
s.c. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor. Nr. 3Onegti, 601124, Jud.Bac;u, Romania

Telefon: +40.23/t303303;Fax: +/)-23&3156/O;+,10-23!323883;+i1.0.23+306009htto://www. rafo. rol E-mail: [email protected] 9!i9 de Inregistrare 958772, Atribut Fiscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Come4utuiJ04/538/'t 991

@Punctul I

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

lnformare cu privire la pronuntarea, incadruf Dosarului nr. 41116212005 alTribunalului Brasov - Sectia Gomerciala side Gontencios Administrativ, avand caobiect procedura de reorganizare judiciaraa S.C. RAFO S.A., a Sentintei civile nr.12241sind121.06.2010 si implicatiilejuridice.

ln cadrul dosarului nr. 41116212005 (numar informat vechi 4491F12005\ al TribunaluluiBrasov - Sectia comerciala si de contenciosadministrativ, a fost pronuntata Sentinta civilanr. 1224lsindl21 .06.2010, prin care s-adispus, in temeiul aft. 132 alin. (1) din Legeanr. 85/2006 privind procedura insolventei,inchiderea procedurii de reorganizarejudiciara fata de S.C. RAFO S.A.. Deasemenea, ca efect al inchiderii procedurii,administratorul judiciar si celelalte persoaneparticipante la procedura au fost descarcatede orice indatoriri si responsabilitati cu privirela procedura, debitor si averea sa, creditori,titulari de garantii, actionari sau asociati.

Pronuntarea Sentintei civile nr.1224lsindl21 .06.201O reorezinta orecunoastere a faptului ca S.C. RAFO S.A. si-a indeplinit toate obligatiile de plata pe care sile-a asumat in planul de reorganizare,inchiderea procedurii de reorganizarejudiciara avand drept consecinta reinsertiasocietatii in activitatea economica normala.

Potrivit prevederilor Legii nr. 85/2006 privindprocedura insolventei. hotarareajudecatoreasca are caracter definitiv siexecutoriu, ceea ce presupune aplicareaimediata a dispozitiilor acesteia.

Point I

The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeetingInformation regarding the delivering of thecivil sentence no. 12241sind121.06.20'10within the File no. 41116212005 of BrasovCourt of Law - Gommercial andAdministrative Court, having as object theprocedure of judicial reorganization of S.C.RAFO S.A. and the legal implications.

ln the File no. 41116212005 (former no.449lFl20OS) of Brasov Gourt of Law -Commercial and Administrative Court it wasdelivered the Civil Sentence no.12241sind121.06.2010, ordering on the basis ofthe art. 132 paragraph (1) of the Law no.85/2006 regarding the insolvency procedure,the closure of the judicial reorganizationprocedure of the company S.C. RAFO S.A..Also, as an effect of the procedure closure, theofficial receiver and the other persons involvedin the procedure were released from any dutiesand responsibilities related to the procedure,debtor and its fortune, creditors, holders ofguarantees, shareholders or associates.

The delivering of the Civil Sentence no.1 2241 sind 121 .06.20 1 0 represents a recog n itionof the fact that S.C. RAFO S.A. fulfilled all thepayment obligations undertaken tfrough thereorganization plan, the closure of thereorganization procedure having asconsequence the reinsertion of the company inthe normal economic activity.

According to the provisions of the Law no.85/2006 regarding the insolvency procedure,the judgment is final and enforceable, meaningthat its dispositions are immediately applicable.

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor iaact de prevederile Sentintei civile nr.1224lsindl21 .06.2010 prin care s-a dispusinchiderea procedurii de reorganizarejudiciara avand drept consecinta reinsertiasocietatii in activitatea economica normala.

The Ordinary General Shareholders Meetingtakes notice of the provisions of the CivilSentence no. 1224lsindl21.06.2010, orderingthe closure of the judicial reorganizationprocedure having as consequence thereinsertion of the company in the normaleconomic activity.


s.c. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor, Nr. 3Onesti, 601124, Jud,Baceu, Romania



J@/538/1991Fiscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Com€4ului

@Punctul lll

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Aprobarea incetarii mandatuluiAdministratorului Special PetrochemicalHolding GmbH ca urmare a inchideriiprocedurii de reorganizare judiciara fata deS.C. RAFO S.A..

