  • 8/4/2019 Self-Assessment Form Domain Institutional Capacity Eng




    Self-Evaluation Form

    Principle: The institution shall have sufficient capacity essential for sustainable, high quality, accessible

    student services and have an overall responsibility for the quality education delivery to the community.

    Standard Category 1 - Mission and Purpose:

    Criteria statement:The institutions mission and purpose are in accordance with the Armenian National

    Qualifications Framework (ANQF) levels and are consistent with the policies and practices that guide its


    Standard 1.1: The institution has a clear, well-articulated mission that represents the institutions

    purposes and goals and is in accordance with the ANQF.

    Required Attachment:

    1. Current approved institutional philosophy/mission statement.2. Institutional qualifications framework.3. The current approved strategic plan.4. Written policy for the strategic plan evaluation (if applicable).5. Evidences supporting the implementation of the strategic plan and

    relevant analysis.

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1) Is there a current strategic plan?2) Is there a process for the strategic plan evaluation?3) If yes, please indicate frequency:

    Please, support points 1 and 2.

    Please, provide links between institutional qualifications framework and that of the ANQF:

    How are staff members involved in the development and evaluation of the strategic plan? Please describe the


  • 8/4/2019 Self-Assessment Form Domain Institutional Capacity Eng



    Standard 1.2: The mission statement reflects the needs of internal and external stakeholders.

    Required Attachments:

    1) Written policy for review/revision of philosophy/mission, goals and

    objectives (if applicable).2) Questionnaires or other mechanisms exploring the needs of internal and

    external stakeholders


    lease answer yes or no to the following and indicate frequency. Yes No Frequency of Review

    Is there a process for the review of the philosophy/mission goals

    and objectives?

    If no or yes, please explain:

    Standard 1.3: The mission is communicated to, and supported by, all stakeholders within the


    Required Attachments: 1) Evidences explicating stakeholder (teacher, student) involvement2) Decision-making documents reflecting review of the mission statement

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicate frequency.Yes

    No Frequency of Review

    1. Is there a process for creating compliance betweendecision-making and mission?

    2. Is there a process for creating compliance between

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    decision-making, mission statement and stakeholder

    involvement provisions?

    If no or yes to 1 or 2, please explain:

    Standard 1.4: The institution has formal mechanisms and/or procedures to evaluate the achievement

    of its mission and purpose.

    Required Attachment: 1) Policies and procedures for achievement evaluation.2) Stakeholder feedback reports (if applicable).

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1) Are there set mechanisms to evaluate the achievements of the mission and purpose?2) Are there annual stakeholder reports?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    How are stakeholders involved in the evaluation of the achievements of the mission and purpose? Please

    describe the process.

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    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five


    Standard Category 2: Governance and administration

    Criteria Statement: The institutions system of governanceensures ethical decision-making andefficient

    provision ofhuman, material and financialresources to effectively accomplish its educational and other


    Standard 2.1: The institutions governance and administrative structures and practices promote effectiv

    and ethical leadership congruent with the mission and purpose of the institution



    1) By-law for proceedings/meetings of the governing body.2) By-law for management of property.3) By-law for banking and finance.4) By-law for appointment of the auditors.5) Written policies for revision of by-laws and relevant policies and procedures

    (if applicable).6) Written procedure for election of the governing body.7) The current approved organizational chart, which delineates the lines of

    authority and formal lines of communication and which is made available to

    staff.8) List of departments/bodies, hiring, firing and promotion policies and


    List location(s) of the bodies reflected in the organizational chart.

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    Please, explain the effectiveness of the organizational management, which delineates the lines of authority and

    formal lines of communication. How does it meet the stated mission?

    Standard 2.2: The institutions system of governance provides for student and teachers input in decision

    making in matters directly and indirectly affecting them.

    Required Attachment: Policies and procedures ensuring student and teachers input in decision-making proces

    (if applicable).

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/frequency No

    Are the policies and procedures regularly reviewed?

    If yes or no, please, explain.

    Please, provide the effectiveness analyses for teacher and staff involvement in the decision making process.

    Standard 2.3: The institution carries out short, medium and long term planning consistent with its missi

    and purpose.

