

Risk assessment: Re-opening & Tier 4 Category of School during Covid19 (Contingency Framework)

Garfield Primary School Assessment carried out by: HT/Senior Team Date: 01/02/2021 Version: 14

Additions to previous Risk Assessment (RA) are in RED

*Updated by HT & shared with staff & governors on 02/02/2021. Staff are welcome to give HT feedback & suggest additions. On website for parents 03/02/2021

What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


There has been a significant increase in Covid rates (and new variant of Covid). Some areas including Enfield (where Garfield is situated) are currently in Tier 4

Pupils & Staff

Risk of contracting Covid

Risk of being asymptomatic & having Covid & being in work (risk of spreading virus)

Government has introduced voluntary twice weekly Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests for all staff in Primary schools (Test arrived 26/1/21)

Headteacher (Covid Co-ordinator) will ensure information is given to all staff so they can make an informed choice (Booklet, Govnmt produced materials/video & frequently asked questions)

Staff who opt in will test on Monday & Thursday evenings (start date 1/2/21)

HT & DHT will provide training for all staff in how to do the tests

Action plan of implementation created

Any staff who test positive (or twice void) will report to Covid Co-ordinator in a specific Covid email address. Senior team will then contact them to go through support and Track & Trace

Any staff member with a positive LFD result will be asked to self-isolate & take a PCR test

The school will liaise with PHE & will advise any direct contact staff member to isolate immediately. If a subsequent PCR test is negative the school will advise those isolating to cease isolation.

HT to write to parents to explain about the LFD tests & what actions the school will take if staff member/s positive on LFD test

Please also refer to separate RA for doing LFD tests

HT/DHT 29/1/2021 HT/DHT 29/1/2021 HT 29/01/2021 HT/DHT 01/02/2021


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


There has been a significant increase in Covid rates (and new variant of Covid). Some areas including Enfield (where Garfield is situated) are currently in Tier 4. On 30/12/2020 the govmt directed some schools (incl GPS) to revert to a ‘contingency framework’ where schools open only to vulnerable, SEN (EHCP) & Key worker pupils. The rest of the pupils will learn at home (Remote Learning)

Pupils & Staff

Risk of contracting Covid

Contact staff & parents as soon as Contingency Framework announced

Decision made by HT & Chair of Governors to have remote learning for all on 4/1/2021 In order to prepare an in-school organisational model that maximises safety

Senior team to adapt the agreement and application form for parents (critical workers) applying for a place

It makes clear all the expectations around safety

A deadline will be given (3/1/2021) for application for provision

Senior team will look at final numbers of pupils needing the in-school provision & look at models of organisation & staffing

Minimum no. of staff asked to come into school on 4/1/2021

Senior team will be in contact all staff on 4/1/2021)

In all correspondence it is stressed that in-school provision only for those who qualify/need it – this is crucial & S.Team will ensure provision is limited to only those who meet the criteria (limiting staff needed in sch)

S.Team to look carefully at the number of pupils in each bubble, room location & staffing levels

S Team to consider carefully staff workloads (Remote Learning commitments & in-school teaching)

S.Team chosen organisation model (in phases) & 4 rooms

HT (on 31/12/2020) S.Team 4/1/2021 S.Team 31/12/2020 HT/S.Team S.Team 4/1/2021 S.Team 4/1/2021


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


We need to provide in-school learning (vulnerable – SEN/EHCP - & pupils of critical workers) This must be organised so that pupils & staff are kept as safe as possible

Pupils & Staff

Risk of contracting Covid

New ‘bubbles’ created will be allocated a room and all existing safety measures will continue (see rest of risk assessment & framework for opening in Sept doc)

Bubbles will be taught in school by a small consistent group of teachers & TA’s (wherever possible)

There will always be at least one Senior Team (DSL) on site

There will always be First Aiders on site (including Paediatric)

Where possible, staff will combine working in-school & having time to work at home

Senior team will regularly review the size of the bubbles. If they increase to 15+, either bubbles split (if staffing allows) or additional room allocated to ensure good social distancing/space is maintained

All rooms to be used will be checked that they are clean & resourced

Room will be re-arranged where needed to maximise social distancing

Review of all organisational routines (start/end of day, lunchtimes etc) to continue robust safety measures

All new systems/routines communicated to staff (via email) & to parents via email letter (refer to these new documents)

Senior Team to continue minimising face to face contact within the team

Senior Team to work at home on a rota basis

Member of S Team will lead on organising and sharing weekly rotas

Senior team will resume keeping in contact with their allocated team on a regular basis to check on wellbeing

Full site/cleaning team to be on site daily to maintain the cleaning & care of premises for safety

SBM/Site Team on 4/1/2021 SBM/Site Team & S Team on 4/1/2021 Senior Team HT/Senior team weekly review of bubble sizes

Govmt guidance is changing re: Nursery sch settings in school. As of 5/1/21 schools asked to open nursery to all pupils.

Pupils & Staff

Risk of contracting Covid

Looked at the risks associated with opening the nursery daily to all pupils

Ascertain how many Nursery parents want their child to return and offer phase

Continue to invite pupils who are vulnerable/key worker from Nursery

Nursery open to pupils as of Thursday, 21/01/2021

Review if numbers rise to full capacity

Head HT/AHT Weekly


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Some parents may need extended services (this was not possible in March & June models due to staffing

Pupils & Staff

Risk of contracting Covid

Amend application form to include request for Breakfast Club & After School Club and ascertain demand

Offer both Breakfast Club and After School Club using same, consistent group of staffing

Offer Extended Services (where staffing levels permit)

AHT to contact Extended Services staff

AHT to review & amend as necessary the existing risk assessment for both Breakfast Club & After School Club

Ensure good staffing levels but not ‘over staffed’. Rota staff as necessary

AHT (Extended Services) 4/1/2021

PREPARATION OF THE SITE Has a health and safety check of the building been completed?

