  • CGI 499

    ProxyHandler ( ).

    , Py thon, urllib.request - get post, . - get, URL, . - post, :

    >>> from urllib.request import urlopen>>> from urllib.parse import urlencode>>> params = urlencode({'user': 'Brian'})>>> params'user=Brian'>>>>>> print(urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/', params).read().decode())tutor3.pyGreetings

    Hello, Brian.

    , - cook-ies ( ), - urllib.request , - Py thon, - cookies . - , . , HTTP (HTTPS), - ( ). - Py thon. cookies -, HTTPS.

    - . CGI- - . , - , - . HTML 15.9 .


    CGI 101

  • 500 15.

    A second user interaction: tables

    Enter your name: Enter your age:

    , , - , . , -, . 15.10. - , - - tkinter, .


    ( Send ( -)) 15.10 , .

  • CGI 501


    #!/usr/bin/python""" , , HTML;URL http://servername/cgibin/"""

    import cgi, syssys.stderr = sys.stdout # # form = cgi.FieldStorage() # print('Contenttype: text/html\n') #

    # class dummy:# def __init__(self, s): self.value = s# form = {'user': dummy('bob'), 'age':dummy('10')}

    html = """tutor4.pyGreetings


    if not 'user' in form: line1 = 'Who are you?'else: line1 = 'Hello, %s.' % form['user'].value

    line2 = "You're talking to a %s server." % sys.platform

    line3 = ""if 'age' in form: try: line3 = "Your age squared is %d!" % (int(form['age'].value) ** 2) except: line3 = "Sorry, I can't compute %s ** 2." % form['age'].value

    print(html % (line1, line2, line3))

    HTML, CGI-- Py thon. , - HTML , , - . , - , . 15.11.

  • 502 15.


    , CGI- URL. . 15.12 , - URL:



  • CGI 503

    , ? -; &. , - , user +. URL. + . - , URL, - . 15.10 CGI, , - , - CGI. .


    - , sys.platform, - age. - age int CGI . - eval. ( ) - try, .

    eval , , age , , . - , , -- age , ( age URL). eval - !

    CGI - , - CGI , . - , ev al exec, - , , os.popen os.system, . - , int float, , Py thon.


    . - , CGI

  • 504 15.

    , , . - , - , CGI. 15.10 - :

    sys.stderr sys.stdout, . stderr, - . , - stderr , stdout ( CGI ). , , - , .

    dummy, - , , . , , - stderr, , CGI , CGI. , - . - . dummy - , form , - . form - cgi.FieldStorage. Py thon, - , .

    CGI-- :

    , HTML, - . , Py thon - : , python somescript.cgi - .


    - , .

  • CGI 505

    , - .


    , , CGI ( dummy ), .1 - , URL ( ).


    CGI , - CGI . , cgi.print_form(form) -, , cgi.test() - , , . , . - .

    Py thon stderr. - , - . , , - sys.exc_info() sys. , tra ce back - , . PyMailCGI ( 16).

    1 CGI. 12 - , Py thon HTML, Py thon Server Pages. , - - , ( , htm.parser, Py thon - 19) , API, .

  • 506 15.

    CGI- - print , Py thon. , Content-type , - . - - HTML .

    , - , . - , , - .

    . HTML - ( - ) , . CGI, - . , - HTML CGI- Py-thon . HTML 15.11.


    CGI 101

    Common input devices

    Please complete the following form and click Send Name: Shoe size: Small Medium Large

  • CGI 507

    Occupation: Developer Manager Student Evangelist Other Political affiliations: Pythonista Perlmonger Tcler Comments: Enter text here

    , . 15.13

    , , , , . HTML name, , . Send ( -), 15.12, - , .


    #!/usr/bin/python""" , , HTML"""

    import cgi, sysform = cgi.FieldStorage() # print("Contenttype: text/html") #

  • 508 15.

    html = """tutor5.pyGreetings

    Your name is %(name)sYou wear rather %(shoesize)s shoesYour current job: %(job)sYou program in %(language)sYou also said:%(comment)s"""

    data = {}for field in ('name', 'shoesize', 'job', 'language', 'comment'): if not field in form: data[field] = '(unknown)' else: if not isinstance(form[field], list): data[field] = form[field].value else: values = [x.value for x in form[field]] data[field] = ' and '.join(values)print(html % data)


  • CGI 509

    Py thon ; data, . :

    , - in . , URL.

    - , %(name)s - name .

    , - , . - , - language , cgi.FieldStorage value, - value.

    -, - join , and - ( , Py thon and Tcl). , - , map(lambda x: x.value, form[field]).

    , FieldStorage - getfirst getlist, , - , ( Py thon). , , , - . - , - HTML , HTML. .

    , , . 15.14, , , .

  • 510 15.


    , , , - , , - , . . CGI ( HTML) ( CGI), . HTML, - CGI . , 15.13 - , - , .


    CGI 101

    Common input devices: alternative layoutUse the same server side script, but change thelayout of the form itself. Notice the separation of user interfaceand processing logic here; the CGI script is independent of theHTML used to interact with the user/client.

    Please complete the following form and click Submit

  • CGI 511

    Name: Shoe size: Small Medium Large Occupation: Developer Manager Student Evangelist Other Political affiliations: Pythonista Perlmonger Tcler Comments: Enter spam here

    , , . 15.15.

    , HTML , , HTML, - , , - , action - URL. Submit ( ) - CGI-- Py thon tutor5.cgi ( 15.12).

    , - , -. , , -, HTML , Py-thon, . . 15.16 , .

  • 512 15.



  • CGI 513

    , , - : , HTML -, -, . - , , , .

    , - , . , - HTML . , HTML , -. , html, (- 15.12), .

    - , , - HTML, . Py thon Ser ver Pa ges , Zope Django, , , - , , - Py thon. , , Py thon HTML CGI-- , HTML Py-thon, , Py thon . . - , , .


