discusses the use of important economic

information that is normally beyond financial


Financial Reporting and Analysis - 7,5 ECTS,


Financial Reporting and Analysis aims to develop

the student's ability to interpret and use

corporate financial reports and other relevant

information. The unit is concerned primarily with

developing a strong understanding of accounting

concepts and issues, which can be applied to a

range of theoretical and practical problem-

solving demands encountered by managers.

Global Trade and Markets - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This unit will provide you with basic tools for

analyzing economic issues in the world today

using an analytical framework, with an emphasis

on the economics of international trade and the

development of markets. This view emphasizes

the role of government and studies the

interactions between political and private actors

in relation to markets. Topics include the law of

comparative advantage, economic growth and

redistribution, privatization and migration.

Consumer Behavior – 7,5 ECTS, Efterår.

Understanding the behavior of consumers and

the factors that influence their behaviour is

critical to marketing managers, CEOs, and

company directors. This unit aims to explore

consumer behaviour in a broad frame, and

examines critical issues in consumer behaviour.

Organisational Behaviour - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter faget “Organisation” på SDU Campus


Organizational behavior refers to the systematic

study of the attitudes and behaviors of

individuals and groups in organizational settings..

The unit aims to establish students' conceptual

understanding of the dynamics of individual and

group behavior in organizations, to examine the

ways in which different forms of organizational

structure and leadership influence that behavior,

and to analyze the ability of organizations to

September 2015

respond to external change and to manage their

own internal change processes

Principles of Leadership - 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter faget “Ledelse” på SDU Campus Kolding

This unit is designed for students undertaking

studies in leadership. The purpose of the unit is

to deliver a thorough grounding in the main

leadership theories, concepts, and issues. It is

intended as an introduction to leadership and will

be the theoretical foundation upon which other

leadership units are built. Through readings,

interactive classes, examination of online

resources, and group and individual activities,

students will be encouraged to engage with

leadership theories and to apply them to their

own circumstances.

September 2015


Griffith University ligger i millionbyen Brisbane på den Australske østkyst. Der er mere end 40.000

studerende på universitetet og ca. 10.000 af dem er internationale studerende. Læser du på Griffith

University vil du derfor befinde dig i et meget internationalt miljø og få studiekammerater fra hele verden.

Griffith er især stærk på Business fagområdet og der vil derfor være mange fag du kan vælge imellem.

Griffith University har semestre ligesom på Syddansk Universitet, men de er omvendt af vores. Når du

rejser i et efterårssemester svarer det til deres ”semester 2” og det forløber fra juli til november.

Griffith University er opdelt på 5 Campusser. Du skal derfor være opmærksom på at vælge fag på samme

Campus, da der kan være langt imellem dem. Hovedcampus er Nathan der ligger i Brisbane. The Gold Coast

Campus ligger ca. 1 times kørsel fra Brisbane.

Du kan selv søge efter fag ved at bruge deres søgefunktion, som du finder her.






September 2015

Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Griffith University

Fagene er omregnet fra Credits, og du kan derfor se ECTS værdien for hvert enkelt fag.

Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at

det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje.

Global Business Strategy – 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This course develops a conceptual framework

that is based on international business and global

markets, and understanding of key differences in

institutions, cultures, and ethics, that will assist

managers and entrepreneurs in international


Knowledge Management for product innovation

– 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This course introduces the knowledge required

for innovation as an interdisciplinary concept

with a focus on business strategy that will help

managers build a new set of values and

behaviours necessary for enhancing firm

performance within knowledge management and


Performance and reward management – 7,5

ECTS, Efterår

The course is intended to provide an overview of

the main issues involved in performance

management, including rationales for conducting

it, the costs and benefits of performance

management, alternatives to it and expected as

well as unintended outcomes that may emerge

from it.

Leadership and self development – 7,5 ECTS,


Erstatter faget ”ledelse” på SDU Campus Kolding

Leadership, at all levels, is critical to any

organisational endeavour. This is particularly so in

the emerging knowledge economy where leaders

face the continuous challenge to deal with

uncertainty, and discontinuity in the fast

changing globalised environment. The course

exposes students to a broad range of leadership

theories and practice, in an experiential learning

environment, to help them to establish a

personal framework that contributes to their

future leadership roles.

Human resource information systems – 7,5 ECTS,


The collection and use of information has long

been recognised as a potential source of added

value to organisations. This multi-disciplinary

course encompasses developments in HR, IT, IS

and General Management in harnessing the

potential of technology in the efficient and

effective delivery of HR services. Using the

System Development Life Cycle, it explores the

key success factors in technology design,

implementation and improvement.

