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Policy Scope: All THAT academies Responsibility: Audit, Risk Management & Policy Committee Date Adopted: 31 October 2016 Review Frequency: Annual Review Date: November 2019

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Contents School Visits Policy 3 Procedures 4 Responsibilities 6 SV1 Form 7 Annexe A: Risk Assessment Form 12 Annexe B: School Travel Insurance Proforma 13 Emergency Card EV7 14 Emergency Card EV8 15 ESRA – Event Specific Risk Assessment 16 Provider Form 17 Educational Visits Checklist 19

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Introduction The Howard Academy Trust recognises that trips, visits and outdoor ‘educational activities’ involve pupils in varying degrees of risk as well as physical challenges. The Academy aims to develop its pupils increased skills and confidence when faced with the physical challenges of living, travelling and learning outdoor activities. The Academy accepts that trips, visits and outdoor activities cannot be completely without risk, but will take all reasonable precautions to protect staff and students' health, safety and welfare and minimise the risk of untoward or dangerous situations. Policy for organising and conducting trips, visits and outdoor ‘educational activities’ All trips, visits and outdoor ‘educational activities’ arranged by The Howard Academy Trust must comply in all respects with the Medway Council guidance document ‘Requirements for Educational Visits’ dated March 2007 or any subsequent later version or amendment superseding this document at the time of the visit as available on ‘EVOLVE’ at This Medway Council guidance document is aligned to, and cross referenced with, the DCSF ‘Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits’ [1998 and supplements 2002]. Educational Visits Coordinator An Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) must be appointed in accordance with Section B of the guidance document, who is competent having practical experience in leading and managing a range of educational visits similar to those typically run by the Academy. The EVC must receive LA training as outlined in DCSF ‘Responsibilities for Overseeing Education Visits 2002’ and should be specifically competent in having practical experience in leading and managing educational visits as run by the academy. Monitoring and Evaluation The policy will be monitored by the Local Academy Board and evaluated by the Audit, Risk Management and Policy Committee every year.

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The following forms shall be completed as necessary for each visit under the requirements of the above guidance document: Approval for Visits All approvals for visits must comply with Section C of the guidance document using the online ‘EVOLVE’ application. In addition, a Trust SV1 form should be completed. Visits involving ‘activities’ If the visit involves ‘activities’ as defined in Section Y of the guidance document, an online Activity Leader Form (ALF) shall also be submitted. Visits involving an External Provider If the services of an External Provider are being employed as a part of the visit, the Provider Form shall be sent to the provider for completion prior to the visit as detailed in Section AA of the guidance document. Event Specific Risk Assessments For each visit, a generic Risk Assessment as attached to the SV1 should be signed and submitted. Any risks considered ‘significant’ and not covered by the generic risk assessment shall be considered and logged on the form Event Specific Risk Assessment (ESRA) on the ‘EVOLVE’ online application. There should be a ‘Plan B’ in place should the main objectives of the trip, visit or activity be unachievable. Plan B must be covered in the Risk Assessment. Communication All staff leading trips will have the contact numbers of the academy and a representative of the academy outside academy hours. Contact details of all students will be held by the academy and the out of hours contact person. Use of private cars If private cars are to be used to transport pupils, this must be approved by the Headteacher/Principal and form EV6 must be completed as detailed in Section L of the guidance document. The vehicle must be insured for business use. Emergency Action Plan An Emergency Action Plan must be drawn up and an Emergency Card – Visit Leader (form EV7) must be carried by the Visit Leader at all times, and an Emergency Card – Establishment Contacts (form EV8) must be held by the Establishment Contacts at all times as detailed in Section X of the guidance document. Data Protection Staff must return copies of any sensitive paperwork relating to individuals to the school office for confidential disposal within 3 working days.

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Notes on visit procedure:

1. SV1

• An SV1 should be submitted before any trip.

• As the SV1 forms the basis of the assessment on whether the trip is approved, the SV1 must be submitted before letters are sent to parents.

• All SV1 forms will be processed within 7 days.

• A copy of the SV1 will be returned to the proposed party leader after processing and at this point letters can be sent to students.

2. Letters to parents/Briefing meetings

• Letters for all visits should include a consent form that requests parental/carer permission for the trip and permission to provide medical treatment in the event of emergency.

