









Sherri Gibson

Superstar Director

Scentsy Top 50 "Founder’s Circle" Member

Sooner Scent-sations, LLC 105 N. Hudson, Ste 312 -- Oklahoma City, OK 73102

(405) 659-2867

[email protected]

“The Sooner You Act – The Sooner You Scent-ceed”


About the Author

Without prior network marketing experience, I joined Scentsy in fall, 2007 just to get

discounts on Christmas gifts. I was a mother, wife, PTA Board member, softball coach, and worked full time as an office manager. I did not have "time" for Scentsy. Working some evenings and weekends, I watched my business grow and expand. By fall, 2008, I had a full

time career, with many new interesting friends, better than any old job.

I live in Norman, Oklahoma, and am the doting parent to a 13-year-old daughter, Mackenzie and have been married for 23 years to my husband, Loren. Scentsy is my first foray into network marketing and I have fallen head over heels for it. Before joining Scentsy,

I was a sales manager and a public relations director. For 10 years, I was the manager/ buyer for a ladies store. I was a Chairman Club member in several of these positions.

I was the 2009 company-wide top salesperson. I am fortunate to be a Superstar Director. In 2009, I was humbled and honored to be inducted into the prestigious Scentsy Founder's Circle; membership restricted to only 50 other nation-wide remarkable and elite Scentsy consultants. I have been blessed through the support of my family and my downline to be the top qualifier for the exotic 2009 trips to Banff Canada and Alaska, and qualified

number two for the 2010 Hawaii trip. Thru Scentsy trips, events, and my down line, I have become inspired, and transformed into a successful business owner. More importantly, I have made lasting relationships with countless other inspirational consultants.

By request of Scentsy, Inc, I have presented training workshops at the Annual Scentsy Convention and the "World Tour" seminar in Oklahoma. Learn from my

experiences/mistakes and from my team of over 1,000 consultants in over 35 states. I have many tips for marketing and selling Scentsy, at low cost, to more than just your family and best friends. Whether you just want product discounts, extra income for spending or paying

bills, or you want to grow into a full time business, I welcome working with you.

Copyright Notice © 2010 Sherri Gibson. All rights reserved. These materials are the exclusive property of Sherri Gibson & Sooner Scent-sations, LLC. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sooner Scent-sations, LLC, 105 N. Hudson, Ste 312, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. These

materials, while accurate and authoritative, do not provide legal, accounting, or other professional service. Please contact a competent professional for advice in these areas.

Permission is hereby provided by the author for Consultants of Scentsy, Inc. who are directly within the downline of Sherri Gibson, either directly on her "team" (as defined by Scentsy, Inc. Policies) or on the "team" of a

Director, Star Director or Superstar Director under Sherri Gibson. Such permission is limited, and exclusive, for the personal use of these materials as a Scentsy Consultant in the direct use for selling Scentsy products and recruiting Scentsy consultants, and for no other purpose, nor for use of any other person, entity, corporation, or organization.


Table of Contents

Introduction...................................................................................................... 4

A. The Party Circle...................................................................................... 5

B. Shows & Fairs ......................................................................................... 7

C. Fundraising.............................................................................................. 8

D. Branding Yourself & Your Car............................................................. 8

E. Take Scentsy with you............................................................................ 10

F. Business Samples/Demonstrations......................................................... 10

G. Customer Awareness.............................................................................. 10

H. Gift Giving............................................................................................... 12

I. Neighborhood Canvassing..................................................................... 12

1.Your “friend neighbor”...................................................... 13

2.The Unknown Neighbor..................................................... 14

J. Community Visibility-Groups .............................................................. 15

K. Catalogue Dropping................................................................................ 15

L. Bulletin Board Notices............................................................................ 15

M. Internet Marketing................................................................................. 16

N. Purchased lists......................................................................................... 16

O. Referral Requesting-Coupons................................................................ 17

P. Magazine Subscriptions.......................................................................... 17

Q. Database Follow Up................................................................................. 17

R. Now What---Casual Conversation Starters.......................................... 17

Conclusion...................................................................................................... 18

Appendix- Scentsy, Inc. Forms.................................................................... 21


Selling & Recruiting Beyond Your BFF

We all participate in “network marketing” ("NWM"). If you have ever recommended a

business or product to someone, you were network selling. Many of you also know it as “word of

mouth advertizing”. Professionals have just put a fancy label on it.

