Page 1: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U



WASHIIIGTOH January 25, 1943



Supplementing row report to you of January

18, 1943, the purchases against the North African

Rehabilitation Program from January 18, 1943, to

January 24, 1943, totaled $442, 021.87, or a total

of purchases for the program thus far of ~~ .966 ,626 .36 .

At tached i s report giving status of shipping

against these purchases .

The Committee, headed by Governor Lehman,

and t he Lend-Lease Administration have not as yet

finali zed requisitions for that requirement . These

requisitions are now in a process of being prepared

jointly with the Committee, Lend-Lease Administration,

War Production Board, and Smaller War Plants Corpor­

ation, No purchases have as yet been made for this

progr am,

~tti r of Procurement

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Page 2: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

tD • N SHIPPiflG REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23, 194.3 ......

CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U. S. A. At Port \Yai tiny Vessels To Port

!lew & uaed clothing 923 Ton a 417 Tons 254 Tons 192 Tone Cotton piece goods 1750 • 712 • 790 • 1129 • Shoes 34 • 186 • Refined auger 4196.5 • Raw sugar 1545 • 87 • Po'lldered milk 119.5 II

Tea 171.5 • 1'atohea 188.75 " 177.75 II

Copper sulphat e \'

2488.5 Tons 1611 .5 •

Dr~ a 6.067 " Boo a & booklet s 2 Tons flail a 100 II

Lamp Chimneys 17 • Newsprint 8 .5 • 286 .5 • 44 • Printers ink .045 • .044 Tons ~oh. finished book paper 2. Tons Cordage & twine 37 .25 • 192.75 • 70 • Cotton thread 19 • 12 • 81 • Lactose 1 • 1 • Co\ton bose 4 • 31 • 10 • Nipples, nursing bottl es & 1 • lhe Cupa P onograpb records 1000 Each Tooth brushes

.75. I

Totals 11, 456 .612 3, 637 .544 1, 474 1,331. 75

SEC R ,-- -,-Regraded Unclassified

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• •

Jl-a"71 •• 1111.