• The letter should also include a section which details the level of supervision of pupils during the trip. If remote supervision is going to be employed during the trip, parents should be informed when this is scheduled in this letter.

• The letter should inform parents who they need to contact if they have questions relating to the trip.

• The letter to be sent to parents needs to be attached to the SV1 on submission of the form.

• All trips should involve a briefing to students prior to departure. Residential trips should also include a parents meeting.

• Where the trip/journey has a residential aspect a pre-trip briefing/information evening must be held for all parents/carers

• Information disseminated at parents/carers briefings to be recorded in writing by staff

3. Evolve

• An online application needs to be submitted via

• The Evolve application will only take a few minutes but is necessary to validate the insurance policy that the academy has in place.

• If the generic risk assessment does not cover all aspects of risk, this is especially relevant in adventurous activities, than an ESRA (event specific risk assessment) needs to be completed via the Evolve application.

4. Glenridding Beck

If you are involved - in any way - with an educational visit, you will want to know the most important questions to ask. The following 10 questions cover the main arrangements that should be in place for a visit.

These questions are important whether you are a parent, child, helper, leader, Headteacher/Principal or governor. They are equally relevant to visits run by youth organisations.

1. What are the main objectives of the visit?

2. What is "Plan B" if the main objectives can't be achieved?

3. What could go wrong? Does the risk assessment cover:

• The main activity

• "Plan B"

• Travel arrangements

• Emergency procedures

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• Staff numbers, gender and skill mixes

• Generic and site-specific hazards and risks (including for Plan B)

• Variable hazards (including environmental and participants’ personal abilities and the

‘cut off’ points).

4. What information will be provided for parents?

5. What consents will be sought?

6. What opportunities will parents have to ask questions (including any arrangements for a parents’ meeting)?

7. What assurances are there of the leader(s) competencies?

8. What are the communication arrangements?

9. What are the arrangements for supervision, both during activities and ‘free time’ – is there a Code of Conduct?

10. What are the arrangements for monitoring and reviewing the visit?


1. Staff Heading the Trip/Journey Staff leading the trip are responsible for ensuring that all aspect of its organisation comply with Medway’s guidance document ‘Requirement for Educational Visits March 2007’. All appropriate forms including properly completed risk assessments, the SV1 and on line application EVOLVE, letters to parents/carers must be forwarded to the Educational Visits Coordinator. Staff must inform parents/carers and students of the code of conduct to be followed on the trip/journey. Where remote supervision is in place local maps of permitted areas will be provided

2. Educational Visits Coordinator

The EVC must comply with the expectations outlined in ‘Responsibilities for Overseeing Educational Visits 2002’ (DCSF). All aspects of the organisation of the trip must be checked before approval is given.

3. The Director of Finance and HR

The Director of Finance and HR must ensure that all arrangements for collection and payment of monies related to the trip are in place and all transactions are properly accounted for and annotated.

4. The Headteacher/Principal

The Headteacher/Principal must ensure that all arrangements and administration for the trip/journey comply with the School Visits Policy

5. Chair of Governors

The Chair of Governors must ensure that all arrangements and administration for the trip/journey comply with the School Visits Policy where there is a residential aspect.

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a) Academy name

b) Destination of visit:

c) Principal aims & Learning objectives of visit:

d) Alternative activities if main aims are not achievable:


Departure: ..............……......... Time: ................

Return: ...................………..... Time: ................* Contact academy office if a delay occurs on the day please.


a) Number of Pupils: Form / Year:

b) Adults: i) Name of party leader

ii) Names of other staff

iii) Other adults

Total Adults: Staff/Pupil Ratio:

4 Will an external provider be used as defined in section 29 in the document known as ‘Guidance for Off-Site Visits and related Activities with Evolve’? Yes/No (No go to section 6)

5 If Yes, does the external provider hold an LOtc Quality Badge? If Yes complete the section below, if no request that the provider completes an ‘External Provider’ form.

a) Name Of External Provider:

b) Qualifications:

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6 Will you or any other member on the visit be leading an adventurous activity as defined

in section 21 in the document known as ‘Guidance for Off-Site Visits and related

Activities with Evolve’? Yes/No

If Yes complete the section below.

a) Name:

b) Qualifications:

7 SUPERVISION: Please identify the situations where pupils will be under direct and remote supervision.

a) Direct:

b) Remote:

8 CATERING: Number of pupils that normally take school dinners: ..................……….............................

It is the responsibility of the organiser to inform the Caterer at least one week in advance of the visit. (Failure to notify the canteen will lead to the account being charged by the caterers).


