Page 1: Salvation Army-Canada World Services Newsletter.PDF

Providing Hope for the World, One Month at a Time 1-800-SAL-ARMY

FALL 2015

Thank you for your compassion for vulnerable people around the world. To extend your care even further,

please consider joining our Monthly Giving Plan. Monthly givers provide reliable income to support life-changing programs, lower administrative costs, save paper, and ensure even more of your contribution goes where it’s needed most.

If you are already a monthly donor, thank you! Have you considered increasing your monthly gift?

If you are not yet a monthly donor, there is an enrollment form enclosed with this newsletter. Thank you for your consideration.


Walter has known poverty and pain for much of his life. At 17, he joined the

Sandinista National Liberation Front, guerillas trying to oust Nicaragua’s dictator. When the revolution ended, he became a policeman, and was later shot and wounded.

Today, Walter is a truck driver, caring for his wife, an aging father, and an extended family. They are very poor, but thanks to The Salvation Army, he has hope.

Walter’s family is one of more than 700 impoverished families living in Rosalio Murillo, a government-owned piece of land near Managua. The government gave small plots to families, who then had one month’s time to build a dwelling or risk forfeiting the land.

The Salvation Army is helping these families in the face of rampant poverty and unemployment. There is no water, sanitation, or electricity. Residents dig

their own wells, usually by hand.

“Life here is difficult,” says Walter.

Through the support of partners like you, The Salvation Army provides an

after-school program for children and a fellowship program for women. They are also working to establish income-generating projects in the community to help families move forward. Walter, for example, has looked into the prospect of raising pigs, which can turn a nice profit.

“We don’t want handouts,” Walter says. “We just want the opportunity to change our situation.”

From Poverty and Pain to a Life Filled with Hope!Dear Friend,

Did you know that right now, at this moment, you’re doing good things all over the world?

Your support of The Salvation Army is helping impoverished people in Nicaragua find a means of escaping extreme poverty — and one way is by raising pigs! (See story at right.)

Your generosity is helping women who are caught up in sex trafficking in India, by offering them vocational training and a way out. You’re helping their children too (page 2).

Your partnership is also making a difference for frightened Syrian refugees in Jordan (page 3) and terrified children orphaned by Ebola in Liberia (page 4).

Truly, your compassion is spreading Hope for the World, as you’ll see when reading through this new issue.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Commissioner Susan McMillan Territorial Commander

A personal message from

Commissioner Susan McMillan

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Fold Fold

Fold Fold

The phrases are sobering: “A particularly fast death toll . . .”

“Children orphaned by the crisis remain a key concern . . .” “To help take them from a traumatized state to a normal state . . .”

These are actual remarks from field reports from Salvation Army workers in Liberia from late 2014 and early 2015, in the wake of the Ebola outbreak. The epidemic took almost 11,000 lives in West Africa, including almost 4,500 in Liberia.

Salvation Army programs have helped more than 23,000 Liberians, including many orphans. They have provided food, awareness campaigns, handwashing stations (including one at Monrovia school, pictured here) and protective equipment.

The disease struck home for The Salvation Army; an officer

in Monrovia died from the virus, leaving behind a wife and three young children.

“Liberia was not prepared for this,” says Salvation Army Major Samuel Amponsah. “Orphans have been left behind, alone in their homes. They are very afraid.

“People live in fear, afraid of contracting the virus. The need is great, and our resources are limited.” Food supplies dwindled because foreign countries wouldn’t fly

shipments into the country while the epidemic lasted. Food costs often doubled, making things worse.

Amponsah’s prayers moving forward were straightforward enough: “Pray that the people won’t contract the disease. Pray for those affected, that the Lord will heal them. Pray for orphans and families who have lost loved ones. Don’t forget about us!”

Thanks to your kindness and generosity, they are not forgotten.

“Liberia Was Not Prepared for This”When the Ebola crisis killed thousands, The Salvation Army responded.

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Thanks to your generosity, they now have that opportunity!

Walter has learned that raising just two pigs can profit $160 every three months.

“ We don’t want handouts, we just want the opportunity to change our situation.”

