
Grant Agreement number:

Project acronym: Robot-Era

Project title: Implementation and integration

intelligent Environments in real scenarios for ageing population

Funding scheme: Large-sca

Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011.7

Challenge: 5 – ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

Objective: ICT-2011.5.4 ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing

Project website address: www.robot


Due date of deliverable: 31/01/2012

Actual submission date:

Start date of project: 01/01/2012

Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: TeDDeliverable author: Fabrizio Vecchi, Teresa Pagliai

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework

PU Public

PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service)

RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Service)

CO Confidential, only for members of

Grant Agreement number: 288899


Implementation and integration of advanced Robotic systems and

Environments in real scenarios for ageing population

scale integrating project (IP)


ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

2011.5.4 ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing


Robot-Era website

Due date of deliverable: 31/01/2012

Actual submission date: 13/02/2012

01/01/2012 Duration:

Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: TeD Deliverable author: Fabrizio Vecchi, Teresa Pagliai

funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework

Programme (2007-2013)

Dissemination Level

Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service)

Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Service)

Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Service)

of advanced Robotic systems and

Environments in real scenarios for ageing population

ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

Duration: 48 months

Version: 2.3

funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework

X Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Service)

the consortium (including the Commission Service)

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

Document H is tory

Version Date

1.0 13-02-2012 Teresa Pagliai

1.1 20-03-2012 Teresa Pagliai (TeD)

2.0 04-06-2012 Fabrizio Vecchi

2.1 26-11-2012

2.2 27-11-2012 Teresa Pagliai (TeD)

2.3 03-12-2012 Fabrizio

D10.1 – Robot


Document H is tory

Author Summary of Main Changes

Teresa Pagliai

(TeD) The Robot-Era website is online

Teresa Pagliai (TeD) First report

Fabrizio Vecchi (TeD) Submission to the Project Coordinator

Filippo Cavallo

(SSSA) Project Manager request of revisions

Teresa Pagliai (TeD) The contents of paragraphs 2.2 and 2.6 were moved in the Quality Handbook

Fabrizio Vecchi (TeD) Revision and submission to the Project


Robot-Era website

Page 2 of 12

Summary of Main Changes

Era website is online


Submission to the Project Coordinator

Project Manager request of revisions

The contents of paragraphs 2.2 and 2.6 moved in the Quality Handbook

Revision and submission to the Project


File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

Project Abstract

The objective of the Robot-Era pro

feasibility, scientific/technical effectiveness and social/legal plausibility and acceptability by

end-users of a plurality of complete advanced robotic services, integrated in intelligent

environments, which will actively work in real conditions and cooperate with real people and

between them to favour independent living, improve the quality of life and the efficiency of

care for elderly people.

The Robot-Era project is conceived as an IP project becaus

implement and validate a set of robotic services for “ageing well”, facing fundamental scientific

and technological challenges on robotics and ambient intelligence, cognitive

learning architectures, elderly user

regulations and standards for real deployment.

The ambition of Robot-Era project is to significantly enhance the performance and acceptability

of the current services to a new level of quality. Different

robotic systems will be adapted and integrated to cooperate and operate in domestic,

condominium and outdoor environments. The level of robotic services will be effectively

enhanced thanks to the inclusion of cooperative ro

in indoor and outdoor environments, and of the AmI infrastructure, fully integrated in domestic

and urban contexts that will facilitate the operations of robots, provide effective tools to

supervise the various scenarios and ensure safe operations, and connect end

providers and robots. The Robot

experimental setup in urban and domestic environments and with different kinds of citizens:

the elderly users, the service providers, the municipalities, and the caregivers.

D10.1 – Robot


Project Abstract

Era project is to develop, implement and demonstrate the general

feasibility, scientific/technical effectiveness and social/legal plausibility and acceptability by

users of a plurality of complete advanced robotic services, integrated in intelligent

which will actively work in real conditions and cooperate with real people and

between them to favour independent living, improve the quality of life and the efficiency of

is conceived as an IP project because of its ambition to design,

implement and validate a set of robotic services for “ageing well”, facing fundamental scientific

and technological challenges on robotics and ambient intelligence, cognitive

learning architectures, elderly user-needs, design for acceptability and legal/insurance

regulations and standards for real deployment.

