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    A view from the Liberal Democrats

    David Hall-Matthews

    Coalition politics has proved surprisingly surprising. It is not new to the UK: Scotland,

    Wales, Northern Ireland and numerous councils have long been familiar with parties

    collaborating. True, there has not been a Westminster coalition for sixty-five years, but the

    current balanced parliament was hardly unexpected. Psephologists were pointing out its

    statistical likelihood as soon as the dust had settled after the 2005 election.

    The Liberal Democrats have always believed in coalition government not just out of

    necessity, but also on principle. You cannot believe in proportional representation without

    thinking that rule by consensus is inherently desirable. Perhaps less obviously, if you

    believe that coalitions make for good politics, you have to be willing to try and find

    common ground with parties who may not seem to be natural allies. A party that is only

    willing to form alliances in one direction would have few bargaining chips and would

    quickly become an adjunct.

    So we shouldnt really have been surprised that the 2010 election result required a

    coalition government, nor even that the outcome was a Tory-Lib Dem one. Yet most of us


    In addition, the process of negotiating a possible coalition itself threw up all manner of

    surprises. It forced all party leaders to reveal intriguing things about their beliefs and ambi-

    tions as well as their capacities to take their supporters with them that had not been

    evident. In that respect, coalition politics has already proved itself to be very good for

    British democracy. Activists of all parties, in reacting to events, also had to examine what

    their priorities were. Close political friends suddenly realised that the basis of their alle-

    giance was not certain that they had different motivations and different taboos. Even

    more uncomfortably, some long-standing enemies were forced to look beyond the easy

    demonisation of each other and recognise common ideals.

    The process of realignment looks set to last for months, if not years. It is far more

    complex than how far left or right each party or individual is willing to shift. It might

    take more than one coalition parliament for British politics to re-find its feet. Indeed there

    will have to be at least one more for it to be established that a coalition government is not

    the same as a permanent alliance (obvious though that is in many other countries).

    Strategically, both Labour and the Liberal Democrats should be making quiet efforts

    throughout this parliament to ensure that a coalition between them is at least possible after

    the next election. But that will not be easy.

    What we have learned about the Conservatives and Labour

    What we have learned about all parties concerns the nature of their internal coalitions; how

    their broad churches fit together.

    Least surprising, perhaps, were the Tories of whom it has long been said that they

    will be willing to swallow anything from a leader who delivers power. The unexpected twist


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    was the positive enthusiasm with which David Cameron embraced the possibility of coop-

    eration. His liberal conservatism had always seemed acquisitive if not outright phoney,

    but his stance since the election has been genuinely open-minded in many areas. If he

    remains the right-wing wolf who wrote the thoroughly nasty 2005 Tory manifesto, he has

    somehow found a very impressive ovine tailor. His may still turn out to be sheeps clothing,but it should be acknowledged that it may not. He seems genuinely pleased to be able to

    use the need to keep Lib Dems onside to face down the far right of his party which can

    only be a good thing for the country.

    As for Labour, it was not a surprise that they lacked the energy to try and make a diffi-

    cult progressive coalition work, with the arithmetic and media stacked against them, after

    thirteen increasingly bruising years in government. But there was a more general sense of

    unwillingness to stay in power too. Unlike the Tories, and despite three extra days, their

    negotiators went in to meet the Lib Dems almost unprepared.

    It was as if they felt defeated by their own lacklustre election campaign perhaps by

    the failure to replace an unpopular leader in spite of the fact that the actual election result

    was not nearly as bad as they had feared. Labours late surge in the polls suggested that

    they had won many of the arguments about the financial crisis but they did not care

    deeply enough about the pace and depth of cuts to stand and fight for their gradual

    approach. Maybe, as Alistair Darling suggested by talking of cuts worse than Thatcher,

    they did not believe in their own programme.

    Perhaps they thought it would be a good time to be in opposition. In the Conservative

    twentieth century it was argued that the Tories were the natural party of government,

    letting Labour in when necessary for a single term of social reform. Have Labour become

    so confident that they can allow the Tories a single term of fiscal tightening before

    returning to what is now their rightful place? There is no doubt that the chance to paint the

    Lib Dems as no longer progressive was seen as an additional opportunity. But Labour

    should beware they had similar hopes when they last lost power, in 1979. In a global

    economic crisis it seemed unlikely that an inexperienced leader could retain the support of

    the Commons for long. Instead, within two years, it was Labour that had split.

