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“The Worst of the Worst”

Written by

Kevin R. Bunch

Fanfic mini-series; prequel to LOST EPISODE FOUROctober 2014

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TITLE CARD reads: “January 1944”

On the beach somewhere near the Four-Toed Foot, Jacob idles while sitting on a LOG in the sand. After a few beats, his brother approaches. Jacob is unaffected while noticing him.

MAN IN BLACK:Was it you?

JACOB:What do you mean?

Man In Black eyes his brother suspiciously for a moment, but quickly moves on from it. He SITS next to him on the log.

MAN IN BLACK:Do you ever get...visitors?

JACOB:Aside from the people you send to try and kill me?

MAN IN BLACK:I’m talking about someone that is above all of this.

JACOB:We both know there is a God above all of this.

MAN IN BLACK:Answer my question. Has someone like this visited you, directly?

Jacob doesn’t respond.

MAN IN BLACK (CONT.):All right. You don’t have to answer. I know you’ve been visited...because I was visited as well.

JACOB:I doubt it was the same thing.

MAN IN BLACK:Nevertheless...clearly, there is something bigger at play here than our little spat.

JACOB:Didn’t you believe that all

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MAN IN BLACK:Sure, I believed it just as you have. It’s just strange being confronted with it.

JACOB:What happened?

Man in Black remains silent.

JACOB (CONT.):It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change a single thing about our situation.

MAN IN BLACK:I don’t exactly believe a benevolent God sent this messenger. So who sent it?

JACOB:I don’t know but there are two sides to every story.

MAN IN BLACK:Oh, I’m more than aware of that. But perhaps you shouldn’t be so sure that the same thing hasn’t happened to you.

JACOB:I am doing God’s work.

MAN IN BLACK:So you’d like to think.

JACOB:Did you come here just to lecture me again?

MAN IN BLACK:I came ask you to pray for me.

Jacob looks to him in surprise.

JACOB:You should pray yourself. Maybe it will be answered.

MAN IN BLACK:Don’t patronize me.

(beat, sincere)I want you to pray for me. Will you do this for me, Jacob?


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Jacob looks into his eyes. MIB seems genuine.

JACOB:What is it?

MAN IN BLACK:I want you to ask God or whatever it is that you pray to...that the thing that visited me...will never visit me again.

JACOB:What happened, brother?

MAN IN BLACK:It’s not what happened. It’s knowing that it can use me.

JACOB:And how would that make you different from anyone else on this Island? The people you terrorize?

MAN IN BLACK:I’m just a prisoner trying to escape. But we don’t need to go over all of that again, do we?

JACOB:I’d rather not.

MAN IN BLACK:Please. Just as my brother...pray that this thing never crosses my path again.

Jacob takes a long beat, then finally answers.

JACOB:Okay...on one condition...I want you to tell me something. You said that our mother visited you a few times...our real mother...

(pause, sincere)What was mother’s name?




Another TITLE CARD reads: “Istanbul, Turkey” - “May 1948”

Inside of a KITCHEN in this modest HOME in Istanbul, we witness a FIVE-YEAR-OLD BOY with bright BLUE EYES as he sits


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quietly at a table.

His MOTHER, a twenty-something Turkish woman named Sabiha, is cooking dinner as we join the two of them. All conversation is in Turkish, SUBTITLED. She addresses her son.

SABIHA:Erdem, go and get your father.

ERDEM:Where is he?

SABIHA:He is outside. Go and tell him that dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

Erdem quietly RISES out of his chair and moves OUTSIDE.


Just outside a TURKISH MAN, maybe thirty years old, sits in a CHAIR shaving his lathered-up face. He has a straight RAZOR in one hand and a MIRROR in the other. Soon his son is HEARD.

ERDEM (O.S.):Father, it’s time to eat.

After hearing that, his father – Fuat - speaks.

FUAT:I am almost done.

Erdem stands outside a doorway waiting on his father. Fuat finishes shaving his face and places the razor down next to him. He still clutches the mirror as he looks to his son.

FUAT (CONT.):Come here.

Blue-eyed Erdem quietly walks over near to his father.

Fuat sticks the mirror up in front of his face. He is very stern and seems quite authoritarian.

FUAT (CONT.):What do you see?

We SEE what Erdem sees – simply a reflection of himself.

ERDEM:I see myself.

FUAT:What about your eyes?

ERDEM:I see them.


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FUAT:No. What is it about your eyes?


I don’t know...they are blue.

FUAT:That’s right.

He places the mirror aside and grabs his son by the shoulders in order to pull his son closer to him, now eye to eye as he sits in the chair looking at him.

FUAT (CONT.):I do not have blue eyes. My father and my brothers did not have blue eyes. Your mother’s parents and sister and brothers did not have blue eyes.

He sits as if he’s waiting for a response from his son.

FUAT (CONT.):Do you understand what this means?


FUAT:It means...either you’re very special...

(pause, menacing)Or your mother has some explaining to do.

ERDEM:I don’t understand.

FUAT:One day you will.


TITLE CARD reads: “Twelve Years Later”


Another TITLE CARD reads: “May 16th, 1960” Obviously we have moved ahead quite a bit –twelve years since the previous scene and sixteen years since the opening scene.

We join as a BEAUTIFUL BLONDE (in her early twenties), looking very ‘Othery’, is hanging up CLOTHES on a CLOTHESLINE outside on the sunny Island.


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She is in the midst of ‘Others Camp’, which is not too dissimilar to the 1954 scenes we saw in Season 5 of the original series.

As she hangs some more clothes, soon she is not alone.

ALPERT (O.S.):Ellie.

Obviously, this is Eloise Hawking. And Alpert looks the same as ever, as you would expect. Alpert carries SOMETHING about the size of a football wrapped in a CLOTH. The conversation is light and friendly throughout.

ELOISE:Time for my on-the-job training?

ALPERT:No. As I’ve told you a hundred times, it’s up to you to lead this group as you see fit.

ELOISE:That’s a lot of power to give to a woman in this day and age.


What can I say? We’re a progressive group.

ELOISE:I know how things are. I’ve been here for most of my life.

Richard gestures towards the CLOTH in his hand.

ALPERT:I brought you a gift.


Being the new leader is a gift in and of itself.


Believe me, I know how much of a gift it is being the leader. But I’m done filling in. These last sixteen years were plenty.

ELOISE:So what is it? The gift?

ALPERT:First of all, it’s not a gift because you were just chosen as


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our new leader. It’s actually a birthday gift.

ELOISE:How did you know it was my birthday?

ALPERT:It’s from Charles. He told me when to give it to you.

He hands it over to her and soon she UNWRAPS the cloth to find a WINE BOTTLE with a short and sweet NOTE attached to it. We SEE the note – “Happy Twenty Three, My Dear Ellie”.

ELOISE:Charles is a softy at heart.

ALPERT:You could have fooled me.

ELOISE:When is he getting back?


ELOISE:Whose turn is it to replace him?

ALPERT:You ask me that as if I’m still the Leader. You get to decide.



TITLE CARD reads: “London, England” then “May 23rd, 1960”

We open in a basic business OFFICE appropriate to London in 1960. A thirty-something BLACK MAN, wearing a suit and tie, SITS here in a chair listening to a RADIO.

The RADIO is broadcasting a NEWS REPORT.

NEWSMAN ON RADIO:He was captured and brought back to Israel just last night...

We don’t get to hear too much before this Suited Black Man is joined by someone just ENTERING the room.

NEWSMAN ON RADIO (CONT.):He could be put to death if the jury finds him guilty of the charges levied against him...

This man looks very familiar, twenty-three years old, fair-


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haired, blue-eyed and he too wears a suit. He’s British.

BLUE EYED MAN:Turn that off.

The Suited Black Man turns the radio OFF, then speaks. He has an American accent. Blue Eyed Man remains standing.

SUITED BLACK MAN:The Mossad captured Adolf Eichmann and brought him to Israel just last night.

BLUE EYED MAN:Who cares?

SUITED BLACK MAN:Who cares? I care, Charles.

CHARLES WIDMORE:That war is over, Terrence.

Charles is still standing throughout.

TERRENCE:We still have to see that these people are punished.

CHARLES WIDMORE:Shouldn’t you be doing some work instead of listening to the radio?

TERRENCE:I tried recruiting this’s hard to get people interested. We should probably change the name.

CHARLES:What’s wrong with Midway Telecommunications?

TERRENCE:We need something snappy. I was thinking...something like the Mid-Tel Organization.

CHARLES WIDMORE:(disinterested)

Fine with me.

TERRENCE:I’ll have to run it by Richard.

CHARLES WIDMORE:No you won’t. They are choosing the new Leader when I get back.


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TERRENCE:So you think you’ll be chosen the new Leader, Charles?


Whom else would they choose?

TERRENCE:Fair enough.

(beat)Am I leaving with you?

