Page 1: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

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Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamicprecipitation controls on the Tibetan Plateau

Julia Curio1a and Dieter Scherer1

1Chair of Climatology Technische Universitaumlt Berlin Berlin Germanyanow at National Centre for Atmospheric Science Department of Meteorology University of Reading

Reading UK

Correspondence to Julia Curio (juliacuriotu-berlinde)

Received 1 January 2016 ndash Published in Earth Syst Dynam Discuss 8 February 2016Revised 2 August 2016 ndash Accepted 19 August 2016 ndash Published 20 September 2016

Abstract The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is the origin of many large Asian rivers which provide water resources forlarge regions in south and east Asia Therefore the water cycle on the TP and adjacent high mountain rangesin particular the precipitation distribution and variability play an important role for the water availability forbillions of people in the downstream regions of the TP

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is used to analyse the dynamical factors that influence precipitationvariability in the TP region including the factors resulting in the enhancement and suppression of precipitationFour dynamical fields that can influence precipitation are considered the 300 hPa wind speed and wind speed2 km above ground the 300 hPa vertical wind speed and the atmospheric water transport The study focusseson the seasonality and the spatial variability of the precipitation controls and their dominant patterns Resultsshow that different factors have different effects on precipitation in different regions and seasons This dependsmainly on the dominant type of precipitation ie convective or frontalcyclonic precipitation Additionally thestudy reveals that the midlatitude westerlies have a high impact on the precipitation distribution on the TP andits surroundings year-round and not only in winter

1 Introduction

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) has been called the ldquoworld watertowerrdquo (Xu et al 2008) and is the origin of many rivers inhigh Asia which provide water for billions of people down-stream in south and east Asia The TP is located in the transi-tion zone between the midlatitude westerlies (Schiemann etal 2009) and the Indian and east Asian summer monsoonsystems (Webster et al 1998) The TP shapes the hydro-climate of downstream regions by its influence on the large-scale circulation (Hahn and Manabe 1975) caused by itslarge extent and height

Since precipitation is a key feature of the water cycle ofhigh Asia it is important to analyse the factors controllingprecipitation variability Identifying which dynamic factorsinfluence the precipitation may also help to estimate the im-pact of future climate change on precipitation variability

Previous studies have stated that precipitation over the TPis controlled by the westerlies in winter and the Indian andeast Asian summer monsoon in summer (eg Hren et al2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) This assumptionis derived only from the precipitation timing but Curio etal (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown that themidlatitude westerlies also have an impact on the summerprecipitation

There are many studies that have explored the influence ofatmospheric circulation modes eg the North Atlantic Os-cillation the Arctic Oscillation and El NintildeondashSouthern Os-cillation on the climate and precipitation in high Asia andon the monsoon systems (eg Bothe et al 2010 Liu et al2016 Liu and Yin 2001 Ruumlthrich et al 2015) Less atten-tion has been paid to the underlying processes controlling theprecipitation variability over the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union

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The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) (Maussion et al2014) which is the result of the dynamical downscaling ofan operational analysis and which covers more than 13 yearsat high spatial and temporal resolution provides the opportu-nity for a process-based analysis of the precipitation and itsvariability

The starting point of this study is the seasonality of theprecipitation over the TP and the evaluation of the factorsthat control the precipitation over the TP and the surroundinghigh mountain ranges This focusses on the timing locationand strength of the factors that influence precipitation and itsvariability

The main aim of this study is to describe the spatial andtemporal correlation of selected dynamical variables andprecipitation to reveal the underlying mechanisms throughwhich the variables influence precipitation and therefore actas controls of precipitation variability

We selected four variables as dynamic precipitation con-trols horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa and at about 2 kmabove ground the vertical wind speed at 300 hPa and thevertically integrated atmospheric water transport It is knownthat these factors have an influence on precipitation variabil-ity but on the basis of coarse-resolution datasets it was notpossible to analyse the relations in a spatially and temporallydifferentiated way like it is now with the HAR

The different precipitation controls have effects on dif-ferent spatial scales While the horizontal and vertical windspeeds at 300 hPa (WS300 and W300) are large-scale con-trols the horizontal wind speed in the boundary layer(WS10) is active on the mesoscale The atmospheric watertransport (AWT) connects the large scale with the mesoscalebecause it is effective on both scales and across large dis-tances We do not claim completeness for the list of precip-itation controls but assume that these four factors belong tothe most important dynamic precipitation controls It is im-portant to keep in mind that the precipitation controls are notindependent of each other and can have combined effects onprecipitation variability or cancel out each other this will notbe in focus of the current study

In the following we will briefly introduce the selected pre-cipitation controls and their possible impacts on precipitationvariability

The horizontal wind speed at the 300 hPa level has twomain effects on precipitation variability High WS300 can in-hibit or cut off deep convection and thus suppress precipita-tion development (eg Findell et al 2003 Zhang and Atkin-son 1995) In this case only shallow convection can formwhich does not lead to considerable precipitation amountsMoumllg and Chiang (2009) showed that convective precipi-tation events on tropical mountain summits correspond tolow horizontal wind speeds On the other hand higher windspeeds can have positive effects on moisture advection andorographic lifting and can at lower levels enhance evap-oration from the surface and therefore convection (eg Jo-hansson and Chen 2003 Roe 2005) This process is most

interesting during the warm half of the year when surfacemoisture from local sources like lakes soil moisture the ac-tive layer of permafrost snow- and glacier melt is availableMoisture recycling plays an important role in precipitation onthe TP (eg Araguaacutes-Araguaacutes et al 1998 Trenberth 1999)on average more than 60 of moisture needed for precip-itation falling on the inner TP is provided by the TP itself(Curio et al 2015)

The core of the subtropical westerly jet (SWJ) occurs atthe 200 hPa level Over the Tibetan Plateau the jet reachesdown to 300 hPa and still has an effect there and also atlower levels This was shown for the HAR by Maussion etal (2014) The strength and location of the jet influencesthe hydro-climate of the Tibetan Plateau and central Asia(eg Schiemann et al 2009) The precipitation seasonalityin the north-western parts of the study region is especially re-lated to the position of the jet (Schiemann et al 2008) Gar-reaud (2007) pointed out that stronger than normal low-levelwesterlies lead to more precipitation on the windward sideof meridionally orientated mountain ranges (orographic pre-cipitation) while high wind speeds at mountain tops lead torather dry conditions because of intensified downdrafts Thisprocess is called the rain shadow effect But he also showsthis could lead to more precipitation on the lee side becausemore cloud particles are advected and disturbances can over-come the topographic barrier with the help of higher windspeeds which would lead to more frontal or cyclonic precip-itation This case already shows that the influence each of thedynamic controls has on precipitation depends on many fac-tors and that this influence varies highly regarding time andspace

The influence of the vertical wind speed on precipitationdepends on the direction of the vertical wind ie on whetherit is an updraft or a downdraft (Rose et al 2003) Up-drafts have a positive impact on precipitation because theycan boost or enhance convection and are a key element fororographic precipitation on the windward side of mountainranges while downdrafts (eg on the lee side of mountainranges) and subsidence lead to the inhibition of convectionand cloud dispersal The expectation is that we have mainlypositive correlations of vertical wind with precipitation highupward winds cause higher precipitation and higher down-ward winds cause less precipitation

Atmospheric water transport (AWT) is not only a dynamicprecipitation control because it is a product of atmosphericmoisture content and wind speed (and direction) The posi-tive effect of AWT on precipitation variability due to mois-ture supply is described in for example Barros et al (2006)and Giovannettone et al (2009) Therefore we assume thatthere is always a positive correlation between AWT and pre-cipitation But high AWT does not automatically lead to pre-cipitation development which was shown for example byCurio et al (2015) for the Qaidam Basin where the prevail-ing atmospheric subsidence inhibits convection

The main objectives of the study are three-fold

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Figure 1 Map of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model domain HAR10 (high Asia domain) and its location nested in thelarger domain HAR30 (southndashcentral Asia domain) Geographical locations are indicated in white

i to analyse the impact of selected dynamic variables onthe spatial and temporal variability of precipitation

ii to examine whether the different factors that controlprecipitation variability act in the same way in differ-ent regions and at different times

iii to gain a better understanding of the role of the midlati-tude westerlies and the summer monsoon systems in theprecipitation distribution on the TP

In the following section we describe the data and methodsused in this study Section 3 presents the precipitation sea-sonality on the TP and adjacent mountain ranges based on theHAR using a cluster analysis The focus of the study is theperiod 2001ndash2013 Afterwards we analyse the correlationsbetween the four selected dynamic variables and precipita-tion regarding seasonality and spatial variability A principalcomponent analysis of this correlations is then used to detectthe dominant patterns The results and their uncertainties arediscussed in Sect 4 In Sect 5 we draw conclusions fromour study

2 Data and methodology

21 The High Asia Refined analysis

This study is based on the HAR The HAR has been pro-duced using the advanced research version of the Weatherand Research Forecasting model (WRF-ARW Skamarockand Klemp 2008) version 331 to dynamically downscalethe Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses (finalanalyses FNL data set ds0832) a global gridded data setThe HAR dataset its modelling forcing and re-initialization

strategies are described in detail by Maussion et al (20112014) The HAR data set currently covers the period fromOctober 2000 to September 2014 and will be updated con-tinuously The first domain of the HAR encompasses mostparts of southndashcentral Asia with a spatial resolution of 30 kmand temporal resolution of 3 h (HAR30) High Asia and theTibetan Plateau are the focus of a second nested domain witha spatial resolution of 10 km and temporal resolution of 1 h(HAR10) A map of the HAR10 domain and its location inthe parent domain HAR30 are shown in Fig 1 In this studywe analyse the processes on the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges and therefore use the HAR10 data onlyThe calculation of the vertically integrated atmospheric watertransport can be found in Curio et al (2015) For this studythe HAR data are used on a daily basis

The HAR data set was validated by Maussion et al (2014)by comparison with rain-gauge observations from the Na-tional Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and the satellite-derivedgridded precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Mea-suring Mission (TRMM) The HAR shows a slightly pos-itive bias in comparison with station data 017 mm dayminus1

for HAR10 (026 mm dayminus1 for TRMM 3B43 product) Thecomparison with TRMM shows that HAR captures the gen-eral features of precipitation seasonality variability andspatial distribution Maussion et al (2014) found that theHAR10 precipitation averaged over the domain shows 15 more precipitation than TRMM but these differences are as-sumed to be related to the well-known underestimation ofsnowfall and light rain by TRMM Convective precipitationis simulated in agreement with results from literature butone has to keep in mind that the model uses a parameteriza-tion scheme for cumulus convection A spatial resolution of10 km is not high enough to resolve cumulus convection The

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HAR is able to reproduce orographic precipitation features asdocumented by Bookhagen and Burbank (2010) Maussionet al (2014) state that these qualitative considerations cannotprovide a quantitative uncertainty value Curio et al (2015)compared the HAR30 atmospheric water transport (AWT)with ERA-Interim (Dee et al 2011) They found similar pat-terns the differences being related to the different spatialresolutions and thus a better representation of the underly-ing topography by the HAR In the HAR data the blockingof AWT from the Bay of Bengal by the Himalayas is morepronounced and the results show the importance of merid-ionally orientated high mountain valleys for moisture supplyto the Tibetan Plateau We have compared the 300 hPa windof the HAR10 data set with ERA-Interim Figure S1 (see theSupplement) shows that they are in a good agreement witheach other Due to the daily re-initialization strategy used togenerate the HAR data set the wind fields in higher levelscannot evolve as far away from the forcing data as this ispossible for longer model runs The question of how largethe uncertainties of the HAR data and especially precipitationare and how we can estimate them is a topic which should beinvestigated more in detail Since there are no other griddeddata sets with a comparable high temporal and spatial res-olution the possibilities to validate the HAR are generallylimited and will be the subject of future research

22 Methodology

The selection of precipitation controls relies on well-studiedrelations of these factors with precipitation (eg Back andBretherton 2005 Garreaud 2007 Shinker et al 2006) butthese controls were not investigated at high spatial and tem-poral resolution in high-mountain Asia until now

The current study is based on the HAR10 data set for thestudy period 2001ndash2013 (all entire years available) Startingpoint of this study is an analysis of the precipitation season-ality on the TP using the k-means clustering method (egWilks 1995) The percentages of monthly contribution toannual precipitation and not the precipitation amounts wereused to define seven classes with different precipitation sea-sonality This has the advantage that in an area like high Asiawhere the differences in precipitation amounts vary stronglybetween regions and seasons the regions were made compa-rable by this method We conducted the cluster analysis withother numbers of classes (5ndash9) but the chosen number ofseven classes led to the best ratio between coherent patternsand sufficient distinction between classes This analysis fol-lows the approach of Maussion et al (2014) who used theclustering to detect glacier accumulation regimes on the TPTheir input data were restricted to glaciated areas only Ourcurrent analysis expands the database to the entire TP andsurrounding regions using all grid points of the HAR10 do-main

For all further analysis daily averaged HAR data are usedBecause we are only interested in precipitation days the data

set is stratified using a daily precipitation threshold This isdone month-wise For example all analyses for July dependon the data for each July day during the period 2001ndash2013these are 31 times 13 days ie 403 days in total Precipitationdays for a grid point are defined as days with a mean dailyprecipitation rate of at least 01 mm which is a commonlyused minimum value to define precipitation days (eg Poladeet al 2014 Liu et al 2011 Bartholy and Pongracz 2010Frei et al 1998) The threshold was basically used to filterout numerical artefacts and not to exclude events from thedatabase

The daily precipitation rate at each grid point is calculatedas the mean precipitation rate for all grid points within anarea of 15 times 15 grid points around the specific grid pointThe time mask for precipitation days is then applied to thefour variables used as precipitation controls The number ofprecipitation days can vary distinctly between regions andseasons Each of the dynamical variables is correlated withthe precipitation using the Spearman rank correlation Thisis done month-wise for all precipitation days in a specificmonth during the study period and for each grid point in theHAR10 data set Using correlations avoids problems asso-ciated with the exact precipitation rates and amounts fallingon the TP which are hard to measure and to model exactlyThe Spearman rank correlation uses the ranks of the valuesand not the values itself which makes the correlations in-dependent of the real data and more robust against outliersThis makes it easier to compare regions with very differentprecipitation amounts with each other and helps to reducethe effects of extreme events on the correlation results Weare aware of the fact that ranking the data leads to a slightinformation loss compared to the real values We are surethat for our purpose the advantages are bigger than the dis-advantages Only correlations which are significant at the95 level are plotted The statistical significance of the cor-relations was tested using a two-tailed test to determine thedeviation from 0 (Numerical Recipes The Art of ScientificComputing 1992) The calculation oft the statistical signifi-cance is described more in detail in the Supplement A prin-cipal component analysis (PCA) is performed for the resultsof the correlations with precipitation to detect the dominantrelationships

3 Results

31 Precipitation seasonality

Figure 2 shows the seven defined classes of precipitationregime and the mean annual cycle of monthly precipitationpercentage in each class It is clearly visible that the TP andthe surrounding high mountain ranges show a spatial vari-ability regarding precipitation seasonality A class with a pre-cipitation maximum in summer and a minimum in winter isdominant on the central TP and south of the Himalayas inIndia Nepal and Pakistan (blue class 6) This class is the

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Figure 2 Precipitation clusters (left) and the mean annual cycle of percentage contribution of monthly precipitation to annual precipitationfor each cluster (right)

monsoonal precipitation class because the precipitation per-centage increases from June onwards the onset period of theIndian summer monsoon During July and August more than50 of the annual precipitation falls in this regions whilefrom October to May the monthly precipitation amount isbelow 5 of the annual precipitation The yellow class hasa much broader and less pronounced summer precipitationmaximum and the increase and decrease proceed with simi-lar rates The annual cycle of precipitation in this class is de-termined by the seasonal cycle of solar forcing and thereforeconvective activity The green class represents a transitionzone between the monsoonal and convective classes wherethe monsoon can have an influence but is not dominant Thismeans that both monsoonal precipitation andor only solar-forced convective precipitation can occur

The naming convention does not mean that the monsoonalclass precipitation is not of convective nature but it shouldemphasize that the precipitation (developmentvariability) isinfluenced by the monsoon which is associated with the ad-vection of tropical air masses The monsoonal class is a sub-set of the convective class The timing and strength of theprecipitation maximum provides an indication of a differentforcing In the monsoonal class the precipitation maximumis higher starts during the Indian summer monsoon onsetand persists for a shorter time period The monsoonal class isdivided into a northern and southern part by the Himalayas

The grey-blue class experiences its precipitation maxi-mum in winter and is dominated by the influence of the mid-latitude westerlies This class occurs mainly in the PamirndashKarakoramndashwestern Himalayas (PKwH) region as one co-herent pattern and additionally in the eastern part of theTarim Basin The precipitation maximum is much lower butthe minimum values are higher than in the classes dominatedby summer precipitation which shows that the intra-annualvariability is lower and the values vary between 15 and 5 but are never below 5 in the mean This could lead to the

assumption that the influence of the midlatitude westerlies ismore constant year-round while the monsoon has a strongerbut temporally more limited influence on precipitation on theTP

The light blue class exhibits a more evenly distributed sea-sonality of precipitation during spring and summer with aminimum in November This class surrounds the grey-bluecluster at the southern flank of the western Himalayas (west-ern notch) in the south-eastern TP and in the eastern TarimBasin It is interesting that the region in the south-east ofthe TP where the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP be-longs to a different class than the surroundings which are di-vided between the three convectively dominated classes blueyellow and green Maybe there is stronger influence fromAWT which would make this region more similar to the sur-roundings of the PKwH region regarding the factors control-ling precipitation variability Another possible reason couldbe the occurrence of extratropical cyclones which propagateeastward along the Himalayas and are then terrain-lockedby the eastern notch of the Himalayas (Norris et al 2015)This would lead to a higher moisture supply to the regionand therefore higher amounts of orographic precipitationThis kind of terrain locking of the westerly flow in winteris described in detail for the western notch of the Himalayasby Norris et al (2015) This mechanism would explain thehigher shares of winter precipitation in the region around theBrahmaputra Channel and the affiliation to the same class oc-curring at the southern flank of the western Himalayas in thewestern notch

The remaining two classes ndash red and purple ndash almost onlyappear in the Tarim Basin They are both characterized by aspring and early summer precipitation regime but also showsome differences The amount of precipitation in the purpleclass increases sharply from March to May and June wherethe maximum with a value of slightly above 20 occursThe decrease is even sharper so that in July already only 6

