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[email protected],[email protected] , twi2646@Y MAIL.COM ALISHA-9213909198

Dreaming of a successful business venture takes a lot of planning and hard work. No dreams can be achieved in a day. This is what RMP Infotec MLM went through before becoming what it is today.

RMP business, or any business for that matter, does not know how long the survival rate is in the market. Economic problems have caused a number of companies to close even before it has fully grown. To assure business success, precautionary measures and proper planning is what it takes to keep afloat amidst fierce business competition.

Just like any other company, for RMP there is no better way to ensure success and survive in the market than complete preparation. Instead of counting and projecting the possible life span of the business, know what it takes to succeed in the networking business.

There are so many ways to succeed and some have formulas to follow. RMP Infotec MLM, however, has the best tips on how to succeed and survive in the industry. There is no proper computation for survival, but there is a sure way of surviving.

Following are the tips given by RMP and being used by successful RMP distributors.

Write down your plans and goals prior to starting the business. If you plan your success right then there is little room for failure.

Do not remain idle when you already have the plan, get started and work hard. There is no better day to start than today.

RMP business is a full-time occupation and, as such, full-time cooperation and attention is required.

Do not just go for what is big, a small and constant achievement will eventually grow bigger.

RMP never gives rejection the upper hand. In every endeavor, success does not always happen. Take rejection as a challenge and never consider discouragement and defeat.

Always allot time to call your potential clients. RMP Infotec MLM takes the initiative in doing so to make clients feel special.

Patience is a virtue that surpasses everything. It takes sufficient hard work and tolerance before you can achieve something. No matter how long, it will be worth the effort.

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RMP business is not about boasting and flaunting. Keep your feet on the ground and just do your business diligently and honestly. Open the eyes of your distributors and never give false hopes and create wonderful illusions.

When RMP says it’s something that is investment-free, it doesn’t mean that you must not provide training materials and manuals. Marketing tools and supplies are needed if you want to succeed.

Quitters are losers, but winners never quit. Keep this thought in mind, it is very handy when you are so down and about to give up.

The rate of your effort determines the rate of your success. When RMP Infotec MLM wants a big target, it also takes a big leap.

RMP encourages the pioneers to help their downlines. The success of your legs is also your gain.

RMP business is not about babysitting. Coach your downlines and let them work on their own afterwards. Learn from experience and remember your mistakes.

In the direct selling business, there is no room for insecure and unenthusiastic people. The way they handle themselves represents the way they conduct their business.

RMP discourages grumbling individuals. Stand your ground and don’t complain like a child when something does not go according to your expectations. Solve your affairs first before you bring the subject to your immediate superiors.

RMP Infotec MLM always leaves room for improvement. Always be aware of new trends in the market. Keep tabs of news and updates.

RMP Infotec MLM has always made its business intentions plain and clear. No scheming ways and false pretenses. The structure of the business system may look like a pyramid model because of its binary plan system. However, RMP business never comes anywhere near the word pyramid scheme.

Numerous business entities operate under the Pyramid Scheme model. RMP has been aware of what these companies are after, that is why great caution was observed in making the company policies. It took a lot of thinking and planning for the management to make the business activity be apart from the rest of the typical pyramid schemes.

What is the edge of RMP business from the rest of the companies operating under the pyramid scheme model? A clear definition of what pyramid scheme will get rid of the confusion.

Pyramid scheme, like the literal meaning of the word, is a scheme done in a pyramid structure-like form. Unfortunately, it has deceived millions of innocent individuals who

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are blinded by the lure of fast money. Business people are very clever in presenting their interests, thus blinding the uninitiated from the truth.

RMP is more concerned in making a direct sale, at the same time helping interested individuals. There are a number of those who appreciate the product and would like to recommend it to others. When one makes a sale out of a recommendation, the commission given by RMP Infotec MLM is just a reward.

Here is in-depth comparison of RMP Infotec Business with typical pyramid schemes.

Real ProductsRMP business has real products to sell.  RMP membership requires you a decent purchase of the product even if it is for self-use only.

For pyramid scheme businesses, the recruitment process is the only activity in the business. There is no real trading or selling activity in the business, which is what a legal business should be.  It is a sure and decent way of stealing hard-earned money from innocent people.

