


Information for people wishing to live

and/or do business on Sark

The Island of Sark Situated in the Bay of St. Malo, Sark is the smallest self-governing island within the Bailiwick of Guernsey, one of the United Kingdom’s Crown Dependencies. It is 7 miles [11 kilometres] east of Guernsey, 14 miles [22½ kilometres] northwest of Jersey and about 20 miles [32 kilometres] from France.

Physical size At around 3½ miles [5½ kilometres] long by 1½ miles [2½ kilometres] wide the mainland of

Sark consists of two distinct regions, Sark and Little Sark, joined by an isthmus called La

Coupée, as well as a number of smaller associated islands, including Brecqhou.

Sark is the most fascinating of the Channel Islands, unspoilt by motor cars and without all the

noise and bustle of modern day life. Surrounded on all sides by high, scenic cliffs, the top of

the Island is a verdant patchwork of fields and tarmac free-roads with tranquil bays and coves

to explore at sea level.


With no street lighting, after dark a torch is essential when walking or cycling around the

island. That is unless it is a clear night with a full moon when the brightness of the moon is

almost as bright as daylight and beautiful moon shadows are cast on the roads and pathways.


Climate The climate is similar to that of Devon, Cornwall and Brittany. Frosts are infrequent and Sark frequently reports the greatest annual sunshine hours for any place in the British Isles. Average rainfall is 30 to 40 inches [760 to 1020 mm]. Summer weather is very pleasant with light breezes and temperatures in the mid-20’s Celsius. Winter can bring wet and windy storms; however ferry services to/from Sark are only interrupted very occasionally.

Population Sark’s resident population is around 500 rising to about 1000 ‘in season’ with seasonal staff and when hotels, guest houses and campsites are open to receive holiday makers, generally between Easter and October.

Immigration The only prerequisites for people wishing to live on Sark in respect of nationality, citizenship or religion is that they are either a citizen of the UK or permitted to move to the UK. Further information can be obtained through the Bailiwick Border Agency:

Language Victor Hugo described the Channel Islands as "fragments of France which fell into the sea and were gathered up by England". While Serquaise (a patois, a version of Guernsey French) is rarely spoken and English is the main language of use today there are plenty of signs of the French influence still evident. This influence is apparent in many place names, as well as some of the old family names, it is also used in many official documents.

Property All dwellings, whether rented, leased or purchased outright are defined as being either ‘local

market’ (one that was built new since 1976) or ‘open market’. In order to reside in a ‘local

market’ dwelling, a person needs to be ‘locally qualified’ by having been born on Sark, lived

on Sark for at least 15 years or by living as a member of the family of a person who is ‘locally

qualified’. There are no restrictions on who may reside in an ‘open market’ dwelling. A more

complete explanation of this can be found within the Housing (Control of Occupation) (Sark)

Law, 2013.

Any new dwelling, or other development on the Island, needs to have written permission

from the Development Control Committee before any work may begin. Application forms are

available from the Committee Office.


Ports The Isle of Sark Shipping Company operates an all year round lifeline passenger and cargo service between Sark and Guernsey. There is a seasonal service between Sark, Jersey and Normandy during the summer months provided by Manche Iles. A number of smaller operators are licenced for 12 & under passengers, on a charter basis, between Sark and Guernsey, a list of licenced vessels can be found on the Sark Government web site. Fares include poll “landing” tax. Privately owned yachts, pleasure craft, dive boats and fishing vessels have the use of Sark’s three harbours. The harbours and moorings are administered by the Harbours & Shipping Committee. Visiting yachts are welcome to use the yellow mooring buoys in either Havre Gosselin or Grève de la Ville, these are provided free of charge, though donations are welcome. Sark has no airport. Under the R095 restriction aircraft and helicopters are not permitted to fly over Sark at an altitude of less than 2374 feet without prior permission from the Guernsey Director of Civil Aviation. This restriction also covers the flying of drones and the necessary regulations and procedure to seek permission to do so can be found on the Sark Government web site.


Commerce Sark exports locally caught seafood, and Island reared lamb, pork, and beef as well as hen’s eggs and other agricultural produce. It also exports chocolate, pottery, ale and jewellery which are all produced locally. Tourism probably occupies the greatest number of residents. There are several restaurants, pubs and hotels, as well as guest houses, bed & breakfast and self-catering facilities and two campsites. All financial services/activity on Sark are regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.