    Required Attachments:

    1) Short-term plan (if applicable).2) Medium term plan3) Long-term plan4) Written policy for review and evaluation of the plans (if applicable).

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicate frequency.Yes/frequency


    1) Is there a process for designing short, medium and long-term plans?2) Are the evaluation and review carried out on a regular basis?

    Standard 2.4: The institution conducts environmental scanning and draws on the findings to enhance its


    Required Attachments:

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    1. Tools and mechanisms for environmental scanning.2. Relevant evidences and analyses.

    List the major findings for the last three years and their incorporation in the institutional strategy.

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five yea

    Standard Category 3: Internal Quality Assurance System

    Criteria Statement: The institution has a set infrastructure for internal quality assurance, which provides

    for total quality management and is compliant with the ESG standards.

    Standard 3.1: The institution allocates sufficient time and material, human and financial resources to

    manage internal quality assurance processes.

    Required Attachment:

    1) Documents stating human resource involvement in QA processes2) Documents stating financial resources allocated for ensuring QA processes3) Documents stating other allocations.4) Quality assurance infrastructure (including the people responsible for the process and job responsibilitie

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1) Is the resource allocation for quality assurance reviewed on cyclical basis?2) Are the policies and procedures for resource allocation regularly revised?3) Is the QA structure independent in its functioning and decision making?4) Are the QA activities and decisions transparent?

    If no or yes to 1 to 4 above, please explain:

    Standard 3.2: The Institution has a policy and associated procedures for the assurance of the quality and

    standards of their programmes and awards. The strategy, policy and procedures have a formal status an

    are publicly available. They include a role for students and other stakeholders.

    Required Attachment:1) Policies and procedures for quality assurance2) Policies and procedures stating student and other stakeholder involvement in Q


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    3) Quality Assurance ManualPlease answer yes or no to the following: Yes N

    1) Do the policies and procedures have a formal status?2) Are the QA policies and procedures publicly available?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 3.3: The institution has formal mechanisms for assessing the approval, periodic review and

    monitoring of their programmes and awards.

    Required Attachments:

    1.Handbook for the design and approval of academic programmes2.Mechanisms for the periodic review and monitoring of the academic programmes

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicate

    frequency. YesNo Frequency of Review

    1. Is there a process for the review of the facultyinvolvement mechanisms?


    Is there a process for the review of otherstakeholder involvement in the process?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

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    Standard 3.4: The institution has mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of the student assessment.

    Required Attachments:

    1.Student assessment philosophy and mechanisms2.Student assessment criteria, regulations and procedures3.Mechanisms for the periodic review and monitoring of student assessment processes4.The registrar policies and procedures5.Policies and procedures for the review of the registrar activities

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicate

    frequency. YesNo Frequency of Review

    1. Are the student assessment policies and procedurespublicly available?

    2. Is there a process for the review and monitoring ofstudent assessment processes?

    3. Are students involved in the review andmonitoring?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 3.5: The institution has mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of the teaching staff. The

    methods and procedures for ensuring that this is the case are available to those undertaking externalreviews, and commented upon in reports.

    Required Attachments:

    1. Teaching staff qualifications assessment criteria2. Teaching staff qualifications assessment tools and mechanisms3. Relevant evidences and analyses

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicate frequency.Yes


    1. Are the assessment criteria revised on a regular basis?2. Is the feedback included in the new process?

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    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain and support:

    Standard 3.6: The institution has mechanisms that assess the applicability, availability and effectiveness

    the resources both for students and teachers.

    Required Attachments:

    1. Resource assessment criteria2. Resource assessment tools and mechanisms3. Relevant evidences and analysesPlease answer yes or no to the following and indicate frequency.


    1. Are the resources reviewed on a cyclical basis?2. Is the resource allocation transparent?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 3.7: The institution has mechanisms that assess collection, analyses and the uses of relevant

    information for the effective management of their programmes and other activities.

    Required Attachments:

    1. Information management assessment criteria2. Information management assessment tools and mechanisms3. Relevant evidences and analyses

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicate

    frequency. YesNo Frequency of Review

    1. Are the assessment criteria regularly reviewed?2. Are the tools and mechanisms up-to -date?

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    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 3.8: The institution has mechanisms that assess the publications to make sure they are up-to-da

    impartial and objective information, both quantitative and qualitative, and cover the programmes and

    awards they are offering.

