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of the outcomes of EU funding in Pohjois-Savo 2007–2013



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PUBLISHERSRegional Council of Pohjois-Savo

Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of North Savo

EDITORIAL BOARDSoile Juuti, Jari Sihvonen,

Janna Merenniemi ja Jaana Tuhkalainen

TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHSMinna Akiola, Jari Sihvonen


LAYOUT DESIGNMinna Akiola, Jari Sihvonen

PRINTED BYOffsetpaino L. Tuovinen Ky, Kuopio




HYVINVOINTIA ihmisille, yrityksille ja ympäristölle









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CONTENTDentist and patient meets at the most modern environment in the world

The Forest Research Institute in Suonenjokispecialises on plantation forests

Health research is connected to combustion system and fuel development

A Savonian operations network creates innovative products out of ideas

Uraohjaamo helps young people find THE thing they want to do

New sales experts are needed in the economic life

International models put into use for the development of employment services

Brain tissue changes of Alzheimer’s can be mitigated with targeted treatment

Tourism companies seek greener values

Työpäivä may show a wayto the labour market

Waste burns in the middle of a sand storm and ocean of fire in the Riikinvoima eco power plant

Civil crisis management and peace-building go hand-in-hand with business activities

The runway of commercialisation creates a path for growth-seeking companies


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When assessed as a whole, the development during the structural fund planning period of 2007-2013 can be considered good. Figures are compared to the demographic trend, employment, workplaces, export

incomes, investments and knowledge development of other provinces. Several new success stories – companies, workplaces, added export incomes

– have been created and our strong business sector has become even stronger. Pohjois-Savo is still vibrant throughout; from Varkaus to Vieremä and from Keitele to Kaavi.

In EU member countries the structural fund planning period of 2007-2013 supporting regional and competitiveness policies play a role greater than before. Their role is especially significant in Eastern and Northern Finland. The reason for this is the significant decrease in national funding. This should not be happening. The regional development funding from EU should be supplemented with development practices funded by national budgetary resources. The previ-ous objective is still included in the new planning period of 2014-2020.

Development and study projects usually lead to investments in companies. The projects have also promoted new research practices for educational institu-tions and companies. These activities and their effectiveness and business orientation should yet be improved and expanded.

The business financing of Pohjois-Savo has played a significant, often crucial role for growth and promotion of competitiveness. National investment aids have secured the development of tens, even hundreds of SMEs. Business financ-ing and national investment aids must be kept at our disposal. The investment aids function as co-financing; an entrepreneur and his own strategic investment is needed first. For aided investments, the entrepreneur must have 70 percent of the needed capital as either own or borrowed money. EU funding is also needed for arranging transport projects promoting the accessibility of our province, a factor that increases national and international competitiveness.

The management of the structural funds will change for the coming plan-ning period. Our customer-oriented operations ensure that the customer cannot tell the difference. Customers are served by the same well-known business analysts and coordinators as before. The foundation for our decisions is such that support the development of our province, and build new success stories. The Regional Management Committee (RMC) will align and decide in the future as well; even more than before, when it comes to significant alignments and development projects. The RMC will in the future as well be comprehensively represented by different operators of the province.

The success stories of our province are made here, and that is why the decision power and responsibilities should truly be area-based and near the customer.

Let’s continue with our success stories…

Your Europe, Your opportunityPractical guide to doing business in Europe

Europe Direct Kuopio Information CentreAddress: Sepänkatu 1, FI-70100 Kuopio, FinlandTel. +358 44 714

The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-Savo (ELY Cent-re) performs regional operations and development activities of civil service duties in Pohjois-Savo. The ELY Centre develops and supports financial, social and ecologically sustainable well being. The ELY Centre is a substantial area developer and EU fund issuer. They are in tight cooperation between regional councils and other entities. The ELY Centre controls the Employment and Economic Development Offices.

Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of North SavoAddress: Kallanranta 11, Kuopio, FinlandPostal address: P.O.Box 2000, FI-70101 KuopioTel . +358 The Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo is a statu-tory joint authority, which drives the interests of the inhabitants, municipalities and economic life of the province both nationally and internationally. Members of the Regional Council are all municipalities and cities of Pohjois-Savo.

The Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo forms the common will of the province and works in cooperation with various influential parties. The Council is in tight cooperation with the municipalities of the region, governmental authorities and other developing organisations.

The Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo is responsible for the regional development and land use planning of the province. In addition, its activities promote the internationalisation of the operators in the province.

Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo Address: Sepänkatu 1, Kuopio, Finland Postal address: P.O.Box 247, FI-70101 Kuopio Tel. +358 175501400


KARI VIRRANTADirector General



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The world’s most modern dental research and learning environment is opened at the University of Eastern Finland.

The clinic is fitted with digital equipment using 3D technology. In addition, an advanced Trust-

wear clean water system is fitted at the premises. It does not require any chemicals; the water is cleaned with saline and electricity. If the mains water of Kuopio was to be suddenly polluted, it would not affect the op-erations of the dental learning clinic.

The clean water is circulated through the equipment to keep im-purities from nesting in the pipes. The water circulates during holidays too to ensure that the equipment is always ready.

The waste water management is also automated. The cleansing starts automatically when the maintenance nozzle is attached to the equip-ment. The maintenance nozzle can be attached in merely ten seconds. Therefore the equipment can be programmed not to start if the maintenance activity has not been performed.

Modern technology is utilised also in the teaching methods. Teachers and students use a software called

LanSchool, which enables students to send instant messages to teachers or summon them by pressing a button. In addition to dental students, dental hygienist students also practise at the clinic of Savonia. This offers a great possibility for cooperation between schools. Additionally, the working models for teaching future profes-sionals can be further developed.

According to Kaarina Sirviö, super-vising teacher of the Savonia Univer-sity of Applied Sciences, the coop-eration is further developed, and all levels of education are to be included in the provision.

The teaching clinic also brings ad-ditional resources to the public health care as simulation facilities can be utilised as full-fledged workstations for real patient use as well. Third-year students can train treatment proce-dures on simulators instead of using real patients.

– The modern environment pro-vides an excellent framework for the most important thing in oral health care: facing the patient as a human being and offer comprehensive treat-ment for him or her, says the Direc-tor of the Dentistry Department of the University of Eastern Finland Jari Kellokoski.


Programme and priority: ERDF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2Project code and execution time: A31579, 2011–2013Total costs: 2.5 million EuroFunded by: Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo and City of KuopioAdditional information: Jari Kellokoski, Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, [email protected]

The patient chair is adjusted with the remote unit on the floor.

The facilities of the clinic are equipped with lighting that lights up and turns brighter or dimmer automatically. This eliminates bacteria left behind by unnecessary contact.

Dentist and patient meets at the most modern environment in the world


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Laboratory, pathology unit, X-ray and tomography... One could think that we are talking about medical science, but we are actually describing the top know-how of the Metla research and development unit.

The Nursery information service, which has turned into a real suc-cess story has been followed by

four new functions in the Suonenjoki unit, tells Heikki Smolander, Senior Researcher of Metla. The modernisa-tion of the research greenhouse was completed in April 2013, which ena-bled piloting of two new techniques.

The facilities are cooled down with new water curtain technology. The other innovation is the alteration of the structure of plants by using LED lights. The advantage with LED technology is that the wavelength of the light can be adjusted more flexibly than with traditional lighting.

The Metla-founded seed laboratory studies the germination and struc-ture of seeds. Damaged seeds can be distinguished from intact ones by using X-ray.

The seed laboratory cooperates with the Biomaterial centre of the University of Eastern Finland. Experi-

ments have been made regarding e.g. the study of the structure of seeds using tomography. This technology is still rarely used for this purpose.

Seed and seedling producers and forest cultivation specialists are awaiting results with great interest, because the seed price is determined by germination qualities.

In Suonenjoki a research plant nursery is also in operation, which develops seedling methods to better fit machining. Industries should have suitable seedlings for the whole pe-riod when soil is not frozen, instead of traditional spring and autumn seasons.