CHARLES WIDMORE:No. In fact, I came to say goodbye to you Terrence. I’ve got somewhere I need to go before I leave tomorrow.

Terrence STANDS, eager.

TERRENCE:I can go with you.

CHARLES WIDMORE:No. This is personal business.



We open on two ENGLISH WOMEN, inside of a ROOM at a NURSING HOME here in 1960 London. Both women are in their late forties to early fifties.

One of the women is lying in BED – catatonic and uncommunicative. The other woman sits in a chair next to the bed and is reading the BIBLE ALOUD to her as we join them.

SITTING WOMAN:“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth...”

Twenty-three-year old Charles is now visible in the doorway. From a distance, he looks onto the woman lying in the bed.

SITTING WOMAN (CONT):“And the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending...”

She notices Charles standing there and STOPS reading. Charles soon notices that she has spotted him.

SITTING WOMAN (CONT.):May I help you?


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SITTING WOMAN:You know the story?

CHARLES WIDMORE:I remember reading about it long ago...when I was a child.

Still in the hallway, he looks to the catatonic woman lying in the bed. The sitting woman seems very nice and pleasant.

SITTING WOMAN: I just finished reading her the whole thing for the umpteenth time. I started with Genesis again just this morning.

CHARLES WIDMORE:Why not try a different book?

Finally, she seems a little uncomfortable.

SITTING WOMAN:Is there something I can help you with?

He steps INSIDE the room, then slowly CLOSES the door.

This makes her uneasy, she RISES from her chair.

WOMAN (CONT.):I’d appreciate it if you left the door open.

Charles takes a few steps towards the bed. Then he speaks.

CHARLES WIDMORE:It’s my understanding you are the only member of her family that comes to see her.

WOMAN:That’s right. I’m her sister, Clarissa McDougal.

CHARLES WIDMORE:I know who you are.


CHARLES WIDMORE:You’re my aunt. My mother’s sister.

He looks down to Alice lying in the bed.

We now get a good look at Alice Widmore, alive but completely


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unresponsive. Charles’ aunt is now in high emotional shock.

AUNT that you?

She is now crying, moving towards him to get a better look. She reaches him and caresses his face. He is emotionless.

AUNT CLARISSA (CONT.):It is you, isn’t it?

Charles stands silent looking on to his mother. Clarissa is trying her best to hug him, but he remains unmoved.

AUNT CLARISSA (CONT.):Where have you been Charles? Where were you?

CHARLES WIDMORE:I don’t want any more questions.

AUNT CLARISSA:Charles...everyone thought you were dead...

CHARLES WIDMORE:I won’t be staying.

AUNT CLARISSA:Charles...your father...

CHARLES WIDMORE:I know he died in the war. What’s done is done.

AUNT CLARISSA:You have family...they all would want to see you.


No. You will keep this meeting a secret and not tell anyone.

Charles now has moved over to GRAB his mother’s hand. His aunt begins speaking, nervously and still emotional.

AUNT CLARISSA:They found her floating out there...she was already like this.

She expects him to say something but he says nothing.

AUNT CLARISSA (CONT.):It’s been over eighteen years, Charles...won’t you tell me where you have been?


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CHARLES WIDMORE:I will not be back for quite some time, probably several years. But one day I will be able to reward you for your loyalty to my mother.

AUNT CLARISSA:Charles, I don’t want anything from you but for you to assist in making your mother better...surely she will come out of this with you around!

CHARLES WIDMORE:As I said, I won’t be around.

(beat)Regardless...she won’t get any better. Nothing ever does.

AUNT CLARISSA:You shouldn’t say that, Charles. God watches over us.

CHARLES WIDMORE:It’s a cold and hard world Aunt Clarissa. If you need your Bible to help you get through it...more power to you. But me? I want wealth...because wealth means power...and nothing means more than power.

AUNT CLARISSA:Please don’t speak like this Charles. You just have to have faith in God’s plan.

CHARLES WIDMORE:Faith? I had faith. As I was alone and crying for my mother and father for all those years. I had I had to survive on my own, killing in order to protect. But these days...I only have faith in myself...and nothing more.



Eloise is alone in her tent, sleeping, when Richard Alpert and an unknown RANDOM OTHER carrying a TORCH quickly arrive. The


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Random Other remains outside and silent throughout. Alpert enters the tent, speaking.

ALPERT:Eloise, wake up!

Alpert moves over to SHAKE her awake and soon, she is stirring around. Eloise, now half-awake, looks around the tent, getting her wits about herself.

ALPERT (CONT.):We have a new guest.

Eloise is about halfway out of her ‘bed’ while replying.

ELOISE:Is this really something you needed me for?

ALPERT:This is something for the Leader to handle.

ELOISE:Three days in and I’m already getting woken up in the middle of the night. Wonderful.

ALPERT:It’s a little different than normal, Eloise.

ELOISE:How so?

We switch scenes before he can answer.

Now – in the DARK - OUTSIDE the tent, we witness a semi-circle of THREE random Others – all unknown and practically faceless out here in the dark – as they stand above a fourth person, SOMEONE who is sitting on a LOG nearby. We can’t tell much about that person either.

As Eloise, Alpert and the Random Other with the torch are heading their way, ONE of the three Others standing in the semi-circle approaches Eloise.

He’s a medium sized but handsome and stocky young White Man about Eloise’s age – early twenties with a dark brown BEARD. But before he can speak Alpert addresses him.

ALPERT:I already filled her in, Klein.

Klein then addresses Eloise.

KLEIN:I’m sorry Eloise. I didn’t want to wake you but Richard and I


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thought you needed to see this.

ELOISE:No need to apologize, Ethan. I’m the Leader, so I suppose I should start leading.

By now Richard, Eloise and Klein have moved back over with the other few Random Others standing above this person that still remains UNSEEN to us. Eloise looks down at the person.

ELOISE:How on earth did she get here?

We now SEE the person, a TEENAGE GIRL, about seventeen years old. She has a BLANKET WRAPPED around her. She is White but has dark features, pretty, but is very shy.

KLEIN:She hasn’t said anything yet. She won’t even react to us.

Eloise, fairly close to her in age (six years difference) KNEELS DOWN to see her eye to eye, speaking.

ELOISE:How did you get here?

The girl just slightly shakes her head in confusion.

ALPERT:She probably doesn’t speak English.

The girl looks to Eloise and Eloise reaches out a comforting HAND to place on her leg, still covered by the blanket.

ALPERT (CONT.):Eloise...look at her stomach.

Eloise shoots Richard a look as if to say “uh, what?” But soon Richard gestures ‘just look’, and she’s soon opening the blanket as the girl still sits here – speaking softly to her.

ELOISE:We’re not going to hurt you.

By now Eloise sees what Alpert wanted her to see – and soon we will see it too – this girl is noticeably PREGNANT.

Once the girl is aware that Eloise realizes she’s pregnant, she begins to become emotional. Eloise reacts empathetically and puts her arm around her – pointing to herself as she speaks to her.

ELOISE:Ellie. My name is Ellie.

She smiles at her and the girl understands.


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ELOISE (CONT.):I was from London, England.

The girl smiles and nods ‘YES’ and finally speaks.

RUTH: (in broken English)

I am from Russia. My name is Ruth.

Eloise quickly looks to Alpert and Alpert responds as if they both know what this means.


(pause)I’ll go wake up Leonid.

BEGIN TITLE SEQUENCE. The traditional floating LOST SEQUENCE BEGINS with some differences.

1. The floating “LOST” comes through on a RED BACKGROUND.

2. The letters L, O , S, T alternate from WHITE to BLACK.

3. The word “ADVERSARY” is stylistically displayed beneath it, in smaller text, as we pass through the ‘O’.


We are back in Istanbul in 1948 and flashing back to see Erdem, the five-year-old we had seen previously.

He is ALONE in his BEDROOM as we join him and soon HEARS some commotion outside his bedroom. Actually it’s the sound of a man and woman carousing together – the woman LAUGHS.

Erdem’s curiosity gets the best of him and he moves over to the door. He grabs the DOORKNOB and slowly turns it to open.

He barely cracks the door open and SPIES through it – and we see what he sees.

His father Fuat – and a WOMAN we don’t know, it’s certainly not his mother.

Soon, after watching the two of them playing around with each other, teasing and general lighthearted foreplay – we see that Fuat has noticed a presence watching him.

Erdem quickly CLOSES the door and runs over to his bed.

After a suspenseful beat or two, his DOOR OPENS and his father is standing here – upset.


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FUAT:Erdem! I told you to keep this door closed! Do you want me to punish you?

Erdem sits silent, embarrassed.

FUAT (CONT.):And I will remind you that if you say anything about this to your will regret it. I promise you, my will regret it.



TITLE CARD: “Kaluga, Soviet Union, January 1959”

We open on Ruth Berkovksy, very much not pregnant, as she sits on a COUCH in an average Russian home (for the era).

