Page 1: School Newsletter 24 April 2015€¦ · Yr 4 to Wisley, Henri Rousseau workshop 4 June Yr 5 Special Assembly 12 June afternoon Yr 5 Fullbrook Away Day 17 June Yr 2 to Sealife entre

24 April 2015

Good morning. Well I'm pleased that this week has been a little less hectic than last week for me! However it has still been all go here at Pyrford. This week we have been visited after school by all of the contractors bidding for the re-build of the new school. This project is now at an accelerating pace, which is great news for us. We are all so much looking forward to having a 21st century building fit for pur-pose, where our pupils can experience a fantastic learning environment. We should have confirmation towards the end of May as to who will be building the school and as the lead one in the batch of schools, we will start working immediately with the EFA and contrac-tors on the specific plans. This week and next, contractors are pricing up demolition costs and working out how the site will be cleared once we move into the new building, before submitting their final bids to the EFA. We will now start to build plans for furnishing our new school both indoors and out and as such I will be meeting with the PTA next week so that we can start putting a plan together. You may be aware that as a result of the school build now happening imminently and, in conjunction with the expiration of the land lease in February 2015 of Flying Start Nursery, the Nursery will sadly be closing at the end of July this year. The school is heavily com-mitted to providing outstanding Early Years provision for the community and as such we are exploring every possibility for the future once the new school building is in place. Parents may also be aware that Jackie has decided to focus on her other business interests and to stop running the Pyrford Out of School Club. I want to reassure parents that the school fully appreciates that there are a large number of working parents and, as such, we are in the process of setting up 'Tree Tops' after school care which will provide parents with an exciting new opportunity for child care, extending until 6pm. More infor-mation will be available shortly. Swimming starts next week for the children in Reception and KS1. Please remember to send in your child's kit on a Monday morning and we will send it home when it has been used. A number of parents have yet to send back the permissions forms which we urgent-ly need in order for your children to swim. We keenly support swimming at Pyrford and have some fabulous swimmers - please see the note in our sports news about our KS2 girls’ swimming team. I'm sure you will join me in wishing them every success at the weekend. If there are any parents who have not yet accepted the offer of a Reception place in 2015, please do so as soon as possible as the deadline is fast approaching and we have a long waiting list of those wanting places. Wishing you all a good weekend. Kathryn Krynicki Headteacher

School Newsletter

Page 2: School Newsletter 24 April 2015€¦ · Yr 4 to Wisley, Henri Rousseau workshop 4 June Yr 5 Special Assembly 12 June afternoon Yr 5 Fullbrook Away Day 17 June Yr 2 to Sealife entre

Congratulations to the Golden Book Winners

Week beginning 20 April

Ash - Amina Imran for fantastic

number work with money.

Beech - Fatima Hussain for trying

hard with writing.

Hazel - George Sumner for being

a super mathematician when using


Chestnut - Akbar Azam for trying

so hard with his reading.

Pine - Oscar Clare-Campbell for

working really hard.

Cedar - Cicely Moller-Butcher for

working hard all the time.

Hawthorn - Liam Kershaw for

great progress in Literacy and Nu-


Sycamore - Sophie Wass for

showing an excellent understand-

ing of how to read ‘data’.

Elm & Maple - All of Year 3 for a

great residential trip to High Ashurst.

Larch & Birch - All of Year 4 for a

great residential trip to Hindleap

Warren and the group that visited for

the day.

Rowan Class - Rose Alison for mak-

ing a significant improvement in her


Willow Class - Noah Brierley for a

fantastic additional chapter for con-

tinuing the story of Henry’s Boots.

Laurel - Bella Goodman for an

excellent diary entry, newspaper

article and email as part of our

‘Stormbreaker’ work.

Holly - Freddie Cuckow for making

excellent progress in his reading

comprehension and writing.

The Tropical Zoo visited

Year 4 on Thursday

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Year 3 wearing

themselves out

at High Ashurst!

and Year 4 doing the

same at Hindleap


Page 4: School Newsletter 24 April 2015€¦ · Yr 4 to Wisley, Henri Rousseau workshop 4 June Yr 5 Special Assembly 12 June afternoon Yr 5 Fullbrook Away Day 17 June Yr 2 to Sealife entre

The class photo proofs

went home this week.

Order online by 7th May

to get your 5% discount.

After finishing a very close second in the Surrey round, Pyrford girls - Genevieve Moller-Butcher Y6, Izzy Simons Y6, Maddi Living-stone Y5 and Gemma Robins Y5 - will be representing our school at the South East Division Primary School Team Champs at the Guildford Spectrum, this Saturday, 25th April 2015, warm up 5.15, starting 5.45pm. The fastest teams at this event will go on to the ESSA National Primary School Team Champs in Sheffield on

Saturday 20th June and so it’s very exciting! If anyone would like to come along to support our school team – budding Pyrford swimmers of the future perhaps – you’d be very welcome to join the families who’ll be cheering our team all the way. It’s a short, fun night with lots and lots of shouting! Good luck to the girls and to our fantastic team coaches, Lisa Robins and Vicki Livingstone.

Last week our team took part in the Woking Football in the Commu-

nity Year 4 Boys Tournament at Kingfield Stadium, home of Woking

FC. Fifteen teams from local schools took part in 3 groups. Our team

made it through to the final and only narrowly lost 1-0 to West


Well done to Fin Chandler, Ryan Duchnowski, Bobby Lockwood-

Cowell, Olly Mantell, Abaan Naseem and Daniel Wass who repre-

sented the school so well.

Adrian Lovett and Chris Newell took part in a Governors’ Visit and

Learning Walk last week focussing on Literacy, particularly Big

Writing. Here are some extracts from their report.