Most of you actually have experience in sales. You worked in a retail store, or were a

restaurant up-selling food items, or in a convenience store recommending product, or in the more

traditional outside sales job. Whatever your background, you can network sale Scentsy. You can

all recommend products you love and enjoy to people you know, to people you casually know, and

to people you have never met.

Too often, we think we can only "sell" to our best friends and family. I call this the "BFF

syndrome". While a “Friends & Family®” network may work for Verizon cell phone plans, it is

the death of Network Sales. But, this is based solely on F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing

Real. I find the self-imposed BFF limitation is premised on the belief that you have to "convince"

someone to buy Scentsy and that only those that know you best are be willing to listen to you and

buy from you. But, I doubt you knew the lady at the clothing store that sold you your last dress. In

truth, you found a product you liked, for a price you liked, and you made the decision to buy.

Scentsy is no different.

Casual acquaintances attend parties just like your BFF. Strangers attend Scentsy parties.

You just have to ask. You will encounter many “no” responses, but you have to ask. How many

have heard the old saying that the “prettiest girls sit home on Friday night because the boys were

afraid she would turn them down?” You can’t be told “yes” until you risk being told “no”.

The solution is to get outside your circle of "Friends". NWM experts describe your

contacts as “warm” and “cold”. Warm are those people you know, even a little bit. Cold are those

you do not. Generally, most people start with the warm market first because they feel more

comfortable with it, practice their approach, and gain success to motivate them onward.

In general, there are many ways to get outside your circle. You can find many ways

that fit your personality to get outside your circle. I am constantly motivated by a comment from

Scentsy CEO Orville Thompson to me. When I asked him which way was the best for me to

expand my Scentsy business. He explained, "We are all good at different things. We all have

different strengths". Orville's answer was ultimately “Do Scentsy your way”. My response to you

on how to get outside your circle of friends and family is to “do it your way”.

There are some general tips I give, regardless of how you do Scentsy. First, put a

consultant contact sticker in every bar. ( has them, or Avery "30" per page

labels work great.) Customers are reminded how to contact you to order more every time they add


wax to their warmer. Second, put brochures, (host/join etc) in every warmer box, and/or every

bag of products you deliver. Inform your customers how they can get free and 1/2 price items

hosting parties, and how they can join your team.

Here are some practical strategies for expanding your circle of friends based on the

experience of team members, other professional consultants, and myself. Of course, in your

workstation, under Business Builders, Scentsy Inc. Documents, you will find “2009 Business

Tools” which provides ideas on developing a referral program, list of “42 Ways to find Customer”

and “65 Places to Leave Your Catalogues”. These materials are not to contradict, but only expand

on how to find customers and recruits.

E. The Party Circle.

This is the tried and true method of a “party plan” company. The idea is simple. You have a

party and from the party you recruit other invitees to host parties, and to become Scentsy

consultants. Your goal for every party is to identify three “hot” prospects and get 1-2 recruit to

either host or join. Please see the separate handout for “Party Recruiting”. Note that the important

thing is to gather information at the party and follow up on all possibilities learned at the party.

You recruit by focusing on what is important in their eyes, not yours. What motivated you,

may not motivate them. Focusing on their motivation is crucial.

Every one of us has our own “inner circle” of friends. But, mine is not the same as yours,

even if you and I are friends. By having me host a party for you, you gain access to my inner

circle. I find that people tend to “prejudge” their friends in thinking “well I know everyone she

knows, so she can’t help me”. But, her inner circle is different from yours.

The result is the creation of a party circle. The goal is for each party to result in another

party. In biblical language, "A party" begat "B party", which begat "C party", and so on.




of Party

No. 2


of Party

No. 3


Of course, you are not limited to having only 1 launch party. You can routinely invite

people to your house for an “in home” party, and recruit your attendees to have their own party.

You can do the same circle expansion by using basket parties, home parties, open parties, etc.

So how do you identify people to invite? The answer is everyone. In your New Consultant

Handbook, you will recall the “List of 100” with descriptions of people in various groups you

routinely contact. NWM experts often say that by age 21 we often “know” over 700 people, and

by age 25 know over 2,000. While this seems high to me, you really do know considerably more

people that you think.

