Page 1: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University



(April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental

Studies. Carleton University.

(May 2013). Promoted and Tenured to Associate Professor, Northern Medical Program, The University of

Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Affiliate status, Departments of Geography and Community Health Science, UNBC.

(May 2013). Affiliate Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health, The University of British

Columbia (UBC).

(July 2008 – May 2013). Assistant Professor, Northern Medical Program, The University of Northern British

Columbia (UNBC), Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Affiliate status,

Departments of Geography and Community Health Science, UNBC.

(July 2008 – May 2013). Affiliate Assistant Professor, School of Population and Public Health, The University

of British Columbia (UBC).


2007-2008. Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Department of Geography and Regional Planning. University of

Arizona. Tucson Arizona.

Supervisor: Dr. John Paul Jones

2003-2007. Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD). Department of Geography, Queen’s University. Thesis title:

Artful Places: Creativity and Colonialism in British Columbia’s “Indian” Residential Schools.

Supervisors: Dr. Audrey Kobayashi and Dr. Anne Godlewska Examiner: Dr. Cole Harris

2000-2002. Master of Arts (MA). Interdisciplinary Studies, English and Geography, University of Northern

British Columbia. Thesis title: Along Highway 16: A Creative Meditation on the Geography of Northern

British Columbia.

Supervisor: Dr. Julia Emberley Examiner: Dr. Kevin Hutchins

1991-1996. Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). Creative Writing, University of Victoria. Genre concentrations:

poetry and creative non-fiction.


March 2017

Co-applicant, with Principle Investigator(s) Jeffery Masuba and Audrey Kobayashi. The "right to remain" of

single room occupancy dwellers in Vancouver's downtown Eastside. SSHRC Insight Grant. (149,000). April

2017 – May 2019.

December 2016

Co-applicant, with Principal Investigator Margot Parkes. The ECHO Network (Environment, Community,

Health Observatory): Strengthening intersectoral capacity to understand and respond to health impacts of resource. CIHR Team Grant: Environments and Health: Intersectoral Prevention Research. (1,999,485). April

2017 – April 2022.

S A R A H N . D E L E E U W

The University of Northern British Columbia

Northern Medical Program

3333 University Way, Prince George, BC, V2N 4Z9

[email protected]


Page 2: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University


December 2016

Co-applicant, with Principal Investigator Heather Castleden. A SHARED Future: Achieving Strength, Health,

and Autonomy through Renewable Energy Developments for the Future. CIHR Team Grant: Environments and

Health: Intersectoral Prevention Research. (1,999,485). April 2017 – April 2022.

April 2016

Principal Investigator. Increasing First Nations Employment Participation and the Responsiveness to Indigenous Well-Being within BC’s Northern Health Authority: A Decolonizing Humanities-Based Approach.

SSHRC/CIHR Joint Initiative, Partnership Development Grant. (150,000). June 2016 – June 2017.

April 2015

Co-applicant, with Principal Investigator D.R. Fraser Taylor. Residential Schools Land Memory Mapping Project. SSHRC Insight Program. (424,320). April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2021

February 2014.

Co-principal investigator, with Margot Parkes. With co-applicants Margo Greenwood, Henry Harder and

Kendra Mitchell-Foster. Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) – Dissemination Events Grant.

Telling Stories About Story Telling: A Critical Discussion into Health, Narrative and Wellness. (24,000).

February 2014

Co-applicant. With Principal Investigator Manna Morrow and co-applicants Geertje Boschma, Megan Davis,

Erika Dyck and Robert Menzies. Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) – Dissemination Events

Grant. After the Asylum: The Legacies of Community Mental Health. (25,000)

December 2013

Co-applicant. With Principal Investigator Mike Evans and other applicants. Urban Aboriginal Knowledge

Network (UAKN). Developing Research Protocols and Ethics with Urban Aboriginal Organizations in

Prince George, BC. (30,000)

Sept. 2013

Principal Investigator: With co-applicants Carolyn Holms and Margo Greenwood. Canadian Institutes for

Health Research (CIHR) – Café Scientific Program. Healthart II: Translating Health Research About the Role

of Arts and Humanities in Healthcare and Medicine into Accessible Knowledge for ESPECIALLY Indigenous Living in British Columbia's Northern Health Authority (2300).

October 2012

Principal Investigator. Partnered Career Investigator Scholar Award. Michael Smith Foundation for Health

Research (MSFHR) and the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH). Health, Creative Arts, Northern Communities. (+650,000.00 over 8 years).

June 2012

Co-applicant. With Principal Applicant Gurdeep Parhar and other co-applicants. BC Ministry of Advanced

Education – BCampus Funding and Awards. Medical Cases for Distance Learning with Aboriginal Patients.


February 2012

Co-Applicant. With Principal Applicant, Gary Pool and other co-applicants. Faculty of Medicine UBC:

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. Thinking About Learning: Enhancing Self-Directed Learning

Opportunities via Effective Reflection. (8,675.00)

September 2011

Principal Investigator. With co-applicants Carolyn Holms, Margot Parkes and Carol Anne Courneya. Canadian

Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) – Café Scientific Program. Healthart: Translating Health Research

About the Role of Arts and Humanities in Healthcare and Medicine into Accessible Knowledge for People Living in British Columbia's Northern Health Authority. (3000.00).

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March 2011

Co-applicant. With Principal Investigator Kathy Teghtsoonian (University of Victoria) and other co-applicants.

Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) – Meeting, Planning and Dissemination – Knowledge

Translation Supplement. Translating History/Shaping Policy: Community Informed Teaching Resources on Mental Health. (99,080)

February 2011

Co-applicant. With Principal Investigator Ben Bradshaw (University of Guelph) and other co-applicants.

Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) – Knowledge Synthesis and Translation. Unearthing and

Communicating Health Implications and Possible Interventions for Aboriginal Communities Experiencing Mine Development. (100,000)

April 2010

Principal Investigator. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard

Research Grant. (92,700). For three years. Working title: Contemporary Geographies of First Nations in Northern BC in Relation to their Colonial Histories.

February 2010

The CBC Literary Awards. Second Prize Nationally, Creative Non-Fiction. (4000)

December 2009

Principal Investigator. Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Meetings, Planning and Dissemination

Grant: Aboriginal Peoples' Health competition. “The Art of Medicine and Optimizing Health Care for

Aboriginal People in Northern British Columbia.” (23,800)

October 2009

Midsummer Bell Scholarship for Literary Arts. The Banff Centre of Creative Arts. (2400)

April 2009

Northern Medical Program Seed Grant Research Award. “The Fine Arts of Medical Care.” (11,500)

February 2009

The CBC Literary Awards. First Prize Nationally, Creative Non-Fiction. (6000)

September 2007

Principal Investigator. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Post-Doctoral

Fellowship (two years at 38,000.00 per annum and 5000.00 research fund: total 81,000.00) Held for 11 months

at the University of Arizona, Department of Geography, under the advisorship of Dr. J.P. Jones III)

September 2007

Principal Investigator. U.S. – Canada Fulbright Award (U.S. 15,000 for 8 month postdoctoral study at the

University of Arizona, Department of Geography under the advisorship of Dr. J.P. Jones III)

February 2007

Principal Investigator. The Grant Notley Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Alberta (two years at

44,000.00 per annum and 4000.00 research fund: total 92,000 declined to accept SSHRC and Fulbright)

September 2004

Principal Investigator. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship (three years at 35,000.00 per annum: total 105,000)

September 2004

Principal Investigator. Ontario Graduate Scholarship (15,000 declined in order to accept SSHRC)

September 2003

Queen’s University Gradate Award (11,000.00 x4: total 44,000, three years declined to accept SSHRC)

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April 2003

The Canadian Association of Geographers Starkey Robinson Award in Geography (500)



1. de Leeuw, S. (forthcoming 2018/19). Outside, America. Gibsons, BC: Nightwood Editions.

2. Greenwood, M., de Leeuw, S., Lindsay, N., Eds. (forthcoming 2018). 2nd

Edition: Determinants of

Indigenous Peoples’ Health: Beyond the Social. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

3. de Leeuw, S. (2017). Where it Hurts. Edmonton, Alberta: NeWest Press. 123 pgs.

4. de Leeuw, S. (2015). Skeena. Sechelt, British Columbia: Caitlin Press. 96 pgs.

5. Greenwood, M., de Leeuw, S., Lindsay, N and C. Reading, Eds. (2015). Determinants of Indigenous

Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Scholars’ Press. 354 pgs.

6. de Leeuw, S. (2012). Geographies of a Lover. Edmonton, Alberta: NeWest Press. 80 pgs.

Winner, 2013 Dorothy Livesay Award – BC Book Prize

7. Hankivsky, O. with S. de Leeuw, J-A. Lee, B. Vissandjee, and N. Khanlou, eds. (2011). Health

Inequalities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Vancouver, UBC Press. 398 pgs.

8. de Leeuw, S. (with Tim Swanky, photographer). (2011). Front Lines: Portraits of Caregivers in

Northern British Columbia. Smithers, BC: Creekstone Press. 149 pgs.

9. de Leeuw, S. (2004). Unmarked: Landscapes Along Highway 16. Edmonton, Alberta: NeWest Press.

118 pgs.


1. (R) de Leeuw, S. (forthcoming 2017/2018). Writing as Righting: Truth and Reconciliation, Poetics,

and New Geo-Graphing in Colonial Canada. The Canadian Geographer.

2. (R/L) de Leeuw, S. (forthcoming 2017). May Breath: Essayed Poetics Against Canada’s Ongoing

Settler Colonial Violence Toward Indigenous Women and Mothers. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative, Special Issue on Absent Mothers.

3. de Leeuw, S. and Greenwood, M. (forthcoming 2017). Turning a New Page: Cultural Safety, Critical

Creative Literary Interventions, Truth and Reconciliation, and the Crisis of Child Welfare.

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples.

4. (R) de Leeuw, S and H. Hawkins. (online April 2017). Critical Feminist Geographies and Creative

Re/Turns: Poetics and Practices for New Disciplinary Spaces. Gender, Place, and Culture.