    Required Attachments:

    1.PR materials publication policies and procedures2.

    PR material and other publication assessment criteria3.PR material and other publication assessment tools and mechanisms

    4.Relevant evidences and analysesPlease answer yes or no to the following and indicate

    frequency. YesNo

    1. Are the policies and procedures reviewed on acyclical basis?

    2. Are there mechanisms to assess the publications?If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

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    Standard 3.9: The internal quality assurance system is cyclically reviewed.

    Required Attachments:

    1. Policies and procedures ensuring the review of the internal quality assurance system2.Tools and mechanisms assuring periodical review of the internal quality assurance system3.Relevant evidences and analyses

    Please answer yes or no to the following and indicatefrequency. Yes

    No Frequency of Review

    1. Are the QA review policies and proceduresregularly revised?

    2. Are the QA review policies and procedures up-to-date?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain.

    Please, provide the list of the organizations and/ or countries against which you have benchmarked your quality

    assurance policies and procedures.

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last 2


    Standard Category 4:External Relations/Internationalization

    Criteria Statement: The institution promotes experience exchange and enhancement through its sound

    external relations practices, thus promoting internationalization of the institution

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    Standard 4.1: The institution promotes its external relations through sound policies and procedures aim

    at creating an environment conducive to experience exchange, enhancement and internationalization.

    Required Attachment:

    1) Policies and procedures dealing with internationalization and/or external relations2) Policies and procedures promoting internationalization.3) The strategic plan4) Yearly action plans ( for the last 5 years)5) Annual reports ( for the last 5 years)

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1. Is the strategic plan up-to-date?2. Are the findings in the annual report included in the improvement

    plans?If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 4.2: The institutions external relations infrastructure ensures smooth flow of the process

    Required Attachments:

    1. The external/international relations infrastructure2. The staff involved and job responsibilities3. Policies and procedures regulating the functioning of the body. 4. Policies and procedures for the quality assurance of the body5. Evidences and analyses regarding the effectiveness of the body for the last five years

    Standard 4.3: The institution promotes fruitful and effective collaboration with local and international


    Required Attachment1. Copies of active bilateral agreements2. Copies of all bilateral agreements3. Other agreements, memorandums of understanding and the like.

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    List the major achievements in the last three years.

    Standard 4.4: The institution ensures the appropriate level of a foreign language for internationalization


    Required Attachments:

    1. Mechanisms promoting internationalization2. Mechanisms promoting English plus other foreign languages proficiency levels of the students and staf3. Schedule for the foreign language classes for the staff.4. Policies setting the curricula break down with regards to the courses delivered in English for foreign


    5. PR materials in different languagesList the major achievements in the last three years.

    Please, provide the list of the organizations and/ or countries against which you have benchmarked your

    internationalization/external relations policies and procedures.

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five yea

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    Standard Category 5:Focus on Students

    Criteria Statement: The institution has student advising and support services which provide for productive

    and learning environment

    Standard 5.1: The institution has set mechanisms for promoting equitable recruitment, selection and

    admission procedures

    Required Attachment:

    1. Recruitment, admission and enrollment policies and procedures2. Policies and procedures ensuring fair access to the institution3. Number of students enrolled in each programme for the last five years.4. Evidences and effectiveness analyses for the last three years5. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1. Does the organization of the process provide for effective functioning?2. Are the policies and procedures regularly revised?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Student and Teacher Mobility

    Evidences supporting student and staff mobility for the last five years

    Student mobility for the last five years


    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Number Country Number Country Number Country Number Country Number Count









    Teacher mobility for the list five years


    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Number Country Number Country Number Country Number Country Number Count



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    Student Additional data

    2006 2007 2008 2009Student drop-

    out rate


    return rate

    Top five reasons for drop out

    Top five reasons for return

    Standard 5.2: The institution provides opportunities for extra-curricular

    activities aimed at supporting student learning

    Required Attachments:

    1. List of extra-curricular activities, their descriptions and aims2. Analysis of the impact of the extra-curricular activities3. Improvement plans

    Please, answer the following questions %

    1. What percentage of students uses the opportunity?2. What is the effectiveness impact expressed in percents?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 and 2:

    Standard 5.4 There are special hours set for students to visit the faculty administrative staff for addition

    support and guidance

    Required Attachment: 1. Regulations providing for additional support and guidance2. Sample schedules of advisors

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1) Are the students entitled to individual advisors?