Ca urmare a pronuntarii Sentintei civile nr.1224lsindl21 .06.2010 prin care s-a dispusinchiderea procedurii de reorganizarejudiciara avand drept consecinta reinsertiasocietatii in activitatea economica normala. sermpune incetarea mandatuluiAdministratorului Special PetrochemicalHolding GmbH avand reprezentantpermanent pe domnul Miroslav Dermendjiev,care a indeplinit si functia de DirectorGeneral .Se supune aprobarii Adunarii GeneraleOrdinare a Actionarilor incetarea mandatuluiAdministratorului Special PetrochemicalHolding GmbH avand reprezentantpermanent pe domnul Miroslav Dermendjievcare a indeplinit si functia de Director Generalca urmare a inchiderii procedurii dereorganizare judiciara fata de S.C. RAFOS.A..

Point l l l

The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeeting

The approval of the termination of the SpecialAdministrator Petrochemical Holding GmbHmandate, due to the closure of the judicialreorganization procedure of S.C. RAFO S.A.

Following the delivering of the Civil Sentenceno. 1224lsindl21 .06.2010, ordering the closureof the judicial reorganization procedure havingas consequence the reinsertion of thecompany in the normal economic activity, it isentailed the termination of the mandate of theSpecial Administrator Petrochemical HoldingGmbH, having as permanent representativeMr. Miroslav Dermendjiev, who also acted asGeneral Manager.

It is submitted for the approval of the OrdinaryGeneral Shareholders Meeting the terminationof the mandate of the Special AdministratorPetrochemical Holding GmbH, having aspermanent representative Mr. MiroslavDermendjiev, who also acted as GeneralManager, following the closure of the judicialreorganization procedure of S.C. RAFO S.A..


S.G. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor. Nr. 3Onesti, 601124, Jud.Baceu, Romania @Telefon:Fax:

+40-2321-303303:+40-23+315640: +40.

Cod UnicJ04/538/ t 991

Punctul lV

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Aprobarea descarcarii de gestiune aAdministratorului Special PetrochemicalHolding GmbH si a reprezentantului saupermanent, domnul Miroslav Dermendjiev,care a indeplinit si functia de DirectorGeneral, pentru intreaga perioada amandatului.

ln conformitate cu prevederile art. 111 dinLegea 31i1990R Adunarea GeneralaOrdinara a Actionarilor S.C. RAFO S.A. esteobligata sa se pronunte asupra gestiuniiadministratorului.

Avand in vedere raportul cu privire laactivitatea desfasura pe toata perioadamandatului prezentat de AdministratorulSpecial al SC RAFO SA se supune aprobariiAdunarii Generale Ordinare a Actionarilordescarcarea de gestiune a AdministratoruluiSpecial Petrochemical Holding GmbH si areprezentantului sau permanent, domnulMiroslav Dermendjiev, care a indeplinit sifunctia de Director General, pentru intreagaperioada a03.08.2010).

mandatufui (17.07.2007-


958772, Atribut Fiscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Come4ului

Point lV

The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeeting

The approval of the release fromadministration of the Special AdministratorPetrochemical Holding GmbH and of hispermanent representative, Mr. MiroslavDermendjiev, who has also held the position ofGeneral Manager, for the whole period of hismandate.

In accordance with the provisions of art. 11 1 ofLaw 31/1990R the Ordinary GeneralShareholders Meeting of S.C. RAFO S.A. isobliged to decide with regard to themanagement of the Administrator.

Taking into account the report regarding theactivity performed during the whole period ofhis mandate presented by the SpecialAdministrator of SC RAFO SA it is submitted tothe approval of the Ordinary GeneralShareholders Meeting the release fromadministration of the Special AdministratorPetrochemical Holding GmbH and of hispermanent representative, Mr. MiroslavDermendjiev, who has also held the position ofGeneral Manager, for the whole period of hismandate (17 .07 .2007 - 03.08.201 0).



s.c, RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor, Nr. 3Onegti, 601124, Jud.Baciu, Romania


+40.23i1-303303 i

Inregistrare Fiscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Come4ului


Punctul V

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Numirea celor 3 membri ai Consiliului deAdministratie, stabilirea duratei mandatuluiadministratorilor, precum si numireaPresedintelui Consiliului de Administratie careva indeplini si functia de Director General.

Actionarii indreptatiti pot formula propuneriprivind candidatii pentru posturile deadministratori pana la data de 19.07.2010, ora16:00, urmand ca in cerere sa fie incluseinformatii cu privire la numele, localitatea dedomiciliu si calificarea profesionala alepersoanelor propuse. Cererea va contine sinumarul de actiuni detinute de actionari,precum si datele de identificare ale acestora.Propunerile vor fi transmise, in scris, la sediulsocietatii din mun. Onesti, str. lndustriilor, nr.3, jud. Bacau.