Binary PlanRMP Infotec MLM does not even allow more than one set of sponsorship under the binary plan system.  Recommendation is the only activity involved in order for the distributor to earn. RMP does not even require you to make further activity should you wish to let your downline work themselves to earn.

In pyramid schemes, the original recruiter earns money by recruiting another person with the clear requirement of putting an investment. The recruiter will then recruit more as the line went down or as the structure grew.

Genuine Business PlanRMP business deals with direct selling alone via binary plan in order to help interested distributors. But aside from your initial purchase, there is no other investment demanded of you. You are free to purchase other RMP products if you so desire.

Unlike RMP Infotec MLM, pyramid business entities are operating under a fraudulent investing activity.

Best Value for your MoneyRMP business made sure that you get the exact worth of the money you spend on the product. This is one way of letting you strengthen your faith in the product you are selling.

A pyramid scheme may sound financially alluring, but once the structure collapses, it is extremely disastrous.

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Residual IncomeThe binary process used by RMP Infotec MLM is very simple, yet it yields residual income. The simple pairing commission based system is workable in all circumstances. It is easier to achieve as well.

In pyramid scheme model, it is nearly impossible to earn a residual income .

RMP binary plan might look like the pyramid structure but never in all sincerity does it resemble such deceitful activity.

Tags: pyramid schemes, rmp business

Every individual has his/her own passion in life. Each one of us has something that we really love doing. There are some who landed on a job that they hate but are loath to admit. Others are in a job which they love doing best and are having fun at work.

This is the same with RMP business because there are people doing the job yet not happy about it. Some RMP distributors are just doing it because they have no choice. The worst case is hate the job but still go for it.

If you are in RMP Infotec MLM and you are not happy with the job, then you are sure to fail. It is very important that you are familiar with the job, enthusiastic about it, and is willing to learn. This will give you the push that you need in order to succeed.

In RMP, many people give unsolicited advice just to confuse you. Others are sincere but do not really know if the ideas work. RMP Infotec MLM makes sure that when you join, you are not confused or mistaken.

It is imperative that when you join RMP business, you know what you are getting yourself into. If you are eager to learn about RMP, then here are the top 6 lies you must know. RMP Infotect MLM would like to share these so you will not be one of those who fail.

Top 6 lies in RMP Network Marketing Plan

1. No one is exempted in your potential list.This is such a great lie, but still so many people fall into this crap. One of the reasons why most would jump to the idea of selling is because of this absurd idea. RMP Infotec MLM will not lie and agree because marketing-wise, this is simply not true. Not all people are interested in what you are selling. RMP business discourages this idea because

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it is usually the cause of discouragement. When a distributor goes by this rule, then he is doomed to fail right from the start.

2. We are not into sales. We only want our products to be known. If you have products to sell as your business it definitely is selling. There is no other way to call it. RMP is into direct selling because they have products they want to recommend.

3. Everyone can do direct selling.This is not true because not all people can do marketing. RMP Infotec MLM is in direct selling because this is where their talent is inclined. Bankers are in banking because they are equip with the knowledge related to the field. Simply put, not all people can become distributors because not everyone can do it. You cannot force yourself to be in RMP Business when you really do not have the talent for it. When your passion does not lie in this direction then it is not for you.

4. We will develop your business and make it grow.There is no one who can make your life better except you yourself. The same with business, you alone can make it grow through your effort and management. RMP Infotec MLM will not do the work for you, but just motivates you.

5. Our product is the best and incomparable.Granting without accepting, there are other products in the market of excellent quality. When RMP business introduces their product, they always go for product description and distinction. The need to lie and exaggerate is not necessary because the aim is to give honest and realistic business. All the products of RMP are of good quality and outstanding. Laying down the qualities of the product is sufficient without making the other products look worthless and incompetent.

6. Lack of faith causes defeat.Success can never be achieved by faith alone. The effort you put in is what gives you the success you need. Have faith in yourself, but do not rest there because faith will not sell the products for you. Motivate yourself and reach your goal by putting in the hard work.

