
Seerah of The ProphetSeerah of The Prophet

Establishing Islam in MedinahEstablishing Islam in Medinah

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• The Prophet and the companions leave Qiba’ on Friday, and pray Jum’ah on way to Medina

أيهم . فتنازعوا ليال المدينة فقدمناالله صلى الله رسول عليه ينزلعلى . " أنزل فقال وسلم عليه

، عبدالمطلب أخوال ، النجار بنيالرجال " فصعد بذلك أكرمهموتفرق . البيوت فوق والنساءالطرق . في والخدم الغلمان

الله : ! ! رسول يا محمد يا ينادونالله ! ! رسول يا محمد يا

عازب: بن البراء : الراوي مسلم المحدث

Abu Ayyub’s Abu Ayyub’s HouseHouse

إلى بعث ثم ، الحرة جانب وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول فنزلفسلموا بكر وأبي وسلم عليه الله صلى الله نبي إلى فجاؤوا األنصار

الله : . صلى الله نبي فركب مطاعين آمنين اركبا وقالوا ، عليهماالمدينة : في فقيل ، بالسالح دونهما وحفوا ، بكر وأبو وسلم عليه

ينظرون فأشرفوا ، وسلم عليه الله صلى الله نبي جاء ، الله نبي جاءجانب : نزل حتى يسير فأقبل ، الله نبي جاء ، الله نبي جاء ويقولون

أيوب أبي .... دار عليه الله صلى الله نبي فقال أهله ليحدث فإنه ، : . ) ( : ، الله نبي يا أنا أيوب أبو فقال أقرب أهلنا بيوت أي وسلم

قوما : ) ( . : قال مقيال لنا فهيئ فانطلق قال ، بابي وهذا داري هذهالله بركة على

: البخاري: المحدث مالك بن أنس الراويSo the Prophet went on till he alighted near the house of Abu Aiyub. While the

Prophet was speaking with the family members of Abu Aiyub, …..Then Allah's Prophet said, "Which is the nearest of the houses of our Kith and

kin?" Abu Aiyub replied, "Mine, O Allah's Prophet! This is my house and this is my gate." The Prophet said, "Go and prepare a place for our midday rest." Abu Aiyub said, "Get up (both of you) with Allah's Blessings."

Building the Building the MasjidMasjid

المسجد بناء هو ذلك بعد وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول خطاها خطوة وأولفاشتراه وسلم، عليه الله صلى ناقته فيه بركت الذي المكان له واختار النبوي،

Qن اللب ينقل فكان بنفسه، بنائه في وأسهم يملكانه، كانا يتيمين غالمين من : ويقول والحجارة

ة) ** والم[ه]اِجQر] لألنصار فاغ̀فQ̀ر اآلخرة ع]يُ̀ش[ إال ع]يُ̀ش] ال ( اللهم

The first task was the construction of a Masjid, in the very site where his camel knelt down. The land, which belonged to two orphans, was purchased. The himself contributed to building the Mosque by carrying bricks and stones while reciting verses:

"O Allah! no bliss is there but that of the Hereafter, I beseech you to forgive the Emigrants and Helpers."

[Bukhari 1/71,555,560; Za'd Al-Ma'ad 2/56]





له فقيل لها الناس يجمع كيف للصالة وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي اهتمفلم بعضا بعضهم آذن رأوها فإذا الصالة حضور عند راية انصب

اليهود شبور زياد وقال الشبور يعني القنع له فذكر قال ذلك يعجبهفقال الناقوس له فذكر قال اليهود أمر من هو وقال ذلك يعجبه فلم

وهو ربه عبد بن زيد بن الله عبد فانصرف النصارى أمر من هومنامه في األذان فأري وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول لهم مهتميا له فقال فأخبره وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول على فغدا قال

قال األذان فأراني آت أتاني إذ ويقظان نائم لبين إني الله رسولفكتمه ذلك قبل رآه قد عنه الله رضي الخطاب بن عمر وكان

ما له فقال وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي أخبر ثم قال يوما عشرينفقال فاستحييت زيد بن الله عبد سبقني فقال تخبرني أن منعك

