


Autumn Term—Issue 10 Friday 17th November 2017

Dear Parents, Guardians and Pupils, The world seems to have gone mad, doesn’t it? You could be forgiven for coming to that conclusion after a single viewing of the news. Accusations of tax-dodging (including by TV and sports stars, major corporations and even the Queen) and inappropriate behaviour by members of parliament leave us wondering who we should look to for an example of how to live our lives. Add to that the crisis in the NHS, with overloaded doctors and nurses and many vital posts unfilled, and seemingly inexplicable mass shootings across the Atlantic – these lead us to ask ourselves “Where in the world can we feel safe?” Finally, of course, there is the ever-present billowing cloud of Brexit overhead –the forecasters are scratching their heads as to whether there is sun-shine or rain to come, but one thing’s for sure, the nation seems to be frantically searching for its umbrella. To sum up, as we head towards winter, the days get shorter, the nights get longer and the mood ‘out there’ seems to be uncertain, disturbing and gloomy. Francis Bacon said “In order for the light to shine so

brightly, the darkness must be present.” As a school

community, then, against the backdrop of the world

outside we link arms, buckle down and keep that

light shining in whatever ways we can!

After the half term holiday, we welcomed back those

staff and students who carried out this year’s school

mission to Thailand – the rest of the school (who all

played their part in Charity Week) are very much

looking forward to viewing the video of the trip in

assemblies, so that

they can see the

fruits of their

labours. Through

this mission, and

through events like

the hamper-

collection and the

Tea Dance later

this term, the

Sacred Heart com-

munity sets a clear

example of selfless-

ness, generosity and caring for others. Meanwhile, of

course, the ethos of academic excellence continues

in the teaching and learning throughout the school,

as well as in exams for our sixth formers and Years 10

and 11 this half-term, then for Years 8 & 9 early in

the New Year.

Our sixth formers are currently completing their

UCAS applications for university entrance; many have

already received encouraging offers from universi-

ties. Last year’s Year 13 will soon be returning home

from their first term of university study; many will

come in to school just before Christmas to talk to the

current sixth formers about their first experience of

university life.

This process brings home to us how, from Year 7

upwards, we are preparing Sacred Heart students to

go out into the world, set a good example and make

a difference; we are proud of the fact that our

students here at Sacred Heart will become confident

and caring professionals - the doctors, nurses,

teachers, politicians, TV and sports stars of the


Mr N Williams

Deputy Headteacher

Sacred Heart pupils—the future:

Drivers of change and future skills

STAFF INSET Friday 24th November

School closed to pupils

Could a Sacred Heart pupil become the next

Prime Minister?


For the dates of all forthcoming exams, please go to the Sacred Heart website Click on ‘Parents’, then on ‘Forthcoming exams’. This page of the

website is updated throughout the year as exam timetables and dates are

finalised, so please check it on a regular basis.

Parents are reminded that students should not be taken out of school for any reason during exam

periods. Medical or dental appointments must not be made during this time, as exams cannot be re-

scheduled or taken at another time to suit the student. A student who misses an exam will score zero

marks, exactly as they would for a public exam such as a GCSE or an A level. In such a circumstance,

subject teachers will base their assessment on classwork and homework and write reports accordingly.

Monday, 20th November

Y11 Assembly

Word Week

Y13 Enrichment—Ms Bonar

Cinderella Rehearsal (3.15—4.15)

Tuesday, 21st November

Y9 Assembly

Word Week -

Trip: Y10 Girls STEM (40 pupils) - Ms Hussain, Ms Davey, Ms Cole, Mr Nightingale (am)

Wednesday, 22nd November

Y10 / Y12 Assembly

Y13 Men’s Health Assembly—Mr White (P4)

Cinderella Rehearsal (3.15—4.15 pm)

Thursday, 23rd November

Y7 Assembly

Trip: Y8 G&T Creative Writing - Ms Spiller, Mr Pauline

Trip: SEN Cinema Trip (am) Ms Hetherington, Ms Trustman (16 pupils)

Y13 Oxbridge Interview Practice- Ms Bonar (4pm)

Important dates for week commencing Monday, 20th November...

How many school weeks away ?



2 Year 10 ‘Mock’ GCSE exams in Religious Studies will take place in the week beginning 4th December (see timetable on the school website)

3 Year 11 ‘Mock’ GCSE written exams in all subjects begin on 11th De-cember. Y11 will be on ‘study leave’ (ie only coming in to school when they have exams) from 3:00pm on 8th Decem-ber. (see timetable on the school website)

4 Year 9 Mid-Year exams will take place straight after the Christmas holidays (beginning on Wed 3rd January) See timetable on school website

7 Year 8 Mid-Year exams will take place in the week beginning 22nd January

STAFF INSET Friday 24th November

School closed to pupils


Employability Trip!


YOUNG VIC DRAMA WORKSHOP –The Jungle The Y10 Drama students had an in school workshop last week with theatre practitioners from the Young Vic Theatre. They explored the theme of ‘home’ with such enthusiasm they were invited to the the-atre the following weekend. A number of them have since been offered role in the production. Congratulations Y10s!