Tags: marketing, rmp infotec, rmp mlm

If you want to take the opportunity offered by RMP, you have to choose from among the products shown in the RMP website. Take your pick and purchase your chosen product. Upon purchase you automatically become a RMP Distributor with the same opportunities as the others.

This is very unique in a way that your single purchase will last for a lifetime. Your membership is guaranteed and the opportunity of earning through your structure is a lifetime pass. No other required investment from you aside from that single purchase. You are not forced to purchase anymore products to earn PV values in your downline structure.

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For your assurance, RMP is affiliated with the bigger group of companies that are legally found and based in India. TVS, ICICI, TATA, Whirlpool and Bajaj Alliance are few of the big companies affiliated with RP Infotec. This does not only give assurance of the company’s reliability but the quality of the products as well.

It is easy to become a RMP Distributor. Once you join RMP Infotec, earning the PV value is quiet simple. Having appreciated the product yourself, you can attest to its worth because by using it you are aware of its capabilities. If you are able to suggest and convince at least 2 persons to try the products, their purchases will be counted under your downline structure.  Their sales equal Rs.1000/- payment to you per pair. Although you have no knowledge about the other products on the website, you can still recommend them to others. The continual income doesn’t necessarily entail hard work and house to house selling. With the advent of internet connection, it is but a click of your finger and you are on your way to success.

The policy entitles on two persons under your sponsorship. They are considered your right and left structure. You will be earning from both sides depending on their sponsorship and the dedication they put on their side. Every pair from both sides yields you amount of Rs.1000/- per pair since we use an American Binary Plan. As long as your structure keeps growing, your income is growing as well. A maximum of Rs.1,30,000/- every week will be yours continuously if there is always an activity under your structure.

If your downline develops quickly, the number of pairs under you brings you a big check. If there are 10 pairs in your structure every week then Rs.10000/- is what you are going to get. If it increases to 15 pairs you will get Rs.15000/- for the corresponding week. RMP will ceil the maximum payment for a particular Distributor to Rs.1,30,000/-. In other words, maximum of 130 pairs will be considered for payout even if you have more than 130 pairs.

The products you can find in the website are useful and very much needed in our day to day living. Not only are they useful but are made of good quality and durable materials which is a plus if you own at least one. Try RMP Infotec and let this be the beginning of success in achieving your dream.

RMP MLM Business Vs Traditional Business

Sri on August 30th, 2008

A number of individuals consider RMP MLM/network marketing services as a big NO NO. But consider the following facts about RMP network marketing and you will see why RMM MLM is the exact business to have.

1. The probability of success in RMP MLM is biggerIn any kind of business, the chances of earning much depend on the willingness and determination of each individual. If you expect to earn 100%, then you should put your 100% best in that business.

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The procedure is basically the same for RMP MLM. Your determination and willpower to make it to the top will ensure success. People who fail not only failed to plan but failed to turn that plan into action. It is not sufficient to keep planning, but acting out your plan is what yields the returns. Do not just find reasons why you can’t make it, but do something to change your situation. It is the only way to make your dreams come true.

In contrast, the traditional business has 50% failure rate on their first year and 95% failure rate between their 2nd to the 5th year, according to the SBA statistics.  So think of RMP MLM and the odds against choosing it as your business.

2. The capital or investments required in RMP MLM business is very lowIt is necessary to maintain a monthly average order to have a steady and smooth sailing operation. Just like any other businesses, there must be a periodic target income so you could determine the status of the business and see if it is earning. You can’t simply be idle all the time that you please. There must be a specific target to help you along. It could be from a minimum of Rs.5000/- or up, depending on the periodic outcome.

Observe the overhead expenses between the traditional business and RMP marketing. Calculate how much you can save which you can use to invest more in RMP. With RMP MLM there is the minus of employees, rent, utilities, taxes, etc. Envision the picture and you will have a clearer grasp of things.

Getting a loan to start a business is never an issue with RMP MLM business. Being a home-based business, a number of expenses will be avoided. No reason for you not to afford it even if you’re an average person. Everyone has a chance to become a part of this business. No financial background requirement. Anyone interested is free to inquire and join.

3. A preliminary training in network marketing for your victoryWith the typical business, you get to spend for your own training. To top that, you still have to search for qualified mentors.

