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Journal of Gokova Geometry TopologyVolume 2 (2008) 40–82

Corks, Plugs and exotic structures

Selman Akbulut and Kouichi Yasui

Abstract. We discuss corks, and introduce new objects which we call plugs. Thoughplugs are fundamentally different objects, they also detect exotic smooth structuresin 4-manifolds like corks. We discuss relation between corks, plugs and rational blow-downs. We show how to detect corks and plugs inside of some exotic manifolds.Furthermore, we construct knotted corks and plugs.

1. Introduction

Let Wn, Wn and Wm,n be the smooth 4-manifolds given by Figure 1. Notice that W1

is a version of the manifold defined in [22] by Mazur, and Wn is the “positron” intro-

duced by the first author and Matveyev [8]. The first author [1] proved that E(2)#CP2

changes its diffeomorphism type by regluing an imbedded copy of W1 inside via a natu-

ral involution on the boundary ∂W1. This was later generalized to E(n)#CP2

(n ≥ 2)by Bizaca-Gompf [11]. The following general theorem was first proved independently byMatveyev [21], Curtis-Freedman-Hsiang-Stong [13], and later on strengthened by the firstauthor and Matveyev [8]:

Theorem 1.1 ([21], [13], [8]). For every homeomorphic but non-diffeomorphic pair of

simply connected closed 4-manifolds, one is obtained from the other by removing a con-

tractible 4-manifold and gluing it via an involution on the boundary. Such a contractible

4-manifold has since been called a Cork. Furthermore, corks and their complements can

always be made compact Stein 4-manifolds.

Also in [19] Kirby gave a description of the 5-dimensional h-cobordisms induced bycorks. So, clearly corks are very important in 4-manifold topology, but unfortunately notmuch is known about them. Even though corks determine exotic copies of any mani-fold, we only know a few concrete examples. Sometime ago the first author posed thequestion: “Is W1 a universal cork?”, i.e. whether W1 is sufficient to detect every exoticstructure? This paper came out of our searches for corks in some concrete examples ofexotic manifolds.

Key words and phrases. 4-manifold, handlebody, Stein manifold, rational blow-down, h-cobordism.The first author is partially supported by NSF, and the second author is partially supported by JSPS

Research Fellowships for Young Scientists.


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Corks, Plugs and exotic structures

In this work we realized that besides a Cork there is another basic fundamental objectin 4-manifolds which detects exoticity; we named it a Plug. Plugs naturally appearwhen we do surgeries, for example, rational blow-downs. So searching plug structuresof 4-manifolds may be easier than investigating cork structures. Even though plugs aredefined in a similar way to corks, they are different objects and they can’t be explainedby corks. However, in some cases, plug operations has the same effect as cork operations(Remark 5.3). Thus plugs might be helpful to study corks. Similarly to corks, enlargingplugs easily provide us exotic pairs of 4-manifolds. It turns out that just as corks generalizethe Mazur manifold, plugs generalize the “Gluck construction”. The lack of understandinghow different corks are related to each other have prevented us from defining 4-manifoldinvariants from the Stein decomposition theorem of 4-manifolds [8]. We hope that plugswill shed light on understanding corks (e.g. they might be deformations of corks).

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall the definition of Corks, andthen define new objects which we call Plugs. Plugs have a property similar to corks andthey naturally appear in 0-log transform and rational blow-down operations. We prove forn ≥ 2 and m ≥ 1 that Wn and Wn are corks and that Wm,n is a plug. It is an interesting

question whether the sequences of corks Wn, Wn and the plugs Wm,n are sufficient todetect exoticity of all 4-manifolds.

Figure 1

In Section 3, we give examples of 4-manifolds which contain Wn (resp. Wm,n) as a cork

(resp. as a plug). For example, W1 is a cork of elliptic surfaces E(n)p,q#CP2

(n ≥ 2)

and knot surgered elliptic surfaces E(n)K#CP2

(n ≥ 2). In Section 4 we review theoperations of rational blow-down and logorithmic transform, and later in Section 5 werelate them to corks and plugs. This shows that the cork and plug operations can benaturally identified under some conditions. As an interesting test case, in Secion 6, we


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draw a handlebody picture of the exotic CP2#9CP2

without 1- and 3-handles, which wasrecently constructed (and named E′

3) by the second author [25], [26], and demonstratehow to locate corks and plugs inside. Moreover, by constructions similar to [26], we showthat corks and plugs can be knotted, namely, two different embeddings of the same cork(resp. plug) can produce two different smooth structures by cork (resp. plug) operations.

In a subsequent paper [9], we will show that by enlarging corks and plugs in twodifferent ways we can construct pairs of small Stein manifolds that are exotic copies ofeach other (existence of exotic Stein manifold pairs has been established recently in [10]).

Acknowledgements: The second author would like to thank his adviser Hisaaki Endoand Motoo Tange for drawing a whole handle diagram of the 4-manifold E3 constructed in[26] and valuable discussion on 3-manifold topology, respectively. This work was mainlydone during his stay at Michigan State University. He is greatful for their hospitality.

2. Corks and Plugs

In this section, we define corks and plugs, and give examples of exotic smooth structureson Stein manifolds.

Definition 2.1. Let C be a compact Stein 4-manifold with boundary and τ : ∂C → ∂C

an involution on the boundary. We call (C, τ) a Cork if τ extends to a self-homeomorphismof C, but cannot extend to any self-diffeomorphism of C. A cork (C, τ) is called a cork ofa smooth 4-manifold X , if C ⊂ X and X changes its diffeomorphism type when removingC and re-gluing it via τ . Note that this operation does not change the homeomorphismtype of X .

Definition 2.2. Let P be a compact Stein 4-manifold with boundary and τ : ∂P → ∂P

an involution on the boundary, which cannot extend to any self-homeomorphism of P .We call (P, τ) a Plug of X , if P ⊂ X and X keeps its homeomorphism type and changesits diffeomorphism type when removing P and gluing it via τ . We call (P, τ) a Plug ifthere exists a smooth 4-manifold X such that (P, τ) is a plug of X .