I often find that by using categories of people I can think of their names. Later I can track

down their numbers/addresses/married names. Here are some extra ideas, in no particular order of


1. Friends from the past

2. Email "contact" list

3. Christmas card list

4. Old address book

5. Old school friends

6. Distant relatives

7. Neighbors

8. Coworkers

9. Partner's business associates

10. Parents of children’s friends

11. Retailers

12. Hairdresser

13. Office supply store staff

14. Masseuse

15. Dentist/assistants

16. Sports team parents

17. Dance class parents

18. Weight loss group

19. Exercise buddies

20. Golf buddies

21. Gardner

22. Receptionist

23. Fellow students

24. Friends

25. Partner's family

26. Children's teachers

27. Bank clerks

28. Dry cleaner

29. Florist

30. People met on vacation

31. Music/Piano teachers

32. Health club members

33. Church members

34. Accountant/staff

35. Delivery people

36. Mechanics

I use this list for launch parties, phone calls, mailings, etc. It is a reusable list. EVEN if an

individual could not or did not attend your launch party, invite them later to an “in-home” party,

or a basket party. Etc. When they say no, that often means just “not right now”. Network

Marketing ("NWM") experts say that it takes often takes 6-12 positive contacts before someone

says yes. This does not mean make a pest of yourself. And a contact does not always mean a

party initiation. Contacts about new catalogues, scents, upcoming events, etc also count.

F. Shows & Fairs


I have extensively used this method. Obviously, it requires more upfront costs in boot

rent and product inventory for cash and carry sales. But, you do not have to start with the large

shows. You can even team up with others in your downline to jointly do various shows. You can

get lists of shows from your local chamber of commerce, county fairgrounds, tourism boards,

and city hall.

I will remind you of Scentsy’s policy that only one rep per show is permitted. Pay special

attention to Scentsy policy requiring you to ask the show producer if there is already a Scentsy

booth, and WRITE on you show application a notation that Scentsy only permits one Scentsy rep

per show. The first one completing the application process and paying for the show is entitled to

do it. Note Scentsy policy on how to deal with the unfortunate incidents when two consultants

appear at the same show. Furthermore, you cannot combine one booth with both Scentsy and

non-Scentsy products. (Separate booths next to each other are okay). Also, your show on a cash

and carry basis cannot be in a “retail establishment” such as a mall, or permanent swap meet or

flea market. (You can do product demonstrations without selling at these places). Report any

violations to [email protected].

If you do shows, you can increase your profit by taking the hostess rewards yourself. I

advise you to order all your product in $400.00 increments as this increases the number of

free and half price items for the hostess, whether you or someone who hosted a party.

When you are doing shows, a CRITICAL aspect is to prepare packets with

brochure/catalogue, scent samples, and discount coupons to distribute to all other vendors at

the show. On multi day shows you should do this each day as people working the booths

often change day to day. Other vendors are a prime recruiting market. They have already

demonstrated their willingness to spend the time, energy, and money to market a product. You

just show them Scentsy is a “better mouse trap”. The frequent line of customers at your booth is

generally the best advertisement that you have a “Better mousetrap”. (People also tend to linger

at a Scentsy booth smelling the scents and picking warmers further enhancing the perception of a

large number of customers). BUT, you need to get them to your booth to see the Scentsy

mousetrap. Discount Coupons, free car candles, show exhibitor discounts, etc are common at

shows and are often used by show vendors.

Most other vendors will be selling “one and done” products. That is they sell ABC

widget, but do not create any residual income from their product. Their income is maxed out by

what they sell at the show. One create topic for them is to show how your product requires

refills, which can be done directly on-line by the customer. Obviously, the downline income

stream they can build is good to. Showing them how one sale leads to multiple re-orders, and

an ongoing stream often appeals to other vendors.


Of course, there are varieties of shows you can do. Not all have to do with home décor, or

candles, or home and garden shows. I have done shows at rodeos, fishing & hunting expos (guys

need to bring """"wifey"" home something to justify the new fishing rod they bought), car

shows, bridal shows, baby expos, craft shows, county fairs, county farm markets, etc.

Moreover, you do not even have to have a booth at the show to hand out Scentsy

catalogues to other vendors. OF course, I do not recommend doing this if there is another

Scentsy consultant at the show. You should look before handing out materials. (I would have to

have to kill you for interfering with my booth—LOL) And of course, this is subject to the show

promoter objecting to you doing so.

You can always drop off a catalogue, hosting and joining brochures. Vendors may not

want to take the time to talk with you in-depth if they are busy trying to sell their products to

other customers. But, asking them to review the materials and getting a phone number to call

them back later, or better yet to meet you to discuss the opportunity is all you need. Be sure and

check out the "break room", and to speak with vendors while they are taking a break/smoke

break. Great time to strike up casual conversation. Everyone always asks each other how the

show is going. If someone is not 100% enthusiastic, they may need a new product to sell--



I continue to believe this is one of the most overlooked methods of getting beyond your

circle of friends. All types of student activities are constantly looking for fundraisers for trips,

uniforms, etc. I suggest calling your local schools and getting contact information for the PTA,

Cheer team, sports teams, FFA, 4-H clubs etc. One consultant set up a booth at the local ballpark

during a tournament offering fundraisers.