Has permission been obtained from Parents/Guardians in each student’s case for:

i) The pupil's participation on the visit: Yes/No

ii) Medical treatment (eg anaesthetics): Yes/No

iii) Date of parents meeting: (Residential trips only)


i) Contact No. of Trip Leader (Mobile) :

Contact Name: School Reception 8 am to 4.30 pm

Contact Name Out of School Hours:

Telephone No: (Home) (Work)

ii) Have you passed the 'contact' person and the General Office details of all the persons involved in the trip and who to contact in the event of an emergency (telephone numbers etc) – Yes / No

iii) Please identify the member of the Leadership team who will act as contact in times of emergency:

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Name of S & G Account: ....................................................................................................

Costs £ Coach Hire

Coach Parking Fees

Rail Tickets


Entrance Fees/Tickets

Mileage Costs (eg Minibus)

Insurance (Check with Finance Office if overseas trip)

Other Costs


Minimum Amount to be paid per pupil: £ ....................................

12 INSURANCE ARRANGEMENTS (Medway Risk Management and Insurance Service)


Date of Pre Trip Briefing:

Attendance at Briefing: Parents □ Students□ (please tick relevant boxes)

Points raised at Briefing: (please tick relevant boxes)

Behavioural Expectations □ Timings □ Medical Issues □

Travel arrangements □ Emergency Procedures□ Clothing □

Dietary Issues □ Insurance □ Levels of supervision □

Student Parameters □

Others, please list:


Please amend the copy of the generic risk assessment as necessary. If risk falls outside of the items covered on the generic risk assessment an Event Specific Risk Assessment (ESRA) needs to be completed on EVOLVE. Complete online visits form on Usernames and password can be found on the staff area. Failure to do so will result in the trip being cancelled.

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15 AUTHORISED SIGNATURES: *Approval of Governors is required if visit involves overnight stay or overseas


1 Visit Leader: ...........................................… Date: .........………............

2 Line Manager: ........................................... Date: .............. …..........

3 Teacher i/c Cover/ Visits: ...................…………... Date: ...........................

5 Headteacher/Principal: ............……................. Date: ............................

6 Director of Finance / HR: ………………………...…….…..

Date: ...........................

7 *Chair of Governors .........……….....................

Date: ..............…….........

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This section must be completed, detached from the form and returned to the visits co-ordinator within 5 days of the trip returning.


Trip Name:

Party Leader:

Evaluation of trip: (please state if there are any issues with transport, providers or students)

Evaluation against objectives: (please state how the Learning objectives were met)

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Annexe A The Howard Academy Trust

Risk Assessment Form for a School Visit

Visit to: Date of Visit: Group Leader: 1. Hazard Identified

Activity/Situation 2. People at Risk 3. Strategies

Use of Coach Students, Staff Appropriate briefing Hire coach with seatbelts Check pupils Parking in appropriate place

Use of Public Transport

Students, Staff, Members of the Public

Appropriate briefing Check pupils

Pupil separated from main group

Student Warn students not to leave main group Inform students to remain in groups of 4/5 at all times Tell students if separated where they should head to Give students an emergency contact number in case of separation or to contact the academy, ensure students have access to public phones or roaming capacity on their mobiles.

Walking along road, Crossing road

Students, staff Appropriate briefing Adequate supervision

Contact with the public

Students Tell students not to go with strangers

Medical conditions and SEND

Students Check permission slips to identify medical needs and or SEND Strategies to be implemented to deal with any SEND/medical needs If abroad but in the EU all E111 to be collected before departure and travel insurance arranged If abroad and outside the EU travel insurance to be arranged

Unforeseen events Students, Staff Stay with group Alert member of staff in charge of group or alert group leader Put emergency procedures in place

Behaviour of students

Students Appropriate briefing Parents to be informed beforehand of expected behaviour through letter or meeting

Unacceptable behaviour

Students Students reprimanded Contact the academy with a view to returning students/group

