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Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: Among The Cars Of The Century

Let’s get this straight. The 21st century is still relatively young. We are just 11 years in and anything can still happen with those 89 years. In fact, who knows, by the end of this century, cars are no more than relics from a century’s past. But in those 11 years, there are some cars that have made indelible marks not just on the history books, but also on the minds of the people that have seen (and better yet, driven) these cars. One such car is the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo. The brainchild of an American tuner Steve Saleen, this has a legitimate claim of being among the cars of the century. This is based on the Saleen S7 that is already formidable by itself. During the time of its release in 2002, it is considered to be one of the most innovative supercars of all time, but due to the fast progression of technology, it got a bit obscured (but definitely not outclassed). Taking this as a challenge, Saleen has produces the S7 Twin Turbo in order to make the statement that this car has what it takes to go up against all comers in the automotive world. It all starts with the stock S7 frame. Aerodynamically shaped and tipping the scales at less than 3000 pounds, it sounds like something that has serious potential. But with the Twin Turbo, this car has taken the next step. Taking a lot of cues from its race-going brother that has won a handful of GT car championships, the Saleen S7R, it is almost like a track car that is built to go on the road. A host of spoilers, diffusers, and body moldings has caused the Twin Turbo to create 60 percent more downforce and 40 percent less drag compared to the S7. This allows for

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monster grip that is necessary for pushing the envelope of speed. Additional equipment for this car is a dual stage suspension that gets firmer as it builds speed, and huge disc brakes, 15 inches in the front and 14 inches in the rear, provide unparalleled stopping power. But the meat of this beast is located at the heart: the same 7000 cc V8 engine that is used in the S7. Equipped with 2 turbochargers, its maximum output is calculated to be at 750 horsepower and 700 lb/ft of torque. This means that there is endless power supply regardless of what part of the powerband. This translates to some ridiculous performance numbers: 0-60 miles per hour at 3 seconds or even below, 0-100 in 6 seconds, and a quarter mile speed of 140 miles per hour. But this is a car that is more than just a drag king. It achieved 1.04g at the skidpad and it came to a full stop from 70 miles per hour within just 157 feet. With world beating performance, extreme style, real world usability, and superior exclusivity, the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is nothing short of a marvel. Among the cars of the century, this car is destined to go down as one of the best sports cars of all time.

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Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: A True Exotic Hypercar

An exotic car is typically defined by the way that it’s built. Normally being constructed in such a way that makes it different to just about anything on the road, exotics are designed to stand out against just about anything. A hypercar, meanwhile, is defined as a car that possesses an ability that is even beyond that of a supercar. Hence, to be named as a hypercar, it must be one of the quickest cars ever, one way or another. It is rare that you see an exotic car on the road. It is also rare to see a hypercar on the road. But it is much rarer to see a car that is both an exotic and a hypercar at the same time. Those types of cars are almost always among the most exclusive of all vehicles. And among those cars is the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo. The Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is release in 2005, 3 years after the critically acclaimed S7 was released. When the S7 was released, it is generally considered to be one of the best supercars in the world. But as the years passed, the number of challengers has increased almost exponentially. Seeing this, Steve Saleen, the guy responsible for the S7, did something in order to keep the S7 on top. And the result is well, successful, and then some. This is when the S7 made a transition from being a supercar to a hypercar.

The distinctive shape of the S7 still remains on the S7 Twin Turbo. Without a trained eye, you perhaps won’t even notice the modifications done on the body. The introduction of new spoilers, diffusers, and reshaped body panels allow this car to increase its downforce and reduce its drag by a huge sum. In addition, improved wheels,

brakes, and suspension allowed for improvements both on its road manners and its track capability. And then there is that engine. Using the same 7.0 liter V8 motor that was used in the original S7, a host of modifications, the most pronounced of them the addition of 2 turbochargers, increases the output from an already menacing 500+ horsepower to a frankly ridiculous 750 horsepower. The combination of these modifications allows this car to produce hypercar numbers. It can accelerate from zero to 60 miles per hour within 3 seconds, though numbers on the 2 second range have been recorded. It can corner with a grip of 1.04g. It can finish a quarter mile at a speed of less than 11 seconds, finishing it at over 140 miles per hour. It can brake to a standstill

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from a 70 mph flight using only 157 feet of tarmac. It has a top speed that can just about touch the 240 mile per hour range. Those are just some of the numbers that make the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo one of the strongest hypercars today, and maybe ever. When talking about exotics, the names of European brands Lamborghini and Bugatti always come to mind. But a car from America has somehow stolen the show from them. The Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is a true exotic hypercar.

Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: Hot Vehicle

Determining whether a car is hot or not is not unlike how we determine if a person is hot. There are just too many variables that come into play that one’s opinion of hotness may not necessarily be how another person sees hotness. When it comes to cars, the combination of capability, charisma, style, and substance often determine if a car is hot or not. However, no matter what your criteria of a hot car are, you got to agree that the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is one hot vehicle. Saying otherwise would be complete blasphemy or worse, straight up hating. There are a lot of reasons why the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is such a hot car. This is because Steve Saleen, the owner of Saleen, has made this car in such a way that it is going to be one of the best cars on the planet. It all starts with the original Saleen S7. One of the most spectacular cars in the world during the time of its release, Saleen has saw it fit to make it even better after the onslaught of supercars. Just 3 years after it was first released in 2002, the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo has come out. A largely modified car that traces its roots from the successful Saleen racing program, the Twin Turbo is the next level for this car. There is so much to like about this car. The shape of this car is practically inherited from the racing inspired model S7R. This allows aerodynamics to become more efficient. A 60 percent increase in downforce added with a 40

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percent decrease in drag allows this car to become more aerodynamically stable, and allows it to dart to even greater speeds. And did we mention that this aerodynamic shape is also sexy looking too? Combining form and function, now that is hot. And did we mention that contrary from the misconceptions of supercars, the interior of the Twin Turbo is also very livable. While ingress and egress is going to be tough, one sure thing is that you’ll feel at home while inside the car. Possessing a good deal of space for a supercar, both driver and passenger are going to be comfortable. And did we mention that this car is great to drive even at low speeds? A car that is driver friendly, now that is hot. And we are yet to delve down to its performance potential. 15 inch brakes. A suspension that only gets better as the speed increases. And a V8 engine that boasts modifications such as 2 turbochargers. All of these different elements combine to create one of the most hellacious performers in automotive history. Combining explosive acceleration, sharp handling, pliable steering, and secure deceleration, this car simply has it all when it comes to speed. Being fast in just about any sense of the word, now that is hot. All in all, these factors, and other more factors that are both tangible and intangible, make the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo one hot vehicle. Perhaps one of the fastest and most well rounded of supercars, it is hot in every sense of the word.

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Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: For Those That Have a Thing

For Cars

There are a few things in this world that can stir the senses of people like no other thing can. And for those that have a thing for cars, it takes seeing an extremely special car to get their senses kicking in to high gear. But what makes a car special? Is it style? Performance? Uniqueness? Exclusivity? If these are some of the criteria involved, then that makes the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo something that is absolutely for those that have a thing for cars. When Steve Saleen, an American car tuner that has an expertise with Ford cars, envisioned creating an American supercar, perhaps not a lot took notice. However, when he accomplished his vision in 2002 with the release of the S7, the whole world was literally at awe of it. In its aerodynamic body shell lies some of the most technologically advanced mechanics during its time. It is the recipient of a lot of firsts, including being the first American street legal car to have breached the 500 horsepower mark. The S7 by itself would have qualified as one of the most spectacular cars of its time because it has attained no small feat: being one of the fastest cars in the world. However, how time has passed. Within a span of 3 years, technological advances have burgeoned so fast that it is literally hard to keep up with the updates. And while 500 horsepower is already considered a mechanical marvel in 2002, in 2005, there are a lot of cars that possess at least 500 horsepower cropping up left and right. Seeing this, Saleen did not rest on its laurels. Instead, they have transformed the already formidable S7 into a car that is one for the ages: the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo.

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Don’t mistake this car to be just another car that has just been plugged with engine upgrades in order for it to be more ferocious. The modifications for this car are more than just that. The already formidable aerodynamics has been further improved using some modified body panels and a host of spoilers and diffusers. These modifications allows this car to have 60 percent more downforce and 40 percent less drag, essential for those beyond 200 mile per hour dashes. And then there is that dual stage suspension that provides proper road holding at street legal speeds and sharp handling when up to those epic dashes. There are the 15 inch disc brakes that provide that stable stopping power on all 4 wheels. And there is that 7000 cc engine that is equipped with 2 turbochargers that compress air at a combined pressure of 5.5 psi. This amounts to a maximum force of 750 horsepower. This is a car that is known to get to 60 miles per hour from a standstill at 3 seconds flat or less, dissect corners with ease, hustle beyond the 200 mile per hour mark, and still be a civilized daily driver when everything is said and done.

The Saleen S7 Twin Turbo, a car that is for those that have a thing for cars, is truly an engineering masterpiece.

