  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    General Physics

    PAL (IGCSE) Physics

    Revision Book - Section 1

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    Teacher: _________________________________

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 1

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Syllabus Content_______________________________

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 2

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

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    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

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  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

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  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Syllabus Details________________________________

    1.1 Length and timeCore

    Use and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders to calculate a lengthor a olume


    !l"ays align your eye "ith the #osition being measured

    This aoids #aralla$ errors

    Use and describe the use of cloc%s and deices for measuring an interal of time


    Remember there is al"ays a reaction time associated "ith using a

    cloc% or sto#"atch

    Supplement Use and describe the use of a mechanical method for the measurement of asmall distance &including use of a micrometer scre" gauge'

    (icrometers are used to measure small distances accurately

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 6

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    (easure and describe ho" to measure a short interal of time &including the#eriod of a #endulum'


    )or measuring short interals of time &"hen each #eriod is thesame'* multi#le measurements can be ta%en and then aeraged

    e+g+ Period of a #endulum , Time for -. oscillations / -.

    1.2 Speed !elo"it# and a""elerationCore De0ne s#eed and calculate s#eed from total distance / total time

    Symbol Definition SI


    Vector /


    Speed v or u See! " tot#$ !ist#nce % tot#$ ti&e &%s Sc#$#'

    Plot and inter#ret a s#eed/time gra#h or a distance/time gra#h

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Recognise from the sha#e of a s#eed/time gra#h "hen a body is at rest

    moing "ith constant s#eed moing "ith changing s#eed

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1alculate the area under a s#eed/time gra#h to "or% out the distance traelledfor motion "ith constant acceleration

    Demonstrate some understanding that acceleration is related to changing s#eed

    Symbol Definition SI unit Vector /


    cceleration a Acce$e'#tion" ch#n*e in ve$ocity o' see! % ti&e

    &%s2 +ecto' (,o'ch#n*in* v)

    State that the acceleration of free fall for a body near to the Earth is constant

    $""eleration o% %ree %all near the Earth i& "on&tant

    !ll ob2ects near the earth fall "ith a constant acceleration

    The acceleration of free fall is NOT de#endent on mass

    The acceleration is 3-.m/s4

    Supplement Distinguish bet"een s#eed and elocity

    Symbol Definition SI


    Vector /

    ScalarDisplacement s ist#nce &ove! in #'tic.$#' !i'ection

    ,'o& # ,i/e! oint& +ecto'

    Velocity v or u +e$ocity " ch#n*e in !is$#ce&ent % ti&e &%s +ecto'

    Speed v or u See! " tot#$ !ist#nce % tot#$ ti&e &%s Sc#$#'

    Speed ha& magnitude 'ut no dire"tion ( SC$L$R)elo"it# ha& magnitude and dire"tion ( )ECTOR

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 0

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Recognise linear motion for "hich the acceleration is constant and calculate theacceleration

    $""eleration i& "on&tant i%...

    ! constant resultant force acts

    o Eg+ Ob2ects falling in a acuum

    E5uations that can be used for constant acceleration+++






    Recognise motion for "hich the acceleration is not constant

    $""eleration i& NOT "on&tant i%...

    ! arying resultant force acts

    o Eg+

    Ob2ects falling in air+ The air resistance increases "ith

    elocity so the resultant force changes ! car accelerating+ !s the elocity of the car

    increases the air resistance also increases* so theresultant force changes+

    Describe 5ualitatiely the motion of bodies falling in a uniform graitational 0eld

    "ith and "ithout air resistance &including reference to terminal elocity'

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 1

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1.* Ma&& and +eightCore Sho" familiarity "ith the idea of the mass of a body State that "eight is a force

    Demonstrate understanding that "eights &and hence masses' may be com#aredusing a balance

    Supplement Demonstrate an understanding that mass is a #ro#erty that 6resists7 change in


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    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 12

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Describe* and use the conce#t of "eight as the e8ect of a graitational 0eld ona mass

    ! graitational 0eld sho"s a region in "hich a mass "ill feel a force

    due to another mass nearby The Earth is a ery large mass so a strong graitational 0eld e$ists

    around it

    9eight is the force acting on a mass due to the Earth7s graitational


    1., -en&it#Core Describe an e$#eriment to determine the density of a li5uid and of a regularlysha#ed solid and ma%e the necessary calculation