The island’s currency is the Guernsey Pound, which is tied to the British Pound sterling and both are accepted throughout Sark. The Euro is accepted by a number of places on Sark at the current exchange rate.


Day to Day Living & Working.

Electricity: 240v mains electricity is supplied to the whole of the Island by a privately owned

business, at a rate determined by the independent price control commissioner (currently


Water: There is no mains water supply on Sark and each household is responsible for its own

supply, the choice being catchment, borehole/well, or a combination of both. In the case of

those people who are on catchment, in times of low rainfall water deliveries may need to be

arranged by the Fire Service (07781 110806 this number is NOT for emergency calls - use 999

instead) The treatment of drinking water, regardless of source, is the responsibility of the

individual householder.

Sewage: There is no mains sewer system on Sark and each household is responsible for the

handling of its own foul water. Pits are emptied by the Island, for which a charge of £18.37 is

made for each load removed. This may be arranged by making a phone call to Sark Public

Works 07781 104846.

Gas: There is no main gas supply on Sark, Bottled gas (Butane and Propane) is supplied by a

privately owned business at a rate set by them.

Heating Oil: Domestic heating oil is supplied by two privately owned businesses who deliver

to customers.

Petrol/Diesel: Petrol, for use in outboard motors, lawn mowers and other horticultural

equipment is supplied by one retailer.

Diesel, for use in tractors and boat engines is supplied by the same retailer.

Telephones: Land line telephones and a broadband service are provided by Sure Telecom or

JT. Several operators provide mobile phone service to the Island.

Post: Guernsey Post provides a sub-Post Office on Sark with full counter services and home

deliveries five days a week. Sark is also served by major courier carriers including DHL, FedEx

and UPS.

Rubbish Collection: Household waste, sorted into glass, tins/cans and burnable refuse is

collected on a weekly basis. Other items such as cycles, white goods, and electrical goods are

collected by arrangement. An annual charge of £88.80 per person, paid quarterly, is payable

for this service with additional charges levied for other items.


Shops Sitting approximately central on the Island is the Avenue, this is Sark’s main shopping area. Fresh and frozen food is available from the grocery store ‘The Food Stop’, which features a selection of ‘Waitrose’ lines. The Gallery Stores offer general sundries, housewares, gifts and ironmongery as well as being the Island’s Post Office; it also runs a NatWest Bank counter service. There are also several other outlets on the Avenue including cafés, a cycle hire shop and gift shops selling items such as handmade glass, paintings, jewellery and pottery and an Estate Agency. Around the perimeter of the Avenue are other cycle hire shops, pubs, the Island Hall, restaurants and grocery store ‘Mon Plaisir’ which has a selection of ‘Iceland’ products. Most outlets offer a delivery service for which there may be an additional charge.

Community There is a great community spirit on Sark with a full programme of activities and events being

held throughout the year. There are many Sark organisations and clubs offering a wide range

of activities and interests to suit all. Details of some of these and a full calendar of Island

activities can be found on the Sark Tourism website at

Annual events generally attract a remarkable influx of day visitors, doubling or quadrupling

the resident high season population: e.g. Sark Folk Festival [June] and The Sheep Races [July].

These events are organised to support local charities including the Professor Charles Saint

Medical Trust which subsidises prescription charges for Sark residents.


Volunteering plays an important part in the lives of people on Sark, be it just to help out with some event or other, or to fulfil a specific role such as a member of the Fire Brigade. It is therefore quite ordinary for people to have a number of roles in addition to their ‘day job’.

Television and Radio and Entertainment Terrestrial Digital Television is broadcast from Jersey and Guernsey and consists of the

channels available through Freeview. The satellite providers Sky also broadcasts to Sark, a

subscription may be required. To operate a television receiver requires a UK Television

Licence. The free licence for those people over 75 years does not apply to Sark.

Sark is served by BBC Radio Guernsey and the independent radio station Island FM 104.7

Sark does not have a permanent theatre however the Sark Theatre Group does put on

regular performances including pantomime at Christmas.

There is no Cinema on Sark, the nearest being on Guernsey.

Education There is one Island funded school that provides education for all the island's children from

the age of 4 when they can enter reception, to the age of 16.

Please see the School website ( for further up to date information.


