
Review of Parking and Traffic

and Traffic Management within

Doncaster Hill

Q-Paramics Microsimulation


Microsimulation Calibration

and Validation Report

© GTA Consultants (GTA Consultants (VIC) Pty Ltd) 2011 TIA Report – VIC (110415V1.1) The information contained in this document is confidential and intended solely for the use of the client for the purpose for which it has been prepared and no representation is made or is to be implied as being made to any third party. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of GTA Consultants constitutes an infringement of copyright. The intellectual property contained in this document remains the property of GTA Consultants.

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management

within Doncaster Hill

Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model

Client: Manningham City Council

Reference: JM15190

GTA Consultants Office: Melbourne

Quality Record

Issue Date Description Prepared By Checked By Approved By

A 19/07/11 Final MP RD RH

Table of Contents

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 Microsimulation Modelling 1

1.3 Purpose of the Microsimulation Modelling 1

2. Model Specification 2

2.1 Software 2

2.2 Model Extents 2

2.3 Temporal Coverage 3

3. Network Build 5

3.1 Overlay 5

3.2 Configuration 5

3.3 Seed Numbers 5

3.4 Nodes 5

3.5 Links and Categories 5

3.6 Kerbs and Stoplines 5

3.7 Junctions 5

3.8 Nextlane Rules 6

3.9 Lane Choice Rules 6

3.10 Route Choice Rules 6

3.11 Signal Control 6

3.12 Vehicles File 6

3.13 Profile (Demand) 6

3.14 Matrix Estimation 7

3.15 Input Data 7

4. Modelling Details and Assumptions 9

5. Model Stability 10

5.1 Introduction 10

5.2 Seed Run Comparison of all Network Vehicles 10

5.3 Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) 10

5.4 Vehicles Hours Travelled (VHT) 11

6. Calibration and Validation 12

6.1 Calibration and Validation Guidelines 12

6.2 Turning Movements Calibration Results 12

6.3 Travel Time Validation 13

6.4 Queue Lengths 16

7. Conclusion 19

Table of Contents

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Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report


A: Calibration Results

B: Validation Results


Figure 2.1: Model Extents 3

Figure 5.1: Comparison of Seed Runs for Network Vehicles (NV) - AM Peak 10

Figure 5.2: Comparison of Seed Runs for Network Vehicles (NV) - PM Peak 10

Figure 5.3: Vehicles Kilometres Travelled (VKT) - AM Peak 10

Figure 5.4: Vehicles Kilometres Travelled (VKT) - PM Peak 10

Figure 5.5: Vehicles Hours Travelled (VHT) - AM Peak 11

Figure 5.6: Vehicles Hours Travelled (VHT) - PM Peak 11

Figure 6.1: Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road Queue Lengths (AM Peak at 7:49) 17

Figure 6.2: Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road Queue Lengths (PM Peak at 5:01) 18


Table 6.1: Microsimulation Modelling Calibration and Validation Criteria 12

Table 6.2: AM Calibration Summary 13

Table 6.3: PM Calibration Summary 13

Table 6.4: AM Travel Time Summary 14

Table 6.5: PM Travel Time Summary 15

Table 6.6: Queue Observations AM Peak 16

Table 6.7: Queue Observations PM Peak 16


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Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

GTA Consultants (GTA) was commissioned by the Manningham City Council for the development of a Q-

Paramics microsimulation model of Doncaster Hill as part of the “Review of Parking and Traffic Management

within Doncaster Hill” project. As part of the project the existing conditions model was developed with an

aim of representing the existing traffic conditions in the precinct.

The report discusses the calibration and validation of the Q-Paramics model, to confirm its ‘fitness for

purpose’ as a basis for future options testing to be undertaken as part the “Review of Parking and Traffic

Management within Doncaster Hill” project.

1.2 Microsimulation Modelling

Q-Paramics microsimulation modelling is a computer software package that has the ability to individually

model each vehicle, including buses, taxis, trains, trams, etc. within a road network. It enables a realistic

representation of driver behaviour such as overtaking and lane changing and can also illustrate network

performance. Q-Paramics is a particularly useful tool in modelling congested road networks where over-

saturation and resulting vehicle queuing impacts on upstream intersections. It also allows testing of how the

method of control and signal timings can be modified to ensure that more effective congestion management

strategies can be designed and tested.

1.3 Purpose of the Microsimulation Modelling

Microsimulation models are generally prepared in cases where an existing network is already over-saturated

or a proposed scheme is likely to over-saturate the study network. In such cases what is of interest is the

impact of over-saturation on upstream intersections and how their method of control and timing plans be

modified to make sure that effective strategies can be designed and tested.

The model has been calibrated and validated in accordance with the criteria set out in the ‘UK Design Manual

for Roads and Bridges (Vol 12, Section 2, Part 1 – Traffic Appraisal in Urban Areas)’, which is also consistent

with the guidelines set out in the Austroads research report “The use and application of microsimulation

traffic models”.

Model Specification

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 2

2. Model Specification

2.1 Software

The model was built using version 6.7.1 of Q-Paramics. To supplement the Paramics core, the Azalient Lane

Choice, Route Choice, Network Evaluation, Trail Maker and Validator plug-ins were used.

2.2 Model Extents

The extents of the model are located within Doncaster, Melbourne and include Doncaster Road, Williamsons

Road, Tram Road, Elgar Road and Manningham Road.

The model includes the following key intersections:

Doncaster Road / Elgar Road

Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road / Tram Road

Doncaster Road / Doncaster Shopping Centre Entrance (east)

Doncaster Road / Doncaster Shopping Centre Entrance (west)

Williamsons Road / Doncaster Shopping Centre entrance (north)

Williamsons Road / Doncaster Shopping Centre entrance (south)

Williamsons Road / Manningham Road, and

Williamsons Road / George Street.

The Q-Paramics model also includes all local roads within the study area and the model extents are shown in

Figure 2.1.

Model Specification

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 3

Figure 2.1: Model Extents

The model was constructed with the use of aerial photography enabling the physical road geometry, lane

and line-marking, to be matched to the existing layout.

Existing conditions information and traffic volume data was based on comprehensive surveys and site

observations undertaken throughout the study area and supplemented with additional data sourced from

VicRoads, Council and previous studies.

2.3 Temporal Coverage

The base model covers AM and PM peak hour periods augmented by warm up and cool down periods as


6:30am to 7:00am (AM warm up period)

7:00am to 8:00am (first AM peak hour)

8:00am to 9:00am (second AM peak hour)

9:00am to 10:00am (warm down period)

3:30pm to 4:30pm (PM warm up period)

Manningham Road Williamsons Road

Elgar Road

Doncaster Road

Tram Road

Model Specification

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 4

4:30pm to 5:30pm (first PM peak hour)

5:30pm to 6:30pm (second PM peak hour)

6:30pm to 7:00pm (PM cool down period).