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Figure 3 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

of the annual precipitation occurs The annual cycle of thered class seems to be delayed relative to the purple one andthe period of maximum precipitation is only 1 month longIn spring the values are lower but higher in late summer andautumn while they are almost the same during winter

The high mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Kun-lun and Qilian Shan exhibit a complex structure of differentclasses over relatively short distances and therefore exhibitno coherent patterns This holds true also for the border areabetween the Karakoram and the Tarim Basin The mountain-ous region of the Pamir and Karakoram is represented byonly one class which implies that this region is mainly in-fluenced by one atmospheric forcing (midlatitude westerlies)or that different controls have the same impact in this regionThe other mountain ranges lie in regions where an interplayof different controls occur and the temporal and spatial vari-ability is larger on smaller scales

32 Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation

321 Horizontal wind speed

Horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)

The correlations between WS300 and precipitation areshown in Fig 3 There are high positive correlations in win-ter in the PMwH region this is the time of the year whenthe majority of precipitation falls in this region (eg Curioet al 2015 Maussion et al 2014) The precipitation in thePMwH region is mainly cyclonicfrontal precipitation andis associated with western disturbances (Dimri et al 2015)There are only negative correlations in the southern and east-

ern parts of the TP in winter which enlarges over springand covers mainly the whole central and north-eastern TPand large parts of the central Himalayas with the highestnegative correlations in the central TP The reason for thenegative correlations in these regions is that they are domi-nated by convective precipitation (eg Maussion et al 2014)and higher wind speeds in winter inhibit the deep convec-tion This also explains why there are negative correlationsalmost everywhere in summer The region of negative sum-mer correlations covers almost the same area as the convec-tive and monsoonal precipitation classes (Fig 2) combinedso the impact of WS300 explains some of the precipitationclasses In spring there is a second region with positive cor-relations north of the TP in the Tarim Basin and the borderingKunlun and Qilian Shan This area is reached by the northernbranch of the midlatitude westerlies which delivers moisturefor precipitation The area around the Brahmaputra Channelexhibits slightly positive correlations due to enhanced mois-ture transport by higher wind speeds The region of high pos-itive winter correlations exhibits no or slightly positive cor-relations in only a small area in summer and in some parts ofthe region the positive correlations are replaced by negativeones Since there is a non-negligible amount of precipitationfalling in this region in summer (sim 20ndash40 see clusters 0and 5 in Fig 2) the lagabsence of positive correlations andthe occurrence of negative correlations means that a differ-ent factor controls precipitation variability andor the samecontrol works in a different way due to higher shares of con-vective precipitation especially in the eastern parts of thePamirndashKarakoram region

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Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 2: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

768 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) (Maussion et al2014) which is the result of the dynamical downscaling ofan operational analysis and which covers more than 13 yearsat high spatial and temporal resolution provides the opportu-nity for a process-based analysis of the precipitation and itsvariability

The starting point of this study is the seasonality of theprecipitation over the TP and the evaluation of the factorsthat control the precipitation over the TP and the surroundinghigh mountain ranges This focusses on the timing locationand strength of the factors that influence precipitation and itsvariability

The main aim of this study is to describe the spatial andtemporal correlation of selected dynamical variables andprecipitation to reveal the underlying mechanisms throughwhich the variables influence precipitation and therefore actas controls of precipitation variability

We selected four variables as dynamic precipitation con-trols horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa and at about 2 kmabove ground the vertical wind speed at 300 hPa and thevertically integrated atmospheric water transport It is knownthat these factors have an influence on precipitation variabil-ity but on the basis of coarse-resolution datasets it was notpossible to analyse the relations in a spatially and temporallydifferentiated way like it is now with the HAR

The different precipitation controls have effects on dif-ferent spatial scales While the horizontal and vertical windspeeds at 300 hPa (WS300 and W300) are large-scale con-trols the horizontal wind speed in the boundary layer(WS10) is active on the mesoscale The atmospheric watertransport (AWT) connects the large scale with the mesoscalebecause it is effective on both scales and across large dis-tances We do not claim completeness for the list of precip-itation controls but assume that these four factors belong tothe most important dynamic precipitation controls It is im-portant to keep in mind that the precipitation controls are notindependent of each other and can have combined effects onprecipitation variability or cancel out each other this will notbe in focus of the current study

In the following we will briefly introduce the selected pre-cipitation controls and their possible impacts on precipitationvariability

The horizontal wind speed at the 300 hPa level has twomain effects on precipitation variability High WS300 can in-hibit or cut off deep convection and thus suppress precipita-tion development (eg Findell et al 2003 Zhang and Atkin-son 1995) In this case only shallow convection can formwhich does not lead to considerable precipitation amountsMoumllg and Chiang (2009) showed that convective precipi-tation events on tropical mountain summits correspond tolow horizontal wind speeds On the other hand higher windspeeds can have positive effects on moisture advection andorographic lifting and can at lower levels enhance evap-oration from the surface and therefore convection (eg Jo-hansson and Chen 2003 Roe 2005) This process is most

interesting during the warm half of the year when surfacemoisture from local sources like lakes soil moisture the ac-tive layer of permafrost snow- and glacier melt is availableMoisture recycling plays an important role in precipitation onthe TP (eg Araguaacutes-Araguaacutes et al 1998 Trenberth 1999)on average more than 60 of moisture needed for precip-itation falling on the inner TP is provided by the TP itself(Curio et al 2015)

The core of the subtropical westerly jet (SWJ) occurs atthe 200 hPa level Over the Tibetan Plateau the jet reachesdown to 300 hPa and still has an effect there and also atlower levels This was shown for the HAR by Maussion etal (2014) The strength and location of the jet influencesthe hydro-climate of the Tibetan Plateau and central Asia(eg Schiemann et al 2009) The precipitation seasonalityin the north-western parts of the study region is especially re-lated to the position of the jet (Schiemann et al 2008) Gar-reaud (2007) pointed out that stronger than normal low-levelwesterlies lead to more precipitation on the windward sideof meridionally orientated mountain ranges (orographic pre-cipitation) while high wind speeds at mountain tops lead torather dry conditions because of intensified downdrafts Thisprocess is called the rain shadow effect But he also showsthis could lead to more precipitation on the lee side becausemore cloud particles are advected and disturbances can over-come the topographic barrier with the help of higher windspeeds which would lead to more frontal or cyclonic precip-itation This case already shows that the influence each of thedynamic controls has on precipitation depends on many fac-tors and that this influence varies highly regarding time andspace

The influence of the vertical wind speed on precipitationdepends on the direction of the vertical wind ie on whetherit is an updraft or a downdraft (Rose et al 2003) Up-drafts have a positive impact on precipitation because theycan boost or enhance convection and are a key element fororographic precipitation on the windward side of mountainranges while downdrafts (eg on the lee side of mountainranges) and subsidence lead to the inhibition of convectionand cloud dispersal The expectation is that we have mainlypositive correlations of vertical wind with precipitation highupward winds cause higher precipitation and higher down-ward winds cause less precipitation

Atmospheric water transport (AWT) is not only a dynamicprecipitation control because it is a product of atmosphericmoisture content and wind speed (and direction) The posi-tive effect of AWT on precipitation variability due to mois-ture supply is described in for example Barros et al (2006)and Giovannettone et al (2009) Therefore we assume thatthere is always a positive correlation between AWT and pre-cipitation But high AWT does not automatically lead to pre-cipitation development which was shown for example byCurio et al (2015) for the Qaidam Basin where the prevail-ing atmospheric subsidence inhibits convection

The main objectives of the study are three-fold

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Figure 1 Map of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model domain HAR10 (high Asia domain) and its location nested in thelarger domain HAR30 (southndashcentral Asia domain) Geographical locations are indicated in white

i to analyse the impact of selected dynamic variables onthe spatial and temporal variability of precipitation

ii to examine whether the different factors that controlprecipitation variability act in the same way in differ-ent regions and at different times

iii to gain a better understanding of the role of the midlati-tude westerlies and the summer monsoon systems in theprecipitation distribution on the TP

In the following section we describe the data and methodsused in this study Section 3 presents the precipitation sea-sonality on the TP and adjacent mountain ranges based on theHAR using a cluster analysis The focus of the study is theperiod 2001ndash2013 Afterwards we analyse the correlationsbetween the four selected dynamic variables and precipita-tion regarding seasonality and spatial variability A principalcomponent analysis of this correlations is then used to detectthe dominant patterns The results and their uncertainties arediscussed in Sect 4 In Sect 5 we draw conclusions fromour study

2 Data and methodology

21 The High Asia Refined analysis

This study is based on the HAR The HAR has been pro-duced using the advanced research version of the Weatherand Research Forecasting model (WRF-ARW Skamarockand Klemp 2008) version 331 to dynamically downscalethe Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses (finalanalyses FNL data set ds0832) a global gridded data setThe HAR dataset its modelling forcing and re-initialization

strategies are described in detail by Maussion et al (20112014) The HAR data set currently covers the period fromOctober 2000 to September 2014 and will be updated con-tinuously The first domain of the HAR encompasses mostparts of southndashcentral Asia with a spatial resolution of 30 kmand temporal resolution of 3 h (HAR30) High Asia and theTibetan Plateau are the focus of a second nested domain witha spatial resolution of 10 km and temporal resolution of 1 h(HAR10) A map of the HAR10 domain and its location inthe parent domain HAR30 are shown in Fig 1 In this studywe analyse the processes on the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges and therefore use the HAR10 data onlyThe calculation of the vertically integrated atmospheric watertransport can be found in Curio et al (2015) For this studythe HAR data are used on a daily basis

The HAR data set was validated by Maussion et al (2014)by comparison with rain-gauge observations from the Na-tional Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and the satellite-derivedgridded precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Mea-suring Mission (TRMM) The HAR shows a slightly pos-itive bias in comparison with station data 017 mm dayminus1

for HAR10 (026 mm dayminus1 for TRMM 3B43 product) Thecomparison with TRMM shows that HAR captures the gen-eral features of precipitation seasonality variability andspatial distribution Maussion et al (2014) found that theHAR10 precipitation averaged over the domain shows 15 more precipitation than TRMM but these differences are as-sumed to be related to the well-known underestimation ofsnowfall and light rain by TRMM Convective precipitationis simulated in agreement with results from literature butone has to keep in mind that the model uses a parameteriza-tion scheme for cumulus convection A spatial resolution of10 km is not high enough to resolve cumulus convection The

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HAR is able to reproduce orographic precipitation features asdocumented by Bookhagen and Burbank (2010) Maussionet al (2014) state that these qualitative considerations cannotprovide a quantitative uncertainty value Curio et al (2015)compared the HAR30 atmospheric water transport (AWT)with ERA-Interim (Dee et al 2011) They found similar pat-terns the differences being related to the different spatialresolutions and thus a better representation of the underly-ing topography by the HAR In the HAR data the blockingof AWT from the Bay of Bengal by the Himalayas is morepronounced and the results show the importance of merid-ionally orientated high mountain valleys for moisture supplyto the Tibetan Plateau We have compared the 300 hPa windof the HAR10 data set with ERA-Interim Figure S1 (see theSupplement) shows that they are in a good agreement witheach other Due to the daily re-initialization strategy used togenerate the HAR data set the wind fields in higher levelscannot evolve as far away from the forcing data as this ispossible for longer model runs The question of how largethe uncertainties of the HAR data and especially precipitationare and how we can estimate them is a topic which should beinvestigated more in detail Since there are no other griddeddata sets with a comparable high temporal and spatial res-olution the possibilities to validate the HAR are generallylimited and will be the subject of future research

22 Methodology

The selection of precipitation controls relies on well-studiedrelations of these factors with precipitation (eg Back andBretherton 2005 Garreaud 2007 Shinker et al 2006) butthese controls were not investigated at high spatial and tem-poral resolution in high-mountain Asia until now

The current study is based on the HAR10 data set for thestudy period 2001ndash2013 (all entire years available) Startingpoint of this study is an analysis of the precipitation season-ality on the TP using the k-means clustering method (egWilks 1995) The percentages of monthly contribution toannual precipitation and not the precipitation amounts wereused to define seven classes with different precipitation sea-sonality This has the advantage that in an area like high Asiawhere the differences in precipitation amounts vary stronglybetween regions and seasons the regions were made compa-rable by this method We conducted the cluster analysis withother numbers of classes (5ndash9) but the chosen number ofseven classes led to the best ratio between coherent patternsand sufficient distinction between classes This analysis fol-lows the approach of Maussion et al (2014) who used theclustering to detect glacier accumulation regimes on the TPTheir input data were restricted to glaciated areas only Ourcurrent analysis expands the database to the entire TP andsurrounding regions using all grid points of the HAR10 do-main

For all further analysis daily averaged HAR data are usedBecause we are only interested in precipitation days the data

set is stratified using a daily precipitation threshold This isdone month-wise For example all analyses for July dependon the data for each July day during the period 2001ndash2013these are 31 times 13 days ie 403 days in total Precipitationdays for a grid point are defined as days with a mean dailyprecipitation rate of at least 01 mm which is a commonlyused minimum value to define precipitation days (eg Poladeet al 2014 Liu et al 2011 Bartholy and Pongracz 2010Frei et al 1998) The threshold was basically used to filterout numerical artefacts and not to exclude events from thedatabase

The daily precipitation rate at each grid point is calculatedas the mean precipitation rate for all grid points within anarea of 15 times 15 grid points around the specific grid pointThe time mask for precipitation days is then applied to thefour variables used as precipitation controls The number ofprecipitation days can vary distinctly between regions andseasons Each of the dynamical variables is correlated withthe precipitation using the Spearman rank correlation Thisis done month-wise for all precipitation days in a specificmonth during the study period and for each grid point in theHAR10 data set Using correlations avoids problems asso-ciated with the exact precipitation rates and amounts fallingon the TP which are hard to measure and to model exactlyThe Spearman rank correlation uses the ranks of the valuesand not the values itself which makes the correlations in-dependent of the real data and more robust against outliersThis makes it easier to compare regions with very differentprecipitation amounts with each other and helps to reducethe effects of extreme events on the correlation results Weare aware of the fact that ranking the data leads to a slightinformation loss compared to the real values We are surethat for our purpose the advantages are bigger than the dis-advantages Only correlations which are significant at the95 level are plotted The statistical significance of the cor-relations was tested using a two-tailed test to determine thedeviation from 0 (Numerical Recipes The Art of ScientificComputing 1992) The calculation oft the statistical signifi-cance is described more in detail in the Supplement A prin-cipal component analysis (PCA) is performed for the resultsof the correlations with precipitation to detect the dominantrelationships

3 Results

31 Precipitation seasonality

Figure 2 shows the seven defined classes of precipitationregime and the mean annual cycle of monthly precipitationpercentage in each class It is clearly visible that the TP andthe surrounding high mountain ranges show a spatial vari-ability regarding precipitation seasonality A class with a pre-cipitation maximum in summer and a minimum in winter isdominant on the central TP and south of the Himalayas inIndia Nepal and Pakistan (blue class 6) This class is the

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Figure 2 Precipitation clusters (left) and the mean annual cycle of percentage contribution of monthly precipitation to annual precipitationfor each cluster (right)

monsoonal precipitation class because the precipitation per-centage increases from June onwards the onset period of theIndian summer monsoon During July and August more than50 of the annual precipitation falls in this regions whilefrom October to May the monthly precipitation amount isbelow 5 of the annual precipitation The yellow class hasa much broader and less pronounced summer precipitationmaximum and the increase and decrease proceed with simi-lar rates The annual cycle of precipitation in this class is de-termined by the seasonal cycle of solar forcing and thereforeconvective activity The green class represents a transitionzone between the monsoonal and convective classes wherethe monsoon can have an influence but is not dominant Thismeans that both monsoonal precipitation andor only solar-forced convective precipitation can occur

The naming convention does not mean that the monsoonalclass precipitation is not of convective nature but it shouldemphasize that the precipitation (developmentvariability) isinfluenced by the monsoon which is associated with the ad-vection of tropical air masses The monsoonal class is a sub-set of the convective class The timing and strength of theprecipitation maximum provides an indication of a differentforcing In the monsoonal class the precipitation maximumis higher starts during the Indian summer monsoon onsetand persists for a shorter time period The monsoonal class isdivided into a northern and southern part by the Himalayas

The grey-blue class experiences its precipitation maxi-mum in winter and is dominated by the influence of the mid-latitude westerlies This class occurs mainly in the PamirndashKarakoramndashwestern Himalayas (PKwH) region as one co-herent pattern and additionally in the eastern part of theTarim Basin The precipitation maximum is much lower butthe minimum values are higher than in the classes dominatedby summer precipitation which shows that the intra-annualvariability is lower and the values vary between 15 and 5 but are never below 5 in the mean This could lead to the

assumption that the influence of the midlatitude westerlies ismore constant year-round while the monsoon has a strongerbut temporally more limited influence on precipitation on theTP

The light blue class exhibits a more evenly distributed sea-sonality of precipitation during spring and summer with aminimum in November This class surrounds the grey-bluecluster at the southern flank of the western Himalayas (west-ern notch) in the south-eastern TP and in the eastern TarimBasin It is interesting that the region in the south-east ofthe TP where the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP be-longs to a different class than the surroundings which are di-vided between the three convectively dominated classes blueyellow and green Maybe there is stronger influence fromAWT which would make this region more similar to the sur-roundings of the PKwH region regarding the factors control-ling precipitation variability Another possible reason couldbe the occurrence of extratropical cyclones which propagateeastward along the Himalayas and are then terrain-lockedby the eastern notch of the Himalayas (Norris et al 2015)This would lead to a higher moisture supply to the regionand therefore higher amounts of orographic precipitationThis kind of terrain locking of the westerly flow in winteris described in detail for the western notch of the Himalayasby Norris et al (2015) This mechanism would explain thehigher shares of winter precipitation in the region around theBrahmaputra Channel and the affiliation to the same class oc-curring at the southern flank of the western Himalayas in thewestern notch

The remaining two classes ndash red and purple ndash almost onlyappear in the Tarim Basin They are both characterized by aspring and early summer precipitation regime but also showsome differences The amount of precipitation in the purpleclass increases sharply from March to May and June wherethe maximum with a value of slightly above 20 occursThe decrease is even sharper so that in July already only 6