Medical & Healthcare Sark is not part of the UK’s National Health Service and all residents are strongly encouraged to take

out private medical insurance or else pay for treatment as it is needed, this includes any ‘Accident & Emergency’ treatment and any emergency evacuation off the Island which can be very costly. An annual subscription to St John’s Ambulance Marine Scheme is available. The island currently has a resident doctor. Surgeries are held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am – 10am & 4pm – 5.30pm by appointment only. Home visits from 11.30am. The surgery is closed Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. More information is available at [email protected] In the event of accident or emergency care above that which the resident doctor can provide

locally, evacuation to Guernsey is carried out by either the Flying Christine III, the St. John

Ambulance’s medical launch, or the RLNI Lifeboat for which there is a charge.

Physiotherapy treatment may be available on Sark, undertaken by a Guernsey Registered

physiotherapist, during the summer months. Treatment is usually undertaken at Stocks Hotel.

There is no resident dentist on Sark, however between April and September a dentist comes

across from Guernsey to hold a surgery catering for check-ups, polishing and fillings. Any

work more serious than this, or needed at any other time of year, will require a visit to


There is no optician on Sark, all appointments and treatment have to be carried out off-


Carers for the elderly or infirm are available by private arrangement both on Island and from

agencies in Guernsey - but again this comes at a cost.

Emergency Services ALL emergency calls should be made to 999 (or 911 via a mobile), stating which Sark emergency service is required. Police: Sark has a volunteer Constable and a volunteer Vingtenier (deputy), each spending a year in the role, they are supported by a number of volunteer Special Constables that together constitute Sark’s police force. The Constable and Vingtenier are on call 24 hours a day to deal with whatever matter arises. In the event of a serious crime Guernsey Police are requested to handle the matter, with the cooperation of the Sark Constable. Fire Service: The Sark Fire & Rescue Service is made up of trained volunteers who will

respond to any emergency situation. Further background information including its history can

be found at

Ambulance Service: The Sark Ambulance Service provides emergency medical transport in


support of the Doctor and/or the Fire & Rescue Service as well as non-emergency

transportation to and from the harbour for people who need assistance. The ambulance may

be booked in advance by contacting the Sark Doctor (01481 832045) for which a charge is


There are additional charges levied for emergency call outs if they require additional man-

power, for example fire crew on cliff rescues.

Lifeboat: Lifeboat services are provided by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution from the

Guernsey lifeboat station, supported by the RNLI stations on Jersey and Alderney.

Social Security There is no form of universal social security provided on Sark. There is no maternity benefit,

child benefit, unemployment benefit or state pension, it being down to the individual to

make their own provisions.

The Procureur, a Sark resident who works for the Island, administers financial assistance for

people who for one reason or other, are in difficulties. Aid is given on a need basis but is not

automatic or guaranteed.

Banking Sark has counter services of Guernsey branches of the NatWest and HSBC banks. The NatWest operates a service via the Post Office, while the HSBC has a local branch, through which accounts may be opened. There is no cash machine on island. However several shops and cafés offer a ‘cash back’ service with a debit card purchase, usually with a minimum spend of £5.

Religion There are two churches on Sark, St Peters Church and the Methodist Chapel. Both are led by

a resident Minister who can be contacted on 01481 832115.

Church weddings may take place in either St Peters Church or in the Methodist Chapel. It is

advised that the Minister is contacted in the first instance before arranging a marriage.

Residency in the Bailiwick for 5 days is necessary. No divorcees may be married in St Peters

Church although a Blessing Service is possible after a Civil marriage. Under certain

circumstances divorcees can be married in the Methodist Chapel although consultation with

the Deacon prior to arranging a marriage may be required.

Civil weddings may be performed by the Deputy Registrar-General Mr Trevor Hamon, either

in the Chief Pleas Assembly Room and Court House or at other venues at the discretion of the

Deputy Registrar-General (see Greffier).


Local Trades A number of qualified trades people live and work on-island, including builders, plumbers,

electricians, gas fitters, hairdressers, beauticians, cleaners, gardeners, carers and nursing

staff. Professionals not available locally will need to be brought in as and when needed, e.g.

carpet fitters.

Government Sark is governed by Chief Pleas, a parliament of 18 representatives, elected by universal

suffrage, known as Conseillers, none of whom are remunerated for this role. Chief Pleas and

its Committees (populated by Conseillers) are responsible for the administration of existing

legislation as well as the introduction of new legislation which is drafted by Guernsey Law

Officers. New primary legislation has to be approved by the Privy Council.

Each Conseiller serves a term of four years with elections being held every two years at which

half of the Conseiller seats are re-elected.