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    2) If not, are there plans to do so?If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 5.5: The institution has special student career support services that prepares graduates for


    Required Attachment:

    1. Regulations for the student career support services2. The infrastructure with the staff involved and job responsibilities3. Quality assurance policies, procedures, mechanisms and tools4. Evidences and analyses for the last three years5. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: %

    1. What is the percentage of students using the services?2. What is the satisfaction rate expressed in percentages?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 and 2:

    Standard 5.6: The institution has established policies and procedures that promote student activeinvolvement in the university governance

    Required Attachment:

    1. Policies and procedures stating student involvement in the universitygovernance

    2. Effectiveness analyses for the last three years3. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the policies and procedures reviewed?2. Are the evidences from the previous experience used to make improvements?

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    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 5.7: The students are actively involved in the research the university majors in.

    Required Attachment:

    1. Documents stating students role in the research the university majors in.2. Research projects with student involvement3. Effectiveness analyses for the last three years4. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are students interests considered in the research?2. Are the students in the position to propose their lines of research?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 5.8: The students are involved in the assessment procedures.

    Required Attachment:1.

    Regulations stating students role in the institutions assessment procedures2. Sample student reflections on the assessments conducted

    3. Effectiveness analysis and evidences4. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the regulations about the students role in the institutional assessmentreviewed?

    2. Are the plans for the activities regularly updated?If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 5.9: The institution has a special body that promotes student rights protection

    Required Attachment:

    1. The Student Rights Manual2. Student council and its policies and procedures.3. The infrastructure that deals with student rights, appeals and complaints4. Quality assurance policies and procedures for the infrastructure

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    5. Evidences and effectiveness analyses6. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: %

    1. What is the percentage of the student satisfaction?2. What is the percentage of student involvement in the QA of this body?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 and 2:

    Standard 5.10: The students are involved in the quality assurance practices

    Required Attachment:

    1. Regulations stating students role in the institutions quality assuranceprocesses

    2. Sample student reflections on the educational provisions3. Effectiveness analysis and evidences4. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the regulations about the students role in the institutional quality assurancepolicies reviewed?

    2. Are the plans for the activities regularly updated?If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five


    Standard Category 6: Faculty and staff

    Criteria Statement: The institution provides for a high quality faculty and staff to achieve the set goals foracademic programmes

    Standard 6.1: The institution has policies and procedures promoting recruitment of a highly qualified

    teaching staff capable of ensuring programme provisions

    Required Attachment:

    1.Teaching staff recruitment policies and procedures (hiring and firing policies)2.The distribution of the teaching staff according to qualifications (number of permanent and invit

    teaching staff)3.The methods and procedures ensuring teaching staff competence with regards to the qualifications offere

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    4. Policies and procedures for teacher promotion.Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1. Are the teaching staff qualifications in compliance with the programmemission and purpose?

    2. Are the teacher qualifications regularly reviewed?3. Are students involved in the review and monitoring?

    If no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 6.2: The teaching staff qualifications for each programme are comprehensively statedRequired Attachment:

    1. Teaching staff qualifications requirements2. Relationships between the teaching staff qualifications and the qualifications offered3. Effectiveness analyses and evidences4. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1. Are the teaching staff qualifications regularly reviewed?2. Are the improvement plans regularly updated?