A thirty minute warm up period during the AM peak and a one hour warm up period during the PM peak were

considered appropriate to pre-load the network before the peak hours.

Network Build

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Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 5

3. Network Build

3.1 Overlay

A series of smaller scaled aerial photographs were imported in the model and scaled to the base aerial

photograph and checked to ensure all the scales were correct.

3.2 Configuration

The standard RTA configurations file was used for this project.

3.3 Seed Numbers

Traffic conditions vary from day-to-day as a result of random driver behaviour, e.g. speed selection, lane

changing and driver route choice. The microsimulation traffic model attempts to replicate this day-to-day

random variability by basing simulated driver decision on a set of random numbers. This set of random

numbers is generated from an initial “seed” value, which is specified at the start of a microsimulation run. A

single set of random numbers, generated by a single seed value therefore represents one potential result, or

one particular day of traffic operation.

Basing results on a single seed value therefore would have the potential to bias the overall results. The

commonly accepted method to reduce the potential for bias is to run several simulations using a range of

initial seeds and average the results. For the purpose of the analysis, the industry standard configuration file

and standard five seeds were used to generate model outputs for validation to provide a robust base model.

The seed runs utilised in this analysis are 28, 560, 2849, 7771 and 86,524.

3.4 Nodes

Nodes were input into the model at all key intersections and geometric locations. Zone connectors were

coded at model entry points where it is appropriate the vehicles enter the network at speed.

3.5 Links and Categories

Link geometry, lanes and restrictions were coded on the basis of the aerial photograph and site inspections.

Link speeds were coded to sign-posted speed limits and link categories defined using the RTA NSW standard

categories file.

3.6 Kerbs and Stoplines

The aerial photograph overlay was used as the basis for the positioning of kerbs and stoplines. Adjustments

were made to ensure realistic progression of vehicles between links.

3.7 Junctions

There are a number of priority junctions in the network. Priority junctions within the network were coded

using the default Paramics priority – ‘minor’, ‘medium’ and ‘major’ hierarchy. All U-turns in the model were


Network Build

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Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 6

3.8 Nextlane Rules

Nextlanes were applied in various locations throughout the network to achieve appropriate lane changing


3.9 Lane Choice Rules

The lane choice plug-in was used throughout the network as a supplement to the limited functionality of

signposting in the Paramics core. This plugin was predominantly used to better represent lane utilisation

observed during site visits and verified with SCATS counts.

3.10 Route Choice Rules

The route choice plug-in was used to calibrate the model against turning movement counts and to reflect

lane utilisation.

3.11 Signal Control

Signals have been coded with a combination of both fixed time and vehicle actuation:

IDM data obtained from VicRoads on the 19 May 2011 has been used to determine the average

phase and cycle lengths for fixed time plans.

Vehicle actuation has been used to detect bus occupancy and activate bus phases throughout the


3.12 Vehicles File

Characteristics of vehicles have been specified for the model which includes physical parameters such as

length, width, height and weight as well as performance parameters such as maximum speed, acceleration

and deceleration rates. The RTA standard vehicle file adopted for this project included the following vehicle


Private car

Service vehicles (LGV, HGV, B-double)

Buses on fixed routes.

An average percentage of light and heavy vehicles was taken across all surveyed intersections and from

historical traffic data for the precinct to determine the composition of vehicles in the network which are as


Cars – 92%

Service and Heavy Goods Vehicles – 8%

Two separate matrices were then used in the model to reflect these proportions within the model, one for

light vehicles and one for heavy vehicles entering the network.

3.13 Profile (Demand)

Manual turning counts conducted on 26 May 2011 were used to determine the profile of vehicle arrivals on

each major approach entering the network. Each profile was input in 15 minute intervals.

Network Build

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Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 7

3.14 Matrix Estimation

The demand matrices for the analysis periods were developed using the following information and approach:

Representative traffic volumes were developed from manual turning counts and scats data and a

2001 matrix of the model was used as a starting or “prior matrix” at the beginning of the process.

The next step applied Estimator from the Q-Paramics software suite to improve the fit of

assignment against counts at turning movement level.

Once this process had improved the matrix sufficiently, it was then taken back into Q-Paramics

Modeller and a combination of small demand changes and network adjustments were applied to

achieve a better fit. This process used All or Nothing assignment with perturbation.

The heavy vehicle matrix was developed from heavy vehicle counts during the survey period.

3.15 Input Data

Data input into the model was obtained from numerous sources including:

Manual turning counts - AM and PM on Thursday 26 May 2011

Scats data - all day Thursday 26 May 2011

Travel time surveys – AM and PM on Thursday26 May 2011

IDM data 19 May 2011

Historical ount data

Manual Turning Counts

Manual turning surveys were conducted during the AM and PM peak periods on Thursday 26th May 2011 for

the intersections listed below:

Doncaster / Elgar Rd

Doncaster Rd / Williamstown Rd / Tram Rd

Doncaster Rd / Frederick Street

Doncaster Rd / Shopping Centre Entry (East)

Doncaster Rd / Council St

Williamsons Rd / Doncaster Shopping Entry (south)

Williamsons Rd / Doncaster Shopping Entry (north)

Williamsons Rd / Manningham Rd

Williamsons Rd / George St.

Manual turning counts were used for matrix and profile development, traffic composition (percentage heavy

vehicles) as well as calibration of the network.

Scats Data

Scats Data was obtained from VicRoads for all signalised intersections within the network for the week

ending Thursday 26 May 2011 and was used to check lane utilisation and compare the profiles against

manual turning counts.

Travel Time Surveys

Travel time surveys were conducted on Thursday 26 May 2011 and were used in the validation process.

Details of the travel time surveys can be seen in Appendix B.

Network Build

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 8

IDM Data

IDM data was obtained from Vic Roads for all signalised intersections within the network. Data was obtained

from Thursday 19 May 2011 as it was not possible to obtain IDM data for the 26 May 2011 due to the

VicRoads IDM recorder failing to record on the 26 May 2011.


All or Nothing with perturbation was adopted as there are no or little route choice within the model, both

now or expected in future model runs.

Modelling Details and Assumptions

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 9

4. Modelling Details and Assumptions

The following assumptions were made with regard to the development and calibration of the model.

Lane choice rules have been utilised to better represent queue lengths observed for various traffic

movements including:

Williamsons Road/Manningham Road – Right turn on south approach

Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road / Tram Road – Right turn on north approach

Doncaster Road / Elgar Road – Right Turn on south approach.

Route choices were applied to reflect the results of traffic surveys and site observations.

Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) and B-Double vehicles were restricted from travelling on all

residential and local streets.

A number of bus routes currently operate within the study area and were included in the base

model. The locations of all bus stops were input into the models and the arrival and departure

times were based on the current bus time table.