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Check documents relating to the premises (Garfield)

check the following are up to date and working order

o Usual premises checks o Water treatments/checks (e.g.

legionella) o Fire alarm testing o hot and cold water systems o gas safety o fire safety o kitchen equipment o Specialist equipment used by

pupils (e.g. form access/mobility/changing)

o security including access control and intruder alarm systems

o ventilation o Repairs o Grass cutting

Carry out a formal / recorded full pre-opening premises inspection.

Review evacuation routes and signage

Our updated risk assessment will be sent to LA for monitoring purposes

Regular update meetings Site team and line manager (SBM)

SBM keep HT informed Further premises work carried out in summer holidays

Site team SBM 02/06/2020 (All) & again 4/9/2020 HT 4/1/2021 Checked by HT/SBM Risk assessment checked by LA Site team Contractors in when needed


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


PREPARATION OF THE SITE Has a health and safety check of the building been completed?

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

o Portable Appliance Testing o Fridges and freezers o Boiler/ heating servicing o Internet services o Any other statutory

inspections o Insurance covers reopening


Continue to cordon off any outdoor equipment or areas not in use

All air conditioning in the building not being used – update – following new information from LA Safety Team, air conditioning in our ICT Suite is now deemed safe (as of 16/9/2020) and is now switched back on.

Check outdoor areas to be used are safe including shaded areas

We will check (as always) that school is safe Daily morning checks are held before school starts. Daily senior team briefing meeting before school starts to check any H and S issues

HT/Completed Will continue checks for Sept Site Team/SBM SBM 4/6/2020 4/9/2020 Site Team 4/6/2020 Site Team Site Team 4/9/2020

Increased risk of infection and complications for vulnerable workers: Staff who have higher risk factors to Covid-19 Such as:

Who - Staff with protected characteristics


Emerging evidence suggests that alongside underlying health conditions,

Individual risk assessment for all staff already completed before June reopening Enfield risk assessment used which has a helpful scoring system to assess different risks for each staff member. All staff will be reminded to see ST member if need to amend/review their current risk assessment

All senior team given guidance and training to carry out initial individual risk assessments

HT has read all RA’s and followed up where appropriate.

Staff will be asked to alert senior team if any changes or additions needed to their original risk assessment. Link Senior will then meet with staff member

Senior team June 2020 HT – Jan 2021 & email sent 4/1/2021 HT/Senior team 3/4/9/2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Shielding staff

Clinically vulnerable (over 70 or underlying health conditions)



Carer for a vulnerable person

Men over 40) Use of the building by staff with disability, & new mothers

there are key demographic factors that can affect people’s vulnerability or is a ‘risk factor’ in relation to COVID-19. Such as:

Older people, Men (from 40 and over), and people from Black and Asian and Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) and a combination of these factors.

The causes of these increased risk factors are not yet fully understood, and further

Senior team clear that these staff will need to be individually risk assessed and that they need to be reassured their risks acknowledged and all measures possible put in place to minimise risk to this group of staff.

and amend accordingly and share with HT.

In addition, school has referred to and shared with all staff, the advice given by BAMEed (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Educators). HT has shared this with all staff. HT to meet with any pregnant staff as soon as it is known. We will use the recently updated (Dec 2021) ‘ New and Expectant Mothers Risk Assessment’

(Inset day training ) HT June 2020 HT (as needed)


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


research is taking place.

Increased risk of infection and complications for vulnerable pupils (with specific medical needs/ conditions)

Pupils with medical needs/ conditions

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Any pupils attending Jan 2021 in-school provision will have application form & medical needs planned for

School has clear register of all known medical needs of pupils in school

Inclusion Leader (AHT) and Welfare Officer meet regularly to discuss and review needs of pupils and provision

Where needed , individual risk assessments are written for pupils

Parents will be reminded to keep school informed of any medical needs/conditions/ allergies and to keep this up to date

Office Manager will send out new emergency forms to be completed and returned electronically (where possible)

HT 4/9/2020 Office Manager Sept 2020


contact with

individuals who

are unwell and




System of

control 1

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Letters to parents informing them not to attend school if their child or someone in their household have coronavirus symptoms

Reinforce the message on school website, newsletters etc.

Communicate to staff through briefings, updates, CPD training not to attend if they have symptoms

Parents to sign home school agreement

Updated and shared our current guide ‘What to do if symptoms’ table of guidance changes

HT/AHT (Parent Partnership) July 2020 Continue in Sept as necessary


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 1

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Clear guidelines and separate risk assessments done for welfare procedures to maximise safety. This includes x 2 welfare rooms (one for isolating for anyone showing symptoms of Covid19) PPE for welfare office and additional 1st Aider in room to support.

Regularly review welfare procedure AHT/HT All completed for June opening Review ongoing in Sept

Restrictions on


System of

control 1&6

(* 2 – New


guidance on

face coverings

as of 28/8/2020)

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Parents will be able to enter school grounds but not building (unless exceptional circumstances)

Parents to have access to staff through email or by contacting the school office

Where possible meetings with parents should be held outside and not in the school building (most via phone, email & virtual)

Promoted social distancing though posters on the school site

Have clear entry and exit arrangement for pupil and parents entering the school site

Review restriction on site arrangements for end of day collection in September

Explained on website, parent booklet & video

Where there are any meetings between staff & visitors/parents, all will be advised to wear a face mask as it may not be possible to socially distance.

Any visitor to school will now be asked to fill in form to provide contact details (for Test and Trace purposes)

Office Manager/SBM to create new Visitors folder and template sheet

Evaluate how beginning & end of day routines work. If social distancing difficult/congestion, HT will request parents/staff to wear face coverings at beg. & end of day

As of 14/9/2020 the school introduced compulsory (unless exempt) wearing of face coverings at the beginning & end of

Headteacher/ Senior Team Sept 2020 Office Manager/SBM 4/9/2020 HT Sept 2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Restrictions on


System of

control 1&6

day. This applies to both parents/carers & staff

As of 21/9/2020 – Update: To reduce congestion at the beginning of day (on Springfield Rd entrance) HT changed the drop-off point for Years 3/4 to Upper Park Road

Visits and


System of

Control 5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

All visits outside of school have been postponed until further notice.

