  • 8/2/2019 Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District v. Ace American Insurance Company - Orginal Compl


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    M. Byron Lew is, 002047 C O P iStephen E. Crofton, 007370 W W "S A L M O N , L E W I S & W E L D O N , P.L.C.2850 East Camelback Road, Suite 200 pgg - 1 2012Phoenix, Arizona 85016 j*gOte*(602) 801-9060 # 2 2 % yjfMil K. JEANE9, CLiRKm bi gw pk .c on i M M f l R J [email protected] > f c fS f l r 8 IPUTY O L iHiAttorneys for Plaintiff ^ * * ^


    SALT RIVER PROJECT AGRICULTURALIMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT,a political subdivision of the State of A rizona,Plaintiff,



    No.C O M P L A I N T(Breach of Con tract)

    Plaintiff, Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, for its Complaintagainst ACE American Insurance Company, alleges as follows:

    1. Plaintiff, Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (hereinafter"SRP") , is an agricultural improvement district organized and existing under the laws of the State ofArizona and is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona w ith its principal place of bu siness inMaricopa County, Arizona.

    2. Upon information and belief, Defendant, ACE American Insurance Company(hereinafter "A CE "), is a foreign c orporation duly authorized to conduct business in the State of

    23 Arizo na. AC E caused acts to occur in Maricop a County, Arizona, out of which this action arises.24 3. SRP operates the Coronado Generating Station, a coal-fired electric generating station25 located near St. John s, Arizona (hereinafter "CGS"). Operation of CGS produces coal combustion26 residuals which include a residual known as "fly ash", a non-hazardous waste which can be27 beneficially reused.

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    4. On or about September 26, 2002, SRP entered into an Amended and R estatedAgreement with Mineral Resources Technologies. Inc. for the Sale and Marketing of Fly Ash(hereinafter "Fly Ash Ag reement"). A true copy of the Fly Ash A greement is attached h ereto asExhibit A. In the Fly Ash Agreement, SRP agreed to sell to Mineral Resources Tec hno logies , Inc.(hereinafter "MRT") 100% of the fly ash produced at CG S, and MRT agreed to purc hase and marketthat fly ash and to produce products using the fly ash.

    5. MRT is a wholly owned subsidiary of CEMEX Construction Materials, L.P., which inturn is a subsidiary of CEMEX, Inc., which is the parent company of CEME X Ce men t, Inc. TheCEM EX entities are engaged in the manufacture of cement aggregate. Fly ash is used In themanufacture of cement aggregate,

    6. Pursuant to the Fly Ash Agreem ent, MR T provided the fly ash hand ling, storage,loading, and management services pertaining to the CGS fly ash purchased from SRP . M RT wasgranted the right to, and did, design, install, operate and maintain the necessary e quipm ent andstructures used in the collection, storage and loading of fly ash at CG S. CEM EX, Inc. contracted withRuan T rucking Co. (hereinafter "R uan" ) for Ruan to transport fly ash from the MR T facility at CGSto various locations in Arizona. M RT operators did all of the loading of the Ruan truck s transp ortingsuch fly ash.7. Pursuant to Section 9 of the Fly Ash Agreement, MRT agreed to provide variousinsurance coverages for SRP including comm ercial genera! liability insurance with a minimumcom bined single limit of two million dollars ($2,000,000) each occurrence with the policy to includecoverage for bodily injury liability, property damage liability, personal injury liability, contractualliability for liability assumed under the Fly Ash Ag reement, and broad form property dam agecov era ge . (Exh ibit A, Section 9.2, page s 23-24 .) Section 9.4 further provided that the po licy requiredby Section 9.2 would be endorsed to Include SRP as an additional insured and that the policy shall beprimary insuran ce and that any insurance carried by SRP shall be excess and not contributoryinsura nce. (Exh ibit A, Section 9.4, page 24.)/ / /

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    8. In Section 10 of the Fly Ash Agreement, M RT agreed to indemnify, d efend and holdharm less S RP from and ag ainst any and all claims, deman ds, suits, costs of defense, atto rne y's fees,witness fees of any type, losses, dam ages, expenses and liabilities for injury to or death of any personor pe rsons by reas on of any failure of M RT to fulfill its obliga tions under the Fly As h Agreement orby reason of any negligent act or omission on the part of MRT except for any liability caused by thesole negligence of SRP. (Exhibit A, Section 10, page 25.)

    9. In order to fulfill MR T' s obligation under the Fly Ash Agreement to pro videcom mercial general liability insurance to SR P, ACE added SRP as an additional insured under anExcess Com mercial Genera! Liability Policy issued by ACE , policy number XSL G20304844(hereinafter "ACE Insurance Policy"), pursuant to which MRT and various other CEMEX entitieswe re listed as Nam ed Insureds. As required by Section 9 of the Fly Ash Agreement, the A CEInsura nce Policy p rovided primary insurance to SRP, limited to the operations of SRP under the FlyAsh A greem ent. The ACE Insurance Policy was in effect at all times relevant herein. W hat has beenrepresented by representatives of AC E as being a true and correct copy of the ACE Ins uran ce Policyis attached hereto as Exhibit B.