She is locked in a heated conversation with someone OFF SCREEN. Conversation is all Russian and SUBTITLED.

RUTH:You won’t ever let me do anything! I’m not a child!

We now witness her mother, Eden, in her early forties as she moves over near her, with her voice RAISED.

EDEN:He is four years older than you!

RUTH:What difference does it make? Father was much older than you!

Eden momentarily stops herself, realizing this is true. Nevertheless, she is fully in ‘mom mode’ arguing with her teenage daughter and she continues to bark at her.

EDEN:This is not the same! I was a grown woman! Besides, I didn’t want to move far away and leave my parents behind!

RUTH:You had no parents then!

This was meant to hurt – and it did. Eden becomes upset and Ruth instantly regrets it, moving over to her to speak.

RUTH (CONT.):I didn’t mean that.


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EDEN:I don’t want you to leave.

RUTH:Joseph is here. He will watch after you. Then, after we make lots of money, we can move you out to Hollywood.

EDEN:This is fantasy, Ruth!

RUTH:Shimon wants to be in the movies! He’s really talented!

EDEN:They hate Russians in America.

RUTH:Then he won’t appear in the movies, he will just write them.

Eden clutches her and stares into her eyes.

RUTH (CONT.):Everything will be fine, mother.

Eden is not too happy with this but is becoming resigned.

EDEN:I wish I could...but I cannot stop you. Just promise me that you will behave as I’ve raised you. You are only fifteen.

RUTH:I’ll be sixteen in two months.

EDEN:Just promise me that you will not get married without your brother and I there.

RUTH:I promise.

EDEN:And if you aren’t shouldn’t be doing anything else.

Understanding exactly what she meant, Ruth reacts just as a teenage girl would.


Eden grins slightly as her eyes fill up with tears. She then moves in to HUG her daughter. They share a nice moment.


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TITLE CARD: “Sixteen months later”

Ruth is seen back where we had left her on the Island. She’s out in the dark, surrounded by all these strange Others. Her stomach is covered back up and she sits meekly.

Ellie remains near her and attempting to talk to her.

ELOISE:So you speak some English?


Soon, there are TWO PEOPLE headed their way and they notice.

Richard Alpert leads the way and he is closely trailed by you-know-who appearing just as we first met him. But this time Leonid Razin is looking very ‘Islandy’.

ALPERT:Go ahead Leonid.

Leonid steps forward to eye her, his daughter. Creepy music accompanies this encounter. But soon, Eloise wants to get down to business.

ELOISE:Her name is Ruth. Go ahead, Leo. Ask her all the obvious.

As Razin asks her questions, all communication between Leonid and Ruth is SUBTITLED.

RAZIN:I am originally from Kiev. My name is Leonid.

(beat)How did you get here?

RUTH:Our plane crashed in the ocean.

RAZIN:And you swam all the way to shore?


RAZIN:Brave girl.

(beat)Were you alone?


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RUTH:Just the pilot, my boyfriend...and two others...

RAZIN:And where are they?

She seems reluctant to answer, but does.

RUTH:The pilot was the only one who survived after we hit the boyfriend...he was killed.

She begins crying and Eloise consoles her.

Alpert looks to Razin as if to say ‘well?’

RAZIN:She was in a plane with four others that crashed out at sea.

Alpert is shocked, if not also impressed.

ALPERT:She swam to shore by herself?

RAZIN:(to Ruth, in Russian)

What happened to the pilot?

RUTH:(through tears)

He drowned trying to help me.

RAZIN:So you swam to the shore by yourself?

RUTH:Most of the way...yes.

Razin turns to Alpert and speaks.

RAZIN:She made it to the shore on her own. She is alone.

ALPERT:That’s amazing. She swam all that way...a pregnant girl.

And now Razin is the one that appears shocked.

RAZIN:She’s pregnant?

ALPERT:Yes. Can you believe it? Never


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underestimate a mother’s will.

Razin glares at Ruth’s stomach, covered by the blanket.

ELOISE:That’s enough questions for now.

ALPERT:I still need her full name.

ELOISE:In case she’s on Jacob’s list?

Alpert doesn’t answer that question and looks to Leonid and gestures as if to say ‘ask her’. And he does, in Russian.

RAZIN:Please tell them your full name.

RUTH:Ruth Evaline Berkovsky.

Alpert hears this and immediately LEAVES the area. Eloise has gotten Ruth to stand UP and follow her away to a tent.

Leonid sits back and watches as this happens, concerned.

Soon, he is seen departing the area as well.



In the middle of the random JUNGLE, likely on this very same evening, we witness the dueling siblings as they converse.

RAZIN:I take it you didn’t intervene and help her swim to shore.

MIRIAM:No. I did not. She is obviously a strong girl.

RAZIN:Why didn’t you tell me she was pregnant?

MIRIAM:(ignoring him)

I’d be surprised if her mother didn’t tell her anything about you after all these years...and yet here you are, appearing just as Eden herself could recognize you.

RAZIN:These people have known me as


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Leonid Razin for eight years by now. Haven’t you noticed that I have no interest in hiding from anyone?

(beat)You are getting off the point. She is pregnant.

MIRIAM:She is seventeen years old. She made that decision for herself.

(beat)Why are you so concerned about her being pregnant? Were you planning on doing it yourself?

RAZIN:(feigned offense)

How dare you even suggest that?(pause)

I already have my three children.

MIRIAM:And yet you haven’t paid mind to your son Charles in many years.

RAZIN:I’m here on the Island with him.

MIRIAM:Charles isn’t even here. He has been gone for most of the last year. Although I hear he’s heading back very soon. But who is to say he wasn’t run over by a bus this morning in London? He could’ve been killed at any point...and you would have never known the difference.

RAZIN:What’s your point?

MIRIAM:You can’t use him...because he’s grown dark.

RAZIN:I guess that much is obvious. Yet, it changes nothing, really.

MIRIAM:I know that it does change at least one thing. Instead of having three chances at entering


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RAZIN:Knowing that I needed a child with pure Light was something that I knew you would easily figure out. Besides, I’ll never set foot in heaven. You said it yourself.

MIRIAM:(sighing, moving on)

You know...I overheard a few of them talking about the fact that you look the exact same as you did when you first arrived here.

RAZIN:I was “Alice Widmore” when I first arrived here.

MIRIAM:You know what I mean. When you changed back to the Russian eight years specifically changed so that nobody would be suspicious of your pristine appearance.

RAZIN:I won’t need these clothes for too much longer. We’re nearing the end. My daughter is here.


If you harm the baby in her stomach...

She can’t even find the words to express her disdain.

RAZIN:If her pregnancy somehow gets in my way...her baby might as well be dead already.



It’s a sunny day on the Island as Eloise stands outside her tent talking to a GROUP of maybe a dozen OTHERS. Eloise stands in the middle of this group.

The only recognizable faces here are Leonid Razin who stands to the LEFT of Eloise and further away, to the RIGHT we see


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Ethan Klein, the man we were previously introduced to.

ELOISE:Terrence is staying for another six months but Charles is headed back. He should be here within a week or so.

Suddenly a WOMAN we’ve never met SPEAKS up. She is a middle-aged, average-looking lady with a GERMAN accent. Her name is Gretchen.

GRETCHEN:I’ll volunteer myself to replace Charles.

ELOISE:No, Gretchen. I’ve already made my decision.

She looks to Razin.

ELOISE (CONT.):Recruiting has been miserable. Leonid, you’ve proven yourself to be the best. And we certainly know you can drive the boat when Charles gets back.

RAZIN:Don’t you need me here to translate for the girl?

ELOISE:Her English isn’t so terrible. She lived in America for about a year. We’ll manage well enough. But the important thing is that we begin recruiting more doctors and scientists. The others haven’t been able to convince anyone. We need you Leonid.

RAZIN:Haven’t I done my time?

ELOISE:The people made me the Leader. And this is my decision.

Eloise nonchalantly ducks back INSIDE her tent.

The rest of the crowd disperses as Razin stands here for a moment. He’s not happy with her decision but doesn’t seem to react too strongly. His eyes then catch glimpse of Klein who is beginning to leave.


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Klein STOPS but never makes eye contact with him while stopping and addressing him.

KLEIN:What is it Leo? You want me to offer to take your place?

By now it is just the two of them standing here. Razin is peering at him as Klein simply looks away.

RAZIN: It’s rude not to look at a man when he’s talking to you.

KLEIN:Just get to it. What do you want?

RAZIN:Look me in the eye.

Klein doesn’t. He appears unaffected, replying.

KLEIN:I’ve got some things to do Leo.

After that, Klein begins walking away. Razin is miffed.


Klein doesn’t acknowledge him and keeps walking.



Inside of Jacob’s CHAMBER within the plinth of the Four-Toed Foot statue, in a TIGHT SHOT, Jacob sits staring at the ground as if he’s contemplating something. Then, after a beat – we HEAR a man’s voice before we see the man speaking.