5. (R) de Leeuw, S; Parkes, M; Sloan Morgan, V; Christensen, J; Lindsay, N; Mitchell-Foster, K;

Russell, J. (online January 2017). Going Unscripted: A Call to Critically Engage Storytelling Methods

and Methodologies in Geography and the Medical-Health Sciences. The Canadian Geographer.

6. (L) de Leeuw, S. (June 2016). Two Poems: Honey Moon Island, State Park, Florida and Go ahead

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and give yourself over to the faults. PageBoy Literary Journal. 3:9. 18-20.

7. (R) de Leeuw, S. (2016). Tender grounds: Intimate visceral violence and British Columbia's colonial

geographies. Political Geography, 52, 14-23.

8. (L) de Leeuw, S. (July 2015). Two Poems: Rouge Stars and Our Temperate Life. The Malahat

Review. 191. 19-21.

9. (R) Brise, L. and de Leeuw, S. (June 2015) Seeing Clearly: A Community-Based Inquiry Into Vision

Care Access For a Rural Northern First Nation. Canadian Journal of Optometry. 77(2). 34-42.


10. (L) de Leeuw, S. (January 2015). Two Poems: Debris Flow, Snohomish County Washington and

Denver International Airport, April. ElevenEleven: A Journal of Literature and Art. Issue 18.

11. (L) de Leeuw, S. (November 2014). Three poems: Flying North, Snow on Clear-Cuts Below; Herschel

Island; You Re-entered The Atmosphere. Contemporary Verse 2 (CV2). 27-32.

12. (R) Graham, C. Rollings, C, de Leeuw, S., Anderson, L., Griffiths, B., and Long, N. (May 2014). A

Qualitative Study Exploring Facilitators for Improved Health Behaviors and Health Behavior

Programs: Mental Health Service Users’ Perspectives. The Scientific World Journal. 2014(2014). 1-7.

13. (R) de Leeuw, S. (January 2014). Telling Stories About Stories. The Canadian Family Physician Journal. 60(1). 5-7.

14. (R) Cameron, E., de Leeuw, S. and Desbien, C. (January 2014). Indigenous Ontologies and Cultural

Geographies: A Critical Intervention. cultural geographies. 21(1). 19-26.

15. (R) de Leeuw, S. (January 2014). State of Care: The Ontologies of Child Welfare in British

Columbia. cultural geographies. 21(1). 59-78.

16. (R) de Leeuw, S., Parkes, M., and D. Thien. (December 2013). Questioning Medicine’s Discipline:

The Arts of Emotions in Undergraduate Medical Education. Emotion, Space and Society. 11:2. 43-51

17. (L) de Leeuw, S. Wet’sinkwa – an expert from Skeena. (Nov. 2013). ARC Poetry Magazine. 72: 27-


18. (L) de Leeuw, S. Soft Shouldered. (October 2013). PRISM International. (52)1: 7-12.

i. Winner, 2013, Gold Award and Best Essay, BC/Alberta - Western Magazine Awards

ii. Finalist, 2013, National Canadian Magazine Award competition

19. (R) de Leeuw, S., M. Greenwood and N. Lindsay. (October 2013). Troubling Good Intentions. Settler Colonial Studies. 3(3-4).381-394.

20. (R) Graham, C., de Leeuw S., and Markless, S. (April 2013). Widening Debates about Medical

Professionalism. Medical Education. 47. 339-341.

21. (R) Marston, S. and de Leeuw, S. (April 2013.) Creativity and Geography: Towards a Politicized

Intervention. The Geographical Review. 103:2. iii–xxvi.

22. (L) de Leeuw, S. (January 2013). Aesop. After Paul Auster Spoke about Lightning (Two Creative

Non-Fiction Essays). filling station. Issue 55. 34-38

i. Anthologized: Best Canadian Essays 2014 (Tightrope Books)

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23. (L) de Leeuw, S. (2012). Moon - Except from Skeena. Spiral Orb: An Online Journal of Poetics Issue


24. (L) de Leeuw, S. (2012). Excepts from Skeena. The Goose: An Online Journal for the Association for

Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada (ALECC). Issue 11. 64-71.

25. (R) Greenwood, M. and de Leeuw, S. (Aug./Sept. 2012). Social Determinants of Health and the

Future Well-Being of Aboriginal Children in Canada. Paediatrics and Child Health. 17:7. 381-384.

26. (R) de Leeuw, S., S. Maurice, T. Holyk, M. Greenwood and W. Adam. (2012). With Reserves: The

Geographies of Colonialism and First Nations Health in Northern-Interior British Columbia. The Annals of the American Association of Geographers. Special edition on health. 1-8.

27. (R) de Leeuw, S., E. Cameron and M. Greenwood. (2012). Participatory, Community-Based Research,

Indigenous Geographies, and the Spaces of Friendship: Sites of Critical Engagement. The Canadian Geographer. Special Issue on Participatory Research and Indigenous Geographies. 56:2. 180-194.

28. (R) de Leeuw, S. (2012). Alice Through the Looking Glass: Emotion, Personal Connection, and

Reading Colonial Archive Along the Grain. The Journal of Historical Geography. 1-9.

29. (R) Russell, V. and S. de Leeuw. (2012). Intimate Stories: Considering the Creative Arts to Better

Understand Northern and Aboriginal Women’s Lives, Lived Experiences, and To Raise Awareness

about HPV, Cervical Cancer and Screening. Journal of Aboriginal Health. 18-27.

30. (R) de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (2012). “Our Art Is Us”: Relationships between Indigenous

Health, Creative Expression, and Connections with Environment and Place. LAKE: A Journal of Art

and Environment. Special Issue on Indigenous Peoples, Place, Health, and Creative Expression. 7. 5-


31. (R) Bakker, A., Cole, D., de Leeuw, S., and J. Wilford. (2011). Dispensing Geographies:

Understanding the Realities of Distance, Telehealth, and Oncology Pharmacy Practices in Northern

British Columbia – Abstract. Clinical and Investigative Medicine – CNMSRS Abstracts. 2.

32. (R) de Leeuw, S. (November 2011). New Routes of Geographic Contemplation: Poetry and Public

Transportation. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. 10:2. 289-292.

33. (R) Parks, M., S. de Leeuw and M Greenwood. (2011). Warming up to the embodied context of First

Nations child health: A critical intervention into and analysis of health and climate change research.

International Public Health Journal. 2:4. 477-485

34. (R) Waterstone, Marv and S. de Leeuw. (2010). A Sorry State: Apology Excepted. Human Geography: A New Radical Journal. 3:3. 1 – 28.

35. (R) de Leeuw, S., M. Greenwood and E. Cameron. (2010). Deviant Constructions: How Governments

Preserve Colonial Narratives of Addictions and Poor Mental Health to Intervene into the Lives of

Indigenous Children and Families in Canada. International Journal of Mental Health and Addictions.

8:2. 282-295.

36. (R) Elliot, C. and S. de Leeuw. (reprinted August 2010). Our Aboriginal Relations: When Family

Doctors and Aboriginal Patients Meet. The Canadian Optometrist. Vol. 72. No. 4. 26-28.

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37. (L) de Leeuw, S. (2010). Found. Behind. In Riddle Fence: A Journal of Art and Culture. 7. 36-38.

38. (R) de Leeuw, S. (2009). If Anything is to be Done with the Indian, We Must Catch Him Very Young:

Colonial Constructions of Aboriginal Children and the Geographies of Indian Residential Schooling in

British Columbia, Canada. Children’s Geographies. 7:2. 123-140.

39. (R) Elliot, C. and S. de Leeuw. (April 2009). Our Aboriginal Relations: When Family Doctors and

Aboriginal Patients Meet. The Canadian Family Physician. Vol. 55. 443-444.

40. (R) Greenwood, M, S. de Leeuw and T. Ngaroimata Fraser. (2008). When the Politics of Inclusivity

Become Exploitative: A Reflective Commentary on Indigenous Peoples, Indigeneity, and the

Academy. Canadian Journal of Native Education. Special Themed Issues on Indigenous Knowledges

and the University. 31:1.198-207.

41. (R) de Leeuw, S. (September 2007). Intimate Colonialisms: The Material and Experienced Places of

British Columbia’s Residential Schools. The Canadian Geographer. Special Issue, Historical

Geographies of Colonialism. 51: 3. 339 – 359. http://www.blackwell-

42. (R) Greenwood, M., S. de Leeuw. (2007). Teachings from the Land: Indigenous People, Our Health,

Our Land and Our Children. Canadian Journal of Native Education. Special Issue on Early

Childhood. 30:1. 48 – 53.

43. (R) Greenwood, M., S. de Leeuw and Tina Ngaroimata Fraser. (2007). Aboriginal Children and Early

Childhood Development and Education in Canada: Linking the Past and the Present to the Future.

Canadian Journal of Native Education. Special Issue on Early Childhood. 30:1. 5 – 18.

44. (R) Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (December 2006). Editorial. The Journal of Developmental

Disability Special Issue. Developmental Disabilities and the Native Canadian Community. 12:2. xii –


45. (R) de Leeuw, S. (2003/2004). Poetic Place: Knowing A Small British Columbian Community

through the Production of Creative Geographic Knowledge. Western Geography. 13/14. 19-38.

46. (L) de Leeuw, S. (Spring 1999). Saturday Evenings. Wascana Review of Contemporary Poetry and

Short Fiction. 34:1. 4.

47. (L) de Leeuw, S. (Spring 1999). The Baker and his lover: a dialogue. Pottersfield Portfolio: new

writing from Canada and abroad. 19:2. 16.

48. (L) de Leeuw, S. (Summer 1996). Living Alone. The Fiddlehead. 188. 42-43.

49. (L) de Leeuw, S. (1995). Away from your birth. The Inner Harbour Review. 2. 82.

50. (L) de Leeuw, S. (Fall 1994). Female Gametophytes, Development and Fertilization. The Claremont Review. 6. 41-43.


1. de Leeuw, S. (September 2016). Laughing alongside the best of evidence. Canadian Family Physician, 62(9), 744-747.