"rwaq , .....

~~~' H. S. lklt1 nmc

• lo\uroo4 \o 1\o\\lal .. a\ hlo roquoo\ , 8/84/43



F1le in Diary

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r.-.-Jr. JIUlu.ry 23. 1943


!be llonorab1• S...,. llorpntbab SecretarT ot tba Tl' .. I\IIT Treal\llT De~t Wo.a!W>ct<>a, D. C.

Dear .,. • S.oratarT 1

.t.ttact.l berato 1a Jour periiOD&l IUld

priftte COPT of tbe report CD atat.le of

tbe Sonet .Ud Propa, u ot Deeeabar 31,


Regraded Unclassified

Page 5: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

._r\ • 1\a\101 of Int.\ A14 p.._ at of 12/al./Ua .. , ... ., .. , \o 8\1\\laiu a\ bl1 ret.ol\, 1/ JI/41

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..... ...,_ ......... ., - .uw..ft n..,. ......

-- .......... ~~ 19, 1943 •

.. • u ,., • ...,. ._a=" , lr •

......,.., .. "•• &Q

....... ,».c.

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V.L v.L

V. L



..... .._._ I' ... 1e



•• L



• -

a ,




• 131


1'1_, .. '- *'a.._ ~ -"• 1a ••-•·"..;..-~ 12 •• -... flit" taU- to I.L ... ~ ..U- to a.-.

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Dear K" ._Vice President:

In the Secretary'• abeence, I

acknowledge 1ecetpt of your letter of

January 19, 1943. enclosing copy of

Order l o. 5, etgned by you, which

cl~rifiee the functions with regard

to certain taported coaeoditiee to~~er

with coptee of your letters to Secretary

Jonee and Secretary Hull.

Faithfully youre.

(Signed) D. w. 8~

Under Secretary of \he Treasury

Honorable H. 1. Wallace, Obatrun, Board of lconoatc Warfare, Waebtngton, D. o.




)#hi l /2?/4) llailed frO!:I llr . llhHe' e

office (LS)

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Page 9: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

Trtaou17 De~n~ DiYhlon ot lootareJ.33

0 Da~ .. -.1~!.2.291~ To: llr. D. 11. Bell

You r~y be interoa~ i n thi s

devtlo~ent or the eontrovers? between

S.E.W. and Jonea.


(Pleaoe reLurn LO ~•• Chauncey}

IIR , WIII TB Branch 2056 - Room 214i

------ "-----

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or the~··~


Jallll&l'7 19, 194)

Daal' S.Cret&rT llorc..,t.lau•

SiDe• I appeared oo DeoM'ber 8 betor• tbe SeDate BaokiDC t.Dd Ourreoq Coaittee, llr. Jaffer• baa plaoecl tbe ada1n1atrat10D of ou.r fora1CD ru~ procru in tbe baDda ot Rubber a. ...... Coap810' . .u of tba Board of looo0111c Wt.rtara 1 I ban toclaT aipecl Order lo. 51 wb1ch olu1t1aa tw>ot1oua 111 th HPJ'(~ to other illportecl o ... od1 tie• • A oow Of tbia order ia attaChed for 7011.r 1Dfo..at10D aloog nth oop1aa of lettara wb1oh I ban wr1tt... to S.Oratf.z7 Jcmaa aDd S.Orat&rT a.ll.

II. A. Wallace


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Jlif [ilifl [iiJif'!!ifli~i(11 i'~i'~~ II~~~~ •• 5 fill'" 4'~ ,_if~~~ flf(lf)J!:- fJf (t! -s ~1' i f~i ~ rf~l ~·; s ls til l f f! f ~z·~ f ef I r

• ,:e i ! rl!l 11 tf . l~l I I

1 ~ ;f· ~• ! ~ ~ rr ... ' f• i ~~ . r ~ri~~. ~~f~~ .l!~~!~i!fl~!!~lffi Iff~

11 ~~ J,t ~~flfft[::l~f(l!Jt ~1ff lit} 1 ~ I' J~if~r.~l- ~~ fh J- 1 - .. -4'! ff!(~' ~~•r !liF~f£ ~~!11 1.11 '

r t l [J 1 I f l & 5 i ~ l I£ _ 11


lq r.(l ~ i 'lf•ififl••r 'fl1r I_ lFI ...... w U1

Regraded Unclassified

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Millll ' ·1 ... I '·"- te .. I'- rc - W ...__ ... .--.u. ...... ._.~_.ia.U !Hir..UIIee ' W • ..U otn. ef I .............. IMUltlM etl U. el a~aw &Ill u. •&r' Ue .... _, ~ .._.--• ..,... _.. 'Ill.~ 'lie ~ etl ..... , ia ~- -~ U. ClluU1.attx ... laWapae\ett• etl .....Uft IHir ... 9UI, etl .,..U. lJ, 1t42, ia IIMpeft ., Cer\ela .......__ ., ... rt ' ., ., ......... _,.. ot 1mrd• ....,..., u..M • ~ ~ttrt•mt • w., ao, 1943.

4. Qa w ..,_ ~ :111, 19U, u. ,._u.. lllnner et ,.,. ...,.., en. .-1\aU. •1• ._ IMM at e.- etl a aU -.:-Sa• &Ill \lie m.r.ewr at u. ..._ et1 -. ~ .a.u ......,, .. u. Cl'lll.l '-'1M ...,..,LI, .. 'lae r= •-' M War* a c '••LN ~ •· u, et-t.n~. ... lip~ 71, lt42, •\UW "II&NeU.ft wltlll R1 5 1\ \a .. rnur.r _. h 1 xn at Getw ' -.• rm•, • ""-' hr • .-tar w U. _.,.at I 'e ........... etl ... at U. nr' era et _.,I 'M u an 'llll'aMo eaUnlF • ~. ia \lie .., ... ,......."-=o ..,.....W.. • c ',S '*•U... ot • ;r w atm1•1

• -v.u.

,, Ill ....... \e eftW U. ,_eU!Uit,r el Mlale • &...,U.. ia t-ip pa Ma ' Ud ...,.l•s ' a.U.rt\1M1 U. ota. ot .ra,erv, wl~ .... ,....,. at \loa Qpt - ., u. ................ ., u. qiMIF. , ..... ..u .. ..nhori.eel& .. •Wlx, .... 1\a ~ U'ft 4l,r,.U., _, etl ,._ nr' 0- etl _, etl U. • I 1" .-4 1e ~ie llr*r ...._ r1 t W ......,.. p& • \ \e a.ttoa 4 .r \IIU ONer

lu 8ft """~- • .....,. 2J, ltiUo

4. ., ,,.. .. ~ ONer ellltll 1a ., ..,. ..&~)' - ~ ,_ lattxe W WI 1 W ........,_ ..UU.C ., I \lie- ....-..ux ........ u. ...... ., • 'e ....on.

1•1 •••• ,.,_

o.w. .. ., lt, 19U

Regraded Unclassified

Page 13: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

co, r

!lie .... 'ble ftla 8Mft\aJ7 ot ' I'M

0.... o. ~· h Prulda\le a._ ot IIUIMII' 220 19410 oMrl 1 ' \o all ~U ....S ...,CM, reqvet.d \he\ I lieU t W ptt be \ella \o eltel•\e ~ ..,U•U. - _la,... of twnl•• -·- ..... ~ a...-t. ....... .

Ill u.. ~ ot u. w•e w-'· I ... .,. wo ,.,. u.. .,..,lac nJ.tu•••• .... , .am '*"-au. nan. ot .. n.1a ot \be U'C aoloeJMnt• ....S U. otneo ot I ...... ot U.. Jeuod ot ' .Sa ladare 1a U. bn'l hll ot U.

Ooft-''•lapon'U ,........, .......... - \o u. --~-­\b&\, ae\ol~ \ba ~t. ot 111\ea\1- ot .U pa!'\lae -••necl, U.. ,...._, nlou- on ae\ aoUotaeUll')', _. o bulo as.a,l.Ul•U• _., M M ciO 1a \lie Jll'llll .. lNO ... .. tiMe!. ot .,...u ••

!II• llaeb dU!l-.1\7, u I - u, l e \hat. ao ole~~......t dl'lida Ilea liMa do~ wwen \be JI'NCftM1al ... • ~ .... ot..,. ~· aacl ,...... 'JINJeoU • - lllltld, -.t \M Nen•lac at ..- pnJ..U • U.. Ot.bel'o II I ot a h1lllre \o n npha \ldt ,neoiJilat U. at.~.......,..,..,... \e aUeiMta ...,,• t.l• ot attm, ... .,. -.. .-u.... Jar~ left tall • •''-' wu ..ct. t.a eelft \lie pt ' I• 1lt' 11'11111 U.. etatl of ...... Jll"1eu7 FilS ettd.Ut,r t• ......... of M -\lallT -~ ......... lea'lla& .......... -u-1 ,.., ' ,...J..., ...... u. ,rtar7 ~ntao of u. n ,,. _,...u-, ~ ~ 11n11e '::I en~ 'n of U.. um..l\7 ot c!U\'epJ ""'• 1a .t-.1 - '-._ .. nlA's t. ...t ,.,n ''"J""• ~~a, - ..... 1

J '"*'• '' II- ....... lJae WU oleal't U. ......,_. iaftl.,.. a ..tu1e1 dl.tat. ot etatt _. .... , eltd.UU.. ..... ftle•ott.ft ... t.a -' \bU la\ .. 4lttlal\7 1a tM - of tnaU, 'lllr ..u)iec all t1alA pern•ol 1a a al 1 lle4 "'lalW 1\awe l'llnllulee C_.•d•"• bu......._ ..,, a-, wtu..n .,_,..., dt.ftela ot ,...


Regraded Unclassified

Page 14: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

• - fte ._..., el ---·

.,.ui~'J 'N$ II tM ·~ elft-, tM -1'111 el

... ...,. ......... _,_,.,.,. $'= "'..u .. : 1·

wu.,. Ia ...... te-' UIU -..&e p '!=, l • .._Ill 1111 .... .... ..,flllllllaleee! l,'*laOOj tn~ta. _, IIIUl'J f/1 tM ..... ,. .. * a ; dMUU. f/1 tM cMib f/1 .Dee Ml 14111• ........ , W. I ;;

Otoa141CU-. .,._ Pleat .,.,.:dol ..... ta. •• a. ~ , .. a ; 7• ftl.c o.w ..u- ta. ..._. ~,&. *'• lli\l ftiJIIt te all ........... tM .... laU .. I &? en P•i -


u-. .,... ...... ~ fll _...._ wU1"' •• , uo& ., .. , ,_ el tM ...... .UC -• IIUC -"- e1 aantn:tc, Utl t et ........ tM •tt I !IJ lilt d'IC wltll ...,..t te Uol tc, ... tile ClUJ' r el ..U~ f/1 U• ..

at.ul.l, will 'N '•"" ?lrr U. tlaa <111 -.-1-. la -.... ._, ... ~ S.IIIUU., .............. ~

'"" ,..... lw - ,.., ss1 " u. n.n. ., .- n=w• ........... &1M JW ...... M 'N paceM- tMb ,.,...UC.

" .., "' •n• " ._ • rw ._ .,. ....... ..., _. .... e1 ... n 'Ill ·a '"' ..., •-- •• •• ... ,_,.1_ tw ~ ........ wU1 ....,__ .... ala ••• dliUl'J. nwiala 1c ,. --. .... 1e ta. o=-.,.. .,. IIi-'- f/1 tM ..... an. nccn'7 Utc lli\l Ulc llcMa f/1 tlC II 1111 •a 11• ... wl\l tM ....._. f/1 Ulc ..._.., ....U ICUI .. tM a'fU ,_... I '•t• M ..a. Ulc ~

" 'we. 1 • a M I 1 ..... *- .... wU1- \e I IMI ..._

..... I all, .. .,......,. f/1 ....... "' - .... ' Ml\NlatM\etM ............... wUl..W.all ., .. - .,.....uclr .... t .. - ••••• u .. -.,..u,uu. .... .....u .. o.w-.

•• ell',...,

....... ,,_

'"' a

Regraded Unclassified

Page 15: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

COPY .10. 13

Inf'or~t\t.ion t'f.leoived up to 7 A. .U ., 25th J&nUAry, 191. ) .

l. ilJll,l.

/, cvuvoy bound for P.USS~ '!PUr unnuocotlaC'nU:; ltt..'lflkod yuntorda y by :. toNodo nlronrt., I or t!'hich \'ere Dhot do\'fl\ . On h lf'ht. 2)nl/.U..t.h Uol"WC~o.n nunnod :.tJto:- t.orpodo bont.D at.t.ucked objcetivu:a nout..h ot' a.RG.lO . Ot.cAgo vo.a dono to h .yri•eo .. tno 11.1\d r11:t.yo . ;\ i'atch JIOat. rae aot on Clt•e Md a bo·lchod 3h1p of fAllS t.or;.odood. ) \rlaonont \:or e tc.kan ru1d l'r J'O 88 ahoi. dorn . One of H. b • •• ,...,.,..,.,

;. n..: • ,OUO \oJ1 t'lhit• off Wd.BA 1'U:!l3L un l?tl1' unot.hor 2, 000 ton :~hlp '11"6r:t. o: ~ l •"'-l (L) on l81Jl .

.l ..... IJ.ill.

i"-•'01..1 w n :\ .• t.lo.:kc.J. •

ib9 -.nCGJ t-~ «-est. or nort.h t.nd oout.h Une tJ-...rout;fl !101. a.cb;Ocl b.n. t.ho1"0U._b ~ h':rbour a.od

~· r; • ., t~r.e:v :~-a be...-: -.nJhod bclc!.: on t.hc. tl~UJt .. ·~.-.:U•t' DU fNti 1'0~~ t.c. t ~lut. nhout. ""5 a!lu~ :TOJ.~r- ol' i'n:ir OU t'.JW . 1'tw rood lt10ding sou~'\ ·wtT' D.h.:S .1. P~ROOU hAo boor clo:~r-ed for ,.. dletl:.nco o( 6 a..U<.t , 1'i1o tmfQY ud'll..nce

O'."TT tho V.cJ.Zl h.-"r boo.:1 <lrlv.,. h t"k c brnit. ~ m1ltu but t.hoy ht:.vt.t captured t.tJ h1.;h t;ro\lnd -.taut. ot ~n' , .;..~rovr.. ln': on DJ •. R.l.-OU:.>Sr.L.\T t.hc cneny b

t. :.111v\td t.o h r-ve 1- 1nod a(lme i nj t tr~l GU':lt.:.fl:J,Joa .

~· ,lc \rly ;oo toOOS of womli:s urol•~· f•botogr'lli"s t hieh in­~b .. i!-J rol•t.t•ou ~~· prO'IiO'.Irl d'\)" 3h0"' mu~;h desiruouon .

Ww jLOOi\f. :.'().) tone of boc.x~ rol~ •~.

'i~ ;ut t,Q!Lt' .¥uCA .clst/,.;.J.d. 3;181-.'a INCC~tC".:.llJ attacked t.l'flll3-t 1\.1! 'O"W.L'\iC'ltlOC\5 tn th~ ro.,IS r011 t~!' f.(J fA~ '\I"C!'U • 11.1\u -..,)llntJ\OftS bol:beC

! . ..r. lr!'t..ld • .und. :. t.o·...&l. or ~~ ...... ~~rl ~·) at.t:cte on :U:ilS c;.\r­.1.11 1.J :..Jhd i."'t;t~tore ~ ~rte"t.:s ~ t.ho bu.t.t.l· a.roo . At nt(.Jlt. (. tr 4 net 'Ad> .... Lt.,. Lc-.ndh1' Gr«;nd ... W"Ont •t.Jc-;-od , l)nl. )S I" . ;J. ? ,. ·.c:td .. (,tlo.J';. HL.r~ur, orn laf'tC uH • w--..~c G\1"\.A. 'I.~ 61\0r.hor probc.b)Jr ~· • · t1 ;ht.:\lnaJ Joct7"0yed 15 'fflblcle;t oo tn'"' t£..8.:..:..-b.....l CAitll.\N ... &.1:.11. • .nQ%1Y cc.sucl­