    -ensity (k*%&3) " #ss (k*)

    +o$.&e (&3)

    -ensity (k*%&3) " #ss (k*)

    +o$.&e (&3)

    e#s.'in* ensity o, # Li.i!







    e#s.'in* cy$in!e' to

    &e#s.'e the vo$.&e

    B#$#nce to &e#s.'e the ss o, the

    $i.i!(Re&e&e' ss o, $i.i! " &e#s.'e!

    ss 7 ss o, &e#s.'in* cy$in!e')

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 13

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    e#s.'in* ensity o, # Re*.$#' Sh#e! 89ect


    e#s.'e the !i&ensions (hei*ht: $en*th

    #n! ;i!th) #n! c#$c.$#te the vo$.&e+o$.&e " hei*ht / $en*th / ;i!th

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1. /a0 Ee"t& o% %or"e&Core State that a force may #roduce a change in si:e and sha#e of a body

    Plot e$tension/load gra#hs and describe the associated e$#erimental #rocedure

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 15

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Describe the "ays in "hich a force may change the motion of a body

    )ind the resultant of t"o or more forces acting along the same line

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 16

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Supplement Inter#ret e$tension/load gra#hs

    State ;oo%e7s

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Recall and use the relation bet"een force* mass and acceleration &including thedirection'

    RE(E(=ER>o !cceleration is a ector and so has direction

    o )orce is a ector and so has direction

    Describe 5ualitatiely motion in a cured #ath due to a #er#endicular force

    &F , mv2

    /r is not re5uired'

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 1

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1. /'0 Turning ee"tCore Describe the moment of a force as a measure of its turning e8ect and gieeeryday e$am#les

    Describe 5ualitatiely the balancing of a beam about a #iotSupplement Perform and describe an e$#eriment &inoling ertical forces' to sho" thatthere is no net moment on a body in e5uilibrium !##ly the idea of o##osing moments to sim#le systems in e5uilibrium

    1. /"0 Condition& %or euili'riumCore State that* "hen there is no resultant force and no resultant turning e8ect* asystem is in e5uilibrium

    3OR $ S4STEM IN E56ILIBRI6M7 There i& no re&ultant %or"e and noturning ee"t

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 10

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1. /d0 Centre o% ma&&Core Perform and describe an e$#eriment to determine the #osition of the centre ofmass of a #lane lamina

    =#n* the $#&in# ,'ee$y

    =#n* # $.& $ine ,'o& the osition the $#&in# is h#n* ,'o&

    '#; # $ine #$on* the $.& $ine Re#eat this #rocedure for another #osition

    Describe 5ualitatiely the e8ect of the #osition of the centre of mass on thestability of sim#le ob2ects

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 2

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1. /e0 S"alar& and !e"tor&Supplement Demonstrate an understanding of the di8erence bet"een scalars and ectorsand gie common e$am#les

    SC$L$R )ECTORPro#erty "ith magnitude but nodirection

    Pro#erty "ith magnitude and direction



    !dd ectors by gra#hical re#resentation to determine a resultant Determine gra#hically the resultant of t"o ?ectors

    A!!in* vecto's y # *'#hic#$ &etho!

    A c#' t'#ve$s 3k& no'th #n! then t.'ns !.e e#st #n! t'#ve$s #

    ,.'the' 4k& >h#t is it?s 'es.$t#nt !is$#ce&ent



    Res.$t#nt -is$#ce&ent " 5k&

    1.8 /a0 Energ#

    Core Demonstrate an understanding that an ob2ect may hae energy due to itsmotion or its #osition* and that energy may be transferred and stored


    cannot be created or destroyed

    can be transferred from one form to another

    can be stored in to be transferred later

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 21

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    @ie e$am#les of energy in di8erent forms* including %inetic* graitational*chemical* strain* nuclear* internal* electrical* light and sound

    Energ# T#pe E9ample

    :ineti" Energ# (oing ob2ects &1ar'

    Gra!itational ;otentialEnerg#

    Raised ob2ects &9ater in a dam'

    Chemi"al Energ# Energy stored in bonds &coal* oil'Strain Energ# Energy due to Ae$ing of materials &elastic band'

    Nu"lear Energ# Energy associated "ith atomic nuclei &)issionreactors'

    Internal Energ# Energy of materials %inetic from #articles moingB #otential from bonds

    Ele"tri"al Energ# Energy from moing charges &electricity'Light Energ# Energy from Electromagnetic "aes &light* IR'

    Sound Energ# Energy due to ibrating #articles &sound'

    @ie e$am#les of the conersion of energy from one form to another* and of itstransfer from one #lace to another

    !##ly the #rinci#le of energy conseration to sim#le e$am#les

    @o' #ny ch#n*e to occ.' in n#t.'e ene'*y &.st e t'#ns,e''e!