ALPERT (O.S.):I’m sorry I had to bother you with this.

Now we see Alpert standing before Jacob. Jacob doesn’t seem concerned at all throughout the conversation.

ALPERT (CONT.):I thought it was urgent.

(pause, no reaction from Jacob)From the looks of it, I’d guess she was at least six, seven months pregnant...but she could be further along than that.


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Jacob remains unaffected. Disappointed, Alpert tries again.

ALPERT (CONT.):Berkovsky. That name was on the last list you gave me.

JACOB:I am aware.

(beat)Was there anything else?


(beat, perplexed)What should we do?

JACOB:Same as always.

Alpert still appears confused, wanting more from him.

ALPERT:This is the first time a pregnant woman has appeared on your list and it’s a teenager at that. How should I handle this?


Business as usual, Richard.

Again, Richard seems unsatisfied, he sighs and moves on.

ALPERT:I may not see you again before then, so I thought I’d tell you...I’m going to California next year to test John Locke.

JACOB:I’m leaving all of those things up to you, Richard.

ALPERT:You’re not going to give me instructions on any of this?

JACOB:No. And don’t ask me anything like that ever again. It’s up to you to make those choices.

Jacob remains unaffected while Alpert appears lost.


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TITLE CARD reads: “June 4th, 1960”

It is the early morning and Ruth is already awakening inside a TENT by herself. We view her for a few moments as she comes around, YAWNING.

Suddenly, as seen from INSIDE, someone arrives just outside the tent in the form of a SHADOW at the entrance to the tent.

MAN’S VOICE:Good morning. Are you awake yet?

Ruth hesitates for a second, but answers quietly in English.

RUTH:Uh, yes.

Soon the man that just spoke ENTERS and we see that it is Ethan Klein. He carries some prepared FOOD for her.

KLEIN:I brought you breakfast.

Ruth appears shy, evoking her mother.

Klein approaches and gently sets the food nearby, speaking.

KLEIN (CONT.):My name is Ethan Klein. I was just...concerned for you.

Ruth sits quietly at first, then softly speaks.

RUTH:Klein? Are you Jewish?


(beat)I’m sorry, but do you understand English very well?

Ruth shrugs her shoulders as if to say ‘I suppose not’.

KLEIN:(in Russian)

Will you please not tell anyone that I can speak Russian?

Ruth is surprised but after a moment nods ‘okay’. The rest of their conversation is quiet and in Russian – SUBTITLED.

KLEIN (CONT.):Where are you from?


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KLEIN:Are your parents still around?

RUTH:My father was killed during the war. My mother is at home...with my brother.

KLEIN:When you told us how you got here to this Island, you mentioned your boyfriend...

This seems to upset her, tears begin to fill her eyes.

KLEIN (CONT.):I’m very sorry, Ruth. I didn’t mean to –

Before he can finish – Eloise has come into the tent. She notices that Ruth is crying.

ELOISE:What the hell are you doing in here Klein? Why is she crying?

KLEIN:I was just talking to her...

ELOISE:You need to leave. Go and help Leo move his things down to the shore. We’re expecting Charles back at any moment.

Klein then glances at Ruth - then back to Eloise. Eloise is waiting for him to leave – soon he nods ‘okay’ and leaves.



Over off in the BACKGROUND, we see a TRAWLER parked out in the water maybe thirty yards away near an EXTENDED DOCK.

Here in the FOREGROUND, on the BEACH – twenty-three-year-old Charles is unloading his stuff, various SUITCASES and such.

Ethan Klein is helping Charles at the moment while Leo Razin sits about twenty yards away – in the sand – with a few of his own suitcases nearby – he smokes a cigarette, while not lifting a finger. A fourth person is here too – Gretchen, the German ‘Other’ we briefly met previously. She’s unloading some bags along with Klein. Charles speaks to Gretchen first.


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CHARLES WIDMORE:I suppose that’s all of it. Thank you for the help Gretchen. You can head back.

Gretchen gestures to him ‘you’re welcome’ and promptly EXITS.

CHARLES WIDMORE (CONT.):I appreciate it, Ethan.

KLEIN:No problem, Charles.

Charles then shoots a disapproving glance over at Razin who is just sitting idly in the sand. He then offers him sarcasm.

CHARLES WIDMORE:And thank you as well Leo.

Leo now STANDS and approaches them. Once again, Klein barely even acknowledges Leo’s existence, much less looks at him.

RAZIN:I suppose Klein can help me now.

KLEIN:Afraid not.

Awkward moment, Charles breaks the tension, speaking to Leo.

CHARLES WIDMORE:I’m surprised you are going out there yet again. You and I spent all of ’55 off the Island and if I recall correctly, you had already been there for a year.

RAZIN:Yes. And all of ’57 as well.

CHARLES WIDMORE:Yet you’re volunteering again?

RAZIN:No. This assignment is at the behest of our dear Leader.

CHARLES WIDMORE:Yes, well, Richard can be an occasional thorn in the side.

RAZIN:I’m not talking about him. I’m talking about your girlfriend.

Charles appears as if he thinks it was a joke, then soon notes that it wasn’t. He looks to Klein for confirmation.


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KLEIN:We had the vote several weeks ago Charles.

Charles is not happy with this at all.

CHARLES:I’ll soon be back for the rest of my things.

He grabs two suitcases and storms OFF leaving Razin and Klein standing here on the beach. After a few beats, Klein grabs the rest of Widmore’s belongings and begins to LEAVE.

Razin calls to him. Again, no eye contact made by Klein.

RAZIN:You aren’t going to stay and help me?


While Klein is stopped, Razin approaches him, aggressively.

RAZIN:This is not very subtle.

KLEIN:I don’t know what you mean.

RAZIN:Two years you’ve been here and not once have you ever looked me in the eye.

(pause, anger)She sent you here didn’t she?

KLEIN:I’ll catch you later, Leo.

Klein, never making eye contact, tries to leave but Razin physically GRABS him by the shoulder and STOPS him.

RAZIN:It will never work.

KLEIN:Have fun loading your stuff Leo.

Klein now leaves, unabated. Razin stares him down from behind as he walks away, highly perturbed.



Ellie and Charles are now INSIDE her tent – ‘reuniting’ with each other as two young lovebirds might do. Standing together


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and KISSING, Eloise is about half-dressed and Charles is shirtless. Eloise stops him.

ELOISE:We can’t do this here...



In the middle of camp? In broad daylight?

CHARLES WIDMORE:We have a tent to hide us. It’s as good as anywhere else.

He moves in to KISS her again, she responds, teasing.

ELOISE:Now Charles, there is an impressionable young girl here...we can’t set a bad example...even though she is pregnant.

He’s smiling and still trying to get ‘closer’ to her.

CHARLES WIDMORE:No more joking around Ellie.

ELOISE:Actually...I’m not joking.

Charles stops for a moment.

CHARLES WIDMORE:What? A pregnant girl is here?

ELOISE:Yes. I have her put up in a nice, shady tent away from the noise. She’s a Russian girl.

CHARLES WIDMORE:Russian? And Leo is going away?

ELOISE:I had to make a choice...trying to be the Leader.

Reminded of his disappointment, Charles suddenly appears less interesting in fooling around with her.

ELOISE (CONT.):I know you wanted to be the Leader. Please don’t be mad at me...I love you.


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Charles is picking up his shirt and putting it back on. Safe to say his mood has noticeably shifted.

CHARLES WIDMORE:I went to see my mother for the first time.

Eloise is taken aback. He continues on, serious.

CHARLES WIDMORE (CONT.):And also...I went and personally verified all the’s true...our fathers died on the same day, just as Richard has told us for all these years.

The mood has completely changed in this tent. She’s somber.

ELOISE:My mother?

CHARLES WIDMORE:No idea. But since Richard told us the truth about our can assume what he said about your mother is true. She’s dead.

Eloise is obviously upset by merely hearing those words.

ELOISE:And your mother...?

CHARLES WIDMORE:She’s a lost cause.

Charles doesn’t say another word as he EXITS.



TITLE CARD reads: “June 23rd, 1960”

Leonid Razin, same appearance as ever, stands on a FRONT PORCH of a nice home. As we are here with him, we are able to deduce that he has already knocked and is waiting for someone to answer the door. After a few beats, that door is answered.

Standing here is a man that is more than stunned initially at the sight of him but soon after, grows quite FEARFUL.

It’s a sixty-year old Alexei Bakunin, grayed hair. Leonid is calm with these words. SUBTITLES.

LEONID:Hello Alexei. May I come in?

We don’t see Alexei answer him but soon we are INSIDE.


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Now we’re in Alexei’s LIVING ROOM. It’s a nice but unremarkable Russian home appropriate to the era.

Alexei sits on a COUCH staring at the floor as Leonid stands above him peering around his house.