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Figure 3 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

of the annual precipitation occurs The annual cycle of thered class seems to be delayed relative to the purple one andthe period of maximum precipitation is only 1 month longIn spring the values are lower but higher in late summer andautumn while they are almost the same during winter

The high mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Kun-lun and Qilian Shan exhibit a complex structure of differentclasses over relatively short distances and therefore exhibitno coherent patterns This holds true also for the border areabetween the Karakoram and the Tarim Basin The mountain-ous region of the Pamir and Karakoram is represented byonly one class which implies that this region is mainly in-fluenced by one atmospheric forcing (midlatitude westerlies)or that different controls have the same impact in this regionThe other mountain ranges lie in regions where an interplayof different controls occur and the temporal and spatial vari-ability is larger on smaller scales

32 Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation

321 Horizontal wind speed

Horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)

The correlations between WS300 and precipitation areshown in Fig 3 There are high positive correlations in win-ter in the PMwH region this is the time of the year whenthe majority of precipitation falls in this region (eg Curioet al 2015 Maussion et al 2014) The precipitation in thePMwH region is mainly cyclonicfrontal precipitation andis associated with western disturbances (Dimri et al 2015)There are only negative correlations in the southern and east-

ern parts of the TP in winter which enlarges over springand covers mainly the whole central and north-eastern TPand large parts of the central Himalayas with the highestnegative correlations in the central TP The reason for thenegative correlations in these regions is that they are domi-nated by convective precipitation (eg Maussion et al 2014)and higher wind speeds in winter inhibit the deep convec-tion This also explains why there are negative correlationsalmost everywhere in summer The region of negative sum-mer correlations covers almost the same area as the convec-tive and monsoonal precipitation classes (Fig 2) combinedso the impact of WS300 explains some of the precipitationclasses In spring there is a second region with positive cor-relations north of the TP in the Tarim Basin and the borderingKunlun and Qilian Shan This area is reached by the northernbranch of the midlatitude westerlies which delivers moisturefor precipitation The area around the Brahmaputra Channelexhibits slightly positive correlations due to enhanced mois-ture transport by higher wind speeds The region of high pos-itive winter correlations exhibits no or slightly positive cor-relations in only a small area in summer and in some parts ofthe region the positive correlations are replaced by negativeones Since there is a non-negligible amount of precipitationfalling in this region in summer (sim 20ndash40 see clusters 0and 5 in Fig 2) the lagabsence of positive correlations andthe occurrence of negative correlations means that a differ-ent factor controls precipitation variability andor the samecontrol works in a different way due to higher shares of con-vective precipitation especially in the eastern parts of thePamirndashKarakoram region

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Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 3: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 769

Figure 1 Map of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model domain HAR10 (high Asia domain) and its location nested in thelarger domain HAR30 (southndashcentral Asia domain) Geographical locations are indicated in white

i to analyse the impact of selected dynamic variables onthe spatial and temporal variability of precipitation

ii to examine whether the different factors that controlprecipitation variability act in the same way in differ-ent regions and at different times

iii to gain a better understanding of the role of the midlati-tude westerlies and the summer monsoon systems in theprecipitation distribution on the TP

In the following section we describe the data and methodsused in this study Section 3 presents the precipitation sea-sonality on the TP and adjacent mountain ranges based on theHAR using a cluster analysis The focus of the study is theperiod 2001ndash2013 Afterwards we analyse the correlationsbetween the four selected dynamic variables and precipita-tion regarding seasonality and spatial variability A principalcomponent analysis of this correlations is then used to detectthe dominant patterns The results and their uncertainties arediscussed in Sect 4 In Sect 5 we draw conclusions fromour study

2 Data and methodology

21 The High Asia Refined analysis

This study is based on the HAR The HAR has been pro-duced using the advanced research version of the Weatherand Research Forecasting model (WRF-ARW Skamarockand Klemp 2008) version 331 to dynamically downscalethe Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses (finalanalyses FNL data set ds0832) a global gridded data setThe HAR dataset its modelling forcing and re-initialization

strategies are described in detail by Maussion et al (20112014) The HAR data set currently covers the period fromOctober 2000 to September 2014 and will be updated con-tinuously The first domain of the HAR encompasses mostparts of southndashcentral Asia with a spatial resolution of 30 kmand temporal resolution of 3 h (HAR30) High Asia and theTibetan Plateau are the focus of a second nested domain witha spatial resolution of 10 km and temporal resolution of 1 h(HAR10) A map of the HAR10 domain and its location inthe parent domain HAR30 are shown in Fig 1 In this studywe analyse the processes on the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges and therefore use the HAR10 data onlyThe calculation of the vertically integrated atmospheric watertransport can be found in Curio et al (2015) For this studythe HAR data are used on a daily basis

The HAR data set was validated by Maussion et al (2014)by comparison with rain-gauge observations from the Na-tional Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and the satellite-derivedgridded precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Mea-suring Mission (TRMM) The HAR shows a slightly pos-itive bias in comparison with station data 017 mm dayminus1

for HAR10 (026 mm dayminus1 for TRMM 3B43 product) Thecomparison with TRMM shows that HAR captures the gen-eral features of precipitation seasonality variability andspatial distribution Maussion et al (2014) found that theHAR10 precipitation averaged over the domain shows 15 more precipitation than TRMM but these differences are as-sumed to be related to the well-known underestimation ofsnowfall and light rain by TRMM Convective precipitationis simulated in agreement with results from literature butone has to keep in mind that the model uses a parameteriza-tion scheme for cumulus convection A spatial resolution of10 km is not high enough to resolve cumulus convection The

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770 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

HAR is able to reproduce orographic precipitation features asdocumented by Bookhagen and Burbank (2010) Maussionet al (2014) state that these qualitative considerations cannotprovide a quantitative uncertainty value Curio et al (2015)compared the HAR30 atmospheric water transport (AWT)with ERA-Interim (Dee et al 2011) They found similar pat-terns the differences being related to the different spatialresolutions and thus a better representation of the underly-ing topography by the HAR In the HAR data the blockingof AWT from the Bay of Bengal by the Himalayas is morepronounced and the results show the importance of merid-ionally orientated high mountain valleys for moisture supplyto the Tibetan Plateau We have compared the 300 hPa windof the HAR10 data set with ERA-Interim Figure S1 (see theSupplement) shows that they are in a good agreement witheach other Due to the daily re-initialization strategy used togenerate the HAR data set the wind fields in higher levelscannot evolve as far away from the forcing data as this ispossible for longer model runs The question of how largethe uncertainties of the HAR data and especially precipitationare and how we can estimate them is a topic which should beinvestigated more in detail Since there are no other griddeddata sets with a comparable high temporal and spatial res-olution the possibilities to validate the HAR are generallylimited and will be the subject of future research

22 Methodology

The selection of precipitation controls relies on well-studiedrelations of these factors with precipitation (eg Back andBretherton 2005 Garreaud 2007 Shinker et al 2006) butthese controls were not investigated at high spatial and tem-poral resolution in high-mountain Asia until now

The current study is based on the HAR10 data set for thestudy period 2001ndash2013 (all entire years available) Startingpoint of this study is an analysis of the precipitation season-ality on the TP using the k-means clustering method (egWilks 1995) The percentages of monthly contribution toannual precipitation and not the precipitation amounts wereused to define seven classes with different precipitation sea-sonality This has the advantage that in an area like high Asiawhere the differences in precipitation amounts vary stronglybetween regions and seasons the regions were made compa-rable by this method We conducted the cluster analysis withother numbers of classes (5ndash9) but the chosen number ofseven classes led to the best ratio between coherent patternsand sufficient distinction between classes This analysis fol-lows the approach of Maussion et al (2014) who used theclustering to detect glacier accumulation regimes on the TPTheir input data were restricted to glaciated areas only Ourcurrent analysis expands the database to the entire TP andsurrounding regions using all grid points of the HAR10 do-main

For all further analysis daily averaged HAR data are usedBecause we are only interested in precipitation days the data

set is stratified using a daily precipitation threshold This isdone month-wise For example all analyses for July dependon the data for each July day during the period 2001ndash2013these are 31 times 13 days ie 403 days in total Precipitationdays for a grid point are defined as days with a mean dailyprecipitation rate of at least 01 mm which is a commonlyused minimum value to define precipitation days (eg Poladeet al 2014 Liu et al 2011 Bartholy and Pongracz 2010Frei et al 1998) The threshold was basically used to filterout numerical artefacts and not to exclude events from thedatabase

The daily precipitation rate at each grid point is calculatedas the mean precipitation rate for all grid points within anarea of 15 times 15 grid points around the specific grid pointThe time mask for precipitation days is then applied to thefour variables used as precipitation controls The number ofprecipitation days can vary distinctly between regions andseasons Each of the dynamical variables is correlated withthe precipitation using the Spearman rank correlation Thisis done month-wise for all precipitation days in a specificmonth during the study period and for each grid point in theHAR10 data set Using correlations avoids problems asso-ciated with the exact precipitation rates and amounts fallingon the TP which are hard to measure and to model exactlyThe Spearman rank correlation uses the ranks of the valuesand not the values itself which makes the correlations in-dependent of the real data and more robust against outliersThis makes it easier to compare regions with very differentprecipitation amounts with each other and helps to reducethe effects of extreme events on the correlation results Weare aware of the fact that ranking the data leads to a slightinformation loss compared to the real values We are surethat for our purpose the advantages are bigger than the dis-advantages Only correlations which are significant at the95 level are plotted The statistical significance of the cor-relations was tested using a two-tailed test to determine thedeviation from 0 (Numerical Recipes The Art of ScientificComputing 1992) The calculation oft the statistical signifi-cance is described more in detail in the Supplement A prin-cipal component analysis (PCA) is performed for the resultsof the correlations with precipitation to detect the dominantrelationships

3 Results

31 Precipitation seasonality

Figure 2 shows the seven defined classes of precipitationregime and the mean annual cycle of monthly precipitationpercentage in each class It is clearly visible that the TP andthe surrounding high mountain ranges show a spatial vari-ability regarding precipitation seasonality A class with a pre-cipitation maximum in summer and a minimum in winter isdominant on the central TP and south of the Himalayas inIndia Nepal and Pakistan (blue class 6) This class is the

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Figure 2 Precipitation clusters (left) and the mean annual cycle of percentage contribution of monthly precipitation to annual precipitationfor each cluster (right)

monsoonal precipitation class because the precipitation per-centage increases from June onwards the onset period of theIndian summer monsoon During July and August more than50 of the annual precipitation falls in this regions whilefrom October to May the monthly precipitation amount isbelow 5 of the annual precipitation The yellow class hasa much broader and less pronounced summer precipitationmaximum and the increase and decrease proceed with simi-lar rates The annual cycle of precipitation in this class is de-termined by the seasonal cycle of solar forcing and thereforeconvective activity The green class represents a transitionzone between the monsoonal and convective classes wherethe monsoon can have an influence but is not dominant Thismeans that both monsoonal precipitation andor only solar-forced convective precipitation can occur

The naming convention does not mean that the monsoonalclass precipitation is not of convective nature but it shouldemphasize that the precipitation (developmentvariability) isinfluenced by the monsoon which is associated with the ad-vection of tropical air masses The monsoonal class is a sub-set of the convective class The timing and strength of theprecipitation maximum provides an indication of a differentforcing In the monsoonal class the precipitation maximumis higher starts during the Indian summer monsoon onsetand persists for a shorter time period The monsoonal class isdivided into a northern and southern part by the Himalayas

The grey-blue class experiences its precipitation maxi-mum in winter and is dominated by the influence of the mid-latitude westerlies This class occurs mainly in the PamirndashKarakoramndashwestern Himalayas (PKwH) region as one co-herent pattern and additionally in the eastern part of theTarim Basin The precipitation maximum is much lower butthe minimum values are higher than in the classes dominatedby summer precipitation which shows that the intra-annualvariability is lower and the values vary between 15 and 5 but are never below 5 in the mean This could lead to the

assumption that the influence of the midlatitude westerlies ismore constant year-round while the monsoon has a strongerbut temporally more limited influence on precipitation on theTP

The light blue class exhibits a more evenly distributed sea-sonality of precipitation during spring and summer with aminimum in November This class surrounds the grey-bluecluster at the southern flank of the western Himalayas (west-ern notch) in the south-eastern TP and in the eastern TarimBasin It is interesting that the region in the south-east ofthe TP where the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP be-longs to a different class than the surroundings which are di-vided between the three convectively dominated classes blueyellow and green Maybe there is stronger influence fromAWT which would make this region more similar to the sur-roundings of the PKwH region regarding the factors control-ling precipitation variability Another possible reason couldbe the occurrence of extratropical cyclones which propagateeastward along the Himalayas and are then terrain-lockedby the eastern notch of the Himalayas (Norris et al 2015)This would lead to a higher moisture supply to the regionand therefore higher amounts of orographic precipitationThis kind of terrain locking of the westerly flow in winteris described in detail for the western notch of the Himalayasby Norris et al (2015) This mechanism would explain thehigher shares of winter precipitation in the region around theBrahmaputra Channel and the affiliation to the same class oc-curring at the southern flank of the western Himalayas in thewestern notch

The remaining two classes ndash red and purple ndash almost onlyappear in the Tarim Basin They are both characterized by aspring and early summer precipitation regime but also showsome differences The amount of precipitation in the purpleclass increases sharply from March to May and June wherethe maximum with a value of slightly above 20 occursThe decrease is even sharper so that in July already only 6

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Figure 3 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

of the annual precipitation occurs The annual cycle of thered class seems to be delayed relative to the purple one andthe period of maximum precipitation is only 1 month longIn spring the values are lower but higher in late summer andautumn while they are almost the same during winter

The high mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Kun-lun and Qilian Shan exhibit a complex structure of differentclasses over relatively short distances and therefore exhibitno coherent patterns This holds true also for the border areabetween the Karakoram and the Tarim Basin The mountain-ous region of the Pamir and Karakoram is represented byonly one class which implies that this region is mainly in-fluenced by one atmospheric forcing (midlatitude westerlies)or that different controls have the same impact in this regionThe other mountain ranges lie in regions where an interplayof different controls occur and the temporal and spatial vari-ability is larger on smaller scales

32 Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation

321 Horizontal wind speed

Horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)

The correlations between WS300 and precipitation areshown in Fig 3 There are high positive correlations in win-ter in the PMwH region this is the time of the year whenthe majority of precipitation falls in this region (eg Curioet al 2015 Maussion et al 2014) The precipitation in thePMwH region is mainly cyclonicfrontal precipitation andis associated with western disturbances (Dimri et al 2015)There are only negative correlations in the southern and east-

ern parts of the TP in winter which enlarges over springand covers mainly the whole central and north-eastern TPand large parts of the central Himalayas with the highestnegative correlations in the central TP The reason for thenegative correlations in these regions is that they are domi-nated by convective precipitation (eg Maussion et al 2014)and higher wind speeds in winter inhibit the deep convec-tion This also explains why there are negative correlationsalmost everywhere in summer The region of negative sum-mer correlations covers almost the same area as the convec-tive and monsoonal precipitation classes (Fig 2) combinedso the impact of WS300 explains some of the precipitationclasses In spring there is a second region with positive cor-relations north of the TP in the Tarim Basin and the borderingKunlun and Qilian Shan This area is reached by the northernbranch of the midlatitude westerlies which delivers moisturefor precipitation The area around the Brahmaputra Channelexhibits slightly positive correlations due to enhanced mois-ture transport by higher wind speeds The region of high pos-itive winter correlations exhibits no or slightly positive cor-relations in only a small area in summer and in some parts ofthe region the positive correlations are replaced by negativeones Since there is a non-negligible amount of precipitationfalling in this region in summer (sim 20ndash40 see clusters 0and 5 in Fig 2) the lagabsence of positive correlations andthe occurrence of negative correlations means that a differ-ent factor controls precipitation variability andor the samecontrol works in a different way due to higher shares of con-vective precipitation especially in the eastern parts of thePamirndashKarakoram region

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Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 4: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

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HAR is able to reproduce orographic precipitation features asdocumented by Bookhagen and Burbank (2010) Maussionet al (2014) state that these qualitative considerations cannotprovide a quantitative uncertainty value Curio et al (2015)compared the HAR30 atmospheric water transport (AWT)with ERA-Interim (Dee et al 2011) They found similar pat-terns the differences being related to the different spatialresolutions and thus a better representation of the underly-ing topography by the HAR In the HAR data the blockingof AWT from the Bay of Bengal by the Himalayas is morepronounced and the results show the importance of merid-ionally orientated high mountain valleys for moisture supplyto the Tibetan Plateau We have compared the 300 hPa windof the HAR10 data set with ERA-Interim Figure S1 (see theSupplement) shows that they are in a good agreement witheach other Due to the daily re-initialization strategy used togenerate the HAR data set the wind fields in higher levelscannot evolve as far away from the forcing data as this ispossible for longer model runs The question of how largethe uncertainties of the HAR data and especially precipitationare and how we can estimate them is a topic which should beinvestigated more in detail Since there are no other griddeddata sets with a comparable high temporal and spatial res-olution the possibilities to validate the HAR are generallylimited and will be the subject of future research

22 Methodology

The selection of precipitation controls relies on well-studiedrelations of these factors with precipitation (eg Back andBretherton 2005 Garreaud 2007 Shinker et al 2006) butthese controls were not investigated at high spatial and tem-poral resolution in high-mountain Asia until now

The current study is based on the HAR10 data set for thestudy period 2001ndash2013 (all entire years available) Startingpoint of this study is an analysis of the precipitation season-ality on the TP using the k-means clustering method (egWilks 1995) The percentages of monthly contribution toannual precipitation and not the precipitation amounts wereused to define seven classes with different precipitation sea-sonality This has the advantage that in an area like high Asiawhere the differences in precipitation amounts vary stronglybetween regions and seasons the regions were made compa-rable by this method We conducted the cluster analysis withother numbers of classes (5ndash9) but the chosen number ofseven classes led to the best ratio between coherent patternsand sufficient distinction between classes This analysis fol-lows the approach of Maussion et al (2014) who used theclustering to detect glacier accumulation regimes on the TPTheir input data were restricted to glaciated areas only Ourcurrent analysis expands the database to the entire TP andsurrounding regions using all grid points of the HAR10 do-main