    CGI- , URL, - , ?. - - . , URL , - .

  • 514 15.

    , - , 15.14, ( ),, .


    CGI 101

    : URL, URL ( ). View Source ( HTML), .

    CGI, Python. , cgi Python ( , GET action ), POST ; CGI Python . , cgi .

    , URL , , CGI, ; 'hidden' .

    Send Bob, smallSend Tom, Python

    Send Evangelist, spam

    HTML , , (- , -). URL , . 15.17. CGI. ( - , : , .)

    , . 15.18. CGI

  • CGI 515

    name, Tom, language, Py-thon, - URL, HTML . - , , , , , . , URL , . 15.18.


    , . , unknown . , CGI- Py thon. - - , , URL - . - CGI - , CGI.

    URL, 15.14, HTML . URL CGI- , , , . -

  • 516 15.

    - . - , .


    , , HTML . , . , - 15.15 job, name lan gu age , .


    CGI 101

    :, , , URL . , , , CGI, ; .

  • CGI 517

    , 15.15, , , . 15.19., ( 15.12), . - , . 15.20.

    , , - HTML . , - . - - , CGI- . - , - . , , - .


  • 518 15.



    CGI - , , - , CGI - , - , . CGI , - , , - , . - , - , .

    - - CGI, , - . CGI -

  • CGI 519

    , , - - . , - , ; - , -, .

    , - , - , - , . , - URL- , , CGI - . - . - .

    , , , , HTML, , . - , , - , , , - . - , -, , , . -, - , , .

    , , , - . , URL , , -. - . - - .

  • 520 15.

    URL - . . , - ? , - ? - , , - . , - , HTML .

    - CGI - :



    , ,



    , , - - , .

    URL : - URL - , . - . - , GET.

    CGI- - URL ( , - ).

  • CGI 521

    - , - :

    script = ""user = 'bob'mnum = 66pswd = 'xxx'site = ''print('View %s' % (script, user, pswd, mnum, site, mnum))

    URL - , :

    View 66

    - . . URL , - . , , , - . , , .

    , , - . , , - URL, ; - , .

    : - , - - , - , URL. , - , . - , - -. , , - , - .

  • 522 15.

    HTML- - , . :

    print('' % urlroot)print('' % msgnum)print('' % user)print('' % site)print('' % pswd)

    , - . , , - , - , - .

    cookies ( ) - URL, -, HTML- . , - , - .

    HTTP CookiesCookies, HTTP, - . - HTML - , , . cookies - .

    , , , - cookies . - , cookies - , , . - , - , -, cookies.

  • CGI 523

    HTTP cookies - , - HTTP. HTTP, cookies. - HTTP, cookies, . - , cookies, , HTML , HTTP. , cookies - - .

    - Py thon , : - http.cookiejar HTTP cookies - , - , http.cookies - cookies . , urllib.request, , - URL cookies.


    - , Firefox Internet Explorer, - , - cookies. - cookies . Cookies - HTTP :

    Contenttype: text/htmlSetCookie: foo=bar;


    Set-Cookie :

    SetCookie: name=value; expires=date; path=pathname; domain=domainname; secure

    domain , - cookies, path -, cookies. - , , cookies . cookies Py thon CGI cookies :

    import http.cookies, timecook = http.cookies.SimpleCookie()

  • 524 15.

    cook['visited'] = str(time.time()) # print(cook.output()) # "SetCookie: visited=1276623053.89"print('Contenttype: text/html\n')

    SimpleCookie , -, ( cookies), - Morsel ( cookies). Morsel , , - cookies: path doma in; expires, cookies ( cookies - ); . , Morsel , key value, - cookies . cookies Morsel , output cookies , - HTTP; - print __str__ . - :

    >>> import http.cookies, time>>> cooks = http.cookies.SimpleCookie()>>> cooks['visited'] = time.asctime()>>> cooks['username'] = 'Bob'>>> cooks['username']['path'] = '/myscript'

    >>> cooks['visited'].value'Tue Jun 15 13:35:20 2010'>>> print(cooks['visited'])SetCookie: visited="Tue Jun 15 13:35:20 2010">>> print(cooks)SetCookie: username=Bob; Path=/myscriptSetCookie: visited="Tue Jun 15 13:35:20 2010"


    , cookies - HTTP, Cookie: name1=value1; name2=value2. :

    Cookie: visited=1276623053.89

    , cookies, . co ok ies CGI- HTTP_COOKIE, cookies, . Py thon :

    import os, http.cookiescooks = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE"))vcook = cooks.get("visited") # Morsel

  • CGI 525

    if vcook != None:time = vcook.value

    SimpleCookie cookies - Morsel , get None, , - cookies value Morsel.

    cookies CGI

    , , 15.16 CGI- , cookies - .


    """ , cookies ; , """

    import http.cookies, oscookstr = os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(cookstr)usercook = cookies.get("user") # ,

    if usercook == None: # cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie() # Setcookie cookies['user'] = 'Brian' print(cookies) greeting = 'His name shall be... %s' % cookies['user']else: greeting = 'Welcome back, %s' % usercook.value

    print('Contenttype: text/html\n') # print(greeting) # html

    , - , - 15.1, URL http://localhost/cgibin/ ( urllib.request). cookies , - :

    His name shall be... SetCookie: user=Brian

    URL ( - (Reload)) :

  • 526 15.