Typically, these are done where you give 20-25% of the sales to the team. While this

sounds like your commission, you have to realize this permits you access to many people you

don’t know. You benefit from the circle of friends of the parents on the team/group. You should

carefully record the names, addresses, emails, etc from all those that order from you. Add them

to you contact list for future callback, mailings, and promotional marketing. Remember, follow

up is the KEY to a successful fundraiser. Not just once, but continuously.

Into each of the fundraiser product orders, you should drop in a catalogue, brochures, or

discount coupons to give you a reason to follow up with them. Like “How are you enjoying your

Scentsy. Would you be interested is getting some for free and half-price.”


But, you are not doing these for free. You serve as the hostess for the fundraiser,

keeping the free and half price items yourself. What a great way to build inventory, or resell it

for extra profit.

Plus, you may even get tax deductions for the “donation” you make to the organization.

Your donation is the contribution to the team, and of course, you get to write off your expenses

in meeting with the team, and doing the fundraiser. (Tip— talk with your tax advisor about hold

the “meeting” at the out of town trip your child is attending so you write off the expenses of the

trip) You should inquire if they have a tax ID number or if they are a registered 501(c) (3)

charitable organization. (Other tax-exempt organizations may also qualify).

H. Branding Yourself & Your Car.

We all brand ourselves by wearing t-shirts, hats, jackets advertizing for others for Free. If

you wear OU, OSU apparel you market for them, not only do you not get paid for it, you actually

pay to market for them when you bought the T-shirt. You should advertize for yourself.

Branding yourself with Scentsy labeled products is a natural conversation starter. As

more people learn about Scentsy, they will recognize the name and naturally start asking

questions. If they don’t know, they will ask, “What is Scentsy”. Plus, having the logo on give

you credibility when you start discussing Scentsy with them. You should always have some

catalogues, brochures, and sample scents in your purse to expand the conversation into Scentsy


Most of you who have meet me know I generally wear a bling-bling cap, with a Scentsy

pin or logo. Shirts, jackets, and pins etc work wonderfully. You are not limited to traditional hats

and t-shirts. You should put a Scentsy decal on your car, or a bumper sticker. I have had

strangers come to my house asking for Scentsy just because they saw my car sitting in the

driveway with a Scentsy Logo. (Note- check local City ordinances about cash and carry selling

directly from your house. Many limit business activity in a residential neighborhood zoned area.

But, you can always deliver the products to them later.)

I love wearing Scentsy. I sometimes feel like a moving billboard. It is a great

conversation starter. People will stop me and say things like I am so glad I saw your shirt and

hat I need more wax and didn’t know where to get it. I would love to have a Scentsy Outfit for

everyday!!!! I always wear Scentsy gears to Home Parties, Shows, and Team Events.

A recent example typifies Branding. I had on a Scentsy Shirt last week when I went to get

new tires for my car and the manager asked me about my business because his wife is crazy

about Scentsy… She came over the next day and ordered over $125 worth of Bars!!!! A few

days later, I needed a new headlight. The same manager commented how much he loved the new


scents. He even gave me the head light bulb for 50% off a $175.00 high-intensity bulb. The guy

behind me in line sat by me in the waiting area and started asking all kinds of questions about the

company. He is just out of the Military and going to OU, needing income, and guess, what he


Scentsy Success is a great place to get pre-made items. Use them in your everyday life.

Use Scentsy pens to write your checks and sign credit card receipts. Your Scentsy debit card is a

great conversation starter with cashiers and waitresses. Wear a “start a business for $99 button”.

Many of the Scentsy products have catchy sayings which create natural curiosity by

others, leading to Scentsy conversations. Some of my favorites are “I have Inner Peace” or

“Practice Safe Scents”.

Be creative, and do NOT be bashful. Show your pride in what you do, who you are, and

be outgoing. I have one consultant that was forced by health reasons to wear a hospital mask

over her mouth to limit infections. She labeled the mask, writing “ASK ME ABOUT

SCENTSY” right on the mask. Talk about standing out and generating curiosity and


I. Take Scentsy with you.

One of my favorite things to do is to introduce Scentsy where I normally go. I kill two

birds with one stone. I do my errand and generate business. I have fun with it. Show some


Spray EVERYTHING!!! A room spray in your favorite scent is a great way to do this.

