Page 1: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia

417 Harrison St Woodburn, OR 97071

Tel: 503-981-5011 Fax: 503-981-5012

Welcome to St. Luke

If you would like to register as a member of the parish, please fill out a

registration form (green) located at the main entrance of the Church or stop by

the Parish Office.

Bienvenido a San Lucas

Si desea registrarse como miembro de la parroquia, por favor inscríbase usando

la forma (verde) que se encuentra en la entrada principal de la iglesia o pase a la

Oficina Parroquial.


Rev. James Coleman Pastor/Parroco [email protected]

Rev. Scott Baier Parr. Vicar/Vicario Par. [email protected]

Christine Vistica Bus. Mgr/Administradora [email protected]

Mario Sisto Facilities Mgr/Director Facilidad

Gloria Reyes Secretary/Secretaria [email protected]

Domingo Robles Custodian/Limpieza

Sis. Juanita/Angelica Religious Education

Omar Torres Youth & Young Adult Minister [email protected]


Angie Gonzales-Smith Principal/Directora 503-981-7441


Caretaker/Cuidador 503-981-8215


Tuesday-Friday 9am English

Thursday 6pm Spanish

Saturday Vigil

5pm English


7:30 am English

9:30 am English

11:30 am Spanish

1:30 pm Spanish

St. Agnes Hubbard

1st & 3rd Sunday at 9am English

CONFESSIONS Thursday 5:00-5:45 pm

Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm


Thursday 5pm-6pm

Parish Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, &





Closed for Lunch 12pm-1pm

Our Mission & Vision

The mission, hope and tradition of the St. Luke Catholic Community is to proclaim and share the Good News of Jesus

Christ with all people. We are a diverse parish reflecting the community in which we live. Our focus is to empower and

strengthen one another in our common call as disciples of the Kingdom of God. We are, then a community of faith,

prayer, hospitality, and service.

Nuestra Mission y Vision

La misión, esperanza y tradición de la comunidad Católica de San Lucas es la de proclamar y compartir la Buena Nueva de

Jesucristo con todos. Somos una Parroquia diversa que refleja la comunidad en la que vivimos. Nuestro enfoque es el

habilitar y fortalecernos unos a otros en nuestra vocación de ser discípulos del Reino de Dios. Somos, entonces una

comunidad de fe, oración, hospitalidad y servicio.

April 22, 2018

Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia Católica de San Lucas Y Misión de Santa Inés

Page 2: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia

MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Saturday April 21, 2018 5pm Sunday April 22, 2018 7:30am + Miguel Leon 9:30am (St. Luke Parishioners) 11:30am + Simona y Daniel Cuellar 1:30pm + Silvestre Garcia Aguilera Tuesday April 24, 2018 9am Wednesday April 25, 2018 9am Thursday April 26, 2018 9am + Doug Girard 6pm + Alfred Hunt Friday April 27, 2018 9am Saturday April 28, 2018 5pm Sunday April 29, 2018 7:30am + Frank Schindler 9:30am (St. Luke Parishioners) 11:30am + Alfredo Guerrero Gastelo 1:30pm

WEEKLY READINGS Sunday April 22, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 4:8-12 2nd Reading: 1 Jn 3:1-2 Gospel: Jn 10:11-18 Monday April 23, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 11:1-18 Gospel: Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday April 24, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 11:19-26 Gospel: Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday April 25, 2018 Feast of St. Mark, Evangelist 1st Reading: 1 Pt 5:5B-14 Gospel: Mk 16:15-20 Thursday April 26, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 13:13-25 Gospel: Jn 13:16-20 Friday April 27, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 13:26-33 Gospel: Jn 14:1-6 Saturday April 28, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 13:44-52 Gospel: Jn 14:7-14 Sunday April 29, 2018 1st Reading: Acts 9:26-31 2nd Reading: 1 Jn 3:18-24 Gospel: Jn 15:1-8

