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Bakhos- Write small paper, prepare presentationGana- Write short paper on Massad- Write paper on MahfouzPoonawala- Figure out what you're going to writeTuesday- Amitai, "Armies and their Economic Basis in Iran and the Surrounding Islamic Lands" (Sayeed) [31 pgs.]- Scott, Chapter 1 (Gana) [30 pgs.]- Asad, "Conscripts of Western Civilization" (Gana) [13 pgs.]- Dennett, Ch. 1 (Bakhos) [26 pgs.]Wednesday- Ayalon, "Aspects of the Mamluk Phenomenon" (Sayeed) [31 pgs.]- Is Critique Secular? up until Mahmood (Gana) [63 pgs.]- Dennett, Ch. 2 (Bakhos) [25 pgs.]- Prepare outlines for Gana + Bakhos- Translate article for Cooperson- Peer review article for SayeedThursday- Go see Cooperson, ask if you can get an improvement on the grades, ask what to do for thursday, do it.- Ayalon, "Mamluks of the Seljuks: Islam's Military Might at the Crossroads" (Sayeed) [28 pgs.]- David Scott, Chs. 2-5 (Gana) [76 pgs.]- Dennett, Ch. 3 (Bakhos) [43 pgs.]Friday- Figure out a topic for final paper for Sayeed- Bacharach, "African Military Slaves in the Medieval Middle East" (Sayeed) [24 pgs.]- Is Critique Secular? Up Until Reply to Butler (Gana) [73 pgs.]- Dennett, Chs. 4 + 6 (Bakhos) [41 pgs.]Saturday- Beshir, "Fatimid Military Organization" (Sayeed) [19 pgs.]- Bosworth, "Armies of the Saffarids" (Sayeed) [20 pgs.]- Finish Is Critique Secular? (Gana) [16 pgs.]- David Scott, Chs. 6 + 7 (Gana) [61 pgs.] - Dennett, Ch. 5 (Bakhos) [37 pgs.]Sunday - Bosworth, "Military Organization under the Buyids of Persia and Iraq" (Sayeed) [24 pgs.]- Finish David Scott (Gana) [35 pgs.]- Dennett, Ch. 7 (Bakhos) [25 pgs.]MondayDennett, 8-11 (Bakhos) [141 pgs.]TuesdayDennett, Appendices (Bakhos) [50 pgs.]

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