Next lanes have been coded to represent traffic behaviour observed during site visits. An example

of this is for northbound traffic on Williamsons Rd where there is a large shift of traffic to the right

lane as soon as the bus lane ends after the Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road intersection.

Similarly there is a large shift in traffic to the right before the Doncaster / Williamsons Road

intersection for southbound traffic as the queues for the right turn lanes would often extend back

to affect the traffic traveling in the right lane. For this reason vehicles tended to avoid the right

lane until they passed the entry to the right turn pockets. At this point a large number of vehicles

shifted right, as the left lane ends just after the intersection.

Model Stability

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 10

5. Model Stability

5.1 Introduction

A full summary of the link counts and turn counts are provided in Appendix A of this report.

Seed values of 28, 560, 2849, 7771 and 86524 were used to test the stability and sensitivity of the model. The

following graph shows a comparison of the network vehicles within the model for each seed run. Seed Run

Comparison for Network Vehicles (NV)

5.2 Seed Run Comparison of all Network Vehicles

Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show the total number of vehicles currently on the network for the AM and PM peak

periods respectively. A calibrated model is expected to show consistent results for all seed runs with an

increase in traffic volume to the peak period and decline in volume after the peak period.

Figure 5.1: Comparison of Seed Runs for Network

Vehicles (NV) - AM Peak

Figure 5.2: Comparison of Seed Runs for Network

Vehicles (NV) - PM Peak

The following graphs show an acceptable range of sensitivity with similar peaks over the time period

indicating that the model is robust in both the AM and PM Peak periods.

5.3 Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT)

Figures 5.3 and 5.4 show the total vehicle kilometres travelled on the network for both the AM and PM peak

periods. A calibrated model is expected to show a steady increase in traffic from start to finish with little to

no difference between seed runs. A large difference in VKT indicates possible blockages within the network

for a nominated seed run.

Figure 5.3: Vehicles Kilometres Travelled (VKT) - AM


Figure 5.4: Vehicles Kilometres Travelled (VKT) - PM


Model Stability

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Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 11

The following graphs show an acceptable range of sensitivity with the total VKT for the network consistent

for all seed runs, indicating that the model is robust in both the AM and PM Peak periods.

5.4 Vehicles Hours Travelled (VHT)

Figure 5.5 and 5.6 show the Total VHT for the AM and PM peak periods respectively. A higher range VHT for

one seed run indicates more congestion within the network. A calibrated model is expected to show a steady

increase in traffic from start to finish.

Figure 5.5: Vehicles Hours Travelled (VHT) - AM Peak Figure 5.6: Vehicles Hours Travelled (VHT) - PM Peak

Figure 5.6 indicates that the total VHT varies slightly between seeds during the PM peak period. This

indicates that the seed values produced slightly varied levels of congestion in the network however is

considered to be an acceptable range of sensitivity over the time period indicating that the model is robust in

both the AM and PM Peak periods.

Calibration and Validation

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6. Calibration and Validation

6.1 Calibration and Validation Guidelines

The aim of the microsimulation models is to obtain the best possible match between the model results and

the field measurements. The calibration and validation process was carried out in accordance with the

criteria set out in the ‘UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (Vol 12, Section 2, Part 1 – Traffic Appraisal in

Urban Areas)’, which is also consistent with the Austroads research report “The use and application of

microsimulation traffic models”.

The targets set out in the guidelines are shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Microsimulation Modelling Calibration and Validation Criteria

Criteria and Measurements Calibration Acceptable Targets

Hourly Flows, Modelled Versus Observed

Individual Link Flows

Within 15%, for 700 veh/h < Flow < 2700 veh/h > 85% of cases

Within 100 veh/h, for Flow < 700 veh/h > 85% of cases

Sum of All Link Flows Within 5% of sum of all link counts

GEH Statistic < 5 for Individual Link Flows > 85% of cases

Travel Times, Model Versus Observed

Journey Times Within 15% (or 1 min, if higher) > 85% of cases

Visual Audits

Visually Acceptable Speed-Flow Relationship To analyst’s satisfaction

Visually Acceptable Queuing To analyst’s satisfaction

Source: ‘UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (Vol 12, Section 2, Part 1 – Traffic Appraisal in Urban Areas)’

The hourly flow criteria set out in Table 6.1 were utilised to calibrate the model, whilst queuing and visual

audits were used to validate the model.

6.2 Turning Movements Calibration Results

Tables 6.2 and 6.3 show the results obtained from the comparison of turn flows for both the AM and

PM peak periods in relation to GEH Requirement.

The GEH statistic is a standard measure of the ‘’goodness of fit’’ between observed and modelled flows.

Unlike comparing percentage difference the GEH statistic places more emphasis on larger flows rather than

on small flows.

The GEH statistic is defined as follows:


)( 2



where M and C are the modelled and observed flows respectively.

A smaller GEH value illustrates better fit and the Q-Paramics model of the existing situation will aim for all

GEH values less than 5.

Calibration and Validation

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The GEH statistic is designed to measure one hour flows and as such, it is applied to hourly flows within the

model. A GEH greater than 10 indicates no correlation between the observed and modelled data. A GEH

between 5 and 10 indicates an acceptable match for modelling purposes, and a GEH below 5 indicates a good

correlation. Tables 6.2 and 6.3 summarise the AM and PM calibration results.

Table 6.2: AM Calibration Summary

Criteria UK Design

Manual for Roads

and Bridges

Within 15% for

700 veh/h <

Flow < 2700


Within 100

veh/h, for Flow

< 700 veh/h

GEH less than 5 Sum of all

link flows

Target >85% >85% >85% within 5%

7:00 – 8:00 100% 100% 95% Yes (1%)

8:00 – 9:00 100% 99% 93% Yes (1%)

Total Average 100% 99% 94% Yes (1%)

Table 6.3: PM Calibration Summary

Criteria UK Design

Manual for Roads

and Bridges

Within 15% for

700 veh/h <

Flow < 2700


Within 100

veh/h, for Flow

< 700 veh/h

GEH less than 5 Sum of all

link flows

Target >85% >85% >85% within 5%

4:30 – 5:30 100% 100% 95% Yes (1%)

5:30 – 6:30 100% 99% 96% Yes (0%)

Total Average 100% 99% 95% Yes (1%)

Tables 6.2 and Table 6.3 indicates that the AM and PM models meet the UK Design Manual for Roads and

Bridges (Vol 12, Section 2, Part 1 – Traffic Appraisal in Urban Areas) and GEH turning movement criterion.

Full details of the turn flows comparisons are included in Appendix A.

6.3 Travel Time Validation

Travel times along the route were recorded for each of the AM and PM peak periods and compared with data

extracted from the model. The standard requires that 85% of the Q-Paramics values should be within 15% of

the observed values. For the purpose of the study, three bi-directional routes were analysed:

Route 1 - - Elgar Road to Williamsons Road (between Hanke Road / Elgar Road and Williamsons

Road / George Street).