Preliminary results show that seedlings planted in the summer might start growing better than those planted in the spring.

In the future the forest pathology unit will also seek for viable solu-tions for the problems of diseases or threats in nurseries.

– Metla has developed Suonenjoki as a unit that covers the whole chain from seed production to seedling stands. This is clearly a benefit, says Senior Researcher Markku Nygren.


Programme and priority: ERDF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2 Project code and execution time: A31471, 2011–2013Total costs: 320,000 EuroFunded by: Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Senior Researcher Heikki Smolander, [email protected]

The greenhouse is cooled down with water curtain technology.

The water is cooled down in an outdoor pool. Sprayers shoot the water up in the air. Heat is dissipated from the water this way.

The Forest Research Institute in Suonenjokispecialises on plantation forests


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A unique system method for researching the impact of air pollutants has been developed at the University of Eastern Finland.

As new renewable energy production methods are being developed, the question of

whether these new fuels and fuel technologies are toxic, i.e. have ad-verse health effects, has risen.

Respectively, new medicines or ad-ditives have entered the medical and foodstuff markets without thorough, several year-long testing.

It is also expected that the bio-energy production will increase the amount of airborne small particles.

Studies have shown that air pollu-tion and especially small particles are the most important factors leading to health hazards.

– The problem has to be faced from multiple directions, says Professor Maija-Riitta Hirvonen of the Univer-sity of Eastern Finland.

– We have accepted the challenge by bringing health surveys along to the research of air pollutants. This way we can provide companies and industries the capacity of developing safe fuels, Hirvonen continues.

A small particle and aerosol tech-nology laboratory has been built at the University of Eastern Finland with EU funding. The goal is to get this country ready for the stage, where new fuels have to be tested the same way other substances entering the market have to be.

A unique chain of equipment has been set up at the University. Ex-hausts from small-scale combustion equipment and cars are led through the line to dilution, which simulates the dilutive effect of the atmosphere.

The exhausts then travel to the transformation chamber, which simu-lates the effect of UV light and ozone. After that the exhausts travel to the cell and animal unit for exposure tests. All stages contain physical and chemi-cal analyses.

The University of Eastern Finland performs this work together with three other countries in the Heimholz Virtual Institute of Germany, which focuses especially on bioenergy and marine emissions.

– Similar equipment cannot be found under the same roof any-where else in Europe. We want to be pioneers in testing new fuels, says Professor Hirvonen.


Programme and priority: ERDF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2 Project code and execution time: A31097, 2010-2011 Total costs: 570,000 Euro Funded by: Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Professor Maija-Riitta Hirvonen, [email protected]

There has previously not been research facilities and equipment for studying the harmfulness of air pollution in the University of Eastern Finland; they have been created as a result of the development work.

Transformation chamber.

Health research is connected to combustion system and fuel development








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The new operations network model helps entrepreneurs conceptualise customer- and student-oriented interior design products and space solutions.

The operations network consists of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences, various educational units

of the Savo Educational Consortium, along with companies and specialists.

The new planning project is proceed-ing in two directions. The entrepreneur presents his idea in an opening meeting, after which the students create 4–5 different versions of the idea.

The best version is selected and a prototype is created. This is where the work of educational institutions end, and it is up to the entrepreneur, whether he continues to design the product.

The second approach is student-oriented. When a student comes up with a good idea for a product, it is further developed and potential interested en-trepreneurs are sought after.

A few examples of products designed by the most innovative operations model: a modular indoor sauna made of laminated logs for Far Eastern markets,

sound traps made of hemp that can also be used as playground equipment, and space solutions built layer by layer out of laminated veneer lumber.

The laminated veneer lumber can be used for creating different waiting areas, a part of which can be used as meeting rooms or video conference areas.

The company that developed the product idea have built a pavilion out of laminated veneer lumber for the Milan Furniture Fair.

The participants of the operations network have joined Material ConneXion, an international online solution, which can be used for viewing all new materials from a material bank, and they can be ordered directly from the manufacturer. This eases the work of students.