Lista cu propunerile privind candidatii pentruposturile de administratori va fi postata pewebsite-ul pe masura ce acesteasunt transmise societatii.

Point V

The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeeting

The appointment of the 3 members of theManaging Board, the settlement of theadministrators mandate duration, as well asthe appointment of the Chairman of theManaging Board who will also act as GeneralManager.

The shareholders entitled can forwardproposals regarding the candidates for thepositions of administrators until 19.07.2010,16:00 hrs, including in their petition informationregarding the name, address and theprofessional qualification of the personsproposed. The petition will also include thenumber of shares held by the shareholders, aswell as their identification data. The proposalswill be forwarded, in writing, to the company'sheadquarters from 3 Industriilor Street, Onesti,Bacau County

The proposals regarding the candidates for thepositions of administrators will be published onthe website www. rafo. ro, once they arefonvarded to the company.


S.G. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor, Nr. 3Onegti, 60'1 124, Jud.Baciu, Romania

Telefon: +40-23+303303;

Unic dE lnregistrare


Fiscal RO, Oliciul Registrului Come4ului

@Punctul Vl

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Stabilirea remuneratiei membrilor Consiliuluide Administratie.

Cuantumul remuneratiei lunare nete pentrumembrii Consiliului de Administratie aferentaexercitiului financiar al anului 2010 va fipropus de actionari in sedinta .

Point Vl

The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeeting

The establishment of the remuneration forthe members of the Managing Board

The amount . of the net monthlyremuneration for the members of theManaging Board afferent to the financialperiod 2010 will be proposed by theshareholders during the meeting.



s.c. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor. Nr. 3Onegti, 601124, Jud.Baceu, Romania @Telefon:Fax:

+40-234-303303:+40-234-31 5640: +/()-234-306009

958772, Atribut Fiscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Come(ului

Punctul Vll

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Aprobarea limitelor asigurarii pentruraspundere profesionala pentru membriiConsiliului de Administratie.

Valoarea asigurarii de raspundereprofesionala pentru membrii Consiliului deAdministratie se va stabili de actionari insedinta.

Point Vll

The OrdinaryMeeting

General Shareholders

The approval of the limits regarding theprofessional responsibility insurance for themembers of the Managing Board.

The value of the professional responsibilityinsurance for the members of the ManagingBoard will be established by shareholdersduring the Sharelolders Meeting.


S.G. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor. Nr, 3Oneqti, 60'1124, Jud.Bacdu, Romania

Tel€fon: +40-23+303303: @+40.23+306009

Atribut Flscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Comenului

Punctul Vlll

Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Mandatarea Presedintelui Consiliului deAdministratie - Director General pentrusemnarea, in numele actionarilor, a hotararilorAdunarii Generale Ordinare a Actionarilor.

Se supune aprobarii Adunarii GeneraleOrdinare a Actionarilor mandatareaPresedintelui Consiliului de Administratie -Director General pentru semnarea, in numeleactionarilor, a hotararilor Adunarii GeneraleOrdinare a Actionarilor.


Point Vlll

The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeeting

The authorization of the Chairman of theManaging Board - General Manager inorder to sign, on behalf of the shareholders,the decisions of the Ordinarv GeneralShareholders Meeting.

It is submitted to the approval of theOrdinary General Shareholders Meeting theauthorization of the Chairman of theManaging Board - General Manager inorder to sign, on behalf of the shareholders,the decisions of the Ordinarv GeneralShareholders Meeting.

S.G. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor, Nr. 3Onegti, 601 124, Jud.Baciu, Romania

Telefon: +40-23+303303: @+40.23+306009

Fiscal RO, Oticiul Registrulul Come4ului


Adunarea Generala Ordinara a actionarilor

Aprobarea datei de 0308.2010 ca data deinregistrare a Hotararii Adunarii GeneraleOrdinare a Actionarilor , conform art. 238 dinLegea nr. 297/2004 privind piata de capitalasupra carora se rasfrang efectele hotarariiadunarii generale ordinare a actionarilor si datade 04.08.2010 in cazul in care adunarea isidesfasoara lucrarile la cea de-a douaconvocare.

