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ECOTONE, Volume 1 (2): 47-56, Desember 2020 p-ISSN : 2746-4849

Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640

Saprobic Index and Composition of Phytoplankton in the Sungai Jang,

Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

Tengku Said Razai1, Thamrin

2, Nofrizal

2, Viktor Amrifo

2, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar


Ramses3, Imam Pangestiansyah Putra

4, Rika Kurniawan


1Departement of Aquaculture Program, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University

2Program Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Riau University

3Departement of Biology Education Program, Universitas Riau Kepulauan

4Marine Chemistry Laboratory, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University

5Departement of Marine Science, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University

*Correspondent email : [email protected]

Received: 06 November 2020 | Accepted: 28 November 2020 | Published: 02 Desember 2020


The development of an area into a residential, industrial, shopping area is a reality that is

always found in urban areas. Population growth and regional development have resulted in

increased use of natural resources, causing disruption of the natural balance (Gayosia et al.,

2014). This condition also occurs in the City of Tanjungpinang which continues to experience

improvement in the aspect of building facilities and infrastructure. Tanjungpinang is one of the

cities with a high flow of urbanization resulting in environmental problems and environmental

degradation (Darmawan, 2018). As a result of the development of facilities and infrastructure,

it will produce garbage, waste, whose management has not been carried out optimally, resulting

in environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution that occurs in Tanjungpinang City, cannot be separated from the

pollution of the aquatic ecosystem. This condition can occur because Tanjungpinang is an

archipelago that is dominated by waters. Water pollution will cause serious problems and lead

to a decrease in water quality and changes in ecosystem and biota stability (Sihombing et al.,

2015; Damayanti et al., 2018). The entry of organic and inorganic waste into the waters will


Abstract. Environmental pollution that occurs in Tanjungpinang City, cannot be separated from the

pollution of the aquatic ecosystem. Water pollution is caused by the presence of waste from residential

activities, shops, industry, and other activities that produce waste. Likewise, what happens in the waters

of the Sungai Jang, the activities of settlements, shops, industry can cause water pollution in this area, so

a study is needed to see the extent of environmental pollution. The indicator used to determine the level

of water pollution is by looking at the saprobity index through the phytoplankton community. This

research was conducted by dividing the research stations based on differences in activity, namely;

station 1 (settlements), station 2 (mangroves), station 3 (shops, industry), station 4 (reclamation). The

results showed that the composition of the phytoplankton species found in the waters of the Sungai

Jang, Tanjungpinang consisted of 17 species which were classified into 5 divisions. Diatomae types

have the most number of species among other divisions, and the most dominating. The dominance of

phytoplankton from the class Bacillariophyceae (Diatomae) cannot be separated from the role of

nutrients in the water. The average saprobic index value of -0.39 is classified as Moderately Polluted

(Meso Saprobik). Pollution that occurs is a result of organic waste from existing activities, causing an

increase in nutrients. From the results of measurements in the field, the nutrient content (nitrate and

phosphate) in the waters of the Jang river had exceeded the quality standard.

Keywords: Saprobic index, phytoplankton, Jang river, Tanjungpinang

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ECOTONE, Volume 1 (2): 47-56, Desember 2020 p-ISSN : 2746-4849

Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640

cause the environment to be unable to carry out self-purification, which results in permanent

damage to resources (Simbolon, 2016). Water pollution also occurs at the mouth of the Jang

river, Tanjungpinang City. These waters are rivers that flow into the sea which are influenced

by residential, industrial (shipping) activities, and shops so that they receive various types of

pollutants from these activities. Settlement activities will provide input of organic matter into

the waters, as well as other activities such as industrial activities that dispose of waste water

into waters, which also have the potential to cause higher pollutant content (Djoharam et al.,


Changes in environmental conditions due to pollution will have an impact on changes in

the composition of aquatic biota, including phytoplankton communities. Photosynthetic

phytoplankton as primary producers in waters can be used as bioindicators to see the pollution

that occurs (Sihombing et al., 2015; Suwandana et al., 2018; Pransidi et al., 2020). One

approach used to see water pollution through phytoplankton is to calculate the saprobic index.