It is also possible to receive a box of samples a few times per year through the service.The goal is to start a new

material exhibition in Savonia, which can be utilised by the entrepreneurs as well.

– Some projects have been so suc-cessful that they have been continued directly. The Games for Health project of Savonia was started by fitness games designed for the Rehabilitation Depart-ment of the Kuopio University Hospital, says Project Manager Tapani Laukkanen of the Kuopio Academy of Design.


Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 3 Project code and execution time: S11448, 2010-2014 Total costs: 450,000 Euro Funded by: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-SavoAdditional information: Project Manager Tapani Laukkanen, [email protected]

The Kuopio Academy of Design created a plan of a floating restaurant boat in Kallamarina.

Students designed a rehabilitative game environment for the Rehabilitation Department of the Kuopio University Hospital, which was based on an idea by lecturer Heikki Nevalainen. The space was designed by students Sini Räikkä, Sofia Mikkonen and Pekka Malo.

A Savonian operations network creates innovative products out of ideas


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Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2 Project code and execution time: S11469 and S11470, 2010–2014 Total costs: 906,255 Euro (Uraohjaamo), 516,050 Euro (Lähde)Funded by: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Jaana Pernu, [email protected] (Uraohjaamo), Tarja Tapaninen, [email protected] (Lähde),

Uraohjaamo helps young people find THE thing they want to do

Youngsters and Project Manager Jaana Pernu getting acquainted with professions in the construction sector on a construction site of YIT.

Uraohjaamo offers guidance for young people for a better grip of studies and work life.

Possibilities for employment today are few without vocational edu-cation and work experience.

The Uraohjaamo guidance service helps young people find a pleasing study place by arranging education and work place visits and providing personal guidance in Kuopio, Siilinjärvi and Iisalmi. The work place visits offer young people a chance to ask ques-tions and see different occupations.

The goal of the guidance service is to enable young people to make the best educational choices possible.

– Young people are invited continu-ously, and they are offered a chance to reflect their own career plans against different options, says Project Manager Jaana Pernu.

Companies have joined the project by providing workplaces, work trials and apprenticeships for young people.

In addition to Uraohjaamo, an activ-ity called Lähde strives to prevent exclusion. The purpose of the activity is to identify incipient exclusion as early as possible.

The activity started in Siilinjärvi, and the neighbouring social and health services also have committed to it.

Life management skills of custom-ers are supplemented, among others, with a function, where a support person helps the youngster in study, work and leisure time-related mat-ters.

The “Nuoret Duuniin” campaign, in turn, challenges all entrepreneurs of Pohjois-Savo to employ at least one young person for at least two months.

The target group consists of young people and their families. The Lähde activity has already resulted in permanent good practices in low threshold services e.g. by combining virtual and physical service.

Both Uraohjaamo and Lähde aim to support the implementation of the Youth Guarantee by actively working on the coordination and development of the service system.

The activities help young people discover all possible routes for a bal-anced daily life and education, and a work place they enjoy.


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A wish among entrepreneurs led to a training in Pohjois-Savo, which increases the know-how in Sales Management.

The Sales Management training enforces the domestic and in-ternational competitiveness and

employment rate of local companies. It has been such a success that it

will be continued by a Masters pro-gramme in International Business and Sales Management at the University of Eastern Finland, as separate studies at the Varkaus unit of the Savonia University of Applied Science and as a part of the eMBA training at the Aducate Centre for Training and Development.

This has been built in coopera-tion with 50 companies, who have brought their own knowledge to the use of students. The education in question is unique as no one offers anything similar in Finland.

– The most important task is to ed-ucate new experts for the economic life, says lecturer Saara Julkunen of the University of Eastern Finland.

A significant part of the educa-tion content is about internationality. Several foreign lecturers have given

lectures and the language of instruc-tion has mainly been English.

The core team consisting of lectur-ers and members of the cooperation network have sought inspiration from outside of Finland. The team mem-bers of the Grandfield Management Center from the U.S. got the newest information of Sales Management.

In the future there will be devel-opment in the research of sales and international business activities.