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Page 2: Salvation Army-Canada World Services Newsletter.PDF

When Disaster Strikes, Your Gifts Go

Around the World

Wherever there’s an emergency, The Salvation Army is on the scene. Some of the disasters we’ve responded to in recent years:

• Malawi, flood relief (January 2015)

• Sri Lanka, landslides & floods (December 2014)

• Kashmir, India, flood relief (September 2014)

• West Africa, Ebola outbreak (June 2014)

• Chile, earthquake (April 2014)

• Zimbabwe, flood relief (April 2014) 1-800-SAL-ARMY

Last year, you helped provide:

• 5,000 children with care and recreation at a hospital in eastern India

• 844 children with uniforms, shoes, and school fees in Kenya and Zambia

• 198 special-needs children with medical care in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo

• 1,200 children with primary education in remote parts of Haiti

• 152 preschool children with care at Salvation Army day-care centres in Chile

• 120 teenagers with computer training in after-school programs in Brazil

• 220 children with kitchen supplies and books for their school in Georgia

• 20 families with five goats each to help provide a steady income in Zambia

• 185 children with counselling and educational support in southwestern India

• 62 children with uniforms and shoes so they can attend school in Indonesia

These are only a few of the things The Salvation Army is doing around the world, thanks to your generous support. Thank you so much!


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Hamesh was a tailor in Daraa, Syria, when the war came to his city.

Hundreds were killed, but he was able to flee with his family.

“As a father, I will do anything to keep my children safe and happy,” says Hamesh, now a refugee in neighbouring Jordan. “Syria was not safe for my family.”

Hamesh, who has since found work as a handyman in Jordan, is among thousands of refugees who have received assistance from The Salvation Army.

More than 220,000 people have died in Syria’s civil war, and almost 3.5 million have fled the country. Some 1.2 million have gone into Jordan, and more than 600,000 refugees still live there, mostly in neighbourhoods since refugee camps are already full.

The result is overcrowded communities and often tense relations. Poverty-stricken Syrian families often end up in uninsulated, unheated rooms, without furniture, bedding, or carpets. Facilities,

infrastructure, and schools, are maxed out, and there are no more jobs.

Zechariah, 39, lost his wife to a bombing in Syria. He fled to Jordan with his five children, where they share a small apartment with 12 people. Zechariah says he has almost lost hope, but just wants his family to live with dignity.

The Salvation Army is helping with that. Working in partnership with the Lutheran World Foundation, they have distributed “winterization kits” to 1,000 families — focusing especially on vulnerable families, like single mothers with children, families affected by disability, and widows. The kits included a heater, gas bottle, vouchers for refills, blankets, and carpets. And children received warm track suits.

None of this would be possible without the compassionate support of friends like you.

“Anything to Keep My Children Safe”

Garbage and waste line the streets of the Kamathipura area of

Mumbai, India. There’s no sanitation, and very little clean water. But those are the least of the problems.

Kamathipura is Mumbai’s oldest and one of Asia’s largest red-light districts, where thousands of sex workers, many of whom are treated as slave labour, are regularly beaten by their pimps and forced to serve as many as 45 men in a day.

“There is no joy here,” says one of the women, who hopes her daughter can avoid a life of prostitution. “I want more for her. If she can do something more, then I will be happy.”

Thankfully, The Salvation Army has been in Kamathipura since 2003, befriending the approximately 9,000

“There Is No Joy Here”How you’re bringing hope to a red-light district in India.

Thanks to caring friends like you, Syrians are finding hope and refuge in Jordan.

women who live and work there. At its Jeevan Asha centre, The Salvation Army operates a small school, an HIV/AIDS clinic, vocational training, feeding programs for children, and night shelter for safety . . . all while sharing the love of God.

At Jeevan Asha, prostituted women and their children are given a glimpse of life outside the sex trade. They begin to see their potential for something more, something hopeful. More than 900 women have received vocational training — including tailoring, embroidery, bag making, and Mehndi designing — plus health and nutrition seminars.

“The vulnerable children live safer, healthy, dignified lives,” says Major Ashok Dushing. “And their mothers have an opportunity to plan for a better life.”

Prostituted women are learning trades, like Mehndi design, en route to a better life.

Fold Fold

Fold Fold



Thanks to friends like you, women are escaping sex trafficking and finding new life.

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A Salvation Army worker chats with a little girl from Syria.

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