
Saturday Sunday WorshipYear 12 SOR

Origins Creation Story Gen 2:3

“So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation”

Leviticus 23:3“Six days shall work be done, but the

seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation, it is a Sabbath to the

Lord throughout your settlements” Acts 20:7“On the first day of the week, when we met

to break bread”

Origins 4th Commandment Exodus 20:8

“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy”

Originally practiced on a Saturday, moved to Sunday to tie in with Roman Society

Also distancing from Jews 321Ce- Constatine- Sunday day of worship Seventh Day Adventists/Baptists practice


General Format of Mass

Approach to God- Introduction/Call to Worship- Hymns/Songs- Prayers of Praise- Confession Word of God-Readings from Scripture-Homily/Sermon Response to Word of God-Prayers of intercession-Communion-Hymns-Dismissal

Introductory Rites Opens worship. Usually consists of acts of penance /

reconciliation and praise / call to worship / invocation (depends on denomination)

“Lord Have Mercy”; Gloria – tend to be common elements

Opening Prayer – a focus of prayer – Sunday is always resurrection!

Liturgy of the Word Always biblical readings Usual pattern but may vary: Hebrew Bible; Psalm New Testament other than the Gospel; Gospel – always! Preaching Prayers of the People

Liturgy of the Eucharist Presentation and Preparation of Gifts Gifts … Significance of the Collection Great Thanksgiving Preface – seasonal, specific etc … Eucharistic Prayer – variations …

Eucharistic Prayer In most denominations there is a set

pattern. Anamnesis - remembrance Epiclesis – work of the Holy Spirit Institution Narrative – doing as Jesus

commanded Doxology – The Words of Glory

Communion Rite Usually, but with some variation … The Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace – location varies Fraction – “breaking of the bread” Reception of the Sacrament – mode


Post-communion Final prayer Blessing

Aspects of the Mass Lectionary- Bible readings read over a

cycle of 3 years, ensures most bible is read (Most Churches)

Readings- Usually include Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament Letter and a Gospel Reading

Sermon- Word of God: Given by someone of divine authority eg Priest

Aspects of the Mass Eucharistic Service (Use this term) Often seen

as the formal sacrament, pinnacle of the Mass Last Supper- Jesus breaking of the bread and

sharing wine Mt 26:17-29 St Paul highlights significance of Last Supper 1

Cor 11:17-32 Communal gathering of Christians focusing on

the death, resurrection and return of Christ, involves readings, hymns and Communion

Catholic Worship Sunday Mass Ordained Male Priest can celebrate

Communion Transubstantiation- Bread and Wine

become the Body and Blood of Christ Priest stands at Altar for Communion Vernacular Language

Orthodox Worship Sunday Mass Only Male ordained priest can celebrate

Communion Transubstantiation- Bread and wine

become the Body and Blood Priest stands behind Iconostasis for

Communal Blessing Vernacular Language Heavy emphasis on Symbols

Protestant Worship Hymns, Singing and Long Sermons Some allow Lay Presiders Can Ordain Women Consubstantiation- Bread and Wine remain as

bread and wine, representing the body and blood of Christ (Varies between denominations)

Some denominations don’t celebrate Communion weekly (1 per month)

Great emphasis on the Bible- Central feature of the service

Themes/Purpose Eucharistic Celebration- Celebrates the life, death

and resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 Cor 11:26- When we eat this bread and drink

this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes

Greatest act of Christian Worship for Catholics, Orthodox and Anglicans

Protestants- Focus on the Bible: Communal gathering to hear and preach the Word of God

Significance/Contribution An Act of Public Worship Catholics/Orthodox- Uniting of the Whole Church,

both the visible and invisible Christians must worship together Mt 18:20“Wherever two or three are gathered in my name” Presences of Christ throughA) The WordB) The SacramentC) The Assembly of the BaptisedD) His Spirit through the believer

Significance/Contribution Nicene Creed- Used in variance formats as an affirmation of

the fundamental Christian Beliefs ‘The Nicene Creed’ contains twelve fundamental statements,

essential to the Christian faith. These are: 1. The fundamental nature of God –Three distinct persons

and yet one God; 2. The eternal God, the Son; 3. The true divinity of Jesus Christ; 4. The salvation of God brought through the incarnation; 5. The suffering, death and burial of Christ; 6. The Resurrection of Christ from the dead; 7. The ascension of Christ to His Father in heaven; 8. The expected return of Christ to this world; 9. The true divinity of God the Holy Spirit; 10. The nature of the Church – One, Holy and Apostolic; 11. Forgiveness of sins that comes through baptism; 12. The Resurrection of all people and eternal life(Rev Timothy Evangelindis: Parish Priest of St George, Hobart, Tasmania)

Significance/Contribution Sharing the Eucharist transforms us into

the body of Christ Emperor Augustine: “You will not change

me into yourself as you would food of your flesh; but you will be changed into me”

Final Blessing “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord”

Highlights that Sunday Worship and Social Justice = Christianity in action

Significance/Contribution Connecting with God Reflect on Scriptural and Ethical

Teachings and Directions Communal Gathering- Believers coming

together (Hebrews 10:24-25: Believers must not keep apart from other believers)

Instruction of Faith (Sermon)

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