Students of the Sales Manage-ment basic training of the University of Eastern Finland, Aducate or Savonia master various operational environ-ments of sales, sales strategies, inter-national B2B sales, recruiting, direct sales and has good interpersonal skills. The training also sheds a light on eth-ics and jurisprudence of sales.


Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 3 Project code and execution time: S11469, autumn 2010 to autumn 2013 Total costs: 700,000 Euro Funded by: The Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Oili Kinnunen, [email protected]/myyjo

New sales experts are needed in the economic life

Sales and interpersonal skills are practised in the Sales Management basic training by using e.g. role playing games. In the picture: Katariina Rissanen




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Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 4 Project code and execution time: S11426, 2010-2012 Total costs: 153,000 EuroFunded by: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-SavoAdditional information: Development Manager Mari Nupponen, [email protected]

International models put into use for the development of employment services

Good practices spread through EU projects from a province and country to anot-her. Pohjois-Savo has adopted the model for the emplo-yment of immigrants from Scotland, among others.

In Pohjois-Savo every immigrant is a potential employee. That is why we want to invest in employ-

ing them. The beginning is eased by offering the immigrant job seeker a possibility to get acquainted with the work environment, work tasks and their demands, and help him create networks to promote employment.

The model is adopted from other European countries with a longer his-tory of employing immigrants.

The personnel of organisations offering employment services have visited Denmark, Sweden, the Neth-erlands and Scotland, and studied their special employment models.

In Scotland, for instance, a so-called work shadowing service is used in which the job seeker “shadows” the professional. He observes how the professional performs various tasks and he may also try these tasks under supervision of the staff. Both parties receive support from an employment

coach, who helps ensure that the tasks of the work place and the skills of the job seeker meet.

After the visits a development group reviewed the different proce-dures and chose the best for trying them out.

One of these tested procedures was mentoring, which supports voluntary employment. In mentoring activities the Finnish support person shares information and experiences of work life to the immigrant job seeker.

The person being mentored has the chance to think about his goals regarding employment and receive advice and opinions from the mentor that can be of use in order to find a work place.

If the mentor and the person being mentored share the same profes-sion, the mentor can provide valuable

A group of employment professionals from Pohjois-Savo got acquainted with models e.g. in the Netherlands.

Mentoring is a good way of creating networks and get advice for employment.

networks and inside information of possible employers.

– The employment service has been proven useful and it has been succeeded by the project “Developing the employment of immigration services in Pohjois-Savo”, says the Development Manager of the University of Eastern Finland Mari Nupponen.


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Brain tissue changes of Alzheimer’s can be mitigated with targeted treatment

The Neurology unit of the University of Eastern Finland has received new information regarding the treatment of Alzheimer’s from a medicine meant for the treatment of angina pectoris.

Several studies show that there is a connection between a previ-ous transient ischemic attack and

Alzheimer’s. For instance, if a person has a stroke at the age of 50, there is a great chance that he will get Alzheimer’s later on.

The circulatory failure does not have to be massive; even the slightest change in the brain could act as a seed for Alz-heimer’s.

It is discovered that the development mechanism of the disease is related to the calcium and beta amyloid ac-cumulated in the brain after a transient ischemic attack.

The University of Eastern Finland has studied whether Bepridilin, a medication originally designed for treating angina pectoris, reduces the accumulation of calcium and beta amyloid.

During early stages of the research, the cerebral circulation of rats was slowed down for two hours. After two days the use of Bepridilin was started. The medication was continued for 26 days.

Before the study the rats were taught how to climb up a cylinder cup and walk

on a line in order to compare the move-ment of the rats to those who have not received medication.

The assumption was that Bepridil re-duces the accumulation of beta amyloid and calcium; the movement is also bet-ter, because the symptoms of a tran-sient ischemic attack are most apparent in physical movement.

The studies provided further evidence that beta amyloid is accumulated in the brain after a circulatory failure. The ac-cumulations become firmer and wider over time, and calcium also starts to accumulate.

Bepridilin significantly reduced the amount of beta amyloid and calcium, but improvements in memory and learning were not seen.