    If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 6.3: The institution has well established policies and procedures for the periodic evaluation of t

    teaching staff

    Required Attachment:

    1. Teaching staff assessment policies and procedures2. Teaching staff assessment tools and mechanisms3. Effectiveness analyses and evidences4. Sample reflections (students, supervisors, peers)

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the policies and procedures for teaching staff assessment regularlyreviewed?2. Do the professional development plans target, professional, methodological and

    reform related topics?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

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    Standard 6.4: The institution promotes teacher professional development in accordance to the needs

    outlined during regular evaluations (both internal and external)

    Required Attachment:

    1. Professional development plans (professional, methodological and reformoriented)

    2. Professional development topics3. Professional development schedule4. Professional development results and reports for the last three years

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the professional development plans regularly reviewed?2. Are the professional development topics regularly reviewed?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 6.5: There is necessary permanent staff to provide for the coverage of the qualifications


    Required Attachment:

    1. The number of the permanent staff (bachelor, master, PhD, Doctor ProfessoDiploma Specialists)

    2. The policies and procedures ensuring stability with regards to permanent st3. The list of the invited teaching staff4. Policies and procedures for securing quality.

    Please answer yes or no to the following: %

    1. What is the percentage of effectiveness of the permanent staff?2. What is the overall percentage of the permanent staff?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 and 2:

    Standard 6.6: There are set policies and procedures for the staff promotion in general and the young one

    in particular

    Required Attachment:1. Staff promotion policies and procedures2. Policies and procedures for the promotion of the young staff3. Policies and procedures for mentoring and coaching the young staff.

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the staff promotion policies and procedures regularly reviewed?2. Is the young staff involved in the revision process?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

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    Standard 6.7 There is necessary technical and administrative staff to achieve the strategic goals

    Required Attachment:

    1. Administrative staff with a break down to the bodies extant at theinstitution

    2. Technical staff provisions3. The policies and procedures ensuring stability with regards to the

    administrative and technical staff5. The list of the invited administrative staff6. Policies and procedures for securing quality.7. Mechanisms and tools securing quality of the staff

    Please answer yes or no to the following: %

    3. What is the percentage of effectiveness of the administrative staff?4. What is the percentage of technical staff effectiveness?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 and 2:

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five


    Standard Category 7: Academic Programmes

    Criteria Statement: The programmes are in concord with the institutionsmission, form part of institutional

    planning andresource allocation, meet nationalrequirements, the needs of students and otherstakeholders, and are

    intellectually credible

    Standard 7.1: Academic programs are thoroughly formulated, according to the expected learning

    outcomes, which correspond to an academic qualification.

    Required Attachment:

    1) Design of academic programme2) Learning outcomes for the programme3) Teaching and learning approaches linked to learning outcomes4) Benchmarking policies and procedures.5) Alignment with the ANQF6) List of both generic and specific competences of the programmes

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    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the teaching and learning approaches regularly updated?2. Are the teaching materials and resources up-to-date?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Please, provide the list of the organizations and/ or countries against which you have benchmarked your academ


    Standard 7.2: The programme learning outcomes meet the needs of the students and other stakeholders

    Required Attachment:

    1. Written policy for review/revision learning outcomes based on theneeds of the stakeholders (if applicable).

    2. Methods exploring the needs of internal and external stakeholders3. Evidences and analyses.4. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Is there a process for the review of the policies and mechanisms?2. Are the mechanisms and tools for review up-to-date?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Please, describe the major findings for the last five years and the improvements made.

    Standard 7.3: The programme regularly monitors and reviews its effectiveness.

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    Required Attachment:

    1. Procedures for monitoring and periodic revision of the implementedprograms and activities (attach or refer to the regulation).

    2. Monitoring mechanisms ensuring impartiality of the process (attach orefer to the regulation).

    3. Mechanisms, processes and procedures for reviewing porgrammes on atimely basis (attach or refer to the regulation).

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the monitoring and reviews done on a cyclical process?2. Are the tools and mechanisms up-to-date?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain and/or support:

    Standard 7.4: The programme ensures impartial evaluation of students level of achievement against the

    learning and educational objectives and promotes academic integrity

    Required Attachment:

    1. Policies and procedures for student assessment (attach or refer to theregulation)

    2. Assessment standards linked to the learning outcomes.3. Benchmarking of the assessment approaches (if applicable)

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Does the organization of the process provide for effective functioning ofthe process?

    2. Are the policies and procedures regularly revised?If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 7.5: The programmes are intellectually credible, designed coherently and articulate well with

    other relevant programmes and promote mobility of students and staff.