Your Sunday Contribution Weekly Offertory Need: $10,500.00

Collection Week 42 April 14 & April 15 2018

Collected Donations Year to Date

Budget Through Week 42 Over (Under)

$ 9,823.45 $ 448,795.44 $441,000.00 $ 7,795.44


Kevin Bernabe David de La Vega Gertie DeConinck Felipe Delgado Charlotte Noe Michael Weathers Steve Clark Eloisa Garcia Marlin Monroe Maryln Young Patricia Garcia Jacque Hovey Jack Toby Joel Rivera Adolfo Santiago Ramos

Isaah Ozcan Pat Schaecher Helen Asher Barbara Wilson Maxie Henkes Eusebio Montez Joel Rivera Margaret Krupicka Primitivo Mendez Yasmin Larios Edgar Larios Raul Hernandez Garcia Karen Ozcan Don Sprague

If someone needs to be added or taken of the list, please call the parish office.


Ezequiel Cervantes, US Navy Kelly Berkey, USMC Joe Lonergan, US Army Jovani Martinez, US Marines Miguel Salinas, US Army Julian Halbirt, US Navy Jorge Alberto Tarula Navarro, US Army

Page 3: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia


MEDITACIÓN EVANGÉLICO Cuando San Ignacio de Antioquia iba a ser martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia que está en Siria, que, en mi lugar tiene a Dios por pastor. Jesucristo solo y el amor de ustedes harán función de obispo". San Ignacio de Antioquia, tenía conciencia clara de que Jesucristo - y sólo él - es el único pastor. El punto es, que, a estas alturas de la Pascua ya deberíamos tener claro a que envío el Padre A Jesús. Para que no haya duda ni se divague con respuestas ambiguas, Jesús mismo nos da la respuesta. "Yo soy el Buen Pastor. El buen pastor da la vida por sus ovejas". (Juan 10:11). El fin de la Liturgia de la Pascua, es demostrar la fidelidad de Dios a su pueblo por medio de Jesucristo. ¿Cómo demuestra Jesús su amor como Buen Pastor? ¿Dónde se encuentra su ternura para sus ovejas? El Papa Francisco, también invita con su ejemplo de Pastor a que reflexionemos en la celebración de este Domingo. "Sí, porque Jesús, es el pastor bueno y la puerta de las ovejas, es un jefe cuya autoridad se expresa en el servicio, un jefe que para gobernar da la vida y no pide a los demás que la sacrifiquen. De manera que podemos fiarnos de un jefe así, Cristo, que representa una presencia amiga, fuerte y dulce y que al mismo tiempo nos protege, consuela y cura. (Radio vaticana 07/05/17). Escuchar la voz del Buen Pastor, es el reto, acudir a Él es el camino. Dejar las voces mercenarias que aniquilan y matan el espíritu es la tarea de cada cristiano. ¡El Buen Pastor sale al encuentro de su oveja en cada Eucaristía!

GOSPEL MEDITATION Today's Gospel occurs in the middle of Jesus' ministry. At first, Jesus' words seem to be about the value of self-sacrifice in a leader. "I am the Good Shepherd ? I will lay down my life for the sheep." The Apostles likely would have accepted these words easily enough. But then comes something more strange. "I lay down my life in order to take it up again ? I have power to lay it down and power to take it up again." Only later, when Jesus opened the Scriptures to them after his resurrection, would the Apostles understand his words. Only then would they understand why such an act was necessary for the salvation of the world. Even now, we may struggle with the necessity of Holy Week. How often do we hear complaints against the silence of God, as if He is the "hired man" who "runs away" from suffering? Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is our redemption in fact. God himself bears the full weight of sin's consequences. The Paschal Mystery is also a sign that happens in full view of the human experience. We have seen Jesus lay down his life. We have seen him accompany others. "I know mine and mine know me." We have seen him reach those outside the traditional flock, "sheep not of this fold." Jesus is the Good Shepherd, not only in Scripture but in our daily lives. While we can't experience physically walking along-side him like the Apostles did, the grace of our redemption continues through the Church. We are shepherded by the sacraments, by faith formation, by good mentors. At the same time, we are not only the sheep. In imitating Jesus, we, too, are invited to lay down our lives for others. We can be the hands, feet, and shepherd's crook of Christ.