The most serious symptoms of Alzhei-

mer’s is related to learning and memory, so the research results could not verify that the Bepridil treatment would affect these in particular.

Even if the original goal was left partially unachieved, the medication showed potential in the treatment of acute brain damages. A strong accumu-lation of calcium in the brain is related to brain damages, and the Bepridil treat-ment might help the recovery.

In addition to the advantage of pos-sible treatment of brain damages, the project succeeded to create a cost-effective research model, which can be used in testing other medication.

QPS Austria GmbH from Austria utilises this model by offering clinical medicine testing based on it.

Other instances involved in the re-search were Orion Oyj, The Finnish Brain Research and Rehabilitation Center, MAP Medical Technologies, Hermo Pharma Oy and the University of Eastern Finland.

– The research can be considered a success, because the expected hy-pothesis was verified; we were able to significantly lower accumulations of calcium and beta amyloid in the brain, says Professor Mikko Hiltunen of the University of Eastern Finland.

Beta amyloid and calcium accumulations in the brain (circled in the picture) were successfully lowered during tests.


Programme and priority: ERDF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2 Project code and execution time: A550532, 2010-2012 Total costs: 300,000 Euro Funded by: TEKES Additional information: Professor Mikko Hiltunen, [email protected]


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Travelling and program service companies of Pohjois-Savo have received education about committing to environmental values, development of services and updating of safety documents. The goal is a greener province.

In the GreenSavo project the Savonia University of Applied Sci-ence has provided environment,

quality and safety training to com-panies, and the possibility to develop services by utilizing means of service design.

– The education is carried out with mobile schools on the Pohjois-Savo region, taking travelling seasons of different areas and the starting point of companies into consideration, says Project Manager Tiina Kuosmanen.

According to her, the team spirit between companies that participated was very strong. Experience-based information was shared without regard to whether the particular busi-nesses operated in the same industry or not. The greatest competitor to a golf entrepreneur, for instance, is not another hole ball entrepreneur, but other hobbies and activities. That is why entrepreneurs should pull together.

The development of services has also been reviewed from the aspect of communica-tions and electronic media.

The participants got tips and directions for the social media and for how to break the wings of negative feedback, among others.

– In accordance with the teachings of the Travel Without Guilt training programme, which is based on sustainable travelling, in communications it is clearer to refer to a specific standard than to describe in a long-tongued way how environ-mental matters have been considered, says Kuosmanen.

The GreenSavo project has also provided the execution of different certificates, such as an international golf course environmental programme (GEO) and the Laatutonni and Jout-senlippu labels.

The students of the Savonia Uni-versity of Applied Science were also in the workshops with their fresh ideas.

This resulted in several good con-cepts, such as: a light path created in the forest, a four season spa, a deep snow bank sleigh ride in extreme conditions and a nocturnals-event,


Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 3 Project code and execution time: S12062, 2012-2013 Total costs: 175,100 EuroFunded by: Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Tiina Kuosmanen, [email protected]

Tourism companies seek greener values

Trainer Mikko Koivisto lectures about stakeholder mapping and user-oriented services.

Tiina Kuosmanen practices fire handling.

which will be arranged in Tahko during the nightless nights.

The goal of these new services is to cre-ate sensory experiences and prolong the stay of tourists visiting the Pohjois-Savo region.

Savonia has created the “Merta lähem-mäs kalaan” seminar in connection with the GreenSavo project with the Savo Vocational and Adult College, which provided informa-tion about food made of ingredients from the province with the guidance of world-class chefs.


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The Työpäivä project started by the food distribution of ViaDia Pohjois-Savo ry has given some good insight and skills for managing customer-oriented life.

The food distribution service started in 2010 provided a meeting place for helpers and

those in need of help. The personnel of ViaDia noticed that people need-ing food aid have several problems. Their usual services such as housing and substance abuse control were not enough.

By the initiative of Operations Man-ager Pekka Matilainen ViaDia started developing an operating model for the rehabilitation work and related sup-port network.

