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A Representation Recap* Brainstorm words associated with representation?

• Remember: the media is responsible for ‘constructing’ representations.

Student examples

Stereotypes and Archetypes in film

Archetype: A stock character, which has universal appeal and is frequently copied in literature, television, radio and film. In soap operas these are ‘typical’ roles that can be seen across the genre such as villain, gossip, tart etc.

Stereotype: The representation (positive or negative) of a particular group, place or issue which has been reduced to a simplified, generalised perspective.

Name the following archetypes/stereotypes…

Think about your film- are there any obvious archetypal/stereotypical characters?

Gender recap

• Gender is a social construct it is not just biological. It is also an aspect of our demographic.

• Despite what we may think there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ man or woman. There is no ideal femininity or masculinity. There are many different types of masculinity and femininity.

• Recap questions to consider:

• What gender stereotypes are present in your production work?

• How has feminism and post-feminsim had an impact on the representation of your male/female subjects?


• Brainstorm stereotypes associated with:• Teenagers• People in their 20s.

• How are age groups represented in your production work, particularly teenagers?

• Are there any examples of ‘age pretence’ where a subject in your coursework is pretending to be someone of a different age?


• Brainstorm stereotypes associated with:• Afro- Caribbean• Indo-Asians and Filipinos.

• How are various ethnicities represented in your production work?

• Are any ethnic stereotypes being perpetuated?• Are the ethnicities you have used, conventionally seen in

your music mag genre and film genre?• Think about cultural appropriation and hybridity.

• Are there any other representational areas you can analyse with regard to your film our magazine?

• Sexuality

• Region

• Religion

• Class?

Semiotic analysisDenotation: the literal physical description

of what you see.e.g: red is a colour.

Connotation: the interpretation or associations of the meaning.e.g: red means

anger, danger, passion etc.

Task: analyse the poster for ‘Casino Royale’.


• What gender stereotypes are present in your production work?• How are various ethnicities represented in your production work? • Are any ethnic stereotypes being perpetuated?• Think about cultural appropriation and hybridity.• How are age groups represented in your production work,

particularly teenagers?• Are there any examples of ‘age pretence’ where a subject in your

coursework is pretending to be someone of a different age?• Are there any other representational areas you can analyse with

regard to sexuality, region, class or physical ability?

• Analyse issues of representation in your film poster.

• 15 mins.

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