RAZIN:Where is your wife?

Alexei just sits silent initially. Scared.

RAZIN (CONT.):The quicker you answer my questions, the quicker this visit will be over.

He finally answers, but he’s not looking at him.

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:My wife is visiting her sister.

RAZIN:And how is your son?

Alexei is nervous, finally looking up at him.


RAZIN:And your grandchild?

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:I don’t have one. Yuri isn’t married.

RAZIN:Oh, I see. You’ve convinced him not to have children.

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:He’s only twenty-six. He’s been busy. He works in intelligence...just as we were.

RAZIN:“We” say that as if I am actually Leonid Razin.

(beat)You haven’t remarked about my appearance. I age well. Don’t I?

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:What do you want from me Leo?


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RAZIN:I want you to finish what you promised so many years ago.

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:You want me to go kill a child?

RAZIN:No. I want you to do something else...but I’m not telling you in advance.

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:Did I not do enough for you already? Why me?

RAZIN:Truth is, I was already in the neighborhood and I thought I would just come by and see you.

Bakunin remains quite uncomfortable with his presence.

RAZIN (CONT.):I just thought it would be much easier for you and I to handle this particular matter. Then, we would be all square.

ALEXEI BAKUNIN:Do what you have to do Leo...but I am not getting involved with you...ever again.

Razin sarcastically gestures, “well, that’s a shame” as if he needed to manufacture his own disappointment.

RAZIN:Suit yourself, Alexei.

He begins to leave but then stops himself near the door.

RAZIN (CONT.):If you happen to see me again, Alexei...just will not be pleasant in the least.

Alexei doesn’t respond and Leo heads out the door.



TITLE CARD reads: “Istanbul, 1948”

Five year old Erdem is seen walking into the living room at his home in Istanbul.


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His mother sits here KNITTING. He looks at her, longing to say something. After a few beats, she soon notices.

SABIHA:What is it Erdem? I can tell something is troubling you.

The boy doesn’t want to say anything.

SABIHA (CONT.):If you can’t tell your mother, whom can you tell?

ERDEM: You were gone last night.

SABIHA:You know that I was at your grandmothers’ house. So what is it? Did something happen?

ERDEM:Father locked me in the room.

SABIHA:Why? What did you do?


SABIHA:You must have done something.

ERDEM:No. Father wanted to be alone.

SABIHA:So why are you telling me this?

ERDEM:He wasn’t alone.

SABIHA:Then who was with him?

Erdem takes a very long beat, then answers.

ERDEM:Uncle. what’s the big deal?

ERDEM:I don’t know.

His mother sighs and immediately resumes her knitting. Erdem doesn’t tell her. He simply walks away.


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TITLE CARD reads: “July 8th, 1960”

On the sandy beach, Jacob is plopped down staring out to the sea. He’s all by himself, thinking about something, when soon he looks down to the undisturbed sand near to him.

He glances at it for a moment and begins to twirl his finger in the sand, and soon he is either drawing or WRITING.

He soon makes the letter “C”, then an “L”. We now watch his face as he grows emotional, still writing. As he continues to write, he is crying by now. Then we see what he has written.


After a beat, he STANDS and leaves the beach.



Now INSIDE the LIGHTHOUSE, up by the mirrors and the rotating wheel, he quickly moves over and begins rotating the wheel.

We see that he lands on ‘72- Berkovsky’.

Looking through the mirrors, we see Eden’s home in Kaluga. She is by herself, appearing sad.

Jacob is seen, becoming angry – then shouting aloud as if someone was listening.

JACOB:Where are you?

He’s looking around the Lighthouse now.

JACOB (CONT.):What am I supposed to do? Aren’t you going to tell me?

Again, looking for a sign, anything.

JACOB (CONT.):Jeremiah! She’s a mother!

Finally, realizing he’s alone up here, he collects himself and calmly speaks as if anyone was listening.

JACOB (CONT.):It’s my decision. I know.



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TITLE CARD reads: “Kaluga” then “July 15th, 1960”

Forty-four-year old Eden Berkovksy is sitting on the couch in the LIVING ROOM of her home. She is on the TELEPHONE talking as we join her – SUBTITLED.

EDEN:I’m glad you arrived there safely, Joseph. Hopefully you can figure out why she was going to Hawaii in the first place.

She is upset but collected, as the other end of the conversation remains silent.

EDEN (CONT.):Just be careful my son. I don’t want to lose my last child.

She listens to the other end one last time.

EDEN (CONT.):Okay. I love you Joseph. Be safe. Call me if you hear anything else.

She hangs up the phone. Soon, she has RISEN up and is seen walking towards her kitchen.

We stay here at a POV in the living room as we watch her just about to enter her kitchen, when she suddenly STOPS in her tracks and lets loose of a single blood-curdling SCREAM.

She has her hand over her mouth and slowly steps BACKWARD.

She is staring at something (unseen) that is in her kitchen.

Spooky spine-tingling MUSIC BEGINS as she backpedals, in shock and horror, away from the kitchen.

And soon we see what has upset her. It’s Leonid.

He slowly walks toward her as she moves backward.

Again, he looks the same as ever. There is no mistaking him and soon Eden has backed all the way and he follows her – almost willing her to SIT on the couch and she does.

He stands before her. She is pale as a ghost, in shock. SUBTITLED from Russian.

RAZIN:Take heart. Our daughter is alive and well.

Eden is scared, furious and upset all at the same time.


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RAZIN (CONT.):How are you my dear?

Eden doesn’t even know if she should speak to him or not. But after biting her tongue for a long beat, soon she YELLS OUT.

EDEN:Miriam! Help me!

RAZIN:Oh, you’re calling for my sister again, are you? Your “guardian angel”, as you once called her.

Eden doesn’t respond, horrified.

RAZIN (CONT.):My sister doesn’t know I’m here. She is presently watching over our daughter whom will soon give birth to your first grandchild.

That statement has visibly troubled Eden.

EDEN:No! You didn’t!

RAZIN:No. I didn’t. Her boyfriend got her pregnant. But he is no longer with us.

EDEN:Shimon? You killed him?

RAZIN:No. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t kill people, my love.

(pause)Although, I must admit...had I had the chance, I would have had him killed for desecrating her.

EDEN:Where do you have her?

RAZIN:Nowhere you will ever visit.

EDEN:What are you going to do?

RAZIN:With you or with her?

Evidently a rhetorical question.

RAZIN (CONT.):I’ve come here for two reasons,


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Eden. First of all, I wanted to set my eyes upon you this one last time. And I must say that you are as beautiful as ever.

She is quite uneasy with his compliment.

RAZIN (CONT.):But second of all...I have a deal to offer you.

(beat, business-like)Jeremiah was murdered by Alexei Bakunin. Do you remember him?

She says nothing.

RAZIN (CONT.):I’ll proceed as if you do.

(pause)Not only did he kill Jeremiah, he tried to kill Abner days before his death. Perhaps you can confirm this with my sister if you choose not to believe me.

EDEN:Then you forced him to do it.

RAZIN:Bakunin broke a promise to me and I don’t have time to deal with it another way.

EDEN:(totally incredulous)

You want me to have him killed? You have to be joking!

(smoldering anger)You violated me! You took my husband and my son away from me! You had my brother killed! Why would I believe anything you say? Why would I even entertain the thought of this?

RAZIN:If you dispose of Bakunin for me, I will send something back your way. Something you care tremendously about.

She doesn’t respond.

RAZIN (CONT.):I would just need to hear your


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consent to the deal.

EDEN:I consent to nothing!

RAZIN:Very well...then I shall never see you again, my love.

EDEN:I’m not your love and I never was! I never want to see you again! I hope you burn in hell!


I have to say...the thought of me burning in hell is quite would be like a fish drowning in water.

He slowly turns to leave and begins to reach the door but not before she speaks again, angrily asking a question.

EDEN:Why did you choose me?

RAZIN:For all the obvious reasons any human would have wanted you. At times, I too, simply feel the same urges as your species. And once your brother was gone you were absolutely alone and vulnerable.

EDEN:Just know that I was never alone! I had God on my side!

RAZIN:Yes, at one time you “had” God on your side. And you did nothing wrong and yet God has forsaken you all the same. Such is life as a believer. All the excuses in the world to throw in the towel and still you don’t.

(pause, creepy smile)I also chose you Eden, a believer...I knew God would try to protect you from me. And I knew God would fail in doing so. God has no dominion over me.


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EDEN:God created all that exists. God has dominion over everything.

RAZIN:You created Ruth and yet you have no true dominion over her.

EDEN:Are you saying that you do?

RAZIN:The only dominion I hold is in the power I hold. And since I have more power than all...I have dominion over all.

EDEN:You don’t have power over God.

RAZIN:Then why can’t God stop me?

She doesn’t have an answer for him. He simply BLOWS her a kiss and LEAVES her here, rattled.