DONMAR DRAMA MASTERCLASS – The Lady from the Sea The Donmar Warehouse visited the school this week to run a work-shop exploring the themes of family and identity as part of a project involving four of our sixth form students. The students debated, questioned and explored the events in the play with a particular focus on the role of women in society. The students have been invited to watch the performance for free next Wednesday. Enjoy!

FRANTIC ASSEMBLY WORKSHOP – Year 9 Drama In December, the renowned theatre company Frantic Assembly are visiting the school to run a workshop exploring physical theatre. Students from year 9 who are interested in Drama GCSE have been invited to attend. They will be exploring how to use movement to communicate meaning as a form of visual poetry. Ms S Trustman

HOUSE NEWS This week’s house event asked the Y8s to re-design the school logo in less than 20 minutes. Here are the winning designs by India Lodge and Russell Macapagal.

The points are very close this term, so make sure you keep an eye out for any upcoming events in the run up to Christmas.

TOTAL HOUSE POINTS SO FAR Becket: 265 Bosco: 285 Cabrini: 260 Magdalene: 255



Y7 art students have been very helpful in the production of a new mosaic for the school. Thank you to Rain Vincio , Jose Ortiz and Tife Ogunlowo for their help with the first mosaic of this academic year. The Art department hopes to give many more students the chance to join in during the year. Ms Basra



The first year 7 Art group have just completed their project on Fantasy fish. There were some very impressive Japanese Fish Kites as you can see in the photos. Well done in particular to Juan Castro, Tife Ogunlowo, Louis Saez, Angeline Balbacal, Jose Ortiz and Chany Yabro who completed some very creative 3-dimensional extension tasks. Ms Basra






Employability Trip!

REMEMBRANCE DAY—Why we remember ….

Every year in November, the nation marks the wars that have scarred our past and the bravery of the men and women who fought them. So last Friday we observed, in Sacred Heart, a Two Minute Silence to remember and honour those who have paid the price for our freedom.

This year we also have created a Remembrance Wall with 100 Poppy Crosses in the School Hall to bring to mind the many wars throughout history and the sacrifices of so many people.

Taking time each year to remember the horrors of warfare, and to acknowledge those lost during conflicts both of the past and of the present, is an important tradition that helps us to appreciate the society we live in today. There are many people around the world who are currently living in nightmarish battlegrounds, and it is vital to not only remember the battles of the past, but to also look forward to helping others in working toward a safer and more peaceful world.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them."

Many thanks to the RE, History and Art Departments who helped with this project. Special thanks to 7M pupils who researched the 100 wars and prepared our Remembrance Wall.

Mr Thompson Head of Religious Education


Employability Trip!


English Schools Central London Final hosted at

Sacred Heart—First round

Under 16 boys and

under 13 boys qualified to the all London Finals!

I am very proud of the boys, who have come a long way, and hopefully now they can win the next round! Mr D Basterfield Coach

The boys won the Y8 Sports Hall Southwark Champi-onship and the girls came 2nd. The boys will now go through to repre-sent Southwark at the South London Championships. Well done every-one! Mr I Ohuriye

Y8 Sports Hall Athletics Southwark Championship


Employability Trip!


Years 7 , 8 , 9, 10 PUZZLE OF THE WEEK -

first person to come with the correct solution to me gets a Maths Set!

Year 8 You should be revising well for your test on Monday. Come prepared with all of your equipment. This is also good preparation for your exams in January.

Year 12

There will be Maths intervention of Fridays afterschool in

B14. For some it is compulsory. If you would like to come

along for extra help, please come with specific questions!

YEAR 12: CASIO: fx-991EX For those of you have STILL not bought your calculators, please make sure you do so

ASAP! You need these calculators for the new specification, so it is essential you buy

them now and get used to them. We have bought them at a good discount and sell-

ing them for £20, cheaper than you can get them for in the shops. We will soon open

up the sale of these calculators to year 11 so buy them quick!

Mrs Toby

Gill leaves Lille by train at 09:00. The train travels the first 27km at 96km/h. It then stops at Lens for 3 minutes before travelling the final 29km to Lilles at 96km/h.

At what time does Gill arrive at Lilles?

A 09:35 B 09:38 C 09:40 D 09:41 E 09:43

Last week’s winner: Tiago Correia, 8P


Employability Trip!


The student investor challenge is a UK contest that gives students an incredible insight into the stock exchange market. The challenge, aimed at students who are potentially interested in trad-ing or are curious about the field, provides us with the ability to experience how the stock ex-change operates by putting the power of trading in our hands!

The challenge splits each team’s trading portfolio into two sections: strategic investor (with a limited number of trades, requiring long-term thinking) and active investor (a day to day trading experience.) When trading, a technique we have learnt is it look up contextual information about the firm we are looking to invest in; for example, finding information on their successes, when they are most successful and whether it is advised to invest in this particular firm. We must also ensure that we are constantly up to date with the stock market by engaging in the news and oth-er current economic resources. We aim to develop this skill of strategic thinking in order to make more accurate trading decisions and reach the final in April 2018.