First, spray all your catalogue, business cards, brochures, letters etc. I spray my Christmas cards,

thank you notes, anything I send out. Spray your child’s school trip permission slips (I’m still

working to get my daughter to let me spray her homework). After all, teachers are some of the

best network marketers, including here in Scentsy.

When you next talk to the person receiving it, they will surely comment on how nice it

smelled. This amplifies your catalogue by using the sense of smell, not just sight and thinking

when they read your materials. After all, until them make these materials in “scratch and sniff”

spraying them is the next best thing.

Some of my favorite things are to spray my restaurant check, bill payments, bank

deposits, checks etc. When I do my banking, I send a catalogue right up the same chute as my

deposit, all smelling nice. Once, I sprayed the check at IHOP. My waitress came back asking

what smelled so good. Next thing you know, there were 4 IHOP waitresses at my table asking


about Scentsy. I think the whole restaurant got cold food because their waitress was talking


If I am going to do business with you, I think you should consider doing business with

me. When I go to the dentist, dry cleaners, any business, I take them catalogues and samples. I

recruited my lawn man, bank teller, and even my dental assistant to Scentsy while having my

teeth worked on. But, my best one yet is recruiting the OBGYN assistant during my annual pap

smear. I explained it would make their office smell better.LOL

J. Business Samples/Demonstrations.

Along the same line as taking Scentsy with you, I expand the concept to asking local

merchants to put up a display for me. A warmer burning a scent that is associated with their

business, setting beside a catalogue stand (acrylic stands are available from Staples, Office Depot

etc), is hard to resist. The car dealership where I bought my last car has warmer burning scents.

(I’m still working on him to put a car candle in all the cars on his lot) Think of creative ways to

associate scents to businesses. There is even research to assist you. A convenience store warming

coffee smells drives customers to buy coffee. Or warming Sticky Cinnamon Bun encourages

coffee drinkers to buy a snack from the convenience store. A dry cleaner needs to mask that

awful smell of chemicals. Floral smells encourage men to spend money in clothing stores.

K. Customer Awareness

This is a big one. Your customers not only buy, but also are the best source for new

recruits. They love Scentsy just like the rest of us. They want to get free and half price items by

hosting parties. Once they host, they see the money you made and want to try it themselves.

The most important thing is constant contact with your customers. Research shows that

for all NWM companies customers are not nearly 100% loyal to their representative. (Some

studies say 45-65% of people say they are satisfied or very satisfied with their network rep, but

they would still be willing to buy from someone else. They want Scentsy when they want it and

when they can get it. At trade shows, I have sold Scentsy to people who were going to a Scentsy

party that night. I even sold to the mother of a Scentsy consultant. The conclusion is that you

need to do everything possible to be attentive to their needs and provide good customer service.

BUT, you also need to “remind” them you have Scentsy available. Do NOT take it too

personally when they buy from someone else (particularly if it was you mother at my show).

Control the urge to vent your anger at them. Get them to buy from you next time.

Network Marketing experts have written volumes on ways to stay in contact with your

customers. Using the Scentsy on-line newsletter is a good way to do this every month. Home

office will send them an email about new products and promotions, saving you time.


The experts suggest you should have 6-12 positive contacts with clients and customers every

year. This is why building a customer database is so important. You can call, write, mail, and

email them about Scentsy events. Think of sending them a birthday card/get well card (and

Scentsy gift).

Your contacts do not have to be direct invitations to buy. Reminders of new catalogues,

the “fall collection”, or the “spring collection” jog their memory of Scentsy, and YOU. Flyers of

the Scent/Warmer of the month remind them. Invites to you open house parties; basket parties

(e.g. combine your order with other parties to get free shipping on their products). Notes

reminding them to check your website to see if you have an open party, they can combine their

order with.

You should constantly use subtle hints about recruiting when you are doing business with

them. Think of the following examples:

“I love helping people buy their Scentsy- it is such a fun company to work with.”

“I was looking for a part-time job, extra income, and never imagined I would find

a rewarding career.”

“I love the freedom of working when I choose and with whom I choose.

“Working from home means I can deduct my expenses off my income tax.”

“I can’t believe I get paid for recommending products I love using myself.”

“Getting paid for having so much fun should be illegal”

“I want to thank you for being one of my best customers. I always enjoy talking

with you. You are so enthusiastic/ approachable. Have you ever thought of being

a representative? Of my customers, I would really like to work with you. I am

always looking for (role models or enthusiast) like you.

