Download - Respiratory system

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Page 2: Respiratory system

INTRODUCTION Respiration-- Respiration is the process of breathing in (o2 is

taken) and out(co2 is given out) through respiratory system.

Types of Respiration-- * External Respiration * Internal Respiration

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EXTERNAL RESPIRATION-- External respiration that involve exchange of

respiratory gasses. i.e. o2 and co2 between lungs and blood.

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INTERNAL RESPIRATION-- Internal respiration which involve exchange of

gasses between blood and tissues.

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HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-- That organ of body which participate in respiration

known as respiratory organ and that system which participate known as respiratory system.

The human respiratory system can be divided into two group stracturally.As --

* The upper respiratory tract– Nose, nasal cavity,sinuses,pharynx.

* The lower respiratory tract-- Larynx, trachea, bronchial tree,lungs.

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And the organs of the respiratory tract can be divided into two groups functionally.

* The conducting portion-- system of interconnecting cavities and tubes that conduct air into the lungs. As - nose,pharynx,trachea,bronchi.

* The respiratory portion— system where the exchange of respiratory gasses

occurs.As- respiratory bronchioles,alveolary duct,alveoli.

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SUMMARY OF FUNCTION- Nose/nesal cavity– warms,moistens and fiters air it is


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PHARYNX(THROAT)- Passage way for air,leads to trachea.

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LARYNX- The voice box,where vocal chords are located.

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TRACHEA(WINDPIPE)- Tube from pharynx to bronchi rings of cartilage

provide stracture,keep the windpipe open.trachea lined with fine hairs called cilia which filter air before it reaches the lungs.

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BRONCHI- Two branches at the end of the trachea,each lead to

a lungs.

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BRONCHIOLES- A network of smaller branches leading from the

bronchi into the lungs tissue and ultimetly to lungs sacs

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ALVEOLI The functional respiratory units in the lungs where

gases(o2 and co2) are exchanged(enter and exit the blood stream)

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Breathing Gaseous exchange Gaseous transport Expiration

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BREATHING-- Taking of atmospheric gas inside the lungs

and removal of foul gas of lungs into the atmosphere are known as breathing.

which complates into two steps- * Inspiration (Inhalation) * Expiration (Exhalation)

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oINSPIRATION-• Taking of atmospheric gas inside the lungs known as

insspiration.• As- gas from atmosphere Nostrils

Nasal chamber pharynx Larynx Trachea

alveoli Bronchioles Bronchi

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EXHALATION-- As muscles relax,air is pushed out of the lungs . Forced expiration can occur mostely by contracting

internal intercostal muscles to depress the rib cage. As-

Alveoli Bronchioles bronchi Trachea

nostril Nasal-chamber pharynx Larynx

Atmospheric gas

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GASEOUS EXCHANGE--a) In between blood vessels and lungs.

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b) In between blood vessels and body tissue –

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GASEOUS TRANSPORT- Main function of blood is to transport the gases in

diffirent form. Transport of o2 -Most o2 is transported by Hb(red

pigment protein in erythrocytes),(97%)

o2 combine with hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin.As—

Hb + o2 Hbo2 A small amount of o2 is transported in solution in the

blood plasma(3%) and other body fluid.

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Most co2 is transported as bicarbonate ions. HOW?? First co2 bind with water to form carbonic acid. As- CO2 + H2O H2CO3

Then carbolic acid dissosiates to form hydrogen and bicarbonate ions.

As-- H2CO3 H+ + HCO3−

A small amount of co2 is transported by the hemoglobin molecules in the form of carbaminohemoglobin(HbCO3).

Co2 +Hb HbCO3 (23%)

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. The higher the amount of H+ in the blood the

lowering the pH . Therefor H+ bond with the globin part of Hb to keep

the pH normal in blood. 70% of plasma,in the form of bicorbonate ion .

HCO3− H2O + CO2 H+ + HCO3 –

7% by lymph – in dissolved form. As-

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CELLULAR RESPIRATION-- Steps of respiration which occur inside the cells. Or cellular respiration is the process whereby an

organism uses O2 and food to produce energy (ATP) and other

product e.g. water and co2. As-- glucose + O2 ATP + H2O +CO2 .

Therefore gaseous exchange is necessary for to get O2 for cellular respiration.

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Air is taken into body through nostril of nose.

The nostril of nose consists of fine hairs that lines the passage (the way through which air passes) and also lined with mucus.

So what is use of fine hair and mucus lining in the nostril passage??

The fine hair of nostril filter the air from dust, dirt and

microorganisms.And mucus also traps the dust and facilitates smooth flow of air with it’s moist characteristic.

Then the air passes through throat. The throat also called as windpipe or trachea which is surrounded by rings of cartilage.

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Ring of cartilage help in free,unrestricted flow of air through wind pipe and helps in proventing air passage from collapse.

If cartilage ring are absent then it increase pressure during exhalation on compression of ribcage and windpipe ,will be closed restricts air flow and interfere normal breathing.

Through throat air passage into lungs.within lungs the passage divided into smaller and smaller tubes and finally ends with balloon like structure which are known as Alveoli.

The alveoli is the surface where exchange of gases takes place.

The walls of alveoli consist of network of blood vessels.

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When breathe in we lift our ribs then diaphragm flatten followed by chest cavity becomes larger and that case air is sucked into lungs and alveoli is filled with air.

Then blood carries co2 from all parts of body and release co2 into alveoli.

And the proceeds to the O2 that is prevent in the alveoli is takes by blood vessels.

O2 is transported to all cells of the body through blood vessels.

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INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-- About half a liter of water /day is lost through


Yawning bring more O2 to the lungs .

Our right lungs is larger then left lungs.

We breathe 13 pints of air every minute.

People under 30 take in double the amount of O2 in comparison to someone who’s 80 years old.

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The following lower respiratory tract disorder are caused by exposure to infection, pathogens or polluted air, including tobacco smoke.

Disease – Pneumonia Pulmonary fibrosis Pulmonary tuberculosis Emphysema Bronchitis Asthma

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