There is no necessity for you to acquire various trainings and seminars just to get the idea of running a RMP MLM business. RMP Infotec itself has done all the training and study. When you join, you get the privilege of going through their optimized company training. Their modules are made out of their meticulous and precise search. They will see to it that you are fully equipped and are ready to face the running the MLM business.

4. The advertising and selling of network marketing is straightforwardPeople who are into traditional business have no one to rely to. From running the business administratively to selling and promotion, it all depends on you. You get to sweat for everything and still end up losing. Experiment is good as long as your business is not suffering. Often, those who are too anxious to succeed ended up in the clutches of frauds. Remember that in every transaction, the percentage of fraud dealing is still significant.

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RMP MLM business provides you with the effective marketing tools which you can acquire cheaply. And they also have teams of marketing people that is very efficient and very good in their field. No need to produce or invent a very flowery and expensive ad. The RMP network has that for you to access.

5. Stress-free to operate - that is what RMP MLM is!It is unlike the traditional business where you need all the other office stuff to help you with all the paper work. Here, the company itself will handle that for you. All you concern yourself with is the periodic target you need. Just focus on your financial records for your own tally and financial status. No hassles of checking files and keeping track of records. In RMP MLM, you just spend all your time working to earn and less the burden of looking after employees.

6. You get to pay minimum taxes unlike running a typical businessBeing in RMP business, you have the advantage of paying less tax. Unlike if you are a regular employee wherein they automatically deduct various taxes from your salary, MLM is different.  RMP MLM halves your taxes obligation due to the different process of business transaction.

The typical business is very plain on the government’s view. It seems they are always on the lookout even if you are not earning much. Having employees drains your savings from all the benefits you need to provide them.

Pyramid is the typical structure in life, be it in business or other types of hierarchy. Of course network marketing follows the same organization. You can never achieve success in business if there is no proper system in a company. RMP MLM deals with the distribution of market goods and services. That is the trend these days. Most newborn companies go for this type of business. Those who have been in the industry for long are also fusing the old and new types.

Give it a serious thought and when you are ready start your hunt. Choose wisely. Be careful in your selection.

24 Tips for RMP Business Plan Success

A number of individuals consider RMP MLM/network marketing services as a big NO NO. But consider the following facts about RMP network marketing and you will see why RMM MLM is the exact business to have.

1. The probability of success in RMP MLM is biggerIn any kind of business, the chances of earning much depend on the willingness and determination of each individual. If you expect to earn 100%, then you should put your 100% best in that business.

The procedure is basically the same for RMP MLM. Your determination and willpower to make it to the top will ensure success. People who fail not only failed to plan but failed

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to turn that plan into action. It is not sufficient to keep planning, but acting out your plis what yields the returns. Do not just find reasons why you can’t make it, but do something to change your situation. It is the only way to make your dreams come true.

In contrast, the traditional business has 50% failure rate on their first year and 95% failure rate between their 2nd to the 5th year, according to the SBA statistics.  So think of RMP MLM and the odds against choosing it as your business.

2. The capital or investments required in RMP MLM business is very lowIt is necessary to maintain a monthly average order to have a steady and smooth sailing operation. Just like any other businesses, there must be a periodic target income so you could determine the status of the business and see if it is earning. You can’t simply be idle all the time that you please. There must be a specific target to help you along. It could be from a minimum of Rs.5000/- or up, depending on the periodic outcome.

Observe the overhead expenses between the traditional business and RMP marketing. Calculate how much you can save which you can use to invest more in RMP. With RMP MLM there is the minus of employees, rent, utilities, taxes, etc. Envision the picture and you will have a clearer grasp of things.

Getting a loan to start a business is never an issue with RMP MLM business. Being a home-based business, a number of expenses will be avoided. No reason for you not to afford it even if you’re an average person. Everyone has a chance to become a part of this business. No financial background requirement. Anyone interested is free to inquire and join.

3. A preliminary training in network marketing for your victoryWith the typical business, you get to spend for your own training. To top that, you still have to search for qualified mentors.

There is no necessity for you to acquire various trainings and seminars just to get the idea of running a RMP MLM business. RMP Infotec itself has done all the training and study. When you join, you get the privilege of going through their optimized company training. Their modules are made out of their meticulous and precise search. They will see to it that you are fully equipped and are ready to face the running the MLM business.

