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My Brother Sam Is Dead

My Brother Sam Is Dead

Rosa Won 8BKeynote Journal

Rosa Won 8BKeynote Journal

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Chapter 1

• Sam Meeker, Tim’s older brother, comes back from Yale wearing a Patriot uniform.

• After dinner, Sam tells Tim that he’s planning to take the gun from their house. Tim worries about it but he can’t tell his father because he promised to Sam that he won’t tell.

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• Sam and his father argues about Sam taking the gun; the gun is needed for the family protection but Sam needs the gun to fight in the war. Tim secretly listens to all of it and he hears his dad crying.

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Chapter 2• Tim’s family goes

to the Anglican Church, which is an English Church. Most of the people in that church is on the Tory side. So Tim can’t decide which side he is on; between his brother and his father.

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• Tom Warrups tells Tim that Sam is staying in his hut. Tim goes there and talks with Sam and Betsy, Sam’s girlfriend about the war. Sam, however, does not change his mind.

•When Tim was going home, after the conversation, he found his father’s gun. Tim tells Sam that he shouldn’t do

that but Sam tells Tim not to tell their father.

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Chapter 3• Tim thought

that the war would bring in lots of changes but it doesn’t; his life is just the same.

•Betsy comes over often to Tim’s tavern to get

information of the English men. But Tim’s mom always make her go out. One day,

Betsy told Tim that Sam will be coming soon. Tim waits

for that day to come.

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• Tim thinks about the all the things to tell and impress Sam. On one November day, Betsy gives a sign to Tim that now Sam is back.

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Chapter 4

• The Rebel troops came to Meeker’s house and tried to make them give their gun.

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• Mr. Meeker tells Sam to come back.

•Tim runs hard to meet Sam. Tim finds out that Sam is

sleeping and takes the gun from him. However, Sam catches Tim. They have a

very long conversation and together, they go to their

tavern and the Rebel troops are gone.

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Chapter 5• Mr. Heron comes to Meeker’s

tavern and asks Mr. Meeker if he can use Tim as the delivery man. Mr. Meeker refuses but Tim wants to go.

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• Tim goes to fishing with Jerry and Tim thinks that it’s a perfect way to get away from his house and deliver Mr. Heron’s message.

•Tim lies even though he knows that lying is a sin.

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Chapter 6

• Tim tells Mr. Heron that he wants to deliver the message. He lies to his dad and he secretly goes to Mr. Heron’s house early in the morning.

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• Tim goes to Mr. Heron’s house and goes to Fairfield.

•On his way, he meets Betsy. Betsy

thinks that the letter is a spy

message of the Patriots. So they fight and Betsy

finally gets to see the letter. All it said was, ‘if this letter is received, then we will know that the

messenger is reliable.’

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Chapter 7

• Tim and Mr. Meeker plans to go to Verplancks Point to sell their cattle and buy supplies they need for the tavern and the store.

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• On their way to Verplancks Point, they meet group of cowboys. They try to take their cattle and kill Mr. Meeker.

• Luckily, the men comes and saves Tim and Mr. Meeker. Also, Tim enters into New York for the first time.

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Chapter 8• Tim and Mr. Meeker went to

Platt’s house and Tim found out that their house was too crowded. He thought that he was lucky to be in a tavern and not in a farm.

•Tim and Mr. Meeker left Platt’s house and started

going up to Verplancks Point again. They had no trouble going up because

they were escorted.

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• Their trade was successful, but because of the cold weather and the snow, Tim and Mr. Meeker couldn’t go back to their house. They made a plan to stay at Platts’ for the night.

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Chapter 9• They leave Platts’

house and Tim and Mr. Meeker try to go back to their house. They couldn’t meet their escorts because of the cold weather and the snow.

•Tim starts naming all the countries, but he finally finds out

that his father is gone. He follows the horse’s tracks but he cannot

find him.

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• Tim gives up finding his father and goes by himself. During his journey, he meets the cattle thieves but Tim tricks them by saying smart things. So, they just leave and Tim continues his way up to the Redding.

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Chapter 10• Tim and his mother works even on

Sundays because Sam and Mr. Meeker is missing. Tim works hard as a head of the house.

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• One day, the British troops comes over to the Redding and looks for the patriots. Tim asks the British troops some questions and tells them that he is a Tory.

•The British troops kills and

burns people and houses. Now, Tim doesn’t have any

sympathy for both the British and the Rebels.

He just wants the war to end.

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• The wounded Rebel messenger tells Tim that Captain Benedict Arnold was trying to take his army to the Redding to find the British troops. Tim remembers Sam saying that he works under Captain Benedict Arnold and gets excited.

Chapter 11

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• When the Rebels came to the Redding, Tim finds Sam and takes him to the barn.

• Mrs. Meeker tells Sam to come back and Tim asks Sam about Mr. Meeker. Sam gets tried of the conversation and starts to get mad.

• Tim now thinks that Sam and Tim are equal.

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• Tim and Mrs. Meeker finds out that Mr. Meeker died on the ship because of the cholera.

Chapter 12

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• Tim has eight cows and he thinks about how he should make a good profit out of it.

• In winter, Sam comes back. The remaining soldiers in the Redding steals the cows because of the hunger. Sam runs to catch them. However, they overpowered Sam and they reported on Sam.

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• Tim talks with Colonel Parsons about Sam’s case. And he tells Tim that they want to set Sam as an example. Betsy and Mrs. Meeker tries to get Sam out of the prison but it’s hopeless.

• Tim talks with Parsons and tells him the truth and he said that they will consider his case.

Chapter 13

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• Tim gets to meet with Sam, but they need to stand six feet apart. Sam looks normal but he knows that he’s going to die.

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• Putnam changes his mind and he doesn’t consider Sam’s case. So, he’s going to be executed with the other prisoners.

Chapter 14

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• Tim goes to the prison with Mr. Meeker’s sword and tries to kill the guard. However, he finds out that he can’t take someone’s life. When he runs away, the guard wakes up and shoots Tim. Tim gets hurt but he doesn’t die.

• On the day of Sam’s execution, Tim goes to watch him. They hang all prisoners. The soldiers shoots Sam twice and he finally dies.

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The End...Thank You:D

The End...Thank You:D

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