Era project is to significantly enhance the performance and acceptability

of the current services to a new level of quality. Different already available and commercial

robotic systems will be adapted and integrated to cooperate and operate in domestic,

condominium and outdoor environments. The level of robotic services will be effectively

enhanced thanks to the inclusion of cooperative robots that will be able to contemporarily act

in indoor and outdoor environments, and of the AmI infrastructure, fully integrated in domestic

and urban contexts that will facilitate the operations of robots, provide effective tools to

scenarios and ensure safe operations, and connect end

providers and robots. The Robot-Era project aims to implement a fully realistic and real

experimental setup in urban and domestic environments and with different kinds of citizens:

derly users, the service providers, the municipalities, and the caregivers.

Robot-Era website

Page 3 of 12

is to develop, implement and demonstrate the general

feasibility, scientific/technical effectiveness and social/legal plausibility and acceptability by

users of a plurality of complete advanced robotic services, integrated in intelligent

which will actively work in real conditions and cooperate with real people and

between them to favour independent living, improve the quality of life and the efficiency of

e of its ambition to design,

implement and validate a set of robotic services for “ageing well”, facing fundamental scientific

and technological challenges on robotics and ambient intelligence, cognitive-inspired robot

needs, design for acceptability and legal/insurance

Era project is to significantly enhance the performance and acceptability

already available and commercial

robotic systems will be adapted and integrated to cooperate and operate in domestic,

condominium and outdoor environments. The level of robotic services will be effectively

bots that will be able to contemporarily act

in indoor and outdoor environments, and of the AmI infrastructure, fully integrated in domestic

and urban contexts that will facilitate the operations of robots, provide effective tools to

scenarios and ensure safe operations, and connect end-users, service

aims to implement a fully realistic and real

experimental setup in urban and domestic environments and with different kinds of citizens:

derly users, the service providers, the municipalities, and the caregivers.

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

Table of Contents

Project Abstract ................................

Table of Contents ................................

Executive Summary ................................

List of Figures ................................

1 Public website ................................

1.1 Description of the section contents

1.2 Calendar and News section

2 Reserved Area ................................

2.1 How to login ................................

2.2 Access credentials ................................

2.3 How to manage the account

2.4 How to request a new password

2.5 How to logout ................................

2.6 Active accounts ................................

2.7 Overview of the Repository

2.7.1 EU documents

2.7.2 Dissemination files

2.7.3 All contacts ................................

2.7.4 Internal report and working documents

2.7.5 Deliverables ................................

2.7.6 Meetings ................................

2.7.7 Templates ................................

2.7.8 Videos ................................

2.7.9 Papers and patents

2.8 Permissions policy ................................

2.9 Upload Area ................................

D10.1 – Robot


Table of Contents






Description of the section contents ................................................................

Calendar and News section ................................................................




How to manage the account ................................................................

How to request a new password ................................................................



Overview of the Repository ................................................................


ation files ................................................................


Internal report and working documents ................................





Papers and patents................................................................



Robot-Era website

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........................................... 7

................................. 8

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File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

Execut ive Summary

The public pages of the ROBOT-

In March 2012, a new version of the ROBOT

been edited, according to the approved logo for the project

The repository area and the upload area are

accounts since May 3.

This document illustrates how the websi

D10.1 – Robot


Execut ive Summary

-ERA website are on-line since February 13,

In March 2012, a new version of the ROBOT-ERA website has been delivered. The layout has

been edited, according to the approved logo for the project.

and the upload area are fully useable by each member through personal

This document illustrates how the website and the reserved areas are organized.

Robot-Era website

Page 5 of 12

13, 2012.

website has been delivered. The layout has

each member through personal

are organized.

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

L ist of F igures

Figure 1. The home page of the Robot

Figure 2. Structure of the website.

Figure 3. Link to the reserved area and login form.

Figure 4. Repository area of the Robot

Figure 5. The wiki page of the UPLOAD AREA.

Figure 6. The Pages & Files page of the UPLOAD AREA.

D10.1 – Robot


Figure 1. The home page of the Robot-Era website. ................................

Figure 2. Structure of the website. ................................................................

Figure 3. Link to the reserved area and login form. ............................................................