“What did not lie in my plan lay in God’s plan...from god’s perspective—-Nothing is accidental”

St. Edith Stein

Page 4: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia

PARISH CALENDAR/CALENDARIO DE LA PARROQUIA RH– Rubis hall CH-Church KC-Knights of Columbus Hall GYM-Gymnasium SCH-School OFC-Office OFCB-Office Basement

22 April Sunday

7:30am & 9:30am CH-Mass English 9:00am– 4:00pm RH-Knights of Columbus Taco Feed

11:30am & 1:30 pm CH-Mass Spanish 3pm RH-Confirmation Rehearsal + Confessions 4pm OFCB-RCIA Spanish

29 April Sunday 7:30am & 9:30am CH-Mass English 11:30am & 1:30 pm CH-Mass Spanish 3pm CH-Confirmation Rehearsal + Confessions 4pm OFCB-RCIA Spanish

23 April Monday

5pm CH-Church Cleaning 6:30pm CH- Catechism Class English 6:30pm SCH-RCIA English 7pm RH-Grupo Pastoral Familiar

30 April Monday

5pm CH-Church Cleaning 6:30pm CH– Catechism English 6:30pm SCH-RCIA English 7pm RH-Grupo Pastoral Familiar

24 April Tuesday

9am CH-Mass English 5:30pm KC– Dinner 7pm KC– Apostoles de La Palabra 7pm CH– Confirmation Mass followed by Reception in RH

1 May Tuesday 9am CH-Mass English 7pm KC-Apostoles de La Palabra 7:30pm CH– English Choir Practice

25 April Wednesday

9am CH-Mass English 6:30pm CH– Catecismo Español

2 May Wednesday

9am CH-Mass English 6:30pm CH– Catecismo Español

26 April Thursday

9am CH-Mass English & 9:30am CH-Holy Hour 5pm CH-Confessions 6pm CH-Mass 6pm RH– School Parent Meeting 7pm RH-Spanish Prayer Group

3 May Thursday 9am CH-Mass English & 9:30am CH-Holy Hour 11am-2pm KC– Abuelos Activities 5:30pm KC-Dinner 7pm CH-Confirmation Mass followed by reception in RH No Spanish prayer group

27 April Friday

9am CH-Mass English 5pm KC-Kids Spanish Choir Practice 7pm CH-Spanish Prayer Group

4 May Friday 9am CH-Mass English 5pm KC-Kids Spanish Choir Practice 7pm CH-Spanish Prayer Group

28 April Saturday

9am-1pm KC– English Retreat 9am-3:30pm RH– Apostoles Retreat 9am-11am CH– 1st Communion Confessions 12pm CH-Baptism 4pm CH-Confessions 5pm CH-Mass English 6:30pm RH– Pre-Matrimoniales

5 May Saturday 9am-2pm RH– Retiro Pre-Matrimoniales 9am-11am CH-Confessions 12pm CH-Baptism 4pm CH-Confessions 5pm CH-Mass English + St. Luke School kids 1st Communion

6pm KC– Platica Quinceanera

Pastoral Council Meeting May 8th at 6:30pm St.Luke’s & Vicariate Wide Pastoral Council Meeting May 11th in Gervais

Page 5: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia



Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:00pm to 6:00pm

Portland Golf Club - 5900 SW Scholl's Ferry Road

Admission $38 Purchase at the Tea or at

The Tea is a benefit for the education of seminarians who are preparing to serve in the

Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. Along with several seminarians, special guests will

include Most Reverend John Vlazny, Most Reverend Kenneth Steiner, Monsignor Joseph Betschart of Mount Angel Seminary and Right Reverend Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B. of Mt. Angel

Abbey and Seminary ALL ARE WELCOME!