I have read and will adhere to the official guidance on school trips as outlined in the document from Medway Council known as ‘Guidance for Off-Site Visits and Related Activities with ‘Evolve’. Signed ……………………………………………….. Trip Leader. If any additional risks exist other than those found on this generic risk assessment an ESRA needs to be filled in on EVOLVE

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Annexe B


Cover is operative only when details have been applied to the Risk and Insurance Section. Please therefore complete the details below for each journey to be undertaken and return to:

Owen McColgan Director of Finance & HR

Please check on day before departure that your visit is insured if an overseas trip

Academy Name


Hazardous Activities

No. Of Children

No. Of Adults

Date of Outward Travel

Date of Return

Pre-existing Medical Conditions?

Failure to provide this information could invalidate the insurance cover for your trip!


If ‘Yes’, please give details to a member of the Central

Operations Finance Team


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Emergency Card (Visit Leader)

This ‘card’ must remain with the Visit Leader at all times on a visit In the event of a significant incident or accident that does not involve serious injury or fatality, and/or is not likely to attract media attention, the Visit Leader should seek advice from their establishment emergency contact(s). This should normally include a member Senior Management of the establishment. In the event of an incident that does involve serious injury or fatality, and/or is likely to attract media attention, the Visit Leader should adopt the following protocol:

1. Assess the situation; 2. Safeguard uninjured members of the group (including self); 3. Attend to any casualties; 4. Call emergency services, if appropriate.

(999 or appropriate local number if abroad, Europe 112, North America 911) 5. Contact the LA Emergency Contact Number (01634 304400) and request the help of Medway Council

Emergency Response.

Medway Council Emergency Contact - 01634 304400 or if abroad - +44 1634 304400 Ask for Medway Council Emergency Response Be prepared to give: Your name and Establishment/Group Phone number & back up phone numbers Exact Location Nature of Incident Number in the Group You will be called back within 30 minutes so try not to make outgoing calls until contact is made. You will be given advice and asked what the Council can do to support you.


• Contact your establishment, EVC or Home Contact (see below) and seek further advice. If you are unable to do this, Medway Council will contact your establishment on your behalf.

• If practicable, delegate party leadership to the Deputy Leader, in order that you can be contactable at all times, and to enable you to coordinate all necessary actions;

• You will be provided with a dedicated number to refer all press, media, parental, or other enquiries to the Council and for continuing contact with the Council during the incident.

• Wherever possible, prevent group members from using telephones or mobiles, or going on-line until such time as this has been agreed by Medway Council.

• Do not allow any member of the group to discuss liability with any other party. When the incident is under control:

• Seek further and full details of the incident, how and why it happened so far as can be established at this stage;

• Maintain a detailed written log of all actions taken and conversations held, together with a timescale – It may be appropriate to ask someone else to do this;

• Contact the British Consulate / Embassy if abroad.

Name Home Mobile


Medway Council Emergency Call Centre (for initial contact during an emergency only)

01634 304400 -

If the visit will be outside normal establishment hours:

Establishment ‘Home’ Contact

Head of Establishment / Chair of Local Academy Body (optional)



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Emergency Card (Establishment Contacts) This ‘card’ must remain with the Medway establishment emergency contact(s) at all times

The establishment’s Emergency Contact(s) should have all visit information, including itinerary, venue details, names, medical information and emergency contact details for all participants including staff.

In the event of being contacted by the Visit Leader (or other member of staff involved in a visit), you should:

• Confirm the phone number at which the caller can be contacted back on;

• Note their location;

• Determine the nature of the emergency;

• Determine the type of help required. If the incident does not involve serious injury or fatality, and/or is not likely to attract media attention:

• Provide the required assistance if possible;

• Seek further advice or pass on details to other establishment contacts who may be able to assist. If the incident does involve serious injury or fatality, and/or is likely to attract media attention:

• Inform the Visit Leader that someone will phone him/her back within 30 minutes;

It is the responsibility of the Visit Leader to contact Medway Council, however circumstances may prevent this. If you are not 100% positive that the Council has been contacted, please contact Medway Council on 01634 304400 and state that you require immediate assistance from Medway Council Emergency Response. Give brief details of the incident.