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2. de Leeuw, S. (August 2016). A family way of dying. Canadian Family Physician, 62(8), 660-663.

3. de Leeuw, S. (July 2016). The missing of mums and babes. Canadian Family Physician, 62(7), 660-


4. de Leeuw, S. (June 2016). Leather vests and circles of men’s health and well-being. Canadian Family

Physician, 62(6), 504-507.

5. de Leeuw, S. (May 2016). Beyond frozen ground. Canadian Family Physician, 62(5), 424-427.

6. de Leeuw, S. (April 2016). Physician activism and prescribing against poverty. Canadian Family

Physician, 62(4), 333-335.

7. de Leeuw, S. (March 2016). The heart of being alive. Canadian Family Physician, 62(3), 246-248.

8. de Leeuw, S. (February 2016). Real-life research. Canadian Family Physician, 62(2), 156-158.

9. de Leeuw, S. (January 2016). Indigenous relationships, logging roads and first class

medicine. Canadian Family Physician, 62(1), 68-71.

10. de Leeuw, S. (2016). Comment on Geographical Aesthetics: Imagining Space, Staging Encounters

edited by Harriet Hawkins and Elizabeth Straughan, Routledge, New York and London, 2015, 320

pp., cloth US $119.95 (ISBN 978‐1409448013). The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe

canadien, 60(3).

11. de Leeuw, S. (2012). Comment on Spaces between Us: Queer Settler Colonialism and Indigenous

Decolonization. By Scott Lauria Morgensen. Gender, Place and Culture. 19:5. 687-689.

12. de Leeuw, S. (2011). Landscapes and Social Transformations on the Northwest Coast: Colonial

Encounters in the Fraser Valley, by Jeff Oliver. The Journal of Historical Geography. 37:1. 142-143.

13. de Leeuw, S. (October 2009). Evocative Objects: Things We Think With, by Sherry Turkle (Ed.).

2007. Emotion Space and Society.

14. de Leeuw, S. (April 2009). The Will to Improve: Governmentality, Development and the Practice of

Politics, by Tania Murray Li. 2009. The Journal of Historical Geography. 35:2. 397-399.

15. Kurtz, M. and S. de Leeuw. (2008). Session Jumping at the AAG. Environment and Planning A.

Volume 40:1. 2 – 5.

16. de Leeuw, S. (April 2008). The Archive of Place: Unearthing the Pasts of the Chilcotin Plateau, by

William Turkel. 2007. The Journal of Historical Geography. 34:2. 384-386.



17. de Leeuw, S. (October 2005). Geography and the Art of Life, by Edmunds Valdemars Bunkse. 2004.

The Journal of Historical Geography. Volume 31, Issue 4. 811-813.


1. Mitchell-Foster, K. and de Leeuw, S. (accepted 2017, forthcoming 2018). Art, Heart, and Health: Experiences from Northern British Columbia. In Activating the Heart. Ed. Julia Christenson. Waterloo


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2. de Leeuw, S. (2017). Place of the Open Season. In Writing Intimacy into Feminist Geography. (Eds.)

Pamela Moss and Courtney Donovan. New York: Routledge. 214-221.

3. de Leeuw, S. (reprinted, 2016). If Anything is to be Done with the Indian, We Must Catch Him Very

Young: Colonial Constructions of Aboriginal Children and the Geographies of Indian Residential

Schooling in British Columbia, Canada. Bringing Children and Youth into Canadian History The

Differences Kids Make. Eds. Mona Gleason and Tamara Myres. Oxford, England: Oxford University

Press. 347-380.

4. de Leeuw, S. and Greenwood, M. (April 2016). Geographies of Indigenous Children and Youth: A

Critical Review Grounded in Space of the Colonial Nation State. Springer Handbook on Children’s

Geographies. 2-16

5. de Leeuw, S. (2015). Activating Place: Geographies and Determinants of Indigenous Health. In

Beyond the Social: Determinants of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health in Canada. Eds. Greenwood, M., de

Leeuw, S., Lindsay, N and C. Reading. Canadian Scholars Press, Toronto, Canada. 145-162.

6. de Leeuw, S, Lindsay, N. and Greenwood, M. (2015). Beyond the Social: An Introduction. Beyond the

Social: Determinants of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health in Canada. Eds. Greenwood, M., de Leeuw, S.,

Lindsay, N and C. Reading. Canadian Scholars Press, Toronto, Canada. 1-10.

7. de Leeuw, S. (2015). Tau(gh)t Subjects. For Knowledge and Power: 7th

Edition of the Knowledge and

Space Editions. Ed. Peter Meusburger. Springer Publishers. 295-314.

8. de Leeuw, S. (2015). After Paul Auster Spoke About Lightning. Best Canadian Essays 2014. Eds.

Christopher Doda and Natalie Zina Walschots. Toronto, Ont.: Tightrope Books. pg. 21-32.

9. de Leeuw, S. (Dec. 2014). 1CountryBoy. Kwe: Standing With Our Sisters. Ed. Joseph Boyden.

Penguin Canada. Toronto.

10. Kobayashi, A., Brooks, M., de Leeuw, S., Cameron, L. and Lewis, N. (June 2014). “Advocacy.” Sage

Progress in Human Geography. Ed. Roger Lee. Sage Publications. 404 – 419.

11. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (April 2014). “History Lessons: What Empire, Education and

Indigenous Childhoods Teaches Us.” Forward to Empire, Education and Indigenous Childhoods: 19th

Century Infant Schools in Canada, New Zealand and India. Eds. L. Prochner, H. May, and B. Kaur.

Sage Publishing. xv-xxvi.

12. de Leeuw, S., S. Maurice, T. Holyk, M. Greenwood and W. Adam. (March 2014). Reprinted from the

Annals of the American Association of Geographers. With Reserves: The Geographies of Colonialism

and First Nations Health in Northern-Interior British Columbia. Geographies of Health, Disease and Well-being: Recent Advances in Theory and Method. Ed. Kwan, Mei-Po. London/New York:

Routledge. 18-25

13. Greenwood, M; Lindsay, N; Halseth, R; McGregor, H; de Leeuw, S; Keahey, D. (2014). Public Health

and Indigenous Peoples. In Oxford Bibliographies in Public Health. Ed. David McQueen. New York:

Oxford University Press. Online Only.

14. de Leeuw, S. (2012). “History, Creativity, and Social Justice: Thinking about the Geographies of a

Neocolonial British Columbia.” An Introduction to Human Geography, Canadian Edition. Ed.

Catherine Nash et. al. Wiley Blackwell Publishing. 35-36.

15. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (2011). “Beyond Borders and Boundaries: Addressing Indigenous

Health Inequities in Canada through Theories and Methods of Intersectionality.” In Health Inequalities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Ed. Olena Hankivshy et al.

Vancouver: UBC Press. 53-70.

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16. Hankivsky, O., S. de Leeuw, J-A. Lee, B. Vissandjee, and N. Khanlou. (2011). Introduction to Health

Inequalities in Canada: Purpose, Overview and Contributions. Vancouver, UBC Press. 1-15.

17. de Leeuw, S., A. Kobayashi and E. Cameron. (2011). “Difference.” In A Companion to Social

Geography. Edited by Vincent J. Del Casino Jr., Mary Thomas, Paul Cloke, and Ruth Panelli. New

York and London: Blackwell Publishing. 17-37

18. de Leeuw, S. (2010). “Traveling Three Lines.” In Unfurled: Poetry by Northern BC Women. Ed.

Debby Keahey. Sechelt: Catlin Press. 63-66.

19. Kobayashi, A. and S. de Leeuw (2010). “Chapter 4: Colonialism and the Tensioned Landscapes of

Indigeneity.” The Handbook of Social Geography. Eds. Susan Smith, Rachel Pain, Sallie Marston, and

J.P. Jones III. London: Sage Publications. 118-139.

20. Cameron E, de Leeuw S, Greenwood M. (2009). “Indigeneity.” In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds)

International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Volume 5. 352–357. Oxford: Elsevier.

21. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (2006). “Fostering Indigeneity: The Role of Aboriginal Mothers and

Aboriginal Early Child Care in Response to Colonial Foster-Care Interventions.” In Until Our Hearts Are On the Ground: Aboriginal Mothering, Oppression, Resistance, and Rebirth. Eds. Jeanette

Corbiere Lavell and Dawn Memee Lavell-Harvard. Canada: Demeter Press. 163 – 173.

22. Greenwood, M., S. Tagalik and S. de Leeuw. (2005). “Beyond Deficit: Exploring Capacity Building

in Northern and Indigenous Youth Communities Through Strength-Based Approaches”. Eds. R.

Tonkin and L. Foster. The Youth of British Columbia: Their Past and Their Future. Victoria: Western

Geographical Press, University of Victoria. 175 – 188.

23. de Leeuw, S. (2004). “Across a Boundary of Lava: Evaluating Race Based Antagonisms Towards the

Nisga’a Land Claims Treaty.” In Racism Eh?: A Critical Inter-Disciplinary Anthology on Race in the

Canadian Context. Eds. Camille Nelson and Charmaine Nelson. Toronto: Captus Press. 122-134.

24. Greenwood, M., T. Healy and S. de Leeuw. (2001). “Rural, Remote and North of 51: Community-

Based Research on Challenges Facing Service Providers Working with Substance Abuse Related

Special Needs.” Proceedings Report: Linking Research to Policy and Practice for Children and Youth, Third Canadian Forum. Canadian Childcare Federation. Ottawa: St. Joseph’s Printing Group.

179 – 183.

25. de Leeuw, S. (2000). “Spring Thaw in Terrace.” British Columbia Almanac. Ed. Mark Forsyth.

Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press. 12-14.


1. Alice Muirhead and Sarah de Leeuw. (2012). Art and the Health of Aboriginal Peoples. Prince

George: The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health.