MATRIMONIO COMUNITARIO La próxima fecha para matrimonios comunitarios sin costo es el Sábado

12 DE MAYO, 2018. Para mas información favor de hablar a la

oficina parroquial al 503-981-5011.

El Llamado para las Misiones Católicas Fortaleciendo la Iglesia en casa

29 de Abril 2018 Esta colecta ayudara proveer catequesis, educación para seminaristas, capacitación para el ministerio laico y mas programas pastorales en las diócesis necesitadas en los

Estados Unidos. Por favor considere dar un donativo. Sobres estarán disponibles en el boletín del 22 de Abril y colectados

el siguiente Domingo. Para informarse mas acerca de las Misiones Católicas, los fondos que otorga y sus beneficiarios,

por favor, visiten:

Platica para Quinceañera ‘s Atención quinceañeras que celebraran su Misa entre los meses de Mayo y Junio 2018. Las platicas requeridas para su celebración se llevaran a cabo los

siguientes Sábados 5 y 12 de Mayo a las 6pm en el Salón KC de la parroquia.


CONFIRMATION MASS 1ST GROUP Tuesday, April 24th at 7pm with Archbishop Alexander Sample


CONFIRMATION MASS 2ND GROUP Thursday May 3rd at 7pm with Archbishop John Vlazny

The Catholic Home Missions Appeal Strengthening the Church at Home

April 29, 2018 This collection is to provide catechesis, seminarian

education, lay ministry training, and other pastoral programs in needy dioceses across the United States. Please consider donating. Envelopes will be available in the Bulletin of April

22nd and collected on the following Sunday. For more information about Catholic Home Missions funding and

current grantees, please visit www.


St. Luke School children will do their first communion on Saturday May 5th at the 5pm Mass.

RETIRO EL grupo Apóstoles de la Palabra de esta

Parroquia, te invitan al retiro que se llevara a cabo

el SABADO 28 DE ABRIL en el Salón RUBIS de esta

parroquia. El retiro será de 9:00am a 3:30pm y es

para toda la familia! El Padre Octavio Diaz

Villagrana de la ciudad de México estará

presentando el tema, APOLOGETICA Y

ECUMENISMO, la entrada es gratis! Trae Tu Biblia!

Page 6: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia


To Request Assistance Call: Para Solicitar Asistencia Llame: (971) 338-1074 (971) 338-1074

St. Luke’s SVdP Food Bank San Lucas SVdP Banco de Comida Open:2nd and 4th Thursday of the Abierto: 2 y 4 Jueves del mes month 5:00pm—7:00pm 5:00pm—7:00pm

To Donate to SVDP Call: Para Donar al SVdP Llame: (503) 989-2147 (503)989-2147

To Volunteer at the Food Bank Call Para Ser Voluntario de Banco de Comida Llame: (503)989-0894 (503)989-0894


BBQ CHIKEN DINNER Sacred Heart-St. Louis Parish 485 Seventh Street, Gervais

Sunday May 6th 2018 11:00am to 3:00pm

Adults $11.00/children 12 and under $7.00 Dinner includes: 1/2 BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, Green

Beans, Coleslaw, Dinner Roll, Homemade Pie or Cake and a beverage.

Dine in or Take Out Dinner proceeds benefit Parish and School activities

Coming Soon to Portland ! Foundational Certificate in Theology and

Pastoral Ministry The Institute for Catholic Life & Leadership is opening

up a new site for the Foundational Certificate at St. Cecilia’s in Beaverton. This two-year program– available in English and Spanish-is open to all those serving in lay ministry (DRE’s, Catechists, youth ministers, volunteers,

etc.) as well as those discerning a call to serve in a parish or school.