    Ene'*y is not c'e#te! o' !est'oye! it is ch#n*e! ,'o& one ,o'& into#nothe'

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 22

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    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

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  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Supplement Recall and use the e$#ressions %+e+ , C mv 4and #+e+ , mgh

    yes o, Ene'*y 7 G'#vit#tion#$ Potenti#$ Ene'*y


    Be,o'e A,te'

    G'#vit#tion#$ Potenti#$ Ene'*y (B) " #ss (k*) / St'en*th o, G'#vity (C%k*) / hei*ht &)

    PE " &*h

    D As #n o9ect is '#ise! in *#ins *'#vit#tion#$ otenti#$ ene'*y

    D his is ene'*y #ssoci#te! ;ith *'#vity

    yes o, Ene'*y 7 inetic Ene'*y

    inetic Ene'*y () " 145 / #ss (k*) / ve$ocity (&%s)2

    E " F &v2

    D Any o9ect ;hich is &ovin* h#s #n #ssoci#te! ene'*y

    D his ene'*y is c#$$e! inetic Ene'*y


    1.8 /'0 Energ# re&our"e&Core Distinguish bet"een rene"able and nonrene"able sources of energy

    Non!rene"able:Ene'*y so.'ces th#t ;hen .se! c#nnot e 'e$#ce! (o' #t $e#st it ;i$$

    t#ke &i$$ions o, ye#'s)e* Co#$: 8i$ #t.'#$ *#s

    #ene"able:Ene'*y so.'ces ;hich c#n e .se! 'ee#te!$y ;itho.t ein* .se! .So$#' ene'*y: >in!: i!#$ etc

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 24

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Describe ho" electricity or other useful forms of energy may be obtained from> chemical energy stored in fuel

    Coal "an 'e 'urnt to relea&e thermal energ# ( +hi"h heat&+ater and ma 1hemical Energy is conerted to %inetic energy &useful' B Thermal energy&"aste'

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 25

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Supplement Sho" an understanding that energy is released by nuclear fusion in the Sun

    N$C% '$SI(N IN T)& S$N

    In the S.n hy!'o*en n.c$ei ,.se to*ethe' to ,o'& he$i.& n.c$ei

    In this 'ocess ene'*y is 'e$e#se!

    Recall and use the e5uation> eciency , useful energy out#ut / energy in#ut H-..

    &fficiency * useful output ener+y / useful input ener+y

    Percenta+e &fficiency * , useful output ener+y / useful input ener+y - . 00

    In the t'#ns,e' o, ene'*y ,'o& one ,o'& into #nothe': the'e ;i$$ #$;#ys e

    $osses: no'$$y to he#t ene'*y

    he e,,iciency o, the 'ocess te$$s .se ho; &.ch .se,.$ ene'*y ;e *et #n!

    ho; &.ch is $ost

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 26

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    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1.8 /"0 >or

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    1.@ ;re&&ureCore Relate &"ithout calculation' #ressure to force and area* using a##ro#riatee$am#les

    Describe the sim#le mercury barometer and its use in measuring atmos#heric#ressure

    he hei*ht o, the &e'c.'y co$.&n 'e$#tes to the #t&oshe'ic 'ess.'e

    Relate &"ithout calculation' the #ressure beneath a li5uid surface to de#th andto density* using a##ro#riate e$am#les

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 2

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    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    DIPONT Educational Resource Science 20

  • 7/24/2019 Section 1 - General Physics


    PAL (IGCSE) PHYSICSSection 1 General Physics

    Use and describe the use of a manometer

    Recall and use the e5uationp , F/A

    Recall and use the e5uationp , hJg

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