    Welcome back, Brian

    , cookies , , cookies - . - - .

    cookies urllib.request

    , urllib.request - URL - http.cookiejar cookies . - . , - cookies - cookies :

    >>> from urllib.request import urlopen>>> reply = urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/').read()>>> print(reply)b'His name shall be... SetCookie: user=Brian\n'

    >>> reply = urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/').read()>>> print(reply)b'His name shall be... SetCookie: user=Brian\n'

    cookies cookies , -. :

    >>> import urllib.request as urllib>>> opener = urllib.build_opener(urllib.HTTPCookieProcessor())>>> urllib.install_opener(opener)>>>>>> reply = urllib.urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/').read()>>> print(reply)b'His name shall be... SetCookie: user=Brian\n'

    >>> reply = urllib.urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/').read()>>> print(reply)b'Welcome back, Brian\n'

    >>> reply = urllib.urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/').read()>>> print(reply)b'Welcome back, Brian\n'

  • CGI 527

    , urllib.request - - cookies cookies, , - , . , , , cookies Py thon . - .

    , cookies . - , ( : 4 cookies, 300 cookies 20 cookies ). - , - cookies, . , , - . ( , cookies , - .) , cookies , , , - HTTP. cookies .

    , cookies, cookies - Py thon . , HTML.

    Py thon , . - 17. Py thon - , -, , - , - ZODB, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle SQLite. , - , .

    - . -

  • 528 15.

    ( , ) - ( , ).

    , , CGI- - - , . - - , , , .

    . , - . , cookies. - , , cookies.

    , , - . , 17, Py thon . , Py thon - , - , .

    CGI , - , - , . , Zope - , - 12, , - - , .

    , FastCGI, - , mod_python Apache, - CGI- - CGI - . :

    FastCGI - , - - HTTP - (Inter- Process Communication, IPC), . - CGI,

  • CGI 529

    , - - . FastCGI , , - - .

    mod_python - Apache, - Py thon Apache. Py thon Apache, - . - , . - , , , Apa che - . mod_python - , Py thon Ser ver Pages (PSP) HTML, 12 .

    , . , - , FastCGI, , , - , , . - CGI Py-thon , FastCGI, - .

    , - - . :

    - cookies - .

    , , URL - , - , - .

    , , ,

  • 530 15.

    URL , , , cookies .

    . , , - , - , - CGI .

    Hello World . - , , ( ). , - -, Hello World, - .

    , - , - . , , . Py thon - , - .

    HTML CGI- Py thon, HTML. - - - , . HTML, 15.17, - , .



    Hello World selector

    , "hello world" . ( , ) , ( HTML). HTML; , , CGI Python, . :

  • Hello World 531

    HTML , 'View Source' (' ' ' HTML') . Python CGI, , . , , .

    Select a programming language: All Python Python2 Perl Tcl Scheme SmallTalk Java C C++ Basic Fortran Pascal Other

    - , , - . HTML - , . 15.21.

    Submit Query ( ) - , HTML. , Submit Query ( ) ( Enter), - CGI , action . - 15.18 Py thon, - .

  • 532 15.



    #!/usr/bin/python""" 'hello world' ; , "" r'...', '\n' , cgi.escape(), , '

  • Hello World 533

    'Java': r' System.out.println("Hello World"); ', 'C': r' printf("Hello World\n"); ', 'C++': r' cout

  • 534 15.

    Py thon HTML \n. , - , Py thon.


    - - cgi.escape. Py thon - HTML - HTML, - HTML. cgi.escape - HTML: & &. True , (") ".


  • Hello World 535


    ( ) , . debugme True, , , cgi.FieldStorage - dummy. , , , cgi.FieldStorage, -, value .

    , - : , . - , All, - , - ( ).

    showHello . Py thon, - , . showHello , - form['language'].value.1 . , - , showHello , - .

    . - , CGI - HTML, ( Con-tent-type ). View Source ( HTML- ) , :


    1 , ( ). , dummy - , . . - - .

  • 536 15.

    (display "Hello World") (newline)

    , - ( ). , Scheme. . 15.22 , Py thon ( -, , Py thon 3.X).


    All - - . , HTML, , True debugme All. , All1:

    C:\...\PP4E\Internet\Web\cgibin> python AllContenttype: text/html

    1 , All, False debugme . CGI cgi.FieldStorage , , - . .

  • Hello World 537

    LanguagesSyntaxC printf("Hello World\n");

    Java System.out.println("Hello World");

    C++ cout > from urllib.request import urlopen>>> request = 'http://localhost/cgi-bin/'>>> reply = urlopen(request).read()>>> print(reply.decode())LanguagesSyntaxPython print('Hello World')

    , - , CGI. -, HTML, - GuiDO ( -, View Source ( HTML- ) , URL ):

    >>> request = 'http://localhost/cgi-bin/'>>> reply = urlopen(request).read()>>> print(reply.decode())LanguagesSyntaxGuiDOSorryI don't know that language

    , All ( -, URL ?language= ):

    >>> reply = urlopen('http://localhost/cgi-bin/').read()>>> print(reply.decode())LanguagesSyntaxC printf("Hello World\n");

    Java System.out.println("Hello World");

    C++ cout import cgi, html.parser>>> s = cgi.escape("1

  • HTML URL 555

    >>> s'1>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("uploads/index.txt")'uploads%2Findex.txt'>>> urllib.parse.quote("uploads/index.txt")'uploads/index.txt'>>>>>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("uploads/index.txt", '/')'uploads/index.txt'>>> urllib.parse.quote("uploads/index.txt", '/')'uploads/index.txt'>>> urllib.parse.quote("uploads/index.txt", '')'uploads%2Findex.txt'>>>>>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("uploads\index.txt")'uploads%5Cindex.txt'>>> urllib.parse.quote("uploads\index.txt")'uploads%5Cindex.txt'>>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("uploads\index.txt", '\\')'uploads\\index.txt'

    , Py thon cgi - URL + . cgi.FieldStorage - urllib.parse , URL. CGI , URL, . , CGI , - URL.