As a team, we have developed many skills such as: exercising teamwork, understanding financial jargon, motivating strategic thinking and developing analytical skills. This competition so far has been challenging yet very rewarding and we hope that our efforts support us academically and also in progressing in the competition.

Memunat Bakare (investor) Year 12

SH Broker’s insight into the Student Investor Challenge


Employability Trip!

Anti-Bullying Week in The Music Department!

This week in the Music department KS3 classes have been creating songs and raps about anti bullying. There have been so many excellent performances and lyrics and some of the videos will soon be up in the school website!

Below are the two best raps from the start of this week.

Look out for more songs and raps In next week’s newsletter - there will be a few more from Thursday and Fridays classes.

Well done everyone! Mme Mazur

Hey! Listen as I speak, We’re here to talk about anti bullying week!

The bullies they think they know it all, Acting all bad and thinking it’s cool.

They hurt peoples feeling by trying to be mean, But they don’t know that they’re causing low

self-esteem. All they are doing is causing pain

But its them that should be feeling the shame. Stand together! Don’t stand by!

Stand against bullying. Give it a try! Listen as I speak,

We’re here to talk about anti bullying week!

Lyrics and Performance By Harvey and Igor 9T

There was a boy in school and he was getting mad, It was bullying that had made him so sad.

Why, Why, Why? That’s what he used to say, Every time he came to school he always covered his face.

It was just getting to his head. Just wanted to stay in bed.

It was just getting to his head. Just wanted to stay in bed.

There was a boy in school and he was getting mad. We don’t condone Bullying! We don’t condone Bullying!

Lyrics by Denzel Osei Dapaa



Your mock speaking exams for French and Span-ish are taking place on Monday 27th or Tuesday 28th November.

It is vital that you prepare well for this exam as it counts towards 25% of your overall mock exam grade. Also, it is one of very few mock speaking exams that you will get to do before the real thing in April. You should already have your speaking exam guidance booklet and know what you need to do. Parents, your son/daughter should be putting a lot of time into studying for this exam. It is a stressful form of assessment which makes many pupils feel nervous but the more practice and preparation they do, the more confident they will be and the better they will perform!

If pupils have any concerns about their MFL speaking exam then they must speak with their MFL teacher or Ms Williams as a matter of urgency.

Our Sixth Form open evening last week was very successful. Many thanks to our Y12 and Y13 students who volunteered either as guides or to help in subject areas. Our visitors were very impressed with the way you dressed and presented yourself. Our Head Boy and Girl delivered excellent speeches to a packed hall reflecting on their experiences in the Sacred Heart Sixth form.



Year 12 Events in the next few weeks ...

20th November: Performance Poetry masterclass

21st November: Graphic Design at the National theatre

27th November: Visit to Camden Round House

Outside the Classroom Leo Ngo and Nancy Vandi have both gained places on a History of Art event Degas and Dance

at the Courtauld Institute next week.

Important reminder for Y11 MFL students

Sixth Form Open Evening


Employability Trip!


Once again, Sacred Heart pupils are encouraged to make a contribution to a Christmas Hamper in their form group. The hampers will be distributed to those who are in need or lonely in our community this Christmas. Please note that these items need not be expensive, but are intended to be given as gifts in order to share this season’s blessings:

What should your hamper have in it?

Mince Pies Mulled Wine / Elderflower

Juice Toffees / Werther’s Original Cereal Jam / Marmalade / Peanut

Butter Christmas Pudding Nuts Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate Shortbread Biscuits Chocolates

Cream Crackers Christmas Chocolate Yule Log Brandy Butter Christmas Cake Pate Tin dessert (Rice Pudding)

It is all about giving … time, effort, gifts, help



LAUNCH Tuesday, 28th November 2017

@ 5pm in the School Hall

Please join us to kick start the launch of our fundraising for our ‘Mission to Thailand 2019’ as well as celebrating our recent 2017 trip –demonstrating the wide-ranging impact of our support of this worthy cause.

The evening will commence at 5pm on Tuesday, 28th November 2017 with a viewing of the DVD following our recent trip in October 2017,

as well as an opportunity to hear some of our students’ experiences.

Tickets are free and can be obtained from Ms O’Sullivan or collected from Reception

Name: Elisabeth Hungbo – 7B Found: A pencil case

Name: Joseph Amara – 7C Found: A badge

Name: Nita Adebodun & Beyonce Matonga – 8T Found: A library card

Name: Ogheneyenrowho Demide – 8T Found: Lower school tie

Name: Erhus Digba—7M Found: An iPhone


Father, We ask for your protection over those who have experienced bullying. Please rescue them from emotional and physical dan-ger, and from the fear associated with this trauma. We cry out to you—use us as your instruments of peace to nourish their souls, to bring encourage-ment, and to release them from anxiety and the insecurity that comes when we feel weak. Help these victims to forgive their enemies as you instructed, and may we use our words to pray for blessing upon those who do us harm. May that blessing ultimately be a transformation of heart, which we pray you will grant us all.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus...

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