Anyone aged 18 year or older may have their name put on the Electoral Roll once they have

resided on the Island for at least two years.

Please see Sark Government website for further information.


Allegiance to UK, to EU Sark is a self-governing jurisdiction with a degree of independence. It is part of the Bailiwick

of Guernsey whilst having a direct relationship to the Crown as a Crown Dependency.

Sark has owed its allegiance to the English crown since its Fief Haubert was granted in 1565

to Helier De Carteret, a Jersey man who became the first Seigneur of Sark. While not part of

the United Kingdom, nor the European Union, Sark’s international responsibilities are carried

by the UK Government through the Ministry of Justice.

There is no facility for a person to acquire Sark ‘citizenship’.

Court Sark has its own court known as the Court of the Seneschal. The Seneschal is appointed by

the Seigneur with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey. It is similar to a

Magistrates Court in the UK.

The Court of the Seneschal has unlimited civil jurisdiction. It has criminal jurisdiction to

impose a term of imprisonment not exceeding one month and/or a fine not exceeding £5000.

Imprisonment for more than 3 days must be served in Guernsey.

Appeals from the Court of the Seneschal in criminal cases are to the Royal Court in Guernsey

and in civil matters to the Ordinary Court. From there appeals lie subject to certain

limitations and procedures to the Guernsey Court of Appeal and hence to the Judicial

Committee of the Privy Council.

For criminal matters the Constable liaises closely with Guernsey Police and Guernsey Border Agency.

In the event of the Court handing down a sentence of greater than 48 hours, Sark’s small prison is not used, instead prisoners are sent to Guernsey prison.


Greffier The Greffier is the Clerk of the Court and the Clerk of Chief Pleas.

Any births happening on Sark are registered with the Greffier, there is no fee for this,

however extra copies of the birth certificate are charged at £20. Births occurring on vessels in

Sark waters are registered in the port of the vessel’s destination.

Civil Weddings may be performed by the Deputy Registrar-General Mr Trevor Hamon, either

in the Chief Pleas Assembly Room and Court House or at other venues at the discretion of the

Deputy Registrar-General. The Deputy Registrar-General will be able to answer any queries

about the legal requirements necessary to get married on Sark, and must be consulted

before any marriage arrangements are made.

Divorces are handled by the Royal Court in Guernsey.

Any death happening on Sark is registered with the Greffier, there is no fee for this, though

extra copies of the death certificate are charged at £20.

Funerals are attended to by private Funeral Directors, currently Mr. Adrian Guille is the only

person on Sark offering this service.

People who have been ordinarily resident in Sark for at least two years may request that their

name be put on the Electoral Roll and so allow them to participate in the election of

Conseillers to Chief Pleas. The Electoral Roll is compiled and maintained by the Greffier.

British citizens living in Sark may still vote in UK Parliamentary and European Parliamentary

elections as long as they have not been living abroad for more than 15 years. You can find out

details of how to register by visiting the Electoral Commission website.

Charities or other Non Profit organisations to be based in Sark will need to register, within one month

of being created, with the Registrar of Non Profit Organisations and are therefore advised to contact

the Sark Greffier.


Taxation Sark does not have Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax or Sales Tax, instead the

Government is funded by a combination of Property Tax, Personal Tax along with a smaller

contribution from Impôt, (a duty paid on the import of alcohol, tobacco and certain fuels),

Property Transfer Tax and lesser taxes on such items as cycles, tractors etc.

The system of Direct Taxation on Sark is governed by The Direct Taxes (Sark) Law, 2002 and

administered by the Sark Tax Assessor. The duty of the Sark Tax Assessor is to scrutinise the

Declaration Forms sent out to each household on the 1st January each year for the previous

year’s tax, filled in by those with a taxable connection to Sark.

Declaration Forms are sent out to each household on the 1st January each year for the

previous year’s tax, and must be completed and returned to the Assessor, together with any

remittance, by the 28th February. Failure to comply with this will involve the Assessor sending

a Formal Assessment that will include a fixed penalty and simple interest. The interest is

added on each and every month until cleared.

Sark has a Property Tax (PT) and a Personal Capital Tax (PCT).

The French system of land registration was adopted by Sark many years ago and referred to

as ‘Quartiers’ now known as ‘Quarters’. If you are a registered owner or Possessor of a

property on Sark then you will be registered in the Island Cadastre with the Total number of

Quarters so listed. Property Quarters are determined by the Island Douzaine.