For all further analysis daily averaged HAR data are usedBecause we are only interested in precipitation days the data

set is stratified using a daily precipitation threshold This isdone month-wise For example all analyses for July dependon the data for each July day during the period 2001ndash2013these are 31 times 13 days ie 403 days in total Precipitationdays for a grid point are defined as days with a mean dailyprecipitation rate of at least 01 mm which is a commonlyused minimum value to define precipitation days (eg Poladeet al 2014 Liu et al 2011 Bartholy and Pongracz 2010Frei et al 1998) The threshold was basically used to filterout numerical artefacts and not to exclude events from thedatabase

The daily precipitation rate at each grid point is calculatedas the mean precipitation rate for all grid points within anarea of 15 times 15 grid points around the specific grid pointThe time mask for precipitation days is then applied to thefour variables used as precipitation controls The number ofprecipitation days can vary distinctly between regions andseasons Each of the dynamical variables is correlated withthe precipitation using the Spearman rank correlation Thisis done month-wise for all precipitation days in a specificmonth during the study period and for each grid point in theHAR10 data set Using correlations avoids problems asso-ciated with the exact precipitation rates and amounts fallingon the TP which are hard to measure and to model exactlyThe Spearman rank correlation uses the ranks of the valuesand not the values itself which makes the correlations in-dependent of the real data and more robust against outliersThis makes it easier to compare regions with very differentprecipitation amounts with each other and helps to reducethe effects of extreme events on the correlation results Weare aware of the fact that ranking the data leads to a slightinformation loss compared to the real values We are surethat for our purpose the advantages are bigger than the dis-advantages Only correlations which are significant at the95 level are plotted The statistical significance of the cor-relations was tested using a two-tailed test to determine thedeviation from 0 (Numerical Recipes The Art of ScientificComputing 1992) The calculation oft the statistical signifi-cance is described more in detail in the Supplement A prin-cipal component analysis (PCA) is performed for the resultsof the correlations with precipitation to detect the dominantrelationships

3 Results

31 Precipitation seasonality

Figure 2 shows the seven defined classes of precipitationregime and the mean annual cycle of monthly precipitationpercentage in each class It is clearly visible that the TP andthe surrounding high mountain ranges show a spatial vari-ability regarding precipitation seasonality A class with a pre-cipitation maximum in summer and a minimum in winter isdominant on the central TP and south of the Himalayas inIndia Nepal and Pakistan (blue class 6) This class is the

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Figure 2 Precipitation clusters (left) and the mean annual cycle of percentage contribution of monthly precipitation to annual precipitationfor each cluster (right)

monsoonal precipitation class because the precipitation per-centage increases from June onwards the onset period of theIndian summer monsoon During July and August more than50 of the annual precipitation falls in this regions whilefrom October to May the monthly precipitation amount isbelow 5 of the annual precipitation The yellow class hasa much broader and less pronounced summer precipitationmaximum and the increase and decrease proceed with simi-lar rates The annual cycle of precipitation in this class is de-termined by the seasonal cycle of solar forcing and thereforeconvective activity The green class represents a transitionzone between the monsoonal and convective classes wherethe monsoon can have an influence but is not dominant Thismeans that both monsoonal precipitation andor only solar-forced convective precipitation can occur

The naming convention does not mean that the monsoonalclass precipitation is not of convective nature but it shouldemphasize that the precipitation (developmentvariability) isinfluenced by the monsoon which is associated with the ad-vection of tropical air masses The monsoonal class is a sub-set of the convective class The timing and strength of theprecipitation maximum provides an indication of a differentforcing In the monsoonal class the precipitation maximumis higher starts during the Indian summer monsoon onsetand persists for a shorter time period The monsoonal class isdivided into a northern and southern part by the Himalayas

The grey-blue class experiences its precipitation maxi-mum in winter and is dominated by the influence of the mid-latitude westerlies This class occurs mainly in the PamirndashKarakoramndashwestern Himalayas (PKwH) region as one co-herent pattern and additionally in the eastern part of theTarim Basin The precipitation maximum is much lower butthe minimum values are higher than in the classes dominatedby summer precipitation which shows that the intra-annualvariability is lower and the values vary between 15 and 5 but are never below 5 in the mean This could lead to the

assumption that the influence of the midlatitude westerlies ismore constant year-round while the monsoon has a strongerbut temporally more limited influence on precipitation on theTP

The light blue class exhibits a more evenly distributed sea-sonality of precipitation during spring and summer with aminimum in November This class surrounds the grey-bluecluster at the southern flank of the western Himalayas (west-ern notch) in the south-eastern TP and in the eastern TarimBasin It is interesting that the region in the south-east ofthe TP where the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP be-longs to a different class than the surroundings which are di-vided between the three convectively dominated classes blueyellow and green Maybe there is stronger influence fromAWT which would make this region more similar to the sur-roundings of the PKwH region regarding the factors control-ling precipitation variability Another possible reason couldbe the occurrence of extratropical cyclones which propagateeastward along the Himalayas and are then terrain-lockedby the eastern notch of the Himalayas (Norris et al 2015)This would lead to a higher moisture supply to the regionand therefore higher amounts of orographic precipitationThis kind of terrain locking of the westerly flow in winteris described in detail for the western notch of the Himalayasby Norris et al (2015) This mechanism would explain thehigher shares of winter precipitation in the region around theBrahmaputra Channel and the affiliation to the same class oc-curring at the southern flank of the western Himalayas in thewestern notch

The remaining two classes ndash red and purple ndash almost onlyappear in the Tarim Basin They are both characterized by aspring and early summer precipitation regime but also showsome differences The amount of precipitation in the purpleclass increases sharply from March to May and June wherethe maximum with a value of slightly above 20 occursThe decrease is even sharper so that in July already only 6

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772 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 3 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

of the annual precipitation occurs The annual cycle of thered class seems to be delayed relative to the purple one andthe period of maximum precipitation is only 1 month longIn spring the values are lower but higher in late summer andautumn while they are almost the same during winter

The high mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Kun-lun and Qilian Shan exhibit a complex structure of differentclasses over relatively short distances and therefore exhibitno coherent patterns This holds true also for the border areabetween the Karakoram and the Tarim Basin The mountain-ous region of the Pamir and Karakoram is represented byonly one class which implies that this region is mainly in-fluenced by one atmospheric forcing (midlatitude westerlies)or that different controls have the same impact in this regionThe other mountain ranges lie in regions where an interplayof different controls occur and the temporal and spatial vari-ability is larger on smaller scales

32 Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation

321 Horizontal wind speed

Horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)

The correlations between WS300 and precipitation areshown in Fig 3 There are high positive correlations in win-ter in the PMwH region this is the time of the year whenthe majority of precipitation falls in this region (eg Curioet al 2015 Maussion et al 2014) The precipitation in thePMwH region is mainly cyclonicfrontal precipitation andis associated with western disturbances (Dimri et al 2015)There are only negative correlations in the southern and east-

ern parts of the TP in winter which enlarges over springand covers mainly the whole central and north-eastern TPand large parts of the central Himalayas with the highestnegative correlations in the central TP The reason for thenegative correlations in these regions is that they are domi-nated by convective precipitation (eg Maussion et al 2014)and higher wind speeds in winter inhibit the deep convec-tion This also explains why there are negative correlationsalmost everywhere in summer The region of negative sum-mer correlations covers almost the same area as the convec-tive and monsoonal precipitation classes (Fig 2) combinedso the impact of WS300 explains some of the precipitationclasses In spring there is a second region with positive cor-relations north of the TP in the Tarim Basin and the borderingKunlun and Qilian Shan This area is reached by the northernbranch of the midlatitude westerlies which delivers moisturefor precipitation The area around the Brahmaputra Channelexhibits slightly positive correlations due to enhanced mois-ture transport by higher wind speeds The region of high pos-itive winter correlations exhibits no or slightly positive cor-relations in only a small area in summer and in some parts ofthe region the positive correlations are replaced by negativeones Since there is a non-negligible amount of precipitationfalling in this region in summer (sim 20ndash40 see clusters 0and 5 in Fig 2) the lagabsence of positive correlations andthe occurrence of negative correlations means that a differ-ent factor controls precipitation variability andor the samecontrol works in a different way due to higher shares of con-vective precipitation especially in the eastern parts of thePamirndashKarakoram region

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Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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774 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 5: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

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Figure 2 Precipitation clusters (left) and the mean annual cycle of percentage contribution of monthly precipitation to annual precipitationfor each cluster (right)

monsoonal precipitation class because the precipitation per-centage increases from June onwards the onset period of theIndian summer monsoon During July and August more than50 of the annual precipitation falls in this regions whilefrom October to May the monthly precipitation amount isbelow 5 of the annual precipitation The yellow class hasa much broader and less pronounced summer precipitationmaximum and the increase and decrease proceed with simi-lar rates The annual cycle of precipitation in this class is de-termined by the seasonal cycle of solar forcing and thereforeconvective activity The green class represents a transitionzone between the monsoonal and convective classes wherethe monsoon can have an influence but is not dominant Thismeans that both monsoonal precipitation andor only solar-forced convective precipitation can occur

The naming convention does not mean that the monsoonalclass precipitation is not of convective nature but it shouldemphasize that the precipitation (developmentvariability) isinfluenced by the monsoon which is associated with the ad-vection of tropical air masses The monsoonal class is a sub-set of the convective class The timing and strength of theprecipitation maximum provides an indication of a differentforcing In the monsoonal class the precipitation maximumis higher starts during the Indian summer monsoon onsetand persists for a shorter time period The monsoonal class isdivided into a northern and southern part by the Himalayas

The grey-blue class experiences its precipitation maxi-mum in winter and is dominated by the influence of the mid-latitude westerlies This class occurs mainly in the PamirndashKarakoramndashwestern Himalayas (PKwH) region as one co-herent pattern and additionally in the eastern part of theTarim Basin The precipitation maximum is much lower butthe minimum values are higher than in the classes dominatedby summer precipitation which shows that the intra-annualvariability is lower and the values vary between 15 and 5 but are never below 5 in the mean This could lead to the

assumption that the influence of the midlatitude westerlies ismore constant year-round while the monsoon has a strongerbut temporally more limited influence on precipitation on theTP

The light blue class exhibits a more evenly distributed sea-sonality of precipitation during spring and summer with aminimum in November This class surrounds the grey-bluecluster at the southern flank of the western Himalayas (west-ern notch) in the south-eastern TP and in the eastern TarimBasin It is interesting that the region in the south-east ofthe TP where the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP be-longs to a different class than the surroundings which are di-vided between the three convectively dominated classes blueyellow and green Maybe there is stronger influence fromAWT which would make this region more similar to the sur-roundings of the PKwH region regarding the factors control-ling precipitation variability Another possible reason couldbe the occurrence of extratropical cyclones which propagateeastward along the Himalayas and are then terrain-lockedby the eastern notch of the Himalayas (Norris et al 2015)This would lead to a higher moisture supply to the regionand therefore higher amounts of orographic precipitationThis kind of terrain locking of the westerly flow in winteris described in detail for the western notch of the Himalayasby Norris et al (2015) This mechanism would explain thehigher shares of winter precipitation in the region around theBrahmaputra Channel and the affiliation to the same class oc-curring at the southern flank of the western Himalayas in thewestern notch

The remaining two classes ndash red and purple ndash almost onlyappear in the Tarim Basin They are both characterized by aspring and early summer precipitation regime but also showsome differences The amount of precipitation in the purpleclass increases sharply from March to May and June wherethe maximum with a value of slightly above 20 occursThe decrease is even sharper so that in July already only 6

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Figure 3 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

of the annual precipitation occurs The annual cycle of thered class seems to be delayed relative to the purple one andthe period of maximum precipitation is only 1 month longIn spring the values are lower but higher in late summer andautumn while they are almost the same during winter

The high mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Kun-lun and Qilian Shan exhibit a complex structure of differentclasses over relatively short distances and therefore exhibitno coherent patterns This holds true also for the border areabetween the Karakoram and the Tarim Basin The mountain-ous region of the Pamir and Karakoram is represented byonly one class which implies that this region is mainly in-fluenced by one atmospheric forcing (midlatitude westerlies)or that different controls have the same impact in this regionThe other mountain ranges lie in regions where an interplayof different controls occur and the temporal and spatial vari-ability is larger on smaller scales

32 Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation

321 Horizontal wind speed

Horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)

The correlations between WS300 and precipitation areshown in Fig 3 There are high positive correlations in win-ter in the PMwH region this is the time of the year whenthe majority of precipitation falls in this region (eg Curioet al 2015 Maussion et al 2014) The precipitation in thePMwH region is mainly cyclonicfrontal precipitation andis associated with western disturbances (Dimri et al 2015)There are only negative correlations in the southern and east-

ern parts of the TP in winter which enlarges over springand covers mainly the whole central and north-eastern TPand large parts of the central Himalayas with the highestnegative correlations in the central TP The reason for thenegative correlations in these regions is that they are domi-nated by convective precipitation (eg Maussion et al 2014)and higher wind speeds in winter inhibit the deep convec-tion This also explains why there are negative correlationsalmost everywhere in summer The region of negative sum-mer correlations covers almost the same area as the convec-tive and monsoonal precipitation classes (Fig 2) combinedso the impact of WS300 explains some of the precipitationclasses In spring there is a second region with positive cor-relations north of the TP in the Tarim Basin and the borderingKunlun and Qilian Shan This area is reached by the northernbranch of the midlatitude westerlies which delivers moisturefor precipitation The area around the Brahmaputra Channelexhibits slightly positive correlations due to enhanced mois-ture transport by higher wind speeds The region of high pos-itive winter correlations exhibits no or slightly positive cor-relations in only a small area in summer and in some parts ofthe region the positive correlations are replaced by negativeones Since there is a non-negligible amount of precipitationfalling in this region in summer (sim 20ndash40 see clusters 0and 5 in Fig 2) the lagabsence of positive correlations andthe occurrence of negative correlations means that a differ-ent factor controls precipitation variability andor the samecontrol works in a different way due to higher shares of con-vective precipitation especially in the eastern parts of thePamirndashKarakoram region

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Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 6: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

772 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 3 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

of the annual precipitation occurs The annual cycle of thered class seems to be delayed relative to the purple one andthe period of maximum precipitation is only 1 month longIn spring the values are lower but higher in late summer andautumn while they are almost the same during winter

The high mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Kun-lun and Qilian Shan exhibit a complex structure of differentclasses over relatively short distances and therefore exhibitno coherent patterns This holds true also for the border areabetween the Karakoram and the Tarim Basin The mountain-ous region of the Pamir and Karakoram is represented byonly one class which implies that this region is mainly in-fluenced by one atmospheric forcing (midlatitude westerlies)or that different controls have the same impact in this regionThe other mountain ranges lie in regions where an interplayof different controls occur and the temporal and spatial vari-ability is larger on smaller scales

32 Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation

321 Horizontal wind speed

Horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)

The correlations between WS300 and precipitation areshown in Fig 3 There are high positive correlations in win-ter in the PMwH region this is the time of the year whenthe majority of precipitation falls in this region (eg Curioet al 2015 Maussion et al 2014) The precipitation in thePMwH region is mainly cyclonicfrontal precipitation andis associated with western disturbances (Dimri et al 2015)There are only negative correlations in the southern and east-

ern parts of the TP in winter which enlarges over springand covers mainly the whole central and north-eastern TPand large parts of the central Himalayas with the highestnegative correlations in the central TP The reason for thenegative correlations in these regions is that they are domi-nated by convective precipitation (eg Maussion et al 2014)and higher wind speeds in winter inhibit the deep convec-tion This also explains why there are negative correlationsalmost everywhere in summer The region of negative sum-mer correlations covers almost the same area as the convec-tive and monsoonal precipitation classes (Fig 2) combinedso the impact of WS300 explains some of the precipitationclasses In spring there is a second region with positive cor-relations north of the TP in the Tarim Basin and the borderingKunlun and Qilian Shan This area is reached by the northernbranch of the midlatitude westerlies which delivers moisturefor precipitation The area around the Brahmaputra Channelexhibits slightly positive correlations due to enhanced mois-ture transport by higher wind speeds The region of high pos-itive winter correlations exhibits no or slightly positive cor-relations in only a small area in summer and in some parts ofthe region the positive correlations are replaced by negativeones Since there is a non-negligible amount of precipitationfalling in this region in summer (sim 20ndash40 see clusters 0and 5 in Fig 2) the lagabsence of positive correlations andthe occurrence of negative correlations means that a differ-ent factor controls precipitation variability andor the samecontrol works in a different way due to higher shares of con-vective precipitation especially in the eastern parts of thePamirndashKarakoram region

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Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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774 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 775

conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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776 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 7: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 773

Figure 4 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10) and precipitation for all months (1ndash12)Positive correlations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Figure 5 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

Horizontal wind speed at model level 10 (WS10)

Figure 4 shows that the correlations between WS10 and pre-cipitation are positive in the PMwH region in winter as theyare for WS300 but the region is larger especially the regionwith correlations gt 06 The reason for the positive correla-tions is again the enhanced moisture supply due to higherwind speeds and therefore also more orographic precipita-

tion The positive correlations in the Brahmaputra Channelregion (and south of it) are more pronounced and the struc-ture of the Brahmaputra Channel itself is clearly visible Themoisture supply is enhanced due to strengthened winds fromthe south bringing moisture from the Indian Ocean to theHimalayas There are high positive correlations between theWS10 and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in sum-mer while the correlations with WS300 are negative in sum-

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Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 8: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

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Figure 6 Mean vertical wind speed at 300 hPa for January (01) and July (07)

Figure 7 Coefficient of correlation (rho) between atmospheric water transport (AWT) and precipitation for all months (01ndash12) Positivecorrelations are denoted in red while negative correlations are denoted in blue

mer This is because of the fact that the wind speed in theboundary layer can enhance evapotranspiration from the sur-face (eg lakes snow- glacier and permafrost melt) whichleads to more moisture in the lower atmosphere available forprecipitation This correlation again emphasizes the impor-tance of moisture recycling on the TP In winter the corre-lations on the TP are mainly negative because the effect ofenhanced evapotranspiration is not active due to the fact thatall potential moisture sources are frozen during this time ofthe year Strong negative correlations occur south of the Hi-malayas and in northern parts of India in summer When theair flow from the south hits the mountain barrier parts of theflow are redirected to the south-east and north-west The flowbecomes divergent which forces the air above to descend

which in turn leads to unfavourable conditions for growingconvection and therefore precipitation

