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Conflict Management: What to do for Workforce Development? 1

Conflict Management: What to do for Workforce Development?

Ron McGary

Lewis University

LL539: Conflict Management

Dr. Sheila Boysen-Rotelli

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Introduction to Conflict and Conflict Management

Conflict will always be among many discussions, forums, and relationships. It does not make

any difference in the tone or if the discussion is very intimate, conflict will always be present.

The ability to recognize conflict is one point, but really knowing conflict is another. Do we really

know the meaning of conflict? Do we have the ability to recognize conflict? Conflict is defined

as a struggle over values and claims to scarce status, power, and resources in which the aims of

the opponents are to neutralize, injure, or eliminate their rivals (Borisoff, Victor, 1998). Since

conflict is defined as such, can it be managed? Yes, it can, but only with the understanding of

certain elements, such as the sources of conflict, cultural conflict, and poor communication.

Why is Conflict Management relevant to the study of leadership?

When a leader leads not everyone will agree with their understanding of why they are

leading in such a fashion. With this in mind conflict will have already begun in this situation. But

what are the true sources of conflict? There are five sectors to conflict management which are

assessment, acknowledgement, attitude, action, and analysis. With a compartmentalized

understanding of these divisions will give an insight as to why it is difficult to train individuals in

a technical college setting or even in an organization (Borisoff, Victor, 1998).

Without understanding assessment it would be problematic to approach the situation and

come out with an analysis leaving the parties involved with a good feeling of conflict resolution.

Assessment is almost the most critical segment out of the five divisions. The assessment drives

toward the nature of the conflict, the course of the conflict, and the strategies for communication.

For example, when training or developing a workforce for real world manufacturing there are

conflicts as to what packages to develop the new workforce of today and tomorrow. The

packages consist of software and hardware. In a technical training center the world of automation

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consists of different facets. One of those facets is Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s) and

motor control systems. Students and the workforce want the best solution and training for their

application. Automation happens when someone pushes a button and a conveyor starts to move

goods to another point in the manufacturing plant (BBsciencelab). The students must learn the

best way they know and be able to retain that information for a long time, because this will be

their livelihood from this point forward. The college’s common purpose within the community is

to provide education for employment.

In this study, there are two major rivals. In assessing these two major rivals in the automation

industry would be able to distinguish between AutomationDirect and Allen Bradley

contributions. Of course these are rivals in the industry that would want all the students to learn

their product(s). But for an Industrial Technology Instructor, it would behoove the instructor to

teach and train the easiest and best method so the students would be able to understand and retain

the valuable information necessary to be successful. This would be the AutomationDirect

combination. In assessing the conflict, the most difficult method would be the Allen Bradley

because it does take more thought and prior experience to learn even before coming to

understand the Allen Bradley technical specifications. For example, contactors are used in motor

control systems. As seen in Figure 1, it would not take an Electrical Engineer to understand how

to select a contactor from AutomationDirect. The part number is actually selected with the

technical specifications explained and not imposed upon the student. In direct contrast with Allen

Bradley, the prices are not shown with AB, but are with AD. The prices and other pertinent

information give a balanced approach to the student and the user of the product. This does

provide a clear understanding and a very quick learning process for everyone. This is extremely

important for the community and the workforce as well.

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Figure 1 Contactor from AutomationDirect and Specifications (Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors, 2015)

As seen in Figure 2, it would take an Electrical Engineer to select the right component for an

application. In any 2 year technical training college, it would be difficult to embed this into a

learning student who has no knowledge of this industry.

Figure 2 Allen Bradley Contactor and Specifications (Essential Components Catalog, 2015)

The leadership conflict begins when instructor favors one over the other because of loyalty. The

leadership approach would be to understand the optimal passage so the students can get a solid

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grasp of what they are learning. After all this will be their life in the learning process to support

their family down the road. So the future expectations will be enormous if taught properly.

The acknowledgement segment is the establishment of all parties involved, which would

include instructors and most important of all the automation providers. Acknowledgement also

includes culture. For example, Allen Bradley has been around since 1903, whereas

AutomationDirect has only been around since 1994. So, since Allen Bradley was first

established, new customers are really not leaving, because of this loyalty factor, and they will not

leave at all costs, even to the students.

In order to understand either side one must be open-minded to see the similarities and

differences between these cultures (Borisoff, Victor, 1998). The inherited perception is that

Allen Bradley works, and just leaves it at that. Also to include the cost, people are willing to pay

the high cost just because it is what it is. They will not accept the money saving opportunities.