Route 2 - Tram Road to Manningham Road(between Hanke Road / Tram Road and Manninghma

Road / George Street).

Route 3 - Doncaster Road (between Carawatha Road / Doncaster Road and Whittens Lane /

Doncaster Road).

Tables 6.4 and 6.5 summarise the observed and modelled average travel time for all routes during the AM

and PM peak periods.

Calibration and Validation

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Table 6.4: AM Travel Time Summary








Time (s)

No. of







Level (s)



Level (s)




Time (s)







Route 1

(NB) 223 3 97 113 333 272 -49 -22%

Route 1

(SB) 268 3 112 141 394 218 49 18%

Route 2

(NB) 168 2 33 123 213 165 3 2%

Route 2

(SB) 207 2 79 97 317 214 -7 -3%

Route 3

(EB) 107 6 24 88 126 142 -35 -33%

Route 3

(WB) 126 5 25 104 148 116 10 8%



Route 1

(NB) 258 2 56 180 335 249 8 3%

Route 1

(SB) 369 2 45 307 430 312 56 15%

Route 2

(NB) 204 2 17 180 228 168 36 18%

Route 2

(SB) 225 2 20 198 252 226 -1 0%

Route 3

(EB) 128 6 48 90 166 135 -7 -5%

Route 3

(WB) 108 7 36 81 135 133 -25 -24%



Route 1

(NB) 237 5 77 169 304 258 -21 -9%

Route 1

(SB) 308 5 99 221 395 277 31 10%

Route 2

(NB) 186 4 30 157 215 166 20 10%

Route 2

(SB) 216 4 48 169 263 220 -4 -2%

Route 3

(EB) 118 12 38 96 139 136 -19 -16%

Route 3

(WB) 115 12 32 97 133 123 -7 -6%

Calibration and Validation

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Table 6.5: PM Travel Time Summary








Time (s)

No. of







Level (s)



Level (s)




Time (s)







Route 1

(NB) 299 3 30 265 334 290 9 3%

Route 1

(SB) 240 2 80 129 350 237 2 1%

Route 2

(NB) 193 2 126 193 367 205 -12 -6%

Route 2

(SB) 302 2 26 265 338 233 69 23%

Route 3

(EB) 178 7 35 152 204 159 20 11%

Route 3

(WB) 156 6 19 141 171 134 22 14%



Route 1

(NB) 186 2 4 181 190 246 -61 -33%

Route 1

(SB) 254 3 8 245 263 227 27 10%

Route 2

(NB) 243 3 84 148 338 185 58 24%

Route 2

(SB) 176 2 10 162 190 212 -36 -21%

Route 3

(EB) 168 5 51 123 213 173 -5 -3%

Route 3

(WB) 102 6 37 72 132 121 -19 -18%



Route 1

(NB) 254 5 77 187 321 269 -16 -6%

Route 1

(SB) 248 5 41 212 284 232 16 6%

Route 2

(NB) 223 5 91 143 303 195 28 13%

Route 2

(SB) 239 4 74 166 312 223 16 7%

Route 3

(EB) 174 12 41 151 197 165 9 5%

Route 3

(WB) 129 12 40 107 151 128 1 1%

Journey times vary greatly in the real world, and as such a sufficient number of on-site observations are

required for a representative comparison of results. For this component of the study a limited number of

travel time runs had been conducted for the routes Elgar Road to Williamsons Road and Tram Road to

Manningham Road and a large variance in results was obtained. Therefore, the assessment of travel times

for the two hour peak for both the AM (7:00am-9:00am) and PM (4:30pm-6:30pm) periods provides a better

representation of the observed conditions rather than the two one hour peak periods for both the AM and

PM peak periods.

Calibration and Validation

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The results presented in Table 6.4 and 6.5 indicate that the journey times generally meet the requirements

set out in the validation criteria. The only discrepancy is the eastbound journey time during the AM peak for

Doncaster Road. This is considered acceptable as in this instance the per cent difference is one per cent

outside the validation criteria and the variance for the observed travel times of this route was relatively high.

6.4 Queue Lengths

Queue survey data, whilst not a validation critereon, was spot recorded at various sites to fine tune the base

model. It is noted that Paramics records queue lengths according to a set of parameters based on vehicle

speeds and headways, for example , a queue is deemed to be found when a vehicle drops below a7.5km/hr

and it remains queued until it exceeds 15km/hr. Changing these parameters will result in different queue

length values being reported.

Nevertheless, GTA have undertaken a quantitive comparison of queue lengths during model period with

those observed in the field and are set out in table 6.6.

Table 6.6: Queue Observations AM Peak

Intersection Approach Time Period Queue Length/Observations

Doncaster Rd /

Williamsons Rd /

Tram Rd

North 7:45am-8:30am

Queue from right turn pocket extended into right lane of the

through movement for large periods of time. Max queue

during time period extended past Williamsons Road/Doncaster

Shopping Centre entrance.

Williamsons Rd/

George Rd North 7:45am-8:30am Max queue almost extends back to Clanys Lane.

Table 6.7: Queue Observations PM Peak

Intersection Approach Time Period Queue Length/Observations

Doncaster Rd /

Williamsons Rd /

Tram Rd

South 4:30pm – 5:30pm Queues extended back to Merlin St.

Doncaster Rd /

Elgar Rd South 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Larger queue lengths observed in kerbside lane. Most vehicles

would make it through the intersection each cycle however a

few may not.

Williamsons Rd /

Manningham Rd South 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Queue from Right turn is generally contained within the turning

pocket however on occasions extended back to affect

through traffic.

Figure 6.1 and 6.2 show a snapshot of the modelled queue lengths for the Doncaster Road / Williamsons

Road / Tram Road during the AM peak and PM peak hours respectively.

Calibration and Validation

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 17

Figure 6.1: Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road Queue Lengths (AM Peak at 7:49)

Doncaster Road

Williamsons Road

Calibration and Validation

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 18

Figure 6.2: Doncaster Road / Williamsons Road Queue Lengths (PM Peak at 5:01)

The queue lengths shown in Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2 are generally consistent with the queue lengths

observed during site visits. Figure 6.1 shows the queue from the right turn pocket on the north approach of

Doncaster Road/Williamsons Road extending into the through movement during the AM peak while Figure

6.2 shows the queue on the southern approach extending back to Merlin Street.

Tram Road

Doncaster Road

Elgar Road

Williamsons Road


JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report Page 19

7. Conclusion

The existing model has been built and calibrated using sound modelling practice, as outlined in this report. The

data used to build the model was thoroughly analysed to ensure the quality of model inputs.

Modelled turning movement counts achieved a high level of correlation to observed counts. Modelled travel

times also reflected observed travel times to an anticipated statistical confidence.