Saprobic index is an index used to determine the status of organic pollution in waters, one of

which is by looking at the composition of phytoplankton species (Ramadhan et al., 2016).

Pollution that occurs in the waters of the Jang river needs to be known to provide information

on the latest water conditions, the approach used is to use the saprobic phytoplankton index.

Materials and Methods

This research was conducted in the waters of the Jang river, Tanjungpinang City in

January-March 2020 with a purposive sampling approach. The sampling location selection is

based on differences in existing activities, based on observations found 4 locations with different

characteristics. Station 1 represents residential areas, station 2 is a mangrove forest area as a

comparison, station 3 is a shipyard and shops (representing industrial activity), and station 4 is

reclamation area (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Research Sampling Point

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Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640

The stages of data collection were carried out by collecting field data. Phytoplankton

sampling was carried out by filtering 100 liters of water using planktonnet (Sari et al., 2014;

Rizqina et al., 2017), then the filtered water was immediately put into a labeled sample bottle.

Samples were preserved with 4-10% lugol iodine solution to ensure the samples remained in

good condition (Hutabarat et al., 2013). The identification process was carried out at the

Marine and Fisheries Science laboratory-UMRAH. Phytoplankton observations were carried

out using a binocular microscope with a magnification of 40-100 times. Phytoplankton will be

observed under a microscope, using SRC (sedgwich rafter counting cells) (Prasetyaningtyas et

al., 2012). Objects were observed using the census method and identified and matched with the

identification book "Marine and Fresh plankton" (Davis, 1971). Meanwhile, water quality

parameters are carried out in situ and exitu.

Data analysis

To Analisys quality of the aquatic environment of plankton life, the Saprobic Coefficient

(Awaludin et al., 2015; Maresi 2015) is used with the following formula;

𝑋 = C + 3D − B − 3A

A + B + C + D

Information :

X = Saprobic coefficient

A = number of organisms Cyanophyta + ciliata division

B = number of organisms Diophyta + Diatomae / bacillariophyceae division

C = number of Chlorophyta division organisms

D = number of organisms in the Chrysophyta / Peridinae / Conjugatae divisions

Table 1.The relationship between the water saprobity coefficient and the level of water pollution

Pollutants Pollutant Level Saprobic phase Saprobic Coefficient


Ingredients and


Very heavily


Poly saprobic

Poli/α-meso saprobic

(-3) - (-2)

(-2) – (-1,5)

Quite heavily


α-meso/Poly saprobic

α-meso saprobic

(-1,5) – (-1)

(-1) – (-0,5)



and Inorganic



α/ß-meso saprobic

ß/α-meso saprobic

(-0,5) – (0)

(0) – (-0,5)

Lightly polluted

ß-meso saprobic

ß-meso/Oligo saprobic

(0,5) – (1,0)

(1,0) – (0,5)



and Inorganic

Very Lightly


Oligo/ ß-meso saprobic

Oligo saprobic

(1,5) – (2)

(2) – (3)

Source: Sagala (2012); Awaludin et al., (2015)

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Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640

Results and Discussion

The composition of the types of phytoplankton found in the waters of the Jang river,

Tanjungpinang consists of 17 species which are classified into 5 divisions. The types found had a

different distribution at each station (Table 2).