Figure 4. Repository area of the Robot-Era project.............................................................

Figure 5. The wiki page of the UPLOAD AREA. ................................................................

Figure 6. The Pages & Files page of the UPLOAD AREA. ................................

Robot-Era website

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........................................................... 7 ................................................... 7

............................ 8

............................ 9 ................................. 11

.................................................... 12

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

1 Publ ic website

The url of the project website is

coordinator and by TeD.

Figure 1

The structure of the website is composed

and a lateral area for news and events.

By clicking in one of the links in the horizontal menu, it is possible to access the main

information and activities relating to Robot

presentations of the pilot sites involved in the project,

Reserved Area.

The news section displays the calendar with the events of the month (highlighted in red) and

the block reporting the main news and events.

D10.1 – Robot


Publ ic website

of the project website is The website is managed by the

1. The home page of the Robot-Era website.

composed of two link groups, a main section for the informa

news and events.

Figure 2. Structure of the website.

By clicking in one of the links in the horizontal menu, it is possible to access the main

information and activities relating to Robot-Era, while the vertical menu provides two short

presentations of the pilot sites involved in the project, general links and the link to access the

The news section displays the calendar with the events of the month (highlighted in red) and

the block reporting the main news and events.

Robot-Era website

Page 7 of 12

. The website is managed by the

of two link groups, a main section for the information

By clicking in one of the links in the horizontal menu, it is possible to access the main

Era, while the vertical menu provides two short

general links and the link to access the

The news section displays the calendar with the events of the month (highlighted in red) and

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

The link Sitemap at the bottom of the web page permits to dis


1 . 1 De s c r i p t i o n o f t h e s e c t i o n c o n t e n t s

The section Consortium shows a brief profile of each partner

organization, its main tasks within Robot

involved in the project.

The section Project shows a short summary of Robot

detailed page for each WP and a general introduction to the pilot sites.

All the press and media releases

project are stored in the Press & Media

The Results section collects the outcomes of the project.

Only TeD can upload contents or edit the

website have to be uploaded in the shared

TeD or to be sent by eMail to [email protected]

1 . 2 Ca l e n d a r a n d N ews s e c t i o n

The small area on the right of the web page displays the latest news and a calendar of the

current month.

The days of the calendar highlighted in red correspond to

visualized in detail by clicking directly on

A new event can be showed in the

news area displays in chronological order all the

Usually news are archived after one month from

2 Reserved Area

2 . 1 How t o l o g i n

By clicking in the Reserved Area

reserved area entering in the apposite fields username and password

Figure 3

2 . 2 Ac c e s s c r e d en t i a l s

The criterion adopted to create the username and password for each member

consortium is described in the section 7.1.1 of the Quality Handbook.

D10.1 – Robot


The link Sitemap at the bottom of the web page permits to display a schematic map of the

De s c r i p t i o n o f t h e s e c t i o n c o n t e n t s

shows a brief profile of each partner composed of a

main tasks within Robot-Era, previous experiences, contacts and people

a short summary of Robot-Era, the work programme with a

a general introduction to the pilot sites.

All the press and media releases as well as the pictures and videos related

Press & Media area.

section collects the outcomes of the project.

Only TeD can upload contents or edit the pages, therefore updates or new documents

in the shared workspace (refer to paragraph

[email protected] and [email protected]

r a n d N ews s e c t i o n

The small area on the right of the web page displays the latest news and a calendar of the

The days of the calendar highlighted in red correspond to planned events which can be

visualized in detail by clicking directly on the day.

in the Hot news and events area and/or

news area displays in chronological order all the news not yet stored.

archived after one month from their creation date.

Reserved Area

Reserved Area link, set in the vertical menu, it is possible to access the

entering in the apposite fields username and password.

3. Link to the reserved area and login form.

c c e s s c r e d en t i a l s

The criterion adopted to create the username and password for each member

in the section 7.1.1 of the Quality Handbook.

Robot-Era website

Page 8 of 12

play a schematic map of the

composed of a description of the

Era, previous experiences, contacts and people

Era, the work programme with a

the pictures and videos related to the Robot-Era

, therefore updates or new documents for the

workspace (refer to paragraph 2.9) managed by

[email protected].