,! !I 'urtnt: c U tho!u opol"":t.iona 1.2, 10, 1.1 . AllttJd L"' ml aes.n, .

,WJ.(L. 2J.r,d/;)rd 1'11\d J")rd . At.tcc:.o n•tl1lt.t\1ned on ro t.N-.. en~ 1-ot.\ ~o~on t.UAR.t. ud tU.Di:jlt1.... ~...tiUii. arvf n...:; liAlillAN:. L\ndlnc r rou.ndtJ .. .nd t:

h'l ~O.~RA t..n~oo \'·uro boob·Jd.

!l&..!)!ttJ.b;•!te..l!p . 22nd . :.J . S. u.ta't'urlo ru 1rlt.h L1cM.n1nu oocol· t. 1n t1L l "'n Chtnn·l .:co1·td '-"-' h i ta on a. t~blt) 'fhich •no l~ft. llc l.lng. 2Jrd . Aircr~:r

·-•. :a N,·u.u, , oUtnc•-on OD:!lb..r a , \ clllngton t.ot•podo n iror t\rt ,.nrt flo..uCor t. ac.nk ' ..YJ t.on ~hl.' uort..'1 .. ,,or t.h---u-tt or ut. nc;. t SLllllD, dnmacud 111\ oJ' t.h., a:.::~e ~l::t.

J l~<.~ hlr. dolt.l'OY-'~'• n,ra3 tr.trgos off r'unlu l"'n r.o:tot. 'oro .

~~· .!1-5•... t•ell"'-t.ons ca.rriod out. l\1.t.6ck a t. z..Uil.:S ::.lrrto!n .... por t..Jd ht.,Jll.; .. \l.tC"OaGful..

Regraded Unclassified

Page 16: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U


Jaaaary 26, 1~3


Total .ab•cr1pt1oa• receiYed to tbe

two billion dollar certificate offerina

aggregate $6,400,000,00Q of wllicb $1,~72,000,000

a l lotted in full, lea•ins allotaent of fourteen

percent to coaaerctal bank• . Total allotaent

will .. ount to about $2,160,000,000 , of wbiob

about •lz hundred •illion dollar• t• new ~~~..,.

Debt ll•itation bill• introduced in botb Rou•e

and Senate ye•terct..r. Bearing• are •-' for

Friday aorniq in Bou•• and Saturday afternoon

in Bellah.


Regraded Unclassified

Page 17: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U


Colonel Berne\etn te here wt\h a

special cont1den\1al aeeaage tor you troa

Genenl 5111\h re your Y1e1\1ng his area.

He would lite \o tly down \o see you \o

deliver \ht- . I .uggea\ \ha\ be

coae nex\ weekend tt \ha\ ta conventen\

\o you and he can ge\ \ranii])Or\aUon.



Regraded Unclassified

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Jal'lllary 26, 1943.

Conference in llr . D. w. Bell'• Office January 26, 194.3

10:00 A.JI.

Present: llr. D. lf. Bell llr. Serle, State Department Jtr. Pasvolsk;y, State Department Ur . H, D, Tlhita


Be! ore Secretary llorgenthau left !or Cuba be aakod 11r. Bell te ask te ote Secretary Hull te ascertain Secretary Hull•a opinion on taking the next step with r.,.pect te the International StabUiution Fund propoeal ,

llr. Dell eaUO<I Sooretary Hull'• ot!ice on !lonclfV' 1 January 181

and Secretary Hull'• office pra>iaod te lr.t llr, Bell know about the appointment, Jtr, Serle taloplloned llr, ll'hite on llondq, J&nU&l'7 2S, te sov- that Secretary Hull Md aakod hill te get in touch with the Treao1ll')' in lieu of the •eoting in Secretary Hull•• ottiee , llr. White

·aokod llr . Serle whether he was te opep: !or Secretary Hull at thia ""'•ting and 111; . Serle eaicl yea , Tho mooting wae orre.ngod tor 10:00

on January 26 in Ur. Boll•• office,

llr. Bell be&an by e'V'in£ that at Cabinet -ting eometiM pre­viou.]J', he got the iapruaion that there nre a r .. things te be cloarod up with the Britiob before going forward with the .further conoideration of the proposal. Jlr. Serle explained that what they had a~;rood upon to do was to call a conference of the Britieh, Ruaoiano , Chinese and Americans at which 10oeting the AJoerican draft would be oubmi ttod and dilcuosiono WOI\ld talco plnee,

llr, lohita otatod it was h1o underatanding that -.bon the matter of a prcpooal for an International StabUization FUnd and Bank was sublllittod to the Preoiclent by Secretary lforgenthau that the President had indicated be waa intereated and had aalcod Secretary lloretnthau to take up the matter with Secretory 1!1111, Secretary Jonas and the Board or Economic Warfare and than opol\lc to hill attar tho secretary had talked with these people . llr, White thought that before acy <lfficial conference was arranged that it would probab]J' be neceaoary

tor Secretary l!or~;enthtu te oee tho Prtd.clont. llr. llhita thought that before doing that, acre pr~u aiaJ>t be :o.a.clo by eont1mdng to handle it at an in!orul le.,..l and ouggested tbet a letter, a draft o! which ia appended, be sent out to variou. Qo.,..rnunte. Attar further inforaal diacueoiona had taken place and we had a better idoa ot the reaoti one o! the tachnieiano , o! nriou. Qo.,..rm<~nta, Secretary

llars enthau could then •peak to the Pres ident and decioion could .be aade .. to -thor to go ahead with a roraal· conterenoo.

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- 2-

'l'h• lett.r wu read and Mr. Panolek;y thO\lg)lt that was tho best w~

to handle it and auueatecl tlla adt11tioa o! a phrase 1a U!a letter which wu ap-eecl upon. )jf. Berla thought that would be a better wa;,

to proceed also but sa1cl be thought 1a view o! the general aituation,

1t would bo better to submit the draft proposal to the Britilsb, Ru&aiano and Chinese, ao alrea<IT had been acreed up<>n, and to intona

U!a British that ..-o prap<>oe to aend copiee to all the Qonornmenta

and to succ••t to the Britieh thq aigbt like to do tha sae with their dr&!t prop<>sal; then allow about a week to elapae. 'Ire could

then go ahead and send the letter to the vvious United (and

Aesociated} N~tiona .

l!r . Ball said be wO\W! be troubled by tho letter to

'"""' ot the United Nations and not to the others . It wu agreed that the proposal and the accompanyins letter would ~· to all

tho 1/nited and Associated Nationo . It waa alae understood that the

State D"'"U'tcl•nt would go over tho list ot nations to uka certain

that the lilt contained the appropriate ganr,...,nte .

1fr . l'lhito was to aend a number ot copioa ot the International

Stabilization }'\lnd propoeal to tho State Department ao aocn ae t.hey

. wore mimeoaraphod and l!r . Serlo was to forward copies to the Ruuian,

Chinese and British Governments .

H. D. White

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Dear Jlr, l!iniat.r :

I am sending for yo"r OXBIIlination a preliloinary •morand,.. Md

a proliminary draft ot a Proposal tor an Intornational Stabilization

F\lll<l of tho United and Aaaoeiat.d Nations . ihaae doeucento "ere pre­

pored b7 the teelmical at.ff of tba United States Treasurr in consul­

tation with tho teehnieal experts or otbar departDenta of th1a Oovem­

•ent .

These dooumenta are sent to yo" not aa an expression of the

official views of this Oovemment bUt rather aa an indi cation of the

n e,.. widely bald by the technical experts of this Oovemment. I hope 7011 will examne these doc:u:Mnto and thea tor critical

stud;y by tho technical expert. of your lliniotry and your Oovel'!lll!ent.

ACtor you and your experts havo had opportunity to eonaider these

documents , yo" 11J1t1f wish in tho not too distant tu ture to s ond one or lllOro or your technieal experts to Wa.shinl!ton to giTe 111 your pre­

liAinary reaction to tho draft proposal, and to diseuse with our

teebnical experts tba t oasibUit,. or international monetary eo­operation alone the linea suggested in thaso documents or along any

other lines you 11Jit/f wiob to suggeet .

It soeu to me that the draft proposal points tho Wt;f to an oftoeti•e meane of facUitoting thl'OII&b cooperative action tbe

maintenance ot international monatary stabili ty and tho reatera­

tion and balanced growth of internati onal trade . It is my hope

that as a rcault of unotti c1aJ. diseuseiona involving no ocmmit­-.nta, we J1fi1 find a autticient area of agreeunt to warrant pro­

ceeding on a 110re fonul basis.

Sincerely youre,

So ere tory of the Treasury .

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~ ' JJ li~E I ;~~~~ l ~ ~ I

r.•1 ... 1 tl .• , . -~- .. , ;r•ll' 'I [l ~ i e~lf•tr. ~~-~ .. ~ 1 r 1 ..... i.~ .. rrrr 1 eJ l ~i J (

li11~,1Si ~r~~~~ ~~(·''!l ~~ Ia• ~,. ~· ' ' r~l J t J bl r •• l t~ I. r. _ ~ r~ ~-~

P ,... -1 ~;. ..1.:. ra ' a .. sf •' ' ~~ ,,.~~~· ··•r' t•tl'' .. ~~· I ,. !

. ~ ~il ;t!lli; ii!!i lii~·~l ~~ . . I

~ ... U1

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J&I'IUIU7 22, 194).

1.2. 40 P•••

Following for A.F.w. Plwnptre fJ'Oil w.c. Clorl< ,

l)oput)' Hiniatar of Finan.,., beg1no:-

1 . Please thank Dr. !larry Whit.e for the oonaideration

Wbicil he bed 81 ven to the propoeal eet rorth iD rq .....,randwl

of J&IIWLJ7 7th.

2. I • cU.eappoiDte<!, of couree, but I cen ••• the

reliOOne which have led Dr. llhite end hia coaittee to take

the poaitl.on they have . Aa you point out, tho chiaf

cU.ftarences betlfeen his approach and our own lies in the teet

that we are ooncerned with the poet--war pooition and the poet-­

war relations bet>raen the two oountriea, while he and his

aroup s- to be worried over tho poseibility or public• based pri=aril.Y on posaiblo ooJIP'lriaons be-en tho

ucbAul&o reserYe which I bod euuoatocl for Canada and that

11bieh ffll:l be agreed upon in tho caaa or certain other countriee.

Ot oouno I think ouch cri ti ci• would be 110re tenable U our

ucbeAp reaervea were being built up aa a result of lend-lease

aaaiatance by the United Statee to Canada u 1n the case ot

tha other oo\lntrie• w1 th which co11parieono would be made.

Actual.}J', bowftr, •• think thllt we are givin& the United

States dollar !or dollar value in the delivery of war supplies

wbie>h con be eacured hero quickly and eC'lnoeicall.Y• J.Urtherw>re

in IIAkin& coapariaons bet>raen countriee, reprd ehould he

bed to canaaa•a debtor position via-co-n• the United St&tea,

tba pecul.ia.r wJMrab1111.7 ot her trede poeitl.on and tho other

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ooneidorst1ona ouWMd 1D 110" --.

) , I at1ll bell.,.. that the prinoiploa 1114 conaidaratio ..

danlopod 1a 110" -rud• of .rar-ey 7th •re aounct and

a,ppropriata and that tho oiaa of tho rooorn which I au-ted

therein wu liltoly to be 1a tho belt intoreata of beth ocuntrioo,

I .. not in a poo1t1on to Mite &10' altomat1vo OUjlpotion -•h