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Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: Among the Top Luxury Automobiles

Sports cars, though they don’t exactly want to be known for this, are in a way considered to be luxury cars. Their price tags, their degree of engineering sophistication, and their exclusivity endows the owner a sense of elitism that only a premium vehicle can bring. With this said, the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is considered to be one of the top luxury automobiles in the world today. By just looking at its 585000 dollar price tag, it is not hard to see why. You can buy a lot of things using this money, but if you have this turbo Saleen on your garage, just about anything is possible, literally. On the road, at least. Of course, when you buy a Saleen, the first thing that you are going to expect is performance, and lots of it. Well, that is true. As you see, Steve Saleen, owner and producer of this supercar, is known to be the best tuner of Ford Mustangs, among the most iconic sports cars made in America. In addition, the S7 is known to campaign at different race events, and the S7R, a race car version of the S7, has won its lion’s share of championships in the touring car circuit. But perhaps, the most underrated aspect of this car is its inherent drivability. Saleen, despite his pursuit of making one of the fastest street legal cars in the world, wants this car to be street friendly. And street friendly, it is.

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Of course, the most talked about part of the engine is the integration of the twin turbos that gives out an output of 750 horsepower and 700 lb/ft of torque. But the underrated part of this car is that it passes all emissions standards despite this massive power upgrade. In addition, a new dual stage suspension allows for a more civilized ride during times that you are not actually speeding. In addition, the interior is a very livable place to be in. There is abundant space for both driver and passenger, with adequate headroom and legroom for just about every person. In addition, the lack of rearward visibility, a common sickness when it comes to supercars, is remedied by a rearview camera. Definitely, Saleen has made this car to be as civilized as possible. But don’t ever think that because it is civilized, it is already soft. Remember, this car has a 750 horsepower engine. Remember, this has a body that is formed to create massive amounts of downforce. Remember, this car has almost 15 inches of brakes on all 4 wheels in order to give stopping power to match the prodigious amount of power that the engine produces. Remember that this is a car that seems to have its handling much better when it is at high speeds. And remember that this is a car that is ready to take on any car that claims it is the king of speed. The Saleen S7 Twin Turbo is among the top luxury automobiles primarily because it is one of fastest production cars in the world, bar none.

Saleen S7 Twin Turbo: The World’s Fastest Cars

When the selection of the world’s fastest cars are being made, the first things that come to your mind include the likes of Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bugatti. After all, they have made a reputation in creating those record breaking vehicles that capture the imagination. However, time and again, they get beat, sometimes by those manufacturers that people know a few about. One such car manufacturer is Saleen. A company that first made its name as a modifier of Ford Mustangs, they have envisioned and somehow created a supercar that America can call its own. This is the Saleen S7. When released in 2002, the Saleen S7 is among the most state of the art vehicles in the world. The first American production vehicle to break the 500 horsepower barrier, it is a legitimate sports car both on the road and on the track. On the road, it is one of the world’s fastest cars. On the track, it has won a lot of touring car championships and endurance races. However, with the emergence of new supercars threatening its place under the supercar battlefield, Saleen went into the drawing board, aiming to improve on the S7 even further. In 2005, a new Saleen S8 has come out. Dubbed as the Twin Turbo, it is a more souped up version of the S7, which is by itself already an awesome vehicle. A lot of modifications have been done to build the S7 Twin Turbo. The body has been modified in order to increase downforce while reducing drag. These twin feats have been accomplished by installing new spoilers and diffusers. In addition, some body panels are reshaped in order to increase aerodynamic efficiency. Of course, as the name already implies, there is the Twin Turbo. Equipping 2 turbochargers on the same 7 liter V8 engine seen in the S7 that has been subject to some modifications itself, it is made to create serious force in just about every part of the rpm range. With a maximum output calculated at 750 horsepower, it endows the S7 Twin Turbo with

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some of the most spirited performance for a car ever. As for other complimentary parts, there are pizza-sized brakes (more than 14 inches to be exact) that provide some serious stopping power, and a dual stage suspension setup that creates a perfect balance between cornering and cushioning. So how does the Saleen S7 Twin Turbo fare? How about based on its performance numbers, it is one of the world’s fastest cars, hands down? Its acceleration can only be described as magical. A zero to 100 kilometers per hour dash of 3 seconds, coupled with a quarter mile time of less than 11 seconds (with a 140 miles per hour exit speed to boot!). Its handling can only be described as slick. With a cornering force of over 1g and cornering that is almost like a dream, it is a track tool that can seriously decimate lap times. And to cap it all off, a top speed approaching 400 kilometers per hour. If that is not among the world’s fastest cars, I have no idea what would make that list.

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