TITLE CARD reads: “August 4th, 1960”

A SIGN inside of this office reads: “Mid-Tel Organization.”

As we join him, Terrence, the American Black man we had met previously, is in here working away, writing in a NOTEBOOK.

After a few beats the DOOR opens and Leonid Razin strolls right in. Terrence notices him right away.

TERRENCE:Hey Leo! I’ve been expecting you. I was beginning to think you got lost.

He stands to greet him and SHAKES his hand.

RAZIN:I must confess...I made a detour to my old home in the USSR.

TERRENCE:No problem, Leo.

Razin notices the sign on the wall.

RAZIN:The new name is dreadful.


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Oh yeah? You got any better ideas?

Razin doesn’t return his smile.

TERRENCE (CONT.):Thing is, since we’re going after doctors and scientists, I was going to put “Laboratories” in the name but I wasn’t sure.

RAZIN:Never mind the name. I have something that is actually important to discuss with you.

TERRENCE:Well, I surely hope you can help me try to recruit some –

Before he can finish his statement – the PHONE RINGS. It’s an old school phone, though modern for 1960. Razin appears perturbed at the interruption but Terrence soon ANSWERS it.

TERRENCE (CONT.):Mid-Tel...Laboratories...

Terrence looks to him and WINKS, as if it was clever. Razin is totally disinterested. Terrence is still on the phone.

TERRENCE (CONT.):This is Terrence Klugh speaking.

(beat, listening)Uh-huh. Yeah.

After waiting for a beat or two as Klugh listens to the other end, Razin’s patience has finally worn out.

He moves over and promptly HANGS UP the phone by pressing his finger down on the hang-up on this old-style phone. Terrence is stunned, although he’s generally an easygoing guy.

TERRENCE (CONT.):What the hell, Leo?

RAZIN:I’ve had enough of waiting around. I need you to help me.

TERRENCE:Help you do what?

RAZIN:Look into my eyes.

Terrence is confused but looks into his eyes nonetheless.


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RAZIN (CONT.):You and your wife are expecting a child soon.

TERRENCE:Yeah...I guess Charles told you?

Razin doesn’t respond, only peering into his eyes.

TERRENCE (CONT.): Isn’t it great? Beverly and I are ecstatic. She’s due sometime in January.

Terrence remains upbeat as Razin stares him down intensely. Soon Terrence is no longer smiling – serious.

RAZIN:I want you to agree to go to Istanbul with me. Immediately.

Terrence seems to just want to please him at this point.

TERRENCE:Yeah, sure, Leo. We can go recruit in Turkey. I’ve never been there.

RAZIN:We won’t be recruiting, Terrence. So...are you in?

Like so many others, he’s evidently convinced.

TERRENCE:Yeah. I’m in.



TITLE CARD reads: “August 15th, 1960”

In Ruth’s TENT on the Island, she is AUDIBLY in the middle of LABOR as Eloise and THREE OTHER WOMEN are inside of the tent assisting with the birth. TWO of these women are unknown to us (and will remain unknown to us) – the third is Gretchen.

ELOISE:Just keep breathing, dear.

We are soon OUTSIDE that TENT.

Alpert stands alone when we first join him, maybe 10 yards from the outside of the tent. Soon, Ethan Klein is seen cautiously approaching. He addresses Richard.

KLEIN:Do I need to go get anything else


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for them?

ALPERT:I think everything is good in there Klein, but thanks anyway.

KLEIN:It’s crazy isn’t it?

ALPERT:“Crazy” could apply to a lot of things around this place.

KLEIN:No, it’s just...a pregnant girl shows up here.

ALPERT:That’s the least crazy thing about this place.

KLEIN:But do you think the baby’s gonna be okay here?

ALPERT:We’ll deal with it.

(beat, curious)What is it with you and the girl anyway?

KLEIN:I’m just concerned.

ALPERT:Well, she’s got a lot of people around here looking out for her, so don’t be worried about it.


ALPERT (CONT.):Sounds like we have a new member of the family.



TITLE CARD reads: “September 22nd, 1960” then “Istanbul”

In a DARK corridor where just barely a hint of light creeps in, we witness an unknown FIGURE sitting in a DARK JAIL CELL.

After viewing this figure in silence for a few beats - suddenly a LIGHT SHINES on it. It’s the BEAM of a flashlight and it illuminates a dirty and disheveled TEENAGE MALE, about seventeen years old.


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Soon we will hear a VOICE (off screen) speaking to him. Only the teenager is in view, with the flashlight bearing down upon him. Everything in TURKISH – SUBTITLED.

RAZIN (O.S.):Erdem Karaduman.

Erdem sees what we see – which is nothing but a flashlight pouring out from Razin’s silhouette in the darkness.

RAZIN (O.S.) (CONT.):What did you do?

Erdem is squinting trying to figure out who it is.

RAZIN (O.S.) (CONT.):If you want to be will simply cooperate by answering my questions.

ERDEM:I already admitted that I stole something.

RAZIN (O.S.):Why did you steal?

ERDEM:How many times must I say it...I stole some mother and I were starving.

Razin now SHINES the flashlight on his own face as he speaks. Erdem is now the one in DARKNESS.

RAZIN:Do you believe in God?

ERDEM (O.S.):Absolutely. But what does that have to do with anything?

RAZIN:Look me in the eyes as you answer my next question.

(pause)If I said you could go free and as you walked out of this prison, I’d give you as much money as you could imagine...but in return for this, I would kill someone you don’t know and would never meet...what would you say?

ERDEM (O.S.):What kind of question is this?


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RAZIN:Just answer it.

ERDEM (O.S.):I would say...let me rot in this cell. I was wrong to steal...I didn’t know what else to do.


Suddenly the LIGHT moves STRAIGHT DOWN to the floor and essentially everything is now in the dark, as we hear the SOUND of an UNLOCKING CELL.

ERDEM (O.S.):What is happening?

Erdem’s FACE is then shown in the beam of the flashlight.

RAZIN (O.S.):You’re coming with me.



TITLE CARD: “September 25th, 1960”

Back on the Island we see an OPEN TENT as Ruth sits in a bed (or glorified COT as it were) and holds her BABY in her arms.

It’s just the two of them and after a beat, we see Ethan Klein approaching. Ruth looks up and notices him, smiling.

KLEIN:Hello there Ruth.

She speaks broken English but it’s not terrible.

RUTH:Hello Ethan.

She motions him in and he gently moves IN and takes a KNEE near her and the baby.

RUTH (O.S.):You...want to hold?

He smiles and she soon extends the BABY to him and he cradles it in his arms, speaking.

KLEIN:He’s getting a little bigger since I last held him.

RUTH:Yes. He’s big.

Klein looks outside to see if anyone is within earshot. Nobody


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is around, so he proceeds to whisper in RUSSIAN.

KLEIN:Did you choose a name for him?

RUTH:Yes. Grigori.

Soon she becomes a little sad but manages a smile as well as she speaks quietly in her native tongue.

RUTH (CONT.):Last Christmas...back in Los Angeles...Shimon wanted to take me to see a movie. It was a depressing war movie so I didn’t want to see it...but he said that Gregory Peck was in it and that he was his favorite American actor.

KLEIN:So you didn’t go see it?

RUTH:No. And neither did he.

(beat, somber)We were going to get married as soon as we got back.

She is saddened enough but manages to focus on her son and smile. Klein is still holding the baby, Grigori.

KLEIN:May I ask...Why were you going to Hawaii when you ended up here on this Island?

RUTH:We were just taking a trip. Shimon had been working in construction and saved some money but he couldn’t get hired in the movies. He was a good writer was a stupid idea to think a Russian could get a job in Hollywood in this day and age. We were headed home after going to Hawaii anyhow.

The baby coos and she looks to him as if to say ‘you better give him here’, and he does so, handing the baby over.

KLEIN:Home? As in the Soviet Union?


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RUTH:Yes. I didn’t like Hollywood very much anyway...I suppose we were just...trying to be something we weren’t.

KLEIN:Well, I certainly know what it’s like to pretend to be something you’re not.

RUTH:How so?

He is still warm and friendly, but serious with these words.

KLEIN:Ruth...I was sent here, to this Island, to do something...I was sent protect you.

RUTH:Protect me from what? Everyone has been incredibly nice to me.

KLEIN:That’s because you haven’t tried to leave yet. And you didn’t even know that you aren’t allowed to leave...did you?

She appears confounded by those words.

KLEIN (CONT.):Ruth...will you trust me?

RUTH:I don’t understand.

KLEIN:I need to tell you who I am.



TITLE CARD reads: “October 8th, 1960”

In a WIDE SHOT – we establish that we’re in a VALLEY as we watch THREE PEOPLE (from a distance) as they trudge along.