woul4 be aOWld on tho buia of tho principloa that aoom

reloTant to us and of oourao I WOIIld not oonaidor thia a

Mttor for barga1ninc. lou may therefor. toll Dr. iihito that --..;~

are prapared to loo'f8 ourool.,.a 1D hie honda 1t thO TreuuJ3'

hOll.,oa that they IWit aettlo thO <PMtion priJiar1ly on t.ha

buia of con&idorotiona rolatin& to poaaiblo c._naona with

aottlaaanto roacbed for otbar countri... You ad&ht point out,

however, that wh11e, aa be saya, the d1C£trtnoe between the two

IUilCtltiona tor tho 111o1- ficura 1a not ao an abooluto oum vaey

lorao, it ropreaantO no .. rtholoaa a aubatantial poreontaao and

would pzobably brine torwani b)' ai&ht or ten 110ntba tho t1ao

if a drain a- thea bepn in tho ~ ... poat-•r poricd.

4. U tbe TI1I&OUJT fael they ... t _,.. to the _,nl_ ticuft a-steel b)' Dr. llhito, I woul4 aka only tb!.a ooo ouae•­

t.tcm. ~r tho88 ci~t.ancoo wool4 he ..,... that tho United

Sta- •t.bor1 t.1oa 110ol4 haw no object ion it wo ohoul4 wiah to

P"7 ott ill tM next JUror two aaturin& or callable oocuritioa

~ /ill u.s. hilda ap to tho amount, eay, of tho not procoo48 of aaloa

of aOftJ"l.t1ao attar tho data of the now arrane-nt. '!'his woul4

a•oid a tllrtllor ~- 1a our capital poaition rta~a thO

tlll1 ted Statoo ,

5· y.,.. .... ol4 poiDt out to Dr. '11111 to that of couroo t.baro

.. no a-t1on 1D 110" o~ _,__ or in olll" diacaaotoa

that the p....t.eioo in ......., to aocnorl.\7 .U.a alo>ol4 be-

nti'MCUft. 6. I hno uprooood our poaition tnr*l7 but baTO no -----Regraded Unclassified

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• 148 Pap )

objection to your thia deepateh to Dr. White. u we

are prepared to leave the queotion in hie hando , I do not tllinl<

aroy 1\lrthor diocuaoion.o are neeeeaaey but in view or our

Parliament )(eeting next .,.,ek, •• would appreciate anything ha can

do to expedite a dee1a1on. snda .


Copy dal, rl 1-~-.43

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( l



·-~D.C. E.R.-Jr.

, 7 . .. .Tanuarr 26, 1943

To1 The Honorabl e Henry llorgootbau

Froio a E. R. st.ttiniua, Jr.

&bJectr lxtcuti'f't Rlpqrt•

'l'ranllllitt.d barn1.tb, !or 10U1' Wo.--­

tion, are copiee o! the Exeautin Reporte

on lend-1eeee operatione, •• o! Deoe11ber 31,

1942 •



............ .,

... •

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CONFIDENTIAL Executive Report No.I

Off lct of Ltnd-Lt o n Admlnletrat lon


Mont hl y Re port 01 of Dto. 11. 191.2 ( Thouoon do of Dolloro )

Appropriation Cotocor.r Adju.otod

Ordnance and Ordnanoe Stor.a • • 921,52Q" AlrOroft and Aero. llateri&l 2, 770,871 2, 708,009 2, 596, 740 1,545,734 Tanke one! Other Vob1o1 .. 911,608 ?91, 034 662, 366 453,853 YtaHls and Other W&teror att 2,416,668 2,209,024 1, 737, 321 975,892 MilO. Mili tory l'.q\11-nt 367, 016 361,777 328,255 156,841 ProduotiOD f&oiliti&l 1,162, 764 1,141, 296 1,1).U,902 741,0?9 Agrio. and ID<Iu.ot. c-41t i&o 7,21.1,503 6,&41,170 4,,,,, 91 3,3,,414 somoinc, bpaizo ot lbipo, eto. 531, 470 514,680 331,0?9 Sorrto .. aD4 lxpmHo 911,694 445,140 216,071 Acl&1n1otr&tin lllpeMeo 20,000 16,413 13,951

l'roollriDC AcnoT Ad,lQitod

lor Dtpuotunt • 1&"7 DtpuotoeDt 2, 271,106 1,060,650

liar. Coli. &1111 .... lbipping 2,154,238 1,441,843 1, 154,463 !'re.....,. Dti'U"toeDt 3, 189, 481 2,117,519 1,854,868 1,083,711 DtpuotleDt ot ApiOIIl t ..... 2,982,100 2,961,199 1,?93,252 1 ,632,571

Otbu 15, 285 14,500 12,001 11, 633

"'IIIIB llOOtlllft OOIITADS I117011114~ ArriC'l'DIO 1'111 IIATIOIIAL Dlnll8l or 1'111 Ol1'l'IIJ SUTIII li'I THir 1'111 IIIAIIIJO or 1'111 IBPI OIIAQI 1m, u.a.c. 501 J1 m 32. m TLU~a~ISBlOII 01 Till Rm:I.Anor or I'l's COIIDI8 II Ali IWIIIIIl TO All ~Ill) 1'11801 IB l'I!OHIBn'ID Bl w.•

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CONFIDENTIAL Executive Report No.2

Office of Lend- Leou Admlniatrotlon


Monthly Repo rt at of Dog. 31. 1w I Thouaonda of Dollora l

Typo or 1.14

Goods Tranaforre4

S.rviclnc, Repair or Sbipa, oto.

Rent.a1 or Sbipa , Ferrylnc or Urcrart, etc

Production tacl11tloa In u. S. U1scellantoua ~n•••

Total Service•

Tot.a1 Goode and

265, 897


554,065 49, 61)

?95,868 544,0)2

)9,6U 10,0))

t 6<o, 018


Data on Oooda tranaftrrtd include Y&lu• of ~ood1 p~ooured tro. lend-1•••• appropriatio~ to tho Pruldent an4 to tho Army and Navy.

N.D. Thll report oxc1udoe data on tho nluo or Goode in Procou. At Augu4t )1, 1942, the &ac\11\t rro. appropriation• to tho Prooidont n o $1,)60,19S, OOO, oooprisod or t ho lt.taa •Art1olta An1t1nc Tra.nlf'er or O••• and •.trt.iolll 1n Proc••• of M&mltacture.• It Ia not ooulblo to dota...tno tho nluo or Goode 1o Procou t'roD appropriation• to tho An7 and Navy,

Typo or Aid

Goods Tranerorrod

Servlolng, Ropolr of Shlpa , etc.

Rente! of Shipe, FerryinR of Aircraft, eto.

ProduoUon Faollltlu In u. s. Miacollantoua Expen111

Total Goode an4 S.rvlcoe

CUaoulatiYt to Doce•ber )1, 1942

Br. Clip ire China u.s.s.R. Otber Total

$5,040,8)9 t 126,260 . 1, 261 ,024 t u9,556 $6,547, 6?9

2)), 907 951 27,656 ) , )8) 265,897

657,164 1),057 106,160 59 ,098 8)5 ,4?9


)),942 956 1,090 1) ,625 49,61)



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CONFIDENTIAL Eueullve Report No. 3

Office of Le nd-Leou Admlnlatrat lon

DETAIL OF ARTICLES TRANSFERRED Monthly Report at of P.o, 31. 191,2.

I Thouoo nd o ol Oolloro)

Br. ilopire

(Excl • .u.unition) • 277,841

-ition and C:O.pon41nta 499,46o

A!z<:raf~ 539,493 35 ,212 310,00S

Urcratt lncin.1 , Parte, .~. 287,883 2, 124 8,964

Coobl~ Vollicloo JlS,698 922 210, JOS

Hon-Combl ~ Vohicl .. 183, 053 25, 453 139,136 6, 664

Watercraft and Parte 375,147 447 15,549 6,651 397, 794

Ulaoella.ntoue Wanutaotw--.1 113,699 7,025 39,816 6,281 (Toxtilo, Lolthor, oto.)

Agrio. Procluoto (roodotutfa) 9J7,ll8 101,869 1, 553

Agric. Proclucto (!:xc1. rood) 226,500 513

llao~17 216,161 ) , 6o3 62,001 183

Motola 8,9., 11J,909 617

h trolo,. Procluoto 315,289 3, 237 14,806 5 333, 337

lll Othor J?0,4J4 ,,uo 56,224 17, 04) 448,811

Total S5, 040,8J9 Sll9,556 $6,547, 679


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• I

I • I

' I I '



• l

jl)' ' .. : ~ ' '




January 26, 1943


There is submitted berenith the operating report

of Lend-Lease purchases for the neek ended January 23,

1943 .

The increased shipping space continues to bold

firm. Some of the Bri tish seaport stocks of steel

ore beine diverted to An>erican indtls try through the

medium of the l.'e tsls Reserve Corporation .

n~ of ProcureClent

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AS OF JANUARY 23, 1943 (In Uillions of Dollars)

Administrative lfiscellaneous & Total U. K. Russia China Expenses Undistributed

Allocations ~2735 . 7 2724 .5)

$1353 .2 (1316.2)

~889 .6 875 .8)

$58 .4 (58.4)

f3 .7 3 .7)

~30.8 470.4)

Purchase Authorize- ~2227 .0 f l270 .9 $882.6 $41.3 - $ 32.2 tiona (Requisitions) 2184 . 7) 1264 .2) (848.8) (41. 8) - (30.4)

Requisitions Cleared ~2092 .2 ~1224.4 rs5 .6 ~1.2 - $ 31.0 for Purchase 0068 .5) 1216 .9) 781.6) 1.2) - (28.8)

Obligations (Purchases)

~1972 . 2 1932.9)

~1152 .0 1126 .8)

r 48 .1 736 .1)

f:1 .2 1.2)

$3 .6 (3 .5)

$ 27.3 (25.3)

Deliveries to Foreign $ 846 .4 $ 661.7 fl56 .6 f20 .3 - $ 7.8 Governments at U. S. (831 .2) (653 .5) . 150.2) 20.3) - (7 .2) Porta•

•Deliveries to foreign governments at U. S. Ports do not include the tonnage that is either in sto.rage, " in- transit" storage, or in the port area for which actual receipts have not been received from the foreign governments.

Note: Figures in parentheses are those shown on report of January 16, 1948 •


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1. an.-tc. ., ,..,.... - -- 1114 .utt.. CepSAe &\~- ... -' ... ~ ... .... ,..-t.~··

2 . ONl ,..~- .... .. "" c:-1\-- 0..1.41 ltlll1lll IJo C.' ........ f t ..........


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n 0 z , -0

~ ....... -> -

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1 . a.-at'7 . .. a. o ...

3. CODtl'Ole

•• so ....... or SUppb

5. SUba11tuteo - Fvreia- aDd Domaotlc

6. Pr .. eDt Stoolta 1D U. S .

'1. E.xpeotaUon f or 1M~ u4 19 64

8. a.qutre .. ata or F~1aD4lr Nat10DI

9. PurobuiDS tor OoYa.-Dt Stook)IU•

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1 158

• I t ' 2, Importotloll ot oorlt -,..u ,.....SU7 so .., •'nk&le>

IDitorlall na}lab~a la Bpaia, Pn'Mal 01' lolo~ Atn.oa; la poUUoel or proo1ud ... purpla .. I.AC lla&OtlaUou aon 18&J be ut1Uaeol tr•lr eo a bargoiniDC tool. ..

3. Operation• Ill acquirllal aSOokpila eboul4 be ouatlllly to nold plli'ObU111C Wl4aa1rabla ....-pllla atoolta tor 11011-aaa&~~tiel Deada ooualn& aoonOOiio •uta ot -JCI"I'o aqui,_,.,, port ami UalaaportaUOII taci11Uaa .

4. WI tb tba npeoted ra-t1011 ot ab.IJ1111Dh r.- llor\b Atrica, cora .. ,, be tetaD to oorraleta tbe -~~~Dt oro- there altb tba otber llor\b Uri cea probloru. It, beoauM ot cbq ... lD tbe war a1tu.t1oD , abi)llllata are ~bataDtiallr re4uced ,or olilii1DOted trcm SpaiD, Portu&al 8114 J!ortb Urice, the atoolrpile •1U telra care ot '-4!eta ....Sa, but a .,ra IDteDaha March tor wboU tute u terhla will he ... to ba lied a,


Cork 1o the outer ooYerln& or berlr ot the oork oet tree. (~uorcue ~ubor) Tbero ore three CGaa*~ol~l cleoa1t1oatloDOa

1. Corlreoocl 2 . llillin& 3. Crlodln&

u ...

Comoocl 1a uaeol pr1Dc1paUj 1D the MJ~utacture ot -¥1De goocla, such •• buoy r1qa , Ute ore .. rnra, tlo•ta, etc . , pd cork ttol)l)era; cork ln the •DUtootura of goeteto, crOWD oa!) UDcra; grie>dl llo cork In tlRI ..,.. .. _ foc\Ura ot 1uulot1oD boel4, .Uoolav.ll,. pipe co•eriD&•

Under norMl oood1Uou trom 5o to 60 per oe11t ot to'iet cork co110umpt1on goeo into 1DIUlot1oD, 15 par ceDt 1~to crOWD CoP lllllfO, 10 per coot Into &eaketo, woahera, apec1olt1oa, eD4 7 por coot I nto linoleum.

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• CO!trola