The attitude of both companies is not aligned with the values of the students in a teaching

environment. For example, the attitude of AutomationDirect is that of servant leadership and

Customer Driven Leadership (, 2015). In comparison to Allen

Bradley, the attitude is about “Thought Leadership” (, 2015). Servant

leadership is the only authority deserving one’s allegiance is that which is freely and knowingly

granted by the led to the leader in response to, and in proportion to, the clearly evident servant

stature of the leader. Those who choose to follow this principle will not casually accept the

authority of existing institutions. Rather, they will freely respond only to individuals who are

chosen as leaders because they are proven and trusted as servants (Wren, p.20). In addition to

AutomationDirects’ attitude of leadership, they also implement “Customer Driven Leadership.”

Customer Driven Leadership (CDL) is a methodology for business improvement based on the

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servant leader concept that says, “in order to be a leader, everyone must serve others (customers

and one another)” (, 2015). This is the type of leadership that needs

to be taught to the millennials so they can grasp the ideals of serving others. After all, while

working in the automation industry it is about serving others. When a machine is broken the

operators of the machine are expected to be serviced and serviced quickly. So it should make

sense to buy and use products that share the same values as the person teaching the program.

In contrast to AutomationDirect, “Thought Leadership” is about Thought Leaders that are

informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources

who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show

how to replicate their success. They create a dedicated group of friends, fans and followers to

help them replicate and scale those ideas into sustainable change not just in one company but in

an industry, niche or across an entire ecosystem (Brosseau, 2015). From experience within this

field, they definitely let you know they are the go-to person. This type of personality is very

cavalier and does not want to be bothered, with the exception of only in extreme cases where

extra money must be spent for those emergencies.

The action of conflict management in this specific situation is to evaluate and integrate the

entire package of the assessment, acknowledgement, and attitude dimensions into the most

appropriate action (Borisoff, Victor, 1998). In bringing positive justification and rational to the

other party that is not willing to give up the loyalty can be a cumbersome task. Yet again, we

must keep in mind that it is industry that we ultimately dictate what we teach, but there are some

people who simply refuse to change. When verbal choices and a prudent thought process is

taking place this may create defensiveness from the opposing party. With this creates that barrier,

and they will not really listen to the justification of changing providers. In the current situation,

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when trying to explain the sanctification of using AutomationDirect, sometimes the jargon does

get a little confusing to the other party. So an alternative solution must be sought. In this specific

event, time will be needed to pursue this type of action. Some of the alternatives are establishing

creditability with the other party, establish a level of trust, articulate the problem from both

points of view so that everyone has a clear understanding of what each other is attempting to

indicate, and use accurate verbal and non-verbal communication, provide equal status to both

parties, establish common goals, do not make it a one-sided communication process, seek

continual feedback, modify the communication behavior between the two, think and bring about

as many options as possible, keep the channels of communication open, and always keep the

expectations known between the parties (Borisoff, Victor, 1998).

In working with the other party, there have been a couple of projects that we have worked

together on and discussed these opportunities of using mostly AutomationDirect and why. From

experience, by using these products has shown the credibility of the provider and the creditability

of the other party as well. This has been done with positive results, and both parties have been in

agreement. But as soon as something does not operate correctly then it is back to square one. But

this is ninety-nine percent the users fault. There are many online forums that point this out. For

example, “From experience, I can't really say anything bad about AD DL series PLCs as there

are a few pieces of equipment that have them and have needed no maintenance. I've also used

their input terminal modules/relay terminal modules interfaced to an AB plc and have had no

issues. But when you look at AD's prox switches, at least the few that I've looked at, they lack a

thorough data sheet. If all you need is sense distance and current capacity your ok, but if you

need to know repeatability/detection curve, your SOL. This leads me to believe that they may not

be very consistent; ok for limits, not ok for accurate postioning/tracking (Aluminum, 2015).”

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In any event there are negatives and positives to any provider, because nothing is perfect in this


In the final stages of conflict management an analysis must be taken into consideration. If this

is not complete then neither party will actually know if they had come to an actual agreement.

With this specific conflict both parties concerns need to be adequately addressed so the final

decisions can be responded to quickly and effectively. Focusing on the concerns and potential

solutions after reviewing one must ask if they are viable or not, and if so are they viable between

the parties (Borisoff, Victor, 1998)? If they are not then the conflict may not be resolved and

stagnation will continue.

How may this Conflict Management approach be applied or used in organizations?