Definition 2.3. Let Wn, Wn and Wm,n be smooth 4-manifolds in Figure 1. Let

fn : ∂Wn → ∂Wn, fn : ∂Wn → ∂Wn and fm,n : ∂Wm,n → ∂Wm,n be the obvious

involutions obtained by first surgering S1×B3 to B2×S2 in the interiors of Wn, Wn andWm,n, then surgering the other imbedded B2 × S2 back to S1 × B3 (i.e. replacing the

dots in Figure 1), respectively. Notice the diagrams of Wn, Wn, and Wm,n are symmetriclinks.

Remark 2.4. Note the following useful facts:(1) W1 is a Mazur manifold, and (W1, f1) is equal to (W, f) in [1], [6].(2) Wn is the positron introduced by the first author and Matveyev in [8].(3) Wn and Wn are contractible, whereas Wm,n is homotopy equivalent to S2.

(4) Wn (n ≥ 0), Wn (n ≥ 0) and Wm,n (m, n ≥ 1) are simply connected compact Stein

4-manifolds. We check this by changing the 1-handle notations of Wn, Wn and Wm,n, and


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Corks, Plugs and exotic structures

putting the 2-handles in Legendrian positions as in Figure 2, and checking the Eliashbergcriterion: the framings on the 2-handles are less than Thurston-Bennequin number.(5) If W1,0 ⊂ X , removing and regluing W1,0 to via f1,0 has an affect of introducing aGluck twist to X (i.e. cutting out an imbedded copy of S2×D2 from X , and then regluingby the nontrivial diffeomorphism of S2×S1). So far, we only know one example of smoothmanifold (which is non-orientable) that becomes exotic by this Gluck operation, [3].

Figure 2

We quickly prove the following theorem.

Theorem 2.5. (1) For n ≥ 1, the pairs (Wn, fn) and (Wn, fn) are corks.

(2) For m ≥ 1 and n ≥ 2, the pair (Wm,n, fm,n) is a plug.

Remark 2.6. (1) In the case of (W1, f1) this theorem was proved by the first author [1].(2) (W0, f0) and (W 0, f0) are not a corks, because each of the involutions f0 and f0 comesfrom an involution on the boundary of 4-ball B4, and every diffeomorphism of S3 extendsto a self-diffeomorphism of B4. The pair (Wm,1, fm,1) (m: arbitrary integer) is not a plugby the same reason.


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(3) (Wm,0, fm,0) (m: arbitrary integer) is not a plug because Wm,0 = S2 × B2 is not aStein manifold.

This theorem clearly follows from the following Lemmas 2.7 and 2.8.

Lemma 2.7. (1) For n ≥ 1, the involution fn : ∂Wn → ∂Wn extends to a self homeo-

morphism of Wn.

(2) For n ≥ 1, the involution fn : ∂Wn → ∂Wn extends to a self homeomorphism of Wn.

(3) For m ≥ 1 and n ≥ 2, the involution fm,n : ∂Wm,n → ∂Wm,n cannot extend to any

self homeomorphism of Wm,n.

Proof. (1) (resp. (2)) is immediate since the boundary of Wn (resp. Wn) is a homologysphere and Wn (resp. Wn) is contractible (see [12] for a general discussion). To see (3),suppose that fm,n : ∂Wm,n → ∂Wm,n extends to a self homeomorphism of Wm,n andm ≥ 1 and n ≥ 2. Then the two smooth 4-manifolds in the Figure 3 have the sameintersection form, because one is obtained from the other by removing Wm,n and regluingit via fm,n. The intersection forms of the left and right 4-manifolds in Figure 3 are


−2n− mn2 11 −1




−2n− mn2 −1 − mn

−1 − mn −1 − m



respectively. However, we can easily prove that they are not isomorphic. (The rightintersection form does not contain any element with self intersection number −1. ) Thisis a contradiction. �

Figure 3

The following is a generalization of [2] and [7], it basically says that by enlarging Wn,Wn and Wm,n we can obtain exotic manifolds (hence these manifolds are corks and plugsof their enlargements).

Lemma 2.8. (1) Let W 1n and W 2

n be simply connected compact smooth 4-manifolds defined

in Figure 4. Then W 1n and W 2

n (n ≥ 1) are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic. In

particular, the involution fn : ∂Wn → ∂Wn cannot extend to any self diffeomorphism of

Wn. Note that W 2n is obtained from W 1

n by regluing Wn via fn.


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Figure 4

(2) Let W1

n and W2

n be simply connected compact smooth 4-manifolds defined in Figure 5.

Then W1

n and W2

n (n ≥ 1) are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic. In particular, the

involution fn : ∂Wn → ∂Wn cannot extend to any self diffeomorphism of Wn. Note that


n is obtained from W1

n by regluing Wn via fn.

Figure 5

(3) Let W 1m,n and W 2

m,n be simply connected compact smooth 4-manifolds defined in

Figure 6. Then W 1m,n and W 2

m,n (m ≥ 1, n ≥ 2) are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic.

Note that W 2m,n is obtained from W 1

m,n by regluing Wm,n via fm,n.


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Figure 6

Proof. (1) Lemma 2.7.(1) implies that W 1n and W 2

n are homeomorphic. We can easilycheck that W 1

n is a compact Stein manifold by an isotopy in Figure 4 (it follows fromthe Eliashberg criterion: The framing on the 2-handles are less or equal to the Thurston-Benequin framing). Since every compact Stein manifold can be embedded into a minimalsymplectic 4-manifold (e.g. [20]), W 1

n has no 2-sphere with self intersection number −1.But clearly W 2

n contains a 2-sphere with self intersection number −1. In particular, W 2n

is not a compact Stein manifold. Hence W 1n and W 2

n (n ≥ 1) are not diffeomorphic.