There will be no visitors coming into school until further notice.

Check about swimming – not till May 2021

Changes – staff will be informed AHT (Educational Visits) Sept and ongoing


Contractors on


System of

control 6/8

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

All contractors on site are asked to sanitise their hands before entering the building

Site manager to accompany contractors on site to ensure they are following protocols

Contractors to be notified in advance not to attend the premises if they have symptoms

Attendance by contractors notified to reception desk in advance

Already created contractor expectation document

Make the contractors aware of the school procedures and supervise at a distant throughout visit. Contractor visits for essential works only.

Ensure any expected contractors visiting put in school electronic diary

Any visitor to school will now be asked to fill in form to provide contact details (for Test and Trace purposes)

Site Staff/HT Review in September - “ “ Office Team / SBM


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?



protection and


System of

control 1&6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Communicating to parents if they or their child has any symptoms linked to COVID-19 they should not attend school

Parents sign an agreement that they will not send their child to school if they have any linked symptoms

Posters on the school gate tells parents/contractors not to enter the school site if they are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus

Continue to review with updated guidance

If parents can’t sign home school agreement, the expectation is that by attending Garfield they will follow our rules

Send out reminder information in Sept

Headteacher/ AHT Parent Partnership July 2020 Headteacher/ AHT Parent Partnership 4/9/20

PPE equipment

System of

control 2,3,4 &7

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Hand sanitisers available for staff and pupils to use

Regular checks made by site staff for the provision of soap and hand towels in toilets and washroom areas

Welfare staff have gloves, aprons and protective visors. Moisture resistant masks are available for use if a child presents with symptoms and 2m distance cannot be maintained

The school have a supply of Milton solution (used in welfare) & antibacterial spray (throughout the sch) to ensure effective cleaning materials are being used

Face coverings to be removed safely and disposed of when entering the school. Non disposable ones stored in a bag and taken home for washing.

Staff trained in use of PPE in Summer term and advice shared electronically.

Refresh PPE training and for any staff returning

Continue to review supplies in school and make sure there is enough in stock

Continue to provide bins at entrances

Parents asked to provide bags for children to keep non disposable masks during the day.

Parents are reminded that if they choose for their child to wear a mask, it is important their child knows how to use/wear it safely. It will not be feasible or safe for staff to be expected to assist with pupils’ masks.

Constantly evaluate where face coverings should be worn (advisory & formal requests)

Welfare and site staff SBM/Site Team All completed for June opening Repeat review & check 4/9/2020 HT/Senior team Regular updates and reviews as needed HT/Senior team Regular updates and


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


PPE equipment

System of


2,3,4 & 7

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19

(Neither staff or pupils are requested or advised to wear masks but can do if they choose)

Any changing of a nappy should be done with PPE, changing the child from the side in a ventilated room. Hands and wrists should be thoroughly cleaned afterwards. Two adults need to be present. For older pupils who need to change their own clothes and clean themselves, This will be done in the welfare toilet which will then need to be cleaned immediately afterwards

Pupils given regular opportunities to wash hands and use sanitiser.

Signs up around school to remind people to wash and sanitise hands and not touch their faces

(Update: staff now asked to wear face coverings at the beginning & end of day when parents onsite & during any meetings (letter sent to parents & staff via email)

reviews as needed HT/ Senior Team Sept HT 15/9/2020

Cleaning and


Ensuring good

habits of

hygiene and



resources use

System of

control 3&5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Staff continue to be encouraged to clean after them -equipment/surfaces throughout the school day

Hand sanitisers provided in different areas of the school

Promote washing personal clothes following a day in school

Avoid sharing resources with other members of staff e.g. pens – where necessary wipe or leave for 72 hours

Share all expectations with staff via Return to School framework document & training

Parent Booklet and info on website shared in July and reminders sent Sept before pupils return.




opening 7/9/20


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Cleaning and


System of

control 3 & 5


Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Staff should keep personal resources

(e.g. white board pens etc.) separate

from within the classroom so that

they are not sharing them with

anyone else

Staff should regularly wipe their fob if

they have been using it to make

contact with other surface

Lights should be left on and pupils

told not to use the switches

Windows should be open for


Doors should be propped open

unless kept closed for safety or

security and when no one is in the


Using the outdoors is encouraged

although staff should be mindful of

sun exposure. Parents will be

encouraged to be aware of this too

and provide appropriate protection

(hat and cream)

Staff are advised not to remain in the

room when they are being cleaned at

the end of the day

HT to discuss with SBM/Premises the best ways to organise/rota cleaning of classrooms

SBM will share cleaner allocation and order of rooms cleaned

School purchased 3 steam cleaners (July 2020). This will further enhance the quality of deep cleaning that can be done at Garfield.

* If any staff absences within cleaning team, a contingency is already planned for. This may include re-allocation of duties (where staff available MSA/cleaner) & monitoring checks done by site team (when pupils not using a room/facilities)


Premises Team

(Before Sept)




What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 3,5,6 Use of Office Space/ photocopying

Risk of contamination / spread of Covid19

No sharing of pens, social distancing

Touching copier – wipe down after use

Staff wiping the outer surfaces of delivery boxes before handling/relocating/sorting the delivery

Wash hands after handling deliveries/packaging

For all rooms, number of staff limited and staff asked NOT to enter rooms unless necessary.

Staff to have own plastic wallet with their essential kit (anti-bac, stationery)

Limit staff entering the office (see above)

Only certain staff to access rooms

Reduce amount of resources and paper

Continue practice created in June 2020

Resources officer Office team Check & review for Sept 4/9/2020

System of control 3,5,6 Use of specific rooms (ie PPA room / staffroom

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Please also refer to “Returning to School Framework” document for details

Some shared rooms out of use until further notice (includes school library /all group rooms)

For all rooms, number of staff limited and staff asked NOT to enter rooms unless necessary.

Staff asked to request access to other rooms as needed.