A record of all the taxable property (dwellings, sheds, greenhouses etc.) is maintained by the

Douzaine, this is called the Cadastre. It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure

that their entry in the Cadastre is up to date.

Property Transfer Tax

Any property transaction where one person grants or transfers to another the ownership or a

long leasehold in any real property situated in Sark will incur Property Transfer Tax, at the

rate of 4% of the adjusted value of the transaction. The law does not state which, buyer or

seller, is responsible for paying the tax, just that the tax should be paid. The Sark Tax Assessor

will determine if a given transaction should incur Property Transfer Tax as well as keeping a

record of all such transactions.

Motor and other vehicles

No motor vehicle may be imported to Sark without prior permission from the Road Traffic

Committee, appropriate forms are available on the Government website.

In addition to the restriction on importing a motor vehicle, no unlicensed motor vehicle is

permitted to be used on Sark roads. The only vehicles that may be licenced are tractors,

agricultural vehicles, construction vehicles and mobility scooters.

Tractors are the principle motor vehicle on Sark, being used to move anything and everything

that needs moving around Sark, be this visitors luggage to and from the harbour,


transportation of cargo or construction materials through to the towing of boats, the Sark

Ambulance and Fire Tenders. The one thing tractors may not transport is people, there are

no taxis on Sark though there is a bus service to carry people up or down Harbour Hill.

Before a person may use any permitted motor vehicle they must hold a Tractor Driver’s

Licence for which a test, administered by the Constable, must have been passed.

A mobility scooter (i.e. invalid carriages with appropriate certificate from the local Doctor)

may be licenced for use upon Sark roads, such licences being issues annually by the Road

Traffic Committee. Only individuals with a medical condition may apply to use a mobility

scooter. Mobility scooters need to have an import licence from the Road Traffic Committee

before they may be brought onto the Island. For temporary assistance such vehicles may be

hired, an application form and details of how to apply can be found on the Government


Cycles, including electric cycles, are permitted to be used on Sark roads and are taxed


Horse and Horse carriages may be used on Sark roads. Horses and carriages for public use

need to be licenced annually.



The only restrictions on pet ownership relates to dogs, it being illegal to keep an unspayed

bitch on the Island for more than 28 days.

All dogs are licenced annually with licences being available from the Constables Office.

All horses are licenced annually with licences being available from the Constables Office.

There is no resident vet on Sark however a Guernsey vet (Isabelle Vets 01481 732863) visits

Sark on a monthly basis. Any serious treatment may require the affected animal to be treated

in Guernsey.

Miscellaneous Drugs

The misuse of controlled substances is covered by Bailiwick Criminal Law, and controlled by

the Guernsey Border Agency (Police & Customs).


To own or trade in any firearm, ammunition, or explosive, a Firearms certificate must first be

held, this includes any such importation. An application for a Firearms Certificate should be

made to the Douzaine.


Travel to Sark from Guernsey The only year-round scheduled direct route to Sark is by boat from Guernsey. Guernsey,

unlike Sark, has an International Airport with scheduled flights arriving from the UK and the

continent on a daily basis.

A ferry service to Guernsey, from the UK, Jersey and on to France is operated by Condor

Ferries catering for both foot and vehicle passengers.

There are a number of removal firms experienced in removals to and from Sark, these may

be found in the local phone directory, or online.

Travel to Sark from Jersey There is no scheduled direct route to Sark from Jersey, though Manche Iles Express does operate a

seasonal service, one that is very much dependent upon tidal conditions in Jersey.

Jersey has its own International Airport while a ferry service to Jersey, from the UK, and on to France

is operated by Condor Ferries catering for both foot and vehicle passengers.



Seneschal Seneschal’s Office La Chasse Marette SARK GY10 1SF

+44(0)1481 832923 [email protected]

Greffier Greffier’s Office La Chasse Marette SARK GY10 1SF

+44(0)1481 832012

[email protected]

Tax Assessor Committee Office La Chasse Marette SARK GY10 1SF +44(0)1481 832509 [email protected]

Constable Constables’s Office La Chasse Marette SARK GY10 1SF

+44(0)1481 832533

[email protected]

Isle of Sark Shipping White Rock St. Peter Port GUERNSEY GY1 2LN +44(0)1481 724059

Sark Tourism Office The Avenue SARK GY10 1SA

+44(0)1481 832345 [email protected]

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