2. Greenwood, Margo, Regine Halseth and S. de Leeuw. (Oct. 2010). “Data about Aboriginal Children

and Youth.” Growing up in B.C. Victoria: Representative of Children and Youth and The Office of

the Provincial Health Officer Provincial Government of British Columbia. 18-19

3. Place, Jessica, Margo Greenwood and S. de Leeuw. (June 2008). “So We Can Work Better”: A Model

for Training Head Start Early Childhood Educators. Ottawa: The Public Health Agency of Canada:

Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Communities Program.

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4. Greenwood, Margo and S. de Leeuw (October 2005). For the Next Seven Generation: Final Report of

the National First Nations Early Learning and Child Care Engagement Sessions. Ottawa: First

Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada and The Assembly of First Nations.

5. Greenwood, Margo and S. de Leeuw. (July 2005). For the Next Seven Generations: Preliminary

Considerations for an Integrated Aboriginal Specific Early Childhood Program Framework Design in

Canada. Ottawa: First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada and The Assembly of First


6. Stockburger, Jill, Betsabeh Parsa-Pajouh, S. de Leeuw and Margo Greenwood. (April 2005). Youth Voices on the Prevention and Intervention of Youth Substance Abuse. Health Canada and the Centre of

Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs. Prince George: British Columbia.

7. Greenwood, Margo and S. de Leeuw. (February 2004). A Report of the Assembly of First Nations

Early Childhood Development National Discussion. The Assembly of First Nations. Ottawa: Ontario.

8. de Leeuw, S. and Margo Greenwood. (Winter 2003/2004). “At the Heart of Community, Where

Children Belong”. Family Groundwork: Canada’s Magazine for Parenting Children with Challenges.

18:16. 19-20.

9. de Leeuw, S. and Jillian Stockburger. (September 2003). The Realities of Rural Northern Women’s

Centres and Strategies for Action: A Final Report. The Status of Women Canada. Vancouver: British


10. de Leeuw, S., Margo Greenwood. (May 2003). A Qualitative Inquiry in Existing Strengths and Capacities in the Gitxsan Communities of Northwestern British Columbia. Health Canada and the

Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs. Prince George: British


11. de Leeuw, S., Jo-Anne Fiske and Margo Greenwood. (June 2002). Rural Remote and North of 51:

Service Provision and Substance Abuse Related Special Needs in British Columbia’s Hinterlands.

Health Canada and the Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs. Prince

George: British Columbia.


1. de Leeuw, S. (Summer 2014). Drawing Back: Creative Arts and Health in British Columbia’s

Northern and Indigenous Communicites. CURB Magazine: Places, Spaces, People. 13-15.

2. de Leeuw, S. (Fall 2013). Prince George Living. British Columbia Magazine. pg. 9

3. de Leeuw, S. (2012). Splittings: A Brief Geo-Social History of the Columbia River. John Hartman:

The Columbia in Canada. Kelowna Art Gallery

4. de Leeuw, S. (October 2011). “The Art of Medicine: Medical Students Bring Art Days to a First

Nation Community.” Northword Magazine. 13-15.

5. de Leeuw, S. (May 2010). “Quick-quick. Slow. Slow.” EnRoute Magazine.

Winner, 2nd

Prize, CBC Literary Awards, 2009

6. de Leeuw, S. (March 2009). “Columbus Burning.” EnRoute Magazine. 103-106.

Winner, 1st Prize, CBC Literary Awards, 2008

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1. de Leeuw, S. and Craig, B. (under review March 2017). Mapping Justice with Letter Press Printing:

The Bold Type Work of Amos Kennedy. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.

2. de Leeuw, S. and Hunt, S. (under review March 2017). Unsettling Decolonization. Geography




1. de Leeuw, S. (April 2017). Readings from Where it Hurts, with Ariel Smith from AlterNative.

Harbour Front International Festival of Authors (IFOA). Toronto, Ontario.

2. de Leeuw, S. (April 2017). Discussant, Plenary for Postcolonial Children's Geographies with Sarada

Balagopalan (Rutgers University): 'On Labor and Schooling in the Postcolony'. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, USA.

3. de Leeuw, S. Alderfer-Mumma, C. and Loewen, D. (March 2017). It Starts with Me: [Creative] Tools

and Resources for Self-Reflection, Change and Transformation. Quality Form 2017: BC Patient Safety

and Quality Council. Vancouver, BC

4. de Leeuw, S. (November 2016). The Annual Una Ridley Lecture, University of Lethbridge. Writing as

Righting: Health Sciences, Truth and Reconciliation, Poetics, and New Geo-Graphing in Colonial

Canada. The Annual Una Ridley Lecture. Lethbridge, Alberta.

5. de Leeuw, S. (November 2016). Various Poetry Readings from Skeena, Where it Hurts, and

Geographies of a Lover. Cascadia Poetry Festival. Seattle, USA.

6. de Leeuw, S. (June 2016). Poetry Reading. From Skeena and Lot. ArtBar Reading Series. Toronto,


7. de Leeuw, S. (June 2016). The Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture - Writing as a Form of

Righting: Truth and Reconciliation, Poetics, and New Geo-Graphing in Colonial Canada. The Annual

Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Halifax, NS., Dalhousie University.

8. de Leeuw, S. (March 2016). Geo-Somatic Poetry and Orgasms: Some Critical and Creative

Reflections About Ways Geographers Might Move Differently in the Anthropocene. Western Division

of Geographers Annual Conference. Prince George, BC. UNBC.

9. de Leeuw, S. (March 2016). Geo-Somatic Poetry and Orgasms: Some Critical and Creative

Reflections About Ways Geographers Might Move Differently in the Anthropocene. Founder’s

Lecture. Carleton University. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.

10. de Leeuw, S. (March 2016). Poetry Reading. From Skeena and Lot. Tree Reading Series. Ottawa,


11. de Leeuw, S. (February 2016). Poetry Reading. From Skeena. InCite Reading Series (Imprint of the

Vancouver Writers’ Festival). Vancouver Public Library. Vancouver, BC.

12. de Leeuw, S. (May 2015). Geopoetics, Geophilosophy, and Eros. University of Arizona, School of

Geography and Regional Planning Research Colloquium. University of Arizona, Tucson AZ.

13. de Leeuw, S. (June 2014). Storying Health and Medicine. Keynote Address for Research Days: 2014

Graduating Family Practice Residents, UBC Faculty of Medicine. Vancouver, BC.

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14. de Leeuw, S. (May 2014). Small, Intimate, and Loving: Re-scaling and Embodying Sustainability.

Keynote Address for the Rethinking Sustainability: New Critical and Cultural Horizons Conference.

Kelowna BC.

15. de Leeuw, S. (April 2014). Small Grounds: Intimate Domestic Geographies and Colonialism in British

Columbia. University of Victoria Geography Research Colloquia. Victoria, BC.

16. de Leeuw, S. (April 2014). Readings from Geographies of a Lover and new poems. WriteHere: North

Island College Writing Festival and Fat Oyster: The Fanny Bay Reading Series. Courtney/Comox/Fanny Bay, Vancouver Island, BC.

17. de Leeuw, S. (March 2014). Readings from Geographies of a Lover and new poems. VersEfest:

Ottawa Poetry Festival. Ottawa, Ont.

18. de Leeuw, S. (November 2013). Telling Stories About Stories. Keynote Address for the Narrative and

History Symposium. Family Medicine Forum. Vancouver, BC.

19. de Leeuw, S. (October 2013). Reading from Geographies of a Lover. With authors L. Marie Adeline,

Stephen Collis, Michael Crummy, Mathew Henderson, Kevan Anthony Cameron, and Ann Shin.

Vancouver Writers Festival. Vancouver, BC.

20. de Leeuw, S. (October 2013). Reading from Geographies of a Lover. With authors Annabel Lyon,

Jeannette Lynes, Amber Dawn, and Billeh Nickerson. Victoria Writers Festival. Victoria, BC

21. de Leeuw, S. (April 2013). Reading from Geographies of a Lover. With poets Katherine Larson and

Eric Magane. Casa Libra Edge Reading Series. Tucson, Arizona.

22. de Leeuw, S. (March 2013). Troubling Good Intentions. University of Oklahoma Department of Geography Research Colloquium and Visiting Scholars Series. Norman, Oklahoma.

23. de Leeuw, S. (Dec. 4, 2012). The Fine Arts of Health. Fireside Health Chat Series: University of


24. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (November 2012).Keynote Address. Troubling Good Intentions.

Decolonizing Cascadia, International Critical Geographies Conference. Vancouver, BC.

25. de Leeuw, S. (June 2012). The He(arts) of Medicine, Health, Creative Expressions, and Social Justice.

Activating the Heart: Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing and Relationship. Yellowknife/Dettah, NWT.

26. de Leeuw, S., D. Thien and M. Parks. (March 2011). Cross‐Pollination In Place and In Practice:

Creative Arts and the Humanities in Medicine. Cross-Pollination Dialogue and Conference: Seeding New Ground for Environmental Thought and Activism across the Arts and Humanities. Edmonton,

Alberta: University of Alberta.

27. de Leeuw, S. (March 2011). With Tim Lilburn. “Reading Skeena and Quick-quick. Slow. Slow.” Just

West of Unruly Writer’s Series. UNBC, Prince George B.C.

28. de Leeuw, S. (March 2011). “Reading Skeena and Columbus Burning.” Gallery Vertigo Reading

Series. Co-organized with Okanogan College. Vernon, B.C.

29. de Leeuw, S. (February 2011). “Colonialism in Geographies of Children and Home.” Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography, Geoforum Speakers’ Series. Vancouver, B.C.

30. de Leeuw, S. (September 2010). “Storied Health: Creativity, Medicine, and the Geographies of

Northern B.C.” The UNBC – Northern Health Lunch Research Symposium. Prince George, BC.

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31. de Leeuw, S., Margo Greenwood and Emilie Cameron. (November 2009). “Preserving Deviant

Constructions: How Governments Maintain Colonial Narratives of Addictions and Poor Mental

Health to Legitimate Intervening into the Lives of Indigenous Children and Families in Canada.” The Many Faces of Health Research Symposium. Prince George: BC.