The quality of input data, model building and calibration has produced a sound model, validated by travel

time data. GTA considers that the model is “fit for purpose”.

Appendix A

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report




ix A

Appendix A

Calibration Results

Appendix A

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

ModelledObserved Difference % GEH 700-2700 <700

9. Williamsons / George North Right 0 4 4 -100% 2.8 4.0

Through 1345.8 1338 -7.8 1% 0.2 1%

Left 81.8 68 -13.8 20% 1.6 13.8

East Right 86.2 70 -16.2 23% 1.8 16.2

Through 12.6 5 -7.6 152% 2.6 7.6

Left 172.8 214 41.2 -19% 3.0 41.2

South Right 29.2 11 -18.2 165% 4.1 18.2

Through 349.4 400 50.6 -13% 2.6 50.6

Left 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

West Right 43.6 33 -10.6 32% 1.7 10.6

Through 57.4 54 -3.4 6% 0.5 3.4

Left 54 33 -21 64% 3.2 21.0

8. Williamsons / ManninghamNorth East Right 360 358 -2 1% 0.1 2.0

Left 1190 1246 56 -4% 1.6 4%

South Right 393 407 14 -3% 0.7 14.0

Through 784.8 754 -30.8 4% 1.1 4%

North West Through 888.2 843 -45.2 5% 1.5 5%

Left 11 29 18 -62% 4.0 18.0

7. Williamsons / DCSC North EntranceNorth Right 3.6 1 -2.6 260% 1.7 2.6

Through 2061 2015 -46 2% 1.0 2%

Left 17.2 41 23.8 -58% 4.4 23.8

East Right 40.4 48 7.6 -16% 1.1 7.6

Through 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0

Left 35 52 17 -33% 2.6 17.0

South Right 13.6 20 6.4 -32% 1.6 6.4

Through 1085.4 1109 23.6 -2% 0.7 2%

Left 4 0 -4 #DIV/0! 2.8 4.0

West Right 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 23.4 14 -9.4 67% 2.2 9.4

6. Williamsons / DCSC South EntranceNorth Right 0 11 11 -100% 4.7 11.0

Through 1979.8 1956 -23.8 1% 0.5 1%

Left 99.8 80 -19.8 25% 2.1 19.8

East Right 24.6 27 2.4 -9% 0.5 2.4

Through 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

Left 47.6 36 -11.6 32% 1.8 11.6

South Right 108.8 93 -15.8 17% 1.6 15.8

Through 1077.2 1110 32.8 -3% 1.0 3%

Left 31.4 17 -14.4 85% 2.9 14.4

West Right 0 3 3 -100% 2.4 3.0

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

2. Doncaster / Williamsons / TramNorth Right 621.6 616 -5.6 1% 0.2 5.6

Through 1122.6 1135 12.4 -1% 0.4 1%

Left 225.4 239 13.6 -6% 0.9 13.6

East Right 336.2 365 28.8 -8% 1.5 28.8

Through 1090.8 1125 34.2 -3% 1.0 3%

Left 88.6 81 -7.6 9% 0.8 7.6

South Right 105.8 59 -46.8 79% 5.2 46.8

Through 614.6 565 -49.6 9% 2.0 49.6

Left 123.4 114 -9.4 8% 0.9 9.4

West Right 49 54 5 -9% 0.7 5.0

Through 265 268 3 -1% 0.2 3.0

Left 264.8 269 4.2 -2% 0.3 4.2

1. Doncaster / Elgar North Right 0 0.0

Through 0 0.0

Left 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

East Right 24.4 4 -20.4 510% 5.4 20.4

Through 1024.6 1107 82.4 -7% 2.5 7%

Left 783.4 728 -55.4 8% 2.0 8%

South Right 271 276 5 -2% 0.3 5.0

Through 1.2 2 0.8 -40% 0.6 0.8

Left 24.8 39 14.2 -36% 2.5 14.2

West Right 35.8 36 0.2 -1% 0.0 0.2

Through 331 324 -7 2% 0.4 7.0

Left 0 2 2 -100% 2.0 2.0

3. Doncaster / DCSC West EntranceNorth Right 11.4 5 -6.4 128% 2.2 6.4

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

East Through 1515.4 1590 74.6 -5% 1.9 5%

Left 9.6 8 -1.6 20% 0.5 1.6

South Right 3.2 3 -0.2 7% 0.1 0.2

Left 14 3 -11 367% 3.8 11.0

West Right 34.6 14 -20.6 147% 4.2 20.6

Through 505.4 529 23.6 -4% 1.0 23.6

Left 34.4 22 -12.4 56% 2.3 12.4

4. Doncaster / DCSC East EntranceNorth Right 30.8 28 -2.8 10% 0.5 2.8

Left 11 18 7 -39% 1.8 7.0

East Right 49.6 57 7.4 -13% 1.0 7.4

Through 1500.2 1553 52.8 -3% 1.4 3%

West Through 399.2 448 48.8 -11% 2.4 48.8

Left 106.8 76 -30.8 41% 3.2 30.8

5. Doncaster / Council North Right 125.8 90 -35.8 40% 3.4 35.8

Through 5 3 -2 67% 1.0 2.0

Left 41.8 13 -28.8 222% 5.5 28.8

East Right 36 26 -10 38% 1.8 10.0

Through 1465.6 1514 48.4 -3% 1.3 3%

Left 0 15 15 -100% 5.5 15.0

South Right 1.2 2 0.8 -40% 0.6 0.8

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 6.8 4 -2.8 70% 1.2 2.8

West Right 38.4 14 -24.4 174% 4.8 24.4

Through 314 401 87 -22% 4.6 87.0

Left 0 34 34 -100% 8.2 34.0

26176.8 26383 206.2 -1% 91 15 79

Number of instances outside of Criteria 5 0 0.0

% Fullfill Criteria 95% 100% 100%

Overall Geh 1

7:00 - 8:00



Appendix A

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

Modelled Observed Difference % GEH 700-2700 <700

9. Williamsons / George North Right 0 5 5 -100% 3.2 5.0

Through 1468.6 1400 -68.6 5% 1.8 5%

Left 205.8 209 3.2 -2% 0.2 3.2

East Right 177 168 -9 5% 0.7 9.0

Through 16 7 -9 129% 2.7 9.0

Left 214 279 65 -23% 4.1 65.0

South Right 49.6 27 -22.6 84% 3.7 22.6

Through 550.8 506 -44.8 9% 1.9 44.8

Left 0 2 2 -100% 2.0 2.0

West Right 61.6 52 -9.6 18% 1.3 9.6

Through 264.4 268 3.6 -1% 0.2 3.6

Left 70.2 88 17.8 -20% 2.0 17.8

8. Williamsons / ManninghamNorth East Right 459.2 399 -60.2 15% 2.9 60.2

Left 1212.6 1353 140.4 -10% 3.9 10%

South Right 580.4 483 -97.4 20% 4.2 97.4

Through 820.2 742 -78.2 11% 2.8 11%

North West Through 1077 1183 106 -9% 3.2 9%

Left 21.2 39 17.8 -46% 3.2 17.8

7. Williamsons / DCSC North EntranceNorth Right 5.8 2 -3.8 190% 1.9 3.8

Through 2253.4 2253 -0.4 0% 0.0 0%

Left 44.8 151 106.2 -70% 10.7 106.2

East Right 31 33 2 -6% 0.4 2.0

Through 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0

Left 32.4 49 16.6 -34% 2.6 16.6

South Right 39.6 50 10.4 -21% 1.6 10.4

Through 1308.2 1292 -16.2 1% 0.4 1%

Left 7.2 2 -5.2 260% 2.4 5.2

West Right 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 36.8 25 -11.8 47% 2.1 11.8