(2) Similar to (1), we can show that W1

n is a compact Stein manifold and that W2

n is

not a compact Stein manifold. Therefore W1

n and W2

n are not diffeomorphic.(3) As before, similar to (1), we can show that W 1

m,n is a compact Stein manifold and

that W 2m,n is not a compact Stein manifold. Therefore, W 1

m,n and W 2m,n (n ≥ 1) are not

diffeomorphic. We check they are homeomorphic. The intersection forms of W 1m,n and

W 2m,n are

−1 0 00 −m 10 1 0


−2n − n2m 1 11 0 01 0 −1


respectively. We can easily show that they are isomorphic to 〈1〉 ⊕ 〈−1〉 ⊕ 〈−1〉. It thusfollows from Boyer’s theorem [12] that W 1

m,n and W 2m,n are homeomorphic. Note that

their boundaries are diffeomorphic. �

Remark 2.9. Here we showed Wn, Wn and Wm,n are corks and plugs by using a quickargument of the first author and Matveyev [8] based on property of Stein manifolds.Notice that this technique gives W i

n are W im,n are Stein only when i = 1, whereas when

i = 2 they are not Stein (they have an imbedded −1 sphere). In a subsequent paper[9], by a more sophisticated argument, by enlarging corks and plugs we construct simplyconnected exotic compact Stein manifold pairs realizing any Betti number b2 ≥ 1.

The technical proposition below makes arguments of stabilizations easy. We use thisproposition in Section 5.


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Corks, Plugs and exotic structures

Proposition 2.10. (1) Let X be a simply connected compact smooth 4-manifold which

contains Wn (resp. Wn). Let Y be the simply connected compact smooth 4-manifold

obtained from X by removing Wn (resp. Wn) and regluing it via fn (resp. fn). Then

X#S2 × S2 is diffeomorphic to Y #S2 × S2.

(2) Let X be a compact smooth 4-manifold which contains Wm,n. Let Y be the compact

smooth 4-manifold obtained from X by removing Wm,n and regluing it via fm,n. If m is

even (resp. odd), then X#S2×S2 (resp. X#CP2#CP2) is diffeomorphic to Y #S2×S2

(resp. Y #CP2#CP2).

Proof. (1) X#S2×S2 is obtained from X by surgering a homotopically trivial loop (withthe correct framing). We choose to surger X along a meridian of the unique dotted circleof Wn (resp. Wn). This corresponds to turning the unique 1-handle of Wn (resp. Wn)into a 0-framed 2-handle (i.e. replace the dot with 0-framing). Similarly, Y #S2 × S2 isobtained from Y by replacing the dot of the dotted circle of Wn (resp. Wn) with 0. Itthus follows from the definition of Y that X#S2 × S2 and Y #S2 × S2 have the samehandlebody diagrams.(2) Since the dotted circle of Wm,n has −m-framed meridian, changing the dotted circleinto 0-framed circle corresponds to a connected sum with S2 × S2. This fact implies therequired claim. �

3. Examples

Here, by improving an argument in Gompf-Stipsicz [17, Section 9.3], we give examplesof closed manifolds containing Wn and Wn (resp. Wm,n) as corks (resp. plugs).

Let E(n) be the relatively minimal simply connected elliptic surface with Euler char-acteristic 12n and with no multiple fibers, and E(n)p1,...,pk

the elliptic surface obtainedfrom E(n) by performing logarithmic transformations of multiplicities p1, . . . , pk. Nowrecall.

Theorem 3.1 (Gompf-Stipsicz [17]). For n ≥ 1, the elliptic surface E(n) has the handle

decomposition as in Figure 7. The obvious cusp neighborhood (i.e. the dotted circle, −1-framed meridian of the dotted circle, and the left most 0-framed unknot) is isotopic to the

regular neighborhood of a cusp fiber of E(n).

Corollary 3.2. For n ≥ 1, the elliptic surface E(n) has the handle decomposition as in

Figure 8. The obvious cusp neighborhood (i.e. 0-framed trefoil knot) is isotopic to the

regular neighborhood of a cusp fiber of E(n).

Proof. In Figure 7, pull off the leftmost 0-framed unknot from the dotted circle by slidingover −1-framed knot. �


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Figure 7. E(n)

Figure 8. E(n)

Proposition 3.3. For n ≥ 1 and m ≥ 1 we have

(1) E(2n)#CP2

has the handle decompositions as in Figure 9.

(2) E(2n)#mCP2

has the handle decompositions as in Figure 10.

(3) E(2n + 1)#CP2

has the handle decomposition as in Figure 11.


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Figure 9. Two decompositions of E(2n)#CP2

Figure 10. Two decompositions of E(2n)#mCP2

(m ≥ 1)

Figure 11. E(2n + 1)#CP2

(n ≥ 1)


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Proof. (1) Starting with Figure 8, the handle slides as in Figure 26 give Figure 27. Weeasily get Figure 28 by handle slides and isotopies to the E(2n) case of Figure 27. Byblowing up, we get Figure 29. We have the left diagram in Figure 9 by a slide. We alsoget Figure 30 by a slide in Figure 29. Notice that the Figure 30 is isotopic to the rightdiagram in Figure 9.

(2) In Figure 29, blowing up the left (resp. right) middle −1-framed circle m− 1 timesgives the left (resp. right) diagram in Figure 10.

(3) It follows from a diagram of E(n) in Figure 27 that E(2n + 1) admits a diagramas in Figure 31. We obtain a diagram of E(2n + 1) in Figure 36 by handle slides andisotopies as in Figure 31 ∼ 36. By blowing up, we get Figure 11. �

This proposition implies the following theorem which says that many exotic 4-manifoldsadmit Wn and Wn (resp. Wm,n) as corks (resp. plugs).