32. de Leeuw, S. (October 2009). “Alice Through My Looking Glass: Colonialism, Love, and the Political

Possibilities of Archival Research for Historical Geography.” Queen’s University, Department of

Geography Research Colloquia. Kingston, Ont.

33. de Leeuw, S. (June 17-20, 2009). “Tau(gh)t Subjects.” 7th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Knowledge

and Space – Knowledge and Space. Department of Geography, University of Heidelberg. Germany.

34. de Leeuw, S. (April 2nd

, 2009). “Writing Fiction from Fact.” The 2009 Annual College of New

Caledonia Creative Writing Series. College of New Caledonia: Prince George, BC.

35. Adam, W. and S. de Leeuw. (March 30th

, 2009). “Research and Ethics Between Communities,

Indigenous Organizations and Universities.” Respecting Persons: The Complexities of Vulnerabilities

in Research Workshop. UNBC: Prince George, BC.

36. de Leeuw, S. and T. Holyk. (March 4th, 2009). “How to Write a Successful Grant Application –

Perspectives of a University Researcher and an Indigenous Community Organization Researcher.”

The Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC (NEAR BC) Workshop on Grant Writing.

UNBC: Prince George, BC.

37. de Leeuw, S. (October 23, 2008). “Powerful Places, Violent Spaces: Residential schooling and its

(ongoing) Impacts.” Carrier Sekani Family Services “Letting Go” Healing Ceremony and All Clans

Bah’lats. Prince George, BC.

38. de Leeuw, S. (September 2008). “Displacing Bodies: Place-based Expressions of Power, the Health

and Well-Being of Indigenous Peoples, and Contemporary Decolonizations of Space.” The Many

Faces of Health Research Symposium. Prince George: BC.

39. de Leeuw, S. (July 30, 2008). “The Power of Educational Place: Residential Schooling and its

(Ongoing) Impacts”. Carrier Sekani Family Services Annual General Assembly: Grassy Plains Indian

Reserve, British Columbia, Canada.

40. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (July 22, 2008). “Choices Toward Self-Determining Curricula,

Trends Toward Decolonization: An Examination of Aboriginal Early Childhood Education Within the

Nation State of Canada”. Oxford Round Table: Achieving Educational Quality. Harris Manchester

College, Oxford University, Oxford, England.

41. de Leeuw, S. (May 5, 2008). “Teaching Colonialism: Lessons on Aboriginal Children’s Resiliency

and Subjugation from the Geographies of British Columbia’s Residential Schools.” ACFAS 2008 –


Congrès INRS, Centre des Congrès de Québec. Québec City, Canada.

42. de Leeuw, S. (February 2008). “Producing Indians: Colonial Constructions of Aboriginal Children and

the Geographies of Residential Schooling in British Columbia, Canada.” Department of Geography

and Regional Planning Weekly Colloquia. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.

43. de Leeuw, S. (May 31, 2007). “On the Cusp, but Making it Meaningful: Historical Geography and

Indigenous Issues at the Doctoral Level.” Canadian Association of Geographers Historical

Geography Subgroup Special Panel on Graduate Work and Historical Geography. Canadian

Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

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CONFERENCES * Refereed, Abstracts published in Conference Proceedings

** Session Organizer

1. de Leeuw, Sarah. O(void) Lot: Reflections and Geo-ethno-poetics on Growing up “White Girl” on

Haida Gwaii. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, USA.

2. de Leeuw, S. Alderfer-Mumma, C. and Petrasek MacDonald, J. (November 2016). Creative and

Collaborative Research Practices to Enhance Northern Health: Stories from the Health Arts Research

Centre (HARC). Northern Health’s Research Days. Prince George, BC.

3. de Leeuw, S. (August 2016). Geographies of Lot: Poetry on Islands and Colonialism in northwestern

British Columbia. International Geographers Union Conference. Beijing, China.

4. de Leeuw, S and Richmond, C. (July 2016). Geography, Land, and Environment as Determinants of

Indigenous People’s Health and Well-being in Canada. Canadian Public Health Association

Conference. Toronto, Ontario.

5. de Leeuw, S. (April 2016). Geo-Medical-Humanities and Research Indigenous Geographies- A

Critical Decolonizing Intervention. American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. San Francisco, California.

6. de Leeuw, S. (June 2015). Eros and Ecology: A Poetic Reflection. 11th

Biennial Conference of ASLE:

American Society for Literature and the Environment. University of Idaho. Moscow Idaho.

7. de Leeuw, S. (June 2015). A Geographic Defense of Erotic Poetry. International Nordic Geographers

Conference. Tallinn, Estonia. Tallinn University.

8. de Leeuw, S. (May 2015). Geography, Medicine, and the Humanities: A Critical Overview of

Common Method/ologies and a Call to Make Them Uncommon. Canadian Association of

Geographers Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC. Simon Fraser University.

9. de Leeuw, S. (April 2015). Geopoetics, Geophilosophy, and Eros. American Association of

Geographers Annual General Conference. Chicago, Il

10. de Leeuw, S. (Sept. 2014). Tender Grounds: Intimate Visceral Violence and British Columbia’s

Colonial Geographies. RGS/IBG 2014 Annual Conference. London, England.

11. de Leeuw, S. (July 2014). No/Place and Skeena: Two Readings on Sense of Place. 18th ISA World

Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, Japan.

12. de Leeuw, S. (May 2014). Small and Tender Grounds: Intimate Domestic Geographies and

Colonialism in British Columbia. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference. St.

Catherine’s, Ont. Brock University.

13. de Leeuw, S. (May 2014). Tender Grounds: Intimate Domestic Geographies and Colonialism in

British Columbia. American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. Tampa Bay,


14. de Leeuw, S. (May 2014). Geopoetics and BodyLines: Critical Geographies, the Creative Re/Turn, and Eco-Erotic Feminist Poetry American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference.

Tampa Bay, Florida.

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15. Anthony, J., Parhar, G., Parhar, A., Lee, M., Murphy, S. and de Leeuw, S. (April 2014). Community

Partnership: Developing Virtual Cases to Improve Health Outcomes of Indigenous Peoples.

Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Ottawa, Ont.

16. de Leeuw, S. (November 2013). BodyLines: Critical Geographies, the Creative Re/Turn, and Eco-

Erotic Feminist Poetry. Cascadia: A Critical Geographies Conference. Port Angeles, USA.

17. de Leeuw, S and S. Marston. (August/Sept 2013). Creativity and Geography: Towards a Politicized

Intervention. RGS/IBG 2013 Annual Conference. London, England.

18. de Leeuw, S. (August 2013). A Caring State: Home Geographies and Apprehension of Indigenous

Children in Northern BC. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. St. John’s


19. de Leeuw, S. (April 2013). “Drawing Back: (Re)imagining Northern and First Nations Health

Geographies.” American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. Los Angeles,

California. USA

20. de Leeuw, S. (February 2013). “Ecopoetics, Feminism, and Eros.” Berkley University Conference on

Ecopoetics. San Francisco, USA.

21. McGregor, H. and de Leeuw, S. (November 2012). "Envisioning change: Women's lived experiences

of substance use and mental health in northern BC through photography." Public Health Association of British Columbia, Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC.

22. de Leeuw, S. (November 2012). “Drawing Back.” Place and Displacement Conference, Victoria

University. Melbourne, Australia.

23. de Leeuw, S. (July 2012). “For Their Safety and Security: Child Welfare and Aboriginal Children in

British Columbia, Canada.” RGS/IBG 2011 Annual Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.

24. **de Leeuw, S. (May 2012). “Creative Expressions and Understanding Geographies of Health in

Nak’adzli.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Kitchner/Waterloo,


25. Maurice, S., Holyk, T., Caron, N., Adam, W. and de Leeuw, S. (May 2012)."Developing a First

Nations Tissue Banking Framework." International Society for Biological and Environmental

Repositories, Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC.

26. **de Leeuw, S. (February 2012). “State of Care.” In the Living Colonialism Sessions. American

Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. New York City, New York. USA

27. de Leeuw, S., E. Cameron and M. Greenwood. (September 2011). “Friendship, Indigenous

Geographies, and New Possibilities for Socially-Just Research.” RGS/IBG 2011 Annual Conference.

London, England.

28. **de Leeuw, S. (August 2011). “Health Education, Indigenous Peoples, and the Future: Considering

“Trust” and Education in Faculties of Medicine.” World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on

Education (WIPCE). Cuzco, Peru.

29. de Leeuw, S., D. Thien, T. Attia and P. Belda. (May 2011). “Artful North: Creative Theories and

Practices in the Northern Medical Program and the Northern Health Authority, British Columbia.”

Making Space for the Arts and Humanities in Medical Education. Toronto, Ont.

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30. **de Leeuw, S. (April 2011). “Disembodying Policy: The Geographies of Apprehending Indigenous

Children in Northern British Columbia.” American Association of Geographers Annual General

Conference. Seattle, Wash. USA.

31. de Leeuw, S. and D. Thien. (April 2011). “Teaching Artfully: Narrative Medicine, Visual Arts, and

Undergraduate Medical Education in Remote British Columbia, Canada.” 2011 Annual Conference of

the American Comparative Literature Association. Vancouver, B.C.

32. **de Leeuw, S. (September 2010). “Indigenous Peoples Health under Northern Lights III: The

Canadian National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Peoples Health and Producing Relevant

Social Determinants of Health Research for Aboriginal peoples.” Healing Our Spirit Worldwide, The


Gathering. Honolulu, Hawai’i. USA.

33. de Leeuw, S. (June 2010). “Me In Three: Health and Well-being as considered by a Human

Geographer, an Indigenous Social Determinants of Health Researcher, and a Member of a Faculty of

Medicine.” National Collaborating Centre for Public Health Summer Institute 2010: Making

Connections for Public Health Practice, Policy, and Research. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

34. de Leeuw, S. (May 2010). “The Intentions of Alice: Decolonizing Contemporary Geographic

Research about Indigenous Peoples by Theorizing its Perpetuations of the Past.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Regina, Sask.

