Page 1: Scronce Real Estate - Goals to Consider for Business Relocation

Goals for Business Relocation

Moving a business is a tricky task, and it requires that you consider more than just rent, building

size, and sufficient work flow and revenue. There are several elements of a business’s location

that can contribute to a business’s success or failure, and some of those elements may not be as

obvious as you imagine.

Here are some goals to consider when moving your business:

Customer Location

Depending on the type of business, moving closer to one’s customer base is almost always a

good idea. The easier it is for customers to have access to

you, the more likely it is that they will rely on your

products or services.

Neighborhood Incentives

Certain cities and neighborhoods offer tax incentives for

businesses looking to relocate. Spending a bit of time

finding out which neighborhood will be the friendliest to

your new location could make things much easier for you

down the line.

Regulatory Burdens

You may find lower rent fees in an up-and-coming

neighborhood, but don’t forget to double-check the local regulations and tax code. If you end up

in a web of red tape or costly taxes and fees, that lowered rent may not be as ideal as you



If you’re attempting to grow your business even further, never underestimate the power of

visibility. A highly visible location may be slightly more expensive, but can lead to possible

increases in business as new customers discover your organization. Always consider the benefits

of better visibility.

Moving a business into a new location can certainly be challenging, and the great majority of

that challenge comes simply from finding the right building or location. At Scronce Real Estate,

we implement all the factors noted above in our search and selection of the best possible real

estate for every one of our clients. Please contact us via or 336.287.1259

for more information as to how we can help you.

Look forward to hearing from you!

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