    , , HTML URL. URL HTML? , , - URL, HTML? - , - URL, . , HTML, URL:

    URL HTML, , ,

  • HTML URL 557

    HTML ( , < - > from html.parser import HTMLParser>>> html = open('test-escapes.html').read()>>> HTMLParser().unescape(html)'\nhello\n'

    ? , , &, - HTML:


    Py thon ( testescapes2.html, ), - HTML - : IEChrome

    >>> h = 'hello'>>> HTMLParser().unescape(h)'hello'

    - HTML URL ( Py thon urlib.parse, cgi) - & . , , - , URL, HTML ( - ;):;job=b;amp=c;sect=d;lt=e

  • HTML URL 559

    - Py thon html.parser , , HTML. , HTML, , URL http://localhost/badlink.html, - , . HTML, - 15.24, .





    - CGI, 15.25. , , , - ( - 15.1 ).


    import cgi, sysform = cgi.FieldStorage() # # stderr; stodout=reply pagefor name in form.keys(): print('[%s:%s]' % (name, form[name].value), end=' ', file=sys.stderr)

    ( , ) , - HTML - Internet Explorer. - HTML URL, HTML - - HTML , -

  • 560 15.

    ( Chrome , , ASCII, - ):

    markVAIO [16/Jun/2010 10:43:24] b'[:c\xa7=d

  • 561

    ( !) HTML URL, , - HTML URL , Py thon. ( , Py thon - - .) , - , - , - .

    , , , - , , Py thon . - , , - HTML URL , , Py thon - . - HTML URL. , - - , Zope -, - , CGI. , , .

    HTML, - . , - CGI ( )? , - CGI - HTML, - . 15.26, - language.html, , - HTML. cgi.escape HTML.

  • 562 15.


    #!/usr/bin/python" ."

    import cgifilename = 'cgibin/'

    print('Contenttype: text/html\n') # HTMLprint('Languages')print("Source code: '%s'" % filename)print('')print(cgi.escape(open(filename).read())) # print('') #

    - , Windows, filename ( - cgibin - ). - , 15.17 URL -, , CGI. . 15.27.


  • 563

    , - cgi.escape, - HTML . , , - HTML, HTML. , C++ < , . cgi.escape >> import os>>> os.path.samefileAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'samefile'>>> os.getcwd()'C:\\...\\PP4E\\dev\\Examples\\PP4E\\Internet\\Web'>>>>>> x = os.path.abspath('../Web/PYMailCgi/cgi-bin/').lower()>>> y = os.path.abspath('PyMailCgi/cgi-bin/').lower()>>> z = os.path.abspath('./PYMailCGI/cgi-bin/../cgi-bin/').lower()>>> x'c:\\...\\dev\\examples\\pp4e\\internet\\web\\pymailcgi\\cgibin\\'>>> y'c:\\...\\dev\\examples\\pp4e\\internet\\web\\pymailcgi\\cgibin\\'>>> z'c:\\...\\dev\\examples\\pp4e\\internet\\web\\pymailcgi\\cgibin\\'>>>>>> x == y, y == z(True, True)

    , . 15.31. -, - , , . , - .


    , - . - , , - , (

  • 571

    sys.exc_info), . . 15.32 .


    - , , - . - (- sys.stderr sys.stdout , -). , - sys ., - ! , , Windows. - , - , , - . , -, .

    getfile , - , - . , FTP - , . - View Source ( HTML- ).

  • 572 15.

    , , getfi le urllib, Py thon, - HTML.

    ? , , - - , - . - , - - PyMailCGI, .

    13 , , Py thon FTP. - - - Py thon FTP , - . , - , FTP ( ). - , , .

    - , ? , HTML, Py-thon. HTML type=file, - , - . , , - . , 15.29 - HTML, , action .


    Putfile: upload page

    Select client file to be uploaded

    View script code

  • 573

    : , file, multipart/formdata post, . URL - get . - HTML , . 15.33. Browse ( ) , - Upload ( ) .


    Upload ( ), , - ( ). , Py thon, action - 15.30.


    #!/usr/bin/python"""############################################################################ , HTTP; putfile.html, , ; : ; , : Unix 'chmod 777 uploads' ; : ;

    : , ,

  • 574 15.

    , cgi str, cgi 3.1 ;############################################################################"""

    import cgi, os, sysimport posixpath, ntpath, macpath # debugmode = False # True= loadtextauto = False # True= uploaddir = './uploads' #

    sys.stderr = sys.stdout # form = cgi.FieldStorage() # print("Contenttype: text/html\n") # if debugmode: cgi.print_form(form) #

    # html

    html = """Putfile response page

    Putfile response page%s"""

    goodhtml = html % """Your file, '%s', has been saved on the server as '%s'.An echo of the file's contents received and saved appears below.




    def splitpath(origpath): # for pathmodule in [posixpath, ntpath, macpath]: # basename = pathmodule.split(origpath)[1] # if basename != origpath: return basename # return origpath #

    def saveonserver(fileinfo): # data basename = splitpath(fileinfo.filename) # srvrname = os.path.join(uploaddir, basename) # , srvrfile = open(srvrname, 'wb') # if loadtextauto: filetext = fileinfo.value # if isinstance(filetext, str): # Python 3.1 filedata = filetext.encode()

  • 575

    srvrfile.write(filedata) # else: # numlines, filetext = 0, '' # . while True: # str line = fileinfo.file.readline() # for if not line: break if isinstance(line, str): # Python 3.1 line = line.encode() srvrfile.write(line) filetext += line.decode() # numlines += 1 filetext = ('[Lines=%d]\n' % numlines) + filetext srvrfile.close() os.chmod(srvrname, 0o666) # : 'nobody' return filetext, srvrname

    def main(): if not 'clientfile' in form: print(html % 'Error: no file was received') elif not form['clientfile'].filename: print(html % 'Error: filename is missing') else: fileinfo = form['clientfile'] try: filetext, srvrname = saveonserver(fileinfo) except: errmsg = 'Error%s%s' % tuple(sys.exc_info()[:2]) print(html % errmsg) else: print(goodhtml % (cgi.escape(fileinfo.filename), cgi.escape(srvrname), cgi.escape(filetext)))main()

    - , Py thon. - : , - cgi.FieldStorage , ; clientfile, - name HTML.

