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  • Republic of Turkey
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  • General Informations Area769 604 km2 Coastline7,200 km Pupulation77 Million ReligionMuslim 99 %, Others % 1 (Christians and Jews) PresidentAbdullah Gl (since 28 August 2007) PriministerRecep Tayyip ERDOGAN (since 14 March 2003) Turkstat,CIA Factbook
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  • Economic Statics (2013) GDP (Billion $, Current Prices)820 GDP per Capita $10,782 Real GDP Growth 4.0 % Unemployment Rate9.7 % Trade Deficit (Billion $) -99.8 Tourism Income (Billion $)28 Current Account Balance (Billion $)-65.1 Current Account Balance / GDP-7.9 %
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  • Annual Economic Growth Rates (2002-2013)
  • Slide 5
  • Real GDP Growth of Selected Countries/Country Groups (2013)
  • Slide 6
  • GDP Per Capita
  • Slide 7
  • Inflation (Annual Percent Change)
  • Slide 8
  • Old Banknotes
  • Slide 9
  • New Banknotes
  • Slide 10
  • Unemployment
  • Slide 11
  • Central Government Budget Deficit/ GDP (%)
  • Slide 12
  • Government Debt / GDP (%)
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  • Turkey's Share in Global Merchandise Exports (%)
  • Slide 14
  • Turkey's Share in Global Merchandise Imports (%)
  • Slide 15
  • Main Export Items
  • Slide 16
  • Main Import Items
  • Slide 17
  • Merchandise Trade
  • Slide 18
  • Causes of Trade Deficit Energy dependency Imports of raw materials and intermediate goods (High-tech Inputs) Exports of Low-value-added goods
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  • Thank You..
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  • 2014 International Economic Training Programs Myanmars Trade Brief Presented by Nilar Thein Assistant Director Dept.of Trade Promotion Ministry of Commerce,Myanmar
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  • Myanmar Profile Name-Republic of the Union of Myanmar Capital - Nay Pyi Taw Total land area -76,577 Bangladesh and India on the north-west, China on the north-east and; Laos and Thailand on the south-east. Climate- Tropical weather with three seasons -Summer March to May -Rainy Season June to October -Cold Season Nov to Feb
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  • 22 Myanmar Profile -Population -60 Millions -Total land borders - 5876 km -Coastline - 2832 Km -Main Crops-Rice, Pulses and Beans, Sesame, Maize, Rubber, Fruits and vegetables -Natural Resources-Natural gas, Oils, Jade, Rubby, Copper, Lead Teak and Timber, Fishery -Currency-Kyats or Myanmar kyat (MMK)
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  • Four Economic Policies Sustainable development of agriculture towards industrialization and all round development Equitable and proportionate development among Regions and States Inclusive development of entire people Quality of statistics and statistical system 23
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  • 24 GDP by Sector 2012-2013 2013- 2014 Value% Growth Rate Value% Growth Rate Productio n 2801879761.25.7 %3020387860.67.8 % Service880333319.212. 8%1012062020.315 % Trade895704919.64.1 %954432219.16.6 % GDP457791971006.7 %498688131008.9% Kyat Million at 2010-2011 Price
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  • Total Trade of Myanmar Value USD in million Fiscal Year Export Import Total Trade 2007-20086401.71 3353.42 9755.13 2008-2009 6778.85 4543.45 11322.30 2009-2010 7586.95 4181.40 11768.35 2010-2011 8861.016412.73 15273.74 2011-20129135.609035.0618170.66 2012-20139056.249371.6418427.88 25
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  • Trade by Region 26
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  • Myanmars Import By Sector (2012-2013) Trade Capital Goods Intermediate Goods Personal Goods Total Oversea 3399.262674.361756.747830.36 Border 887.366325.255328.6631541.284 Total 4286.6262999.6152085.4039371.644 27
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  • Myanmars Export By Sector (2012-2013) TradeAgriculture AnimalFisheryMetal Forest Product Manufa- cturing OtherTotal Products & Ore Oversea 1246.2719.76372.7883.71586.854360.89172.786843.04 Border 1313.71627.316268.903372.83417.25138.922174.2572213.199 2559.98647.076641.683456.544604.1014399.812347.0379056.239 28
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  • Top Ten Import Items of Myanmar (2012-2013) 30
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  • Ministry of Commerce Directorate of Trade Department of Commerce & Consumer Affair Department of Trade Promotion 31
  • Slide 32
  • 32 DepartmentsFunctions Directorate of Trade Formulate trade policy and Planning, Human Resource Development, Trade Negotiation, Market Information, International relation, Free Flow of Goods Department of Commerce and Consumer Affair Implementation body of export and import, Consumer Protection, Competition Policy Trade Promotion Department Trade Promotion Activities, monitoring trade flow in Domestic and International Responsible Subjects of Our Ministry
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  • Vision To implement National Economic Development 33
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  • Basic Principal Trade activities should be aimed at the interest of the State and the people. Trade activities should not be aburden to the people. Trade activities should be aimed at structuring a long-term viable trading system.ratherthan to gain short-term profit. 34
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  • Trade Policy Objectives Systematic formulation and implementation of trade policies in accordance with the Market Economic System. Promotion and Expansion of Export Trade expansion through international and regional Trade expansion through international and regional cooperation. Improvement of trade environment Sufficiency and stability of price of the essential goods for domestic consumption and production. 35
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  • Myanmars Trade Relation Founder member of the GATT and now WTO. Trade practices are governed by the WTO trading principles. Member of the Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN) since 1997. Member of BIMSTEC in December 1997, member of GMS and ACMECS as well. Also participates in the various FTAs in the region together with other ASEAN Member States, such as ASEAN-China, ASEAN-India, ASEAN-Japan,ASEAN-Korea, ASEAN- Australia-New Zealand. 36
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  • Cooperation with regional and Intl Organization Cooperation with ASEANJapan Centre and ASEANKorea Centre First ever Trade Policy Review Mechanism with WTO has been conducting since 2012 National Export Strategy,5 year project, has launched with the technical assistance of International Trade Centre ITC Enhanced Integrated Frame workEIF has been launched for a wider goal of promoting economic growth and sustainable development and helping to lift more people out of poverty. 37
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  • 38 Conclusion -At present, trade liberalization is very obvious in Myanmar such as adding new export/import items prohibited or limited in earlier, eliminating number of documents and procedure and reducing trading tax on some export items. -However, there are rooms to liberalize and facilitate in trading. For instance, it take times to receive necessary recommended documents from other government agencies like Department of Forestry, FDA, etc. -Banking in international trade needs to modernize at present. -Also, insurance organizations for trade need to develop in Myanmar.
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