عبد به يأمرك ما فانظر قم بالل يا وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسولبالل فأذن قال فافعله زيد بن الله

: داود: أبو المحدث بشر أبو الراوي

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaمن والمسلمين المؤمنين بين وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي محمد من كتاب هذا

: معهم وِجاهد بهم، فلحق تبعهم ومن ويثرب، قريُش1 . الناس دون من واحدة أمة إنهم ـبالمعروف 2 Qيهم ع]ان ]̀فد[ون ي وهم بينهم، يتعاقلون Qهم رQب̀ع]ت على قريُش من المهاِجرون ـ

معاقلهم يتعاقلون ربعتهم على األنصار من قبيلة وكل المؤمنين، بين والقسط . المؤمنين بين والقسط بالمعروف عانيها تفدى منهم طائفة وكل األولى،

3 . عقل أو فداء في بالمعروف يعطوه أن بينهم ا ح� م[̀فر] يتركون ال المؤمنين وإن ـعدوان 4 أو إثم أو ظلم يعة Qد]س ابتغى أو منهم، بغى من على المتقين المؤمنين وإن ـ

. المؤمنين بين فساد أو5 . أحدهم ولد كان ولو ِجميع�ا، عليه أيديهم وإن ـ6 . كافر في مؤمنا مؤمن يقتل وال ـ7 . مؤمن على ا كافر� ينصر وال ـ8 . أدناهم عليهم يجير واحدة الله ذمة وإن ـ9 . عليهم متناصرين وال مظلومين غير واألسوة، النصر له فإن يهود من تبعنا من وإن ـ

الله 10 سبيل في قتال في مؤمن دون مؤمن يسالم ال واحدة؛ المؤمنين سلم وإن ـ . بينهم وعدل سواء على إال

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaمن والمسلمين المؤمنين بين وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي محمد من كتاب هذا

: معهم وِجاهد بهم، فلحق تبعهم ومن ويثرب، قريُش

11 . الله سبيل في دماءهم نال بما بعض على بعضهم يبيء المؤمنين وإن ـ12 . مؤمن على دونه يحول وال ا، نفس� وال لقريُش ماال� مشرك يجير ال وإنه ـ13 . المقتول ولي يرضى أن إال به قود فإنه بينة عن قتال� �ا مؤمن اعتبط من وإنه ـ14 . عليه قيام إال لهم يحل وال كافة، عليه المؤمنين وإن ـعليه 15 فإن آواه أو نصره من وأنه يؤويه، وال �ا محدث ينصر أن لمؤمن يحل ال وإنه ـ

. ع]د̀ل وال ص]̀رف منه يؤخذ وال القيامة، يوم وغضبه الله لعنةمحمـد 16 وإلى ـ وِجل عز ـ الله إلى مرده فإن شيء، من فيه اختلفـتم مهما وإنكم ـ

. وسلم عليه الله صلى

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaمواليهم دينهم وللمسلمين دينهم لليهود المؤمنين، مع أمة عوف بنى يهود إن

. اليهود من عوف بنى لغير وكذلك وأنفسهم،2 . نفقتهم- المسلمين وعلى نفقتهم، اليهود على وإن3 . الصحيفة- هذه أهل حارب من على النصر بينهم وإن4 . اإلثم- دون والبر والنصحية، النصح بينهم وإن5 . بحليفه- امرؤ يأثم لم وإنه6 . للمظلوم- النصر وإن7 . محاربين- داموا ما المؤمنين مع ينفقون اليهود وإن8 . الصحيفة- هذه ألهل ِجوفها حرام يثرب وإنمرده- 9 فإن فساده يخاف اشتجار أو حدث من الصحيفة هذه أهل بين كان ما وإنه

. وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول محمد وإلى وِجل، عز الله إلى10 . نصرها- من وال قريُش تجار ال وإنه11 .. الذي- ِجابنهم من حصتهم أناس كل على يثرب د]ه]م من على النصر بينهم وإن

قبلهم. 12 . آثم- أو ظالم دون الكتاب هذا يحول ال وإنه

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaIn the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. This is a document from Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, concerning Emigrants and Helpers and those who followed and strove with them.They are one nation (Ummah) to the exclusion of other people.