Corti ... ooe or 1M flra~ u.pontd Mte.rlela co ~ plee~ v..Ser too.trol. 'Re: ProduotlOD liD'" coonol ord.u 1a C?O M-.b, l.le\M4 lo Mtl 1941, eM ....r:t.e4 •nral U.•• alee. tblt.a, Tbt orlJl.Ael ttook~llt re¢o~odat1oo. ••• l.,uti lo MtJ 19,1, &04 cootl~ •ltlo '~ &ept•~-; 1941. 1'b4 prtHD' atoci,l h recoar.ohtioa U 64,000 .. ,,.., \ooe or cork .~ 6,000 me~rlt ton• of corkWood . It le ex~ott4 thet • oe• etock~lle 41rectl•t ~ill bt leaued abortlr dirtotlt tTOm the $\.ookpllt a:a4 l'r&oaportelllOO UlThloo or the ?!'ar Produ.ctiOCL Botrcl to tblt Boa~. nt.t.r than tbe proot4~o~r. heretofore, which b .. bt«o tor \be nocrDeohtloo w co tree 'bt Cotle e~ Atb .. tot Breaob of the ler Prot"o\iQa Board to DefnM SU.PPU .. CorporeU.on.

Tbe Nloe.Uoo to: ~c--.doa lt Ot.ltftlfltb beHO oo epprouaa\41) n .ooo \ou -.thlr •• o~ to U.. ltU eoc-.aptioo ,.,,...,. of U,OOO \.Cot DiDdllJ . Slth tbe UHpUOD Of' C.~C c.p 1-uae.n *Di OOrit

ato~re. the ~ or cort U f'Ntrlo~ co 4.teAM orders a retiA~ ot A•lD or bttter lad to certaiD trpe• of inaul.etlOD.

,U tbe War lro4ucUo.n Doarcl..COrt h4uetr) lllll!lat1G6 OD JaQI.lUJ' 22:, 194~, 1 t • u locUu\.ed \hot a au.oplJ tor lliOre uteftded ot corte tol" cetUlCI oooetruoUoo Jllll"P<>••• oi&M bt peml u •aa tolt that auoh a mo•• • •• no• lo order, to •lew ol ~be 1Upply ot cork already to tbte oouotry, plua tba upeotaUon that 1a porta tlooa •ould eoatloue \0 oo~

tonerd aot. 011.1y rrom Speb eQd Fortuael but 11.0 !'rca North .\tt'iot.

PNotledh· ell or tile .-or14'e •~~tJI\1 ot co3 ccaes t"NJ!s • J"ehthel.J '"'• pr1odpeUr Port~t. 5peto ea4 llortbei"D A.rrlea. 1Jiporu atoce .,.. t.rot:aa don u tot lo ... ( le allon toceJ :

Port"'*l !!!t ~~~ f\6 ~ l$,001 23,641 J.t.cerle 24ttt• 17, \1'7 .Joroooo 3, 3-01 1,160 All o tbera ~ 119

113,781 ~

1941 l:iO, 799

9 ,&:>6 1.6!7 7,4.9~

13? 169,922

oall 1930

• 159 subul W\!! - ! mile ..S ~Ulo

la edo~'UlOII to _, •ell 4Sta'bluieo 10.\IU Wt~ oC do.MeUC Ol'i&la ( u liOU Cork, bell' reH, celotaS, &h•• "001, .-..tu•t, .~.) tOr l~t.UCNt par-po•• tlMre h abo ~ 'bart "P.o klto• an1ltb1e 1a anz:U •lliab eou14 be vel4 . Ue• ot thh •terla 1 u aot oo.trohllr IQWid becev•• or klp prlct .. O(la!P'Itn4 1.0 6J'iodlq; COrle Otber l (f.UillJ' IOQd d~aUo .Libl\1'" tutu. J. t .. wull thl!!ml6Ut '"'' lllpot'tt4 troa &ruU tor t4at1AI PQ.,.oNa oo • OCOL.'Otroltl •o-.le 'but reaulta 1!tlloot..S U"11n ·aot -cuS>et'10l' to do•tU.o aubatltutta ~64 Ulder nreaont •h1p~l4l oond~'~ODI 1ocreaee4 produotioa ln 6.r11&l\ 111 DO\ WU.,.D\.fi\10 •

a.rt:. ot tht l.roW&h• t1r tNe a .. 11Aibt. 1a 1JMI IJ01 Wd ~t·tha i.e h~ ~~,~a11 .. uu~• eho b .. t>.llD tnt4114 ree-ar:~n.) but Den e&eiD r.aulu to au. i~.tou .. sA•t UM ot U. yc\lld be reantct..S to • •hoWN ot ~ol'kbo&.rd .,.,.. uh11 ..

a.attoe ot 1\ ·dU ace.a .. rU)' b.. co••ruo b)' UM Prie.. r.cto:r •• equw t.O otL.r 40Ma\le •uba:twt.~a. •

frco•aat f!Otkl h o . &.

't'o~al platt10ol atoc:ka or eorlt aM col'kw-oo4 t• da.h QOWI~f7 •• ot Juue.rJ 1, 1043 .. r. 1Pfltoa1uk.,1.r 109,000 abort t.oa.a, or •tueb. Lotutt.r)' OWQ.t4 t~J"'&lMtd)' 65,000 ahOrt tOOl u4 IOYCII'DOIIA\ 44,000 abOrt UIDI. 'I'M ;'&t ProdvoUoo 8oer6 t~ca ttet-14 thtt tbt ... at.GCh a ro baUaftd ~tfloltllt to .-et ent1e1pete4 ooo~.ubatltu\e,lt ~111t.erJ D'$61 to~ t\ l u at t.b~t yun. .

tipoet~tloo ror 1943 ec4 19.4

bport.a tor 194:5 eD4 1"' will be Hahlli oolr b)' lb .. at..u.or apacot .,..{laill4 . Up to vn..,.t., op.._raUNa 11 LM oo.rt et.oe.kpllc d:i.4 DOt U\&11 07 g"'.-&.L llfflcul.Ud, aa p.\li"Ut ..... eouJA b;.o ~.0 1a a~ttthl .. t -olua ~ ....,at.,. t.n4 .. UIOaeb la $pc.1e &.d h rluptl. ,_ll'«l"1 ~~ «4'- OCI S,UI .. pd POrWilM.u bo6U fo:r O to• • • .re oruteel aakrah &c-C' .. ~•t llc"t'. lar..X:tJ u tt&-... COC&D"trle• Olt4 fOOd.• fl'Oia t..b& Ur.Ued Ste«.a, 1t u 1oc.lcc;l w c.~! t lbJ' •111 tOOUA'IM ebipa 1o ael"''ic. ao loq: u pollt.lcr l e;oocUttcc. ,.n.u • 1'o 411t f' , \.be A:&h powu~• htn ~t r1&14l)' oJitiO.Cd u;port .. tJ.oo ot oork.

lMlo'l\loaa or Uht ndlt~b1Uty ot cork •• nl4ofoo(!d, ~Y t.bc. Lcttoo of PortU&t l lo \be OVfOU t: Uoo• Oti tb4 trt de T;Ne.t)' '• Ub llW Ut11k4 Stl t we tor th.o )'4t r bt &lo.otna l\111 1, 1943. 'l'b~ Dop,\r~D\ ot S'tLtOI L6ntrt.h; \)'

•~abel • iporu ot l~.oocs toa·a. PortiJPl' • ooUA\411' propoa...l wt.a tor tea;ooo toat. ' .

l:bll• Ulc f'Nlcbl ap,.c ... 1 Uoor t.lOD co • orltJ,a•·lh .. l u 10:.,000'\0D.& oLD u A•3 r .. \1.11• 1..bia 1a , uw.o,..uo•l • u. .. r ool) .toe., coa:SH1oo. do DOt iiiSI.oc.\4. u.y poaa1W.Ut) ot u.ti111 U. 8. f~lllt.lia Ul \bo ... u tuutN, "''""' l• coruaecti.o:o Tlt.h ,._ )IOrU. 4h'tc~• oecs;pct.t.oa. aa­'likattoac\1)', -wu"a 1a u. p.rod\IIOlal ..-u1.e• e lU 9"'!'17 d .... M QIU' tKC4.a to.r \943 , .o4 19«, but ntutl r nhtl.e ooul4 tat awppt4 Ol:llplt·wlJ t1:7 , ... We LD'irai.OO or Uw. lh.rtc.a Pcai.aAl.t. or aat0l'004 eoo\rol ot •t..s '"a.r ., or ••rtt.

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• • H ta upt~e~ c.Ae' u &ob. .. io •nlc be anileble tor elli,_Gl n-c. Lorcll JJ'rlca 4\lrlAt; l9h,. wbich. DD4u: U... a. .... tutela iioe.zd wcbioo 100 ~14 W afttlable t.o U.. Uu..t &4d 6\U••· la t44Hi4D, 14 h dpleh:i, J.ept~.Stac vpoo poUUc:el 8llid ahtppiac eoa4hlou, the' PorCIQpl •111 IDlp ,. meb •• ?0,01.10 tou e.110 \.bat eb.lpMOU rroa Sp&La will be .auo.b la"'al" tAUl tt,OOO tone N.Sp,.a. 1D 1948,

fl!gutre .. aea of Jriec&lr te\toaa

So loft& t11 sbl~nh ecoUoue to ~he U, e. it l a rnaonabla to uaue~o~ thU tMy •111 elao ~tlcut t.o other non-uta OCW!trt .. . OD thh b .. h .aport reQulro:r.ecta r·rom tbe UaHt4 SUtu will bo 110atl)' tor ttchbd cork 1)t'Oclucta atl4 ehou14 oot txoHcl 111 tt• tbouaa.od toa.a )'etrl.J, later­O.,u"Weaul Jo·roi.p ReqUlrtcDIAU Ooo:aluae re;.orh of AIJ4Uat ao, 1942, .. u .. ut .. •e>ttrozt.uedr 2,000 tou )'tarlJ tor Ce.n¢a aZI4 LeUa ~rtoac fi4pubUu. Bow-.r ill U. ewct all flUs--Au f'r'OIIl pro4uola& oouotrt .. •tr. GOIIIpletels at.oppe4 ~ lt ... c" ... ,_,.,. lO aupplJ' or all trleDCUJ udou ~t ot u. S. noolca, tbt ,.ueuhr laYOhed. • ie" po••tbl) lt .. then 1.0,000 wa• )ttrlJ. Tbla ttvare ta·~ .,... X.JIR Nport ot llo•~btr 1941 oo • N4~o~et4 ,...,. or ecm~tioa 'b••• ooe~nbb to tt..t • bleb •ould take la tht tr. s . tt Mc:e•aary, a .. l7 1~\ tour to o.ot, All ot d~a eouotrlu 1nol"4 fine a ..ou;a,t or "·0-'t oa bW trhlcb h ntduce4 b)' coaUo~oaGva abtp:MiDte rrco Portual!ll ta 1941 GIS 1942. It tbay •ert r.o-s •tu tbt tact o r ao tu.rc.l'aer th191Q11AU ot oort{ tM ot their at~ka woul4 bt acrictly lWtecl to euenUtl tltt!Ja . ConatQUtntly ahtprnoota out ot the u. s . etocka would undoubttd l)' not bl oecee .. ry to en)' terr e que.auty torn ltut e ue.r.

lD •D¥ Ntl •orld S'UPStlJ 10t(ju.tte" 10 men) aubatU.utee eould oe uttllud -ponLbly allglulr toter1or ud .ore txPt.aahe- U:let tbe ••••ual eaoort r..qut, l= eewal c;:usoUUtt t!wNld pron tot.. aapl) coftrtd ly tAt abo.,. f111Plft a •

pyrch .. t!!!.lt tor GoTerA.2:lt S\oclkotle

hrot~uu tor uoekpUe b:ne ~a bu41!4 b)' ~t• ouppltu COrporeUOil OD tM •' tiltOl"f, 'TOe)' te-Mpt otrer~a ::oa:lt to t.C411a 'o) Ut OOIUIU,al~ t~.rtera at tteU tt tJ. jobblfti> laJ!Qrter.t. lbaM p.i.l"'UON. t:No jllfh oo tbt buta or ott ro~lp oou plua trc,aapo:-tOtioa ollu~u to tbu COIUI\ry plua 1 aen1e• te• ·

Cont,..Oh hi\W. b4eo p\I)Ced tor 119tltoXllllate1y :!lb,OOO »trtc t:Otll , of •b10h' e?pro1C'I'1'ltdy ~.OOJ CoDe ht" tlttt4)• ar-rtwM. 11t1d the behoo• ot &,000 t.on.a Art IJI.f'OUtl . Dot•aa~ SU"P:pltt e COI'liOJ'tUloo b .. 0(.41 at-lea ot \plJJ'OIC'l:lll\11)' 8,000 t.Ou, 'Wniaa: n c t bcleaco I&DClu th•tr coet-rol ot epproa.t vhlJ 00,000 tona • . Woat Ot tbl PN•e-Dt ltcx:lrpt11 lJ• at~t..: tn '1WT UJd'!:.'nJl'l' .. bl.e locoUOOI ud •n 1> .:I~ to Ot!l4r ple.o: a lD Or4tr to cocrO'r.3 wt tb W$rU..w ....,WtUoat la'fOlrlac • L.eT)' upeue t.J .._11 u loN or eort.. p ol"'tar \0 toroe U.. ~t or tllta 1\oet 4in:ed.J 11t~ 1.Dd.utt')' LD4 tba at.ortQ& or lk1< ~rt:atloca 1a 20f't t?iYOn bt' .. lC'c.a. r chu,c.. la avt.boO or opertt.ioa S. kle& ooUUt.M pureut at t.o .-hteb ~tea" SlarPUta Corpo"11lOD •oul.S tk tbo~ aob Uqport. .. r. 1a tb.l.a "" the U!K of t.~ or.a;,,at atookpUt cou la bv c D.torot..4 ,

ott1c• ot IllpOrta

J.a..acellutoul Co.odJ.u .. Ds:d•ian

J,_,. 25, 1<;4)

l mJ -.

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Page 37: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

1. S\llll'.lat'7 •.•••• I .................. .

2 I Pro41.aot. o o o o o o I o o o • • • • o o o o o o o o , * o 1

, , u ••• ........... ..................

4, •!:rlld ~duction ::::::::: :::::::; ~ lnolia ............... . . o U.S.!:..J,, .............. . ..

(4 Lt.iill ..... ice .............. .

s. ~~·:::: :::::::::::::::::: (i:l I.... ........................ ..

6. ~-......... ...................... .

7 . ;_.._ ... ................... ..

a. eoa'"'a ........................ .

9 . ........... ...... .. .......... ...... .. (a) St.oe.'lcpile . •••••. ••.•..•. ••••• (b) Probleut .................. ..

Regraded Unclassified

Page 38: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U


Soc trilt.~t an tUta.Ual for \1M 1D bnlahea u4 !Of' ~l·d&bblJsrc, a proc:.e .. 1A atadact.gre of wool. PrJ.O:r t.o l~.U O'fU' ')) pv ew.t. of &ll iapot'tl 'IWO obt.a.1.Md rroa the hr &ut.. S.oau.. or u. Wl'twlt7 ot t.rt.n..port&t.ioft 1t. hat bMn ~ to at.t.upt to open n• -.:roe• or auppl.J 1n So\ 4Mrica . Por Ilia purpoae a npreKnt.atift ot tbt &c»rd hu b..n ttnt. to Soutb !Mrlca to '-n"tutJ.p.te u. .up~ and. tho produotn 1n t.hC! propor aet.hocfa or puparat.lon ant s-c!'inl·

!M ttoc}pUt rtoorJ .. t!'ldation ta ~.soo,ooo pounds, Aprroxt.r.ttl1 1,000,000 pound.o hove bton purolleatc! and f.pprox!Nt~ ZiO,OOO ~ art now 1n ot.oohp1lt.

Ne, IIJ't no, bcinc oonducte<l tor the aequiaition or tho ont.irt l9L) requ1rtmtntt troa China ,

Brletl., a.rt p:I"'CCW"M troa U!t bacltf o! eriM r&1M4 1c rtetona 'lfbere tha-t art loo& an4 rit;O'U:J"'!.a win t.era, ea:usilai the bail" to P"" loac Ul4 toll(h. !boy .,.. oldof}T .W.blo far ,..,..... ,..,., .. booo\lOO of U. floc tM.a ud tpl.ndlt Opt, !'be tape o! tbe brUUt p ... a ..oo\b no. or "'bU.e UM Uaa: en4a b:IU. ~"'le ~u.s. .. o! paiD\. lrUU.• 00. 1a MYtral. 00101"1$ black, \llrolrtt, 11hite, Gt' lpo\~o tbe ~ -.r"f boa UDikr t.o ~~. p~ ca1let rl.f'1.1.Qp, up to We bcbN

ud....-. '1M qul.Uty or br'llt.le• 't'Uitt ntb tbe CC\ID\r7 ol arie1A. lriltlet an cl&a•1.ti~ at to t.M d.e&J"" of at.uraeaa . Th.o urlcnz.~ proclu:c\lon atn\.U'I U'O at foUow11