4. The advertising and selling of network marketing is straightforwardPeople who are into traditional business have no one to rely to. From running the business administratively to selling and promotion, it all depends on you. You get to sweat for everything and still end up losing. Experiment is good as long as your business is not suffering. Often, those who are too anxious to succeed ended up in the clutches of frauds. Remember that in every transaction, the percentage of fraud dealing is still significant.

RMP MLM business provides you with the effective marketing tools which you can acquire cheaply. And they also have teams of marketing people that is very efficient and

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very good in their field. No need to produce or invent a very flowery and expensive ad. The RMP network has that for you to access.

5. Stress-free to operate - that is what RMP MLM is!It is unlike the traditional business where you need all the other office stuff to help you with all the paper work. Here, the company itself will handle that for you. All you concern yourself with is the periodic target you need. Just focus on your financial records for your own tally and financial status. No hassles of checking files and keeping track of records. In RMP MLM, you just spend all your time working to earn and less the burden of looking after employees.

6. You get to pay minimum taxes unlike running a typical businessBeing in RMP business, you have the advantage of paying less tax. Unlike if you are a regular employee wherein they automatically deduct various taxes from your salary, MLM is different.  RMP MLM halves your taxes obligation due to the different process of business transaction.

The typical business is very plain on the government’s view. It seems they are always on the lookout even if you are not earning much. Having employees drains your savings from all the benefits you need to provide them.

Pyramid is the typical structure in life, be it in business or other types of hierarchy. Of course network marketing follows the same organization. You can never achieve success in business if there is no proper system in a company. RMP MLM deals with the distribution of market goods and services. That is the trend these days. Most newborn companies go for this type of business. Those who have been in the industry for long are also fusing the old and new types.

Give it a serious thought and when you are ready start your hunt. Choose wisely. Be careful in your selection.

Are you eager to be on your way to the top of RMP Business? The following 24 tips are not something out of this world that are hard to practice if you want to get your RMP business to start.

1. Frame your PLAN & GOAL. Most people fail not because they wanted to, but because they are too eager and excited that they neglected to plan. Take your time to list down the things you want to accomplish and frame it. This is an effective way to drive you out of the limits. Dream big and plan big, for as they say our minds have the greatest power. It can even move do impossible things should the need arises. Do not just try to succeed instead drill into your head that YOU NEED to SUCCEED.

2. DO not wait for TOMORROW what you can DO TODAY. Never always think that there is a perfect moment if you just wait. Instead make that moment, act now and start fast.

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3. Center you thoughts to the idea that RMP business is your only means of living.  When you focus your mind on that thought and start doing as such then it is what you are going to pursue and end up doing.

4. PROTECT your mind from the sweet words of those who have lying mouths. Promises are not reliable these days. Believe in yourself and always keep in mind that only team work WORKS.

5. Cultivate the power of POSITVE thinking and deny the word REJECTION from filling your hear. Remember that it is mind over heart. Do not get disheartened if you get the brush off, not all people could recognize GOLD if ever they see one. But bear in mind that almost everyone wants to be at the top. Almost everyone wants to posses that power.

6. Keep TRACK of your potentials. Showing interest in their welfare will always make a good impression. Most successful people take their time to visit or just keep in touch. People tend to respond more to their emotions rather than financial calling. Keeping in touch will lead you to winning that business partner for your network marketing business.

7. Nobody gets to become a millionaire overnight unless somebody died and left you his millions. Real wealth takes a genuine hard work and time to obtain. It may take you more time to earn your target income but if you persist and is determined you will achieve that. A year or two of hard work will not matter when you know by then you have realized your frame.

8. False HOPE is not a good thing to impart. Never practice that towards your news representative or you will end up losing them. Always lay down the ground and be transparent.  Let them know the real score.

9. Cash out is always present in any kind of dealings or venture. It may not require a lot but still you need to invest in order for it to get a good start. There are always basic needs and supplies that is a requirement if you want to have a smooth MLM business to run.

10.  As the saying goes, your worst enemy is you only. Take the challenge and never recognize the word QUIT. Always push yourself harder and never let anyone break that wall of ENDURANCE.