6. Williamsons / DCSC South EntranceNorth Right 21.8 34 12.2 -36% 2.3 12.2

Through 2142.6 2169 26.4 -1% 0.6 1%

Left 138 103 -35 34% 3.2 35.0

East Right 31.2 32 0.8 -3% 0.1 0.8

Through 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

Left 69 56 -13 23% 1.6 13.0

South Right 136 120 -16 13% 1.4 16.0

Through 1333 1331 -2 0% 0.1 0%

Left 42 58 16 -28% 2.3 16.0

West Right 0 3 3 -100% 2.4 3.0

Through 0 2 2 -100% 2.0 2.0

Left 0 7 7 -100% 3.7 7.0

2. Doncaster / Williamsons / TramNorth Right 654.8 623 -31.8 5% 1.3 31.8

Through 1266 1243 -23 2% 0.6 2%

Left 326.6 369 42.4 -11% 2.3 42.4

East Right 437.4 420 -17.4 4% 0.8 17.4

Through 943.4 977 33.6 -3% 1.1 3%

Left 123.6 126 2.4 -2% 0.2 2.4

South Right 246 231 -15 6% 1.0 15.0

Through 665 687 22 -3% 0.8 22.0

Left 179.8 118 -61.8 52% 5.1 61.8

West Right 71.8 85 13.2 -16% 1.5 13.2

Through 702.6 722 19.4 -3% 0.7 3%

Left 423.2 400 -23.2 6% 1.1 23.2

1. Doncaster / Elgar North Right 0.0

Through 0.0

Left 0 2 2 -100% 2.0 2.0

East Right 27.6 22 -5.6 25% 1.1 5.6

Through 878.4 838 -40.4 5% 1.4 5%

Left 864.2 829 -35.2 4% 1.2 4%

South Right 524.4 563 38.6 -7% 1.7 38.6

Through 2.2 4 1.8 -45% 1.0 1.8

Left 34.8 43 8.2 -19% 1.3 8.2

West Right 50.2 78 27.8 -36% 3.5 27.8

Through 709.6 649 -60.6 9% 2.3 60.6

Left 0 5 5 -100% 3.2 5.0

3. Doncaster / DCSC West EntranceNorth Right 11 3 -8 267% 3.0 8.0

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 0 3 3 -100% 2.4 3.0

East Through 1462.4 1510 47.6 -3% 1.2 3%

Left 16.2 10 -6.2 62% 1.7 6.2

South Right 4.8 5 0.2 -4% 0.1 0.2

Left 27 5 -22 440% 5.5 22.0

West Right 45.8 25 -20.8 83% 3.5 20.8

Through 1163.6 1224 60.4 -5% 1.7 5%

Left 59.2 72 12.8 -18% 1.6 12.8

4. Doncaster / DCSC East EntranceNorth Right 52 40 -12 30% 1.8 12.0

Left 5.6 34 28.4 -84% 6.4 28.4

East Right 129.8 172 42.2 -25% 3.4 42.2

Through 1421.2 1481 59.8 -4% 1.6 4%

West Through 877 890 13 -1% 0.4 1%

Left 293.8 327 33.2 -10% 1.9 33.2

5. Doncaster / Council North Right 160 171 11 -6% 0.9 11.0

Through 10.2 8 -2.2 28% 0.7 2.2

Left 51 50 -1 2% 0.1 1.0

East Right 79 81 2 -2% 0.2 2.0

Through 1435.6 1481 45.4 -3% 1.2 3%

Left 0 54 54 -100% 10.4 54.0

South Right 1.2 2 0.8 -40% 0.6 0.8

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 8.4 6 -2.4 40% 0.9 2.4

West Right 50.8 34 -16.8 49% 2.6 16.8

Through 743.8 816 72.2 -9% 2.6 9%

Left 0 63 63 -100% 11.2 63.0

32162.4 32584 421.6 -1% 91 19 75

Number of instances outside of Criteria 6 0 1.0

% Fullfill Criteria 93% 100% 99%

Overall Geh 2




Appendix A

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

ModelledObserved Difference % GEH 700-2700 <700

9. Williamsons / George North Right 0 9 9 -100% 4.2 9.0

Through 789.4 761 -28.4 4% 1.0 4%

Left 114.6 75 -39.6 53% 4.1 39.6

East Right 130.4 160 29.6 -19% 2.5 29.6

Through 0 17 17 -100% 5.8 17.0

Left 130.4 175 44.6 -25% 3.6 44.6

South Right 98.2 66 -32.2 49% 3.6 32.2

Through 1203.6 1273 69.4 -5% 2.0 5%

Left 0 13 13 -100% 5.1 13.0

West Right 50 39 -11 28% 1.6 11.0

Through 229.8 258 28.2 -11% 1.8 28.2

Left 84.6 123 38.4 -31% 3.8 38.4

8. Williamsons / Manningham North East Right 195.6 218 22.4 -10% 1.6 22.4

Left 781.6 761 -20.6 3% 0.7 3%

South Right 1279.6 1292 12.4 -1% 0.3 1%

Through 1060.2 1101 40.8 -4% 1.2 4%

North West Through 1255.6 1244 -11.6 1% 0.3 1%

Left 31.6 79 47.4 -60% 6.4 47.4

7. Williamsons / DCSC North EntranceNorth Right 9.6 7 -2.6 37% 0.9 2.6

Through 1812.4 1704 -108.4 6% 2.6 6%

Left 229.8 300 70.2 -23% 4.3 70.2

East Right 398.2 348 -50.2 14% 2.6 50.2

Through 1.2 1 -0.2 20% 0.2 0.2

Left 192.4 172 -20.4 12% 1.5 20.4

South Right 141.2 145 3.8 -3% 0.3 3.8

Through 1938 2012 74 -4% 1.7 4%

Left 13.4 7 -6.4 91% 2.0 6.4

West Right 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 16.6 5 -11.6 232% 3.5 11.6