    - . , - value . , ( - ). Py thon cgi - - . , , .

  • 576 15.

    : - loadtextauto - , . , CGI :




    , -,


    ( file)

    , - . . , value , .

    CGI ( - nobody) , , , . , - , uploaddir. Linux - chmod 777 ( / / ), -. - , , - , , , , .

    os.chmod, - , . - , no-bo dy, . Linux nobody, , - ( - ).

    , , : . -

  • 577

    - ; , . , , .

    , CGI, - , , . 15.34. , - , .


    , , . , - , cgi - str, bytes. - , 3.1 cgi - ( ).

    , , - ( fc Windows, ). , getfile, .

  • 578 15.

    , . 15.35.


    , - , . 15.36. - nobody ( CGI) , nobody .


  • 579

    URL : /, - , %2F , URL . URL . -, , urllib.parse.

    %2F URL , - ASCII, , -. +. , - ASCII, ( URL). , , , URL (- , &), urllib.parse.

    , uploaddir , ( - ). , , , - splitpath - . - , - . , , CGI. - , , .

    , - os.path.split, , - , -, . , - CGI Unix, os.path.split /. - DOS Windows, \, /. , Mac-intosh, .

    -, Py thon , , - ,

  • 580 15.

    . , posixpath , - Unix, ntpath DOS Windows. , os.path.split - , , ; - , . , - , - split:

    def splitpath(origpath): # basename = os.path.split(origpath)[1] # if basename == origpath: # ? if '\\' in origpath: basename = origpath.split('\\')[1] # DOS elif '/' in origpath: basename = origpath.split('/')[1] # Unix return basename

    ( , DOS , - ). - , ( - ), .

    , , , - :

    - , putfile , -. , , DOS, , , .

    - , -, . wb, - , , , . 4. Py thon 3.1, - ( - CGI 3.1). , , .

    - , , - .

  • 581

    CGI 3.1

    , , CGI, , Py thon 3.1. , cgi , . - , - , . CGI Py thon 2.X , , 3.X .

    , cgi , - email, , , -, email, - 13. email - str, - CGI, - . 13, CGI , MIME, - . - email str , , , - cgi .

    , - , - HTML Py thon testcgiuuploadsbug*, , , :

    testcgiuploadsbug.html/py - , ,

    testcgiuploadsbug0.html/py , - , , , , - , email str

  • 582 15.

    testcgiuploadsbug1.html/py -

    testcgiuploadsbug.html/py -

    - - , - , ( multipart/form-data ). - cgi , - . , - , - - , - - .

    , -, , , , Py thon 3.3 -. 3.0 - - , . , str/bytes Py-thon 3.X - Py thon . , , , - 3.X. , , , 0.X, .

    cgi - email . - CGI, - , . - , - PyMailCGI, - , , - , PyMailGUI . - , .

  • 583

    , , , , - ( -). , , - , - -, , - . ( )

    - . getfile. , , - , , :

    getfile CGI, - HTTP ( 80).

    12 getfile - ( 50001).

    13 getfile, - , FTP ( 21).

    CGI- getfile, , , , - . , putfile , CGI HTTP, putfile 13, - FTP, - , FTP.

    , , FTP HTTP (- ); - . , - POP, NNTP, Telnet .

    , : . , , , , FTP HTTP, -, , CGI, , .

    - ,

  • 584 15.

    , PyMailCGI, - , - , - . , , - .


    15.27 CGI- Py thon, - ( ) , , - . - Content-type text/plain text/html. - CGI- , .

    , , - , - CGI. - CGI ( , - - ), - , Content-type CGI.

    , ( , xxx.jpg - ) Content-type ( , text/html HTML). MIME , - . , application/octetstream Content-type .

    , - , - / , , . , Py-thon CGI CGI down-load.

  • 16 16. PyMailCGI

    - - Py thon. , 15. CGI- Py-thon. , - , CGI.

    PyMailCGI - - , - , , URL -. PyMailGUI, - 14, -- . CGI -, - , 15.

    , - , Py-thon. , - , -. CGI : PyMailCGI , .

    , , , ( -, PyMailCGI - ). ,

  • 586 16. PyMailCGI

    , . , - , CGI , - Py thon, . , , , , . , Py-thon, .

    - PyMailCGI 14 PyMailGUI, Py thon+tkinter - ( , ). , : PyMailCGI CGI, - - . - - , - (ISP), - .

    , CGI, , - Py thon , , - - (PyMailCGI) - , (PyMailGUI). , - .

    PyMailCGI - POP SMTP. , . PyMailCGI , , , PyMailCGI (- , ).

    , - . -

  • - PyMailCGI 587

    , - CGI HTML. - Py Ma ilCGI - ( - ). CGI - , .

    , PyMailCGI , . - ; cookies, - , . , - - .

    , PyMailCGI , , 16.1. - - . , - - , - ( , ), - .


    [pymailcgi.html] => [] => [] ( ) => [] +=del|reply|fwd () => [] + (del) => [] ( ) => => [] => [] ( ) =>

    , => - .

  • 588 16. PyMailCGI

    , pymailcgi.html - , Submit ( ) . - , , , - - , .

    CGI , - . , . - . 16.1, - Cygwin Win-dows.


    , , - PyMailCgi, - - . HTML CGI, - , PyMailCGI :


    , -.

  • - PyMailCGI 589

    - .


    PyMailCGI mailtools, 13. - PP4E , - , PyMailCgi, PyMailGUI PyMailCGI -. - , , - .