11. Take off your rose colored glasses and be realistic. When you post or send materials and tester, expect a small return as a start. It takes months to get stable.

12. Team building is a sure way of success. Being there for any member of the team is the best way to achieve your goal. Letting the team and their prospects know that you give personal attention will give them the assurance that they need. People always follow the lead and not the other way around.

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13. Never see the need to haul and motivate those whom you think is simply not inline with your ambition. There is no use trying to practice alchemy when you know it’s not worth the time. Let them be, instead encourage those who have the same interest as you but doesn’t have the push up and the guts to be one.

14. Reserve complaints and protests at the right time and when you think its overflowing. Patience is the virtue that gives access to victory. Bagged that up and see what you can do to counteract in a positive way.

15. TRUST is the main bridge to a successful business. Making fake and doubtful statements will put your name and the business in jeopardy. It is very important that you are true to your words and respect will follow you. There is nothing worst than losing the trust of people for it’s the hardest relationship to build.

16. Sufficient knowledge in your kind of business will aid you in running it wisely. Never sit around and wait for information’s to knock in your door, instead pursue it. Always know the enemy’s ground for that will give you an edge over them. But, erase the thought of converting them to your camp.

17. There is no limit to opportunities. When you aim high work your way there. BIG dreams mean BIG sacrifice. Do not put restrictions on what you can and can’t do. There’s a thin line between success and failure.

18.  Affirming ones positive output is a very inspiring attitude. It is an ego booster when you know your achievements no matter how trivial is being recognized and appreciated. Giving out praises and acknowledgment on your people or representative when they were able to sponsor will give them more encouragement.

19. A wholehearted approach yields a greater result. It is but vital that you know how to entertain people and the right kind of attitude to show. Any emotions shown always reverberate back to its source. If you want to reap a good harvest, sow the right kind of seed.

20. The essence of team bonding is sharing the best of what there is in everyone. If you have a good formula of an effective means to a successful MLM business expanding, then share. A great idea shared always multiplies fast.

21. A well oriented business procedure will keep you running smoothly. Noting down details, be it trivial or vital regarding your prospects, will give you future advantage.

22. Personal improvement is the fundamental aspect of becoming a successful individual and a leader. Always long for more knowledge and upgrade what you already have.

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23. Think of problems as challenges and rejections as inspiration to work more. A positive attitude will prevent trivial things to put you down. Just center your attention to that plan and goal you made and let that be your guide.

24. Keep in mind that everything you do reverberates back to you. As the song goes, what comes around goes around. A happy and passionate disposition has the habit of circling around. What you let people see in you is what you are going to get in return.

The source of nutrition does not rely solely on the regular meals and the fruits we eat. To maintain health and strong body constitution we need sufficient food intake. There are many natural plants we sometimes take for granted, which are very healthy for the body. Some fruits are not only good for eating, but with healing properties as well. The following plant extracts made into a juice is the leading health nutritious drink in the market.

Magno Health Drink (3 bottles)  is among the salable product of RMP Infotec MLM. It contains extracts from six different natural plant healers. These plants have powerful oxidative damage prevention property. It also provides the body with needed food supplement, thus, naturally a source of body strength. From the massive research and clinical tests done, this is now the result. A very healthy juice drink that is recommended as dietary herbal supplement.

The juices of the 6 natural plant healers that are abundant in the country are the following.



1.Mangosteen Juice

2Aloe Vera Juice

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3. Grape Seed Extract 4. Noni Fruit Juice

5. Goji Berry Juice 6. Green Tea Extracts


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All of these combined forming the Magno Health Drink, which gives the following benefits.

Defense against indigestion problems, thus strengthening the intestinal functions Boost the immune system of the body making you more safe from illnesses Provides abundant supply of proteins, vitamins and minerals Helps in maintaining a healthy eye condition Enhances sleeping condition Helps the Kidney to function normally in cleansing the body Give support for normal liver cells function Slow aging process Helps with the respiratory system function Improves the reproductive system

Daily intake of the juice assures you a stronger body constitution. It will give you an additional strength to go about your daily routines and


It is very simple to join RMP. Here are more specific step by step instructions to assist you.