Theorem 3.4. For each n ≥ 1 and m ≥ 1 we have

(1) (W2n−1, f2n−1) and (W2n, f2n) are corks of E(2n)#CP2.

(2) (Wm,2n, fm,2n) and (Wm,2n+1, fm,2n+1) are plugs of E(2n)#mCP2.

(3) (Wn, fn) is a cork of E(2n + 1)#CP2.

Proof. (1) Figure 9 implies that E(2n)#CP2

splits off 2CP2

by regluing W2n (resp.W2n−1) via f2n (resp. W2n−1). The Seiberg-Witten invariant and the blow-up formula

imply that E(2n)#CP2

cannot split off 2CP2, therefore (W2n−1, f2n−1) and (W2n, f2n)

are corks of E(2n)#CP2. (2) and (3) are similar to (1). �

Let E(n)p,q denote the 4-manifold obtained from E(n) by the logarithmic trasform ontwo disjoint torus fibers. Also, for a knot K in S3 with a nontrivial Alexander polynomial,let E(n)K be the 4-manifold obtained from E(n) by Fintushel-Stern’s knot surgery ([15])with K in the regular neighborhood of a cusp fiber. Then we have:

Theorem 3.5. For each p, q ≥ 1 and gcd(p, q) = 1 we have

(1) W1 (resp. W 1) is a cork of E(n)p,q#CP2

(n ≥ 2) [resp. n ≥ 3].

(2) W1,3 is a plug of E(n)p,q#CP2

(n ≥ 2) (also valid for n = 1 and p, q ≥ 2).

(3) W1 (resp. W 1) is a cork of E(n)K#CP2

(n ≥ 2) [resp. n ≥ 3].

(4) W1,3 is a plug of E(n)K#CP2

(n ≥ 1).


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Proof. Start from Figure 27. We can easily construct W1 (resp. W1,3) in E(n)#CP2

when n ≥ 2 (resp. n ≥ 1) away from the regular neighborhood of a cusp fiber of E(n), byan argument similar to the proof of Proposition 3.3. Perform logarithmic transformationsof multiplicities p and q (resp. knot surgery along K) in the cusp neighborhood. Then anargument similar to the proof of Theorem 3.4 shows the required claims. The case of W 1

is almost the same. �

4. Rational blow-down and logarithmic transform

In this section, we review the rational blow-down introduced by Fintushel-Stern [14]and logarithmic transform (see also Gompf-Stipsicz [17]). We also give a new procedureto change handlebody diagrams by rational blow-downs and logarithmic transforms.

Let Cp and Bp (p ≥ 2) be the smooth 4-manifolds in Figure 12. The boundary ∂Cp ofCp is diffeomorphic to the lens space L(p2, p − 1) and to the boundary ∂Bp of Bp.

Figure 12

Suppose that Cp embeds in a smooth 4-manifold X . Let X(p) be a smooth 4-manifoldobtained from X by removing Cp and gluing Bp. The 4-manifold X(p) is called the rationalblow-down of X along Cp. Note that X(p) is uniquely determined up to diffeomorphismby a fixed pair (X, Cp). We briefly recall the procedure given in [17, Section 8.5] toobtain a handlebody diagram of X(p) from a diagram of X . Change the diagram of Cp

in Figure 12 into the diagram in Figure 13 (introduce a 1-handle/2-handle pair and slidehandles as shown in Figure 14). Then surger the obvious S1 ×B3 to B2 × S2 and surgerthe other B2×S2 to S1×B3 (i.e. change the dot and 0 in Figure 13). Finally blow down−1-framed unknots. See Figure 15 for this procedure.

We now give a new way to draw a handlebody diagram of X(p), as indicated in

Figure 16: First we connected sum with CP2 and get the second diagram. Now wehave a −1-framed unknot, then blow down this −1-framed unknot. Now again we have a−1-framed unknot, by repeating blow-downs as before, we get the fifth diagram. A han-dle slide gives the sixth diagram. Finally we replace 0 with a dot. Since this procedurechanges Cp into Bp, this is the rational blow-down operation.


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Figure 13. Cp

Figure 14. diagrams of Cp

Next, we discuss the logarithmic transform. Let ϕp (p ≥ 0) be the self-diffeomorphismof T 3 induced by the automorphism

1 0 00 0 10 −1 p

of H1(S1;Z) ⊕ H1(S

1;Z) ⊕ H1(S1;Z) with the obvious basis. Suppose that a smooth

4-manifold X contains a torus T with trivial normal bundle ν(T ) ≈ T × B2.


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Figure 15. Rational blow-down along Cp

Figure 16. Rational blow-down along Cp


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Now we remove int ν(T ) from X and glue T 2 × B2 back via ϕp : T 2 × S1 → ∂ν(T ).We call this operation a logarithmic transform of X with multiplicity p. Note that thisdefinition is consistent with the one given in [17] when T is in a cusp neighborhood (i.e.B4 with a 2-handle attached along a 0-framed right trefoil knot).

Let Xp be a logarithmic transform of X with multiplicity p. We can draw a handlebodydiagram of Xp as indicated in Figure 17. The first diagram denotes ν(T ) ≈ T ×B2 in X .We will keep track of circles α, β, γ on the boundary ∂ν(T ) during the diffeomorphismswe describe. Replace the dot of the lower circle with 0 of the middle circle. Then we getthe third diagram by an isotopy. This corresponds to a logarithmic transform of X withmultiplicity 0. We next change the dot of the lower circle into 0 and blow up as shown inthe figure. Then we blow down the upper −1-framed circle. We again blow up slide andblow down as shown in the Figure 14. By repeating blow-ups and blow-downs similarly,we get the eighth diagram. Finally change the lower 0-framed unknot into a dotted circle.This gives the last diagram, which is the handlebody of Xp. By inspecting the positionsof α, β, γ in the last diagram, we can easily verify that this gluing map corresponds tothe map ϕ−1

p : ∂ν(T ) → T 2 × S1.