Upon closer inspection, all three of them are carrying SUITCASES, BAGS and various BACKPACKS and such. It is three people that have just arrived here. Leading the way is Leonid Razin, trailing just behind him is the seventeen-year-old Erdem and following behind both of them is Terrence Klugh.

It is MID-DAY and after watching them for a few beats, Razin


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heads for a SHADY TREELINE nearby and suddenly STOPS.

After having followed him, soon both Erdem and Terrence STOP as well. Razin addresses Erdem in TURKISH (subtitled).

RAZIN:This is far enough Erdem. Leave everything right here.

Erdem doesn’t say anything and begins setting the materials (backpacks, suitcases, etc.) he was carrying down in the grass by a tree – a surprised Terrence speaks up.

TERRENCE:What are we doing Leo?

Razin begins DROPPING his materials as well, as he replies.

RAZIN:Leave everything here.

Terrence seems unsure at first but Leo makes sure he peers into his eyes to emphasize the command. Soon, Terrence is following suit, leaving everything here by a tree.

SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC begins playing. Razin walks over to stare directly into Terrence’s EYES from maybe two feet away.

RAZIN (CONT.):It is time, Terrence.

Terrence looks away, nervous, unsure.

RAZIN (CONT.):I shouldn’t have to repeat anything. You will do this.

Klugh is clearly frightened of him.

TERRENCE:Listen, Leo...I told you I would do it...but it’s a lot easier said than done.

RAZIN:Just get this done and we will all be on our way.

Erdem now approaches, speaking in Turkish to Razin.

ERDEM:What are we doing? I thought you said we were going to a camp?

Razin’s glare digs right into his soul as he responds.

RAZIN:Do not say another word. Go back over there and shut your mouth.


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Erdem is instantly petrified, and cowers back away from them.

Razin looks back into Terrence’s eyes.

RAZIN (CONT.):Remember what I told you...remember the stakes.

TERRENCE:(nearly trembling)

I know...I know. (pause, becoming emotional)

He’s just a boy...



Five-year-old Erdem is back outside his home here in Istanbul sitting on what amounts to a small stone PORCH as his father Fuat, wearing a BLUE SHIRT, wanders up and looks upon him. (All SUBTITLED).

FUAT:What are you doing my boy?


FUAT:Is something troubling you?

His father kneels down to look at him eye to eye.

FUAT (CONT.):What is it son? Tell me.

ERDEM:You were kissing that woman.

FUAT:Did you tell your mother?


FUAT:It wasn’t anything, Erdem. I love your mother...I was just angry with her.

He places his hand on his son’s cheek to look him squarely in the eye.

FUAT (CONT.):It was nothing. I accused your mother of something that she didn't do...and I reacted poorly.


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But it’s all over with. I am not going anywhere.

His father reaches over and embraces him.

Erdem’s EYES GROW WIDE as if he’s REALIZING something.



Back on the Island, Terrence Klugh is going through a particular BAG as we join them. Razin closely watches over him. Erdem is perhaps ten yards away standing quietly.

After a beat or two of viewing Terrence searching around this bag, he finally finds what he was looking for – a PISTOL.



Back in Istanbul, Erdem is now INSIDE his house, emotional but smiling, he quickly runs up to EMBRACE his mother who was standing in the ‘living room’.

ERDEM:I just realized it mother! Everything is okay!

His mother smiles, rubbing his head.

SABIHA:You understand now don’t you?


SABIHA:There are no worries. We will always be together now, Erdem.



Back on the Island, Terrence has the pistol in his hand. Razin is intensely focused in on him.

Suspenseful MUSIC plays. Terrence has tears in his eyes. He is resisting.

RAZIN:Do it now, Terrence! Now!

He slowly moves over to where Erdem is standing. Erdem innocently looks back at him.

And SOON – MIRIAM- is suddenly here standing directly NEXT to


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Erdem. This causes Terrence to look upon her in shock.

Razin screams at him.

RAZIN (CONT.):Terrence! Do it right now!



In the living room of the Turkish home, Erdem is still lovingly clutching on to his mother.

But soon they are joined by someone else – his father Fuat.

Fuat is now noticeably wearing a BLACK SHIRT and he approaches the two of them. Erdem notices his father in the room and his father gently speaks to him.

FUAT:Are you ready, Erdem?

His son has been crying, watery eyes.

ERDEM:I am ready.

His father moves ahead to him and EXTENDS his HAND.

FUAT:Take me with you.



Back on the Island we witness a sad and troubling development which is the inevitable conclusion to this matter.

Seventeen-year-old Erdem lies face down in the GRASS, blood pouring from his head. He’s clearly been murdered.

Nearby Terrence is writhing on the ground, emotionally destroyed with what he’s been forced to do.

And standing here are the two siblings facing down each other. Miriam is her normal stately self but is also somehow visibly FUMING with him at the same time. He is sarcastic.

RAZIN:I’m actually shocked you didn’t intervene.

MIRIAM:I can’t say that I’m surprised by any of your actions...after all, you are the worst of the worst...You wanted your own


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children dead all along.


MIRIAM:And you needed a clear Light. Poor Erdem and his kind soul...

He doesn’t respond, only smiling.

MIRIAM (CONT,):I will intervene and place an arc of protection over Ruth and her child.

RAZIN:That would require a rule and in case you haven’t noticed, it hasn’t been your turn to do that in quite some time...

(pause, grinning)Nevertheless, as long as we are on the subject, my new rule, after all this that you can’t directly intervene with any of my descendants.

(pause, cocky)Never again, sister.

MIRIAM:I can intervene with whomever I want. You can’t take that away from me.

RAZIN:I believe I just did. Try me.

Terrence (OFF SCREEN) is now heard MOANING ALOUD.

TERRENCE (O.S.):What have I done?

Razin quickly BARKS at him.

RAZIN:Terrence! Go where I told you to go and hide! Do it now!

Terrence is still quite upset but manages to RISE to his feet and begins HALF RUNNING away.

MIRIAM:I see you’ve found your new assassin.

Razin ignores her comment.


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RAZIN:It’s your turn to make a rule, sister. So do your worst.

MIRIAM:I’ll save it for now.

RAZIN:Good. I have something I need to be doing anyhow.

MIRIAM:I’ll follow you there.

RAZIN:I’m sure you will. And you’ll be able to see for yourself that you can’t intervene, even with his spirit. After all, I’ve made the rule.

MIRIAM:We shall see...

RAZIN:Yes we will.

SUDDENLY his entire body goes limp and FALLS OVER to the ground. Miriam barely bats an eye and soon DISAPPEARS.

Left here in the grass now are the deceased body of Erdem and the still body of Leonid Razin.



We are now in what amounts to a seemingly endless and COMPLETELY EMPTY SPACE that is ALL-WHITE.

There are only two people here in this space, Erdem, as a TEENAGER, and his father – Fuat, wearing that BLACK SHIRT. They stand apart, maybe fifteen feet from each other.

Erdem is all kinds of shocked, unaware of where he is but also at the mere sight of his father.

ERDEM:Father, is that you?

FUAT:Yes, my son.

ERDEM:You look the same.

FUAT:I realize it has been a very long


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time. But I hope you understand, Erdem...I’m very ashamed of my actions.

ERDEM:Am I...dead?

FUAT:Yes, Erdem. You are dead.

Erdem begins weeping. Fuat finally approaches him, placing his arms around him.

FUAT (CONT.):It’s okay, son. Everyone dies sometime.

(pause)Just understand that this place is better than the place you just left.

ERDEM:Where is mother?

FUAT:She is here as well...but you have to do something first.

ERDEM:What’s that?

FUAT:You must choose the manner of your life review.

ERDEM:Life review?

FUAT:(looking him directly in the eyes)

This is just how it works, are meant to confront the demons that plague you and embrace your life in order to let go and move ahead.

ERDEM:I don’t understand.

FUAT:That’s why I’m help. You must choose something...the most important part of your life...something you didn’t get quite right...something you want to be able to do over again.


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He takes a deep breath and then answers, angry.

ERDEM:Okay...I would chose...when I told mother that you were with another woman.

Erdem instantly breaks the embrace and pushes him away.

He stares at his father with a disapproving ire.

FUAT:It’s all right. I understand.

ERDEM:You left left us!

(pause, bitter)Things were never the same after that. Mother and I struggled so was very hard.

(pause)You thought she cheated on you...and you cheated on her. Still she forgave you and you left all the same!

(pause, remorseful)If I had to do it over again...I would have never told her.

FUAT:I am very sorry about all of that, Erdem. But maybe this process will help you finally forgive me.

Erdem looks around – there is nothing here but WHITE SPACE.

ERDEM:Where are we?

FUAT:This is just the first stage.

ERDEM:The first stage?

FUAT:Yes. And you will soon leave this stage and you will enter the next experience, the one you’ve chosen, as if you were living it over again. But things will be different the second time around.

Fuat then motions with his hand to refer to where they are.