35. ** de Leeuw, S. and J. Place. (April 2010). “ Waiting for a Saint: Understanding the Annual Rose

Prince Pilgrimage as a Geography of Patience and Response.” American Association of Geographers

Annual General Conference. Washington, D.C., USA.

36. de Leeuw, S. and D. Thien. (March 2010). “Medicine and Visual Thinking: The Art of Observation

and Communication.” Visual Cultures and Global Practices. Los Angeles.

37. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (Nov. 2009). “Embodying the Future of Health: Early Childhood,

Self-Determination and the Social Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health.” Our People – Our

Health: National Aboriginal Health Organization Annual Conference. Ottawa.

38. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (Oct. 2009). “Collaborating for Aboriginal Peoples Health: Part II,

Theories and Determinants.” Canadian Rural Health Research Society 8th Conference: Rural Life,

Health, Environment – The Full Spectrum. Kingston, ON, Canada.

39. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (Oct. 2009). “Collaborating for Aboriginal Peoples Health: Part I,

Infrastructure and Trust.” Canadian Rural Health Research Society 8th Conference: Rural Life,

Health, Environment – The Full Spectrum. Kingston, ON, Canada.

40. de Leeuw, S., M. Greenwood and E. Cameron. (Aug. 2009). “Deviant Constructions: How

Governments Preserve Colonial Narratives of Addictions and Poor Mental Health to Intervene into the

Lives of Indigenous Children and Families in Canada.” The Royal Geographic Society and

International British Geographers Conference, 2009. Manchester, U.K.

41. ** de Leeuw S. (May 2009) “To Wait and To Heal: Understanding the Annual Rose Prince

Pilgrimage as a Geography of Response.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of

Geographers and the Congress of the Social Science of Humanities. Ottawa, Canada.

42. de Leeuw, S. and Marv Waterstone. (March 23, 2009). “A Sorry State: Apology Excepted, Part II –

Application”. American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. Los Vegas, USA.

43. Waterstone, M. and S. de Leeuw. (March 23, 2009). “A Sorry State: Apology Excepted, Part I –

Theorization”. American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. Los Vegas, USA.

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44. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (December 2008). “Locating in Northern Canada, Working

Nationally and Internationally: An Overview of the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal

Health at UNBC. The World Indigenous Conference on Education (WIPCE). Melbourne, Australia.

45. Greenwood, M., S. de Leeuw and B. Downey. (June 3, 2008). “In the Steps of Children: Reducing

Health Inequalities of Indigenous Peoples in Canada by Refocusing on the Social Determinants of

Health and Holistic Approaches.” Canadian Public Health Association 2008 Annual Conference: Reducing Health Inequalities Through Evidence and Action. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

46. ** de Leeuw, S. (May 22, 2008). “We’re Sorry: Indigenous Geographies and Apologetic Sentiments

from the Individual to the State.” The Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, 2008. Quebec City, Canada.

47. ** Kobayashi, A. and S. de Leeuw. (May 22, 2008). “Tensioned Landscapes and Contested Identities:

Social geographies of Difference and Relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples.”

The Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, 2008. Quebec City, Canada.

48. de Leeuw, S. (May 13, 2008). “Aboriginal Specific Initiatives in Social Determinants of Health: The

NCCAH’s Work on Linking Vision to Practice.” The BC Rural and Remote Health Research Inaugural Conference: Rural Health - Building Research Together. Prince George, Canada.

49. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (April 22, 2008). “Locating in the North, Working Nationally: An

Overview of the National Collaborating Centre on Aboriginal Health at the University of Northern

British Columbia.” Northern Health Authority Annual Research Days Conference: From Evidence to Excellence in Rural Health Care. Terrace, British Columbia, Canada.

50. de Leeuw, S. (April 17, 2008). “‘To Produce Indians:’ Colonialism, the Educational Spaces of

Residential Schools, and Aboriginal Peoples’ Contemporary Schooling Marginalization in Canada.”

American Association of Geographers Annual General Conference. Boston, USA.

51. ** Lewis, C. and S. de Leeuw. (September 18th, 2007). “Our Voices on Our Transitions: A National

Perspective on Youth, Special Needs, and Service Delivery in Canada.” In Understanding Different

Landscapes of Care: Public Health from an Aboriginal Perspective. 2007 Annual Canadian Public

Health Association Conference: From Politics to People. Ottawa, Ontario.

52. ** de Leeuw, S. (May 30th

, 2007). “New Possibilities for Epistemological Spaces: Creative Research

Methodologies and the Geographies of Indigenous Peoples in Canada”. 2007 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Saskatoon,


53. de Leeuw, S. (April 17th, 2007). “Needful Altruisms, Disingenuous Philanthropy: Colonial

Constructions of Other and Self within the Intimate Geographies of ‘Indian’ Residential Schools in

British Columbia, Canada.” 2007 Annual Meeting of the Association of Geographers: San Francisco.

54. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. and Tina Ngaroimata Fraser (January 9, 2007). “Early History and

Early Years: Colonialism, Education, and Indigenous Early Childhood Development in Canada.” 5th

Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.

55. Greenwood, M.and S. de Leeuw. (October 20, 2006). Fostering Indigeneity in Northern and

Aboriginal Communities: The Role of Aboriginal Mothers and Aboriginal Early Childhood

Programming in Response to Colonial Foster-Care. Rural and Remote Health: Taking Action

Together, the 7th

Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society. Prince George, British


56. de Leeuw, S. (Sept. 23, 2006). “Creative Research Methodologies and the Artistic Traces of First

Nations Children: Using Archival Sources to Re-Visualize the Colonial Project in British Columbian

Page 19: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University


Residential Schools.” 11th Annual International Wanapitei Aboriginal History and Politics

Colloquium: Bridging the 'Great Divide': Reviewing and Reassessing Aboriginal / non-Aboriginal

Relations, Past, Present and Future. Wanapitei Chateau, Lake Temagami, Ontario.

57. de Leeuw, S. (June 8, 2006). “Building on Northern Strengths: A Consideration of Geographically

Relevant Research Programs and Methodologies.” Caring for the North: Gender, Care, and Northern

Places. Prince George: British Columbia.

58. de Leeuw, S. (June 1, 2006). “Creatively Resisting Colonialism: Fine Arts and the Places of British

Columbian Residential Schools”. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Thunder

Bay: Ontario.

59. de Leeuw, S. (March 11, 2006). “Golfing Against Graves: The Ktunaxa-Kinbasket People’s

Conversion of St. Eugene’s in British Columbia, Canada.” Annual Meeting of the Association of

American Geographers. Chicago: Illinois.

60. Greenwood, M., S. de Leeuw and S. Tagalik. (November 30, 2005). “Reclaiming Knowledge,

Rebuilding Power: Indigenous Focused and Indigenous Driven Research in a Youth Context”. 7th

World Indigenous People’s Conference on Education (WIPCE). Hamilton, New Zealand.

61. de Leeuw, S. and M. Greenwood. (October 29, 2005). “Indigenous Knowledge,

Youth Health: Building Capacity with Youth in Northern and Rural Communities through De-

colonizing Methodologies.” Bridging the Gap: Sixth Annual Canadian Rural and Remote Health Research Society Conference. Quebec City, Quebec.

62. de Leeuw, S. (June 2, 2005). “Through Kitchens and Crafts: The Role of Euro-Canadian Women in

Creating the Colonial Places of British Columbian “Indian” Residential Schools”. Congress of the

Social Sciences and Humanities: Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference. London:


63. Greenwood, M., and S. de Leeuw. (October 21-23, 2004). “At the Heart of Communities: Addressing

Health Issues for First Nations Children in on-Reserve Child Care Settings in British Columbia.”

Celebrating Diversity and Strength: Fifth Canadian Rural Health Research Society Conference.

Sudbury, Ontario.

64. Greenwood, M., S. Tagalik, M. Joyce and S. de Leeuw. (September 1 – 5, 2004). “Beyond Deficit:

Exploring Capacity Building in Northern and Indigenous Youth Communities through Strength-Based

Approaches.” Healing Our Spirits Worldwide – Pacific Regional Summit 2004. Cairns, Australia.

65. Greenwood, M., S. de Leeuw and J. Stockburger. (May 9-11, 2004). “Inclusive Child Care in Rural,

Northern and First Nations Communities: An Inquiry into its Successes and Challenges.” Circles of Influence: 2004 Children, Families, Communities Conference. Prince George: British Columbia.

66. Greenwood, M.and S. de Leeuw. (November 5 – 8, 2003). “Inclusive Child Care in Rural, Northern

and First Nations Communities: Challenges, Recommendations, and Solutions.” 2003 National

Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois.

67. de Leeuw, S. (October 25, 2003). “Poetic Place: Knowing a Small British Columbian Community

through the Production of Creative Geographic Knowledge.” Canadian Association of Geographers, Ontario Division, Annual Conference. Kingston: Ontario.

68. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (October 24-26 2002). “Challenges Pertaining to Special Needs

Associated with Substance Abuse that are Encountered by Service Providers and Youth in Northern

Communities.” Health Research in Rural and Remote Canada: Meeting Challenges, Creating Opportunities. Halifax: Nova Scotia.

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69. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (June 2 – 5, 2002). “North of 51: Rural Communities Respond to

Substance Abuse Related Special Needs.” Enhancing Health and Well-being: 2002 Children,

Families, Communities Conference. Prince George: British Columbia.

70. de Leeuw, S. (May 27 – June 1, 2002). “Sites on a Poetic Map: A Creative Meditation on the

Geography of Northwestern British Columbia.” Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities:

Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Toronto: Ontario.

71. Greenwood, M. and S. de Leeuw. (May 24, 2002). “An Overview of the Centre of Excellence and

Community Based Research on Substance Abuse Related Special Needs.” Childhood in the 21st

Century: ECEBC 31st Conference. Vancouver: British Columbia.

72. Greenwood, M., T. Healy and S. de Leeuw. (November 19-23, 2001). “North of 51: Service Provision

to Children and Adolescents with Special Needs in Rural and Remote Communities.” Linking

Conference: Research, Policy, and Action. Ottawa: Ontario.