Remark 4.1. Note that the 0-log transform operation removes a Stein manifold T 2×B2

and reglues it via an involution on the boundary. It follows from Gompf [16] that 0-logtransforms can be plug operations.

The rational blow-down has the following relation with the logarithmic transform.

Theorem 4.2 (Fintushel-Stern [14], see also Gompf-Stipsicz [17]). Suppose that a smooth

4-manifold X contains a fishtail neighborhood, that is, the smooth 4-manifold in Figure 18.Let Xp (p ≥ 2) be the smooth 4-manifold obtained from X by a logarithmic transform with

multiplicity p in the fishtail neighborhood. Then there exists a copy of Cp in X#(p−1)CP2

such that the rational blow-down of X#(p− 1)CP2

along the copy of Cp is diffeomorphic

to Xp.

Proof. Fintushel-Stern constructed Cp in X#(p − 1)CP2

as indicated in Figure 19. Wekeep track of circles α, β, γ on the boundary ∂(T 2 × B2). We cancel a 1-handle of thefishtail neighborhood as in the second diagram. By blowing up (p − 1) times, we get Cp

as in the last diagram.

We draw a diagram of the rational blow down of X#(p − 1)CP2

along this Cp bythe procedure in Figure 16. Then we can easily show that this is the same operation aslogarithmic transform of X with multiplicity p, by checking positions of α, β, γ. �


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Figure 17. Logarithmic transform with multiplicity p55

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Figure 18. fishtail neighborhood

Figure 19. Construction of Cp in X#(p − 1)CP2


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5. Corks, Plugs and rational blow-down

In this section we relate the rational blow-down operation with regluing corks and plugs.Recall that the rational blow-down operation can change the first and second homologygroups. Since regluing corks Wn and plugs Wm,n does not change these groups, we needsuitable assumptions to relate these operations.

Let Tp,q, Up,q and Vp,q be the smooth 4-manifolds in Figure 20. Note that 4-manifoldsTp,q, Up,q and Vp,q contain Cp.

Figure 20

Theorem 5.1. (1) Suppose that a smooth 4-manifold X contains Tp,p−1 (resp. Tp,p+1).Let X(p) be the rational blow-down of X along Cp. Then X contains Wp−2 (resp. Wp−1)

such that X(p)#(p − 1)CP2

is obtained from X by removing Wp−2 (resp. Wp−1) and

regluing it via fp−2 (resp. fp−1).

(2) Suppose that a smooth 4-manifold X contains Up,p−1 (resp. Up,p+1). Let X(p) be

the rational blow-down of X along Cp. Then X contains Wp−2 (resp. Wp−1) such that

X(p)#(p− 1)CP2

is obtained from X by removing Wp−2 (resp. Wp−1) and regluing it via

fp−2 (resp. fp−1).

(3) Suppose that a smooth 4-manifold X contains Vp,q. Let X(p) be the rational blow-

down of X along Cp. Then X contains Wq−1,p such that X(p)#(p − 1)CP2

is obtained

from X by removing Wq−1,p and regluing it via fq−1,p.


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Proof. (1) The q = p + 1 case: We can easily get the handle decomposition of Tp,p+1

in Figure 37 by handle slides of Cp as in Section 4 (See Figure 14.). Slide handles asshown in Figure 37. In the third diagram of Figure 37, we can find a 0-framed unknotwhich links the dotted circle geometrically once. Replace this dot and 0 as shown in thefirst row of Figure 38. This operation keeps the diffeomorphism type of X because thiscorresponds to removing B4 and regluing B4. As a consequence, we can easily find Wp−1

in X . Note that Figure 39 is isotopic to the standard diagram of Wp−1. By removingWp−1 in X and regluing it via fp−1, we get the lower diagram of Figure 38.

We can easily check that Xp#(p − 1)CP2

is obtained by replacing the dot and 0 as

shown in the left side of Figure 38. Hence, we obtain Xp#(p−1)CP2

from X by removingWp−1 and regluing it via fp−1.

The q = p − 1 case is similar. (2) is similar to the (1) case. For (3): handle slides inFigure 20 give Figure 40 (See Figure 14). Then the required claim easily follows from thisfigure. �

Applying the theorem above, we easily get the following examples. Let E3 be thesmooth 4-manifold constructed by the second author [26]. Note that E3 is homeomorphic

but not diffeomorphic to CP2#9CP2

Example 5.2. (1) E3#2CP2

is obtained from CP2#11CP2

by removing a cork W1

and regluing it via f1. Note that E3#2CP2

is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to


(2) E3#2CP2

is obtained from CP2#11CP2

by removing a plug W1,3 and regluing itvia f1,3.

(3) E3#CP2#3CP2

is diffeomorphic to 2CP2#12CP2.

Proof. (1) See [26, Definition 3.4 and Figure 25]. The 4-manifold E3 is obtained by

rationally blowing down C3 in a submanifold T3,2 of CP2#11CP2. Thus Theorem 5.1

implies the required claim.(2) See [26, Proposition 3.2.(1) and Definition 3.4]. The 4-manifold E3 is obtained by

rationally blowing down C3 in a submanifold V3,2 of CP2#11CP2. Thus Theorem 5.1

implies the required claim.(3) This clearly follows from (2) and Proposition 2.10. �

Remark 5.3. Example 5.2.(1) and (2) show that regluing a cork W3 of CP2#11CP2

isthe same operation as regluing a plug W1,3, in this case. So, investigating plug structuresof 4-manifolds might be helpful to study cork structures of 4-manifolds.

Example 5.4. For n ≥ 1, the elliptic surface E(2n)#2CP2

contains C2n such that

(E(2n)#2CP2)(2n)#(2n − 1)CP

2is obtained from E(2n)#(2n + 1)CP

2by removing


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W2n−1 and regluing it via f2n−1. Here (E(2n)#2CP2)(2n) denotes the rational blow-down

of E(2n)#2CP2

along the copy of C2n. Note that (E(2n)#2CP2)(2n)#(2n − 1)CP


homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to E(2n)#(2n + 1)CP2.