All rooms internally and externally labelled as appropriate for clarity.

Posters and cleaning equipment in all rooms

See section on staffroom

HT/Senior team Ready for 4/9/2020

System of control 2, 4, 5 Use of ICT Suite

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Blocked longer sessions in ICT suite

Clear desk policy will be robustly applied so as to enable effective cleaning

Keyboards/areas wiped down before new class use the ICT suite

Clear timetabling by DHT to minimise number of classes using per day.

ICT Leader asked to report to HT any concerns immediately.

Cleaning team reminded ICT suite has to be cleaned thoroughly after school.

DHT Sept 2020 and ongoing ICT Leader Sept and ongoing


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 2, 4, 5 Use of ICT Suite

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Enhanced cleaning regime - every night.

Regular handwashing by staff and pupils, or use a sanitiser if not near a wash hand basin.

Anti-Bacterial wipes provided to clean keyboards/desks

Some pupils/staff may choose to wear face covering

SBM/ Site Manager. ICT Leader – Sept & ongoing

Specialist teachers System of control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Blocked longer sessions for each specialist teacher to avoid change of groups in morning /afternoon

Individual staff risk assessments already done and clear line manager structure to raise any concerns

Rooms cleaned/ surfaces wiped before change of group

Clear timetabling by DHT to minimise number of classes working with in one day

SBM/Site Manager to liaise with full time cleaner to ensure rooms cleaned during the day as necessary.

DHT Sept 2020 and ongoing SBM/ Site Manager Sept 2020 and ongoing

Ensure good



System of

control 4

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Class teachers to consistently promote the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ and wash hands approach to their class as part of the daily reminders

Tissues supplies in each area of the school

Lidded bins in each classroom

‘catch it, bin it’ posters to be displayed

Respiratory hygiene to be part of individual pupil risk assessments where appropriate

Avoid touching faces

Pupils to sign home school agreement/ have it explained

Continue and update the PowerPoint made and do initially daily in class at the beginning of day

All staff

Sept 2020

AHT to adapt ongoing PP Sept 2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 5- introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents and bleach

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Detailed cleaning protocol and timetable created by SBM and HT

The availability of soap and hot water in every toilet and any areas used for personal care of pupils e.g. changing/welfare and classrooms. (Already in place every day)

Sanitiser in each classroom

Pupils are allowed to bring in own sanitiser

The location of hand sanitiser stations, for example at the school entrance for pupils and any other person passing into the school, entrance and exit points to the carparks for staff. Replenishment regularly by site team

The location of lidded bins in classrooms and in other key locations around the site for the disposal of tissues and any other potentially infected waste, their double bagging and emptying.

Staff and pupils use paper towels

Ensuring there is a good supply of disposable tissues in each classroom and enough to top up regularly

Disposable gloves available in classrooms with sanitiser, anti bac wipes for each staff

Cleaners all trained. Site team to monitor.

All staff made familiar with expectations

Provided cleaning staff with further training on cleaning

Staff to monitor sensible use of hand sanitiser

All hot air dryers taken out of action from June 2020

* Still need to source lidded bins in classroom so currently emptied if full by F/T cleaner

PowerPoint created in June for each class on hygiene habits (at start of academic year, class teachers to show at start of day, daily)

HT/SBM 2/6/2020 Continues in Sept 2020 SBM to check Health & Safety SBM/Site Manager Meeting held with cleaners already, follow up in half term. Cleaning team (checked by Site Manager) All completed for June 2020 Do re-check 4/9/2020 AHT


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 5 - introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents and bleach

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Check temperature of water – needs to be warm

Posters reminding children about hygiene – handwashing sneezing coughing in all rooms and around the school

Ventilation of rooms,

Clear procedures about keeping objects clean – key boards walkie talkies, telephone

Explain systems in place for cleaning o During the day o End of the day o Toilets o Lunches o Welfare areas o Deep cleaning

Class teachers


protocols &


System of control 5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Cleaning regimes & protocol continued

Additional cleaning by site staff – sink areas, handles, vertical surfaces and commonly touched surfaces

All classes have been given cleaning materials for cleaning surfaces/equipment throughout the school day

Keep surfaces clear for easy cleaning

Sink area to be kept clear at all times

Bins will be regularly emptied

School purchased 3 steam cleaners (July 2020). This will further enhance the quality of deep cleaning that can be done at Garfield. Training in using steam cleaner equipment done in Summer holidays New paper towel dispensers fitted over summer holidays SBM to ensure all rooms have key cleaning equipment

Headteacher Completed already for June opening Reviewed and checked again ready for Sept opening SBM 4/9/2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?



protocols &


System of control 5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Clear desk expectations in all rooms Senior team to do final check of rooms 4/9/2020 Senior Team to do final check of room used for bubbles in Jan 2021 provision

S Team 4/1/2021


System of

control 5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Site team monitor cleaners & update SBM & HT regularly

Mechanisms in place to report areas that have not been cleaned

Cleaning time logs up

Cleaning protocol in place

Full time cleaner has clear schedule of regular cleaning of shared areas

Continue to monitor cleaning protocol when wider opening in Sept All cleaners will attend Staff Inset in Sept( 3 or 4/9/2020) Contingency created if fulltime cleaner is absent- done by SBM

SBM Completed already for June opening Check again 4/9/20 for Sept opening



System of control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

For Jan ‘Contingency Framework’ rooms allocated to continue maximising social distancing

Excess tables removed to allow further spacing

Ensure at least 2m distance from teachers space to pupils desk

Social distancing practices in place (In RA, explained in staff framework & parent booklet)

Small unventilated group rooms not in use & no entry

Staff reminders about safe practices when working with children

Additional staffroom areas set up

Where possible, mark out 2m area for class teacher

Reminders given to staff about how they help pupils with their learning – avoid face to face contact, use the visualiser/ IPAD to display pupils work etc.

Senior team (completed for June) Reminders for Sept 2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?