L. Gift Giving.

Just like, you should use Scentsy in your own house so that visitors know you endorse the

product. Give Scentsy as gifts. Introduce them to Scentsy, fulfill your obligation, and

demonstrate your endorsement of Scentsy product. Birthdays, holidays, graduation, mother’s

day, father’s day, etc. this is a great way to get them hooked on Scentsy, want/need to reorder

more, and to broach the discussion of hosting a party. You should insert a catalogue (with your

label) and/or hosting/joining brochure in the warmer. Make sure you put a sticker inside the bar

to remind them how to contact you.

Here are some good ideas how gifts expand your BFF circle. Teacher appreciation gifts.

The ABC warmer is great for this. Teachers are often looking for extra income, (e.g. summer

jobs). They have a built in credibility with the general public. They are used to speaking in front

of others, and preparing to do so (lesson plans). Some of the most prolific network marketers


were teachers. (Those of you attending the 2009 Convention will recall Mary Christensen, a

teacher before her NWM career.)

Use Scentsy for business/client/associates gifts. Not just yours, but your spouse's as well.

This is what got me into Scentsy. I was using Scentsy for several months. I was managing my

husband’s business. For our client Christmas gifts I decided to give Scentsy. I signed up to get a

“discount” (aka my commission) on the gifts. Soon people were clamoring for more and here I

am today.

Use Scentsy with a “thank you” card. Insert a “hanging refresher” or whatever the new

name for car candle will be in your thank-you, along with a note/business card advising them

you have 80 more smells and 45 beautiful candle warmers.

Consider using Scentsy as a house-warming gift for new neighbors. I know one lady that

made friends with the postman, in a rural area. He told her when a new family moved in and she

welcomed them to town with Scentsy.

M. Neighborhood Canvassing.

Wouldn’t it just make you sick to see another consultant pull up in the driveway next to

you while you were watering the lawn and deliver large boxes of Scentsy to your neighbor? Or,

to learn your neighbor signed up to sell Scentsy under someone else.

Anyone that logs onto the Scentsy website consultant locator is provided a computer

generate list of 3-4 based zip codes. This list is supposed to rotate from search to search. But, this

does NOT mean your neighbors will know of your new products or ventures.

There are two different approaches here. First, neighbors that you know fall into the

"friend" category. Obviously, you have more information about what may motivate them to try

Scentsy. The second category is the "unknown neighbor". You don't know this person. Maybe

not even their name. You just live in the same neighborhood. But, as human tend to group

together based on various similar characteristics; you neighbors will often share certain traits

with you. Your approach to neighbors will likely include both phone calls, and door knocking,

handing out catalogues.

1. Your “friend neighbor”. Do not surprise your neighbor. Call ahead before knocking

on a friend's door. Explain why you are calling; ASK if the time is convenient, if not get

a better time. Offer them free samples. “Try this room spray and see what you think.” “I

thought this plug in warmer would look great in your bathroom”

Here are some suggested ways of approaching your friends.


1. “Hi! It’s Mary. Guess what I’ve just started my own business.” They will ask

what. Then explain, “I’m selling the most amazing new candle system. It does not use

wicks, or flames. It is safer than candles. I have over 85 scents and 40 different candle

holders called warmers.”

Then go to—“I just finished training and I’d love for you to be one of the first I show the


Then try--- “I can’t wait to get your take on them. Are you free one night this week. It

will only take 30-45 minutes. (Asking for their input is a great way for the meeting. It is

low key, not high-pressure sales. Also, it permits you to get legitimate feedback.)

Or try “I just finished training. Someone is going to tell you about Scentsy and I want to

be the first.”

Another approach to your friends might be:

2. “Hi Mary. I’ve been meaning to call you for weeks, so this morning I put you on

the top of my list. I have finally done something I've wanted to do. Start my own

business.” (They will ask what) “I went to a Scentsy party and had such a great time I’ve

decided to become a consultant. I thought you might be interested because:

(For selling, try these approaches)

You love candles.

You have such great taste in decorating.

Your house always smells so good.

(For recruiting try)

Your personality is so enthusiastic.

You are such a natural.

You like to have fun.

You are a great businessperson.

Also for recruiting, try these ideas:

“Hi! It’s Mary. Guess what I’ve just started my own business.” They will ask what. Then

explain, “I’m selling the most amazing new candle system. It does not use wicks, or

flames. It is safer than candles. I have over 85 scents and 40 different candle holders

called warmers.”