Proof. Start from Figure 28. By blowing ups, we can find U2n,2n+1 in E(2n)#2CP2.

Then the required claim follows from Theorem 5.1. �

Example 5.5. For n, p ≥ 2, the elliptic surface E(n)p#(p − 1)CP2

is obtained from

E(n)#(p − 1)CP2

by removing a plug Wn,p and regluing it via fn,p.

Proof. Start from Figure 8. Construct Cp in E(n)#(p − 1)CP2

by blowing ups the cuspneighborhood, following the procedure in Figure 19. Note that a cusp neighborhoodnaturally contains a fishtail neighborhood. Then we can easily find Vp,n+1. In this casein the last diagram of Figure 19, we have γ with −n framing. In the last diagram ofFigure 19, we also have a −1-framed unknot. Slide γ over the −1-framed knot. Then wehave Vp,n+1. Now the required claim follows from Theorem 4.2 and 5.1. �

6. Exotic CP2#9CP2

The second author ([25], [26]) constructed the minimal smooth 4-manifold E′3 which is

homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to CP2#9CP2, and it has neither 1- nor 3-handles.

He also gave the way to draw the handlebody diagram of E′3, but he did not draw it. In

this section, we draw a whole diagram of E′3, by slightly changing the construction in [26]

to obtain a simple diagram. From this we find a cork and a plug of E′3. As far as the

authors know, this is the first example of a cork and a plug in minimal 4-manifolds.

Theorem 6.1. (1) Figure 21 is a handlebody diagram of a smooth 4-manifold which is

homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to CP2#9CP2

and has the same Seiberg-Witten

invariant as the elliptic surface E(1)2,3. Consequently, this 4-manifold is minimal, that

is, it does not contain any 2-sphere with self intersection number −1. It is clear from

Figure 21 that this minimal 4-manifold has neither 1- nor 3-handles in that handle de-


(2) W1 is a cork of the minimal 4-manifold above.

(3) W1,3 is a plug of the minimal 4-manifold above.

Remark 6.2. (1) In [5] the first author proved that W 1 is a cork of the elliptic surfaceE(1)2,3.(2) In [27], the second author constructed the smooth 4-manifold Xa,3 (3 ≤ a ≤ 7) which

is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to CP2#(12 − a)CP2. As in Theorem 6.1, we

can prove that W2 is a cork of X4,3.


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Figure 21. A minimal exotic CP2#9CP2

Here we also show that corks and plugs can be knotted, by similar constructions ofexotic rational surfaces in [25] and [26].

Theorem 6.3 (Knotting corks). There exist two copies of W3 in CP2#14CP2

with the

following two properties:

(1) Two 4-manifolds obtained from CP2#14CP2

by removing each copy of W3 and reglu-

ing it via f3 are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to CP2#14CP2. In particular,

each copy of W3 is a cork of CP2#14CP2.

(2) Two 4-manifolds obtained from CP2#14CP2

by removing each copy of W3 and reglu-

ing it via f3 are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to each other. In particular, the

above two corks of CP2#14CP2

are not isotopic to each other.

Theorem 6.4 (Knotting plugs). There exist two copies of W4,5 in CP2#16CP2


the following two properties:

(1) Two 4-manifolds obtained from CP2#16CP2

by removing each copy of W4,5 and

regluing it via f4,5 are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to CP2#16CP2. In partic-

ular, each copy of W4,5 is a plug of CP2#16CP2.

(2) Two 4-manifolds obtained from CP2#16CP2

by removing each copy of W4,5 and

regluing it via f4,5 are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to each other. In particular,

the above two plugs of CP2#16CP2

are not isotopic to each other.


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Let h, e1, e2, . . . , en be a canonical orthogonal basis of H2(CP2#nCP2;Z) such that

h2 = 1 and e21 = e2

2 = · · · = e2n = −1.

In handlebody diagrams, we often write the second homology classes given by 2-handles, instead of usual framings. Note that the square of the homology class givenby a 2-handle is equal to the usual framing.

Proof of Theorem 6.1. (1) Recall the construction of E′3 in [26]: Figure 41 is a standard

diagram of CP2#2CP2. By sliding handles as in [26, Figure 8 ∼ 17], we obtain Fig-

ure 42. Blowing ups gives Figure 43. We have Figure 44 by an isotopy. We get Figure 46by handle slides as indicated in Figure 44 and 45. By blowing up, we obtain Figure 47.Note that a copy of C5 (see Figure 48) is inside Figure 47. By rationally blowing downthis copy of C5, we get a smooth 4-manifold E′

3. By using the rational blow-down proce-dure in Figure 15, we obtain Figure 21 of E′

3. Though this construction of E′3 is slightly

different from [26], the same argument as in [26] shows that this E′3 is homeomorphic to


and has the same Seiberg-Witten invariant as the elliptic surface E(1)2,3.Therefore this E′

3 is minimal.

