  • Tests in Moral Problem Solving

    Part 2

  • The Ethics of Respect for Persons

    Those rules or actions are right which, if followed, would accord equal respect to each person as a moral agent.

  • Moral Agent

    Beings capable of formulating/pursuing goals and purposes of their own.

    Ends in themselves

    Autonomous actions

    - Intentional

    - Performed without external controlling influences

    - Made with understanding

  • Three Respect-for-Persons Tests

    The Golden Rule Test

    The Self Defeating Test

    The Rights Test

  • The Golden Rule Test

    To treat everyone equally as a moral agent.

    Universalizability Criterion

    In order to be ethically valid, the resolution of a moral issue must be universally acceptable if others resolved similar issues in similar ways.

    Requires us to evaluate effects of our actions on others by asking whether we would be willing to exchange places with recipients of our actions.

    Variant of Golden Rule in religions

  • To apply the Golden Rule

    1. Analyze situation to determine alternative actions


    2. Determine consequences of alternative actions.

    3. Place ourselves in place of recipient of each alternative and ask whether we would accept it.

  • Avoiding possible problems

    Placing ones self in position of recipient and adopt his values and own individual circumstances as well

  • The Self Defeating Test

    Another way of applying universalizabilitycriterion

    Whether I would be able to perform action in question if everyone else performed the same action in same circumstances?

  • To apply the Self Defeating Test

    Analyze situation and determine options

    Determine the outcomes of options

    Determine whether options, if universally adopted, are self-defeating. If they are, action is impermissible.

  • Comparison with Golden Rule

    Does not refer to values or circumstances of either agent or recipient.

    Question is more objective; whether everyones performing the action would be self-defeating.

  • Limitation

    Unethical actions might pass the test

  • The Rights Test

    Respecting moral agency of others requires that we accord others the rights necessary to exercise it.

    A right is an entitlement to act in a certain way

    Different from utilitarianism (freedom and well being)

  • Implementation

    Hierarchy of rights

    Three tiers distinguishing more basic to less basic rights

    Tier 1: most basic, essential preconditions of action (life, physical integrity, mental health)

    Tier 2: maintain purpose fulfillment (not to be deceived, stolen from, defamed, have promises broken)

    Tier 3: increase purpose fulfillment (right to property, self-respect, nondiscrimination)

  • Applying Rights Test: 4 Stages

    Analyze action to determine what options are available and what rights are at stake.

    Determine audience of action.

    Evaluate seriousness of rights violation as a result of action and compare violations with those of alternative actions.

    Choose course of action that produces least serious rights violation.

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