    It was striking that, during the coalition talks, doubtful Tories and Lib Dems stayed

    largely silent, while old tribal warhorses on the Labour side could not wait to tell the

    media how unwilling they were to cooperate. Given the delicate balancing act required to

    form an anti-Tory coalition, that was enough to scupper all hopes of a deal. However, it

    may not have reflected the majority view in the Parliamentary Labour Party or wider

    membership. Since the failure of the SDP to break the mould in the 1980s, social democ-

    rats have been at least as likely to join Labour as the Lib Dems. Much of the New Labour

    agenda in Tony Blairs first term could form the basis, even now, for a centre-left alliance,

    for all the sound and fury in 1997 at Paddy Ashdowns attempts to make a secret deal.

    Yet in May it seemed that half of Blairs cabinet wanted to pretend that they had never

    taken a reformist approach.

    So Labour has to work out its long-term strategy. It is all too easy to blame the

    Coalition for economic circumstances and condemn the Lib Dems for sleeping with the

    enemy. Criticising the Emergency Budget as ideological, though fair comment, looked like

    a tactical error. Labours own ideological position is not its current strength it is neither

    clear nor sufficiently popular. The novelty of political parties cooperating has broad public

    support so far. Once Labour has chosen its new leader, they will have to develop a positive

    alternative. They also need to work out how to handle the coalition. The default position of

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    Features liberals and social democrats

    attacking the Lib Dems for propping up a right-wing government is unconvincing given that

    Labour ducked out of offering another option. A Tory minority administration would not

    have improved Labour-Lib Dem relations much. Cameron would have had the chance to

    call, and win, a snap election and its budget, necessarily still supported by the Lib Dems

    under confidence and supply arrangements, would have been far nastier.Attacks on the Lib Dems also push them closer to the Tories, strengthening Nick

    Cleggs hand and weakening the vast majority of Lib Dem MPs and activists who are on

    the left. It may turn out that this is a smart approach by Labour. Far fewer Lib Dem

    members have resigned than Labour likes to imagine indeed ten times more have joined

    the party since the coalition was formed. However, summer polls suggest that centre-left

    floating voters are returning to Labour. Nonetheless, it would be a gamble for Labour to

    assume that a government ahead in the opinion polls after announcing savage cuts will be

    unpopular by the time of the next election. The Lib Dems have plenty of time to show that

    they can be of value in government by delivering social justice and blocking Tory self-

    interest. There might be more to be gained for Labour by trying to woo the Lib Dems or

    at least by constantly highlighting their (huge) differences from the Tories, rather than

    condemning their similarities. It would be a disaster for the left if a 2015 balanced parlia-

    ment created the possibility of a clear Lib-Lab majority but five years of mutual carping

    had poisoned the well.

    At present it seems unlikely that a divided Labour Party will be able to develop a

    coherent new strategy. However, a lot will depend on the next leader. If it is not a Miliband,

    quixotic hostility to the Lib Dems is guaranteed. What the brothers will do is much harder

    to predict. They are too canny to reveal any risky strategies now but either might, once

    installed, consider supporting serious electoral reform, for example. Certainly both would

    be keen to regain some of the moral ground lost through Labours horrible record on civil


    The question will be, more broadly, whether the party has the stomach to continue a

    modernising approach when there is easy mileage to be had in revisiting class politics with

    a cabinet stuffed with aristocrats. No-one should doubt that the Milibands will at least try

    to pursue a somewhat liberal New Labour-style agenda. What that would mean for the

    Liberal Democrats is uncertain it could be an electoral threat or a welcome opportunity in

    equal measure. Whether Labour would unite behind it is also unpredictable. It may,

    however, turn out that Labours schizophrenic attitude towards the post-coalition Lib Dems

    is an advantage. The old guard often, ironically, on the right of the Labour Party can

    attack, while less tribal voices offer olive branches.