REGISTRATION opens May 1st. Spread the Word Please contact [email protected] with

any questions.

Good and gracious God, You call each person by name and invite them to follow you. On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, may each person hear and respond to the call they have received. We pray for all discerning marriage, the chaste single life, consecrated life, or ordained ministries, that your Holy Spirit would guide, inspire, and strengthen them. May your Church and the world be enriched by the "yes" of your children. Amen.

CEMETERY CLEAN-UP DAY Memorial day is fast approaching and once again it is time for the St. Luke Cemetery clean-up day. It is sched-uled for Saturday, May 19th from 9am to 1pm. All are encouraged to join us in pruning, spreading bark dust, and general beautification. Please bring gloves, shovels, clippers, wheelbarrow and anything you may have that can be used for landscaping. Memorial day Mass will be held at the cemetery at 9am on Monday May 28th weather permitting. We will be hosting donuts and coffee following the mass. Please remember, you are welcome to visit the cemetery any time. For more information, call Jodee at (503) 678-5900 or the church office at (503) 981-5011.

¡Próximamente a Portland! Certificado Fundacional en Teología y

Ministerio Pastoral El Instituto para la Vida y el Liderazgo Católicos está abriendo un nuevo sitio para el Certificado Fundacional en St. Cecilia's en Beaverton. Este programa es de dos años, disponible en Inglés y Español, está abierto a todos aquellos que sirven en el ministerio laico (DRE, Catequistas, ministros de j óvenes, voluntarios, etc.) así como a aquellos que disciernen un llamado a servir en una parroquia o escuela. REGISTRO se abre el 1 de Mayo. Difundir la palabra Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] con cualquier pregunta.

Page 7: Saint Luke Catholic Church & St. Agnes Mission Iglesia ... · martirizado, se dirigió a los cristianos de Roma con las siguientes palabras. "Acuérdense en sus oraciones de la Iglesia


Temporary Registration Form If you would like to become a member of St. Luke’s parish or are a Current member that would like to update address

information please fill out this form and drop in collection box. NAME/NOMBRE__________________________________________________________________________________


CITY/CIUDAD_______________________________________ZIP CODE/CODIGO POSTAL________________________


□ New Parishioner/Nuevo a la Parroquia □ Would Like Envelopes/Desea Sobres □ New Address/Nuevo Domicilio

ONLINE GIVING Please Remember St. Luke In your Will


To donate according to our online giving system, go to the parish website, and look for the link, DONATE. We pay some small fees when you make an online gift. The best method to pay, that charges us the least, is to enter your checking information for a bank account transfer. These can be one time or recurring. This can be helpful if you sometimes forget your donation or for when you might be sick or on vacation. The website also offers payment through debit and credit cards, but these charge more of a fee to the parish. The best way is to pay using your checking account.

Please use the following language when making your es-tate plans: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________(Describe gift and purpose) to St. Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon (Our official legal name). It is under-stood in making this gift that it can only be used by St. Luke Catholic Church in Woodburn, OR.

Holy Communion Can be brought to the sick or anyone who’s unable to come to church. To arrange this service for yourself or for a loved one please contact the parish office at (503) 981-5011. Thank you.

La comunión puede ser llevada a una persona enferma que no pueda venir a la Iglesia. Para poder organizar este servicio para usted o para un ser querido favor de contactar la oficina parroquial.


Vision Source

Please support our Advertisers! Their ad on the back supports the printing of this bulletin.


Prayers for healing on Wednesday in the church at 7pm. All are welcome to come and pray for those in need of prayers and healing.

Altar Society meets the first Tuesday of September - June at 7:00pm.

Council meets the first Thursday of October through June at 7:00pm. All Parishioners are welcome to attend.

St. Agnes will have a memorial bank of flowers in memory of deceased family members and friends on the Sunday before Memorial day, May 20, 2018.

Donations or monies are given by the family for the flowering plants that decorate the altar area. The plants will be given to the family after the Mass.

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