1. Davis, M., Purvey, D., de Leeuw, S., Thien, D. and community collaborators. (June 2012). “History in

Practice: Community-Informed Mental Health Curriculum.” Collaboration in Action Conference.


2. Cole, D., S. de Leeuw, Ashley Baker, Jessica Wilford and Trina Fyfe. (December 2010). “Dispensing

Geographies: Understanding The Realities Of Distance, Telehealth, And Oncology Pharmacy Practice

In Northern British Columbia” Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, BC Chapter, Annual Conference. Vancouver. (Winner – Best Research Poster, 2010).

3. Cole, D., S. de Leeuw, Ashley Baker, Jessica Wilford and Trina Fyfe. (October 2009). “Dispensing

Geographies: Understanding The Realities Of Distance, Telehealth, And Oncology Pharmacy Practice

In Northern British Columbia” National Oncology Pharmacy Symposium: Oncology Safety – Not an

Oxymoron. Ottawa. (Winner – Best Research Poster, 2009).



March 2017 – present.

Editor (Social-Cultural Geography). The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. 2nd


Elsevier. Cambridge, USA.

April 2015 – present.

Associate Editor, GeoHumanities

February 2012 – present

Co-Editor, Member of the Editorial Collective, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographers

May 2011 – present

Humanities Editor, The Canadian Geographer

December 2011 – September 2015

Book Review Editor, Emotion Space and Society


With Emilie Cameron and Caroline Desbiens. (January 2014) Cultural Geographies. Special Issue on

Indigeneity and Ontology.

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With Sallie Marston (March 2013). The Geographical Review. Special Issue on Creative and Artistic

Representation in the Service of Geographic Endeavours.

With Margo Greenwood and the UBC Okanagan Critical and Creative Studies Faculty Editorial Board. (2012).

LAKE: A Journal of Art and Environment. Special Issue on Indigenous People’s Health and

Connection with Place.


February 2017 – present

Member, International Advisory Board, Centre for the GeoHumanities, Royal Holloway University, London


June 2005 – present

Research Associate, The National Collaborating Centre on Aboriginal Health (NCCAH), the Public Health

Agency of Canada at UNBC

January 2001 – August 2006

Research Associate, Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs, UNBC Task

Force on Substance Abuse, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada at UNBC

January 2006 – April 2006

Research Assistant (development of Aboriginal Geographies course) to Dr. Anne Godlewska, Department of

Geography, Queen’s University

January 2005 – April 2005

Research Assistant to Dr. Laura Cameron, Department of Geography, Queen’s University

January 2001 – August 2003

Research Associate, Northern FIRE: The Institute for Women’s Health Research at UNBC, Status of Women

Canada at UNBC




1. MSc Candidate – (Graduated April 2017. Pass with minor revisions). Community Health Science

Program, UNBC. Minnete Marcotte.

2. Masters student – (Graduated May 2016. Pass with minor revisions). Community Health Science

Program, UNBC. Valerie Ward (SSHRC Recipient)

3. Masters student – (Graduated May 2016. Pass with minor revisions). Community Health Science

Program, UNBC. Julia MacDonald (CIHR Recipient)

4. Post Doctoral Student – (September 2013 – April 2016). MSFHR Funded. Kendra Mitchell-Foster.

5. Masters student – (Graduated 2015. Pass with minor revisions). First Nations Studies, UNBC and

WilpsWh’sa Nisga). Lori Nyce.

6. Masters student – (Graduated May 2014. Clear Pass.). Community Health Science Program, UNBC.

Lisa Striegler

7. Masters student – (Graduated May 2013. Pass with minor revisions). Community Health Science

Program, UNBC. Hilary McGregor

8. Masters student – (Graduated May 2012. Pass with minor revisions). Community Health Science

Program, UNBC. Jennifer Mackie

9. Masters student – (Graduated May 2011. Clear Pass). Community Health Science Program, UNBC.

Virginia Russell

In Progress

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1. MA Candidate – (in progress). Interdisciplinary Studies, UNBC. Nicole Schafenbacker

2. MA Candidate – (in progress). Interdisciplinary Studies, UNBC. Melissa Johnston

3. MA Candidate – (in progress). Interdisciplinary Studies, UNBC. Katriona Auerbach (SSHRC


4. MA Candidate – (in progress). Interdisciplinary Studies, UNBC. Manpreet Tiwana



1. PhD Recipient – (Graduated May 2014). Department of Geography, SFU. Jessica Place

2. Masters student – (Graduated May 2013), Community Health Sciences Program, Junming Liu.

3. Masters student – (Graduated December 2013), Community Health Sciences Program, Lindsay Beck.

In Progress

1. PhD Candidate – (in progress). Department of Geography. UVic. Maleea Acker

2. MA Candidate – (in progress), First Nations Studies, Janine Luggi

3. MA Candidate – (in progress), Social Work Program, Trevor Moyah

4. MA Candidate – (in progress), English Program, Sarah Blawatt

5. MA Candidate – (in progress), Interdisciplinary Studies, Stacey Pickering


1. External Examiner, PhD Student, English. (September 2016). Stephanie Keane. University of


2. External Examiner, PhD Student, Geography. (May 2016). Michelle Porter. Memorial University.

3. External Examiner, PhD Student, Geography. (January 2015). Dylan McKean. York University.

4. External Examiner, PhD Student, English and Film Studies (December 2013). Norah Bowman Broz,

University of Alberta.

5. External Examiner, Masters Student, Gender Studies. (November 2009). Diandra Oliver. UNBC.

6. External Examiner, Masters Student, Department of English. (April 2009). Alanda McLean. UNBC.


1. Honours undergrad student – (Graduated January 2014). Community Health Science Program, UNBC.

Lindsey Brise.


Family Practice, Prince George Rural Residency Program, Scholarship Faculty

June 2013 - present

Portfolio Coach (MED 410, MED 411, MED 420, MED 421).

September 2015 - present

Doctor Patient Society: (DPAS) 420, Self-Directed Project Option (SDPO)

September 2008 – August 2015

Nutrition Growth and Development and/or Reproduction: Problem Based Learning (PBL) Lab

September 2008, 2009, 2010

Aboriginal Geographies: GPHY 403

February – March 2013

Race, Place, and Health: HHSC 680 (Independent Graduate Studies seminar)

September – December 2011

Indigenous Social Determinants of Health: HHSC 680: (Independent Graduate Studies seminar).

Page 23: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University


Colonialism’s Interruptions: NRES 799: (Independent Graduate Studies seminar).

September 2009 – May 2010

Aboriginal Geographies: GPHY 403

September – December 2008

September 2007 – April 2008

University of Arizona, Department of Geography and Regional Development.

Invited Lectures: “Books, Bodies, and Boundaries: Some Basics about Human Geography Research Methods

and Work with People, Places, and Texts” Geography 303 (Field Methods); “Making Transitions, Marking

Transformations” Geography 695B (Geographies of Professional Development).

September 2004 – September 2007

Queen’s University, Department of Geography.

Invited Lectures: “Spaces of Coercive Transformation: The Geographies of ‘Indian’ Residential Schools in

Canada” Geography 351 (Aboriginal Geographies); “Writing Geography and Geographic Creative Writing”

Geography 368 (Environments and Society); “Intimate Colonialism(s): Education, Residential Schools,

Aboriginal Children, and the Struggle for Colonial Control in British Columbia” Geography 250 (Geography

of Canada); “Creative Geographic Writing: Creating and Representing Place through Story” Geography 268

(Foundations of Social Geography)

September 2005 – December 2005

Teaching Assistant – Department of Geography, Queen’s University

Geography 101 (Introduction to Human Geography)

September 2004 – December 2004

Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, Queen’s University

Geography 257 (Geography of Middle America)

September 2003 – May 2004

Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, Queen’s University

Geography 100 (Introduction to Geography)

September 2001 – December 2001

Instructor, Department of English, University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

English 170 (Writing and Communication Skills)

September 2000 – April 2001

Teaching Assistant, English 101 (Introduction to Contemporary English Theory) and Geography 200

(Geography of British Columbia). Departments of English and Geography, UNBC

December 1996- May 1997

Instructor, English as a second language, Onyang School of English, South Korea


October 2005

Consultant and writer: The National First Nations Early Learning and Child Care Engagement Sessions.

Hosted by: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, and the Assembly of

First Nations. Gatineau, Quebec

November 2004

Co-Facilitator and recorder, The National Roundtable on Aboriginal Early Childhood Development: What

can Research Offer Aboriginal Head Start? Winnipeg, Manitoba.

December 2003 - January 2004

Page 24: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University


Co-Facilitator and writer, The Assembly of First Nations National Dialogue on Early Childhood

Development. Ottawa, Ontario.

July 2003 – August 2003

Facilitator and writer, Status of Women Canada and the BC Association of Rural Women’s Centres. Fort St.

John, British Columbia

October 2000 – August 2003

Freelance journalist, The Prince George Free Press – weekly columnist

Sept. 1997 – Sept. 2000

Coordinator, Terrace Women’s Resource Centre.

Sept. 1997 – Sept. 2000

Freelance journalist and Community correspondent – CBC The Almanac Show and The Terrace Standard –

monthly columnist


September 2011

University of Northern British Columbia Alumni of the Year

January 2009

UNBC Conference Travel Award (for travel to the 2009 American Association of Geographers Conference,


September 2003 – September 2006

Queen’s Graduate Student Conference Awards (x4 – total 1200.00)

September 2003 – September 2006

Association of Canadian Geographers Student Conference Awards (x4 – total 1500.00)

March 2005

Queen’s Graduate Dean’s Doctoral Field Grant (3000.00)

May 2003 - September 2007

Queen’s University Teaching Assistant/ Research Assistant Bursaries (23,350.00)

June 2002

University of Northern British Columbia Graduate Student Travel Grant (1500.00)

May 2002

Nominee of the Department of English, University of Northern British Columbia for: The Governor General

Medal of Canada.

December 2001

UNBC Nominee for the Senior Women Academic Administrator of Canada (SWACC).