System of control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Staff asked to avoid the use of small enclosed spaces

Bending down to talk to children face to face discouraged

Limit number of staff in communal areas

Increased number of staffrooms

created with maximum capacity

(when more staff in daily) – Staff

Room, DT Room, Year 3 Classroom


Children should not touch the IWB or

be in the area of the teacher’s desk

which should be cordoned off.

Do not sit face to face, always be

away from the line of fire (their

mouth) – for both children and adults

Do stand to the side or behind a child

where possible

A clear system for entering and

leaving the room should be set up to

ensure social distancing is in place at

all time

Staff should not go into another bubble or offices without permission.

Senior team to do final checks 3/9/2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?




System of control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Risk of cross contamination

Where needed areas have been marked with 2m distance measures for adult to adult contact

Staff lists compiled for class/year grp

Limit visitors & contractors on site

Parents not allowed in school building unless exceptional circumstances

Posters displayed around the site to remind staff & pupils about social distancing

Timetables in place to stagger different times of the day – start, break, lunch & end of day - SLT set up timetables for each class/group –Circulation routes are in place to keep groups apart

Groups encouraged to wait and avoid meeting other groups

Continue with the 2m lining up outside the gates

Continue to review social distancing policy with any new updates from DfE

Continue regular monitoring of distance (as desks can edge forward)

Senior team Headteacher Senior Team (Reg checks Jan owards) SBM/Office (ready for Sept 2020) AHT (Parent Partnership) 4/9/2020 Senior Team Sept 2020

System of Control 6 (minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible)

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Hands should be washed after using stairs as handrails have been touched.

Only one person allowed in the lift at a time. Procedures for a child needing to use lift created.

Parents will be given clear guidelines via parent booklet/video which they should share with their child.

Produce clear guidelines for all staff and pupils and parents with agreed procedures for moving around the school including stairs, corridors, going to and from toilets Beginning and end of the day

Clear signage

Include for pupils single file, one behind the other, no hand holding

Senior team (Booklet created for parents and staff ) This was updated to reflect whole school return


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of Control 6

(minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible)

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Level 4 senior teacher and senior teacher on each floor will check procedures are being followed throughout the day by doing spot checks

There will be clear markings & signage to support the smooth safe movement around the school

Check which children with EHCP may be returning and carry out individual risk assessments including movement around the school (Inclusion lead has done this)

Two metre markers to be set up on corridors, stairs, outside the school, & on areas of the playground where the children may need to line up.

Toilets – Pupils reminded to keep a distance if pupil from another yr grp. Pupils to wait outside the toilet until a place is free. Training for pupils in place to explain routines – PowerPoint to share in class in advance

Handwashing posters in every toilet

Clear posters around school to remind pupils and adults about safe social distancing

Are there any children going to need the lift? How can we do this safely? If needed, an adult will accompany and wear a mask.

Prepare toilets and signage and routines for toilets

Cordon off middle toilet for pupils/staff

Review additional signage (particularly outdoors for parents when dropping off & collecting pupils

Level 4 senior team on each floor will check procedures are being followed throughout the day by doing spot checks (allocate days & specific bubble to support)

Prior to starting Target date 3/9/2020 Review & check again for 1/9/2020 Sept re-opening AHT (Parent Partnership) 4/9/2020 Premises team Senior team do final checks by 4/9/2020 Senior team Sept and ongoing


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?




around the



System of control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Pupils returning to have the following:

Yrs 1- 6, specific table and chair to use that stays the same. In Jan 2021, bubbles will be phase groups due to low numbers attending

Same classroom each day/new classroom layout (differs in Early Years)

Tables in rows – individual spaces

Pack of resources for individual pupil use (will use existing tray/pencil case)

Set playtimes/break times

Staggered start and end of day – (not for Jan 2021 ‘Contingency Framework’ as far fewer pupils)

Level 4 senior team on each floor will check procedures are being followed throughout the day by doing spot checks (allocate days & specific bubble to support)

Headteacher/ Senior team Senior team do final checks by 4/9/2020

Routines, break

and lunchtime


System of control 3,5,6 Routines, break

and lunchtime


System of control 3,5,6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Class timetables in place

Break and lunch time provision – staggered timetables

Clear systems for cleaning in between sittings and allocated area for those pupils who take more time to eat.

For Jan 2021 provision we will ensure each ‘bubble’ has a different designated space outdoor play

For lunchtime (due to low numbers of pupils) Pupils will sit in their new ‘bubbles’ on specific tables. Bubbles will not mix at play or at lunchtime

See lunchtime Guidelines in staff framework and Parent Booklet (staggered lunch)

Year groups having playtime/lunchtime in designated zone

Enfield Catering has provided own Risk Assessment. HT/DHT will check & adapt as needed

All of Senior Team will be on lunch duty at first to evaluate systems

DHT AHT (all organised and shared July 2020)


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Pupils toilets

System of control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Number of pupils going to the toilet are limited to 4 at a time. Waiting areas outside the toilets at 2 m intervals – staff to regularly monitor this

Allotted times for year groups to use the toilet linked to break times

Pupils encouraged to use toilets before going out to play/lunch

Full-time cleaner will do regular checks of toilets throughout the day Pupils will have access to use the nearest toilet when they need it.