(2) We can get Figure 49 from Figure 41 by introducing a 2-handle/3-handle pair and

sliding the new 2-handle. We obtain Figure 50 of CP2#13CP2

from Figure 49, similarto (1). Note that there is a copy of C5 is inside of Figure 50. This copy of C5 is isotopicto the one in Figure 47, because we constructed the handle decomposition in Figure 50without sliding any handles over the new 2-handle which comes from a 2-handle/3-handlepair. We thus get Figure 51 of E′

3 by rationally blowing down. The first diagram inFigure 52 is obtained from Figure 51 by ignoring handles. Handle slides give the lastdiagram in Figure 52. Note that there is W1 inside the last diagram in Figure 52. Byremoving this W1 from E′

3 and regluing it via f1, we get a 2-sphere with self intersectionnumber −1. Therefore W1 is a cork of E′


(3) Similar to (2), we obtain the first diagram in Figure 53 from Figure 51 of E′3 by

ignoring handles. Handle slides give the last diagram in Figure 53. Notice the W1,3 insideof the last diagram in Figure 53. By removing W1,3 from E′

3 and regluing it via f1,3, weget a 2-sphere with self intersection number −1. Therefore W1,3 is a plug of E′

3. �

Remark 6.5. (1) In the proof above, we gave one construction of E′3. We can give a

lot of different constructions by using knotted bands in handle slides. We do not know ifchoices of bands in handle slides affect diffeomorphism types of E′

3, though they do notaffect homeomorphism types and Seiberg-Witten invariants. See also [26, Remark 6.1]and [28].(2) In the proof above, we drew a digram of E′

3 by the rational blow-down procedure inFigure 15. Another rational blow-down procedure in Figure 16 gives a different diagramof E′

3, though they are diffeomorphic.


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6.1. Knotted corks and plugs in 4-manifolds

Proposition 6.6. (1) CP2#13CP2

admits a handle decomposition as in Figure 22. Note

that Figure 22 contains C5.

(2) CP2#13CP2

admits a handle decomposition as in Figure 23. Note that Figure 23contains C5.

Figure 22. CP2#13CP2

Figure 23. CP2#13CP2

Proof. (1) Handle slides, introducing 2-handle/3-handle pairs, and blowing ups as in[26, Figure 8 ∼ 18], i.e. the moves similar to Figure 41 Figure 44, give Figure 54 of

CP2#3CP2. By an isotopy, we get Figure 55. By the handle slide indicated in Figure 55,

we get Figure 56. Blowing ups give Figure 57. We blow up as in Figure 19. Then weobtain Figure 22.

(2) Blowing ups in Figure 55 of CP2#3CP2

give Figure 58 of CP2#5CP2. By further

blow-ups we get Figure 59. We then obtain Figure 23 of CP2#13CP2, by a similar

construction to [26, Figure 19 ∼ 25]. �


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Definition 6.7. Let X5 (resp. X3) be the smooth 4-manifold obtained from CP2#13CP2

by rationally blowing down the copy of C5 in Proposotion 6.6.(1) (resp. in Proposo-tion 6.6.(2)).

Corollary 6.8. (1) X5#CP2

is obtained from CP2#14CP2

by rationally blowing down

the copy of C5 in Figure 24.

(2) X3#CP2

is obtained from CP2#14CP2

by rationally blowing down the copy of

C5 in Figure 25.

Figure 24. CP2#14CP2

Figure 25. CP2#14CP2

Corollary 6.9. (1) X5#5CP2

is obtained from CP2#14CP2

by removing W3 and

regluing it via f3.

(2) X3#5CP2

is obtained from CP2#14CP2

by removing W3 and regluing it via f3.

Proof. This ovbiously follows from Corollary 6.8 and Theorem 5.1. �


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Corollary 6.10. (1) X3 is homeomorphic to the elliptic surface E(1)2,3 and has the same

Seiberg-Witten invariant as E(1)2,3. In particular, X3 is homeomorphic but not diffeo-

morphic to CP2#9CP2.

(2) X5 is homeomorphic to the elliptic surface E(1)2,5 and has the same Seiberg-

Witten invariant as E(1)2,5. In particular, X5 is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to


(3) X3#kCP2, X5#kCP

2and CP2#(9+k)CP

2(k ≥ 0) are mutually homeomorphic

but not diffeomorphic to each other.

Proof. Corollary 6.9 implies that X3 and X5 are simply connected. Thus Freedman’s

theorem and Rochlin’s theorem imply that X3 and X5 are homeomorphic to CP2#9CP2.

The same argument as in [26] (see also [28]) shows X3 (resp. X5) has the same Seiberg-Witten invariant as E(1)2,3 (resp. E(1)2,5). (X3 and X5 corresponds to E′

3 and E5

in [26], respectively.) We thus can prove that the Seiberg-Witten invariants of X3#kCP2,


and CP2#(9 + k)CP2

(k ≥ 0) are mutually different, similar to Szabo[24, Lemmas 3.6 and 3.5]. �

Proof of Theorem 6.3. Theorem 6.3 now clearly follows from Corollary 6.9 and 6.10. �

Proof of Theorem 6.4. It easily follows from [26, Proposition 3.3] that E′3#3CP


obtained from CP2#16CP2

by rationally blowing down C5 inside V5,5. (In this proof,E′

3 denotes the manifold defined in [26], not the manifold defined in Theorem 6.1 in this

paper.) Theorem 5.1 thus shows that E′3#7CP

2in [26] is obtained from CP2#16CP


by removing W4,5 and regluing it via f4,5. Similarly, [26, Proposition 3.2.(2)] implies

that E5#7CP2

is obtained from CP2#16CP2

by removing W4,5 and regluing it via f4,5.Since E5 has the same Seiberg-Witten invariant as the elliptic surface E(1)2,5, we can

prove that E′3#7CP

2, E5#7CP

2and CP2#16CP

2are mutually homeomorphic but not

diffeomorphic, similar to Corollary 6.10. �

We finally point out an interesting property of E3 and E′3.

Proposition 6.11. The minimal 4-manifold in Figure 21 is obtained from CP2#14CP2

by rationally blowing down C6.