In conformitate cu prevederile art. 2 dinRegulamentul 1|2OOO privind emitentii sioperatiunile cu valori mobiliare propunereaprivind data de inregistrare (data calendaristicastabilita de adunarea generala a actionarilorcare serveste la identificare actionarilor careurmeaza a beneficia de dividende sau de altedrepturi si asupra carora se rasfrang efecteleHotararilor AGA) este precizata in ConvocareaAdunarii Generale a Actionarilor.

In conformitate cu prevederile art. 238 dinLegea29712O04 privind piata de capital data deinregistrare trebuie sa fie ulterioara cu cel putin10 zile lucratoare datei tinerii adunarii generalea actionarilor.

Avand in vedere prevederile legale propunemdata de 03.08.2010 ca data de inregistrare aHotararii Adunarii Generale Ordinare aActionarilor asupra carora se rasfrang efectelehotararii Adunarii Generale Ordinare aactionarilor si data de 04.08.2010 in cazul incare adunarea isi desfasoara lucrarile la ceade-a doua convocare.



The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeetingThe approval of the date of 03.08.2010 asthe registration date of the OrdinaryGeneral Shareholders' Meeting Decislongaccording to the aft. 238 of the Law297/2004 regarding the capital market,upon which the effects of the ordinarygeneral shareholders' meeting decisionreflect, and the date of 04.08.2010 incase the meeting lakes place upon thesecond convocation.According to the provisions stated by arl. 2of the Regulation 1/2006 regarding theissuers and the transferable securitiesoperations, the proposal regarding theregistration date (the calendar dateestablished by the shareholders' generalmeeting that is used for the identificationof the shareholders that are going tobenefit from dividends or other rights andupon which the effects of the GeneralShareholders' Meeting Decisions reflect)is mentioned in the Convocation of theShareholders' General Meeting.According to the provisions stated by art.238 of the Law 29712O04 regarding thecapital market, the registration date mustbe within at least 10 working dayssubsequent to the date when theshareholders' general meeting takesplace.Taking into account the legal provisibns,we propose the date of 19.08.20{0 as theregistration date of the Ordinary GeneralShareholders' Meeting Decision uponwhich the effects of the Ordinary GeneralShareholders' Meeting Decision reflectand the date of 20.08.2010 in case themeeting.takes place upon the second


S.G. RAFO S.A.Strada Industriilor, Nr. 3OneSti, 601124, Jud.Baciu, Romania

Telefon: +40.2311-303303 i

E-mail:de Inregistrare Fiscal RO, Oficiul Registrului Come4ului



Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor

Mandatarea unei/unor persoane din partea S.C.RAFO S.A. pentru efectuarea formalitatilor deinregistrare, aplicare si opozabilitate aHotararilor Adunarii Generale Ordinare aActionarilor.

Avand in vedere necesitatea inregistrariiHotararii Adunarii Generale Ordinare aActionarilor S.C. RAFO S.A la Oficiul RegistruluiComertului Bacau propunem imputernicireaunor persoane salariate la S.C. RAFO S.A.pentru a efectua formalitatile de inregistrare aHotararilor Adunarii Generale Ordinare aActionarilor la Registrul Comertului.

Se propune desemnarea d-nei LUCHIANLILIANA MIRELA, domiciliata in Onesti,posesoare a C.1., seria X.C., nr. 147491, codnumeric personal 2710202043776 sau ChircuGamelia,domiciliata in Onesti, carte deidentitate seria XC nr. 456057, avand CNP26903'1 3044437, sa efectueze formalitatile deinregistrare a Hotararii Adunarii GeneraleOrdinare a Actionarilor din data de03/04.08.2010 la Registrul Comertului.


The Ordinary General ShareholdersMeetingAppointment of a/some person/s from S.C.RAFO S.A. for the performance of theregistration, application and opposabilityformalities of the Decisions issued by theOrdinary General Shareholders Meeting.

Taking into account the necessity ofregistering the Decision of the OrdinaryGeneral Shareholders' Meeting of S.C.RAFO S.A. with the Trade Register fficeBacau, we propose the authorization of aperson employee of S.C. RAFO S.A. inorder to accomplish the registrationformalities of the Ordinary GeneralShareholders Meeting's Decisions with theTrade Register.

It is proposed the appointment of Mrs.LUCHIAN LILIANA MIRELA, residing inOnesti, holder of the identity card seriesX.C., no. 147491, having the PN2710202043776 or of Mrs. ChircuCamelia, having the residence in Onesti,identity card series XC, no. 456057, havingthe PN 2690313044437 to execute theregistration formalities of the Decisionstaken by the Ordinary GeneralShareholders' Meeting on 03/04.08.2010within the Trade Register.



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