    What we have learned about the Liberal Democrats

    What, though, has been learned about the Liberal Democrats themselves? Like all parties,

    the Lib Dems are an eclectic bunch of separate interests. Unlike other parties, their

    coherence has not previously been tested in the furnace of government. Many

    commentators have emphasised the differences between the Gladstonian economic

    liberalism invoked in The Orange Book(Marshall and Laws, 2004) and social liberalism, as

    set out in Reinventing the State (Brack, Grayson and Howarth, 2007). In truth, the two are

    not incompatible. Indeed both David Laws, setting out his stall in The Orange Book, and

    David Howarth, in Reinventing the State, are at pains to argue for their compatibility. Laws

    insists that his goals are social liberal ones, but that the state is not always the best means


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    to achieve them. If Laws is a social liberal, despite co-editing The Orange Book, then

    surely Howarth is justified in arguing that so is every Liberal Democrat.

    Social liberalism emerged from the New Liberalism of T. H. Green and Leonard

    Hobhouse, which informed the creation of the welfare state between 1908 and 1911,

    driven by David Lloyd George. But the key political forebears of the modern party are JohnMaynard Keynes and William Beveridge. Liberal Democracy is defined by a concern for

    fairness not as opposed to freedom, but as a necessary corollary of it. People are not

    free to fulfil themselves if constrained by poor education, health, living conditions, poverty

    or lack of opportunity. For social liberals, it is theraison detre of the state to make sure

    those five giants are attacked. Most liberal philosophers since the war have focused on

    social provision by the state, from John RawlssA Theory of Justice to Amartya Sens

    Development as Freedom.

    Every Liberal Democrat is a social liberal but some are also economic liberals and

    some are not. The distinction is therefore subtle but nonetheless real. The key differences

    are over means rather than ends. Lib Dems are naturally closer to Labour than the Tories

    because social justice is a higher priority than economic growth and because, on balance,

    Lib Dems trust the state. But for classical liberals like Laws, the state is only sometimes

    the best guarantor of peoples rights. Pointing out the failures of Labours best efforts to

    reduce child poverty through central programmes, for example, indeed puts some Lib

    Dems on the same page as the Conservatives but also as Frank Field, and arguably in

    the same public sector reform tradition as Peter Mandelson and Tony Blair. Further, it is

    widely recognised that in the liberal fight against unchecked power in all guises, the state

    can sometimes be part of the problem.

    First, over-centralisation is disempowering for local communities, with whom Liberals

    have been closely associated since their revival in the 1960s (it is worth remembering that,

    until May, there were more Lib Dem than Labour councillors in the UK).

    Second, Liberals are constantly aware of the possibility of individual or collective

    abuse of power in and through the state, as well as in markets and society. Where Labour

    focuses on state targets and Conservatives on institutions, Liberals pay most attention to

    due process. Politics works better in the UK than most parts of the world because of the

    incremental development, over centuries, of rules-based checks on self-interest and unac-

    countable authority but there is still a long way to go. The expenses scandal ought to

    have been positive for the Lib Dems, as it highlighted a genuine philosophical difference

    between them and the parties responsible for creating a deliberately opaque system. The

    problem was that Lib Dem individuals though in significantly smaller numbers were not

    untainted. Highlighting the Liberal belief in proper procedure also ran the risk of looking like

    an attempt to assert priggish moral superiority.

    Third, the threat of the British state to civil liberties at home and to principles of

    international law and justice abroad became all too obvious under Labour rule. It is to

    Labours eternal shame that they became so anti-liberal in the most obvious sense of liber-

    alism that they allowed the Tories, of all people, to find the basis for genuine common

    cause with not just some but all Lib Dems. Scrapping ID cards and ending detention of

    children awaiting asylum hearings would not have been the first priorities of a solo Tory

    administration but they were pretty easy to concede.

    Following the economic crisis, the proper role of the state is at the centre of political

    debate. Should reducing the deficit be prioritised over economic recovery or are the two

    linked? Do state institutions need to be subjected to better scrutiny and forced to prove

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    Features liberals and social democrats

    their worth, or will fiscal stringency necessarily worsen the welfare of those least able to

    help themselves? Such questions are at the heart of twentieth century two-party politics. It

    is no small irony that the Liberal Democrats should finally reach their holy grail of a

    balanced parliament, after two decades of scarcely ideological centrist government, just at

    the time when left-right divisions over critical economic issues have returned to the fore.There is no question that the party is divided on this and that coalition with the Tories has

    brought the divisions between economic liberals and social democrats in Lib Dem ranks

    into view.