September 2015

Global Business Logistics – 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter “Supply Chain Management” på SDU


This course provides a study of business logistics

in a global context. Business logistics is presented

as enabling ethical and socially responsible

business. Logistics is an integral part of the

business supply chain, and essential to the

effective management of goods, services and

information. The course includes a focus on

logistics in a global environment, logistics

innovations, and logistics and the environment.

Sustainable supply network management for the

next decade – 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Students will learn how to design and manage

sustainable and resilient supply networks, taking

into account relevant collaborative human

resource approaches, technologies, and

management principles. It will take a case study

approach in which the students will be engaged

in managing an exemplar supply network that is

based by a number of relevant challenges

including, for example, the impact of natural

disasters and the loss of a key element of the


Globalisation and corporate social responsibility

– 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

This course explores various concepts associated

with globalisation and its relationship with

emerging Corporate Social Responsibility

practices. While rejecting some of the more

extreme ideas associated with globalisation the

course explores the drivers for, impacts of, and

contradictions of global competitiveness,

changing international business practices and

their relationship with the application of business

ethics, corporate citizenship and stakeholder

management concepts.

Data resource management – 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

The course closely examines issues of data

management when data are considered as a

strategic resource. In doing so data are looked in

a different light, stressing their intertwined

relationship with business. Data should be

protected and categorised in their atomic form as

well as in their relationships. But above all they

should be managed within the context of the

domain of the enterprise that owns them.

Managing the learning organisation – 7,5 ECTS,


There is a growing business and service delivery

case for understanding and utilising learning as a

fundamental renewable and sustainable

organisational asset. As such, the primary

concern for successful organisations is to tap into

the natural daily learning of all its internal and

external members. The question is "how". This

course is an introduction to the kinds of

understandings and practices that support an

effective response to this question.

September 2015

Business event management – 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

The meetings, incentives, conference and

exhibitions (MICE) market is a major sector of the

events industry and the tourism and hospitality

industries more broadly. This course will provide

students with an understanding of the many

facets of this sector. Students will learn how to

access and utilise relevant information resources,

plan and manage meetings, and to understand

the role of the MICE sector in the context of the

broader industry.

Managing change trough responsible leadership

– 7,5 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter faget “forandringsledelse” på SDU

Campus Kolding

Leaders in today's organizations are challenged

by one constant, change. This course focuses on

responsible leadership of change i.e. leadership

that not only anticipates, plans and implements

change efficiently and effectively but does so in

an environmentally sustainable way, with a high

regard for ethical principles and due care for the

interests of stakeholders.

People Management -7,5 ECTS, Efterår

People are vital to a firm's success. This course

concentrates on how people are managed and

how best to leverage the great resource they

provide while also behaving responsibly and


September 2015


Belgien er kendt som Europas hovedstad med byen Bruxelles, hvor EU parlamentet er lokaliseret. Belgien er

også landet med pommes fritter, belgiske øl, chokolade og vafler.

Der bor ca. 11 mio. i Belgien og landet har grænser til både Holland, Tyskland, Luxemburg og Frankrig.

Landet er delt i tre i forhold til sprog, hvor de i den nordlige del taler hollandsk, i den sydlige taler de fransk,

og i et lille område mod sydvest er hovedsproget tysk. Bruxelles er tosproget, og du vil her finde

informationer på både hollandsk og fransk.


Solvay Business School ligger i Bruxelles. Bruxelles er hjemstedet for EU parlamentet og byen summer af

liv. På trods af de store organisationer der hører hjemme i Bruxelles har byen stadig en meget afslappet

atmosfære og du lærer hurtigt at finde rundt på egen hånd.

Solvay Business School har en del kandidatuddannelser på engelsk, og du kan derfor finde fag du kan følge I

et semester. Universitetet tilbyder også franskundervisning, hvor du lærer de helt basale ting.

Du kan finde universitetets kurser hvis du følger linket her:

Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Solvay Business School

Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at

det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje.

September 2015

Advanced Marketing - 5 ECTS, efterår

The course is designed to serve as an introduction

and/or review to the theory and practice of

marketing. We will explore the theory and

applications of marketing concepts through a mix

of cases, discussions, lectures, guest speakers and

a group project. We will draw materials from a

variety of sources and settings including services,

consumer and business-to-business products.