322 Vertical wind speed

The correlations between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa(Fig 5) and precipitation are mainly positive due to the pos-itive effect of ascending air motion on precipitation develop-ment as expected especially in summer when most of theprecipitation is convective Therefore the positive correla-tions are higher in summer than in winter when almost noprecipitation falls on the TP although the mean vertical windspeeds (up- and downdrafts) are higher in winter than in sum-mer (Fig 6) This shows that higher values of one precipita-tion control alone do not necessarily lead to higher correla-tions and therefore more precipitation but that usually other

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 9: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

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conditions favourable for precipitation development have tooccur This supports the interpretation that precipitation vari-ability is mostly caused by combined effects of different pre-cipitation controls

The high mountain ranges of the Pamir and Karakoramshow a pattern of alternating positive and negative corre-lations between vertical wind speed and precipitation Itwas expected that the correlations between the vertical windspeed would be positive on both sides of the mountainranges But the negative correlations can be explained phys-ically If an air flow hits a mountain range the barrier causesorographically induced flow patterns with updrafts on thewindward side and downdraft on the lee side of the mountainrange This causes the precipitation to be smaller on averageon the lee side because the downdrafts suppress precipita-tion development In the case of a stronger horizontal flow tothe mountains there is stronger moisture advection and oro-graphic precipitation and therefore the downdrafts on the leeside are no longer able to suppress precipitation This leads tothe simultaneous occurrence of precipitation and downdraftswhich is the reason for the negative correlation patterns onthe lee side of mountain ranges found in the western parts ofthe study region

323 Atmospheric water transport (AWT)

Figure 7 shows the correlations between AWT and precipi-tation The entire study region is dominated by positive cor-relations during the year (Fig 7) The highest positive corre-lations occur in winter and early spring in the PKwH regionwhere the correlation coefficient exceeds 08 in most regionsThis is the time of the year when the maximum precipitationoccurs in this region (Fig 2) The annual contribution of con-vective precipitation in this region is below 10 (Maussionet al 2014) but the region exhibits orographic precipitationtriggered by the advection of moist air masses with the west-erly flow and westerly disturbances (Cannon et al 2014)Therefore a higher moisture supply leads naturally to moreprecipitation The positive correlations in the western partsof the study region persist during the course of the year evenif their extent and strength varies The positive correlationsextend to the TP the whole Himalayan arc and along thenorthern border of the TP (Kunlun and Qilian Shan) Theseseem to be the moisture supply routes along the branches ofthe midlatitude westerlies

A second centre of positive correlation which is persis-tent is found in the extreme south-east of TP the regionwhere the Brahmaputra Channel enters the TP This regionexhibits less convective precipitation on annual timescales(Maussion et al 2014) but it is surrounded by regions withhigh convective precipitation rates This explains the fact thatthis region belongs to a different precipitation seasonalityclass than its surroundings (Fig 2) In January and Febru-ary the Himalayan arc exhibits mostly positive correlationsand connects the area in the western parts of the domain with

the other positive centre in the south-eastern TP around theBrahmaputra Channel

The spatial minimum of the positive correlations occursin May whereas the correlations are very high (r gt 06) inthe western and south-eastern centres In May the central TPexhibits no significant correlations which may be caused bythe fact that the AWT is very low on the TP in May (Curioet al 2015) From then on the area with positive correlationsenlarges but the strength of correlation decreases

The minimum values of the positive correlations occur inJuly and August But then there are positive correlations inthe central TP but they are not as high as in the western andsouth-eastern parts of the domain during winter and springThis shows that the precipitation during this time of the yearis mostly convective and that the moisture comes from localsources so that the advection of moist air masses is less im-portant In large areas of the domain the precipitation maxi-mum occurs in July and August sim 30 of the annual precip-itation falls on the central and southern TP during this time(Maussion et al 2014)

The regions where the highest positive correlations occurare the regions where the precipitation maximum occurs dur-ing winter matching the grey-blue precipitation seasonalityclass (Fig 2)

There are only a few regions and months where negativecorrelations occur in the Tarim Basin during winter and inthe central Himalayas and northern India during summer

33 Principal components

So far the spatio-temporal variability of correlation betweendynamical variables and precipitation for the TP and sur-rounding high mountain ranges has been discussed To detectthe dominant patterns in the relationship between the differ-ent variables and precipitation and to find the time of the yeara control is most efficient we conducted a principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for each of the correlation sets Becausethe dominant modes are the main interest only the first twoprincipal components (PCs) are analysed which typically ex-plain most of the variance of the data and can also explainimportant processes For completeness plots for all PCs canbe found in the Supplement of this study (Figs S2ndashS5) Theexplained variance of PC1 lies between 40 and 50 and ataround 20 for PC2 for all sets of correlations The higherPCs explain lower shares of variance less than 10 alreadyfor PC3 and only 1 for PC12

Figure 8 shows the scores of the first two principal com-ponents for the correlation between WS300 and precipita-tion and their monthly loadings PC1 shows a pattern whichlooks like the winter pattern of the correlations in the westernparts of the study region the spring pattern of the northern re-gion and the summer pattern of the TP were combined Thisis confirmed by the annual cycle of loadings for PC1 Thehighest positive loadings occur in winter and spring whichmeans that these months have the largest share of the domi-

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Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 10: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

776 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 8 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2 forthe correlation between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa (WS300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

nant pattern The loadings are high all year-round but highestin spring and lowest in July This implies that this pattern isnot particularly influenced by the monsoon system or if itis just in the onset period We assume that the still relativelyhigh loading is a result of the fact that there is high solarforcing and therefore convective activity on the TP which isnegatively influenced by higher wind speeds at 300 hPa Theloadings of the second PC (PC2) show a completely differ-ent annual cycle They are strongly negative in winter andstrongly positive in summer it is just in the transition seasonsthat the loadings are around zero For this pattern winter andsummer play a similar role even with opposing arithmeticsigns This is an annual cycle pattern The first two PCs to-gether account for sim 60 of the total variance of the data

The first PC (PC1) for the correlation between WS10 andprecipitation (Fig 9a) shows a pattern dominated by the win-ter and early spring situation high positive scores in thePKwH region and the region around the Brahmaputra Chan-

Figure 9 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between horizontal wind speed at model level10 (WS10) and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in redwhile negative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings(b) for both PCs

nel and negative scores on the central and eastern TP Theloadings (Fig 9b) are very high (sim 08) from November toApril Only in July and August are the loadings slightly neg-ative The positive correlations during summer on the TP arenot visible in PC1 they occur in PC2 which has loadings thathave a directly opposing annual cycle meaning high positivevalues in summer and slightly negative values in winter Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 65 of the variance in thedata

All months exhibit high loadings for PC1 of the correlationbetween the vertical wind speed and precipitation Fig 10shows the scores and the loadings of the first two PCs for thecorrelation of W300 with precipitation Summer and earlyautumn conditions have the largest impact while loadingsare lowest in winter but still positive Therefore the high pos-itive correlations in summer on the TP and in the lowlandssouth of the Himalayas are the dominant pattern meaningthat the vertical wind speed as a precipitation control is most

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Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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778 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

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J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 779

Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

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J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


Araguaacutes-Araguaacutes L and F K Stable isotope composition of pre-cipitation over southeast Asia J Geophys Res 103 28721ndash28742 doi10102998JD02582 1998

Back L E and Bretherton C S The relationship between windspeed and precipitation in the Pacific ITCZ J Climate 18 4317ndash4328 doi101175JCLI35191 2005

Barros A P Chiao S Lang T J Burbank D and Putkonen JFrom weather to climate ndash Seasonal and interannual variability ofstorms and implications for erosion processes in the HimalayaGeol Soc Am Sp 398 17ndash38 doi10113020062398(02)2006

Bartholy J and Pongracz R Analysis of precipitation conditionsfor the Carpathian Basin based on extreme indices in the 20thcentury and climate simulations for 2050 and 2100 Phys ChemEarth 35 43ndash51 doi101016jpce201003011 2010

Bookhagen B and Burbank D W Toward a complete Himalayanhydrological budget Spatiotemporal distribution of snowmeltand rainfall and their impact on river discharge J Geophys Res115 F03019 doi1010292009JF001426 2010

Bothe O Fraedrich K and Zhu X The large-scale circulationsand summer drought and wetness on the Tibetan plateau Int JClimatol 30 844ndash855 doi101002joc1946 2010

Cannon F Carvalho L M V Jones C and BookhagenB Multi-annual variations in winter westerly disturbance ac-tivity affecting the Himalaya Clim Dynam 44 441ndash455doi101007s00382-014-2248-8 2014

Chen B Xu X-D Yang S and Zhang W On the originand destination of atmospheric moisture and air mass over

the Tibetan Plateau Theor Appl Climatol 110 423ndash435doi101007s00704-012-0641-y 2012

Curio J Maussion F and Scherer D A twelve-yearhigh-resolution climatology of atmospheric water transportover the Tibetan Plateau Earth Syst Dynam 6 109ndash124doi105194esd-6-109-2015 2015

Dee D P Uppala S M Simmons a J Berrisford P PoliP Kobayashi S Andrae U Balmaseda M a Balsamo GBauer P Bechtold P Beljaars a C M van de Berg L Bid-lot J Bormann N Delsol C Dragani R Fuentes M GeerA J Haimberger L Healy S B Hersbach H Hoacutelm E VIsaksen L Karingllberg P Koumlhler M Matricardi M McNallyA P Monge-Sanz B M Morcrette J-J Park B-K PeubeyC de Rosnay P Tavolato C Theacutepaut J-N and Vitart F TheERA-Interim reanalysis configuration and performance of thedata assimilation system Q J Roy Meteorol Soc 137 553ndash597 doi101002qj828 2011

Dimri A P Niyogi D Barros A P Ridley J Mohanty U CYasunari T and Sikka D R Western Disturbances A reviewRev Geophys 53 225ndash246 doi1010022014RG000460 2015

Findell K L Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundarylayer interactions Three-dimensional wind effects J GeophysRes 108 1ndash21 doi1010292001JD001515 2003

Forsythe N Blenkinsop S and Fowler H J Exploring objec-tive climate classification for the Himalayan arc and adjacent re-gions using gridded data sources Earth Syst Dynam 6 311ndash326 doi105194esd-6-311-2015 2015

Frei C Schaumlr C Luumlthi D and Davies H C Heavy precipita-tion processes in a warmer climate Geophy Res Lett 25 1431doi10102998GL51099 1998

Garreaud R D Precipitation and circulation covari-ability in the extratropics J Climate 20 4789ndash4797doi101175JCLI42571 2007

Giovannettone J P and Barros A P Probing Regional Oro-graphic Controls of Precipitation and Cloudiness in the Cen-tral Andes Using Satellite Data J Hydrometeorol 10 167ndash182doi1011752008JHM9731 2009

Hahn D and Manabe S The role of mountains in the south Asianmonsoon circulation J Atmos Sci 32 1515ndash1541 1975

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Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 11: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 777

Figure 10 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between vertical wind speed at 300 hPa (W300)and precipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while neg-ative values are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) forboth PCs

effective during that time of the year but has a mostly positiveimpact on precipitation year-round PC2 exhibits much lowervalues The annual cycle of the loadings shows that winterand summer both have high loadings (sim 05) but with differ-ent signs positive in summer and negative in winter Springand autumn exhibit very low factor loadings and are more orless only transition periods between winter and summer Thefirst two PCs together explain sim 70 of the variance in thedata

The loadings of the first two PCs of the correlation be-tween AWT and precipitation (Fig 11b) exhibit a similar an-nual cycle as the loadings of the correlation between WS300and precipitation For PC1 the loadings are high (between06 and 09) in winter spring and autumn and low in sum-mer (sim 02) This again emphasizes the finding that AWT isa precipitation control mainly in regions and seasons wheremoisture advection and frontalcyclonic precipitation is dom-inant The pattern of PC2 (Fig 11a) is important mainly in

Figure 11 Scores of first two principal components PC1 and PC2for the correlation between atmospheric water transport (AWT) andprecipitation (a) (positive values are denoted in red while negativevalues are denoted in blue) and the monthly loadings (b) for bothPCs

summer months (loadings gt 08 in July and August) whilethe winter months exhibit negative loadings

In summary the annual cycle of the loadings for each ofthe first two PCs show a similar annual cycle PC1 is mostlydominated by all seasons except summer and mainly by thewinter and spring situations whereas PC2 is determined bysummer conditions Winter conditions also have high load-ings but with a negative sign while spring and autumn onlyrepresent transition periods between these situations

4 Discussion

41 General discussion of results

A main result of the current study is the high negative corre-lations between the 300 hPa horizontal wind speed and pre-cipitation on the TP This confirms the findings of Moumllg etal (2014) who showed that the flow strength at the 300 hPalevel above the TP during the onset period of the Indian

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778 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 779

Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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Frei C Schaumlr C Luumlthi D and Davies H C Heavy precipita-tion processes in a warmer climate Geophy Res Lett 25 1431doi10102998GL51099 1998

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Giovannettone J P and Barros A P Probing Regional Oro-graphic Controls of Precipitation and Cloudiness in the Cen-tral Andes Using Satellite Data J Hydrometeorol 10 167ndash182doi1011752008JHM9731 2009

Hahn D and Manabe S The role of mountains in the south Asianmonsoon circulation J Atmos Sci 32 1515ndash1541 1975

Hewitt K The Karakoram anomaly Glacier expan-sion and thersquoelevation effect Karakoram HimalayaMt Res Dev 25 332ndash340 doi1016590276-4741(2005)025[0332TKAGEA]20CO2 2005

Hren M T Bookhagen B Blisniuk P M Booth A L andChamberlain C P δ18O and δD of streamwaters across the Hi-malaya and Tibetan Plateau Implications for moisture sourcesand paleoelevation reconstructions Earth Planet Sci Lett 28820ndash32 doi101016jepsl200908041 2009

Johansson B and Chen D The influence of wind and topographyon precipitation distribution in Sweden Statistical analysis andmodelling Int J Climatol 23 1523ndash1535 doi101002joc9512003

Joswiak D R Yao T Wu G Tian L and Xu B Ice-core evidence of westerly and monsoon moisture contribu-tions in the central Tibetan Plateau J Glaciol 59 56ndash66doi1031892013JoG12J035 2013

Kurita N and Yamada H The Role of Local Moisture RecyclingEvaluated Using Stable Isotope Data from over the Middle of the

wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016 Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016

782 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Tibetan Plateau during the Monsoon Season J Hydrometeorol9 760ndash775 doi1011752007JHM9451 2008

Liu B Xu M and Henderson M Where have all theshowers gone Regional declines in light precipitation eventsin China 1960ndash2000 Int J Climatol 31 1177ndash1191doi101002joc2144 2011

Liu J Kang S Gong T and Lu A Growth of a high-elevationlarge inland lake associated with climate change and permafrostdegradation in Tibet Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 14 481ndash489doi105194hess-14-481-2010 2010

Liu W Wang L Chen D Tu K Ruan C and Hu Z Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipi-tation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau Clim Dynam46 3481ndash3497 doi101007s00382-015-2782-z 2016

Liu X and Yin Z-Y Spatial and Temporal Variation of SummerPrecipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the North At-lantic Oscillation J Climate 14 2896ndash2909 doi1011751520-0442(2001)014lt2896SATVOSgt20CO2 2001

Maussion F Scherer D Finkelnburg R Richters J Yang Wand Yao T WRF simulation of a precipitation event over theTibetan Plateau China ndash an assessment using remote sensing andground observations Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15 1795ndash1817doi105194hess-15-1795-2011 2011

Maussion F Scherer D Moumllg T Collier E Curio J andFinkelnburg R Precipitation Seasonality and Variability overthe Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis JClimate 27 1910ndash1927 doi101175JCLI-D-13-002821 2014

Moumllg T and Chiang J Temporal precipitation variability versusaltitude on a tropical high mountain Observations and mesoscaleatmospheric modelling Q J Roy Meteor Soc 135 1439ndash1455doi101002qj461 2009

Moumllg T Maussion F and Scherer D Mid-latitude westerlies asa driver of glacier variability in monsoonal High Asia NatureClim Change 4 68ndash73 doi101038nclimate2055 2014

NCDC Global Summary of the Day provided by the National Cli-matic Data Center (NCDC) available at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml 2016

Norris J Carvalho L M V Jones C and Cannon F WRF sim-ulations of two extreme snowfall events associated with contrast-ing extratropical cyclones over the western and central HimalayaJ Geophys Res 120 3114ndash3138 doi1010022014JD0225922015

Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing second edi-tion Cambridge University Press 1992

Polade S D Pierce D W Cayan D R Gershunov A andDettinger M D The key role of dry days in changing re-gional climate and precipitation regimes Sci Rep 4 8 ppdoi101038srep04364 2014

Roe G H Orographic Precipitation Ann Rev Earth Planet Sci33 645ndash671 doi101146annurevearth330922031225412005

Rose B E J and Lin C A Precipitation from vertical motionA statistical diagnostic scheme Int J Climatol 23 903ndash919doi101002joc919 2003

Ruumlthrich F Lake-Related Cloud Dynamics on the Tibetan PlateauSpatial Patterns and Interannual Variability J Climate 28 9080ndash9104 doi101175JCLI-D-14-006981 2015

Schiemann R and Luumlthi D The precipitation climate of Cen-tral Asia ndash intercomparison of observational and numerical datasources in a remote semiarid region Int J Climatol 28 295ndash314 doi101002joc1532 2008

Schiemann R Luumlthi D and Schaumlr C Seasonality and Interan-nual Variability of the Westerly Jet in the Tibetan Plateau Re-gion J Climate 22 2940ndash2957 doi1011752008JCLI262512009

Shinker J J Bartlein P J and Shuman B Synop-tic and dynamic climate controls of North Americanmid-continental aridity Quat Sci Rev 25 1401ndash1417doi101016jquascirev200512012 2006

Skamarock W and Klemp J A time-split nonhydrostaticatmospheric model for weather research and forecast-ing applications J Comput Phys 227 3465ndash3485doi101016jjcp200701037 2008

Spiess M Schneider C and Maussion F MODIS-derivedinterannual variability of the equilibrium-line altitudeacross the Tibetan Plateau Ann Glaciol 57 140ndash154doi1031892016AoG71A014 2015

Tian L Yao T MacClune K White J W C Schilla AVaughn B and Ichiyanagi K Stable isotopic variations in westChina A consideration of moisture sources J Geophys Res112 D10112 doi1010292006JD007718 2007

Trenberth K E Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Role ofAdvection and Local Evaporation J Climate 12 1368ndash1381doi1011751520-0442(1999)012lt1368AMRROAgt20CO21999