The “Arjen taidot” training pro-gram was created for those being released from prison. It is followed by “Työpäiväkokonaisuus”, which aims to provide employment or a study place for them.

In addition to supporting people with a criminal background, people having difficulties getting employed and other persons having a hard time getting by are also supported.

Rehabilitees can participate in a few-month long voluntary work before the “Työpäivä” sessions if they like. Life management training, first aid skills, computer and hygiene train-ing, and safety training is provided as part of the rehabilitative work.

ViaDia Pohjois-Savo ry has suc-cessfully created operational models, which can be utilised by other third sector operators as well.

For example, a functional concept has been found for logging recognised guidance needs. Scheduling, further guidance and courses of action are also performed with a proven pattern.

The unique thing about the “Työpäivä” project is its customer-oriented service coordination model and that it is backed by a Christian or-ganisation. The Christian background creates comfort for many supportees and safety in an unstable life situation.

– Everyone participating in the Työpäivä project have their own strengths and areas of expertise. By supporting these it is possible to get a job that corresponds to their skills, says Project Manager Petri Kekäläinen.


Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2 Project code and execution time: S11460, 2010-2013 Total costs: 359,000 Euro Funded by: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Project Manager Petri Kekäläinen, [email protected]

Työpäivä may show a wayto the labour market

It is possible to get acquainted to work day routines by distributing food, for example.

In addition to the work based learning and free food arranged by ViaDia Pohjois-Savo ry, spiritual activities are provided in the premises of the Kuopio Free Church.


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Savo StarS Savon tähdet

In the future, waste of Joensuu, Savonlinna, Mikkeli, Saarijärvi, Iisalmi, Kuopio and Varkaus are managed in Leppävirta, the centre of these locations, where a new waste incineration plant is being built. This saves up to four million truck kilometres per year.

Waste burns in the middle of a sand storm and ocean of fire in the Riikinvoima eco power plant

Fluidised bed technology developed in Varkaus in the 1970s is being implemented in the modern waste incineration plant being built in Leppävirta.

The Riikinvoima eco power plant founded in connection with the Itä-Eko project is a joint project be-

tween seven communal waste compa-nies and Varkauden Aluelämpö Oy.

In the background of the decision to build the plant is the goal to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste on landfills.

Because of the future plant, the amount of waste ending up on the landfill in Eastern and Central Finland will be reduced to a fracture of the current amount.

Before the final building decision, waste companies and Varkauden

Aluelämpö Oy had to weigh their options of whether to build the plant with grate technology or fluidised bed boilers. The final decision was to build the latter.

Grate technology is the traditional waste incineration technology in which the waste is fed to an inclined grate without sorting.

In fluidisation technology the grate is level and there is a half metre layer of sand on it. When the boiler is ignited, the sand is fluidised by the combustion air through the nozzles in the grate.

The sand is heated to 800-900 degrees Celsius and the boiler is fed with fuel instead of waste. The waste burns in the middle of a sand storm and ocean of fire.

The amount of air in the circulat-ing fluidised technology of Leppävirta is so big that the bed of sand starts to circulate with it. The circulating bed of

sand intensifies the fuel mixture and the combustion continues all the way to the end. Smoke gases are separated from the sand after the combustion stage and passed to smoke gas treatment. The sand returns to the furnace of the circulating fluidised bed boiler.

A prerequisite for the effective opera-tions of the incineration plant is a careful source separation and pre-treatment of the waste. Mixed and biowaste and bottles and metals must be sorted in households even more carefully. This ensures that the waste can be utilised the best way possible for production of electricity and heat, and the consum-ers can avoid rising waste management costs.

The plant created a total of about fifty new jobs. The construction site creates approximately 250 man-years of work.

The district heating generated by the plant can be used for heating 9,000 detached houses, and the electricity generated by the incineration process can be sold to the national grid.

– The plant will be a great reference to the boiler supplier. The same tech-nology developed in Varkaus is utilised worldwide, says Project Manager Janne Kuronen.