    - . - mailtools, - 13, , , , , , , - PyMailGUI. PyMailCGI, , , -. mailtools 13.

    , PyMailCGI Py thon: smtplib, poplib, email.*, cgi, urllib.* . - . PyMailCGI 846 , -, HTML ( linecounts.xls, ; - 835 ).

    PyMailGUI 14, - - PyMailCGI - , - , - , , - , . , -

  • 590 16. PyMailCGI

    , PyMailCGI - , , , - - Py thon 3.1.

    , PyMailCGI - , -- , - . PyMailGUI - . , - PyMailCGI - - .

    ( 3.0) - PyMailCGI Py thon 3.X. , - , mailtools, , , . - - :

    - , MIME -, .

    - , - , UTF-8.

    , - , - .

    , - . meta HTML, . , - HTML , :

  • - PyMailCGI 591

    . , - - , -, HTML. , - Subject From - ( , ), - ( UTF-8). , - , , -, , - . PyMailGUI - , Text - tkinter, - . PyMailCGI , .

    , , , - , , ; - . - , - CGI, . - , , Py thon 3.1 - CGI, stdout bytes ( ).

    /i18n , PyMailGUI. , , , - , - - .

    , 3.0, - , , - 3.0. , - , . - .

  • 592 16. PyMailCGI

    ( )

    , - CGI 3.1 - . , cgi Py thon 3.1, email, - . , PyMailCGI, - , CGI, , -, . , Py thon 2.X.

    - PyMailGUI, 14, , ( , , MIME ). , - PyMailCGI, , , CGI, , cgi. - cgi .

    , , . PyMailCGI , Py thon 3.1, - , . , , PyMailCGI mailtools, - , - - - PyMailGUI . , , .

  • - PyMailCGI 593

    , - AJAX, CGI. - , , , , Py-thon 3.X. (PyMail RIA?), CGI Py thon 3.X.

    ( 2.0) - PyMailCGI - mailtools, 13; - PyCrypto ; - - . - 3.0.

    -, , - , . - , - - mailtools:

    - . - , . - , .

    , - 15. , - . -, , - , - - mailtools. , 3.0 - , HTML, .

  • 594 16. PyMailCGI

    - , , PyMailCGI ( ) , . , , - - . - , - , - , .

    PyMailCGI . - - . - , - . , , - , mailtools , ( , , ).

    - , - ( 14, ). , - , - . , , , PyMail-GUI 14.

    - - CGI . , - , , - ( , , -), cookies, URL. - - - , - . - , .

  • - PyMailCGI 595

    - , ( , , , - ).

    , PyMailCGI, ( -, , - CGI, , . , - , . - , , , - .

    , : , . - , - - , , HTML CGI- Py thon , . - , , , . -, , , , .

    , , . Py-Ma ilGUI 14, , - , . - - , . , , , Py thon - . Py-thon , Py thon, .

    HTML CGI- , PyMailCGI, - , . , 15, - , -

  • 596 16. PyMailCGI

    15.1, - . , , - urllib.request local-host ( IP-

    , - . , - , , - - , .

    : PyMailCGI , - , :

    C:\...\PP4E\Internet\Web> PyMailCgi 8000

    Windows - Unix- . -- localhost, 8000. - PyMailCgi, -, CGI, PyMailCgi\cgibin. , - , .

    : - , - , , , - - 80, , 8000. , - , . , , URL :


    - URL :


  • - PyMailCGI 597

    , - , - . , , , 12 - URL 15.

    , localhost: 8000/cgi-bin URL, , , . , PyMailCGI, , , - - .1

    PyMailGUI, -, . , - , - .

    PyMailCGI CGI , - . - - OHare ( , -). - Py thon. , - - , - .

    1 -, - , , , CGI , , - - . CGI : . Windows , - CGI , . - , - CGI , - ; - .

  • 598 16. PyMailCGI

    , - . , PyMailCGI PyMailGUI 14 - , , , . .

    - . - - - , , - , - 17. PyMailCGI PyMailGUI, . , Py thon 3.1 - , .

    , , -, . , , , . , , , - Py thon, - .

    . , - 16.2, - . HTML, - .


    PyMailCGI Main Page

    PyMailCGIA POP/SMTP Web Email Interface

  • 599

    Version 3.0 June 2010 (2.0 January 2006)


    , , , SMTP

    POP/SMTP. , , . PyMailCgi CGI Python, ( ) HTML . Python, 4e .

    : PyMailCgi 1.0 2 O'Hare. , PyMailGUI (, , , , ). , PyMailCgi Python ( Tk) .

    , , PyMailCgi . , .

    2: PyMailCGI , .

  • 600 16. PyMailCGI

    , .

    3: PyMailCGI Python 3.X () mailtools: , . cgi email Python 3.1 3.0 , ( 15 16).


    PyMailGUI Internet, Python+Tk Email, Python imaplib, IMAP POP


    pymailcgi.html - PyMailCgi, - . - , , URL ( , - - ):


    , , . 16.2 - Google Chrome Windows 7. Internet Explorer Chrome , , - . , , , HTML CGI- Py thon.

  • 601


    PyMailCGI , View, ... ( , ...), - . 16.2, , , PyMailCGI - , Send... ( ...) ( , SMTP ). - URL - .

    , , - . , , - . , , - , , - .

    , - , , [email protected] - POP. ( , - !), PyMailCGI , - . ,

  • 602 16. PyMailCGI, - . . , - , , .

    SMTPPyMailCGI - : - . ( View...) , - , , - . , .

    ( Send...) : - . Send... , . 16.2, - CGI, 16.3.


    #!/usr/bin/python"""############################################################################ 'send' : ############################################################################"""

    import commonhtmlfrom externs import mailconfig

    commonhtml.editpage(kind='Write', headers={'From': mailconfig.myaddress})

    , . , commonhtml externs. , - editpage, myaddress From.