    This is not, however, the biggest problem facing the party. The Orange Bookwing of

    the party may look as if they have taken over, but in truth it is pretty isolated at the top.

    David Laws has left the cabinet and the joke in Lib Dem circles is to ask where Nick Clegg

    would find another economic liberal in the event of one more slip-up. There are at most a

    handful in parliament. Even the cabinet is mixed. Chris Huhne ran against Clegg for the

    party leadership on a left-wing ticket and both contributed to Reinventing the State.

    Indeed The Orange Bookitself included chapters by people clearly on the left of the party,

    such as Steve Webb and Vince Cable. Cable will be the interesting one to watch. Though

    keener on cuts than most, he has made it clear how uncomfortable he is working with

    Tories and remains both a social democrat and a maverick. Meanwhile, most chairs of the

    new Lib Dem parliamentary policy committees are on the left of the party.

    The aggressive cutting approach in the emergency Budget has many Liberal Democrat

    opponents, but they are themselves divided. Some see the willingness of Lib Dems in

    cabinet to support measures the party had campaigned against in the election as an unfor-

    giveable betrayal. Rather more see the budget as one that reflects the balance of power in

    the government, with too much nasty Tory medicine but far less than there would have

    been without a Liberal Democrat influence. Indeed successes on income, capital gains and

    inheritance tax and above all on welfare, protecting pensioners and retaining a child

    poverty focus suggest that the Lib Dems punched above their weight.

    There are competing ideals within the Liberal Democrats, which present a real chal-

    lenge to the party. Economic versus social liberalism is one area of potential conflict, but

    that is relatively easy to resolve because all Lib Dems are social liberals. It is self-evident

    that any achievements the Lib Dems make in government will be gains for the left,

    because they will be won from the Tories. A bigger divide, then, is between those social

    liberals who feel it is acceptable to enter the Tory lions cage to try and wrestle social

    justice from its paws and those who find the compromises necessary to do so a step too

    far. In other words, the competing ideals are the overlapping ones between the desire for

    social justice and the desire for fair politics and compromise. That could only be resolved,

    logically, by the formation at some point in the future of a Liberal Democrat-Labour coali-

    tion founded on a commitment to proportional representation.

    The Liberal dilemma

    Having chosen coalition with the Conservatives over the purism of opposition (and it is fair

    to say that some activists are unhappy with the notion of being in power per se), the

    Liberal Democrats nonetheless have a thorny strategic problem. They have to try and do

    three things at once that are related but also contradictory: maximise their influence on

    policy, make the coalition work as a stable and coherent government, and retain a

    distinctive voice in British politics. So far, their greatest success has been in emphasising


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    common ground. It is obviously necessary for a small centre party whose only hope of

    influence is through coalition to sell the idea of coalition itself to voters. The difference

    between the Lib Dem vote share on 6 May and their opinion poll ratings the day before

    represented perhaps a million people who liked the party but feared coalition government.

    If that can be reversed, Lib Dem electoral prospects will be respectable and the possibilityof an extended era of coalition will be greater. However, in combination with the undeniable

    personal chemistry between Clegg and Cameron, the apparent coherence of the Coalition

    government based on a shared economic liberal philosophy sticks in social liberal

    craws as much as it antagonises the Labour Party.

    The Liberal Democrats urgently need to start showing how they are different. What

    they would like to do is publicise their preferred policies before government plans are

    formed. It has been accepted (perhaps too readily) that the principle of collective respon-

    sibility applies fully in a coalition, so decisions must be supported once made. However, if

    the Lib Dem position is clear before that, the public will be able to see which battles they

    have won and lost and give credit for their so far insufficiently visible efforts. There are

    dangers, though, in publicising your losses. A Lib Dem parliamentary committee could

    end up calling for one thing and then be obliged by the whips to vote for the opposite. On

    the other hand, if the strategy worked and the media started to highlight the Lib Dem

    influence in popular policy while blaming the Tories for the nasty bits, the coalition could

    be fatally undermined. There are signs, though, that the Liberal Democrat leadership is

    willing to take some risks in order to be distinctive. Tory attacks on Vince Cables call to

    explore the idea of a graduate tax arguably strengthened his position in the debate

    though of course they reduced his chances of turning it into concrete policy. Even Nick

    Cleggs condemnation of the illegal war in Iraq during his first Prime Ministers Questions

    was strategic, not accidental.