This five step approach in solving conflicts and problem solving is in use for educational

purposes and other applications and has been used by others for a very long time. The approach

to learning needs to be on the forefront in America. According to Joerger, America ought to

acknowledge and use additional measures of student learning and development such as cognitive

or learning style assessments to appropriately temper high-impact status reports. These additional

measures are offering more than one provider’s products to the classroom. With the onset of

America’s aging workforce it would be incumbent upon us leaders and instructors of this nation

to teach an overall view and variety of information that we can make for the students of today

and the manufacturing leaders of tomorrow. Of concern to America’s employers, educators, and

policy-makers is the culturally diverse and aging workforce that is comprised of males and

females that are preparing for and entering the dynamic traditional and non-traditional career

Paths (Joerger, 1992). The culture can be assessed through the attitude of the organization and

the employees being trained. The workforce of today needs to be educated with effectiveness and

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efficiency. Claxton & Murrell (1987) stated, "Teaching and learning practices in higher

education urgently need improvement - witness the recommendations of several commissions on

higher education and the difficulties faculty face with the diverse preparation of today’s

students." (p iii) (Joerger, 1992). This improvement will need to be with the newer technological

companies that will support the need for the newest technology and be customer-friendly as well.

Allen Bradley does not do that, they insist on making the programming complicated and in turn

will force the user and the student to spend more time and effort on application. During a panel

discussion with industry leaders from InTech magazine, Plant Engineering magazine, and

AutomationDirect, concerned students said, “They were worried manufacturing moving out of

the U.S. lessened their job opportunities.” Yet, manufacturers are still demanding skilled

professionals, said panelists Bob Vavra, editor of Plant Engineering magazine; Gregory Hale,

editor of ISA's InTech magazine; and Chip McDaniel, director of technical marketing for

AutomationDirect. Manufacturing executives said they cannot find enough young qualified

people, Vavra said. Hale said he talks regularly to executives who say their biggest challenge is

how to find qualified engineers and technicians. McDaniel, whose company sponsors elementary

and high school robotic competitions, agreed (Strothman, 2008).

American schools do not sufficiently prepare students with the updated vocational skills and

higher order knowledge skills required to compete in the global economy (Standridge, 2010).

The workforce of today cannot simply spend more time on learning a specific brand, when other

brands of technology are available to learn quicker and better. The entire community workforce

cannot be dictated by a standalone party of what they think the students need to learn, the

learning process must be a consortium.

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What are the positive outcomes/benefits of using this Conflict Management approach?

First the conflict will hopefully be solved and the relationship between the parties will have

solidified the partnership even more than before. There is a testament to this, in recent days the

parties were discussing the opportunities even further expanding their own vision for the

department. The one benefit of this approach is that diversity of solutions of the conflict arises

even when we are not thinking about it. The end result is that the relationship does become

hardened and trust begins to set in for the long-term and the willingness to learn the other

products has become more prevalent. Secondly, the best part about this relationship between

AutomationDirect (AD) and the college is we are receiving donations from AD that will enhance

the learning process for the students. For example, they are donating thousands of dollars’ worth

of equipment to the college; all we have to do is to teach their equipment. This is a positive

benefit for all parties involved. In contrast with Allen Bradley they will donate nothing to the

school, the equipment has to be purchased and requisitioned from a supplier which always raises

the prices for the college. It really does not make any sense to purchase any product from Allen

Bradley. The conflict boils down to one party does not want to change and is afraid of change.

Once the choice conflict has been resolved, the next conflict will be to make an assessment of

changing the attitude of the other party so they will want to change or be a change advocate.

Their leadership style will also have to change. In most cases this will require a visionary

leadership style to be adopted.

Is there agreement on how/why this conflict approach is valuable?

The short answer is yes. It is a valuable learning experience for the parties involved, because

it made us see the entire experience in the first place. In addition, it is important to know that

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there are many preferences to learning and not everyone learns the same way. For example, men

and women learn differently, and we are talking about students. Teachers can choose

to implement teaching styles that is relevant, rigorous, meaningful, and engaging to match

learning styles of both genders (Standridge, 2010). Some may have experience and some may

not. Most classrooms have a wide variety of backgrounds, work ethics, and culture. By knowing

these intricate effects of the people content in each class is exceptionally invaluable.

By having a clear and open debate with opposite parties is also valuable. The most important

variable is constructive conflict: the climate of open debate, the honest and frank exchange of

ideas,” says Danneels (Yu, 2008). Conflict is good in an environment that sustains education. For

example, the tensions and conflict that result from concrete group experiences promotes

reflection that creates knowledge that leads to learning and subsequent changed behaviors.

These changed behaviors, hopefully, allow the individuals to better adapt to their environments

(Joerger, 1992).

Do researchers agree on its positive impact?

