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1. Hi. I'm a presenter 서희림. My topic is 'cultural diversity in Korean society.'

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2. Contents of my presentation consist of the following; first, the definition of the term 'cultural diversity', second, increasing trend of cultural diversity in Korean society, third social response to the trend, and lastly problem and solution of it.

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The definition of the term Cultural diversity the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture. The term is closely related to the term 'multiculturalism.' Multiculturalism refers to the simple fact of cultural diversity. It often relates to communities containing multiple cultures such as schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or nations.

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4. These graphs are the index supporting the fact of increasing diversity in today's society. Graph on the left shows considerable number of international marriage, and graph on the right shows increasing diversity of cultural backgrounds of students. On the basis on the given statistics, Korean society is heading on its way to Multicultural society. Then how are we reacting to this new sociocultural drift?

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5. There have been many trials to overcome racism and establish cultural relativism. Such trials include making public campaigns encouraging elimination of prejudice against different-looking people and providing them with additional educational service in Korean language or other values related to Korean culture. However, ironically this kind of social response resulted in overly emphasizing Korean culture, in other words, ethnocentrism.

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6. Current education system forces different-looking people to be like Korean, speak, act, and eat like Korean. And we force majority of "korean-looking" people to believe the others are actually also Koreans without informing the significant value of cultural diversity in global society. The point here is; do they have to be traditional about Korean culture more than normal people to be respected in this society?

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7. Along with educating them with Korean culture, overall improvement in perception toward cultural diversity is required in Korean society. People have to be aware that Korean society is not a monocultural society and develop proper understanding in the true meaning of diversity. Improved perception will help broaden their insight into multiculturalism rather than forcing, called, "non-Koreans" to fit in the strict frame of being Korean. In that way, people will have a respect toward others even if their nationality is not Korea and that is one way to build global citizenship in Korean society.

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