The small area on the right of the web page displays the latest news and a calendar of the

events which can be

and/or in the calendar. The

link, set in the vertical menu, it is possible to access the

The criterion adopted to create the username and password for each member of the

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

2 . 3 How t o manag e t h e a c c o un t

After login, the link Manage your account

presents all the actual user information and allows their updating.

through this area, except for the username.

2 . 4 How t o r e q u e s t a n ew

If the member does not remember his/her pa

in the link ”Forgotten your password?”

and the e-mail stored in the Robot

e-mail to the member. If a partner can

register his/her accouint, he/she

[email protected] to receive a new temporary password.

2 . 5 How t o l o g o u t

After login, the link Logout is displayed as the last heading in the vertical link menu.

2 . 6 Ac t i v e a c c o un t s

An updated list of the people having

section of the website Repository >

2 . 7 Ove r v i ew o f t h e R e p o s i t o r y

After login, the Repository section is di


Figure 4

D10.1 – Robot


How t o manag e t h e a c c o un t

Manage your account will appear in the vertical menu.

presents all the actual user information and allows their updating. All the data can be edited

through this area, except for the username.

r e q u e s t a n ew p a s swo r d

If the member does not remember his/her password, he/she can request a new one by clicking

”Forgotten your password?” (below the login fields). Inserting the username

mail stored in the Robot-Era database, a new password will be automatically

a partner can not remember his/her username or e

he/she should send an e-mail to [email protected]

to receive a new temporary password.

is displayed as the last heading in the vertical link menu.

Ac t i v e a c c o un t s

having access credentials for the reserved are

Repository > Internal report and working documents

O v e r v i ew o f t h e R e p o s i t o r y

section is displayed in the small column on the right of the web

4. Repository area of the Robot-Era project.

Robot-Era website

Page 9 of 12

will appear in the vertical menu. This page

All the data can be edited

can request a new one by clicking

(below the login fields). Inserting the username

automatically sent by

username or e-mail used to

[email protected] and

is displayed as the last heading in the vertical link menu.

access credentials for the reserved area is available in the

Internal report and working documents.

the small column on the right of the web

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

2.7.1 EU documents

This section collects all the formal documents signed by the EC and the partners. At this

moment, it collects the Grant Agreement and all its annexes, the DOW, and the Consortium


2.7.2 Dissemination files

This section stores the dissemination files: the project leaflet, the

Era at a glance”), the project poster,

2.7.3 All contacts

In this section are showed the contacts of all peo


For each person is indicated the role, the e

In addition, it is provided the address of each organization.

2.7.4 Internal report and working documents

This section collects all the docu

not related to a specific deliverables, but useful for the partners.

In the sub-page Active accounts for

persons having an active account

IMPORTANT: it is a responsibility

ceases to work in the Robot


2.7.5 Deliverables

By clicking on this link, a table of all the


Each row indicates number and title of the deliverable, the

dissemination level, the planned delivery date and the actual delive

download the file.

This page is also accessible by the project officer.

2.7.6 Meetings

This section collects all the files and information related to the project meetings.

When a new meeting is planned, useful information as maps, sche

will be uploaded in the respective sub

presentations and documents will be stored and made available for every partner.

2.7.7 Templates

In this section are stored all the templates cr


2.7.8 Videos

This page will collects both videos which show reserved information and the useful for the

activities of the partners.

2.7.9 Papers and patents

In this section will be collected the project published

D10.1 – Robot


collects all the formal documents signed by the EC and the partners. At this

moment, it collects the Grant Agreement and all its annexes, the DOW, and the Consortium

dissemination files: the project leaflet, the public presentation (“Robot

, the project poster, and the official logo in various formats.

In this section are showed the contacts of all people involved in Robot

is indicated the role, the e-mail and the phone number.

provided the address of each organization.

Internal report and working documents

all the documents necessary to accomplish the activities of the project,

not related to a specific deliverables, but useful for the partners.

Active accounts for the reserved area is available an updated list of all the

persons having an active account to access the Reserved Area of the website.

responsibility of each partner to inform TeD as soon as

ceases to work in the Robot-Era project and to have rights to access the reserve

By clicking on this link, a table of all the project deliverables is displayed

Each row indicates number and title of the deliverable, the responsible

dissemination level, the planned delivery date and the actual delivery date

This page is also accessible by the project officer.