Joining with RMP means that you are going to purchase a product from RMP. Once you have purchased the product, you will automatically become an independent distributor of RMP. Hence your initial step is to choose your product and get a Demand Draft for the product amount.

Choose your Product - RMP offers 12 different products to choose from. Go through the products list, find review of the RMP Products and choose a product that fits your need. Make sure that your favorite product is available in your city.

Get the Demand Draft - Approach your bank and get a crossed Demand Draft as a payment for your product in favor of RMP INFOTEC PRIVATE LIMITED payable at Chennai.

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The very next step is to choose your sponsor. You will need to provide your sponsor’s user name and track id in order to complete the registration.

Get your Sponsor ID - Be sure to have these details ready before you join RMP. In case if you choose us as your sponsor, give the below details on the time of registration.Username: SILVIYA(ILOVEYOUJESUS)TrackId: I LOVE YOU JESUS 220808

You can enjoy the benefit of having your downline tree grow automatically by simply choosing us. Since this is a binary plan, one cannot have more than 2 people below him. The visitors of our website will join under you even without your knowledge.

Now you have 2 choices to register with RMP Infotec Pvt Ltd.

A) Online Method

1. Visit RMP’s Website - Click here to access the online registration form at RMP’s official website.

2. Fill in The Online Application - Provide your personnel details, contact details and payment details.

3. Submit the Form - Make sure that you have typed everything perfectly and then click “Accept & Continue” button.

4. Confirm the details - You will be asked once gain to confirm the details you have submitted. If you see any mistake in the form, you can hit “Back” button and edit the details. Click the button “Confirm Registration” if everything seems prefect.

5. Print the Welcome Letter - As a proof of successful registration, a “Welcome Letter” will be shown to you. You are required to take a print out of this page. You can see your sponsor id and tracking id in this letter. Now you can login into RMP website. But your account will be still in inactive status.

6. Mail the Documents - This “Welcome Letter” and Demand Draft should be mailed to RMP’s main office address in next 7 days.

7. Account Activation - Your account will be activated upon receipt of your documents. You will receive a separate welcome letter in mail along with the product. Now you are a part of big RMP community.

A sample forms and screenshots are shown below for your reference.

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RMP Sample Registration

RMP Confirm Registration

RMP Sample Welcome Letter

B) Offline Method

1. Find Nearest Branch - Visit this page and find nearest RMP Branch and its customer care number.

2. Fix Your Appointment - Talk to the customer care and clarify your doubts. Fix the time for meeting them in person to join RMP.

3. Visit RMP Office – On your appointment date, visit the RMP Infotec office in person, fill in the application form and submit it along with Demand Draft.

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4. Account Activation – Often RMP takes 1-2 weeks time to send your product. Your sponsor id and tracking id will be allotted at the same time. Now you are a proud member of RMP.

Greetings! alisha

  Success Strategies for the New Year

If you have been with our site since its conception, and have been following the newsletters with eager interest, it will come as good news to you that we are starting out the fourth consecutive year of our very informative HR Dialogue. We hope you are enjoying them and look forward to you reading our hire blog as well.

Just as the end of a year is ideal for looking back to evaluate how far you’ve come, the New Year is an opportune time to plan your key success areas and

future goals for your life. In our last issue we listed some tried and proven success strategies and promised you for more. Well, we have brought you more strategies for success right here! Read on…

Think on your plan. Confirm that your plans are realistic and that you haven't overlooked anything crucial.

Document the plan. Good documentation is vital for follow-through, accountability, and gauging progress.

Execute! The most common pitfall of planning is failing to implement the plan.

Monitor your progress. Set in place a means to monitor progress at regular intervals. If you don't stop regularly to check your "map" and see where you are, you're less likely to stay on the road to success.

Expect the unexpected. Be flexible. Things rarely happen exactly as we imagine they will. If something isn't working, change it.

Keep it simple. Recognize when your plan is becoming overloaded‚ and determine what is necessary and what is not.

Celebrate your successes along the way. Celebrating the completion of short-term goals generates satisfaction and excitement.

[email protected],[email protected] , twi2646@Y MAIL.COM RAJU-9958995826ALISHA-9213909198

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