Senior Team Sept 2020


System of control 3,4,5,6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Surfaces to remain clear for cleaning

Desks to be set in rows and spaced out where possible

No carpet spaces to be used in classes

Each pupil to have a tray with resources, books

Regularly tidy trays and remove any unnecessary items

Prop doors open where it is safe to do so (not fire doors)

Classes set up by Friday 17 July

End of year arrangements/rotas of organisation led by DH

Pupils will be allowed to bring individual bottles of hand sanitiser to school

Staff asked to vacate rooms whilst cleaning being done

Deputy Head Senior team do final checks by 4/9/2020



System of

control 5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Breakfast (B/C) & After School Club (ASC) only – no other provision

B/C & ASC will continue in Jan 2021 during the emergency care provision model

Cancel other clubs for Autumn

No drop-ins until further notice

Will consider drop ins for existing BC/ASC members later

Check staff availability

Risk Assessment written for B/C & ASC

Continue to reads latest guidance

AHT (Ext Services) “ “ “ “ By 3/9/2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Drop off and

pick up


System of

control 6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

For Jan 2021 provision we will have staggered start time (8.30am Nursery/8.50am rest of phases. End of day 3.15pm) but use both entrances (Upper Park Road & Springfield Rd). We will continue the social distancing as before

Gate protocols to minimise adult to adult contact

Continue different entrance and exit points

Ask that one parent can accompany their child to school

Communicated to parent’s routines for dropping and collecting their child at school

2 metre markers used for parents to queue into school marked up last term

Staggered times including drop off and pick up points agreed

Continue to review these and make alterations where needed

Additional home school agreement with parents already sent out and updated booklet – must arrive and pick up pupils on allotted times, agree to the following

Duties and procedures for beginning and end of the day to be shared with staff via framework document

Review in Sept to see how systems are working in practice

Headteacher & Senior Team Sept 2020 Headteacher & Senior Team Sept 2020

System of control 2* & 5 Use of staffrooms/ lockers and shared areas

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Cross contamination from sharing space / areas

Shared cooking areas e.g. kettle, toaster, microwave to be used then hands washed

Cleaning tables

Seating distance


Regulating use of locker rooms:

Access to lockers on one in & out basis.

Stagger lunches

Staff keep good distance

Re-organise main staffroom

Created other areas where staff can eat/ drink – need to alter location of one additional staff room (i.e. not Sapphire)

Ensure chairs stacked & surface wiped ready for next sitting

09/06/2020, opening on 15/06/2020 HT/DHT by 14/7/2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 2* & 5 Use of staffrooms/ lockers and shared areas

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Cross contamination from sharing space / areas

Encouraging storage of personal items & clothing in personal lockers during shifts.

Staff to be told not to share the lockers. Inform senior team if issue with staff storage

Other staffroom areas created (3, DT room, main room & one more (Marigold from Sept) maximum capacity poster in each room)

All offices will be restricted to staff who work directly in there only. Limit meetings. (This includes General office, Senior Team offices, Site Team, SBM/PA office)

Shared areas have maximum capacity (i.e. PPA room/ reprographics room)

Review PPA rooms & how used. As of Dec 2020, an additional PPA room set up in Tiger Classroom

* 2 (new guidance out 28/8/2020 re face masks. Staff are advised that if they believe there is an area/situation where they cannot socially distance with another adult, they should wear face mask. (This is advice and currently the choice of each staff member). This may change & will be closely monitored by HT

Senior Team Ready by 12/6/2020 Continue procedures in Sept Senior team do checks Before Sept start HT to ensure all staff have read Risk Assessment before 7/9/2020

System of control 5, 1 Visitors on Site

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19

Visitors to inside school building strictly limited

Contractors to be notified in advance not to attend the premises if they have symptoms

Attendance by contractors notified to reception desk in advance

Contractors to sign in at reception desk and declare they do not have symptoms.

Make the contractors aware of the school procedures and supervise at a distant throughout visit. Contractor visits for essential works only.

Contractors Expectation sheet created

Review in September

Ensure any expected contractors visiting put in school electronic diary

Clear expectations shared via Parent Booklet/ letters / Return to School Framework document for staff.

SBM/Site Team Contractors all notified by 4/6/20 by SBM SBM 05/06/20


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


System of control 5, 1 Visitors on Site

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19

Site manager to ensure area of the work is clear before-hand. Any pupils and staff to leave that area.

Site manager to liaise with and monitor the contractor maintaining social distancing where possible.

Senior team / SBM will review regularly


System of control 5&6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19

(Contractor visits)

PPE equipment available – gloves, aprons and visors

Moisture resistant masks to be used if a child is showing any symptoms compatible with coronavirus

We continue with welfare room and have additional welfare room where pupils who are unwell can be isolated

All welfare staff to have had training/support to think about how they can do their job differently – e.g. children bathing their own cut or graze, not bending down to speak to a child – side to side rather than standing in front

Gloves and aprons have been made available for staff to use if a pupil is vomiting

Poster limiting entry to welfare room

All staff are clear about the actions they should take if a child presents with symptoms compatible with coronavirus

Review of welfare provision to take place at the end of the second week in September

Clear system to dispose of waste from Welfare room (if suspected case)

Check on training provided so far and check for any further training needed (i.e. for staff recently returning to work)

Headteacher/ SBM Welfare staff AHT (Inclusion) 4 Sept 2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?



System of control 5&6

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19

(Contractor visits)

An additional room set up for children to wait in if symptoms are showing.

System of control 7- where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Where there is a risk of airborne contamination, because social distancing cannot easily be adhered to, particularly where staff are at risk from spitting or biting and where pupils are unable to catch or control coughs and sneezes, the joint unions believe that PPE must be provided and training given on its use and disposal. Will this happen? Yes

PPE will be available for emergency situations, for example when a pupil develops symptoms during the school day and is awaiting collection?

Welfare Officer(s) provided with PPE

Emergency PPE kits sourced & available

Staff reminded they can wear masks during the day (all already provided with one)

Staff teaching in new bubbles (as of Jan) can wear a visor if they must and request one from SBM

Training and guidelines on use of PPE for staff will be available (Videos and posters sourced)

As a school we have decided we are happy to provide PPE (masks/ visors) for any staff who want it

Have sets of emergency PPE: masks/ plastic aprons / gloves available

School has already provided PPE (& appropriate training 10/11 June). PPE equipment (sanitiser, gloves, mask/visor, apron). Staff (who want them) all provided with masks. Training in use of masks/mask protocol given

Senior team Prior to starting (by 3/6/2020) Refresher on Inset days in Sept -3&4/9/2020 S.Team / SBM 11/6/2020 Refresher on Inset days in Sept -3&4/9/2020 SBM Jan 2021


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?