This section collects all the files and information related to the project meetings.

When a new meeting is planned, useful information as maps, schedules,

will be uploaded in the respective sub-page. When the meeting will be finished, the

documents will be stored and made available for every partner.

In this section are stored all the templates created for the project documents, deliverables and

both videos which show reserved information and the useful for the

collected the project published papers and patents.

Robot-Era website

Page 10 of 12

collects all the formal documents signed by the EC and the partners. At this

moment, it collects the Grant Agreement and all its annexes, the DOW, and the Consortium

public presentation (“Robot-

and the official logo in various formats.

ple involved in Robot-Era, organized per

ments necessary to accomplish the activities of the project,

is available an updated list of all the

to access the Reserved Area of the website.

as soon as a person

and to have rights to access the reserve

deliverables is displayed in chronological

responsible partner, the

ry date, and the link to

This section collects all the files and information related to the project meetings.

and meeting agenda

page. When the meeting will be finished, the meeting

documents will be stored and made available for every partner.

eated for the project documents, deliverables and

both videos which show reserved information and the useful for the

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

2 . 8 Pe rm i s s i o n s p o l i c y

The Consortium members can access all the sections, while the

access the Deliverables area only.

Except for the project coordinator and TeD,

download the files stored in the Repository.

Documents are uploaded and events and news can be created by project coordinator and TeD

only. Therefore files to store in the Repository area, materials for news and upcoming

have to be uploaded in the shared

([email protected] and [email protected]

2 . 9 Up l o ad A r e a

After login, the Upload Area link is displayed on top of the small column on the right of the

web page (see Figure 4).

By clicking on this link, a representati

workspace managed by TeD



Each partner can upload in the workspace new materials and documents ready to be stored in

the Repository Area of the website. Besides, it

organize properly the new files.

D10.1 – Robot


Pe rm i s s i o n s p o l i c y

The Consortium members can access all the sections, while the EU Project Officer is allowed to

the Deliverables area only.

Except for the project coordinator and TeD, all users can only read the information and/or

download the files stored in the Repository.

Documents are uploaded and events and news can be created by project coordinator and TeD

only. Therefore files to store in the Repository area, materials for news and upcoming

uploaded in the shared Upload Area (see next section) or

[email protected]).

link is displayed on top of the small column on the right of the

a representative of each Robot-Era partner can

managed by TeD, provided by the service


Figure 5. The wiki page of the UPLOAD AREA.

upload in the workspace new materials and documents ready to be stored in

the Repository Area of the website. Besides, it is also possible to creat

organize properly the new files.

Robot-Era website

Page 11 of 12

Project Officer is allowed to

read the information and/or

Documents are uploaded and events and news can be created by project coordinator and TeD

only. Therefore files to store in the Repository area, materials for news and upcoming events

or to be sent to TeD

link is displayed on top of the small column on the right of the

Era partner can access a shared

the service PBWORKS

upload in the workspace new materials and documents ready to be stored in

create new folders to

File name: robot-era_d10.1_website_rev2.3_20121203.docx

Leader contractor: TeD

Figure 6. The Pages

The current representative of each partner who can access the UPLOAD AREA is listed in the

table below.














The material added by the partners will not be stored permanently in the shared workspace,

but it will be removed after 1 month.

D10.1 – Robot


. The Pages & Files page of the UPLOAD AREA.

The current representative of each partner who can access the UPLOAD AREA is listed in the

Partner Person

SSSA Filippo Cavallo

Michela Aquilano

INRCA Fiorella Marcellini

Roberta Bevilacqua

YOUSE Sebastian Glende

Alessandro Saffiotti

UHAM Sebastian Rockel

Alessandro Di Nuovo, Frank Broz

MLAB Andreas Bley

Marco Branciforte

Giancarlo Teti

Fabrizio Vecchi, Teresa Pagliai

Silvano Crecchi

Raul Björk

material added by the partners will not be stored permanently in the shared workspace,

but it will be removed after 1 month.

Robot-Era website

Page 12 of 12

The current representative of each partner who can access the UPLOAD AREA is listed in the

material added by the partners will not be stored permanently in the shared workspace,

Top Related