~~~~" Eli:Utl•• l . IodJ4 2 . Russia ) . ChwlCIWla 4. XuMan

llllLAUU l . -2. Sbanf)l&i ) . Sil>erio

lgfl ftriet.lAA l . 1'1octah 2. Swth ,berica J . -tic

Regraded Unclassified

Page 39: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U


Tho 11'00lon indua·t.ry hu a uto for bog bri1tlea ! or tihicb no t!f(ctivt baa yet. boon tound, a. Q.lution, or so p...rcont. bone­ Ca.D 'M'I be uo4 eat.i.ahct.oril,y b7 aptlicat..!.oll or a ottbocl nccm.q ~t.c.ocl. At the preeeut. r.u ot opGntion.t wool,en a11l.a 1'1-11 M-od for Hob1o Coobt 100,000 pow>do ot bot: br'Utloo *' to 4° 1D l":"''h ~. fbwc'V'Or, tho m:,1pg1,al nor•l Will tor brJet"lea are tor paint bruabca, \oil"', and: tooth bruahu, an&t -.q t.J'PC-1 of 10Cua'tr1&l txn&IMa.

fbo 'lllfJ'" \1101 UC1 t or paint bNihOI u.ao4 bJ tho Na"7 and Waritiaa Co• mission tor tho mintonanco ot rre.riU.r~o oqu1J*mt, and b)' tho .A..J'1ey' for tho eonltruo.tion M4 MinUnt.noo ot O(lUipatent end fcuUUtic:e . tho Mtaro ol the surtae.a ot abJpe, wt.ieh uo expoac;.d \o all t7PO• ot wathcr, r~a the appll~\.1oa or ~ b)" a ratbor u.n a •JI'J. ln 1941, tho caat.ribuUon of t.hCI uso ot briatlca • • AI !ollowo1

Paint.cte' bnlabc•, in~ an.t.ta' 60S tollit b'u.&.'tica, 1Ac.ba4t..QS D'ritc and \.00\ft lSI lbl.aeholAI 1.011 Industrial ~· All otht.r typGe 100J

It 1a 011'\.la.t.od that. the J:rOport.ioo of UIO tor paint. bzv.ahoe wUl in­Cf'Caltl booauso ntt.1.1tutca aro bolns 4ovolopo4 tor othtr ua<;l . Plf.nt arc aleo botng t.o uae Nylon AM fl.AaeC(! borsohdr foi bruahoa that. nro ua<.d tor flat work and touching up. 4 H)olon briatlo baa boon dO"f'Ol· opod. which ia t.po:rocl and. bnlalK;a for pUDUrlf u.., b.&lla ot ahipa uo boloc - t>o.o th<.oo. ~

lstlo, • Mo:ld.can voaot.abl<~ tibc.r, ia boina uso4 tor o·thar than \'Vl'lia-b or paint bN.Sbc.a, but it 1.t not. as dun.blc or u Llexiblo,

World Pt:odyct.1op


) 163 ~

x.. 19" au.. _..., rw ?"' ot -w proc~u.ucm. -- or u.a _, a:port6d and tbo ~or ~ .S.t.biD ~ 00Wltl'7o SStlee U.t. timo &no ~portion ot fllq)O.I"tr& bu i.Ma'ouod:. Tho boc. briatlu a 'flllilablo t.P tbO UG.ttod MltJ.ou at. tho proae.ot. U... aro U»it.od to t.bc .-cou U"'Ubbl ~ -.-... lloral ...-uao 1D - ...... u ..u..w •• !,000,000 ~bu.\ u. la\4n Ge\.iat.M rrc. u.. ......_,a\ Ch"Ck'nc p .. U1j> 194) """P u -ld.D&tol.T 1,))),000 """"" wil.h a ....,. • ...,. troll la.t~ orop ot l ,OOO, CXX> pou~, or .,.ioh appro~\0}¥ 667,000 poUn4a hove ~ bocm acld to ~a.\a,

.lllllla· It 11 .USpouiblo t.o obtain l.oaurato t11JU1'" on produot.1on in t~ Sovio\ U!Uon. Total ~rh ill 1930 wvo 914,909 pwntle, but a.t.ob of th1l quan\.1t.7 wu r~bod &oa China 1A J"'t.\U"D for aulit.i.OU of ar. !JcpoJ'U to tbO tl'a1 u.ct S "*' t.e 1 t." booo •• tollon:

1930-19)2 2, 000,000 poun4l p<ll" &nn'l.lll

l93S eoo,ooo • • 19]7 ~.coo • • • 1940 lli?,OOO • • 194l ~ 22),000 • • •

' I


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• • • Tho aoo-.1 baa aent 110-. Comol.tua C!oolt "io ...,U. ~- to nn..~ u.o "-IT oDI ~utn~et u.o .,.-.- llo u.o pro,...-~ ot -t.SOD aM pacii:S.Iil o! hr-!at-les IU!Id botM a..1t' vh14b ~ & 11Ubwt.-1tuto tta­brtn l • 1a e.rt&h uau aM: to a IW.W a:t4n\. fit hu bree 1a ~ ..., ........,.u. *"" l.a "'co "' ~. lftal.l , CIIIUo ... - · .. dl.-t..r"Uiut.M to the p:rocs•.or• ~ 1JOr4ed S.U.""W~ tor U.O - ......,..u.. ot lririlN. A ,.,.__ ...--Jau- baa "* - JINIIOI"Od , .,. .... 1ft Braill,

1• 1.a bOJ>od w W:nuo the s..ut.b ._1_, ""1'1'17 1.0 -. . ,....,.. §vRRli!l

, The \tar Pro<hl.otion Boe.rd baa eetilllt.d atocke On J am,woy _h 19.43 a t 1,??,,000 pou.ncla, t he smert~~~~tDt atookpU• ot 418,000 poi.U)da.


Cb1Do 4n,oco pounc~a U.S.S.R. 5~,oco • lraft )0, 000 •

• b& 27,000 • • LoU..~ 169,000 •

All other 00\mtrle:a 12.!2QQ • Tot.o1 .L,2S9,000 JI(IW:'Id•


• 2 1 241 ,OCJO pciQ:D4I

s 164


BrUU.a aH OD Liart. 1 Of l..&r Prod'uct.icn br(_ Or(er Jlo. ~). X. porU n-ee~ ._ioo on CX>ftrod b)' ~. U.. brlnloa Fiae 41J'ect.l.7 lD\.0 tiHAtW 11111\.U')'" a¥ cinli&a .... Dc:ft:::~o~o~ CorporoUOD 1a U>< oolo loport<r r- o.w., lD41o, *"" baaoa. n.o ~· of brU1.let U"' ooatrolhd b7 OrUr t;.Sl lut. UCftdo4 oo ,.,.cdlcr )0 1~. tbo •h an4 \l•o or b:-iatlc:a or 2• aDd loQ..-c,;r uo oemt~ to • ck!cn.oo or4cra &Dd Clll Adai.s1.\D'o or ct 1..5$ ot otbw •1.(.r1&1.8 (uwall7 horKhais or O)'M.hotio br1.•tlca) 1.1 Z'Gq\llrc.d 1ft I.Q1 .nJ.Ol.t rro. hoC brUUu.

f!o aP"o1tio prioo ooil: fiRf bavo been set by 1.ho Ortioo of Prioo A~ trat1on but. brlltloa 41'0 includod ~cr t he: £0rl(lrol -.x1Jala prioo co111Jt«s.

Attempt.• woro melt o• UU'lf co July 1c;42, to atJ.raJlAt.\. importotiona of brittl<~a troll Sout:, iMrica. aN! f.uaa!A. Wlt 1.n 1942, Q at.oC)crJ,lo ot 1,000,000 pou.ndo •• r ... oo~, r..M IUbJcc:t to l.i.U'oetJ.vo !r~ ~ Board cr Loonoalo lturuc, pure.~eu wt.h a.4e by ttK.- DW,rwo ~ppllu Corporation."rcb.k. a.nounts cc.rc obtc.l.M4 troo stoW 1A tbit}', one:. a pu:rchaK of S,OOU cnaca o:t ' 2'1 uaor1.Dl:at. •• mdo oo Ui.7 ~. 19L2, to W. illpor\C;d hoc Cbir.Q1 cil~ o.. foUo.·•·

4,000 CCka fro:~ ~ 1,000 • • ~

Duo C.0 t,h(, Glosillc or tbo !iura:l r.oct., ~U 1k.ii'O -" for lidpoo =cut. or •is<.• or )• and OYez to la41o. ~ o ooo\.noc:t wt.U. \.be ChiAttG llo.Uon&l .ur Ciorpon;lt.lO:.\, t.."K. ~or boiAC b&.ld 1D t\on:IIO 1.mtU 11n• ~'t01lcoblo.

!'hot(! S, OOO OCLIOI wore,. OOIIplG't<.llJ' c!cl.1YUod in Ctwle in Ootobu' . Tbc.o brill\-l.Ot Of rl/2 1nchC.I !md OYOr il'oiD ~ M6 UIOtO Of ) 1 Q.Dd ovor h"'111 KUflllin8, uountiDg to 2U,OOO pounds, blvt. ncm bcM'I doU..wQCS 1a ln41ct., 24,000 poundc Mvina roo.ehod t.b\.1 trnit.od Stat.u, tb4 r<ilaain4cr bo1na 1n roil t.nuu1t in In41o or nfloot.. Unclor now oir pr1or1t1ol, which J)(.orlllit ohipMOn\. of :z .. l/4 ineh briltlu, o. f\u'tbl.f' o.IIO\Int. or 288, 000 pounda 11 o.waitinc ahipllll'mt by plcno t.o Intia. !h11 •houl4 bo ruut:r 4ncl t.lko 1h1p.unt.o oortph.tocl (.Cl'ly 1n Pobnw7 .

