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El universo tuvo su origen en la gran explosión. La gravedad hace que las galaxias se atraigan unas a

otras, y por tanto impide que el universo se expanda , Si la densidad del universo no es suficiente para que la

gravedad frene la expansión, entonces el universo se expandirá para siempre de lo contrario si la densidad es grande, la fuerza de gravedad será muy intensa y podría llegar a frenar la expansión, Si la densidad es la justa para que la expansión se frene en un tiempo infinito, a esta densidad se le llamara densidad crítica .

Formas de medir la densidad del universo: medir la cantidad de materia brillante otra forma es midiendo la masa dinámica

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La masa determinada de forma dinámica es mucho mas grande que la obtenida observando la materia brillante. Hay una gran cantidad de materia que sabemos que existe porque detectamos sus efectos gravitatorios.

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La forma de estudiar el universo consiste en medir la variación de la velocidad de expansión, como empezó a hacer Hubble( descubrió la galaxia de Andromeda) . Recordemos que si miramos muy lejos el universo estamos mirando hacia el pasado, debido a que la velocidad de la luz es infinita.

En el pasado la expansión era más lenta que en la actualidad, el universo se está acelerando. Dado que la fuerza de la gravedad hace que las galaxias se atraigan unas a otras, si el universo esta acelerando debe de existir una fuerza desconocida de tipo repulsivo.

Desconocemos completamente el 70% del contenido del universo y desconocemos la fuerza más importante de cuantas actúan en el universo

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The universe is the sum of all that exists, this includes the time, the space, the matter, the energy, etc…

The geocentric model .Aristotle established that the earth is motionless and that it is located in the center of the universe. All revolved in perfect circles around the earth. Ptolemy called this model the geocentric model.

The heliocentric model. Copernicus proposed the sun is motionless, it is located in the center of the universe and all revolve around it.

The Big Bang theory. Hubble discovered that the galaxies move away from each other at speeds proportional to theird distance ( Hubble´s Law)

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What happened after the Big Bang? The universe was very hot, it was formed by a plasma of

protons and electrons particles. Nuclear reactions were produced and atomic nuclei ( its consisted of several protons and neutrons, such as helium, lithium, etc) were formed. This is called primary nucleosynthesis. The nucleosynthesis ended when the universe was cooling down. The proportion of universe gases was similar to the current proportion: 25% helium and 74% hidrogen atoms. The expansion continued and the atoms were grouped and they formed higher density structures. These estructures are the galaxy which contain stars and planets.

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Galaxies are huge groups of stars, gas and dust. They differ by their different shapes and sizes, and the number of stars that they contain. There are diferent types:

- Spiral galaxies. Contain a central area or core and a variable number of arms.(milky way)

- Elliptical galaxies. They haven’t arms. They consist of old stars and are the largest galaxies know.

-Irregular galaxies. They haven’t definite form and they are most abundant. Some of them, given their size, are classified as dwarf galaxies.

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Are giant clouds of gas and dust with different shapes. The nebulae and the supernebulae are the result of big exploins that occur at the end of the life of very massive stars.

Quars Are stellar objects that emit a large amount of energy as radio


Black Holes Are objects in which the light can’t escape because of their

enormous gravitational attraction.

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Los sistemas planetarios están formados por grupos de planetas, satélites y otro objetos (cometas y asteroides) que orbitan alrededor de una estrella. Las estrellas súper gigantes rojas pueden explotar al final de su vida y expulsan gas y polvo que contienen hidrogeno, helio y otro elementos. Esta materia es la base para formar nuevas estrellas, pero una pequeña parte podría permanecer alrededor de la estrella y ocasionar la formación de planetas.

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Nuestro sistema solar consta de ocho planetas:

- Cuatro planetas interiores o rocosos son las mas próximos al sol (mercurio, Venus, La tierra y Marte) con nucleos metalicos y una corteza de aspecto rocoso.

- Cuatro planetas exteriores (saturno, jupiter, urano, neptuno) con un nucleo metalico pero compuestos sobre todo de hidrogeno y helio.

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Satelites: Astros que orbitan alrededor de los planetas

Asteroides: objetos de menor tamaño que los planetas y satelites que destacan el cinturon de asteroides entre Marte y Hupiter.

Cometas: objetos con un nucleo solido formado por agua y amoniaco, cuando se acercan al sol desprenden particulas que forman la cola del cometa.

Meteoritos: fragmentos de planetas, cometas y asteroides que van a la deriva con el espacio. Pueden caer sobre la superficie de los planetas y su tamaño varia.

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The stars are formed in a nebulae, they get oold and die when they have run out of combustible after thousand of million of years.

Energy of a stars The stages in the life of a star dependet on the amount of energy that is capable of generating at all times.

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two simple atoms come tougheter and combine their nuclei to form a new atoms much more complex.

In the stars the union of two atoms of hidrogen is produced to form helium providing a lot of energy.

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Vital cycle of a star. Starts are born in galactic nebulae wich are composed manly of hidrogem and helium this clouds of gas and dust are abundant in young galaxies like ours. In our galaxy there are many examples of great nebulae where star are being born.

Protostar. The contraction of the nebulae dued to the gravitiational attraction produce the formation of thousand of stellar-mass fractments called protostar (they are formed by hidrogen)

Young star. Gradually the hidrogen will become into helium through nuclear fusion. Then the protostar will become a star.

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In the supergigant start that the nuclear fusion of helium is going to produce elements like carbon and oxygen, Now the start has two areas of energy production: the core where the helium is converted into oxygen and carbon and the outer layer where the hydrogen is converted into helium and in the size.

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