Webster P Magana V and Palmer T Monsoons Processes pre-dictability and the prospects for prediction J Geophys Res103 14451ndash14510 1998

Xu X Lu C Shi X and Gao S World water towerAn atmospheric perspective Geophy Res Lett 35 L20815doi1010292008GL035867 2008

Yang K Wu H Qin J Lin C Tang W and Chen Y Recentclimate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts onenergy and water cycle A review Global Planet Change 11279ndash91 doi101016jgloplacha201312001 2014

Zhang J W and Atkinson B W Stability and wind shear effectson meso-scale cellular convection Bound-Lay Meteorol 75263ndash285 doi101007BF00712697 1995

Zhang G Xie H Kang S Yi D and Ackley S F Monitoringlake level changes on the Tibetan Plateau using ICESat altime-try data (2003ndash2009) Remote Sens Environ 115 1733ndash1742doi101016jrse201103005 2011

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 12: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

778 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Figure 12 Map of precipitation clusters for HAR10 grid points (left) and the associated NCDC stations (middle) The map on the rightshows whether the clusters match (green dots) or not (red dots)

summer monsoon exhibits strong negative correlations withprecipitation and explains 73 of the interannual mass bal-ance variability of the Zhadang glacier located at the Nyain-qecircnthangla range in the central TP They argue that weakflow conditions favour convective cell growth This togetherwith the high positive correlations in regions and seasonswhere frontal or cyclonic precipitation is dominant showsthe strong influence of the subtropical westerly jet (midlat-itude westerlies) not only on the western parts of the studyregion but also on the TP itself which previously has mostlybeen described as mainly influenced by the monsoon system(Hren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014)

Previous studies have stated that the precipitation on theTP is controlled by the midlatitude westerlies in winter andthe Indian and east Asian summer monsoon in summer (egHren et al 2009 Tian et al 2007 Yang et al 2014) Thisassumption is based only on precipitation timing but Curioet al (2015) and Moumllg et al (2014) have already shown thatthe midlatitude westerlies also have an impact on summerprecipitation The current study highlights their findings bythe detection of the negative influence of the high horizon-tal wind speeds on precipitation (development variabilityamount) on the TP in summer

Spiess et al (2015) showed that in summer increased hor-izontal wind speeds at 400 hPa have a positive effect on theheight of the equilibrium line altitude at glaciers in differentregions on the TP they assumed that this could be causedby a reduction in convective precipitation due to high windspeeds Exactly this process is shown by the strong negativecorrelations between horizontal wind speed at 300 hPa andprecipitation in summer on the TP (Fig 3)

The identified positive correlations of the wind speed inthe boundary layer with precipitation in summer on the TPagree with the findings of Back and Bretherton (2005) whodetected positive correlations between near-surface windspeed and precipitation only when convection can be trig-gered easily Their study region was the Pacific ITCZ but weassume that their findings are also valid for the TP in summerwhere the convective activity is high and enough moisture isavailable at the surface

The fact that the positive correlation of AWT with pre-cipitation in summer on the central TP is not as high as

in the western parts of the study region in winter meansthat here the convection is able to produce precipitation us-ing the moisture from local sources which emphasizes theimportance of moisture recycling as shown by Curio etal (2015) using HAR data and by Chen et al (2012) Joswiaket al (2013) and Kurita and Yamada (2008) among othersNevertheless AWT still has a positive effect on precipitationbut it is not an essential control during this time of the yearon the central TP

Additionally we calculated the vertically integrated atmo-spheric moisture content for the HAR and repeated the cal-culation of correlation for this variable The results (Fig S6in the Supplement) show high positive correlations betweenthe atmospheric moisture content and precipitation through-out the year as expected The correlation patterns can onlyexplain parts of the precipitation variability on the TP Thishighlights how highly effective the dynamic controls are onprecipitation variability differentiated in space and time

42 Sources of uncertainties

As always the uncertainty of the results mainly dependson the accuracy of the data themselves the aggregation ofhourly data to daily means and the statistical methods usedto analyse the data The HAR precipitation and other vari-ables eg wind speed and direction and temperature havebeen validated against other gridded data sets ndash global re-analyses and remote sensing data ndash and observations fromweather stations by Maussion et al (2011 2014) as de-scribed in Sect 21

NCDC station data were used to compare the results ofthe precipitation clustering approach with observations Fig-ure 12 shows the precipitation classes for the station data andfor the associated HAR grid points and whether the obtainedclusters regarding the mean annual cycle of monthly precipi-tation contribution to annual precipitation match (green dots)or not (red dots) Overall 27 of the 65 stations (415 ) fallin the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point For 38 sta-tions (585 ) this is not true but most of them fall in clusterswith a very similar annual cycle or in clusters which are spa-tially very close to the cluster to which the HAR grid pointbelongs This is especially the case in the mountain regions in

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 779

Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

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780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


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Hren M T Bookhagen B Blisniuk P M Booth A L andChamberlain C P δ18O and δD of streamwaters across the Hi-malaya and Tibetan Plateau Implications for moisture sourcesand paleoelevation reconstructions Earth Planet Sci Lett 28820ndash32 doi101016jepsl200908041 2009

Johansson B and Chen D The influence of wind and topographyon precipitation distribution in Sweden Statistical analysis andmodelling Int J Climatol 23 1523ndash1535 doi101002joc9512003

Joswiak D R Yao T Wu G Tian L and Xu B Ice-core evidence of westerly and monsoon moisture contribu-tions in the central Tibetan Plateau J Glaciol 59 56ndash66doi1031892013JoG12J035 2013

Kurita N and Yamada H The Role of Local Moisture RecyclingEvaluated Using Stable Isotope Data from over the Middle of the

wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016 Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016

782 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Tibetan Plateau during the Monsoon Season J Hydrometeorol9 760ndash775 doi1011752007JHM9451 2008

Liu B Xu M and Henderson M Where have all theshowers gone Regional declines in light precipitation eventsin China 1960ndash2000 Int J Climatol 31 1177ndash1191doi101002joc2144 2011

Liu J Kang S Gong T and Lu A Growth of a high-elevationlarge inland lake associated with climate change and permafrostdegradation in Tibet Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 14 481ndash489doi105194hess-14-481-2010 2010

Liu W Wang L Chen D Tu K Ruan C and Hu Z Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipi-tation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau Clim Dynam46 3481ndash3497 doi101007s00382-015-2782-z 2016

Liu X and Yin Z-Y Spatial and Temporal Variation of SummerPrecipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the North At-lantic Oscillation J Climate 14 2896ndash2909 doi1011751520-0442(2001)014lt2896SATVOSgt20CO2 2001

Maussion F Scherer D Finkelnburg R Richters J Yang Wand Yao T WRF simulation of a precipitation event over theTibetan Plateau China ndash an assessment using remote sensing andground observations Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15 1795ndash1817doi105194hess-15-1795-2011 2011

Maussion F Scherer D Moumllg T Collier E Curio J andFinkelnburg R Precipitation Seasonality and Variability overthe Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis JClimate 27 1910ndash1927 doi101175JCLI-D-13-002821 2014

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Moumllg T Maussion F and Scherer D Mid-latitude westerlies asa driver of glacier variability in monsoonal High Asia NatureClim Change 4 68ndash73 doi101038nclimate2055 2014

NCDC Global Summary of the Day provided by the National Cli-matic Data Center (NCDC) available at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml 2016

Norris J Carvalho L M V Jones C and Cannon F WRF sim-ulations of two extreme snowfall events associated with contrast-ing extratropical cyclones over the western and central HimalayaJ Geophys Res 120 3114ndash3138 doi1010022014JD0225922015

Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing second edi-tion Cambridge University Press 1992

Polade S D Pierce D W Cayan D R Gershunov A andDettinger M D The key role of dry days in changing re-gional climate and precipitation regimes Sci Rep 4 8 ppdoi101038srep04364 2014

Roe G H Orographic Precipitation Ann Rev Earth Planet Sci33 645ndash671 doi101146annurevearth330922031225412005

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Ruumlthrich F Lake-Related Cloud Dynamics on the Tibetan PlateauSpatial Patterns and Interannual Variability J Climate 28 9080ndash9104 doi101175JCLI-D-14-006981 2015

Schiemann R and Luumlthi D The precipitation climate of Cen-tral Asia ndash intercomparison of observational and numerical datasources in a remote semiarid region Int J Climatol 28 295ndash314 doi101002joc1532 2008

Schiemann R Luumlthi D and Schaumlr C Seasonality and Interan-nual Variability of the Westerly Jet in the Tibetan Plateau Re-gion J Climate 22 2940ndash2957 doi1011752008JCLI262512009

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Skamarock W and Klemp J A time-split nonhydrostaticatmospheric model for weather research and forecast-ing applications J Comput Phys 227 3465ndash3485doi101016jjcp200701037 2008

Spiess M Schneider C and Maussion F MODIS-derivedinterannual variability of the equilibrium-line altitudeacross the Tibetan Plateau Ann Glaciol 57 140ndash154doi1031892016AoG71A014 2015

Tian L Yao T MacClune K White J W C Schilla AVaughn B and Ichiyanagi K Stable isotopic variations in westChina A consideration of moisture sources J Geophys Res112 D10112 doi1010292006JD007718 2007

Trenberth K E Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Role ofAdvection and Local Evaporation J Climate 12 1368ndash1381doi1011751520-0442(1999)012lt1368AMRROAgt20CO21999

Webster P Magana V and Palmer T Monsoons Processes pre-dictability and the prospects for prediction J Geophys Res103 14451ndash14510 1998

Xu X Lu C Shi X and Gao S World water towerAn atmospheric perspective Geophy Res Lett 35 L20815doi1010292008GL035867 2008

Yang K Wu H Qin J Lin C Tang W and Chen Y Recentclimate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts onenergy and water cycle A review Global Planet Change 11279ndash91 doi101016jgloplacha201312001 2014

Zhang J W and Atkinson B W Stability and wind shear effectson meso-scale cellular convection Bound-Lay Meteorol 75263ndash285 doi101007BF00712697 1995

Zhang G Xie H Kang S Yi D and Ackley S F Monitoringlake level changes on the Tibetan Plateau using ICESat altime-try data (2003ndash2009) Remote Sens Environ 115 1733ndash1742doi101016jrse201103005 2011

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 13: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 779

Table 1 The percentage of NCDC stations falling in each of the seven possible HAR clusters A value of 100 would mean that all NCDCstations falls in the same cluster as the nearest HAR grid point


Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 40 0 0 0 0 40 20

1 0 143 0 0 0 0 857

2 0 50 0 0 25 25 0

3 0 333 0 0 0 0 666

4 0 333 0 0 0 333 333

5 0 43 0 0 0 43 14

6 0 13 0 0 0 0 87

the western the south-eastern and north-eastern parts of thedomain where at least four different clusters occur on verysmall spatial scales Table 1 shows which percentage of thestations which should all be in one specific class regardingtheir associated HAR grid points falls in which of the sevenpossible classes One has to take into account that there isalways a distance up to a few kilometres between the NCDCstations and the respectively associated HAR grid point Thisalso can cause huge differences between the elevation and al-titude of stations and grid points due to the complex topog-raphy of the study region which in turn has an effect on theprecipitation distribution Additionally the quality of the sta-tion data is not always satisfactory and the time series oftenshow gaps leading to a smaller database

We decided to use the wind speed at the 300 hPa level be-cause the wind shear at this height more strongly suppressesdeep convection than at the 200 hPa level where the coreof the jet lays Also we assumed that the results would notchange overall using the wind speed at 200 hPa To provethis we repeated the correlation analysis between wind speedand precipitation for the wind speed at 200 hPa (Fig S7 in theSupplement) The results are very similar The correlations atthe 300 hPa level (Fig 3) are slightly higher because the neg-ative effect of higher wind speeds on precipitation by cuttingoff deep convection is higher at this level than at 200 hPa

We varied the k for clustering from 5 to 9 (Fig S8 inthe Supplement) We found 7 to be the optimal k for the re-cent study since it gave us good coherence within the classesand sufficient distinctions between them We determined thisqualitatively by looking at the plots for the different num-bers of clusters We first conducted the cluster analysis withfive (Fig S8a in the Supplement) clusters like Maussion etal (2014) But since we included a much higher number ofgrid points (we analysed the entire Tibetan Plateau) the re-sults for the areas included in both analyses look slightly dif-ferent especially in the Karakoram and Tien Shan By in-creasing the number of clusters to six (Fig S8b in the Sup-

plement) one cluster that covers most parts of the northernpart of the study region ndash the northern Tibetan Plateau andTarim Basin ndash breaks up into two clusters Setting the numberto seven (Fig S8c in the Supplement) we get more variationin the Karakoram and Tien Shan which looks more similar tothe cluster distribution achieved by Maussion et al (2014)Using a higher number of clusters (Fig S8d and e in the Sup-plement) led to the occurrence of more clusters of smallersize which are not as distinct from each other as the largerones In general it would be interesting to have more clustersto get a higher spatial differentiation But by increasing thecluster number the spatial coherence decreases and thereforethe interpretability also decreases We decided to use sevenclusters as a compromise between higher spatial differenti-ation and less spatial coherence Since the core areas of theclusters stay stable while changing the number of clusterswe assume that the clustering approach is suitable to analysethe seasonality of precipitation on the TP

Of course using different parameterizations and higherspatial resolutions would change the precipitation values andthe spatial and temporal distribution of the precipitation Butwe assume that this would not change the main results of thisstudy since we use rank correlations which are independentof the mean values and scaling of the input variables

Using correlations we avoid problems regarding the ex-act precipitation rates falling on the TP Additionally the useof the monthly percentage of annual precipitation as inputfor the cluster analyses to detect the precipitation seasonal-ity in different regions of the TP makes it possible to com-pare regions which exhibit distinctly different precipitationamounts This is a general aspect to keep in mind the de-cision to use mean daily data therefore has advantages anddisadvantages A major advantage is the possibility to anal-yse the processes from a climatological perspective whichcannot be done on the basis of monthly data But it is clearthat some information is lost by aggregation from hourly todaily data To test how sensitive the results are regarding the

wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016 Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016

780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


Araguaacutes-Araguaacutes L and F K Stable isotope composition of pre-cipitation over southeast Asia J Geophys Res 103 28721ndash28742 doi10102998JD02582 1998

Back L E and Bretherton C S The relationship between windspeed and precipitation in the Pacific ITCZ J Climate 18 4317ndash4328 doi101175JCLI35191 2005

Barros A P Chiao S Lang T J Burbank D and Putkonen JFrom weather to climate ndash Seasonal and interannual variability ofstorms and implications for erosion processes in the HimalayaGeol Soc Am Sp 398 17ndash38 doi10113020062398(02)2006

Bartholy J and Pongracz R Analysis of precipitation conditionsfor the Carpathian Basin based on extreme indices in the 20thcentury and climate simulations for 2050 and 2100 Phys ChemEarth 35 43ndash51 doi101016jpce201003011 2010

Bookhagen B and Burbank D W Toward a complete Himalayanhydrological budget Spatiotemporal distribution of snowmeltand rainfall and their impact on river discharge J Geophys Res115 F03019 doi1010292009JF001426 2010

Bothe O Fraedrich K and Zhu X The large-scale circulationsand summer drought and wetness on the Tibetan plateau Int JClimatol 30 844ndash855 doi101002joc1946 2010

Cannon F Carvalho L M V Jones C and BookhagenB Multi-annual variations in winter westerly disturbance ac-tivity affecting the Himalaya Clim Dynam 44 441ndash455doi101007s00382-014-2248-8 2014

Chen B Xu X-D Yang S and Zhang W On the originand destination of atmospheric moisture and air mass over

the Tibetan Plateau Theor Appl Climatol 110 423ndash435doi101007s00704-012-0641-y 2012

Curio J Maussion F and Scherer D A twelve-yearhigh-resolution climatology of atmospheric water transportover the Tibetan Plateau Earth Syst Dynam 6 109ndash124doi105194esd-6-109-2015 2015

Dee D P Uppala S M Simmons a J Berrisford P PoliP Kobayashi S Andrae U Balmaseda M a Balsamo GBauer P Bechtold P Beljaars a C M van de Berg L Bid-lot J Bormann N Delsol C Dragani R Fuentes M GeerA J Haimberger L Healy S B Hersbach H Hoacutelm E VIsaksen L Karingllberg P Koumlhler M Matricardi M McNallyA P Monge-Sanz B M Morcrette J-J Park B-K PeubeyC de Rosnay P Tavolato C Theacutepaut J-N and Vitart F TheERA-Interim reanalysis configuration and performance of thedata assimilation system Q J Roy Meteorol Soc 137 553ndash597 doi101002qj828 2011

Dimri A P Niyogi D Barros A P Ridley J Mohanty U CYasunari T and Sikka D R Western Disturbances A reviewRev Geophys 53 225ndash246 doi1010022014RG000460 2015

Findell K L Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundarylayer interactions Three-dimensional wind effects J GeophysRes 108 1ndash21 doi1010292001JD001515 2003

Forsythe N Blenkinsop S and Fowler H J Exploring objec-tive climate classification for the Himalayan arc and adjacent re-gions using gridded data sources Earth Syst Dynam 6 311ndash326 doi105194esd-6-311-2015 2015

Frei C Schaumlr C Luumlthi D and Davies H C Heavy precipita-tion processes in a warmer climate Geophy Res Lett 25 1431doi10102998GL51099 1998

Garreaud R D Precipitation and circulation covari-ability in the extratropics J Climate 20 4789ndash4797doi101175JCLI42571 2007

Giovannettone J P and Barros A P Probing Regional Oro-graphic Controls of Precipitation and Cloudiness in the Cen-tral Andes Using Satellite Data J Hydrometeorol 10 167ndash182doi1011752008JHM9731 2009

Hahn D and Manabe S The role of mountains in the south Asianmonsoon circulation J Atmos Sci 32 1515ndash1541 1975

Hewitt K The Karakoram anomaly Glacier expan-sion and thersquoelevation effect Karakoram HimalayaMt Res Dev 25 332ndash340 doi1016590276-4741(2005)025[0332TKAGEA]20CO2 2005

Hren M T Bookhagen B Blisniuk P M Booth A L andChamberlain C P δ18O and δD of streamwaters across the Hi-malaya and Tibetan Plateau Implications for moisture sourcesand paleoelevation reconstructions Earth Planet Sci Lett 28820ndash32 doi101016jepsl200908041 2009

