
Presentation on

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Internet Marketing


Organic Searches


Social Media

What is all this about?

Radical Networks - Making Internet Marketing simple for you!!!

We have all heard the BUZZ, but what is it all about……….?

It is all about being number 1 on Google in front of prospective customers

Forget about all the BUZZ words you have heard, and let Radical Networks promote your website to the first page of Google

Why is it so Important?

Today the highest ROI for advertising comes from the Internet. If your site is a popular site and people find it useful, Google will have 'ranked' you, and you will show up on the first page of Google's Search results.

Statistics have shown that 80% of all internet clicks come from the top 4 Organic (natural) search results

67% of all internet users do not search beyond the first page of Google

Internet users consider the results shown on the first page to be most reliable

So How Does Google Find My Site???

Google search results are shown in two different ways:

1. Organic Searches (Natural)

2. Paid Advertising

Breaking the Buzz words in simple ‘English’

Organic Searches

Organic search results are listing on search engine results that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements

Paid Advertising (PPC = Pay Per Click)

Pay per click is an Internet advertising model used on websites, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than using bidding system

Natural search results

Pay Per Click

SHOW & TELL – What is Organic & What is PPC

Organic Results - Being on Page 1!

Getting onto the first page of Google entails a number of different factors.

These can be broken up into two main areas:

1.Your Web site

2. The World Wide Web

1. Your Web site

In order for Google to find your web-site, it must be built in a way that it is easy for Google to find it, this means your website structure and the content on your site need to be 'SEO friendly‘

2. The World Wide Web

Google considers what is going on around your site and who is 'recommending' you (linking to you). The more recommendations you have, the better Google thinks you are.

Your Website:

Google has many different ways to analyse your web pages.

It has developed its own proprietary formulas for it to check your website structure and content, gather information on your web pages and give you a kind of a 'Rank' that it will use in its directory listing

It is very important that your web site has to be created in the most 'Search engine friendly' way and that Google has no trouble when trying to analyze it.

The BUZZ….in our language


The World Wide Web

The World wide web has a very big influence on how Google 'ranks' your site.

Google analyzes the whole web and will determine who is 'recommending' (linking) you, and how relevant, reliable and strong they are. According to this and numerous other factors, Google once again gives your site a 'rank' in its directory listing.

So how do get other websites linking to you…?

Another BUZZ word….


What can Radical Networks do for you?

1.Web site analysis - Radical Networks will check that your website complies with Google Search Engine standards. We will take care of the "Behind the Scenes" and also what is presentable (content)

2.WWW Promoting - Radical Networks will begin the process of promoting your website over the Internet. This will entail creating as many relevant 'recommendations' to your website (Blogs, Articles, Forums, Comments, Index Listings...)

3.PPC Management - Radical Networks will manage your Google Adwords campaign, ensuring the highest ROI at all times.

Our SEO plan of Action

1.Understand Your Business objectives. What is it You want to achieve from the Internet.

2.Conduct initial Keyword Analysis. What words would Your Client write in a search engine to find you or your services

3.Identify the Keyword/Landing Page combination

4.Create a baseline ranking and traffic report based on keywords and competitors who are already ranking for your business

5.Perform On-page and Off-page optimisation

6.Produce detailed recommendation documents

7.Monitoring and Optimizing. Radical Networks will provide monthly reporting and optimization recommendations


BEACON is India’s largest reseller for SolidWorks 3D CAD Software with offices in more than 8 cities across India.

SolidWorks focuses on using the Internet to generate its leads and actively pushes its resellers as well to promote sales using the Internet.

Target Keyword : SolidWorks, SolidWorks Reseller, SolidWorks India

Competition : High Competition with SolidWorks & World-wide resellers adopting aggressive SEO strategies themselves

Work Undertaken:

-Re-design of existing website with focus on content rich web pages

-Optimization of website for relevant keywords

-Submission of website to articles directories and Press release websites

Time to rank : 1.5 Years

The Results

Result 9 in Page 1 for SolidWorks – Main Target Keyword in


ProMax Management Consultants P Ltd are an established PMC company with 4 offices across India and more than 7,761,300 sq ft of completed Projects to their credit.

Focus on web till 2011 was very low with a low-key website and no Internet Marketing focus.

Target Keyword : Project management companies india, PMC companies

Competition : High Competition , and since website had no previous Google ranking and ‘ZERO’ Page rank, and competing with other established PMC websites, task was more difficult.

Work Undertaken:

-Re-design of existing website with Wordpress as CMS.

-Created new Articles (content) for use in SEO promotion

-Optimization of website for relevant keywords

-Submission of website to articles directories and Press release websites

Ranking Timeframe : 5 Months

The Results

Result 2 in Page 1 for PMC Companies – Main Target Keyword in


How do customers find you on the internet?

They use search engines like Google

Google then shows results in two ways:


Natural search results

Pay Per Click


Let Radical Networks help promote your business on the Internet.

Ride the Internet Marketing wave with confidence, break new ground finding new clients & markets for your products/services


Thank You.

We now look forward to serving you!

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