    - , - , . , . - , . 16.3.

  • SMTP 603


    - - ( From mailconfig, - ). Choose File ( ) , - . PyMailGUI 14, . , - , - .

    , HTML , - . 16.3, - . - Send ( ), , 16.4, .

  • 604 16. PyMailCGI


    #!/usr/bin/python"""############################################################################ : , ;

    2.0+: mailtools , ; MIME;

    3.0: CGI cgi py3.1, ( , cgi, ); 3.0: , ;############################################################################"""

    import cgi, sys, commonhtml, osfrom externs import mailtools

    savedir = 'partsupload'if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.mkdir(savedir)

    def saveAttachments(form, maxattach=3, savedir=savedir): """ , mailtools ; FieldStorage 3.1 cgi , , ; """ partnames = [] for i in range(1, maxattach+1): fieldname = 'attach%d' % i if fieldname in form and form[fieldname].filename: fileinfo = form[fieldname] # ? filedata = fileinfo.value # filename = fileinfo.filename # if '\\' in filename: basename = filename.split('\\')[1] # DOS elif '/' in filename: basename = filename.split('/')[1] # Unix else: basename = filename # ,

  • SMTP 605

    pathname = os.path.join(savedir, basename) if isinstance(filedata, str): # 3.0: rb bytes filedata = filedata.encode() # 3.0: . ? savefile = open(pathname, 'wb') savefile.write(filedata) # with savefile.close() # EIBTI1 os.chmod(pathname, 0o666) # . . partnames.append(pathname) # return partnames #

    #commonhtml.dumpstatepage(0)form = cgi.FieldStorage() # attaches = saveAttachments(form) # cgi.print_form(form),

    # URL, GETsmtpservername = commonhtml.getstandardsmtpfields(form)

    # , URLfrom commonhtml import getfield # From = getfield(form, 'From') # To = getfield(form, 'To')Cc = getfield(form, 'Cc')Subj = getfield(form, 'Subject')text = getfield(form, 'text')if Cc == '?': Cc = ''

    # 3.0: ascii utf8 mailtools parser = mailtools.MailParser()Tos = parser.splitAddresses(To) # : ','Ccs = (Cc and parser.splitAddresses(Cc)) or ''extraHdrs = [('Cc', Ccs), ('XMailer', 'PyMailCGI 3.0')]

    # 3.0: ; # =ascii mailtoolsbodyencoding = 'ascii'try: text.encode(bodyencoding) # ascii ( latin1?)except (UnicodeError, LookupError): # . utf8 ( ?) bodyencoding = 'utf8' # : # , PyMailGUI

    # 3.0: utf8 ; # attachencodings = ['utf8'] * len(attaches) # #

    # sender = mailtools.SilentMailSender(smtpservername)

    1 Explicit Is Better Than Implicit ( -) Py thon. ..

  • 606 16. PyMailCGI

    try: sender.sendMessage(From, Tos, Subj, extraHdrs, text, attaches, bodytextEncoding=bodyencoding, attachesEncodings=attachencodings)except: commonhtml.errorpage('Send mail error')else: commonhtml.confirmationpage('Send mail')

    ( - URL) - Py thon smtplib mailtools. - mailtools 13, . , - - sentmail.txt PyMailCGI - , .

    2.0 saveAttachments -, , . , , - . - CGI 15 , ( - Py thon 3.1 - ). - mailtools .

    commonhtml SMTP, - , mailconfig - ( URL). , , . 16.4.

    sentmail.txt PyMailCGI, , ( -, PyMailGUI). - UTF-8 MIME Base64, - ASCII, .

    , . - . , PyMailGUI,

  • SMTP 607

    , , - , , , .


    , , - : 13, SMTP -, SMTP, - . , SMTP - Py thon ( , ), , , . mailtools - , .

    , , . 16.5. , - , , traceback . - , , .

    , commonhtml - , , PyMailCGI , , . , commonhtml, ( - ).

  • 608 16. PyMailCGI


    commonhtml - , . , : - , - - , Py thon . - commonhtml, , ( HTML).

    , - - commonhtml, . , , 16.14. , - .

  • SMTP 609

    PyMail-CGI , . , , - URL; CGI, mailconfig, - . , URL ( - ):

    http://localhost:8000/cgibin/ [email protected]& [email protected]& Subject=test+url& text=Hello+Mark;this+is+Mark

    - , URL. , URL - , . 13 15, urllib.request URL - Py thon. 16.5 - .


    """#################################################################### , URL :http://servername/pathname/ [email protected]& [email protected]& Subject=test+url& text=Hello+Mark;this+is+Mark####################################################################"""

    from urllib.request import urlopenfrom urllib.parse import quote_plus

    url = 'http://localhost:8000/cgibin/'url += '?site=%s' % quote_plus(input('Site>'))url += '&From=%s' % quote_plus(input('From>'))url += '&To=%s' % quote_plus(input('To >'))url += '&Subject=%s' % quote_plus(input('Subj>'))url += '&text=%s' % quote_plus(input('text>')) #

  • 610 16. PyMailCGI

    print('Reply html:')print(urlopen(url).read().decode()) # #

    , CGI , - . , Py thon , - Py thon, . HTML, - CGI:

    C:\...\PP4E\Internet\Web\PyMailCgi> sendurl.pySite>smtpout.secureserver.netFrom>[email protected] >[email protected]>testing sendurl.pytext>But sir, it's only wafer-thin...Reply html:PyMailCGI: Confirmation page (PP4E)PyMailCGI ConfirmationSend mail operation was successfulPress the link below to return to the main page.

    Back to root page

    HTML, , - , . , , ( , - successful find - in ), Py thon html.parse re ( 19) . , - PyMailGUI 14, - . 16.6 ( ).