Programme and priority: ERDF, Eastern Finland, Priority 2 Project code and execution time: A32095, 2012–2013 Total costs: 815,000 Euro Funded by: Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Project Manager Janne Kuronen, [email protected]


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The ’Osaamisesta liiketoimintamalleiksi’ project has strengthened the cooperation of the Crisis Management Centre and operators in the Pohjois-Savo region, and increased the awareness of Civil Crisis Management.

The Crisis Management Centre located at the Emergency Services College of Kuopio is the only Civil

Crisis Management knowledge centre of Finland. The main task of the centre is to train experts for international Civil Crisis Management and Peace-Building missions.

One of the goals of the “Osaamisesta liiketoimintamalleiksi” project is to utilise the knowledge of the Crisis Manage-

ment Centre for coaching companies aiming for new markets.

During the project, several new train-ings were arranged; the TEHO training, among others, in which the prepared-ness for operating in unstable countries was strengthened.

The TEHO training consisted of a preparatory e-learning period and four skill training days. The training days con-sisted of practices in staged operational environments.

The subjects of the practices ranged from first aid trainings to working with an interpreter and gathering information for business analyses.

Partial implementers of the project were the Kuopio Chamber of Commerce, the Savonia University of Applied Science and the University of Eastern Finland.

They played a lead role in creating con-tents related to the perspective of the company, the use of social media and the development of business activities.

The companies of Pohjois-Savo are encouraged to participate in the business delegation visits arranged by FinnPro, which are directed towards de-veloping areas. The business delegation visits can be used for creating valuable contacts and increasing the awareness in the country of destination.

– Participating companies from vari-ous industries were sought. The final number of participants was 15 compa-nies, all of which had plans to perform business in fragile and post-crisis re-gions, says Project Manager Mervi Ku-vaja of the Crisis Management Centre.


Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 1 Project code and execution time: S11756, 2011–2013 Total costs: 525,000 Euro Funded by: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-SavoAdditional information: Project Manager Mervi Kuvaja, [email protected]

It is important to operate the right way when facing security threats in developing countries and post-crisis areas.

Pekka Haavisto lectures on business opportunities for Eastern Finnish companies.

Haavisto presented Africa, among others, which is a new market developing from a natural resource economy towards being an information society.

Civil crisis management and peace-building go hand-in-hand with business activities


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Savo StarS Savon tähdet

The pioneer in innovation expertise transfers knowledge to the use of small and medium-sized businesses.

The training activities of Kuopio Innovation Runway has resulted in three new companies, ten

new products and services, and about twenty new workplaces. The project, which has expanded from the energy and environment industry to the development of the ICT and well-being service industry has proven that a customer-oriented approach is the best when developing a new product or service.

– There is no point in creating a product for the market and after-wards ask if anyone is interested in it. Rather, the end user should be involved in the product development as early as possible, says Project Manager Juha Vilhunen of Kuopio Innovation.

Vilhunen and specialist Kalevi Vou-tilainen both have a long history of entrepreneurship, which is reflected within the knowledge they share.

Understanding the limited resources of a small company is a significant factor. Instead of conquering the world right here and now, one should

use existing resources. An international alignment can be

found in every company involved, but one should be careful when planning to go abroad. This chance does not present itself very often; usually there is only one chance to pull it off.

According to Vilhunen and Vou-tilainen, most harmful for product development and business activities is undecidedness.

– It is essential to please the first customers to such an extent that they start sharing information and experiences of the product or service with others as well.

The companies involved in the Run-way training have mostly been tech-nology companies, but the activities of well-being services have also been developed, such as those of Suupirssi and eKlinikka.

Environmentally friendly protective material for biofuel storage clamps developed during the project is spread on fields in Pudasjärvi.

The runway of commercialisation creates a path for growth-seeking companies

















The protective material can be burned with the fuel at power plants.

The trainers of the Runway project aim to be a few steps ahead of the company to be trained; who develops the product, what distribution route is used and who are the partners.


Programme and priority: ESF, Eastern Finland, Priority 3 Project code and execution time: S11332, 2010-2014 Total costs: 713,000 Euro Funded by: Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo Additional information: Project Manager Juha Vilhunen, [email protected]/runway

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