• Your details will be taken and you will be phoned back within 30 minutes;

• You should also contact the Head of Establishment (if this is not you);

• Medway Council Emergency Response will be brought into action to support the party, the establishment, and the parents. Teams of senior officers are briefed for this role and will provide continuous support from the moment the emergency occurs. The team would operate from the Emergency Control Centre and the Head of Establishment or a senior member of staff may be asked to join the team immediately;

• The Head of Establishment should consider the appropriate time to contact the parents of the participants involved on the visit. Advice and support can be sought from the Council in handling this.

• Medway Council Emergency Response will form a continuous link with the affected group, and depending on the level of emergency will send a senior officer to the incident location. Medway Council Emergency Response will direct all actions; provide links with the media, rescue agencies, tour operators, insurance companies, etc. As appropriate Medway Council Emergency Response would arrange for the return of the party or arrange other transport where required;

• You will be provided with a dedicated number to refer all press, media, parental, or other enquiries to the Council and for continuing contact with Medway Council during the incident.

• Medway Council will give accurate and periodic information through press releases, will arrange interviews, and will attempt to reduce media pressure from the incident, establishment, and parents. If appropriate, support and counselling will be arranged for families, participants and staff.

Name Home Mobile

Head of Establishment

Deputy Head of Establishment

Medway Council Emergency Call Centre (for initial contact during an emergency only)

01634 304400 -

Chair of Local Academy Body (optional)



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Visit details……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… Carried out by ……..……………………………………...…………..… Date ...…………….……………

List significant hazards which may result in serious harm or affect several people.

Consider venue, activity, group, transport, plan B, etc.

What procedures will we have? (Control measures)







You must also ensure that appropriate persons are aware of any Generic procedures, but these do not need to be repeated here The activity must only take place if the residual risk following implementation of control measures is deemed to be acceptable

If none, strike through sheet and write ‘NONE’ EVC signature/date………..…………..…





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For completion by ‘external providers’ used by Medway Council establishments

Providers that do not hold an LOtC Quality Badge and that are to be used by establishments from Medway Council are required to complete and return this form in advance of the establishment making a commitment. Establishment .............................................. Staff member in charge………………………………….. Date(s) of visit ............................................. Name of provider……………………………………….… The provider or tour operator providing services to the establishment named above is asked to give careful consideration to the statements below and sign in the space at the end of the form to indicate that the standard of service will meet the conditions listed. Please tick all specifications you can meet, indicate by a cross any you cannot meet, and write N/A against any specifications which do not apply to your provision. Section A should be completed for all visits. Sections B (adventure activities), C (tour operators) and D (expeditions) should also be completed if applicable.


Health, Safety, and Emergency Policy 1. The provider complies with relevant health and safety regulations, including the Health and Safety at Work

Act 1974 and associated regulations for visits taking place in the UK, and has a health and safety policy and recorded risk assessments which are available for inspection.

2. Accident and emergency procedures are maintained and records are available for inspection. Vehicles 3. All vehicles are roadworthy and meet the requirements of relevant regulations in the country in which they

are being used. Staffing 4. All reasonable steps are taken to check staff who have access to young people for relevant criminal history

and suitability to work with young people. 5. There are adequate and regular opportunities for liaison between establishment staff and the provider’s

staff and there is sufficient flexibility to make changes to the programme if necessary and the reasons for such changes will be made known to establishment staff.

6. The provider has never been dismissed from any employment or had a contract ended. Insurance 7. The provider has public liability insurance for at least £5 million with a clause giving ‘indemnity to

principal’. Accommodation (if provided) 8. UK accommodation is covered by a current fire certificate or advice has been sought from a fire officer and

implemented, and a fire risk assessment has been completed. 9. If abroad, the accommodation complies with fire, health and safety regulations which apply in the country concerned. 10. There are appropriate security arrangements to prevent unauthorised persons entering the accommodation. 11. Separate male and female accommodation and washing facilities are provided and staff accommodation is

close to participants’ accommodation.


12. Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) Licence covering dates of visit YES OUT OF SCOPE 13. If YES, AALA Licence number R For AALA licensable activities in the UK, the specifications in this section are checked as part of the AALA

inspection. However, providers licensed with AALA are asked to consider these specifications with respect to any activities or aspects of provision not covered by the licence.