Years (EY)

System of

control 6

Also 3,4,5

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Continue to promote outdoor learning

Early Years plan created

Individual trays created for resources

Clear process of cleaning shared resources

Toilets cleaned regularly

Ensure all staff aware of routines (Inset Days)

EY Team

Cleaners AHT (Early Years Leader) 3&4/9/2020

Response to any


System of

control 8,9,10

Pupils and staff.

Risk of contracting Covid19.

Ensure parents and staff understand that if they have any symptoms linked to coronavirus they will need to be ready and willing to book a test and must not come to school

Parent and staff guidance on booking a test shared

Record of staff working in each class/year group for contact tracing

Parents and pupils sign / agree home school agreement

Parent booklet updated & shared

School created a chart of what we will do for each situation of suspected/confirmed case for staff/pupils/parents (in Parent booklet & Framework). This has been shared with both staff and parents.

Where there is a CONFIRMED case of Covid19, the school will alert Public Health immediately for advice and next steps. We will also inform our LA

Follow actions to take from health protection team when requested and inform parents of any confirmed case and what next steps are. Address:

Public Health England Ground Floor, South Wing Fleetbank House, 2-6 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8AE

AHT (Parent Partnership) July- Sept 2020

HT/ DHT (in her absence) Contact PHE- London Coronavirus Response Cell (LCRC)


[email protected]; [email protected] Telephone020 3837 7084 (option 1) Out of hours advice020 7191 1860


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Managing Pupil Wellbeing and Mental Health

Pupils We are aware that the pandemic may affect pupils in terms of their mental health and wellbeing

All teachers & support staff expected to keep in regular contact with pupils if they are not attending in-school provision

All staff made aware via Staff Inset in Sept 20 that some of our returning pupils may be anxious, experienced trauma/ attachment issues.

P2B – Available on Tues and Wednesday – this needs to have further consideration about how children could access this safely (P2Be Risk Assessment created)

Learning Mentors Available– this will initially be seeing pupils on 1:1

Add further support/materials linked to wellbeing on website

Training refresher done in Sept

Parents asked to contact school to discuss any concerns they have in order to work together

AHT (Inclusion) to liaise with P2Be Manager

Support materials for pupils on website (done) & more through curriculum work on return in Sept

Clear “Recovery Curriculum“ created and shared with staff with many resources available (AHT Curriculum worked on this before maternity leave) The focus initially on return will be to reassure and welcome pupils back and to give time to reintegrate back into school life.

AHT/B.Mentors 8/1/2021 AHT Sept 2020 Senior Team Headteacher and senior team Sept and ongoing

Managing Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health

Staff We are aware that the pandemic may affect staff in terms of their mental health and wellbeing

Senior Team will resume their regular ‘check-ins’ with staff

Those staff shielding will have regular ‘check-ins’

Staff will be encouraged to complete (virtual training) the LA Resilience & Wellbeing CPD

Staff wellbeing – support through Link senior and line manager to remain in place.

Senior Team will remind staff of different support materials/services available

All staff had individual risk assessment and this will be reviewed where needed

Inset day focus (3/4/9/2020) on staff wellbeing and what systems and support are in place

Government recently launched £8 million funded programme called

HT/S.Team 8/1/2021 Headteacher and senior team Sept and ongoing


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Managing Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health

Staff We are aware that the pandemic may affect staff in terms of their mental health and wellbeing

Also P2think available for staff

External service available to support staff already shared with staff

Senior team will continue look at workload on a regular basis

Staff signposted to other agencies that support mental health

Wellbeing for Education Return Programme.

Our LA have created on line courses linked to this funding programme– more details to follow

Education support partnership which is a free service for all Education staff – their number is 0800562561 and their web-site address is

Teachers working from home and pupils using DSE equipment.

Staff working from home and pupils studying from home. Musculoskeletal disorders as a result of using DSE at home for a long period of time

For Schools with access to Schools Health & Safety Team Service, refer to the Schools Hub advice sheets; “DSE Self-Assessment – COVID-19 – Sheet No. 4 and Working from Home for Schools – COVID-19 CBT Advice Sheet”. Follow guidance on display screen equipment in the HSE Protect homeworkers page HSE - Protect home workers - Coronavirus (COVID-19) There is no increased risk for people working at home temporarily but if this arrangement becomes long term the risks should be assessed - For all people working at home using display screen equipment (DSE) put in place information and training on how to

Further information on how to set up a workstation for short duration home working and also what to do for long term home working can be found on HSE’s HSE - Protect home workers - Coronavirus (COVID-19) It is important to consider breaks from this work. 5 minutes every hour is better than 15 minutes every 2 hours. Consideration to how this can be scheduled in could include actual separate breaks or in lesson time outs. HT emailed all staff re: Advice re: Working at Home. Staff advised to raise any immediate/urgent concerns to text line manager. SBM to email all staff using computer at home with DSE Assessment & advice sheet. Deadline for completion 5 Feb

HT 22/01/2021 SBM 25/01/2021


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Teachers working from home and pupils using DSE equipment.

Staff working from home and pupils studying from home. Musculoskeletal disorders as a result of using DSE at home for a long period of time

protect themselves, e.g. take regular breaks, stretching exercises, set the equipment up properly - For people working at home longer term complete a DSE assessment with them and identify what equipment is needed to allow them to work safely at home

- Schedule or build in breaks of minimum of 5 minutes every hour for pupils studying.

Link Seniors to remind staff of need for breaks for pupils. Discuss in SLT 3/2/2021

Senior team 2-3/2/2021

Ensuring there is a clear plan for remote Learning if needed

Some pupils may need to isolate and not attend school for a period of time. This could be for several reasons including a family member isolating/ in quarantine after being abroad, come into contact with someone who has confirmed Covid19.