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FUAT (CONT.):And you will not remember any of this. You won’t even realize that you’re dead. But when you come to the will be able to move on.

ERDEM:Move on to where?


(pause)And even though your mother isn’t dead yet, your mother is already waiting for you in the next step. And I will be there too. We can both move on to Heaven with you.

ERDEM:We will all move on together?

FUAT:As long as you forgive me.



Back in “1948 Istanbul” – and something should be implicit now about all these “1948” flashes in this episode. We are again in Erdem’s house in a continuation of a previous ‘flash’. And Erdem is here and his father, wearing the BLACK SHIRT, still stands before him extending his HAND to him.

FUAT:I say again – take me with you. If you are ready, we can leave this place and move on.

Erdem is unsure and quickly looks to his mother who is still in the room as well.


SABIHA:This is your decision, Erdem.

And soon within this room – we suddenly SEE a familiar face.

Miriam has APPEARED here.

Erdem notices her first, then Sabiha. Fuat notices her too and is no longer extending his hand – only looking to Miriam.


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ERDEM:Who is she, mother?

Sabiha shakes her head - “I don’t know” - Miriam remains silent as Fuat approaches her – with a certain intensity.

FUAT:May I help you with something?

Miriam just stares back at him – boiling with hatred.

“FUAT” (CONT.):Can you not speak?

Miriam remains silent, if not practically motionless as well.

“FUAT” (CONT.):I’m sorry but this is a private family matter. I’m going to have to ask you to stay out of it.

Miriam doesn’t go anywhere but is basically frozen still.

“Fuat” turns back to Erdem and speaks – sternly.

“FUAT”:It’s time to make your decision, son. Are you truly ready to go?

He lovingly looks just to his mother and smiles.

ERDEM:Yes, I am ready.

He walks over to grab his mother’s hand, then turns and heads towards a ROOM in the BACK.

This is a ROOM with a CLOSED DOOR, and yet BRILLIANT WHITE LIGHT emanates from behind it (through the cracks). They approach it and “Fuat” follows behind.

As soon as they reach the door, Erdem grabs the DOOR HANDLE.

He looks to his mother and smiles, then looking back to his “father” – Fuat speaks to him as he EXTENDS his HAND again.

“FUAT”:Will you take me with you?

Erdem is no longer smiling, only thinking to himself. SERENE and yet SUSPENSEFUL and DRAMATIC MUSIC begins to PLAY.

We see “Fuat” for a moment as he is still extending his HAND – very eager to go with them. Then as we are BACK ON Erdem – we now see the TEENAGE Erdem standing here holding hands with his mother as they stand outside this door.

Teenage Erdem is not smiling while gazing at his “father”.

“FUAT” (CONT.):Please you forgive me?


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He takes a long beat. The MUSIC DROPS out as he answers.


He immediately OPENS the DOOR – the BRILLIANT WHITE LIGHT fills the ROOM and Erdem and his mother DISAPPER into it.



We see the TWO BODIES of Erdem and Razin lying here in the grass again. After a moment, we soon see the BLACK ORB of LIGHT as it enters the frame and soon ENTERS Razin’s body.

Practically as soon as this happens, his body animates and he STANDS UP and DUSTS himself off.

After another moment, his sister has REAPPEARED here. She is as pissed and disappointed with him as she has ever been.

MIRIAM:I have made my rule. I am placing an ark of protection over someone.

RAZIN:Are you joking? You know good and well that you can no longer intervene with my just witnessed it first hand.

(pause, arrogant)And in case you are wondering, it also applies to the baby.

MIRIAM:I am not saying any more about it. I’ve notified you.

RAZIN:So you’re protecting someone else? It’s Klein, isn’t it?

(pause, almost laughing)Whatever plan that is supposed to will never work.

No reaction from Miriam.

RAZIN (CONT.):You’re wondering why I haven’t had Klein killed yet aren’t you? Well...let’s just say I’m not doing what you expect me to do.

MIRIAM:I have nothing more to say to


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you, brother. The next time you see me, I’ll be sending you back to Hell.

RAZIN:Hell is already here...on Earth.

Miriam then simply DISAPPEARS. Razin appears determined.



Klein is out by himself, secluded out in the jungle somewhere – he’s CHOPPING some WOOD as we join him. But soon he is not alone as Miriam has now APPEARED.

She speaks before he notices her.

MIRIAM:Today is the day.

Her voice takes him by surprise. A little spooked, he just stares at her, remaining in silence for now.

MIRIAM (CONT.):You have had plenty of time to convince her. So now go get her and get the baby out of here.

KLEIN:I’m sorry but...I don’t think she’s ready to go.

MIRIAM:He has returned. You know what you need to just do it.

KLEIN:Will you help me?

POOF! She had disappeared before even hearing his full question.



Terrence Klugh is seen in the random JUNGLE, practically curled up in a ball. He’s upset with himself and soon – some EERIE music plays and we sense a PRESENCE – he is not alone.

He senses it too, looking up – we see what he sees. Miriam.

MIRIAM:Stand up if you want to be forgiven.

Terrence is frightened of her but slowly climbs to his feet,


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still highly distraught and weeping over what he’s done.

TERRENCE:You were there, weren’t you? You saw what I did. Please...forgive me for what I’ve done.

MIRIAM:What did he ask you to do?

TERRENCE:He told kill...or my wife and child would be cursed.

(pause, regretful)He...asked me to kill two people.

MIRIAM:And it was your mistake to agree to that but let’s not dwell on your mistakes. The simple fact is that you don’t have to kill anyone else. You simply turn away from here and you head back to that boat and you wait.


MIRIAM:You will wait for me to tell you what to do. Do you agree?

Still bothered, he nods ‘okay’.

TERRENCE:Leo...who the hell is he?

MIRIAM:Your enemy. Now go.

Soon he does, heading away from this area.



Eloise is by herself, crying for some reason, when Gretchen comes wandering into her TENT and notices.

GRETCHEN:What’s the matter, Ellie?

Sniffling, she begins quickly wiping tears away, acting as if she doesn’t want to be seen in this state.

ELOISE:What’s the problem, Gretchen?


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GRETCHEN:I should be asking you that.

Eloise takes a beat, then finally speaks.

ELOISE:I’m sorry, I just...

(pause, exhales)I was just thinking of my mother and father...they both died when I was very young.

GRETCHEN:What brought all of this on?

ELOISE:Oh, a little bit of everything I guess. I’m sure having a mother and a baby brings those feelings around.

GRETCHEN:Speaking of...that’s why I came in. Klein has been following Ruth around again. He seems to be really taken with her.

ELOISE:I noticed that too.

GRETCHEN:He’s been in her tent every day for the last two weeks. Do you think we should we say something to him about it?

ELOISE:Well, I suppose it’s not so strange. They are both young.

GRETCHEN:And so are you...but you haven’t been able to be young while trapped in this place, have you?

ELOISE:No, I suppose not –

Before another word can be said – a WOMAN IS HEARD SCREAMING from OUTSIDE. Both women quickly DART OUT of the tent.


As Eloise and Gretchen come out – the whole GROUP of DOZENS of OTHERS have come out to see Ruth screaming and CRYING.

Soon Charles Widmore has approached her – with Richard Alpert


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soon showing up as well – both are greatly concerned.

Finally, she speaks – she’s very upset.

RUTH:He took Grigori! He took my baby!

CHARLES WIDMORE:Who took your baby?

RUTH:Ethan Klein!

Charles and Alpert look to each other.

Then suddenly a VOICE from just OFF SCREEN.

MAN (O.S.):It wasn’t me. I’m right here.

We now see Ethan Klein, harmlessly standing here. Ruth YELLS.

RUTH:Where is Grigori?

Charles has now physically grabbed Klein by the SHIRT.

CHARLES WIDMORE:What did you do with the baby, Ethan? Just tell us!

KLEIN:Nothing! It wasn’t me.


We now see Ethan Klein, appearing the EXACT same, silently moving through the JUNGLE with Grigori in his arms.


BACK to Others Camp – we hear and see Eloise addressing Klein who is still being held by Widmore.

ELOISE:If it wasn’t you, Ethan, then who was it?

Klein appears stunned, not knowing what to say.

RUTH:I saw him do it! He said he had to protect the baby!

Reacting strongly to that, Charles now physically SHOVES Klein down to the ground, then he stands over him.

CHARLES WIDMORE:And to think...we always thought that you were one of the good ones.


Page 64: Script Maker Template€¦  · Web view“The Worst of the Worst” Written by. Kevin R. Bunch. Fanfic mini-series; prequel to LOST EPISODE FOUR October 2014 EPISODE FOUR - "THE

(pause, kicking him)Will the real Ethan Klein please stand up?


A) Ethan Klein in the JUNGLE, carrying the baby.

B) Then, Ethan Klein lying on the ground in Others’ camp.

C) Once more, back and forth.

Both appear to be the EXACT same. Indistinguishable.



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