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Activity management 14. The provider operates a policy for staff recruitment, training and assessment which ensures that all staff

with a responsibility for participants are competent to undertake their duties. 15. The provider maintains a written code of practice for activities which is consistent with relevant National

Governing Body guidelines and/or, if abroad, the relevant regulations of the country concerned. 16. Staff competencies are confirmed by appropriate National Governing Body qualifications for the activities to

be undertaken, or staff have had their competencies confirmed in writing by an appropriately experienced and qualified technical adviser.

17. Where there is no National Governing Body for an activity, the provider has a Code of Conduct for that

activity which is in line with current good practice within the UK, and this includes appropriate instructor competencies.

18. Participants will at all times have access to a person with an appropriate First Aid qualification. Staff are

practiced and competent in accident and emergency procedures. 19. There is a clear definition of responsibilities between providers and visiting staff regarding supervision and

welfare of participants. 20. All equipment used in activities is suited to task, adequately maintained in accordance with statutory

requirements and current good practice, with records kept of maintenance checks where necessary.


Where a tour operator delivers services to establishments using other providers eg ski establishments, transport operators or accommodation, the tour operator must ensure that each provider meets the relevant specifications outlined in Sections A and B of this form and that these providers operate to standards which meet the relevant regulations which apply to the country of operation.

22. Sections A and B of this form, as appropriate, have been completed to show that checks have been made.

Records are available for inspection. 23. The Tour Operator complies with the package travel regulations, including bonding to safeguard customers’

monies. 24. ATOL, ABTA or other bonding body name and numbers…………………………………..………………………..…


25. The provider complies with ‘Guidance for Overseas Expeditions, Edition 3’ (GOE3).

If any of the above specifications cannot be met or are not applicable, please give details:

Details of any other accreditation, eg with National Governing Bodies, tourist boards, etc.

DECLARATION I hereby certify that I am an authorised signatory to enter into this Agreement and to bind the said company, firm, person or corporation to the terms and conditions herein. Signed ........................................................................ Date………………………………………………….. Name (print) ................................................................ Position in organisation……………………………... Full name and address of company, firm, person or corporation………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… Tel ...................................... Fax ..................................... E.mail…………………………………

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Educational Visits Checklist

This checklist is an essential part of the risk management process and is applicable for all visits.

The visit should only go ahead if the answer to all questions is ‘YES’ or N/A

In advance of the visit:

1. Have the educational aims of the visit been clearly identified? (see Section D)


2. Is the visit appropriate to the age, ability and aptitude of the group?


3. Has there been suitable progression/preparation for participants prior to the visit?


4. Does the visit comply with any guidelines specific to your Establishment?


5. Does the visit comply with any specific Council guidelines? (see relevant sections)


6. If a member of staff is going to lead an adventurous activity, have they been ‘approved’ by Medway Council? (see Section Z)

yes n/a

7. If using an external provider or tour operator, has the provider satisfactorily completed and returned a ‘Provider Form’? (see Section AA)

yes n/a

8. Are transport arrangements suitable and satisfactory? (see Section L)

yes n/a

9. If the visit is residential, have appropriate measure been taken to ensure the suitability of accommodation? (see Section O)

yes n/a

10. If the visit is overseas, have appropriate additional measures been taken to ensure the suitability of activity and safety of participants? (see Section P)

yes n/a

11. Have you conducted a pre-visit? (normal procedure for most visits within the UK). If not, have appropriate additional checks been made?


12. Do the adults in the party have the appropriate skills for the visit? (Check this carefully and arrange suitable training and/or briefing to clarify your expectations).


13. Have any adult helpers (non-Council employees) been approved by the Head of Establishment as to their suitability?

yes n/a

14. Is the level of staffing sufficient for there to be an appropriate level of supervision at all times?


15. Does the Visit Leader possess the necessary competence to lead the visit, and is he/she comfortable with their role?


16. Are all support staff aware of and comfortable with their roles?


17. Are all helpers aware of and comfortable with their roles?


18. Has Event Specific Risk Assessment (ESRA) been carried out and will this be shared with all relevant parties? (see Section G and ESRA Form)


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19. Is insurance cover adequate? (see Section K)


20. Does at least one member of staff know the participants that are being taken away, including any behavioural traits?


21. Have participants been advised in advance about expectations for their behaviour? If appropriate, are participants aware of any ‘rules’, and have sanctions to curb unacceptable behaviour been identified and agreed with participants and staff?