6. Williamsons / DCSC South EntranceNorth Right 22.8 24 1.2 -5% 0.2 1.2

Through 1772.6 1712 -60.6 4% 1.5 4%

Left 210.6 165 -45.6 28% 3.3 45.6

East Right 97.2 123 25.8 -21% 2.5 25.8

Through 1.6 4 2.4 -60% 1.4 2.4

Left 162.2 138 -24.2 18% 2.0 24.2

South Right 208.2 222 13.8 -6% 0.9 13.8

Through 1956 1979 23 -1% 0.5 1%

Left 30.6 51 20.4 -40% 3.2 20.4

West Right 18.2 65 46.8 -72% 7.3 46.8

Through 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

Left 33.2 59 25.8 -44% 3.8 25.8

2. Doncaster / Williamsons / Tram North Right 442.6 436 -6.6 2% 0.3 6.6

Through 950 977 27 -3% 0.9 3%

Left 525.4 481 -44.4 9% 2.0 44.4

East Right 493.6 486 -7.6 2% 0.3 7.6

Through 732.2 791 58.8 -7% 2.1 7%

Left 263.2 246 -17.2 7% 1.1 17.2

South Right 233.2 265 31.8 -12% 2.0 31.8

Through 895.6 921 25.4 -3% 0.8 3%

Left 113.4 124 10.6 -9% 1.0 10.6

West Right 123.2 130 6.8 -5% 0.6 6.8

Through 1126 1157 31 -3% 0.9 3%

Left 805.8 804 -1.8 0% 0.1 0%

1. Doncaster / Elgar North Right 0.0

Through 0.0

Left 15 26 11 -42% 2.4 11.0

East Right 1.8 2 0.2 -10% 0.1 0.2

Through 834.8 833 -1.8 0% 0.1 0%

Left 464.4 500 35.6 -7% 1.6 35.6

South Right 955.4 906 -49.4 5% 1.6 5%

Through 1.6 1 -0.6 60% 0.5 0.6

Left 36.2 76 39.8 -52% 5.3 39.8

West Right 86.2 66 -20.2 31% 2.3 20.2

Through 1137 1154 17 -1% 0.5 1%

Left 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

3. Doncaster / DCSC West Entrance North Right 5.2 4 -1.2 30% 0.6 1.2

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 2.4 7 4.6 -66% 2.1 4.6

East Through 1429.6 1532 102.4 -7% 2.7 7%

Left 9 2 -7 350% 3.0 7.0

South Right 10.8 15 4.2 -28% 1.2 4.2

Left 28.6 36 7.4 -21% 1.3 7.4

West Right 11 1 -10 1000% 4.1 10.0

Through 1672.4 1709 36.6 -2% 0.9 2%

Left 201 189 -12 6% 0.9 12.0

4. Doncaster / DCSC East Entrance North Right 547 568 21 -4% 0.9 21.0

Left 510.8 480 -30.8 6% 1.4 30.8

East Right 344 279 -65 23% 3.7 65.0

Through 905 962 57 -6% 1.9 6%

West Through 1328.6 1382 53.4 -4% 1.5 4%

Left 363.6 358 -5.6 2% 0.3 5.6

5. Doncaster / Council North Right 94.8 66 -28.8 44% 3.2 28.8

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 27.4 35 7.6 -22% 1.4 7.6

East Right 30.8 45 14.2 -32% 2.3 14.2

Through 1122.2 1047 -75.2 7% 2.3 7%

Left 0 3 3 -100% 2.4 3.0

South Right 10 24 14 -58% 3.4 14.0

Through 2.6 1 -1.6 160% 1.2 1.6

Left 28 47 19 -40% 3.1 19.0

West Right 16 9 -7 78% 2.0 7.0

Through 1666.2 1712 45.8 -3% 1.1 3%

Left 145.4 109 -36.4 33% 3.2 36.4

37450.2 37913 462.8 -1% 92 24 70

Number of instances outside of Criteria 5 0 0.0

% Fullfill Criteria 95% 100% 100%

Overall Geh 2.4




Appendix A

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

Modelled Observed Difference % GEH 700-2700 <700

9. Williamsons / George North Right 0 2 2 -100% 2.0 2.0

Through 711.8 712 0.2 0% 0.0 0%

Left 123.8 98 -25.8 26% 2.4 25.8

East Right 132.8 126 -6.8 5% 0.6 6.8

Through 0 9 9 -100% 4.2 9.0

Left 125.8 128 2.2 -2% 0.2 2.2

South Right 81.2 41 -40.2 98% 5.1 40.2

Through 1036 1115 79 -7% 2.4 7%

Left 0 13 13 -100% 5.1 13.0

West Right 45.8 39 -6.8 17% 1.0 6.8

Through 247.2 248 0.8 0% 0.1 0.8

Left 85.2 101 15.8 -16% 1.6 15.8

8. Williamsons / Manningham North East Right 203.6 197 -6.6 3% 0.5 6.6

Left 683.4 672 -11.4 2% 0.4 11.4

South Right 1084.4 1105 20.6 -2% 0.6 2%

Through 1000.8 1043 42.2 -4% 1.3 4%

North West Through 1238.4 1271 32.6 -3% 0.9 3%

Left 33.6 64 30.4 -48% 4.4 30.4

7. Williamsons / DCSC North EntranceNorth Right 12.6 8 -4.6 58% 1.4 4.6

Through 1647.4 1610 -37.4 2% 0.9 2%

Left 264 328 64 -20% 3.7 64.0

East Right 365.4 340 -25.4 7% 1.4 25.4

Through 1 1 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 135.2 177 41.8 -24% 3.3 41.8

South Right 121.8 127 5.2 -4% 0.5 5.2

Through 1721.6 1880 158.4 -8% 3.7 8%

Left 11.2 9 -2.2 24% 0.7 2.2

West Right 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 17.4 5 -12.4 248% 3.7 12.4