Proof. By blowing up in Figure 47, we get Figure 60. We can easily find a copy of C6

in Figure 60. Draw a diagram of the rational blow-down of CP2#14CP2

along this C6.Then we get Figure 61. By handle slides, we can change the diagram into Figure 21. �

Remark 6.12. We can change the construction of E′3 so that, for any 5 ≤ p ≤ 11, E′


can be obtained from CP2#(8 + p)CP2

by rationally blowing down Cp. The smooth

4-manifold E3 can also be obtained from CP2#(8 + p)CP2

(3 ≤ p ≤ 11) by rationally


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blowing down Cp. Note that E3 and E′3 are homeomorphic to E(1)2,3 and have the

same Seiberg-Witten invariants as E(1)2,3. However, it is not known whether or not

E(1)2,3 itself can be obtained from CP2#(8 + p)CP2

by rationally blowing down Cp, forp ≥ 4. Moreover, there is no known other minimal 4-manifolds for which more than threedifferent rational blow-down constructions exist.

For various handle diagrams of E(1)2,3, see Harer-Kas-Kirby [18], Gompf [16], the firstauthor [5], and the second author [29]. The handlebody of E(1)2,3 in [5] has no 1- and 3-handles. For more diagrams of exotic rational surfaces, see [5], [27], [29].

7. Further remarks

We conclude this paper by making some remarks.

7.1. General remarks

Remark 7.1. (1) Theorem 2.5 and 3.4 show that Wn and Wn are corks and that Wm,n

are plugs. By a similar technique, we can easily give more examples of corks (whichconsist of one 1-handle and one 2-handle) and plugs.(2) In Figure 1, we defined the smooth 4-manifold Wn. Note that this symbol does notdenote the reverse orientaion of Wn.

Remark 7.2. Theorem 5.1. (1) and (2) describe relations between rational blow-downoperations and cork operations, under some conditions. We can similarly prove the fol-lowing theorem. Notice the slight difference from Theorem 5.1.

Theorem 7.3. (1) Suppose that a smooth 4-manifold X contains Tp,p−1 (resp. Tp,p+1).Let X(p) be the rational blow-down of X along Cp. Then X contains Wp−1 (resp. Wp)

such that X(p)#(p−1)CP2

is obtained from X by removing Wp−1 (resp. Wp) and regluing

it via fp−1 (resp. fp).

(2) Suppose that a smooth 4-manifold X contains Up,p−1 (resp. Up,p+1). Let X(p) be

the rational blow-down of X along Cp. Then X contains Wp−1 (resp. Wp) such that

X(p)#(p − 1)CP2

is obtained from X by removing Wp−1 (resp. Wp) and regluing it via

fp−1 (resp. fp).

Remark 7.4. Let Z be a simply connected closed smooth 4-manifold, and {Zn}n≥1

mutually different smooth structures on Z. Then, by Theorem 1.1, there exist corks(Ci, τi) of Z such that Zi is obtained from Z by removing Ci and regluing it via τi.It seems natural to ask whether or not (Ci, τi) and (Cj , τj) (i 6= j) can be the same.Theorem 6.3 shows that (C1, τ1) and (C2, τ2) can be the same, namely, the embeddings ofcorks are different. In a forthcoming paper, we further discuss knotting corks and plugs.

7.2. 1- and 3-handles of 4-manifolds

It is not known if the minimal numbers of 1- and 3-handles of smooth 4-manifolds(which are invariants of smooth structures) are non-trivial for simply connected closed


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4-manifolds. However, the following example shows that this invariant is non-trivial forsimply connected 4-manifolds with boundary.

Example 7.5. There exist two homeomorphic simply connected smooth 4-manifoldswith boundary with the following property: one admits a handle decomposition without1- and 3-handles; the other has at least a 1- or 3-handle in each of its handle decomposi-tions. In particular, these smooth structures can be detected by minimal numbers of its1- and 3-handles.

Proof. The first author [4] constructed smooth 4-manifolds which are homeomorphic butnot diffeomorphic to the cusp neighborhood, by knot surgery in the cusp neighborhood.Ozsvath-Szabo [23] proved that if Dehn surgery along a knot K in S3 is orientation-preserving diffeomorphic to 0-framed right trefoil surgery, then K is isotopic to righttrefoil. These two theorems imply the claim. �

As far as the authors know, no other such examples are known.

Question 7.6. Does W 2n (n : large) in Figure 4 admit a handle decomposition without

1- and 3-handles? Note that W 1n (n ≥ 1) is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to W 2


and has a handle decomposition without 1- and 3-handles.

Remark 7.7. W 21 admits a handle decomposition without 1- and 3-handles.


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Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, 48824, USA

E-mail address: [email protected]

Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka,

Osaka 560-0043, Japan

E-mail address: [email protected]


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Figure 26. Handle slides

Figure 27. E(n)

Figure 28. E(2n)


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Figure 29. E(2n)#CP2

Figure 30. E(2n)#CP2

Figure 31. E(2n + 1) (n ≥ 1)


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Figure 32. E(2n + 1) (n ≥ 1)

Figure 33. E(2n + 1) (n ≥ 1)

Figure 34. E(2n + 1) (n ≥ 1)


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Corks, Plugs and exotic structures

Figure 35. E(2n + 1) (n ≥ 1)

Figure 36. E(2n + 1) (n ≥ 1)


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Figure 37. Handle slides of Tp,p+1


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Figure 38

Figure 39


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Figure 40

Figure 41. CP2#2CP2

Figure 42. CP2#2CP2


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Figure 43. CP2#5CP2

Figure 44. CP2#5CP2


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Figure 45. CP2#5CP2

Figure 46. CP2#5CP2


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Figure 47. CP2#13CP2

Figure 48. C5 in CP2#13CP2

Figure 49. CP2#2CP2


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Figure 50. CP2#13CP2

Figure 51. A different diagram of the 4-manifold in Figure 21


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Corks, Plugs and exotic structures

Figure 52. Construction of a cork in E′3

Figure 53. Construction of a plug in E′3


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Figure 54. CP2#3CP2

Figure 55. CP2#3CP2

Figure 56. CP2#3CP2


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Figure 57. CP2#9CP2

Figure 58. CP2#5CP2

Figure 59. CP2#8CP2


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Figure 60. CP2#14CP2

Figure 61. A different diagram of the 4-manifold in Figure 21


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