Table 2. Composition of phytoplankton types found in the waters of the Jang river

Class Species Station

1 2 3 4


Eremosphaera sp. + + + -

Tetraedron sp. + + + +

Tetrastrum sp. + + + +


Rhizosolenia sp. + + - +

Nodularia sp. - - + -

Oscillatoria sp. + - - -


Asterionella sp. - + + +

Chaetoceros sp. - + + -

Fragilaria sp. + + + +

Pleurosigma sp. + + + +

Tabellaria sp. - + + +

Thalassiothrix sp. + + + +

Corethron sp. - + - -

Ditylum sp. + - + -

Melosira sp. + - - -

Chysophyta Navicula sp. + + + +

Dinophyceae Ceratium sp. - + - +

The results above indicate that the types of phytoplankton found in the waters of the Jang

river consist of; Eremosphaera sp, Tetraedron sp, Tetrastrum sp, Rhizosolenia sp, Nodularia sp,

Oscillatoria sp, Asterionella sp, Chaetoceros sp, Fragilaria sp, Pleurosigma sp, Tabellaria

sp,Thalassiothrix sp, Corethron sp, Ditylum sp, Melosira sp, Navicula sp and Ceratium sp.

These types are included in 5 divisions namely; Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Diatomae,

Chysophyta, and Dinophyceae. Station 1 has 11 species, station 2 has 13 species, station 3 has 12

species, and station 4 has 10 species, station 2 is the station with the highest number of species

found. This condition is very possible, because station 2 is a mangrove area, so there is no

activity that affects it directly. The composition of phytoplankton species in the waters of the

Jang river is presented in detail in Figure 2

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 2. Composition of phytoplankton types, (a) station 1, (b) station 2, (c) station 3, (d) station

4, and (e) the average of all stations






























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Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640

Figure 2 explains that at station 1 the highest species composition was in the Diatomae

division with the lowest composition reaching 46% in the Chrysophyta division with a

composition of 9%. At station 2 the highest type was in the Diatomae division with a

composition of 54% and the lowest was in the Cyanophyta division by 7%. At station 3 the

highest composition was also in the Diatomae group of 59% and the lowest was in the

Cyanophyta and Chrysophyta divisions with a composition of 8% each. At station 4 the

Diatomae division is also the highest at 50%, and overall the Diatomae division is also the

highest with a composition of 52% and the lowest is in the Dinophyceae division at 4%. The

overall analysis shows that the type of Diatomae is the highest among other divisions, and the

most dominating. The dominance of phytoplankton types from the Bacillariophyceae (Diatomae)

class cannot be separated from the role of nutrients in the waters, it is known that the conditions

of the Jang river waters have a lot of residential activity which is certainly rich in nutrients.

Nutrients are a source of growth and nutrition for phytoplankton. Israwati et al., (2018)

stated that phytoplankton from the Bacillariophyceae (Diatom) class has a very fast response to

the addition of nutrients. Furthermore, Aini et al., (2015) stated that there is an effect of the

content of nitrate, phosphate and organic matter in the waters on diatom abundance, where the

abundance of diatoms will increase along with the increase in the content of nitrates, phosphates

and organic matter. In addition, the ability of the phytoplankton group to live in the Diatomae

division under various conditions makes it this breed is able to adapt to environmental factors.

Diatoms are distributed throughout the world's waters, from freshwater to deep sea, diatoms are

able to adapt to various environmental conditions (Aprilliani et al., 2018, Nugroho, 2019). These

conditions support the dominance of the Diatom species in the waters of the Jang river.

The composition of phytoplankton types greatly determines the saprobic conditions of a

waters. The composition of certain types will characterize the type and magnitude of pollution in

the waters. Saprobic coefficient is an index which is closely related to the level of pollution. This

is what will indicate the level of water quality in a waters. This saprobic coefficient will be seen

after knowing the structure of the phytoplankton community in these waters (Pransidi et al.,

2020). Phytoplankton composition data, the saprobic index value is calculated as in Table 3 and

Figure 3. below.

Based on the measurement results, the saprobic index value of each station is different. The

saprobic index value at station 1 is -0.35 with moderate polluted conditions (Meso Saprobik),

station 2 is -0.38 moderate polluted conditions (Meso Saprobik), at station 3 is -0.33 moderate

polluted conditions (Meso Saprobik) ), station 4 is -0.40 Medium Polluted condition (Meso

Saprobik). Overall, the mean saprobic index value of -0.39 is also classified as Moderately

Polluted (Meso Saprobic). If seen, station 1 has the highest saprobic index value, this condition

is caused by the activities of the surrounding settlements that provide domestic waste intake so

that the pollutant value is getting bigger. According to Maresi et al., (2015) organic and

inorganic waste from factory and household activities can cause a high saprobic index of water

pollution. Organic waste can indirectly increase the abundance of certain types of phytoplankton.