What is Big Writing? It creates an environment that challenges chil-

dren to write creatively, beyond the level they would in a

‘standard’ lesson. Children are encouraged to see the bigger pic-

ture within which their writing sits: to go beyond their attention to

spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) and to write a story. It

uses play, atmosphere, topics, props, school outings and bags of enthusiasm to challenge the children to exceed the

normal quantity and quality of their literacy.

Early Years focuses on play and experimenting with props to assist the fine motor skills and imagination. KS1 move on

to using specific topics and outings that create the right atmosphere to stimulate children. KS2 use alternative props

and external authors to inspire and encourage the children, not only to use all their imagination but also to use more

advanced grammar. Children who are more able are taken into smaller groups to enable them to progress at their level

of development.

The children we spoke to were all very positive and enthusiastic, saying it was exciting and fun.


The Clubs letter is being sent by email today. Please re-

turn forms as soon as possible.

Clubs will start on Tuesday 5 May and run until Friday 3


Page 5: School Newsletter 24 April 2015€¦ · Yr 4 to Wisley, Henri Rousseau workshop 4 June Yr 5 Special Assembly 12 June afternoon Yr 5 Fullbrook Away Day 17 June Yr 2 to Sealife entre

SCHOOL DATES FOR 2014—2015 ACADEMIC YEAR Additions & changes in bold

Description Date Time

Yr 1 to Nower Wood 29 April

May Bank Holiday 4 May

Yr 5 to Synagogue (1 class am; 1 class pm) 7 May

Friends’ Spring Ball 16 May

Reception Special Assembly 22 May afternoon

Summer Half term 25—29 May

INSET Day 1 June

Elm Class to Pizza Express, Weybridge 2 June

Maple Class to Pizza Express, Woking 4 June

Yr 4 to Wisley, Henri Rousseau workshop 4 June

Yr 5 Special Assembly 12 June afternoon

Yr 5 Fullbrook Away Day 17 June

Yr 2 to Sealife Centre in Brighton 18 June

Friends’ Summer Fair 20 June

Yr 6 to Osmington Bay 22—26 June

Yr 2 Pedals Course 29 June

Yr 2 Pedals Course 30 June

Secondary Induction Days at Fullbrook 30 June & 1 July

Yr 2 Pedals Course 1 July

Yr 2 Special Assembly 2 July afternoon

Friendly Friday 3 July

Yr 6 Leavers’ Service at the Cathedral 6 July

Pyrford Flower Show 11 July

KS2 Sports Day 15 July 9:30 am

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day 16 July 9:30 am

Yr 6 production 17 July Afternoon

Yr 6 Disco 20 July 6:30 pm

Last Day of Summer Term 21 July finish at 13:30

2015/16 Term Dates & INSETs

INSET DAY 2 September

First day of Autumn term 3 September

Autumn Half term 26 - 30 October

Last day of Autumn term 17 December

INSET DAY 18 December

Christmas Holidays 21 December - 4 January

First day of Spring term 5 January

Spring Half Term 15 - 19 February

Last day of Spring term 24 March

Easter Holidays 25 March - 8 April

INSET 11 April

First Day of Summer term 12 April

INSET 27 May

Summer Half term 30 May - 3 June

INSET 6 June

Last Day of Summer Term 22 July

Page 6: School Newsletter 24 April 2015€¦ · Yr 4 to Wisley, Henri Rousseau workshop 4 June Yr 5 Special Assembly 12 June afternoon Yr 5 Fullbrook Away Day 17 June Yr 2 to Sealife entre

Valentino Schoolwear

Special Invitation

We at Valentino Schoolwear would like to invite you to book an appointment for a personalised

uniform fitting for your child soon to start or presently at

Pyrford C of E Primary School

Appointments are available between the dates of Monday 11th May 2015 and Friday 5th June 2015

(during normal opening hours) whereby you will qualify to receive 10% off of your schoolwear purchases

and you and your child will also receive a complementary drink in our coffee bar.

****(Although we allow for growth when sizing, please don’t worry about your child growing out of any

items as you are always welcome to return goods as sold for an exchange in size whilst retaining your dis-


In order to book an appointment please call our telesales team on 01483 475051


Do you know someone who may like to be

a Lunchtime Supervisor?

Hours: Daily 11:30am to 1pm. The role can

be for a single applicant or a job share.

Duties include setting up the Dining Hall,

supervising Infant lunch and infant and/or

Junior playtime. Candidates must be physi-

cally fit.

Hourly rate: £8 per hour.

For more information please speak to

Mrs Margaret Hyams, School Business


01483 225307

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Lesley Welsted

Pyrford Childminder

Ofsted Registered

Tel: 01932 346455

07879 412471

Email: [email protected]

Vacancy from June 2015

Excellent references available

Advance notice that the Summer Fayre will take place

on Saturday 20th June this year. Join us from 11am to

2pm for all the usual summer fun – tombolas, refresh-

ments, BBQ, raffle and much more.

Bag2School is coming....please keep your unwanted

clothing, shoes, bags, ties and belts.

Bags will be distributed in your child's bookbag shortly.

All proceeds go directly to the PTA to enhance your

child's education, so start sorting!

Advice from our Children’s Centre

To search for local childcare including pre

-schools, nurseries and childminders:-

Google Surrey County Council Family In-

formation Service - Click on Childcare

Finder - Type in your postcode and click

the green search button.

Should you require any further infor-

mation or help finding childcare please

call the Children’s Centre on 01932

339055 or phone Surrey’s Family Infor-

mation Service on 0300 200 1004.

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