Johansson B and Chen D The influence of wind and topographyon precipitation distribution in Sweden Statistical analysis andmodelling Int J Climatol 23 1523ndash1535 doi101002joc9512003

Joswiak D R Yao T Wu G Tian L and Xu B Ice-core evidence of westerly and monsoon moisture contribu-tions in the central Tibetan Plateau J Glaciol 59 56ndash66doi1031892013JoG12J035 2013

Kurita N and Yamada H The Role of Local Moisture RecyclingEvaluated Using Stable Isotope Data from over the Middle of the

wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016 Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016

782 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Tibetan Plateau during the Monsoon Season J Hydrometeorol9 760ndash775 doi1011752007JHM9451 2008

Liu B Xu M and Henderson M Where have all theshowers gone Regional declines in light precipitation eventsin China 1960ndash2000 Int J Climatol 31 1177ndash1191doi101002joc2144 2011

Liu J Kang S Gong T and Lu A Growth of a high-elevationlarge inland lake associated with climate change and permafrostdegradation in Tibet Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 14 481ndash489doi105194hess-14-481-2010 2010

Liu W Wang L Chen D Tu K Ruan C and Hu Z Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipi-tation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau Clim Dynam46 3481ndash3497 doi101007s00382-015-2782-z 2016

Liu X and Yin Z-Y Spatial and Temporal Variation of SummerPrecipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the North At-lantic Oscillation J Climate 14 2896ndash2909 doi1011751520-0442(2001)014lt2896SATVOSgt20CO2 2001

Maussion F Scherer D Finkelnburg R Richters J Yang Wand Yao T WRF simulation of a precipitation event over theTibetan Plateau China ndash an assessment using remote sensing andground observations Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15 1795ndash1817doi105194hess-15-1795-2011 2011

Maussion F Scherer D Moumllg T Collier E Curio J andFinkelnburg R Precipitation Seasonality and Variability overthe Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis JClimate 27 1910ndash1927 doi101175JCLI-D-13-002821 2014

Moumllg T and Chiang J Temporal precipitation variability versusaltitude on a tropical high mountain Observations and mesoscaleatmospheric modelling Q J Roy Meteor Soc 135 1439ndash1455doi101002qj461 2009

Moumllg T Maussion F and Scherer D Mid-latitude westerlies asa driver of glacier variability in monsoonal High Asia NatureClim Change 4 68ndash73 doi101038nclimate2055 2014

NCDC Global Summary of the Day provided by the National Cli-matic Data Center (NCDC) available at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml 2016

Norris J Carvalho L M V Jones C and Cannon F WRF sim-ulations of two extreme snowfall events associated with contrast-ing extratropical cyclones over the western and central HimalayaJ Geophys Res 120 3114ndash3138 doi1010022014JD0225922015

Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing second edi-tion Cambridge University Press 1992

Polade S D Pierce D W Cayan D R Gershunov A andDettinger M D The key role of dry days in changing re-gional climate and precipitation regimes Sci Rep 4 8 ppdoi101038srep04364 2014

Roe G H Orographic Precipitation Ann Rev Earth Planet Sci33 645ndash671 doi101146annurevearth330922031225412005

Rose B E J and Lin C A Precipitation from vertical motionA statistical diagnostic scheme Int J Climatol 23 903ndash919doi101002joc919 2003

Ruumlthrich F Lake-Related Cloud Dynamics on the Tibetan PlateauSpatial Patterns and Interannual Variability J Climate 28 9080ndash9104 doi101175JCLI-D-14-006981 2015

Schiemann R and Luumlthi D The precipitation climate of Cen-tral Asia ndash intercomparison of observational and numerical datasources in a remote semiarid region Int J Climatol 28 295ndash314 doi101002joc1532 2008

Schiemann R Luumlthi D and Schaumlr C Seasonality and Interan-nual Variability of the Westerly Jet in the Tibetan Plateau Re-gion J Climate 22 2940ndash2957 doi1011752008JCLI262512009

Shinker J J Bartlein P J and Shuman B Synop-tic and dynamic climate controls of North Americanmid-continental aridity Quat Sci Rev 25 1401ndash1417doi101016jquascirev200512012 2006

Skamarock W and Klemp J A time-split nonhydrostaticatmospheric model for weather research and forecast-ing applications J Comput Phys 227 3465ndash3485doi101016jjcp200701037 2008

Spiess M Schneider C and Maussion F MODIS-derivedinterannual variability of the equilibrium-line altitudeacross the Tibetan Plateau Ann Glaciol 57 140ndash154doi1031892016AoG71A014 2015

Tian L Yao T MacClune K White J W C Schilla AVaughn B and Ichiyanagi K Stable isotopic variations in westChina A consideration of moisture sources J Geophys Res112 D10112 doi1010292006JD007718 2007

Trenberth K E Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Role ofAdvection and Local Evaporation J Climate 12 1368ndash1381doi1011751520-0442(1999)012lt1368AMRROAgt20CO21999

Webster P Magana V and Palmer T Monsoons Processes pre-dictability and the prospects for prediction J Geophys Res103 14451ndash14510 1998

Xu X Lu C Shi X and Gao S World water towerAn atmospheric perspective Geophy Res Lett 35 L20815doi1010292008GL035867 2008

Yang K Wu H Qin J Lin C Tang W and Chen Y Recentclimate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts onenergy and water cycle A review Global Planet Change 11279ndash91 doi101016jgloplacha201312001 2014

Zhang J W and Atkinson B W Stability and wind shear effectson meso-scale cellular convection Bound-Lay Meteorol 75263ndash285 doi101007BF00712697 1995

Zhang G Xie H Kang S Yi D and Ackley S F Monitoringlake level changes on the Tibetan Plateau using ICESat altime-try data (2003ndash2009) Remote Sens Environ 115 1733ndash1742doi101016jrse201103005 2011

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 14: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

780 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

use of different significance levels we repeated the analysiswith the significance level 001 for the correlation betweenwind speed in 300 hPa and precipitation (Fig S9 in the Sup-plement) and compared the results with the results gainedusing 005 as significance level (Fig 3) The resulting pat-terns do not change very much The areas with negative andpositive correlations are a little bit smaller but the changesoccur where the values are already lower (at the borders ofthe correlation patterns) The regions with the highest corre-lations stay stable and even small areas of positive or negativecorrelations do not disappear

The number of precipitation days on which all analysisdepends is variable regarding the analysed months and re-gions but we assume that the condition of at least 13 precip-itation days per grid point applied for of all days of a specificmonth during the study period 2001ndash2013 ensures a reason-able data basis Grid points which do not match this criterionare excluded from further analysis

Since we only look at the first two PCs it is possiblethat mechanisms controlling precipitation which appear inhigher PCs are not considered in this study The currentstudy is limited to dominant patterns and thereby to the firsttwo PCs because they together explain more than 60 ofthe variance of the data Patterns with lower explained vari-ance and transient patterns will be the subject of a subsequentstudy

5 Conclusion

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship betweendynamical variables and precipitation and the underlyingprocesses is important since precipitation is the key elementof the hydrological cycle of the TP and the surrounding highmountain ranges Precipitation variability has a large im-pact on the water availability in the densely populated down-stream regions of India Pakistan and south-east Asia by di-rectly governing river runoff by precipitation or with a timelag by snowmelt

This study shows that different factors influence precipita-tion in different regions of the TP and adjacent high moun-tain ranges during different times of the year and in differentways For example the 300 hPa wind speed has a positiveeffect in the western parts of the study region in winter andspring while it has a negative effect on precipitation on theTP during summer This clearly shows that the impact of themidlatitude westerlies is strong not only in winter by en-hancing moisture advection for orographic and frontal pre-cipitation in the western parts of the study region but also bycutting off deep convection during summer on the TP and inother regions and seasons where and when precipitation ismainly convective

The negative effect of high horizontal wind speeds on pre-cipitation plays an important role in regions and seasonswhich are dominated by convective precipitation eg the Ti-

betan Plateau in summer (Maussion et al 2014) The pos-itive effect occurs in regions with mainly frontalcyclonicor orographic precipitation Precipitation benefits from en-hanced moisture transport by strengthened atmospheric flowespecially when the moisture flow is lifted up by orographicforcing This plays an important role in our study region be-cause of the high mountain ranges surrounding the TibetanPlateau

Therefore the TP and the entire study region can be parti-tioned by considering the dominant form of precipitation thatoccurs cyclonicfrontal or convective precipitation This en-ables us to more clearly determine the relevancyimportanceof the monsoon system and the midlatitude westerlies for theprecipitation distribution The classification of precipitationhas been determined by cluster analysis and shows a mostlymonsoonally influenced class a convective class and a hy-brid class in between This highlights that it is not possible todraw an exact distinction regarding the extent of the monsoonand that there will always be a relatively broad area betweenmonsoonally influenced precipitation and solely convection-dominated precipitation caused by the interannual variabilityof monsoon strength and other factors

Perhaps it is possible to say that the precipitation on thecentral TP in summer is influenced by the monsoon systemregarding moisture supply however moisture recycling isalso important and the midlatitude westerlies act as a con-trol regarding the suppression or enhancement of precipita-tion due to the strong negative effect of high horizontal windspeeds on the development of deep convection

A next step will analyse the combined effects of precip-itation controls since the current study has shown that thecontrols are not independent of each other We intend touse a combination of PCA of the detected dominant patternsand cluster analysis to detect control regimes as in Forsytheet al (2015) to obtain a climate classification for the Hi-malayan arc and its surroundings These regimes can perhapshelp to explain regional features of glacier mass balance likethe so-called Karakoram anomaly (eg Hewitt 2005) or ob-served lake level changes (eg Liu et al 2010 Zhang et al2011) which show a different behaviour compared to the sur-rounding regions

6 Data availability

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is available athttpwwwklimatu-berlindeHAR The ERA-Interimreanalysis provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is available at httpwwwecmwfintenresearchclimate-reanalysisera-interimThe National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) providesweather station data from the ldquoGlobal Summary of the Dayrdquoavailable at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


Araguaacutes-Araguaacutes L and F K Stable isotope composition of pre-cipitation over southeast Asia J Geophys Res 103 28721ndash28742 doi10102998JD02582 1998

Back L E and Bretherton C S The relationship between windspeed and precipitation in the Pacific ITCZ J Climate 18 4317ndash4328 doi101175JCLI35191 2005

Barros A P Chiao S Lang T J Burbank D and Putkonen JFrom weather to climate ndash Seasonal and interannual variability ofstorms and implications for erosion processes in the HimalayaGeol Soc Am Sp 398 17ndash38 doi10113020062398(02)2006

Bartholy J and Pongracz R Analysis of precipitation conditionsfor the Carpathian Basin based on extreme indices in the 20thcentury and climate simulations for 2050 and 2100 Phys ChemEarth 35 43ndash51 doi101016jpce201003011 2010

Bookhagen B and Burbank D W Toward a complete Himalayanhydrological budget Spatiotemporal distribution of snowmeltand rainfall and their impact on river discharge J Geophys Res115 F03019 doi1010292009JF001426 2010

Bothe O Fraedrich K and Zhu X The large-scale circulationsand summer drought and wetness on the Tibetan plateau Int JClimatol 30 844ndash855 doi101002joc1946 2010

Cannon F Carvalho L M V Jones C and BookhagenB Multi-annual variations in winter westerly disturbance ac-tivity affecting the Himalaya Clim Dynam 44 441ndash455doi101007s00382-014-2248-8 2014

Chen B Xu X-D Yang S and Zhang W On the originand destination of atmospheric moisture and air mass over

the Tibetan Plateau Theor Appl Climatol 110 423ndash435doi101007s00704-012-0641-y 2012

Curio J Maussion F and Scherer D A twelve-yearhigh-resolution climatology of atmospheric water transportover the Tibetan Plateau Earth Syst Dynam 6 109ndash124doi105194esd-6-109-2015 2015

Dee D P Uppala S M Simmons a J Berrisford P PoliP Kobayashi S Andrae U Balmaseda M a Balsamo GBauer P Bechtold P Beljaars a C M van de Berg L Bid-lot J Bormann N Delsol C Dragani R Fuentes M GeerA J Haimberger L Healy S B Hersbach H Hoacutelm E VIsaksen L Karingllberg P Koumlhler M Matricardi M McNallyA P Monge-Sanz B M Morcrette J-J Park B-K PeubeyC de Rosnay P Tavolato C Theacutepaut J-N and Vitart F TheERA-Interim reanalysis configuration and performance of thedata assimilation system Q J Roy Meteorol Soc 137 553ndash597 doi101002qj828 2011

Dimri A P Niyogi D Barros A P Ridley J Mohanty U CYasunari T and Sikka D R Western Disturbances A reviewRev Geophys 53 225ndash246 doi1010022014RG000460 2015

Findell K L Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundarylayer interactions Three-dimensional wind effects J GeophysRes 108 1ndash21 doi1010292001JD001515 2003

Forsythe N Blenkinsop S and Fowler H J Exploring objec-tive climate classification for the Himalayan arc and adjacent re-gions using gridded data sources Earth Syst Dynam 6 311ndash326 doi105194esd-6-311-2015 2015

Frei C Schaumlr C Luumlthi D and Davies H C Heavy precipita-tion processes in a warmer climate Geophy Res Lett 25 1431doi10102998GL51099 1998

Garreaud R D Precipitation and circulation covari-ability in the extratropics J Climate 20 4789ndash4797doi101175JCLI42571 2007

Giovannettone J P and Barros A P Probing Regional Oro-graphic Controls of Precipitation and Cloudiness in the Cen-tral Andes Using Satellite Data J Hydrometeorol 10 167ndash182doi1011752008JHM9731 2009

Hahn D and Manabe S The role of mountains in the south Asianmonsoon circulation J Atmos Sci 32 1515ndash1541 1975

Hewitt K The Karakoram anomaly Glacier expan-sion and thersquoelevation effect Karakoram HimalayaMt Res Dev 25 332ndash340 doi1016590276-4741(2005)025[0332TKAGEA]20CO2 2005

Hren M T Bookhagen B Blisniuk P M Booth A L andChamberlain C P δ18O and δD of streamwaters across the Hi-malaya and Tibetan Plateau Implications for moisture sourcesand paleoelevation reconstructions Earth Planet Sci Lett 28820ndash32 doi101016jepsl200908041 2009

Johansson B and Chen D The influence of wind and topographyon precipitation distribution in Sweden Statistical analysis andmodelling Int J Climatol 23 1523ndash1535 doi101002joc9512003

Joswiak D R Yao T Wu G Tian L and Xu B Ice-core evidence of westerly and monsoon moisture contribu-tions in the central Tibetan Plateau J Glaciol 59 56ndash66doi1031892013JoG12J035 2013

Kurita N and Yamada H The Role of Local Moisture RecyclingEvaluated Using Stable Isotope Data from over the Middle of the

wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016 Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016

782 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Tibetan Plateau during the Monsoon Season J Hydrometeorol9 760ndash775 doi1011752007JHM9451 2008

Liu B Xu M and Henderson M Where have all theshowers gone Regional declines in light precipitation eventsin China 1960ndash2000 Int J Climatol 31 1177ndash1191doi101002joc2144 2011

Liu J Kang S Gong T and Lu A Growth of a high-elevationlarge inland lake associated with climate change and permafrostdegradation in Tibet Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 14 481ndash489doi105194hess-14-481-2010 2010

Liu W Wang L Chen D Tu K Ruan C and Hu Z Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipi-tation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau Clim Dynam46 3481ndash3497 doi101007s00382-015-2782-z 2016

Liu X and Yin Z-Y Spatial and Temporal Variation of SummerPrecipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the North At-lantic Oscillation J Climate 14 2896ndash2909 doi1011751520-0442(2001)014lt2896SATVOSgt20CO2 2001

Maussion F Scherer D Finkelnburg R Richters J Yang Wand Yao T WRF simulation of a precipitation event over theTibetan Plateau China ndash an assessment using remote sensing andground observations Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15 1795ndash1817doi105194hess-15-1795-2011 2011

Maussion F Scherer D Moumllg T Collier E Curio J andFinkelnburg R Precipitation Seasonality and Variability overthe Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis JClimate 27 1910ndash1927 doi101175JCLI-D-13-002821 2014

Moumllg T and Chiang J Temporal precipitation variability versusaltitude on a tropical high mountain Observations and mesoscaleatmospheric modelling Q J Roy Meteor Soc 135 1439ndash1455doi101002qj461 2009

Moumllg T Maussion F and Scherer D Mid-latitude westerlies asa driver of glacier variability in monsoonal High Asia NatureClim Change 4 68ndash73 doi101038nclimate2055 2014

NCDC Global Summary of the Day provided by the National Cli-matic Data Center (NCDC) available at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml 2016

Norris J Carvalho L M V Jones C and Cannon F WRF sim-ulations of two extreme snowfall events associated with contrast-ing extratropical cyclones over the western and central HimalayaJ Geophys Res 120 3114ndash3138 doi1010022014JD0225922015

Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing second edi-tion Cambridge University Press 1992

Polade S D Pierce D W Cayan D R Gershunov A andDettinger M D The key role of dry days in changing re-gional climate and precipitation regimes Sci Rep 4 8 ppdoi101038srep04364 2014

Roe G H Orographic Precipitation Ann Rev Earth Planet Sci33 645ndash671 doi101146annurevearth330922031225412005

Rose B E J and Lin C A Precipitation from vertical motionA statistical diagnostic scheme Int J Climatol 23 903ndash919doi101002joc919 2003

Ruumlthrich F Lake-Related Cloud Dynamics on the Tibetan PlateauSpatial Patterns and Interannual Variability J Climate 28 9080ndash9104 doi101175JCLI-D-14-006981 2015

Schiemann R and Luumlthi D The precipitation climate of Cen-tral Asia ndash intercomparison of observational and numerical datasources in a remote semiarid region Int J Climatol 28 295ndash314 doi101002joc1532 2008

Schiemann R Luumlthi D and Schaumlr C Seasonality and Interan-nual Variability of the Westerly Jet in the Tibetan Plateau Re-gion J Climate 22 2940ndash2957 doi1011752008JCLI262512009

Shinker J J Bartlein P J and Shuman B Synop-tic and dynamic climate controls of North Americanmid-continental aridity Quat Sci Rev 25 1401ndash1417doi101016jquascirev200512012 2006

Skamarock W and Klemp J A time-split nonhydrostaticatmospheric model for weather research and forecast-ing applications J Comput Phys 227 3465ndash3485doi101016jjcp200701037 2008