An offt~r bel bc.on rcooiv"'d ot an cuSI!itioncl S, OOO• (667 , 000 poundt) f'ro• Cb!DA. 1{<.~ s:ropoa.c..d M.SOt.inUooe tor to141 lc;4) J'Oq\W'(.aontt ;.\. o. price bo.M~4 on out-ot·pocb.t colt. to u--' roo S~ Coa;:c.Q)', wtuoh 11 o ChiDc.eo IO'Y'CI"MC;.n\ onc4 oarpomti.Dtl . 1'bo Mor lort o.ccnta or ttlla C:0. J:ICr.Q;r, UniYQJ"IIOl f'rc,d1.JII Corpcm1tl.on, n.quc.a1.CA ~\. \.~ pu:TOWCI •boWd bo ooa:l,W'oct or tbo' s,ooo c:::c..K~ oft(i:f'(,C,\ oou.f..dcftt.ioD of the. propo.M o~u pa*ec, ut. o!t~ to 1'\.-.-.i c.o \.b41r pri:Dc1pca.U UK.. 4ooopt.c;Dcc. or l.ast. r<U'• irl~ ot t.l.Ail ~CZ'(:_~ ~ or ~).SO •x- lliooW>;!, olU>o\l&h Wo ,...,.. otfor bo4 bcca ot. Jrioc.• 20J o.bc:rfoo u.o.o or 1942. h GrG .uu a ~pl;r boa Cbl.Da.


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.., .

con oo. 16~

tnto,.t.lon r.celnd up to 1 A..M., 26th Ju.r,, 194.).

1. OO!!.BJ!!lD QPWtJC!§

tn the ope.Nt.lon eoutb ot ~ 2)rd/Ut.h •• -•d• by part.te1 or trnHid lln&'Cloo eo-nd.oa Yltb lone n:ftC• rtet~'t4n' cover at. 8AOVAG

on oouth•••t. oom•r ot Sl'OAG ISLAND. Our ea.~lliae ••re one lr.Wtd, oper•t.Lona on land) u.r.Ba. c:relt.d a divoralon on LJ~YJCX,


till •urns. :U.a t.. ~BOliST, PRDIZ mom aM 5 dett.roJert tHn or ww •'-••rtnc ... t.. on e\i}lt.ltl& t.b~ alrcrtft. IIIQ.., pa. abou\. and "" la•\.

aa.-a a t.Mrtn.a: .. 11.. AIIIIIU.L 8CHU2 locat.d 1D 41'J ~ock a\. HLHD.M:W.ViJI.

'<. M!RI!RRYJ!W. OD-e of R ••• Slltaui..rJn ...U a 6 ,000 \ce MOOr\114

abip on l6tb aM a 2,000 \.on llibip and MQO~ ~r o1 19th, a belA&

drl'f'lft ul!lore a\. \.be ..... u.a..

) . !lLifW

~ ""'"'"'" , .. .,_.__, ....... A••

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con 10. 16!{

qpf{J. J!o. 29

WorMt.iOft f"Mttl'hlll up to? .f. ••• , 26th JaJmaf7, 19.0.


ln the oper.t.1on eouth ot B£RCtlf dw-lnc: 2Jrd/24t.b tA• landJ.ftc ...,

.ad• by r:-rt.ltt ot K!ncdo. CCIIW!dos with looc ,.. 1'tiht.r. cov•r at. !AOVA.G

on oouti'IWitt. cornn of SlORQ ISLA!ID. our .. re one killed,

During oporftt.lOI\1 on land) N. f.Bt. created a. divortlon. on LURYtQt.

HOMl •ATfJtS· 2Ut.. ~liORSf, PIWIZ moDI and ' 4ttt.roy•rt t•e:n

uet. ot su• et..erinc ••n. On a iebt.!AG" Usa aircraft w.., JIUt about. and ...:-. la•t.

aeon t\.Mt'lAC eut.. AIIIIIU.L SCHUB loc:..t.ed 1D dry~ at JilB!I&SftAVal.

WIIIIBAJH.•· Oc• ot 8.1. Sl2laarlr•• .a a 6,000 t.oc •

ahlp on 16\.b end • 2,000 ton llhip and uc::orUAi teb:lor:l.r OD 19\.b, a tn•lu tlel.Q&

drl.-. uhon at. t.M ..,.. u... ) , JOLifW

-iar.t.bam "-'"'" ,...___..._, _ . .....

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On lily 19, 1942, art1Uigc&nta W<Jr<. rtith the British tor the. iJt. porto.tion to this country of ono-hlllf of the. bristles then on !wid 1n Indin, o.nd for o. oontimling nlloco.tion of supplic.s trom thnt oountey, ~/bile our agroomont l'lit h the BritiDh provil:os· tho.t tho United States shall bo tho cole purchaser in China nnd tho Unitc.d Kinsdom the. solo purchnsor in IndiA, all bristles arc subjC.~Jt to nllocntion by tho,B, Tho Britbh sbc.rc. of Chine. so brj stlos nill bo bOtii<.On 2()% nnd 25'J. tllld tho United &to.tes shllro of Indian bristl<Js my run :\8 high llS SQ%,


Total purch:lscs llgninst stockpile nrc.. 9&!,000 pounci_s , Of this eiDOUllt 318, 000 pounds lllvo boon delivered in NOTI York and JO, OOO )lOWIC:tl have boon r eleased as unsuitable , l eaving c not otockpilo of 200,000 poune_s, Of the 670,000 pounC:s not yc..t r <..cvivc.d in ~ll.W York, ~.ll bnvo bc.on de­livered to tho Defense. Supplies Corporntion nt point of delivery 1n Chinn or Indin; 183,000 polllllls nrc in t rnneit ond the. r ... ncindor nro aWQiting shipment which is dolcyod by of tr=.sporto.tion facilities.


Tho cbic.f probl<Jr~s nru cnusod by t ho cutting off of the. main souroos of supply. Shipping from Chine end Indin is Vl.ry difficult, ond arroiJ8omonts for air t ransport conflict rrith other vital commodities. Subst1tuks nro g<Jnc.rolly unsotisfactory, and the. stimulation of new sources is complicntc.& by the feet tbnt br<Jc.ding of boas is g<Jnorolly for mcnt, and duo to onrly maturl.t:r, the quality and l o1J8th of bristlas - is not good,

., ...


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COP! 110, ~

!:l"itl ~r smt u.s. S;l(ftt."Y

gerw, !lo. 29

Intor.tton recei..-.d 'Up to 7 A.M •• 26t.b J'anu..al7, 1943.

1. !jOMpllliD OP!ll.\t! ONS

In t.he oper,..t.lon &eut.h or B£aC.Dt du.r1n.g 2Jrd/24t.b tbo la.ncling waa

.. do by port.iu ol Unit.ed Klnrfoa ~ ritb 1- roup rtcliter eo•ror ot SAG<IAG

on cout hwost. eorner or STORO ISLAUD. Our easualt.ies t,tre one ldllod, ' WOW'ided • •

Dur iRC o~rGtiono on land) M.f.Bs. c~ted o divor11on on LIERVICK.

2 , fAVIJ.

UOM£ WAtERS. 21st. SCHARnHORST, PR.D1Z DJGEll Md 5 deetroyortt aeon

..-.,t, or SU\o no.rtn& west.. On alcbt.tnc t.ho aircra.rt eno=t put about and •ere laat.

oun et.eering M i t.. llllllRAL SC:HU:R looat.«t 1n dry ¢ock at t-Il.H!UlSHAYClf.

H£Dl't£nR;\NMN. One or H.M. Subllllrinoo :sank a 6 ,000 ton oaoortod

r:hip on 16th and a 2,000 ton abip and .. •c.hooner oa 19\.b, a t.ra•ler bef.n&

driven ashore at ~~ same time.

) , M!L irARY

m!Jlli. 2Stb/26th. lO pri&ODOH .. ,.. capwrocl by pot.rolo 1n

t-lort.htrn Sector, In cent"l 'IUlfiSIA Ada fol"'l&rd oovta~ent. hal been halted . rteneh

rltftdrawlll bel.nt covered by Unit.ed. onourod unlt.a. 01\ 21.t.h United State-#

troope cap~ 80 prtton.tra ~ur-lnc a raid oo KAD.c.sst (Dicl.wa1 betnen CUSA and

~· Don Soctor - Germans •r• counter at.t.aoking atronclr in •rea

beti'Oen rivera ~ and WDIU. Pion• contused ri.& 1a t.Utng place .

Sector - Reavy rUn 11 bea~rln& tiehtlAc. F:llasl.ana i'%"0 .. 1nc ad.Y&nee down

KPJ.S!IOD/JI ruil ... y.

4. l!!l OPSRJ.f!Ol<S

W£STS!t! F!!!l!!l', 2Sth. rluobing doeu -bed 1n &ood rtolbillty by p

tscoriAd ~st.on1 (one ~eaina). Six onoay 'aircraft. crossed eout.h coaat. ·c. .. ua1nc

a ... tpc. casualtJee at POOI.t. 2Stb/26tb. 15 «'l.., a.l.rcralt, 110at.l.)' •1Aela:rin&,

fllil!CH NORtH Af!UCA. 23N/ WolliJ>gt.ono attacked BIZI:MA dooko.

Ou.ri nr 2)rd and Ut.b 61 aortt•• •d• by .t.llled boabere on land.ln« ~· neAr

¥£'>DIUI&. About. 25 oircroft. dntroytld on ground . Uth . u.s. F' .. •• (8.17)

-bod abipptnc at SOUSSE. 0no ahip hit .

WI!- 2J.tb. .UUed rll'>tors ...So s attaeka ... oblpplnc •• ZOAJV,

V.1' . voh.)olee on cout l"'ftd oC' tthich about )5 deat.royed or duaiO(l .

~· 2)r<I/2J.tb, r ... r U.S . Llbo...,t.orf -bed PAL£RIIO ll&rbow'.

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'·e. oaur ....

t'O (Fell ADTIOI)


ftU. COL. Dlll.a!IIII I QU. M CLUl to SSI Ifill AllY 'fDII. CAU.

'fO liLi Afiln'ftCII ! U F&Gr 'r<ttT 'I'll 4II !WI A I'UiliO IIIli IIIAI

UAYANl. RAYI WUIJC1A X ••, .JD .aatA!l1' Alla!CAI W'feet,


6)0 .. .., ... II)


' ..

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ln ., It, 1111 •


(1lsL • ., II.-8. l1dtJ nme

h11'Ml.e I. L autUM•, lr., JHeletnt-;l.:'ftM ef ~J.tue ......... ~ l alllJac'a, D. C.


• • 168

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f.. R. Sccttiniua. )t. Adminlttratot

Janu&cy 26, 1943,

Dear Heney•

We are expecting to go batore tho House Foreisn 4!!&1rs C...tttee t.-rda the end of th1s week, aaldJI& !or le!:Ulatd.Cil eoctaJxlin& tho Lond-Leaae Act !or '""' year.

Because of your earl,y interest 1n Lend-Lease end the ~t part w!U.cb you hove played 1n datermining Lond-Leaae policy, no bearing Cll the exteM1Cil o! the Lond-Leaae Act would be ocaplete without your test.iaoay. I! 10'" are going to be 1n Waahinatcn '111\i.le the bearings are 1n progroa~, I should to te .. l tbet I might call CD you to appN.r before the C<Jlldttea 1! 1t beo0111ea neceasazy.

I! ~ queationa arise 1n ocnneot1on w1 tb the preparat1Cil of your teatil>oay, llro Oee&r Cox, our <Jeneral COilDSel, will be glad to d1souas them w1 th anrone rou .ay daeignate.

'!he Honorabla Heney J.!orgentbeu, J r . Secretary o! the Treasury, Washington, D. c.

~ s. R· Ste ttiniua, Jr.