    If the Liberal Democrats succeed in being distinctive, influential and loyal all at once,

    they have much to gain out of the Coalition. Of course they will be judged on their record

    in government and even if they are judged unfairly, that is a better position to be in than

    any living Liberal can remember. But they have to keep their eyes on a fourth goal too. Like

    Labour, they need to prepare a long-term strategy that at least keeps options open. Of

    course the Lib Dems and Labour cannot negotiate openly, but some quiet diplomacy

    would be wise. In the current climate, such rapprochement sounds difficult. Once again,

    the answer may lie in public policy debates outside the realm of government. If the Lib

    Dems declare where their aspirations differ from the Coalition agreement, or suggest new

    policy ideas that are not taken up, it would be helpful for them to be considered by Labour.

    The reverse is also true. Multiple conversations on policy similarity and difference can

    bloom, without tying either side down.

    There are a whole range of issues on which it would be useful to find out, over the

    coming months and years, where disagreements between Labour and the Lib Dems are

    intractable, and where there is room for manoeuvre. The coalition ensures that conver-

    gence and divergence between the Lib Dems and Tories will be played out very publically.

    The danger for the Lib Dems is less that this might cause the Coalition to split than that

    five years working out the parameters of partnership will make no other option seem prac-

    tical after 2015. So both Labour and the Lib Dems need somehow to find space to talk

    about how things could be different and about where each others record is not so bad

    while sticking to their guns in respectively opposing and supporting the government.

    The obvious place to start would be to discuss the role of the state in the twenty-first

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    century. We know that Labour dont want cuts that are too deep or fast, but how do they

    envisage the future of public services in a possibly long-lasting period of austerity? Do they

    accept that some quangos offer poor value for money, or that some council executives are

    too highly paid? In turn, does Liberal Democrat dislike of centralisation mean that they are

    willing to direct greater funds and powers towards locally-run services, even as they supportreductions in the budgets of Whitehall departments? How does either party propose to

    stimulate serious investment in the green economy? Which state services are essential to

    redress social and economic injustice and which foster dependency and waste? Does a

    graduate tax offer the fairest solution to higher education funding? Should the tax system

    be switched to focus more on unearned wealth, including rising property values?

    The list of areas of potential agreement is endless. The question is whether coalition

    government will usher in an era where praising the ideas of opponents is more common, or

    whether only coalition partners can do that, while relations between the Lib Dems and

    Labour become more antagonistic than they have ever been before. Liberal Democrats ulti-

    mately want political reform to create a system of consensual government. Having made a

    rational but, for most, heavy-hearted decision to form a coalition with the Tories, it is, then,

    doubly peculiar to see Lib Dems scoring points off Labour in areas where they are

    probably privately closer to them than to their government bedfellows. But at the moment,

    we have a coalition within an adversarial system. The onus is on all parties to work out

    whether it is in their own interests to retain such a system. For the Liberal Democrats, it is

    obviously not. For Labour it is probably not either.

    If coalition offers the possibility of grown up politics, Britain is entering its political

    adolescence. Plenty of mistrust and a few stand-up rows are inevitable as all parties try to

    reconfigure their identities and relationships. Sometimes teenage rivalries ossify into

    permanent disaffection between former friends. Sometimes a bit of painful but honest

    testing each other out bolstered by plenty of late night chats can grow into a healthy,

    mature partnership.

    David Hall-Matthews is Chair of the Social Liberal Forum, sits on the Executive of the

    Liberal Democrat Policy Network, and is Chair of a new Policy Working Group on

    Inequality. He is Senior Lecturer in International Development at Leeds University.


    Brack, D, Grayson, R. and Howarth, D. (eds) (2007) Reinventing the State: Social Liberalism for

    the 21st Century, London, Politicos.

    Marshall, P. and Laws, D. (eds) (2004) The Orange Book: Reclaiming Liberalism, London, Profile.


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