Estuary waters, the saprobic level is influenced by the composition of organic matter which

is then utilized by certain types of phytoplankton until algae bloom occurs. This condition can

aggravate pollution in a waters. Suryani (2008) conducted a saprobic index research in the

estuary area, the results were moderate pollution (meso saprobic). In this study, the highest

saprobic index results occurred in residential areas. Rasyid et al., (2018); Idrayani et al., (2014)

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also obtained the saprobic index results in the estuary area classified as moderate pollution level

(meso saprobic). According to Angoro et al., (2013) stated that the saprobic level in waters

which shows moderate to severe pollution levels is caused by organic and inorganic pollutants.

Organic matter pollution cannot be separated from the river area which is influenced by

residential activities as a source of organic matter pollution. Likewise, what happened in the

waters of the Jang river, which is a residential spot, has caused organic matter pollution.

Table 3. Saprobic Index of the Jang River Waters at Each Station

Station Saprobic Value Result

St. 1 -0,45 Moderately Polluted (Meso Saprobic)

St. 2 -0,38 Moderately Polluted (Meso Saprobic)

St. 3 -0,33 Moderately Polluted (Meso Saprobic)

St. 4 -0,40 Moderately Polluted (Meso Saprobic)

Average -0,39 Moderately Polluted (Meso Saprobic)

Figure 3. Saprobic Index of the Jang River Waters at Each Station

To link the pollution conditions based on the saprobic index in the waters of the Jang

River, it is necessary to look at water quality data as supporting data. Observation of the physical

and chemical parameters of the waters of the Jang River, namely temperature, salinity, DO, pH,

nitrate and phosphate are presented in full as in Table 4.

Table 4. Water Quality of the Jang River at each Station


Water Quality Water Quality

Standart of

KepMen LH

No.51 (2004) Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Average

Suhu (oC) 29,1 28,5 29,2 29,1 28,9 28 – 30

Salinitas (oo

/o) 20 25 27 32 26 30 – 34

DO (mg/L) 5,7 6,1 6,3 5,9 6 > 5

pH 8,87 8,93 8,68 8,6 8,77 7 – 8,5

Nitrat (mg/L) 0,11 0,23 0,17 0,27 0,19 < 0,008

Fosfat (mg/L) 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,06 0,04 < 0,015






-0.50 0.00 0.50

St. 1

St. 2

St. 3

St. 4


St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 St. 4 Average

Saprobic index -0.45 -0.38 -0.33 -0.40 -0.39

Moderately polluted

Low polluted

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The results of measuring the temperature of the Jang River waters ranged from 28.5-29.2

oC with an average of 28.9 oC. The salinity of the Jang River waters ranges from 20-32 ppt with

an average of 26 ppt, the salinity fluctuation is caused by differences in river characteristics.

Dissolved oxygen ranges from 5.7-6.3 mg / l with an average of 6.0 mg / l while the degree of

acidity (pH) ranges from 8.6-8.93 with an average of 8.77. Nitrate in the waters of the Jang River

ranges from 0.11-0.27 mg / l with an average of 0.19 mg / l, while phosphate ranges from 0.02-

0.06 mg / l with an average of 0.04 mg / l.

Overall temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) parameters are still in accordance with

quality standards based on Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 (2004). However, the

value of the salinity parameter is below the quality standard, this is influenced by the

stratification of the estuary waters which are generally still influenced by fresh water intake so

that the salinity can fluctuate. According to Amri et al., (2018) the salinity fluctuations in the

estuary generally range from 8-27 ppt, while in the waters of the Jang River the difference is

shorter, namely between 20-32 ppt, meaning that salinity fluctuations in estuary waters are

common. In addition, the pH value is also above the water quality standard of 7-8.5 which

characterizes the condition of the Jang River waters which tend to be alkaline. This condition can

occur due to the influence of residential activities that produce detergent waste, this waste is

known to increase the pH value of water. According to Sulistia and Septisya (2019), disposal of

domestic waste will change the acidity of water, both towards alkaline and acid.

