

A public function was organized to celebrate the Sant Ravidass Jayanti (birthday) at the speaker

Hall, Constitution Club, New Delhi on 22nd Feb. 2016 by the Bhagwan Valmiki Foundation in

association with All India Federation of SC/ST Organisations. Shri Prakash Ambedkar (grand

son of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar) was the chief guest of the function. Among others Shri Mahender

Singh KP, (Ex. MP) Sr. leader of the Congress Party, Shri K.P. Chaudhary, Secy. Genl. of the All

India Fed. of SC/ST Orgs., Shri Ashok Kumar, sr. leader of SC/ST Railway Emp. Association,

Shri Hari Ram Sood, Shri Harnam Singh, Vice Presidents of the Bhagwan Valmiki Foundation,

Shri Shiv Ram Singh, Chairman of SC Deptt, AICC, Delhi State also graced the function and

paid floral tributes to Sant Ravidass ji and Dr. Raj Kumar Verka, Chairman of the Bhagwan

Valmiki Foundation / Vice Chairman of the National Commission of Scheduled Castes preside-

over the function. Stage coordination and anchoring of the function was done by Shri N.R.

Narain , Genl. Secy. of the Bhagwan Valmiki Foundtion.

Shri Prakash Ambedkar (grandson of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar) being felicitated

by Dr. Raj Kumar Verka, Chairman of the Bhagwan Valmiki Foundation in

the Sant Ravidass Jayanti Function on 22nd Feb. 2016 in New Delhi.

Dr. Raj Kumar Verka is addressing the function.

Shri Prakash Ambedkar addressing the Sant Ravidass Jayanti Function.

Shri Mahender Singh K.P. (Ex M.P.) sr. leader of Congress party addressing

Sant Ravidass Jayanti Function.

Shri K.P. Chaudhary, Secy Genl. of All India Fed.of SC/ST Org .addressing

the Sant Ravidass Jayanti function.

Shri N.R. Narain, General Secretary of the Bhagwan Valmiki Foundation

addressing the Sant Ravi Dass Jayanti function.

The honorable speakers/ guests of the Sant Ravi Dass Jayanti function

at the dais of the of function

Gathering/participants at the Sant Ravidass Jayanti function.

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