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School Newslet er

Meet the teacher Friday 9th July

Sports ‘Day’ Week Thursday 15th July

Year 6 Production Monday 19th July

Year 6 Leavers Event

Wednesday 21st July

Last Day of Term Friday 23rd July 2pm finish for ALL children

Weekly Themes

Week 9 - Pride

Week 10 - Forgiveness

Week 11 - Safety

Week 12 - Celebration

Week 13 - Goodbye

Meet the teachers - Friday 9th July 2021We are arranging an opportunity for children to meet their new teachers prior to the summer holiday. Rather than the children moving around the school, instead they will meet the new teachers for their year groups when the teachers head into class on Friday 9th July. We hope that this will be in person but may need to be moved online. They will run a circle time, read a story and share a few thoughts for the year ahead.

As a school we are so proud of our children and their achievements

both in school and out. We love to hear about what children are doing outside of school and sharing that with our school community. Today we want to share with you information about two of our boys, one in Year 1 and one in Year 2. We have a boy in Year 1 who has recently been scouted by Arsenal football team and has begun training with them, what an achievement! We also have a boy in Year 2 who has begun teaching himself Chinese via YouTube, such self led learning is something to be so proud of. If your child has some news that they would like to share about themselves please ask them to tell the class teacher and we will aim to share it with our community.

We have lots of superstars…

We are Ready, Respectful and Safe

Attendance this Week

Nursery - 97.7%

Reception - 99.1%

Year 1 - 90.2%

Year 2 - 93.2%

Year 3 - 96.5%

Year 4 - 92.8%

Year 5 - 97.2%

Year 6 - 94.7%

WOW Reception you are the winning class

this week! Keep it up!!

With regret we need to inform you that the sports day that we had planned for London Fields on Thursday 15th July is now not able to go ahead as planned following the Government announcement to not end all social distancing on 21st June. WE HAVE A NEW PLAN INSTEAD…WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A SPORTS ‘DAY’ WEEK. Please see the timetable to the left to see which days that week your child will need to come to school in their PE kit.

We are still linking the event with the Olympics. In classes, the children will be put into teams that represent the 5 continents, represented by the rings. At the end of the sports ‘day’ week, we will then have a winning continent. We will let you know next week which team your child is in, we would love it if they could wear a top in the colour that their continent is represented.

Sports ‘Day’ Week - Please Read CarefullyReception Wednesday

Year 1 Monday & Tuesday

Year 2 Friday

Year 3 & 4 Thursday

Year 5 Monday & Friday

Year 6 Monday, Tuesday & Friday

We are aware that over the last academic year there have been lots

of reasons that have made getting to school more challenging. As lockdowns are now easing and we are moving back into ‘normal’ life we urge you to consider the impact of punctuality and attendance at school. If your child arrives late to school, they miss vital learning time and also have that uncomfortable feeling of having to walk into the classroom where the school day has already begun and they are 2 steps behind. When you child misses their day at school they miss whole lessons, which are designed to build learning, step by step. This can create a gap in their understanding. Obviously if your child is too unwell to come to school they must remain at home however please get them back to school as soon as they are well enough. As you can see attendance is now shared on the newsletter and the winning class each week will be entered into a draw. An additional child will then be selected to attend hot chocolate that week.

Attendance & Punctuality

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PRESCHOOL UNDER 2’S We have been playing outside in our tunnel, it was great fun trying to get to the other end. Woah! Can you spot us inside?

PRESCHOOL We have been having lots of fun exploring different textures and colours. Here we are making our very own play-dough. We got a bit messy but we had the best time. We then used the play-dough to mould our own animals and objects.

LEARNING AT HOME If you are unsure about the homework that you child needs to be completing it can be found

online, please click here to view it. Please ensure that you are giving your child the opportunity to practise their rapid recall of maths facts by practising their daily speed challenge at home. Access

the practise versions here. Remember to set a 3 minute timer!

The Holy Trinity YouTube Channel contains many videos that can be used to support learning at home, please browse through and let us know if there is anything

you may want us to add. We recommend the use of the A+ Spelling App for learning spellings at home. Children are also loving the Sketches School App at the moment, using it in any

opportunity to refine their drawing skills.

Every Learner: Empowered. Inspired. Prepared

Click here to link to the

HT YouTube Channel

Click here to link to the

HT_Primary feed.

A reminder to all parents and carers that we are asking you to

wear a face mask at the school gates and in the front office. This is to help reduce the risk to those around you and to our staff members. If you are coming into the school, past the reception desk, for any kind of meeting please ensure that you scan the QR code at the front entrance. It will ask you a few questions that are related to our COVID risk assessment. It will only take a few minutes and it is in place to safeguard the children and staff on site, we thank you in advance for doing this. A reminder that a Rapid Closure Protocol has been written which we will follow in the event that we need to close suddenly.  If this is activated we will make contact with all parents.  You must ensure that you are easily contactable whilst your child is at school.  If the school needs to close rapidly it may mean you are given no notice and that you are asked to collect your child immediately.

Face Coverings and Rapid Closure Protocol

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RECEPTION T This week in Marvellous Maths we have paid close attention to the number 9. We have learnt how to use our fingers quickly to show 9, looked at a range of 9 sided shapes and explored the number bonds of 9. In this picture you can see the children working together in pairs to set up a Numicon snap game which provided  the opportunity to find a range of ways of making 9. The game also enabled the children to practice playing competitively with their friends. It was clear all of the children had a very good grasp of both how to win well and how to accept a defeat graciously!

YEAR 1H In Music we have been learning a song all about a dragon who wants to make friends. We are getting really good at singing the melody and remembering the actions that match up with the words. We have also been practising clapping out rhythms and listening to other dragon songs from across the globe!  

NURSERY We have been busy voting using our new voting station. We are becoming more vocal about our preferences and we are developing our ability to count and compare groups. I wonder what we will vote on next?

RECEPTION H We have been learning about odd and even numbers. We were helping our new friends ‘Odd Todd’ who loves odd numbers and ‘Even Steven’, who loves even numbers to sort the Numicon. 




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YEAR 2H In Science and English we have been making information posters about the life cycle of a butterfly. We planned and researched our information before thinking carefully about the layout of our poster. We will be sending them home so you can see our fantastic work!

YEAR 2T In our Art and Design lessons we have been learning to use clay. We planned our creation then went to the Art room to learn the different techniques used to shape and mould clay. Our final lesson consisted of us making an animal from the food chains we learnt about last week. 

YEAR 3H In our English lessons we have been drafting postcards from Flat Stanley about his adventures at Holy Trinity. We used lots of exciting adjectives and adverbs to describe his experience! 

YEAR 1T In our English lessons we have been drawing story maps to help us rewrite the story of Thumbelina.

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YEAR 5 In Science we have been comparing and contrasting key facts about our Planets and the Solar System. We then designed posters to showcase our new knowledge!

YEAR 6 In Maths we have been making 2D nets and then turning them into 3D shapes. We designed these ourselves!

YEAR 4 In Maths we have been learning about money. Today, we chose items around the classroom and gave them prices. Then we worked together to write and solve word problems, using our problem solving skills.  

YEAR 3T In religious education we have been learning about Jesus. This week we have been thinking about how Jesus is like light. We know he bought salvation, hope, joy and peace to the world!

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