September 2000 – May 2002

UNBC Teaching Assistant Bursaries (12,000.00)

July 1999

National Bronwen Wallace Award for Poetry, one of two honourable mentions, nationally

August 1997

Open Space Gallery, Emerging Writer of the Year, Winner and presenter (500.00)

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September 1993

Writing Scholarship Ministry Responsible for Heritage and Culture Poetry award (1000.00) SERVICE



December 2016 – present

Member, by invitation, External Advisory Board, The Royal Holloway Centre for the GeoHumanities

May 2016 – present

Member, Nominations and Elections Committee, The Canadian Association of Geographers

April 2016 – present

Member, by invitation, Aboriginal Early Child Development Expert Advisory Committee, Canadian Institute

of Child Health (CICH) and the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) with support

from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

January 2015 – present

Member, by appointment, UBC Faculty of Medicine Admissions Committee (Regular and Aboriginal Streams)

July 1, 2014 – present

Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program, UNBC

January 2013 – present

Member, by appointment, UBC Faculty of Medicine representative for UBC General Faculty of Arts


October 2012 – present

Member, History and Narrative Committee, College of Canadian Family Physicians (CCFP)

January 2010 – present

Member, Senate Appointed, SCAPP Art Acquisition Subcommittee, UNBC

January 2011 – March 2014

Member, Steering Committee to the BC First Nations Online Health Atlas, The First Nations Health Council

June 2014 – March 2016

Member, Creating Space Symposium Organizing Committee – for the Conference of Canadian Medical

Education (CCME) 2015/2016 Conferences

February 2013 – July 2013 & February 2014 – July 2014

Member, Admissions Committee, Faculty of Medicine UBC, Multiple Miniature Interview Questions

April 2011 – May 2013

International Liaison, Geographical Perspective on Women Speciality Group, The American Association of


August 2010 – August 2013

Member, Social Accountability and Social Responsibility Implementation Working Group, Dean’s Task Force

on Curriculum Renewal, UBC Faculty of Medicine

May 2010 – May 2011

Member, Nominations and Elections Committee, The Canadian Association of Geographers

Page 26: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University


March 2010, 2011, 2012 (ongoing)

Member, Scholarship Review Committee, Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies, UNBC

May 2008 – May 2010

Chair, Canadian Women and Geography Study Group, The Canadian Association of Geographers

Sept. 2005 – Sept. 2006

Member, Appointments Committee, Department of Geography, Queen’s University

Sept. 2004 – Sept. 2005

Member, Research Ethics Committee, Department of Geography, Queen’s University

Sept. 2003 – September 2004

Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Geography, Queen’s University


June 2014-present

Vice President, League of Canadian Poets, Toronto, Ontario.

Jan. 2011 – Feb. 2015

President, Two Rivers Art Gallery Board of Directors, Prince George BC

August 2008 – Feb. 2015

Director, Elizabeth Fry Society Board of Directors, Prince George BC

February 2008 – January 2011

Director, Two Rivers Art Gallery Board of Directors, Prince George BC

November 2005 – August 2007

Citizen Escort for Female Offenders, Isabelle McNeil House and Corrections Canada

February 2004 – October 2005

Court Support and Advocate for Women Offenders, The Kingston Elizabeth Fry Society

October 2002 – July 2004

Director, Terrace Women’s Centre Board of Directors, Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society

May 2002 – August 2003

Co-Chair, Board of Directors, Children Families Communities Conference Society

Sept. 2000 – August 2003

Collective member, University of Northern British Columbia Women’s Centre

March 1999 – Sept. 2001

Vice President, Board of Directors, K’san House Society sexual assault line, emergency shelter, women’s

counselling, and transition house

Nov. 1997 – August 2001

Sexual Health Counsellor, Terrace Division, Planned Parenthood of Canada

Nov. 1998 – December 1999

Director by provincial government appointment, the Honourable Penny Priddy, Minster of Health, Terrace and

Area Community Health Council

Page 27: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University



February 2017, Reviewer for CIHR: Special Initiative on Immunization Grants

October, 2016, Reviewer, GeoHumanities

August 2016, Reviewer, Gender Place and Culture

March 2016, Reviewer, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

February 2016, Reviewer for SSHRC: InSight Grants

January 2016, Reviewer, Social and Cultural Geography

October 2015, Reviewer, BC Medical Journal

July 2015, Reviewer, Social Cultural Geography June 2015, Reviewer, The Canadian Family Physician

April 2015, Reviewer, Gender Place and Culture April 2015, Reviewer, Transactions of the British Association of Geographers

December 2014, Reviewer, Emotion Space and Society

November 2014, Reviewer, The Journal, Sustainability Science October 2014, Reviewer, Health and Place

July 2014, Juror, Creative Non-Fiction Contest, Room: Canada’s Oldest Literary Journal by and about Women

May/June 2014, Juror, Canadian Family Physician Journal Annual Short Fiction Contest (51 essays read)

March 2014, Reviewer, Area

January & June, 2014, Reviewer Canadian Family Physician Journal

February-March, 2014, Juror, BC Book Prizes, Dorothy Livesay Award for Poetry (55+ books of poetry read)

November 2013, Reviewer for BC Medical Journal

September 2013, Reviewer for The Canadian Geographer

February 2013, Reviewer for The Annals of the American Association of Geographers

October 2012, Reviewer for Journal of Geography in Higher Education

September 2012, Reviewer for The Canadian Geographer

August 2012, Reviewer for Social and Cultural Geographer

May 2012, Reviewer for Canadian Family Physician

December 2011, Reviewer for Antipode

October 2011, Reviewer for Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

May 2011, Reviewer for Studies in Social and Political Thought

April 2011, Reviewer for Emotion Space and Society

November 2010, Reviewer for The Canadian Geographer.

October 2010, Reviewer for Children’s Geographies June – September 2010, Juror, The Quebec Writers’ Federation Mavis Gallant Award in non-fiction (30+

books of non-fiction read)

January 2010, Reviewer for The Annals of the American Association of Geographers

December 2009, Reviewer for Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

September 2009, Reviewer for BC Studies November 2008, Reviewer for The Blood Tribe and First Nation. Report on Elder’s health.

June 2008, Reviewer for Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies.

April, October, 2008, Reviewer for The Canadian Geographer.

February 2007, Reviewer for The Journal of Canadian Studies.


June 2016 Participant The Writers’ Union of Canada Annual General Meeting, Toronto, ON.

May 2015 Participant The Writers’ Union of Canada Annual General Meeting, Winnipeg, MT

May 2015 Participant Canadian Public Health Association Annual Conference, Vancouver BC

October 2013 Participant BC Aboriginal Childcare Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

October 2013 Participant Rural Writers’ Retreat. Smithers, BC

October 2012 Participant Columbia University Narrative Medicine Program. New York City.

May 2012 Participant National Collaborating Centre for Public Health: Summer Institute on

Translating Health Knowledges. Kelowna: British Columbia

Feb. 2012 Participant Health Inequalities: From Theory to Practice. The National Collaborating

Centre on the Social Determinants of Health. Toronto: Ontario.

Page 28: S N. DE L 1-250-960-5993 · 2017-09-20 · 1 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University


Jan. 2012 Facilitator The Sacred Spaces of Womanhood: Indigenous Mothering. The National

Collaborating Centre on Aboriginal Health. Ottawa: Ontario.

Nov. 2011 Moderator Indigenous Health and Education Panel: Journees Annuelles De Sante

Publique (JASP), Montreal, Que.

Sept. 2011 Facilitator Northern Health Research Days: Round Table on Relationships and

Indigenous Health Research

June 2010 Participant Indigenous Health Curriculum Summit, McGill University, Montreal.

May 2010 Participant A Panel on Indigenous Research in the 21st Century: The American

Association of Geographers, Washington D.C., USA.

Oct. 2010 Participant Banff School of the Arts. Wired Writing Program. With mentor Sid Marty.

Sept. 2009 Facilitator Research to Action: Improving Health in Rural and Remote BC. A Breakfast

Table on the Geographies of Colonialism and the Social Determinants of

Indigenous Peoples Health

Feb. 2009 Participant From Vision to Action: Social Determinants of Aboriginal Health, Forum II,

Hosted by the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health.

Vancouver BC

Sept. 2008 Facilitator Aboriginal Experiences in Aging Symposium: Seeking Research and Policy

Priorities. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

August 2008 Participant National Collaborating Centres for Public Health 2008 Summer Institute,

Kelowna, British Columbia.

July 2008 Participant 3rd

Annual Northern Health Aboriginal Health Conference, Prince George,

British Columbia

Feb. 2008 Participant “Conducting Systematic Reviews: Following the Campbell Protocol.”

Workshop, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C.

Dec. 2007 Participant University of Arizona Centre for Latin American Studies Annual

TinkerFoundation Conference on Graduate Research

June 2007 Participant Training Workshop, Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project,

Kanawake, Quebec.

June 2006 Participant Joint Briefing Meeting Between the BC Ministry of Health and the National

Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health, Prince George, BC.

May 2006 Session Chair Emotional Geographies, 2nd

International and Interdisciplinary Conference,

Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont.

April 2006 Participant National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health Stakeholder

Consultation Forum, UNBC, Prince George, B.C.

March 2006 Participant Historical Materialism Workshop, Frost Centre for Canadian Studies, Trent

University, Peterborough, Ont.

March 2006 Participant Indigenous Knowledge Translation Summit, First Nations University of

Canada, Regina, Sask.

Nov. 2005 Participant National Aboriginal Health Organization’s First Nations Research

Conference: Doing Research Our Way – Celebrating 10 Years of Regional

Health Survey Data, Ottawa, Ont.


The Canadian Association of Geographers 2002 – Present

The B.C. Rural and Remote Health Research Network 2004 – Present

The American Association of Geographers 2005 – Present

The Federation of B.C. Writers 2010 – Present

The Writers’ Union of Canada 2011 – Present

The College of Canadian Family Physicians (CCFP) 2012 – Present

League of Canadian Poets 2013 – Present

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