    , , - . , Py thon smtplib ( mailtools) - SMTP, - CGI ( - , CGI SMTP). CGI - URL, , HTML

  • POP 611

    mailto:, urllib.request - - . , - , - .

    POP , . , POP.

    POP , . 16.2, View..., -, 16.6:


    #!/usr/bin/python"""############################################################################ View... HTML: ;

    HTML, ,

  • 612 16. PyMailCGI

    , ; , URL , , ;############################################################################"""

    # pswdhtml = """

    "%s" POP "%s".

    , : , , , , : ( ), ( cookies). , ; PyMailCGI "" ("Back") ."""

    # import commonhtml # :user, pswd, site = commonhtml.getstandardpopfields({}) # ,commonhtml.pageheader(kind='POP password input') # html|urlprint(pswdhtml % (commonhtml.urlroot, user, site))commonhtml.pagefooter()

    HTML: - pswdhtml - , , . , - , , - HTML. commonhtml ( , URL ) mail config , HTML, HTML -. CGI Py thon HTML -, ( , PSP, , -, HTML Py thon, - ).

  • POP 613

    , commonhtml, - , . 16.7.


    , - POP. , ; - HTML type=password, , - . ( pymail 13, , PyMail GUI 14, tkinter.)

    Submit ( ) , - 16.7.


    #!/usr/bin/python"""############################################################################ POP : ;

    2.0+ , , , ;

  • 614 16. PyMailCGI

    , : (?) ; 3.0: , ;############################################################################"""

    import cgiimport loadmail, commonhtmlfrom externs import mailtoolsfrom secret import encode # , MaxHdr = 35 #

    # , formdata = cgi.FieldStorage()mailuser, mailpswd, mailsite = commonhtml.getstandardpopfields(formdata)parser = mailtools.MailParser()

    try: newmails = loadmail.loadmailhdrs(mailsite, mailuser, mailpswd) mailnum = 1 maillist = [] # . enumerate() for mail in newmails: # msginfo = [] hdrs = parser.parseHeaders(mail) # email.message.Message addrhdrs = ('From', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc') # for key in ('Subject', 'From', 'Date'): rawhdr = hdrs.get(key, '?') if key not in addrhdrs: dechdr = parser.decodeHeader(rawhdr) # 3.0: . # else: # . dechdr = parser.decodeAddrHeader(rawhdr) # msginfo.append(dechdr[:MaxHdr]) msginfo = ' | '.join(msginfo) maillist.append((msginfo, commonhtml.urlroot + '', {'mnum': mailnum, 'user': mailuser, # 'pswd': encode(mailpswd), # 'site': mailsite})) # URL, # mailnum += 1 commonhtml.listpage(maillist, 'mail selection list')except: commonhtml.errorpage('Error loading mail index')

  • POP 615

    , ( - URL). , :


    mailtools 13 - POP. - . , , , ( TOP POP, , , mailconfig, ).


    HTML (, _URL, _) . URL .

    maillist -. URL, , . , - .

    , HTML - , . 16.8. , , , , , . - commonhtml , PyMailCGI.

    - ( , - ), - try .

    . 16.9 , - Py thon - . , - sys.exc_info, - Py thon traceback.

  • 616 16. PyMailCGI



  • POP 617


    , 16.7, - URL, . View ( ) , URL- -. 15, - , , , . . 16.10 HTML, - ( , - View Source ( HTML- ) - , Save As ( ) - Inter net Exp lorer).


    . 16.10? HTML, . - - , - , :

    ViewAmong our weapons are these | [email protected] | Fri, 07 May 2010 20:32...

  • 618 16. PyMailCGI

    PyMailCGI URL ( , commonhtml). View , HTML, - onViewListLink, , URL: POP, POP , , POP . , , - , cgi.FieldStorage. , POP mnum - , - , mailtools, - email.

    commonhtml - urllib.parse, cgi.escape, - URL. pswd , urllib.parse URL ( - %xx). , URL . - , cgi.FieldStorage - URL, - %.

    , commonhtml - . , urllib.parse.quote_plus - URL:

    >>> import urllib.parse>>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("There's bugger all down here on Earth")'There%27s+bugger+all+down+here+on+Earth'

    commonhtml urllib.parse.urlencode , , :-, , - URL ?. urlencode :

    >>> parmdict = {'user': 'Brian',... 'pswd': '#!/spam',... 'text': 'Say no more, squire!'}>>> urllib.parse.urlencode(parmdict)'text=Say+no+more%2C+squire%21&pswd=%23%21%2Fspam&user=Brian'

  • POP 619

    >>> "%s?%s" % ("", urllib.parse.urlencode(parmdict))''

    urlencode str ( ), , - , urllib.parse.quote_plus. CGI - commonhtml - .1

    URL ( , - 15). - , - .

    , - , PyMailGUI 14, - . . 16.11 , - , . 16.8, .

    , PyMailGUI HTML , - tkinter. , POP . - - , PyMailGUI - . - - . , , , - , . Py Ma il GUI , , .

    1 & URL cgi.escape, -- ( , &amp=high) - HTML. 15; , URL HTML.

  • 620 16. PyMailCGI


    , PyMailCGI - - POP - , CGI. - - CGI PyMailCGI - , - . , - .

    , onViewPswdSubmit ( 16.7) encode, URL . ( %, - ) - POP. - encode PyMail CGI.

    Py thon ssl, - (Secure Sockets Layer, SSL) - - , . , . , -

  • POP 621

    , , ( 16.13), - PyMailCGI. , - , Py thon , - HTTPS HTTP. - , - .

    . , : , - . mailconfig, , - , - .

    , URL , secret.encode , , , PyMailCGI. PyMailCGI - , , - , . - , -, , .

    PyMailCGI , - . - ( ), - .

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