The Emigrants of Quraysh unite together and shall pay blood money among themselves, and shall ransom honorably their prisoners. Every tribe of the Helpers unite together, as they were at first, and every section among them will pay a ransom for acquitting its relative prisoners. (Ransom obligations remain within the affected families)

Believers shall not leave anyone destitute among them by not paying his redemption money or blood money in kind.

Whoever is rebellious or whoever seeks to spread enmity and corruption, the hand of every God-fearing Muslim shall be against him, even if he be his son.

A believer shall not kill another believer, nor shall support a disbeliever against a believer.

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaThe protection of Allah under Islam is one (and is equally) extended to the humblest of the believers. (Equality before the law for rich and poor)

Whosoever of the Jews allies with us shall have aid and security; they shall not be harmed, nor any enemy be aided against them.

The peace of the believers is indivisible. No separate peace treaties shall be made when believers are fighting in the way of Allah. Conditions must be fair and equitable to all.

It shall not be lawful for a believer, who holds by what is in this document and believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, to help a criminal nor give him refuge. Those who give him refuge and render him help shall have the curse and anger of Allah on the Day of Resurrection. Their indemnity is not accepted.

Killing a believer deliberately with no good reason entails killing the killer unless the sponsor deems it otherwise.

Whenever you differ about a matter, it must be referred to Allah and to Muhammad. [Ibn Hisham 1/502,503]

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaThe Jews (allies) of Bani ‘Awf (and other Jewish tribes) are one community with the believers. The Jews will profess their religion, and the Muslims theirs.

The Jews shall be responsible for their expenditure, and the Muslims for theirs.

If attacked by a third party, each shall come to the assistance of the other.

All shall exchange good advice and counsel. Mutual relation shall be founded on righteousness; not sin or aggression.

Neither shall commit transgression against your allies (Jews and Muslims).

The wronged oppressed party shall be aided and supported.

The Jews shall contribute to the cost of war (defense of Medina) so long as they are fighting alongside the believers.

The The Constitution of Constitution of

MedinaMedinaMedina shall remain sacred for all that join this treaty.

Should any disagreement arise between the signatories to this treaty, then Allah, the All-High and His Messenger shall settle the dispute.

The signatories to this treaty shall boycott Quraysh commercially; they shall also abstain from extending any support to them.

Each shall contribute to defending Medina, in case of a foreign attack, in its respective area.

This treaty shall not hinder either party from seeking lawful retaliation against unjust aggressors and violators.

[Ibn Hisham 1/503,504]

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Bonding the Muslims in Bonding the Muslims in MedinaMedina

: عليه الله صلى الله رسول أخي ثم القيم ابن قال واألنصار، المهاِجرين بين المؤاخاةنصفهم ، رِجال� تسعين وكانوا مالك، بن أنس دار في واألنصار المهاِجرين بين وسلم

بعد ويتوارثون المواساة، على بينهم أخي األنصار، من ونصفهم المهاِجرين، من { : ` [وا [و̀ل و]أ وِجل عز الله أنزل فلما بدر، وقعة حين إلى األرحام ذوى دون الموت

: [ } األنفال ]ع̀ض� Qب ب ]ى ]و̀ل أ ]ع̀ض[ه[̀م ب Q ]̀رح]ام . 75األ األخوة[ عقد دون الرحم إلى التوارث رد

A gathering of 90 men, half of whom Emigrants and the others Helpers assembled in the house of Anas bin Malik where the Prophet [pbuh] gave the spirit of brotherhood his official blessing. When either of the two persons who had been paired as brothers, passed away, his property was inherited by his brother-in-faith. This practice continued till the following verse was revealed at the time of the battle of Badr, and the regular rule of inheritance was allowed to take its usual course:"But kindred by blood are nearer to one another regarding inheritance [Za'd Al-Ma'ad 2/56]." [Al-Qur'an 8:75]