Spiess M Schneider C and Maussion F MODIS-derivedinterannual variability of the equilibrium-line altitudeacross the Tibetan Plateau Ann Glaciol 57 140ndash154doi1031892016AoG71A014 2015

Tian L Yao T MacClune K White J W C Schilla AVaughn B and Ichiyanagi K Stable isotopic variations in westChina A consideration of moisture sources J Geophys Res112 D10112 doi1010292006JD007718 2007

Trenberth K E Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Role ofAdvection and Local Evaporation J Climate 12 1368ndash1381doi1011751520-0442(1999)012lt1368AMRROAgt20CO21999

Webster P Magana V and Palmer T Monsoons Processes pre-dictability and the prospects for prediction J Geophys Res103 14451ndash14510 1998

Xu X Lu C Shi X and Gao S World water towerAn atmospheric perspective Geophy Res Lett 35 L20815doi1010292008GL035867 2008

Yang K Wu H Qin J Lin C Tang W and Chen Y Recentclimate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts onenergy and water cycle A review Global Planet Change 11279ndash91 doi101016jgloplacha201312001 2014

Zhang J W and Atkinson B W Stability and wind shear effectson meso-scale cellular convection Bound-Lay Meteorol 75263ndash285 doi101007BF00712697 1995

Zhang G Xie H Kang S Yi D and Ackley S F Monitoringlake level changes on the Tibetan Plateau using ICESat altime-try data (2003ndash2009) Remote Sens Environ 115 1733ndash1742doi101016jrse201103005 2011

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 15: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls 781

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi105194esd-7-767-2016-supplement

Author contributions Julia Curio and Dieter Scherer designedthe study and discussed all results Julia Curio carried out the anal-yses and prepared the paper with contributions from Dieter Scherer

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Programme ldquoCentral Asia ndash Monsoon Dynamics and Geo-Ecosystemsrdquo (CAME) within the WET project (ldquoVariability andTrends in Water Balance Components of Benchmark DrainageBasins on the Tibetan Plateaurdquo) under the code 03G0804A and bythe German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme 1372ldquoTibetan Plateau Formation ndash Climate ndash Ecosystemsrdquo withinthe DynRG-TiP (ldquoDynamic Response of Glaciers on the TibetanPlateau to Climate Changerdquo) project under the codes SCHE 7504-1 SCHE 7504-2 SCHE 7504-3 We would like to thank the fouranonymous referees for their thoughtful comments criticism andsuggestions on an earlier version of this paper

Edited by M WernerReviewed by four anonymous referees


Araguaacutes-Araguaacutes L and F K Stable isotope composition of pre-cipitation over southeast Asia J Geophys Res 103 28721ndash28742 doi10102998JD02582 1998

Back L E and Bretherton C S The relationship between windspeed and precipitation in the Pacific ITCZ J Climate 18 4317ndash4328 doi101175JCLI35191 2005

Barros A P Chiao S Lang T J Burbank D and Putkonen JFrom weather to climate ndash Seasonal and interannual variability ofstorms and implications for erosion processes in the HimalayaGeol Soc Am Sp 398 17ndash38 doi10113020062398(02)2006

Bartholy J and Pongracz R Analysis of precipitation conditionsfor the Carpathian Basin based on extreme indices in the 20thcentury and climate simulations for 2050 and 2100 Phys ChemEarth 35 43ndash51 doi101016jpce201003011 2010

Bookhagen B and Burbank D W Toward a complete Himalayanhydrological budget Spatiotemporal distribution of snowmeltand rainfall and their impact on river discharge J Geophys Res115 F03019 doi1010292009JF001426 2010

Bothe O Fraedrich K and Zhu X The large-scale circulationsand summer drought and wetness on the Tibetan plateau Int JClimatol 30 844ndash855 doi101002joc1946 2010

Cannon F Carvalho L M V Jones C and BookhagenB Multi-annual variations in winter westerly disturbance ac-tivity affecting the Himalaya Clim Dynam 44 441ndash455doi101007s00382-014-2248-8 2014

Chen B Xu X-D Yang S and Zhang W On the originand destination of atmospheric moisture and air mass over

the Tibetan Plateau Theor Appl Climatol 110 423ndash435doi101007s00704-012-0641-y 2012

Curio J Maussion F and Scherer D A twelve-yearhigh-resolution climatology of atmospheric water transportover the Tibetan Plateau Earth Syst Dynam 6 109ndash124doi105194esd-6-109-2015 2015

Dee D P Uppala S M Simmons a J Berrisford P PoliP Kobayashi S Andrae U Balmaseda M a Balsamo GBauer P Bechtold P Beljaars a C M van de Berg L Bid-lot J Bormann N Delsol C Dragani R Fuentes M GeerA J Haimberger L Healy S B Hersbach H Hoacutelm E VIsaksen L Karingllberg P Koumlhler M Matricardi M McNallyA P Monge-Sanz B M Morcrette J-J Park B-K PeubeyC de Rosnay P Tavolato C Theacutepaut J-N and Vitart F TheERA-Interim reanalysis configuration and performance of thedata assimilation system Q J Roy Meteorol Soc 137 553ndash597 doi101002qj828 2011

Dimri A P Niyogi D Barros A P Ridley J Mohanty U CYasunari T and Sikka D R Western Disturbances A reviewRev Geophys 53 225ndash246 doi1010022014RG000460 2015

Findell K L Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundarylayer interactions Three-dimensional wind effects J GeophysRes 108 1ndash21 doi1010292001JD001515 2003

Forsythe N Blenkinsop S and Fowler H J Exploring objec-tive climate classification for the Himalayan arc and adjacent re-gions using gridded data sources Earth Syst Dynam 6 311ndash326 doi105194esd-6-311-2015 2015

Frei C Schaumlr C Luumlthi D and Davies H C Heavy precipita-tion processes in a warmer climate Geophy Res Lett 25 1431doi10102998GL51099 1998

Garreaud R D Precipitation and circulation covari-ability in the extratropics J Climate 20 4789ndash4797doi101175JCLI42571 2007

Giovannettone J P and Barros A P Probing Regional Oro-graphic Controls of Precipitation and Cloudiness in the Cen-tral Andes Using Satellite Data J Hydrometeorol 10 167ndash182doi1011752008JHM9731 2009

Hahn D and Manabe S The role of mountains in the south Asianmonsoon circulation J Atmos Sci 32 1515ndash1541 1975

Hewitt K The Karakoram anomaly Glacier expan-sion and thersquoelevation effect Karakoram HimalayaMt Res Dev 25 332ndash340 doi1016590276-4741(2005)025[0332TKAGEA]20CO2 2005

Hren M T Bookhagen B Blisniuk P M Booth A L andChamberlain C P δ18O and δD of streamwaters across the Hi-malaya and Tibetan Plateau Implications for moisture sourcesand paleoelevation reconstructions Earth Planet Sci Lett 28820ndash32 doi101016jepsl200908041 2009

Johansson B and Chen D The influence of wind and topographyon precipitation distribution in Sweden Statistical analysis andmodelling Int J Climatol 23 1523ndash1535 doi101002joc9512003

Joswiak D R Yao T Wu G Tian L and Xu B Ice-core evidence of westerly and monsoon moisture contribu-tions in the central Tibetan Plateau J Glaciol 59 56ndash66doi1031892013JoG12J035 2013

Kurita N and Yamada H The Role of Local Moisture RecyclingEvaluated Using Stable Isotope Data from over the Middle of the

wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016 Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016

782 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Tibetan Plateau during the Monsoon Season J Hydrometeorol9 760ndash775 doi1011752007JHM9451 2008

Liu B Xu M and Henderson M Where have all theshowers gone Regional declines in light precipitation eventsin China 1960ndash2000 Int J Climatol 31 1177ndash1191doi101002joc2144 2011

Liu J Kang S Gong T and Lu A Growth of a high-elevationlarge inland lake associated with climate change and permafrostdegradation in Tibet Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 14 481ndash489doi105194hess-14-481-2010 2010

Liu W Wang L Chen D Tu K Ruan C and Hu Z Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipi-tation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau Clim Dynam46 3481ndash3497 doi101007s00382-015-2782-z 2016

Liu X and Yin Z-Y Spatial and Temporal Variation of SummerPrecipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the North At-lantic Oscillation J Climate 14 2896ndash2909 doi1011751520-0442(2001)014lt2896SATVOSgt20CO2 2001

Maussion F Scherer D Finkelnburg R Richters J Yang Wand Yao T WRF simulation of a precipitation event over theTibetan Plateau China ndash an assessment using remote sensing andground observations Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15 1795ndash1817doi105194hess-15-1795-2011 2011

Maussion F Scherer D Moumllg T Collier E Curio J andFinkelnburg R Precipitation Seasonality and Variability overthe Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis JClimate 27 1910ndash1927 doi101175JCLI-D-13-002821 2014

Moumllg T and Chiang J Temporal precipitation variability versusaltitude on a tropical high mountain Observations and mesoscaleatmospheric modelling Q J Roy Meteor Soc 135 1439ndash1455doi101002qj461 2009

Moumllg T Maussion F and Scherer D Mid-latitude westerlies asa driver of glacier variability in monsoonal High Asia NatureClim Change 4 68ndash73 doi101038nclimate2055 2014

NCDC Global Summary of the Day provided by the National Cli-matic Data Center (NCDC) available at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml 2016

Norris J Carvalho L M V Jones C and Cannon F WRF sim-ulations of two extreme snowfall events associated with contrast-ing extratropical cyclones over the western and central HimalayaJ Geophys Res 120 3114ndash3138 doi1010022014JD0225922015

Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing second edi-tion Cambridge University Press 1992

Polade S D Pierce D W Cayan D R Gershunov A andDettinger M D The key role of dry days in changing re-gional climate and precipitation regimes Sci Rep 4 8 ppdoi101038srep04364 2014

Roe G H Orographic Precipitation Ann Rev Earth Planet Sci33 645ndash671 doi101146annurevearth330922031225412005

Rose B E J and Lin C A Precipitation from vertical motionA statistical diagnostic scheme Int J Climatol 23 903ndash919doi101002joc919 2003

Ruumlthrich F Lake-Related Cloud Dynamics on the Tibetan PlateauSpatial Patterns and Interannual Variability J Climate 28 9080ndash9104 doi101175JCLI-D-14-006981 2015

Schiemann R and Luumlthi D The precipitation climate of Cen-tral Asia ndash intercomparison of observational and numerical datasources in a remote semiarid region Int J Climatol 28 295ndash314 doi101002joc1532 2008

Schiemann R Luumlthi D and Schaumlr C Seasonality and Interan-nual Variability of the Westerly Jet in the Tibetan Plateau Re-gion J Climate 22 2940ndash2957 doi1011752008JCLI262512009

Shinker J J Bartlein P J and Shuman B Synop-tic and dynamic climate controls of North Americanmid-continental aridity Quat Sci Rev 25 1401ndash1417doi101016jquascirev200512012 2006

Skamarock W and Klemp J A time-split nonhydrostaticatmospheric model for weather research and forecast-ing applications J Comput Phys 227 3465ndash3485doi101016jjcp200701037 2008

Spiess M Schneider C and Maussion F MODIS-derivedinterannual variability of the equilibrium-line altitudeacross the Tibetan Plateau Ann Glaciol 57 140ndash154doi1031892016AoG71A014 2015

Tian L Yao T MacClune K White J W C Schilla AVaughn B and Ichiyanagi K Stable isotopic variations in westChina A consideration of moisture sources J Geophys Res112 D10112 doi1010292006JD007718 2007

Trenberth K E Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Role ofAdvection and Local Evaporation J Climate 12 1368ndash1381doi1011751520-0442(1999)012lt1368AMRROAgt20CO21999

Webster P Magana V and Palmer T Monsoons Processes pre-dictability and the prospects for prediction J Geophys Res103 14451ndash14510 1998

Xu X Lu C Shi X and Gao S World water towerAn atmospheric perspective Geophy Res Lett 35 L20815doi1010292008GL035867 2008

Yang K Wu H Qin J Lin C Tang W and Chen Y Recentclimate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts onenergy and water cycle A review Global Planet Change 11279ndash91 doi101016jgloplacha201312001 2014

Zhang J W and Atkinson B W Stability and wind shear effectson meso-scale cellular convection Bound-Lay Meteorol 75263ndash285 doi101007BF00712697 1995

Zhang G Xie H Kang S Yi D and Ackley S F Monitoringlake level changes on the Tibetan Plateau using ICESat altime-try data (2003ndash2009) Remote Sens Environ 115 1733ndash1742doi101016jrse201103005 2011

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References
Page 16: Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

782 J Curio and D Scherer Seasonality and spatial variability of dynamic precipitation controls

Tibetan Plateau during the Monsoon Season J Hydrometeorol9 760ndash775 doi1011752007JHM9451 2008

Liu B Xu M and Henderson M Where have all theshowers gone Regional declines in light precipitation eventsin China 1960ndash2000 Int J Climatol 31 1177ndash1191doi101002joc2144 2011

Liu J Kang S Gong T and Lu A Growth of a high-elevationlarge inland lake associated with climate change and permafrostdegradation in Tibet Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 14 481ndash489doi105194hess-14-481-2010 2010

Liu W Wang L Chen D Tu K Ruan C and Hu Z Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipi-tation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau Clim Dynam46 3481ndash3497 doi101007s00382-015-2782-z 2016

Liu X and Yin Z-Y Spatial and Temporal Variation of SummerPrecipitation over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the North At-lantic Oscillation J Climate 14 2896ndash2909 doi1011751520-0442(2001)014lt2896SATVOSgt20CO2 2001

Maussion F Scherer D Finkelnburg R Richters J Yang Wand Yao T WRF simulation of a precipitation event over theTibetan Plateau China ndash an assessment using remote sensing andground observations Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15 1795ndash1817doi105194hess-15-1795-2011 2011

Maussion F Scherer D Moumllg T Collier E Curio J andFinkelnburg R Precipitation Seasonality and Variability overthe Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis JClimate 27 1910ndash1927 doi101175JCLI-D-13-002821 2014

Moumllg T and Chiang J Temporal precipitation variability versusaltitude on a tropical high mountain Observations and mesoscaleatmospheric modelling Q J Roy Meteor Soc 135 1439ndash1455doi101002qj461 2009

Moumllg T Maussion F and Scherer D Mid-latitude westerlies asa driver of glacier variability in monsoonal High Asia NatureClim Change 4 68ndash73 doi101038nclimate2055 2014

NCDC Global Summary of the Day provided by the National Cli-matic Data Center (NCDC) available at httpwwwncdcnoaagovoancdchtml 2016

Norris J Carvalho L M V Jones C and Cannon F WRF sim-ulations of two extreme snowfall events associated with contrast-ing extratropical cyclones over the western and central HimalayaJ Geophys Res 120 3114ndash3138 doi1010022014JD0225922015

Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing second edi-tion Cambridge University Press 1992

Polade S D Pierce D W Cayan D R Gershunov A andDettinger M D The key role of dry days in changing re-gional climate and precipitation regimes Sci Rep 4 8 ppdoi101038srep04364 2014

Roe G H Orographic Precipitation Ann Rev Earth Planet Sci33 645ndash671 doi101146annurevearth330922031225412005

Rose B E J and Lin C A Precipitation from vertical motionA statistical diagnostic scheme Int J Climatol 23 903ndash919doi101002joc919 2003

Ruumlthrich F Lake-Related Cloud Dynamics on the Tibetan PlateauSpatial Patterns and Interannual Variability J Climate 28 9080ndash9104 doi101175JCLI-D-14-006981 2015

Schiemann R and Luumlthi D The precipitation climate of Cen-tral Asia ndash intercomparison of observational and numerical datasources in a remote semiarid region Int J Climatol 28 295ndash314 doi101002joc1532 2008

Schiemann R Luumlthi D and Schaumlr C Seasonality and Interan-nual Variability of the Westerly Jet in the Tibetan Plateau Re-gion J Climate 22 2940ndash2957 doi1011752008JCLI262512009

Shinker J J Bartlein P J and Shuman B Synop-tic and dynamic climate controls of North Americanmid-continental aridity Quat Sci Rev 25 1401ndash1417doi101016jquascirev200512012 2006

Skamarock W and Klemp J A time-split nonhydrostaticatmospheric model for weather research and forecast-ing applications J Comput Phys 227 3465ndash3485doi101016jjcp200701037 2008

Spiess M Schneider C and Maussion F MODIS-derivedinterannual variability of the equilibrium-line altitudeacross the Tibetan Plateau Ann Glaciol 57 140ndash154doi1031892016AoG71A014 2015

Tian L Yao T MacClune K White J W C Schilla AVaughn B and Ichiyanagi K Stable isotopic variations in westChina A consideration of moisture sources J Geophys Res112 D10112 doi1010292006JD007718 2007

Trenberth K E Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Role ofAdvection and Local Evaporation J Climate 12 1368ndash1381doi1011751520-0442(1999)012lt1368AMRROAgt20CO21999

Webster P Magana V and Palmer T Monsoons Processes pre-dictability and the prospects for prediction J Geophys Res103 14451ndash14510 1998

Xu X Lu C Shi X and Gao S World water towerAn atmospheric perspective Geophy Res Lett 35 L20815doi1010292008GL035867 2008

Yang K Wu H Qin J Lin C Tang W and Chen Y Recentclimate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts onenergy and water cycle A review Global Planet Change 11279ndash91 doi101016jgloplacha201312001 2014

Zhang J W and Atkinson B W Stability and wind shear effectson meso-scale cellular convection Bound-Lay Meteorol 75263ndash285 doi101007BF00712697 1995

Zhang G Xie H Kang S Yi D and Ackley S F Monitoringlake level changes on the Tibetan Plateau using ICESat altime-try data (2003ndash2009) Remote Sens Environ 115 1733ndash1742doi101016jrse201103005 2011

Earth Syst Dynam 7 767ndash782 2016 wwwearth-syst-dynamnet77672016

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Data and methodology
    • The High Asia Refined analysis
    • Methodology
      • Results
        • Precipitation seasonality
        • Correlation of dynamic variables and precipitation
          • Horizontal wind speed
          • Vertical wind speed
          • Atmospheric water transport (AWT)
            • Principal components
              • Discussion
                • General discussion of results
                • Sources of uncertainties
                  • Conclusion
                  • Data availability
                  • Author contributions
                  • Acknowledgements
                  • References

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