1. I am calling you to ask you to come to work with me. OR

2. I am calling to invite you to join our team. OR

3. I am calling to offer you a job.

Have a “because” idea already in mind. Don’t call if you don’t have the follow up:


1. Because I think, your personality is a great fit for Scentsy.

2. Because I think, your enthusiasm makes you a natural for Scentsy.

3. Because some of the most successful people in Scentsy are “artist,

teachers, nurses, engineers”

4. Because teachers are great communicators.

5. Because nurses have such caring attitudes towards helping people.

6. Because being a teacher, police officer, businessman, gives you immediate


2. The Unknown Neighbor

Take catalogues, brochures, and a scent sample with you and go to your

neighbor's house. You introduce yourself and why you are there.

Here are some sample introduction lines for the unknown neighbor.

"We haven't met. I'm Brittany and I am the Scentsy rep in this area." If you are nervous,

admit it. "This is the first time I have tried this, so forgive me if I am nervous."

Try saying something complementary about their house, dog, child, car etc. (I see you

working in your garden and love your roses-- Is that your granddaughter, I wish my mom

lived closer--your remodeling project looks great) We all love to hear compliments and it

relaxes us.

One approach is to prepare invitations to your launch party, or an “in-home” party

to hand to them. Simply hand them the flyer, and scent sample, and say, “I would love for

you to come to my party”.

You can do this several times during the year. Try saying something like "I am calling to

invite you to a preview of our holiday collection/newly released scents and warmers/

spring collection/fall collection. Are you available on ___ date/time?

Another approach is to directly introduce them into Scentsy on their doorstep.

You can ask to show them some products then, or set up a time to come back later for

coffee, etc. to show them products. Try something like:

“Do you use candles?" OR “Do you like aromatherapy” BECAUSE "I have a great

flameless alternative that avoids soot, flames, is safer, but more fragrant". OR "Have you

heard about Scentsy." OR "May I show you some of our most popular products".

You are off and running. Just go with the flow of the conversation.

N. Community Visibility-Groups


Join various community groups. Talk about Scentsy in the groups you are already a

member of. One of the best I have found is your local Chamber of Commerce. Other ideas

include BPW, Kiwanis, Lions, etc. Volunteer at local hospital, church, school. This increases

your opportunity to meet new people, who have a shared interest with you.

Some of you will want to do seminars or speaking engagements. Many groups are

looking for speakers, all the time. A simply 15-20 presentation is generally sufficient. You topics

can include the “Dangers of Open Flame Candles” (research abounds on fires started with

candles) or “Network Marketing 101” or “Starting Home based business.” These place you in a

position of credibility, being the “expert” in the field. It is a great way to generate contacts, and

get ideas from others on how to do business and REFERRALS for others who may be interested.

O. Catalogue Dropping.

This involves leaving your catalogues at various locations. Some of these might include

places in an acrylic stand. Some of these include just leaving them for the next visitor to read.

(Of course, the custodian crew might dispose of them) The list of 65 places to leave your

catalogues from thee 2009 Business Tools handout listed in your workstation, under Resources,

is a good list of ideas. For example, doctor waiting areas (e.g. where moms take sick kids) or bus

stops. Try posting one to the back of the bathroom stall door, you have a captive audience.

P. Bulletin Board Notices.

On the bulletin board of your local grocery store, or college/university post a notice for

things like:

“Free Seminar of starting a home based business”

“Summer jobs for students”

“Part time sales people needed.”

“Earn Extra Income for Spring Break”

“Start a business for $99.00, plus tax & shipping”

Similarly, you can post yard signs on the corner in neighborhoods, or around strip malls,

with similar messages. Hey, it works for politicians seeking your vote.

Q. Internet Marketing.

Many consultants are using the internet, twitter, face book, Link-in, and other social

networking sites to market Scentsy, and recruit new prospects. Some of these are highly

successful. Of course, these are often “pay per click” approaches on sites like Google, Yahoo,


AOL, Bing etc. You bid on the amount you are willing to pay for each keyword searched by

people. Sometimes you pay for each “impression” (time your add appears on the web) and

sometimes you pay for each click through when someone clicks on your add and/or click on your

add the ones who bid the most are listed at the top of web pages generated after search

You can similarly advertize on a number of search engines. Sometimes you buy “key

words” for life and each time that word or phrase is searched your ad appears. A popular new

trend is to advertize on “blogs” or “weblogs” created by individuals and groups discussing

various topics. Similarly, you can buy ads on websites for products which are similar to Scentsy

(e.g. candles, home based business opportunities, etc)

You have your “replicated” website from Scentsy. You can link this site to your add.