    Required Attachment:

    1. The breakdown of the programme according to theory, practice andexperience

    2. Learning and career pathways for the programme3. Mobility opportunities

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    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Does the programme provide opportunities for articulation with otherprogrammes within and across institutions locally and internationally?

    2. Is there a process for creating compliance with other programmes within andacross institutions locally and internationally?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Please, provide the list of the organizations and/ or countries with which the programme has bilateral agreemen

    for student exchange and/or mobility promotion.

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last fiveyears.

    Standard Category 8: Research and Development

    Criteria Statement: The institution promotes its research objectives, projects and expected outcomes. There

    is a research ethos and culture, and mechanisms for the validating research outcomes.

    Standard 8.1: The institution has a long term strategy and medium and short term programs which

    address its research interests in a due manner.

    Required Attachment:

    1. Research directions and strategies2. Medium and short term programs3. Research methodology and publication requirements4. Links between the institutional strategy and research directions

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Is the research methodology up-to-date?2. Are the publication requirements up-to-date?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

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    Standard 8.2: The institution promotes development and innovation through sound policies

    Required Attachment:

    1. The mechanisms in set that establishes incentives for good research2. The budget allocation for the research and development (in percentage) for

    the last five years.

    3. Policies and procedures for budget allocation4. Policies and procedures for promoting the young staff research activities5. Policies and procedures ensuring integrity and preventing plagiarism.

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the policies and procedures regularly revised?2. Are the students and teachers involved in the revision?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 8.3: The institution emphasizes internationalization of the research

    Required Attachment:

    1. Regulations encouraging involvement of the faculty and students ininternational research endeavors.

    2. Regulations for publications in international peer-reviewed journals in theCIS countries

    3. Regulations for publications in international peer-reviewed journals atinternational level.

    4. The list of publications in the internationally peer-reviewed journals for thelast three years.

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the regulations up-to-date?2. Are the publication regulations in line with the international standards?3. Are the publication regulations revised based on the benchmarking


    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Please, provide the list of the organizations and or countries against which you have benchmarked your

    publication regulations.

    Standard 8.4: The institution has well established mechanisms for linking research with teaching

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    Required Attachment:1. Policies and procedures for linking research with teaching and learning2. Evidences and effectiveness analyses3. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: %

    1. What is the percentage of research-teaching and learning effectiveness?2. What is the extent of student satisfaction?3. What is the percent of teacher satisfaction?4. What is the percent of employer satisfaction?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 -4:

    Standard 8.5: There are mechanisms in place assuring quality of research and development

    Required Attachment:1. Policies and procedures for research and development quality assurance2. Criteria, standards, mechanisms and tools for research quality assurance3. Evidences and effectiveness analyses4. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the policies and procedures for research and development quality assuranceregularly revised?

    2. Are the policies and procedures revised based on the benchmarking results?If yes or no to 1 above, please explain:

    Please, provide the list of the organizations and/ or countries against which you have benchmarked your R&D

    quality assurance policies and procedures.

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last fiveyears.

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    Standard Category 9: Infrastructure and Resources

    Criteria Statement: The TLI has its own property and resources, which effectively support theimplementation of its stated mission and objectives and create a learning environment.

    Standard 9.1: The institution takes due care to create a learning environment appropriate to the academ

    programmes offered

    Required Attachment:

    1. List of the buildings in the campus with the labels explicating the purpose2. List of laboratories with the labels explicating the purpose3. List of the libraries, official internet sites, literature and the like 4. Other premises5. Evidences and effectiveness analyses6. Improvement plans

    Please answer yes or no to the following: %

    1. What is the student satisfaction rate?2. What is the teacher satisfaction rate?

    Please, support the answers to questions 1 and 2:

    Standard 9.2: The institution endeavors to secure adequate financial resources and distribution of the

    latter to provide, maintain and operate the facilities and equipment as needed to achieve its mission and


    Required Attachment:

    1. Budget break down according to the income and expenses (percentage)2. Budget breakdown according to the income allocation (percentage)3. Budget allocations (research, teaching and learning, professional

    development, library enhancement, equipment and furniture purchase and tlike)

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Is the budget allocation in accordance with the institutional strategy?2. Does the budget allocation provide for the goal achievement?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 9.3: The institution has sound financial policies and capacity to sustain and ensure the integrity

    and continuity of the programmes offered at the institution.