6. Williamsons / DCSC South EntranceNorth Right 16.8 21 4.2 -20% 1.0 4.2

Through 1550.2 1562 11.8 -1% 0.3 1%

Left 216.8 169 -47.8 28% 3.4 47.8

East Right 96.2 108 11.8 -11% 1.2 11.8

Through 2.6 4 1.4 -35% 0.8 1.4

Left 173 138 -35 25% 2.8 35.0

South Right 253.4 232 -21.4 9% 1.4 21.4

Through 1732.4 1849 116.6 -6% 2.8 6%

Left 30.8 49 18.2 -37% 2.9 18.2

West Right 21 42 21 -50% 3.7 21.0

Through 0 2 2 -100% 2.0 2.0

Left 27 47 20 -43% 3.3 20.0

2. Doncaster / Williamsons / Tram North Right 456.6 382 -74.6 20% 3.6 74.6

Through 755.6 876 120.4 -14% 4.2 14%

Left 527.2 497 -30.2 6% 1.3 30.2

East Right 393.8 436 42.2 -10% 2.1 42.2

Through 815.4 742 -73.4 10% 2.6 10%

Left 306.4 174 -132.4 76% 8.5 132.4

South Right 232.2 245 12.8 -5% 0.8 12.8

Through 824.6 921 96.4 -10% 3.3 10%

Left 102.2 128 25.8 -20% 2.4 25.8

West Right 122.4 114 -8.4 7% 0.8 8.4

Through 1174 1268 94 -7% 2.7 7%

Left 746.8 713 -33.8 5% 1.3 5%

1. Doncaster / Elgar North Right 0.0

Through 0.0

Left 6.8 12 5.2 -43% 1.7 5.2

East Right 1.8 0 -1.8 #DIV/0! 1.9 1.8

Through 877.6 767 -110.6 14% 3.9 14%

Left 495.4 493 -2.4 0% 0.1 2.4

South Right 919.6 848 -71.6 8% 2.4 8%

Through 3.6 0 -3.6 #DIV/0! 2.7 3.6

Left 32.6 69 36.4 -53% 5.1 36.4

West Right 87.6 64 -23.6 37% 2.7 23.6

Through 1149 1246 97 -8% 2.8 8%

Left 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

3. Doncaster / DCSC West Entrance North Right 6.8 6 -0.8 13% 0.3 0.8

Through 0 0 0 0% 0.0 0.0

Left 3.4 5 1.6 -32% 0.8 1.6

East Through 1481.2 1349 -132.2 10% 3.5 10%

Left 7.2 1 -6.2 620% 3.1 6.2

South Right 14.2 8 -6.2 78% 1.9 6.2

Left 30.4 29 -1.4 5% 0.3 1.4

West Right 7.6 2 -5.6 280% 2.6 5.6

Through 1692.8 1761 68.2 -4% 1.6 4%

Left 240 235 -5 2% 0.3 5.0

4. Doncaster / DCSC East Entrance North Right 565.6 479 -86.6 18% 3.8 86.6

Left 471.6 420 -51.6 12% 2.4 51.6

East Right 367.6 357 -10.6 3% 0.6 10.6

Through 909 877 -32 4% 1.1 4%

West Through 1275 1379 104 -8% 2.9 8%

Left 432.6 405 -27.6 7% 1.3 27.6

5. Doncaster / Council North Right 99.4 62 -37.4 60% 4.2 37.4

Through 0 1 1 -100% 1.4 1.0

Left 26.6 43 16.4 -38% 2.8 16.4

East Right 35 45 10 -22% 1.6 10.0

Through 1137 1077 -60 6% 1.8 6%

Left 0 5 5 -100% 3.2 5.0

South Right 8.2 13 4.8 -37% 1.5 4.8

Through 1.6 4 2.4 -60% 1.4 2.4

Left 28 38 10 -26% 1.7 10.0

West Right 19.8 6 -13.8 230% 3.8 13.8

Through 1577.6 1644 66.4 -4% 1.7 4%

Left 155.8 115 -40.8 35% 3.5 40.8

35876.8 36054 177.2 0% 92 23 71

Number of instances outside of Criteria 4 0 1.0

% Fullfill Criteria 96% 100% 99%

Overall Geh 1




Appendix B

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report




ix B

Appendix B

Validation Results

Appendix B

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

Modelled Observed Difference




observed Count







Elgar to Williamsons NB 272 223 -49 -22% 97 3 113 333 No

Williamsons to Elgar SB 218 268 49 18% 112 3 141 394 No

Williamsons - Manningham NB 165 168 3 2% 33 2 123 213 Yes

Manningham - Williamsons SB 214 207 -7 -3% 79 2 97 317 Yes

Doncaster EB 142 107 -35 -33% 24 6 88 126 No

Doncaster WB 116 126 10 8% 25 5 104 148 Yes



Modelled Observed Difference




observed Count







Elgar to Williamsons NB 249 258 8 3% 56 2 180 335 Yes

Williamsons to Elgar SB 312 369 56 15% 45 2 307 430 Yes

Williamsons - Manningham NB 168 204 36 18% 17 2 180 228 No

Manningham - Williamsons SB 226 225 -1 0% 20 2 198 252 Yes

Doncaster EB 135 128 -7 -5% 48 6 90 166 Yes

Doncaster WB 133 108 -25 -24% 36 7 81 135 No



Modelled Observed Difference




observed Count







Elgar to Williamsons NB 258 237 -21 -9% 77 5 169 304 Yes

Williamsons to Elgar SB 277 308 31 10% 99 5 221 395 Yes

Williamsons - Manningham NB 166 186 20 10% 30 4 157 215 Yes

Manningham - Williamsons SB 220 216 -4 -2% 48 4 169 263 Yes

Doncaster EB 136 118 -19 -16% 38 12 96 139 No

Doncaster WB 123 115 -7 -6% 32 12 97 133 Yes









Appendix B

JM15190 19/07/11

Review of Parking and Traffic and Traffic Management within Doncaster Hill, Issue: A

Q-Paramics Microsimulation Model, Microsimulation Calibration and Validation Report

Modelled Observed Difference




observed Count







Elgar to Williamsons NB 290 299 9 3% 30 3 265 334 Yes

Williamsons to Elgar SB 237 240 2 1% 80 2 129 350 Yes

Williamsons - Manningham NB 205 193 -12 -6% 126 2 19 367 Yes

Manningham - Williamsons SB 233 302 69 23% 26 2 265 338 No

Doncaster EB 159 178 20 11% 35 7 152 204 Yes

Doncaster WB 134 156 22 14% 19 6 141 171 Yes



Modelled Observed Difference




observed Count







Elgar to Williamsons NB 246 186 -61 -33% 4 2 181 190 No

Williamsons to Elgar SB 227 254 27 10% 8 3 245 263 Yes

Williamsons - Manningham NB 185 243 58 24% 84 3 148 338 No

Manningham - Williamsons SB 212 176 -36 -21% 10 2 162 190 No

Doncaster EB 173 168 -5 -3% 51 5 123 213 Yes

Doncaster WB 121 102 -19 -18% 37 6 72 132 No



Modelled Observed Difference




observed Count







Elgar to Williamsons NB 269 254 -16 -6% 77 5 187 321 Yes

Williamsons to Elgar SB 232 248 16 6% 41 5 212 284 Yes

Williamsons - Manningham NB 195 223 28 13% 91 5 143 303 Yes

Manningham - Williamsons SB 223 239 16 7% 74 4 166 312 Yes

Doncaster EB 165 174 9 5% 41 12 151 197 Yes

Doncaster WB 128 129 1 1% 40 12 107 151 Yes










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