Some consultants have developed their own websites, which link back to their Scentsy replicated

site for ordering product. Scentsy has rules on how to identify yourself on a personal website, so

please consult the Scentsy Policies in your workstation.

You cannot sell your products on E-Bay or Craig’s list, or similar sites. You can recruit

on Craig’s List by offering the business opportunity, but cannot offer products for sale. I know

people are doing this, but you risk getting disciplined or kicked out of Scentsy. If you see this,

report it to [email protected]

R. Purchased lists.

There are a number of companies which will sell/rent you lists of potential

customers/recruits. They mine data from various ways, including others who sell their customer

lists, targeting various demographics. These typically focus on income, age, gender, address, etc.

They may include persons who subscribe to various magazines, like multilevel marketing, or

candles, etc. These are typically used for direct mailing purposes. Many NWM experts caution

against this because of the high expense, and typical low response rate. The success of your

response rate varies widely depending on how well your list matches the demographics of

your customers. But, even a 20% response rate is considered outstanding. Some NWM experts

are using this method, but just are prepared for the high upfront costs.

S. Referral Requesting-Coupons.

This is the classic making lemonade. Everyone you discuss Scentsy with, whether they

buy or sign up, OR NOT, should be asked for a referral. There are several ways to do this. One

popular method is to offer a discount coupon for each “lead” someone provides you. Another

easy way is to sticker your materials with “Bring a Friend-Get a Gift”. This notifies everyone

you have a referral program. You should always drop a “Referral” coupon into each customer


order you deliver. Let them know they save if they recommend you to their friends. Remember,

this is word of mouth advertizing. Remind your customers to “speak” for you.

When you speak with customers, or prospects who are very interested, ask for referrals.

Questions like: “Can you think of anyone who would be good at what I do.” “Who is the most

enthusiastic person you know,” “ Do you know anyone that that talks about wanting to start their

own business, OR is looking for part time work, OR loves candles, OR loves aromatherapy, OR

has lots of friends.”

People that turn your down will still offer give you a lead for someone else. Moreover, by

always being positive, upbeat, and respectful, you can still benefit from your discussion with


T. Magazine Subscriptions.

There are a number of network marketing programs out there which you can subscribe to

for ideas, support, and research. Some include,,

U. Database Follow Up.

By maintaining a database of your hostesses and customers, you can repeatedly contact

them with updates. Remember your hostesses are likely to be your best customers, and potential

recruits. Frequent communications with them is strongly encouraged. For example, a note or

flyer advising them of the new Scent of the Month, new catalogues, the fall collection, spring

collection, Christmas gift giving, valentines, mother's day, father's day, etc are all good

“excuses” to contact them.

V. Now What---Casual Conversation Starters.

Now you know where to meet people beyond your BFF circle. But, how do you bring up

Scentsy. Well, for one, if you are wearing Scentsy logoed items that will help. But, there are lots

of ways to work Scentsy into a casual conversation.

"What do you do?" when they ask you, say, “I have a wonderful job I am a Scentsy

Independent Marketing Consultant.

"Do you enjoy working here?" When it's your turn, say, "I love my job; I market

flameless, safe, beautiful candle warmers".


There are a number of product related questions you can ask to introduce Scentsy. Try

questions like:

Are you familiar with Scentsy?

What types of candles do you like?

Do you like the soot?

Do you forget to blow them out? (Compare to Scentsy)

Do you prefer candles that are safe?

Do you prefer candles with pretty jars?

What do you look for in a candle?

Do you buy products online? (Hint- willing to wait to get order)

Would home delivery make your life easier?

Do you buy products direct? (Be ready to explain “direct” market as from a consultant)

Do you feel washed out at the end of the day? How about coming home to the relaxing

smell of a spa? Warm the relaxing scent of ______ next to you as you unwind and get

ready to face the family.


There are a myriad of ways to get beyond your inner circle BFFs. Use your imagination.

Be aggressive. I know some of these ideas are outside your "comfort zone". I encourage you to

get outside your comfort zone, make new friends. You will be surprised how many people

readily warm to Scentsy. Candles are a two BILLION a year industry. Countless people love

candle smells. They readily warm to having a safer, soot free alternative. It is easy to talk about

people's favorite scent. Smell is one of our natural, innate, senses. It is powerful. Tap into the


Do not go gently into that good night.


p.s. I welcome hearing your stories on these topics. Your ideas of where to market Scentsy.

Your best introduction lines. Feel free to drop me a line/email so I can share your

wisdom/experience with others.






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