Corporate valuation and financing - 5 ECTS,


The learning outcome of this course is to be able

to assess investment and financing decisions to

be taken by corporations, bearing in mind their

intimate relationship with markets. This course is

intended to students wishing to work in the

financial community or aiming at jobs with

financial responsibilities within large


Investments and portfolio management

5 ECTS, Efterår

This course will help you to become an informed

practitioner of investments. We will focus on

investments and on securities such as stocks or

bonds. The course will provide you with

background in the organization of various

securities markets and the principles of portfolio


Operations and digital business - 5 ECTS, efterår

At the end of the course the student should be

able to identify and design business processes,

visualize business and industrial operations as a

whole, design and manage supply chains,

optimize business and logistics processes, identify

and model high-level building blocks of enterprise

information systems and anticipate and leverage

the impact of digitization on businesses, and

more specifically on operations and logistics


Organizational behavior and leadership

5 ECTS, efterår

Erstatter “ledelse” på SDU Campus Kolding

This course is designed to give you an overview of

the field of Organizational Behaviour and to

prepare you to assume leadership roles essential

to meeting the challenges and uncertainty that

confront today's organizations.

At the end of this course students should be able

to: a) demonstrate their mastery of concepts; b)

analyze an organization situation by presenting

theoretically justified arguments c) propose

feasible solutions derived from this analysis.

Quantitative financial risk - 5 ECTS, Efterår

Financial Econometrics is a very broad area of

econometrics and financial economics. In this

course we focus on the study of quantitative risk

management. The implementation of sound

quantitative risk models is a vital concern for all

September 2015

financial institutions. This course provides a

comprehensive treatment of the theoretical

concepts and modeling techniques of

quantitative market risk management.

Strategy and strategy execution - 5 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter “Strategi” på Campus Kolding

The objective of this course is to give students a

short introduction followed by a few key

concepts of business strategy, of international

strategy and of corporate strategy, and will end

with a conclusion. The course develops analytical

tools and concepts, discusses the underlying

theories and their frameworks through a

combination of case studies and readings.

September 2015


Estland er et af de tre baltiske lande og grænser til både Finland, Letland og Rusland. Der bor i alt kun 1,3

mio. i hele Estland og er dermed et af de lande i Europa der er mindst befolket. Danmark besatte den

nordlige del af landet indtil år 1346 hvorefter Tyskland, Sverige og herefter Rusland erobrede landet.

Estland er i dag medlem af EU og NATO, de snakker estisk, men lærer dog også ofte russisk eller finsk i



Tallinn University ligger ved den nordlige kyst i byen Tallinn. Der bor i alt ca. 410.000 indbyggere i Tallinn

Universitet har ca. 9000 studerende hvoraf ca. 500 er udvekslingsstuderende. Læser du her får du derfor

chancen for at bo og studere med de lokale studerende, da du vil følge mange af fagene sammen med dem.

Campus ligger inde i bymidten og de 6 hovedbygninger har de latinske navne: Terra, Nova, Mare, Silva, Ursa

and Astra.

Fagene der kan vælges kommer først online i oktober, men du kan kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line, som

kan hjælpe dig med at finde andre fag end dem vi har vist her nedenfor.

Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Tallinn University

Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at

det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje.

September 2015

Accounting - 5 ECTS, efterår

Erstatter” Økonomistyring” på Campus Kolding

Students should be able to record business

transactions and to complete accounting cycle,

know basic principles in accounting for assets,

liabilities and owners’ equity, should be able to

analyse financial statements, can calculate target

profit, and be familiar with responsibility


Consultancy and councelling skills - 4 ECTS,


Theoretical principles of counselling/consultancy

process will be discussed and skills for creating,

maintaining, ending and documenting the

counselling/consultancy process will be practiced.

The student will be provided with practical skills

for managing the counselling/consultancy

relationship as well as for reflective practice with

the aim to ensure continuous personal and

professional development.

Economics of competition- 6 ECTS, efterår

Erstatter ”International Forretningsudvikling” på

SDU Campus Kolding.

To provide an overview of the determinants of

competitiveness using interdisciplinary approach

and improve the skills to analyze the

determinants of competitiveness in the context

of an industry, cluster or a region the student

must 1) understand the determinants of national

and regional competitiveness, 2.) be able to use

the Porter’s diamond framework for assessing

the influence of industries, industry clusters and

economic regions and 3) be able to perform

strategic analysis of an industry, an industry

cluster or a region.

E Marketing- 4 ECTS, efterår

The course includes learning e-marketing models

and internet as supporting tool for marketing.