    10. On or about October 10, 2007, SRP was served w ith a First Amended Com plaint filedby the Estate of Bruce W ayne H awkins v. CEMEX C ement, Inc., et al , No. CV2007-G10148,M.aricopa C ounty Superior Court (the "Ha/kins Litigation"). The First Amen ded Com plaint allegedthat Bruce W ayne H awkins (hereinafter "M r. H awkins" ) died on. June 17, 2006; that the cause of Msdeath w as identified as "Interstitial Pulm onary F ibrosis"; that his death was caused by an "Injury atWork"; and that the interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and death resulted from his contact with fly ashprodu ct w hile he was working as a truck driver for Ruan and picking up and transporting load s of flyash from various facilities including COS where MRT loaded Ruan trucks with fly ash from MRT'sfly ash facilities located at the COS site.

    11 . The defendants named in the First Amended Complaint in the Hawkins Litigationincluded va rious CEM EX entities and SRP. In the Second and Third Amended C om plaints, MR Twas named as a defendant.

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    12. Prior to filing the First Amended Com plaint naming SRP as a defendant, the Estate ofMr. H awkins had served a notice of claim upon S RP. By letter dated January 22, 2007 (Exhibit Chere to), SRP tendered the H awkins claim to CEME X, Inc. pursuant to the Fly Ash Agreement and asan additional insured under the ACE Insurance Policy. SRP requested that CEM EX and /or itsinsurance carrier agree to unconditionally defend and indemnify SRP from any liability in connectionwith the H awkins claim. Thereafter, on or about December 11, 2008, ACE notified SR P by a letter, acopy of which is attached h ereto as Exhibit D , that ACE was denying coverage and d efense to SRP onthe basis that there was no duty to defend SRP under the ACE Insurance Policy and that the H awkinsclaim w as excluded from insurance coverage by a pollution exclusion in the AC E In suran ce Policy.

    13. Mr. H awk ins' alleged exposure to fly ash arose solely out of the fly ash loading andhandling activities of MR T. No activity of SRP caused any fly ash affecting M r. H awk ins to beintroduced into the environment.

    14. By letter from SR P's defense counsel to ACE dated April 24, 200 9, a true and correctcopy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit E, SRP re-tendered to ACE a request for defense andindem nity regarding the H awkins claim. By letter dated August 18, 2009, a true and co rrect copy ofwhich is attached hereto as Exhibit F, ACE again wrongfully denied coverage for defe nse andindemnity for SRP on the basis that the ACE Insurance Policy's pollution exclusion excludescove rage for Mr. H awkins* death allegedly arising out of his exposure to fly ash.

    15. AC E has never provided a defense or indemnity to SRP in the H aw kins Litigation. Asa result of ACE's wrongful refusal, based on the ACE Insurance Policy's pollution exclusion, todefend and indemnify SRP against the claims made against SRP by the Hawkins Estate, SRPdefended itself in the H awkins Litigation.

    16. On June 3, 2011, in response to the wrongful denial by ACE of any insurance coveragefor SR P in the H awkins Litigation, SRP entered into a Release Of All Claims And SettlementAgree men t with Cassie H awkins, individually and as personal representative of the Estate of Mr.H aw kins and on behalf of any wrongful death statutory beneficiaries of the death of Mr. Hawkins(hereinafter "Settlement Agreement") for the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000).

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    Pursuant to the S ettlement A greement and a stipulation for dismissal with prejudice, an orde r wasentered by the Maricopa Coun ty Superior Court dismissing the H awkins Litigation against SRP, withprejudice, on July 14, 2011.

    17. In defending against the H awkins Litigation, SRP has incurred and pa id, to date,defense costs and attorney's fees totaling at least one hundred forty-one thousand six hund red fifty-seven dollars and ninety-seven cents ($141,697.97), in addition to the settlement pa ym ent of $75,000.The attorne y's fees and defense costs and the settlement amount were all incurred and p aid by SRP asa direct and consequen t result of AC E's wrongful failure to defend and indemnify SRP as required bythe ACE Insurance Policy.

    17 . The ACE Insurance Policy is a binding insurance contract between ACE and SRP asan additional insured under the ACE Insurance Policy.

    18 . The AC E Insurance Policy was in effect at the time of Mr. H aw kin s' allege d exposureto fly ash.

    19. SRP performed all of its pertinent duties under the Fly Ash Agreement and is entitledto the benefit of the coverage afforded to SRP by the ACE Insurance Policy.

    20. Defendant ACE has breached its duty to SRP as an additional insured und er the ACEInsurance Policy by refusing to defend and indemnify SRP for the H awkins Litigation.

    21 . As a result of the breach by AC E, SRP has suffered damage in the amount of the$75,000 settlement paid by SRP under the Settlement Agreement and in the amount expended bySRP, in the past or the future, as attorney's fees and costs in defending against th e HawkinsLitigation.

    22 . This claim arises out of contract within the m eaning of A.R.S. 12-341.01.WH ERE FOR E, SRP prays for judgment against ACE as follows:A. For the $75,000 that SRP paid in settlement of the wrongful death claims m ade against

    SRP by the Estate and beneficiaries of Mr. H awkins ;B. For all amounts incurred by SRP in attorney 's fees and costs in defending the claims

    against SRP made by the Estate and beneficiaries of Mr. Hawkins;

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    C. For SR P's costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in this present action; andD. For" any other relief the Court deem s just and p roper.DATED this 1st day of February, 2012.

    Salmon, Lewis & Weldon, P.L.C.

    M. Byron Le\Stephen E. Crofton2850 East Camelback Road, Suite 200Phoenix, Arizona 85016Attorneys for Plaintiff

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