22. Are participants aware of the nature and purpose of the visit?


23. Are parents fully aware of the nature (including contingency plans), and purpose of the visit, and has consent been obtained? (see Section J)


24. Have all relevant details been issued? (eg itinerary, kit lists, etc?)

yes n/a

25. Are staff aware of any medical needs and/or other relevant details of participants?


26. Has parental consent been gained for staff to administer specific drugs/injections, and if necessary have named staff received appropriate training?

yes n/a

27. Are staff aware of any relevant medical conditions of other staff/helpers within the group?

yes n/a

28. Does at least one responsible adult have a ‘good working knowledge’ of First Aid appropriate to the environment? (see Section W)


29. Is a first aid kit (appropriate to the visit) available? (see Section W)


30. Is there flexibility within the programme? Are there contingency plans that would be suitable in the event of changed or changing conditions, staff illness, etc, eg ‘Plan B’, and have these plans been risk assessed and parental consent been obtained?


31. For journeys taking place outside the establishment’s ‘normal’ hours, will Form EV7 be carried by the Visit Leader, and Form EV8 with the designated emergency contact/s?

yes n/a

32. Are full details of the visit at the Medway Council establishment, and if appropriate with the establishment’s Emergency Contact(s)?


33. Are staff aware of the appropriate action to be taken in the event of accident, incident or emergency? (see Section X)


34. Is a weather forecast and/or other local information necessary, and are staff able to access this information and act upon it appropriately if necessary? (see Section M)

yes n/a

35. If undertaking water-margin activities, has a copy of ‘Group Safety at Water-Margins’ been made available to all supervising staff in advance of the visit? See Section R

yes n/a

36. A mobile phone is recommended for all visits. Are you aware of the reception in the area you are visiting?

yes n/a

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37. Will the group need waterproof clothing, boots or other equipment? If so, are procedures in place for checking the suitability of equipment?

yes n/a

38. Does any specialist equipment conform to the standards recommended by responsible agencies?

yes n/a

39. Have all financial matters been dealt with appropriately?


40. Has the visit been approved by the Head of Establishment and EVC, and in line with Governing Body policy (where appropriate)? (see Section C)


41. If residential, overseas or involving adventurous activities, has the visit been approved by Medway Council? (see Section C)

yes n/a

During the visit

42. Do all staff have a list of participants/groups? + emergency contact details and Form EV7 if out of the establishment’s normal hours?


43. Does the establishment office have a list of the names of all participants, including adults? (+ contact details if out of establishment hours) + Form EV8?


44. Do staff have sufficient funds to allow for any contingencies?

yes n/a

45. Do staff have any relevant literature, work sheets, clipboards, etc?

yes n/a

46. Do staff have other items, eg first aid kit, + sick bags, litter sack, etc, if needed?


47. Are participant numbers being checked at appropriate times?


48. Has the group been warned of potential hazards in advance? If necessary, have specific arrangements been made to supervise these areas particularly carefully?

yes n/a

49. Are participants aware of the procedure in areas where there is traffic? (eg if walking, is it pairs, crocodile, groups? - may participants run? - are participants aware of the procedure at road crossings etc?)

yes n/a

50. Has a clear recall system been arranged if the group is working away from you? Do participants understand this and will they be able to respond effectively?

yes n/a

51. If a rendezvous for the group has been arranged after a period of time, does each participant and member of staff know exactly where and when to meet?

yes n/a

52. Do participants know what action they should take if they become separated from the group?


53. Is on-going risk assessment being conducted, and if necessary the programme adapted to suit changed or changing circumstances (Plan B)?


At the end of the visit

54. Are appropriate arrangements in force for the dismissal of participants?


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55. Has the Visit Leader reported back to the Educational Visits Coordinator?



56. Has the group been debriefed and any relevant follow-up work completed?

yes n/a

57. Have all loose ends been tied up, eg paperwork, finance, ‘thank you’ letters, etc?


58. Has the visit been evaluated, and if appropriate have notes been made of points to be considered for future visits?


59. Have all staff and helpers involved in the visit been thanked for their input?


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