Bonding the Muslims in Bonding the Muslims in MedinaMedina

: عليه الله صلى الله رسول أخي المدينة قدموا لما أنهم البخاري روى : أكثر إني الرحمن لعبد فقال الربيع، ابن وسعد الرحمن عبد بين وسلمإليك أعجبهما فانظر امرأتان، ولى نصفين، مالى فاقسم ، ماال� األنصار

: لك الله بارك قال فتزوِجها، عدتها انقضت فإذا أطلقها، لي، فسمهافمانن نننن نننننن نننن قينقاع، بني سوق على فدلوه فيأهلكومالك،وأينسوقكم؟

وبه يوم�ا ِجاء ثم الغدو، تابع ثم ، ̀من� وس] أقQط� من فضل ومعه إال انقلب . : ) تزوِجتننن نننننننن نننن ننننن ننن نننن نننن نننن: ) قال ]̀م؟ ة،فقالالنبيصلىاللهعليهوسلمم]ه̀ي أثرص[̀فر]

. : ) ذهبننن: )نن ننن من نواة قال قالكمسقتإليها؟

: : وسلم عليه الله صلى للنبى األنصار قالت قال هريرة أبي عن وروى : ) ( : . المؤنة فتكفونا فقالوا ، ال قال النخيل إخواننا وبين بيننا اقسم

. : . وأطعنا سمعنا قالوا الثمرة في ونشرككم

Bonding the Muslims in Bonding the Muslims in MedinaMedina

Sa‘d bin Ar-Rabi‘, a Helper, said to his fellow brother ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf, "I am the richest man amongst the Helpers. I am glad to share my property half and half with you. I have two wives, I am ready to divorce one and after the expiry of her ‘Iddah, (the prescribed period for a woman divorcee to stay within her house unmarried) you may marry her." But ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf was not prepared to accept anything: neither property nor home. So he blessed his brother and said: "Kindly direct me to the market so that I may make my fortune with my own hands." And he did prosper and got married very shortly by his own labour. [Bukhari 1/553] Abu Hurairah reported that the Ansar once approached the Prophet [pbuh] with the request that their orchards of palm trees should be distributed equally between the Muslims of Madinah and their brethren from Makkah. But the Prophet [pbuh] was reluctant to put this heavy burden upon them. It was, however, decided that the Emigrants would work in the orchards along with the Helpers and the yield would be divided equally amongst them. [Bukhari 1/312]

The Immigrants The Immigrants المهاِجرينالمهاِجرين

• for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes and their property, seeking Bounties from Allah and to please Him, and helping Allah (i.e. helping His religion) and His Messenger Such are indeed the truthful (to what they say).


SincerityTruthfulnessSupporting Allah and His Messenger

The Immigrants The Immigrants المهاِجرينالمهاِجرين

• And as for those who emigrated for the Cause of Allah, after they had been wronged, We will certainly give them goodly residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter will be greater; if they but knew! (They are) those who remained patient (in this world for Allah's sake), and put their trust in their Lord (Allah Alone).

PatienceTrust in AllahShall be rewarded in this life and Hereafter


The Immigrants The Immigrants المهاِجرينالمهاِجرين

• Those who believed and emigrated and strove hard and fought in Allah's Cause with their wealth and their lives are far higher in degree with Allah. They are the successful

Highest in status and degreesThe Ultimate Winners


The Immigrants The Immigrants المهاِجرينالمهاِجرين

• So their Lord accepted of them (their supplication and answered them), "Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female. You are (members) one of another, so those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and suffered harm in My Cause, and who fought, and were killed (in My Cause), verily, I will expiate from them their evil deeds and admit them into Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise); a reward from Allah, and with Allah is the best of rewards."

عمران آل

The Supporters The Supporters األنصاراألنصار

• And (it is also for) those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith, love those who emigrate to them, and have no jealousy in their chests for that which they have been given, and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful.


The Immigrants The Immigrants المهاِجرينالمهاِجرين

• So their Lord accepted of them (their supplication and answered them), "Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female. You are (members) one of another, so those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and suffered harm in My Cause, and who fought, and were killed (in My Cause), verily, I will expiate from them their evil deeds and admit them into Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise); a reward from Allah, and with Allah is the best of rewards."

عمران آل

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