    Required Attachment: 1.Mechanisms and procedures to control financial resources and to allocate theappropriately to achieve its educational objectives.

  • 8/4/2019 Self-Assessment Form Domain Institutional Capacity Eng



    2.The institutional planning, administration and monitoring policies with regarto the budget.

    3.Institutional policies that stipulate the terms and conditions for accepting giftand/or donations from public, private and international organizations.

    4.Mechanisms that ensure financial integrity through regular audits and reportsPlease answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Is there a process to control and allocate the resources?2. Does the institution plan and monitor the policies on a regular basis?3. Are the policies for accepting gifts/donations reviewed regularly? 4. Are the policies ensuring continuity of programmes reviewed regularly?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 9.4: The institutions resource base supports the institutions educational programmes and its

    strategic plans for sustainability and continuous quality enhancement

    Required Attachment: 1. Mechanisms, processes and procedures to address allocation ofresources on a timely basis.

    2. Mechanisms, which addresses staff and student needs for quality educationprovisions.

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1) Is there a process for the review of resource allocation processes?2) Is there a process for the review of staff involvement in resource allocation


    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 9.5: There is a sound policy and procedure to manage information and documentation

    Required Attachment:

    1. Information and documentation management regulations2. Information and documentation management mechanisms and or system3. Review results for the last five years4. Improvement plans

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    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1. Is the information and documentation flow system effective?2. Are tools for checking the effectiveness valid?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 9.6: The administration of the policies and procedures is carried out on the total quality

    management principle.

    Required Attachment:

    1. Plans for administration of the educational provisions2. Implementation outcomes of the educational provisions; the

    effectiveness rate3. Assessment tools to ensure adequate implementation and achievemen

    of the goals

    4. Improvement plans5. Evidences and analyses

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Is the total management system regularly reviewed?2. Are the approaches effective?

    If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please support:

    Standard 9.7: The institution ensures the environment is safe and secure through health and safety

    mechanisms that also consider special needs of students

    Required Attachment:

    1. Health and safety structure2. Health and safety policies and procedures3. Health and safety budget allocation for the last five years4. Health and safety personnel and job descriptions5. Evidences of effectiveness of the service

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes/Frequency N

    1. Are the health and safety policies and procedures revised on a cyclicalbasis?

    2. Are the students involved in the review process?If yes or no to 1 or2 above, please explain:

  • 8/4/2019 Self-Assessment Form Domain Institutional Capacity Eng



    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five yea

    Standard Category 10:Societal Responsibility

    Criteria Statement: The institution proves that it respects and defends the staff and students academic

    freedom and functions in terms of university autonomy and public responsibility. It is also accountable

    to the government, employers and society at large for the education it offers and the resources it uses to

    meet these objectives

    Standard 10.1: There are strong links with the society and it is expressed through firm feedback


    Required Attachment:

    3. Policies and procedures that promote students and staffs academic freedom4. Mechanisms through which it is held accountable to the staff and students5. Mechanisms through which holds its faculty accountable for the final outcomes

    Please answer yes or no to the following: Yes No

    1) Does the organization of the process provide for effective functioning ofthe process?

    2) Are the policies and procedures regularly revised?If no or yes to 1 or2 above, please explain:

    Standard 10.2: The institution has mechanisms that takes care of knowledge transfer to the society

    Required Attachments:

    1) Internal policies and procedures that promote institutions responsibilities and accountability.2) Internal auditing practices concerning the main field of academic activity.3) Internal and external feedback mechanisms revealing knowledge transfer to the society.

    List the major achievements and drawbacks

  • 8/4/2019 Self-Assessment Form Domain Institutional Capacity Eng


    Please, provide the explanation of the institutions role with regards to the contributions to the development of

    citizenship. List the major achievements and drawbacks

    Please, based on the SWOT analyses guidelines, provide the analyses for standard category for the last five yea

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