There are many conflicts that result in negative results, but what about conflict that is

managed and looked at in a positive manner. Conflict management is about managing the

situation and approaching it with a style that is consistent with that specific occurrence. Not

every difference need to be so eviscerating. Rather than accepting and perpetuating the negative

stereotypes that surround conflict, it is important for individuals to recognize its positive aspects

(Borisoff, Victor, 1998).The way in which the conflicts among the modes, or abilities, of

adaptation get resolved determine the level of learning results. A single dominant mode of

learning will emerge if that mode of adaptation is consistently expressed in various learning

situations. Consider, for example, the way scientists often approach most problems to illustrate

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this point. Typically, they abstractly conceptualize and reflect upon the problem as presented or

formulated. The relatively consistent way an individual adapts to exchanges between the person

and the environment is referred to as learning style. They must be able to involve themselves

fully, openly, and without biases in new experiences (CE); they must be able to observe and

reflect on these ideas from many perspectives (RO); they must be able to create concepts that

integrate their observations into logically sound theories (AC); and they must be able to use these

theories to make decisions and solve problems (AE) (Joerger, 1992). There is bias if one party

favors the other just because that is their way of thinking and that is what they know and not

willing to learn the new experiences. In any event, researchers do believe and have confirmed

through their own study that there is a positive impact in conflict management. The prospect of

change can be compelling and a highly motivating force. It is difficult, however, for people to

achieve the changes required for managing differences without damaging relationships (Borisoff,

Victor, 1998).

Are there any downfalls to this five step Conflict management approach?

People are people, and we are not perfect. The one pitfall that may occur is the manipulation

of the five step approach. For example, someone may pose a threat of sanctions to control or to

manipulate the behavior of others. This will only provide a conduit for a win-lose situation. For

example, if one brand of training is taught and not the other a component of the relationship will

be dominate over the other, thus creating more conflict. This is not the resolve. To ensure that

each party in a conflict is able to voice their own concerns and ideas, individuals need to

encourage, respect, and confirm the other party as well as to accommodate fairly (Borisoff,

Victor, 1998).

Trends in Conflict Management leadership

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Technology as we know it on a daily basis changes as time moves forward, and so does the

technology of conflict management. In the practice of dispute resolution, an evolution is coming.

Some might even say it is a revolution. The field has moved well beyond the settlement of

individual disputes to a growing phenomenon called the “integrated conflict management

system,” which represents a comprehensive, systems approach to the prevention, management,

and resolution of conflict; the integrated conflict management system, which includes all of the

dispute resolutions available and goes significantly further in its approach to conflict and its

management. A comprehensive approach to conflict is changing the philosophy, and in many

cases the terminology, of organizational life. Economic and demographic trends are causing

many organizations to introduce interest-based approaches to resolve individual disputes. With

this approach, the organizations are treating the symptoms and not the cause of organizational

conflict (Lynch, 2001).


This specific conflict has been resolved and both parties are reaping the benefits of having

gone through this unique experience. The real winners are the students who will enjoy the

effective and efficient training of the newer technology available. It is through this five step

approach that led to the resolve that educated the educator. Going through this new experience

has enlightened the faculty and will be on the lookout for the new trends in the upcoming year.

Conflicts need to addressed and resolved quickly, but with accuracy. It is through this approach

that will define the end result and prove that stagnation has ended with the parties involved.

Students will be prepared for the workforce as they continue from this college. This experience

will be shared with the students as well.


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Conflict Management: What to do for Workforce Development? 14,. (2015). About AutomationDirect - Who We Are: - Customer Driven Leadership (CDL). Retrieved 26 April 2015, from

Aluminum, J. (2015). Automation direct vs Allen Bradley vs Cheap Chinese parts. Automation direct vs Allen Bradley vs Cheap Chinese parts vs etc. Retrieved from

BBsciencelab,. (2015). Automation - Conveyor belt . Retrieved from

Borisoff, D., & Victor, D. (1998). Conflict management: A communication skills approach (2nd ed.). Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon.

Brosseau, D. (2015). What is a Thought Leader?. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from

Essential Components Catalog. (2015) (1st ed., pp. 1-19). Milwaukee. Retrieved from

Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors. (2015) (1st ed., pp. 1-15). Cumming, Ga. Retrieved from

Lynch, J. F. (2001). Beyond ADR: A systems approach to conflict management. Negotiation Journal, 17(3), 207-216. Retrieved from

Joerger, R. M. (1992). Relationships between the learning styles of students, instructors, and the programs of study of students in a selected minnesota technical college and a selected minnesota community college (Order No. 9306507). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (303987988). Retrieved from

Standridge, G. A. (2010). Learning style preferences of adult students enrolled in career technical education programs (Order No. 3437607). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (820720895). Retrieved from

Strothman, J. (2008). Students hear opportunities knocking. INTECH, 55(11), 63. Retrieved from

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Wren, J. (1995). The leader's companion: Insights on leadership through the ages. New York, NY: Free Press.

Yu, L. (2008). Learning to innovate. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 12-13. Retrieved from

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