Remote Learning policy now in place (ratified in Aut 20 by governors)

Clear systems & expectation around remote learning shared with parents & specific section on website

Teachers complete a 2 week remote learning timetable and paper pack. Email 1/2 term

Paper packs/ resources created and stored online (with some printed and ready for speed)

Teacher prepared a 2 week timetable for Spring 1 2021 (before Christmas holidays)

ICT leader will ensure all classes are more familiar with the ICT learning platforms used

ICT Leader has prepared and share support materials to help parents understand and use Google Classroom/ Purple Mash etc. via in-school teaching

Office Manager to adapt emergency form to include questions about how to access to internet and equipment

DHT to liaise with LA in schemes for access to ICT equipment for pupils who need them

C.Teacher (checked by AHT Curric) 18/12/2020 HT/ICT Leader 30/9/2020 & continue where needed ICT Leader- Sept and ongoing Office Manager Sept 2020


What is the issue and hazards?

Who is at risk and how could they be harmed

What are we going to do to control the risks?

What further action do we need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action & when?


Ensuring there is a clear plan for remote Learning if needed

If there is an outbreak and school is asked to close, schools need to still provide a high quality education

AHT (Parent Partnership) to ensure clear and timely communication with parents if remote learning has to take place

AHT Sept 2020

Ensure there is a clear emergency plan if the school has to close at short notice

Pupils need to continue to have a high quality education

Emergency Plan written & shared with staff/governors

Clear systems of communicating quickly with staff & parents

Remote learning all in place and procedures shared on website

Head/Governors/S.Team will attend LA training (booked in)

Key staff have training in sending staff texts & parent emails via ScholarPack

Purchased webcams for teachers to improve developing remote learning (some may need to move webcams to home)

HT/Chair/DHT Sept 2020 Completed Aut Term 2020

Ensure that the school has enough staff/ key staff/key number of staff present to run the school safely

Risk of staff being unwell (not necessarily Covid19 related) which could affect Health & Safety/ Supervision levels

Systems already in place to minimise large number of staff meeting together

Senior team are minimising times they all meet together (do via phone/electronic or in agreed pairs)

Clear systems in place if staff need cover

Where necessary supply staff will be booked

Clear succession plan in place if HT/DHT/AHT absent

Clear plan if one of site team absent

Site Manager to ensure clear guidance on key jobs written & share & explain to HT/SBM

Senior team review daily, staffing levels & needs of school

HT/Senior team to look at what the minimum staffing levels need to be in order to maintain good Health & Safety

Links in with Emergency Planning work

HT Sept 2020 Site Manager Sept 2020 HT/Senior Team Sept 2020



HSE - Making your workplace COVID secure

Government guidance:

GOV.UK - Guidance NHS Test and Trace how it works last updated 11/1/21

GOV.UK - Stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus

(COVID-19) infection Last updated 18 December 2020

GOV.UK - Guidance on coronavirus testing (who is eligible for a test and how

to get tested) Last updated 6 January 2021

GOV.UK - Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care

settings (including the use of personal protective equipment PPE)

Last updated 14 December 2020

GOV.UK - Safe working in education, childcare and children's social care

Last updated 14 December 2020

GOV.UK Guidance for Schools Coronavirus - COVID19

Last updated 18 December 2020

GOV.UK - Guidance - COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings

outside the home

Last updated 16 October 2020

HSE - Handwashing-using hand sanitiser - Coronavirus

Next review due: 29 January 2021

GOV.UK - Contacts: Public Health England (PHE) Teams

Last updated 19 November 2020

NHS Testing and Tracing for Coronavirus


Last updated 5 January 2021

GOV.UK - Guidance on Shielding and Protecting People who are

Clinically Extremely Vulnerable from COVID-19

Last updated Updated 7 January 2021

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - Guidance on Clinically

Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People

Last modified 21 December 2020


Last updated 6 January 2021


GOV.UK - (Press Release) Extra mental health support for pupils and teachers

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19): how to self-isolate when you travel to

the UK

Last updated 24 December 2020

GOV.UK - Guidance for food businesses on Coronvarius (COVID-19)

Last updated 6 January 2021

HSE - Legionella risks during the Coronavirus pandemic

CIBSE (Chartered Institution Building Services Engineers) Coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, COVID-19 and HVAC Systems

HSE - Air Conditioning and Ventilation during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Last reviewed 3 December 2020

GOV.UK - Health & Safety on Educational Visits

Published 26 November 2018

GOV.UK - Protective Measures for Holiday/After-School Clubs and Other

Out of School Settings

Updated 8 January 2021

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance on phased return of sport and


Last updated 21 December 2020

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings GOV.UK - What parents/carers need to know about early years providers schools and colleges COVID-19

Last updated 8 January 2021 Nursing Times - Paper Towels (much more effective) at removing viruses than hand dryers

Last updated 5 January 2021

HSE - Using PPE at work during the Coronavirus pandemic HSE - Respiratory Protective Equipment PPE - Fit Testing Basics HSE - Protect home workers - Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Note: Update: As of 30/12/2020, some primary schools (including Garfield) directed by the government to close. This is due to being in Tier 4 area where rates of Covid19 are high. As of 4/1/2021, Garfield running in-school provision for pupils who are deemed vulnerable/SEN – EHCP & those where parents need provision as a critical worker.

Note: System of controls (From Guidance for full opening – schools Note there were new changes made on 28/8/2020) This is the set of actions schools must take. They are grouped into ‘prevention’ and ‘response to any infection’ and are outlined in more detail in the sections below. Prevention:

System of control 1- minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in

their household who does, do not attend school

System of Control 2 * (new as of 28/8/2020) – Where recommended, use of face coverings in schools (advising but not compulsory at this stage)

System of control 3- clean hands thoroughly more often than usual

System of control 4- ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

System of control 5- introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents and bleach

System of control 6- minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible

System of control 7- where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) Numbers 1, 3, 4 & 5 must be in place in all schools, all the time. Number 2 is an advisory recommendation – for primary it recommends staff wear face coverings if they are not able to socially distance from another adult /visitor Number 6 must be properly considered and schools must put in place measures that suit their particular circumstances. Number 7 applies in specific circumstances. Response to any infection:

System of control 8- engage with the NHS Test and Trace process

System of control 9- manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the school community

System of control 10 contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice Numbers 8 to 10 must be followed in every case where they are relevant.


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