And be aware of the possibilities of information-

communication technology. The student will

learn to analyze e-marketing tools and create

new solutions. Teamwork and presentation

training will be an important part of the course.

Entrepreneurship and small business - 4 ECTS,


Ikke tilgængelig for Strategic Entrepreneurship


The course will provide knowledge that would

enable to evaluate one`s potential for becoming

an entrepreneur, evaluate business ideas,

prepare a business plan and plan further

development and growth of a small business to

be step up. The students will be able to analyze

and evaluate business ideas and prepare a

business plan. They will be able to take essential

business start-up decisions, plan business

stragety and development. The students will have

an understanding of the history, development

trends and different forms of entrepreneurship.

September 2015

Ethics and values in work and organizational

psychology - 4 ECTS, efterår

The course sets out to provide a “framework for

moral action” and presents practical models for

ethical decision-making. It will give knowledge in

ethics and standards in psychology and business.

This course will be designed in a seminar format.

International Business -4 ECTS, Efterår

Erstatter ”International forretningsudvikling” på

SDU Campus

The student will learn basic knowledge about

political, legal, economic and cultural

environments of an international company and

their reconciliation, about export and import

strategies, negotiations and international

business ethics. Furthermore the student will

study motivation for internationalization, modes

of international business and international


International HRM - 5 ECTS, efterår

The aim of the course is to develop a critical

understanding of Human Resource Management

theory and practice from both an international

and comparative perspective and of core and

novel human resource management topics and

practices within a variety of international

contexts and geographical locations.

Investments analysis- 5 ECTS, efterår

The aim of the course is to provide a thorough

knowledge in valuation and comparative analysis

methods of various investments and to develop

skills for applying them. . The student must have

a good command of the main investments and

company valuation methods .The student must

be able to point out the advantages and

disadvantages of different methods, compare the

methods and apply methods in practice based on

their suitability.

Management - 5 ECTS, efterår

The course will provide an understanding of the

essence and main terms of organization and

management and explicate the problems of

structure, division of labor, rights and

responsibility of an organization. Furthermore

the course will provide students with an overview

of the essence, main terms, legal, theoretical and

practical problems of corporate governance.

Marketing Communications - 4 ECTS, efterår

”Erstatter markedskommunikation på SDU

Campus Kolding”

The students will learn to evaluate and plan

marketing campaigns, explain theories, models,

methods and techniques required for decision-

making in marketing communication. The student

has acquired theoretical foundations of

marketing communication, marketing campaign

planning and evaluation skills such as indirect and

September 2015

direct communication, integrated marketing

communication, brand communication, media

advertising, sales promotion &PR management.

Operations management - 4 ECTS, efterår

Erstatter ”produktionsstyring” på SDU Campus


The student will gain a deep overview about

nature of operations, main systems and

subsystems and operations strategy in order to

bring out main processes of operations and their

interconnection and dependability on each other;

and to discuss main aspect of process

management and improvement

Organizational theory and psychology - 6 ECTS,


Erstatter “organisation” på SDU Campus Kolding

The subject intends to expose students to the

contemporary basic theories, concepts, research

methods and practices of the nature and

functioning of organization and its components.

The subject intends to give knowledge and

understanding the ways and possibilities to

design organizations. Knowledge of explanatory

and technological theory

Quality Management - 4 ECTS, efterår

The aim of the course is to gain knowledge within

basic performance measurement models and

techniques used for assessment of management

systems. The student will know the role of

variability control in quality management and

basic variability control techniques and be able to

use quality management models and techniques

related to management activities.

September 2015


Holland er landet med træsko, vindmøller og tulipaner. De har byen Amsterdam med de flotte kanaler og

menneskerettighedsdomstolen i Haag. Men Holland har også mange andre ting, heriblandt gode

universiteter som du kan vælge at studere på i et halvt år.


Tilburg universitet ligger i byen Tilburg hvor der bor ca. 200.000 indbyggere.

Universitetet har ca. 10.000 studerende fordelt på både bachelor - og kandidatniveau. Herudover er der ca.

1.200 internationalestuderende fra omkring 90 forskellige lande – så du vil ikke være den eneste

udvekslingsstuderende hvis du vælger at læse her.

Universitetet udbyder over 60 forskellige uddannelser, hvoraf 39 af dem er udbudt på engelsk. Du kan

dermed sagtens finde fag der er spændende at følge.

Du kan finde mere info og fag ved at følge linket her:

Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Tilburg University

Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står at det

erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje.