The nutrient content (nitrate and phosphate) in the entire Jang River waters has exceeded

the water quality standard, this condition is a sign of organic matter pollution. The results of

nitrate and phosphate measurements are directly proportional to the saprobic index, which

indicates that moderate organic matter contamination has occurred (Meso saprobic). The increase

in organic matter cannot be separated from the source of pollution that comes from existing

activities, especially residential settlements. Organic matter contamination comes from garbage /

household waste that enters the water. According to Patricia et al., (2018) Domestic waste

contains nitrogen which can affect the formation of nitrates. The main sources of nitrogen in

water are domestic waste, industrial wastewater, animal waste (livestock, birds, mammals and

fish), agriculture, and vehicle emissions. Meanwhile, the concentration of phosphate increased

due to detergent waste from residential activities. Darmasusantini et al., (2015) stated that the

use of detergents for washing can increase the phosphate concentration in the water.


The composition of the types of phytoplankton found in the waters of the Jang River,

Tanjungpinang consists of 17 species which are classified into 5 divisions. Diatomae types have

the most number of species among other divisions, and the most dominating. The dominance of

phytoplankton from the class Bacillariophyceae (Diatomae) cannot be separated from the role of

nutrients in the water. The average saprobic index value of -0.39 is classified as Moderately

Polluted (Meso Saprobik). Pollution that occurs is a result of organic waste from existing

activities, causing an increase in nutrients. From the results of measurements in the field, the

nutrient content (nitrate and phosphate) in the waters of the Jang River has exceeded the quality


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Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640


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Tengku Said Razai, Departement of Aquaculture Program, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Jalan Politeknik

Km. 24, Senggarang, Tanjungpinang city sub-district, Tanjungpinang 29115, Indonesia, e-mail:

[email protected]

Thamrin, Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Riau University, Building H, Jln. Pattimura No. 9, Gobah,

Pekanbaru 28131, Indonesia. e-mail: [email protected]

Nofrizal, Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Riau University, Building H, Jln. Pattimura No. 9, Gobah,

Page 10: Saprobic Index and Composition of Phytoplankton in the| 56

ECOTONE, Volume 1 (2): 47-56, Desember 2020 p-ISSN : 2746-4849

Doi. http:// e-ISSN : 2746-5640

Pekanbaru 28131, Indonesia. e-mail: [email protected]

Viktor Amrifo, Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Riau University, Building H, Jln. Pattimura No. 9,

Gobah, Pekanbaru 28131, Indonesia. e-mail: [email protected]

Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Riau University, Building H, Jln. Pattimura No.

9, Gobah, Pekanbaru 28131, Indonesia. e-mail: [email protected]

Ramses, Department of Biology Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Riau Kepulauan,

Jl. Pahlawan No. 99, Batuaji, Batam City 29438, Indonesia, e-mail:: [email protected]

Imam Pangestiansyah Putra, Marine Chemistry Laboratory, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Jalan Politeknik

Km. 24, Senggarang, Tanjungpinang city sub-district, Tanjungpinang 29115, Indonesia, email:

[email protected].

Rika Kurniawan, Departement of Marine Science, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Jalan Politeknik Km. 24,

Senggarang, Tanjungpinang city sub-district, Tanjungpinang 29115, Indonesia, e-mail: [email protected]

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. (

How to cite this article:

Razai, T.S., Thamrin, Nofrizal, Amrifo, V., Siregar, Y.I., Ramses, Putra, I.P., and Kurniawan, R. 2020. Saprobic

index and composition of phytoplankton in the sungai jang, tanjungpinang, Indonesia. Ecotone, 1(2): 47-56. Doi.

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