September 2015

Advanced Resource Planning- 6 ECTS, efterår

The main aim of this course is to learn about the

latest insights into management aspects of

enterprise wide systems. Topics such as the

feasibility evaluation, project management,

critical success factors of enterprise application

roll-out, and performance measurement will be

examined. At the end of the course, the student

will have a deep understanding of the

opportunities and challenges a company faces

when introducing and maintaining enterprise-

wide systems.

Business Intelligence and Data Management- 6

ECTS, efterår

This course is about knowledge management and

knowledge discovery in databases. This field

deals with the identification and extraction of

new and useful knowledge from company

databases. The emphasis will be on the

methodological and practical aspects of

knowledge discovery.

International Management Control- 6 ECTS,


In order to maximize firm performance,

employees should always act in the best interest

of the firm. Employees, however, do not always

act in the best interest of the firm because they

are often self-interested or because they are

subject to typical behavioral biases. After

providing examples of self-interested human

behavior as well as examples of typical behavioral

biases, we study in this course (1) how

management control systems can be used to

mitigate the negative consequences of self-

interested and biased employees and (2) how

management control systems in itself can induce

self-interested behavior or behavioral biases.

Corporate Governance and Restructuring- 6

ECTS, efterår

The course consists of two parts. In the part on

Corporate restructuring, the main topics will be

mergers, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts and

divestitures. This part commences with a

description of the take-over markets in the main

corporate governance regimes. This course also

deals with various aspects of corporate

governance. Here we look at the mode of

governance and control which firms use.

Corporate Valuation - 6 ECTS, efterår

The objective of this course it to make students

familiar with the standard techniques of

corporate valuation. Students will learn how to

implement valuations using spreadsheet

software, how to asses important investment

decisions, and how to relate valuation and


September 2015

Organizational Systems and Corporate

Responsibility A -3 ECTS, efterårs

The course offers insights into the ways

businesses face and manage CR by considering

environmental, social and corporate governance

issues. The course is the first to offer these

insights simultaneously through the lens of

various complementary disciplines. Building on

the idea that leadership requires a multi-

disciplinary mindset, the course framework

covers the interface between strategy,

management, accounting, economics, and

corporate social responsibility.

Corporate Entrepreneurship - 6 ECTS, efterår

This course is designed to gain advanced

knowledge of corporate entrepreneurship. The

course assumes a solid understanding of basic

concepts in entrepreneurship and innovation,

and intends to advance this understanding by

discussing the need for corporate

entrepreneurship, the various forms in which it

exists, its potential challenges, and solutions in

terms of implementation.

Distribution Management - 6 ECTS, efterår

Physical distribution management can be defined

as that part of the supply chain process that is

concerned with the planning, control and

operational activities pertaining to the flow of

finished goods into the market. The issue of

distribution is analyzed from the point of view of

a company that has manufactured goods to be

distributed. Logistics service providers may well

provide a contribution to market distribution

processes, but their perspective is of secondary

importance in this course. Finally, we broaden

the physical distribution scope to an international

operations approach by studying international

locations decisions.

International Strategy - 6 ECTS, efterårs

This course reviews the various issues firms must

engage with when internationalizing, and how

these influence strategy. In addition, we discuss

more dynamic, evolutionary theories of the

internationalization of firms. These theories

explore how firms incrementally learn to handle

foreign environments: through export,

independent agents, acquisitions or start-ups,

alone or with partners (i.e. joint-ventures).

Brand Management - 6 ECTS, efterår

One of the most valuable assets that a firm

possesses is a brand. Developed over time, and

often build with significant investments, brands

are the core element in the relationship between

a company and its customers. In the Course

Brand Management, a strong focus is put on the

construct of Brand Equity. This construct, that

reflects the value of the brand for the company,

September 2015

is build by strong consumer preference, fueled by

unique associations with that brand.

Marketing Channel Management - 6 ECTS,


The subject of this course is marketing channel

management and design. A marketing channel is

viewed as an inter-organizational system involved

with bringing products and services from their

point of origin to the point of consumption. In the

first part of this course, we will focus on channel

design. In the second part of this course we will

concentrate on how the various firms comprising

channels can achieve cooperation, as well as on

how they degenerate into conflict and low

performance. In the third part of this course, we

focus on retail management.

International Marketing - 6 ECTS, efterår

This course gives an overview of the field of

International Marketing, discusses the

consequences of internationalization of the

marketing function, and introduces the students

to the practice of international marketing. The

role of culture is an important aspect in this field

and, therefore, is granted special attention within


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