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Dear lfr. Stottl•'•s

!la1a tllll I ,,_, ... .,_lotte.. ot lanaPf •· ......... to U.o S..Nt&r71 1a,..... to n..,StiU.. for w.i-wuo all to ,.._. llrill Uri•. I • ubri._ lt 1a ~ .~o ... 11lll ... It ,, 18-Milatoq l• .. at to U. att.U• of tM ,..,.. offulallla tM !Nanf7 tor roo''• _. aoU•.

nmc L s. n.ta.

Mnto SoorotuJ.



Del. by Dixon 9:35 1/28

Original file to Mack

Photo file in Diary

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January 2?, 1943

l.leeting o! Cabinet Group Subc<lDOittee on Dollar Posl. tion o! Ul11ted llatiore

l!r. \lh1te 1s O!tiee Janu&J'7 2?. 1943

10&30 .1..11.

Present• ){r. Currie tor the 'ilhite House llr. Net! for the Y>ar Doparto:ent

~ ~. Coo tor s .E.w. l!r. Knollenberg !or the O!tiee ot

Lend-Leue Atllllinistration Yr. llhite, Kiatler and ll1es Nieloan

tor Treuu17


The meetina opened with a cliseuaoion of Dr . Clarita •• message of January 22, 1943, concerning the $300~)50 m1llion range decided upon tor ~· llr. Currie steted that be would •upport the reeoaoendation 1f the !-resident ukad JliB opinion. He said that this range be

adequate, particular:cy as """l1Y o! our porobaaes .r ..... Canada are tor IOW11t1ons to b<l used by the Ul11ted Kingdoo and' are r.ade r::erely to keep UJ> Canada 'a dollar bel.ances. In the rep],)· to Dr . Clarita, llr. Currie •Uileestod that omphesis should be placed on the policy of the H:Yde Pari< Arrangement and on the idea that a big)ler range mtaht aeem to other countries to eat a precedent . llr . Currie also agreed that the problell of proeeede from aecurity aalea ehould be treated on an f& hoe basis.

The cOIIOiitteo was in pneral agroeJ>Bnt on reteininll the range ot $J00-$350 llillion. The discussion centered on the treataent o! procHC!a

tro:n sales of securities and what it would in'rolTa. ){r. Nett auggeatad thet if Canada sold many seouri tie a and rodae:ned all of her U.s .-held obligations , our policy would be herd to defend. 11hila the operation is really one o! exchanging one type o! claim tor another, this might not be apparent to the layman. ){r. \ibi te and l!r. Knollenberg felt thet tile operation would not be too cliftieult to justify as Canada would not be adding to ita cash bal.arlcae or resources. llr. Heft aloo raised the question of whet our policy should be in cue tha proceeds are aecUllll.latad

'Without be in& used for the radaption of securitiea .

The colllllittee cliecussed in some <leteil the prob~ of wllich itema should be included. in capi tal ooV811ente - whether securities only accorcling to the Cane.clian sU(Jgeetion, all property transactiol'll f!' suc­gested ·by ltr. Neff, or only bonde as suggested by Wr. Knollenberg. It >'IS$ <lecided that 11111tead of telling the Canaclian Ooftrranont t~t security proeeede would be tl'04ted on an ad hoc basis, we should eay thet we kt'e

s,.,...thetie to the Canadian poei tion but thet we would like further in­for=tion on the a:agnitu<le or the operation mid the type of securities

which would be inTOlYad .

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- 2 -

Dhieion o! llonot ary l!aoearcb


The mootinl; continued with a discu.u1on o! a cable !l'<ll:l the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging tho desirabilit y of prior conaulta­tion be!oro a decision is made on a range tor British u.s. dOllar . The committee telt that t ho reply alNad;y dra!ted """ not appropriate . llr. Not! and llr . Coe both felt t hat the request !or consultation would have to bo anawered and that tho British should be givtn a chance to expreoo their news . They tbougbt that clodg1ng the 1soue eight be unfair to tbe British because i t might keep tbem !rem maldng plana . It was finally aareed that the Bri tioh be told that we would d1scuas the lll&.tter and that our repl3 ohould be that no new policy had been initiated aJl'! that tho ceiling i1 morel3 a guidepost 1n ic­ple•ntin& our policy o! t1nanc1al ua1atance as a .....,. of the conduct o! the war. Q.1r Oovemment bas no and&ta to do core 1n order to -t poat-.... r needs .

Copies ot tablea on tbe British geld and dollar position to be oubod.ttad to Congress ""'re distributed. llr. Knollenbsrg stated tbot Lend-Lease does not need funds !or several contha and is Drely a.!ldng tor an oxtenaion of the Act at this timll .

A. L . N:lil.aen

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~G!! Fft?'_; THE CIWX:&LLOR OF TilE !lXC!IEC:UER '1'0 IIR . J.IJRGEIIl'!U.O DATED JAIIUARY 19'1'!1, 194).


Sir Frederick Phillipa haa told me or the pn>poaal

that Lencl-Leue eight be restricted 1! our reaervea ahould rise

obovo their P"'aont level. Thio re.iaee a lNijo.r iaeue, which ahoul.d ,

J augceet, be the subject or cocmon diacuaaion and the exploration

of the alternatives before any decilion ie taken. The posit.icn of

our "'"'"'" cannot. be diauaociat.ed troa the inescapable growth

of our overeeaa liab1lit.1es ag&inst which t he;r are held . l.e, alone

or tho Ul11tad Nations, are incurri"'! external indebtednes s on a

vaat a nd growing a cole . It is essential ! or the auccessf'ul

proaecution or the war that we should cont~nue to do ao , but our

Ability to carey this burden depend• on our poas .. einc external

reaervos as adequate as possible 1n relAtion to these liabilities .

r:e are under an obligation to pn>vide dollar purehasine pewer for

t he reat or the ste rli"'! area and the adequacy or our reserves

arracta our .-.entual powr to carry out thia cblication and

therefore to cooperate e!!ectinl!' i n peliciea desi gnee to pro110te

the stability or 1ntemat1onel 1100e tacy relati one and the expansion

or t rede. I know you tully asroe with me on the principle of

prior conaultaticn and agree,..nt on JNittars o! co11111>0n i nterest as

important aa thia. I can asauro ;;ou that I appreciate the 1l!lmediate

troublu confront ing you. Ui ne will not be laos . fie had hoped that

the !act or reciprocal aid beJng new on auch a ocala that it is aa

high 1n propOrtion to our war expenditure and resources aa the

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- 2-

Lond-Loaae .id you give ue 1e to yours would be a eufflciont

reply to the critics of the pre .. nt b&aie or Lond-Leaae.

You have often cme to ~ aid in difficult cil'-

cuut.ances ond Cl1 this ~~~&tter I should hope we could find a

reasCll\&ble solution.

I am sending Si r frederick Phillipe instructione

to hold h!»elf at your disposal.

llaahington, D.C., JAnUU)' 21, 194).


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Bri t ioh Oold Md Dollar Exchal\fle /,a. eta as of Decer.bor 31, l<;'L2

Except ..nero notod, t!lece t~re ~r1t1sh Treasury tillll':"s

(In Dilllons ot ~llc rs)


1. (io}.d ••••••••••• i ••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••• •••• ••• • ••••••••••• & 688 The British Oovel1l0ent reports that ocainat this gold foreien

countries hold Sterling tW1ds carr,(inc s peeitic rights ot conver­sion into (!Old amountinG to approx!.Mtoly tl<JO million . (ln addition, the British hold !,105 r:~illion or told borroy;ed !roc llolciw:l • This GOld is not ; nclucled i n the :Jri tish assets since 1t involvos a dotini te cold liability of l ike runount . )

2 . Official dollar balances.... . ...... ............. ..... .. ... . ........ 243 The British Oovernment reports that Sl(ainet these balances

ere held u.s. registered sterling accounts , carrying the right or conversion into dollars on demand and that these accounts on November 30, 1942, the latest dete available, amounted to ~53 million .

J, u.s. Securities .... .. ............................................. 135 Ot t hese securities, the British est.icc.te that only tao

&ilion are readily c.a!±et.Dble .

L. Priv<te dol4r ooknces . .. .... .. . ........... ....... ............... 280 ('!'his tigure 1a taken froc U.S. Trensury date . The :>rHish st.Dte thl\t dollnr bc.lnncea .in the hnn:is of !3rit1eh bclnke ccting ns authorized doclors in foreip> exchcnr.e inc re•ood by l 26 r.ll.lUon bot,.,en Jcnunry )1, 191,2, nhen tho;• Trore reduced to nn extrenel:r low lovol ol'linc to the stringcncr of t~o doll: r position , rn<l [loccrbor 31, l<)t.2 . )

5. l.aseto :>lcd(Od acninst Jl. l'.C. loan........ .................... .... 500

u.s. securities ., ..... .......... .............. t-205 Direct invost ocnts................. ........... 295

6 , Brr.nches of British ir.surnnce cornpnnica .................... ...... · 200 (n., ocrninco of th:>So co:--'l"'nies aro r.ssignod to R. f .C. lo:tn . )

? . Trusts in u.s. held for U.l:. benericiories. ............. .... ...... 290 (These truats ore estsblishod under Unitsd Stt:tee law ~nd hence the assets =Y be unavr.ilable to the EJ1tieh Govemnent . Together tlith the di rect inveatoents pledj!ed or to be pledged " ' cinst t he R. F.C. loan, including brnnches of Pritish insuro.nce ccnpnnies whose enrni~e nre assigned to R.F. C. locn, ,,nd with Viscose nnd Broon end Mlliomaon , they nccount !or the estimnts o! ~900 million subr.littec! to Consress in Jt.ntu>ry 1941. Tho., ere i n n.tdition """"' Sl'\Oll investments in u . 5 . enterprises nhich, beoouee of their ohe, the Rrl tish reg<rd t.s virt®lly unsl\lnble · )

Note : In connection with tho fore~oing date , till British sthto: "llritish holdinrs of gold nnd United St ntes dollrrs ere not hold opecificr.lly agdnst our lir.bilities i n till United SU>tea , but constitute n portinl cove r for obligr tions ~nd responsibilities of grant ~..::(!Jlitude •n:! worldwide cht!rector. Qold currontly required d1ffe rs fron our origind stocks in thtt it co.n be ncquired only by further ineroe.sing our ovon~e:.a indcbtedr.ess . 'i'be c nmth of ';L32 aillion clur'.ng 1942 in our I,'Old c.nd ofticiel dollo.r bclr.noes :OU3t bel looked r.t ~t t.hc bcct:cround or t1 dotcrior:.Uon or n:.:r_r~ ~.) billion, or OYer :.:!.7. tiDes 1:4 grc:nt, in our net oversellS ct.,>i tt:l position in til other rospoc:t.s .•

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sstl.JDated Dollar BxpencU tures and Receipts of British 81Dpire, Bxeludtna Cans'd& md llawfoundland,

Januar:J 1, 194~ to llaroh ~1, 194~ !/ (these are British Tresaur1 eatl.JDates)

(In million• of dollars)

Dollar Expenditures

A· payments to the United States ~y the United Kingdoms

1. On British Supply IUsaions commitments (including administrative expenses) - net • •.•• • •• ~o

(In addition $11} will fall due after March }1, 194~ on B.S.II. commitments now outstanding, payment of $84 million of Wbieh, however , is do\i> trul. )

2. For ehipping, interest, film remittances, etc, •• 40

~. For other goods and services, urgent or ineligible for Lend- Leaoe •••••••...••••••••.•• • • _lQ 120

B. Payments to the United States ~y the rest of the sterling Area (principally Empire countriee),..... .. ?S

c. Po.rments to a.reas outside the United States re-Cf11r1ng gol~ or dollars....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill.

Total dollar re4uiremente............ . ........ . 370

Dollar Receipts

A· Receipts fran the United States ~:1 the United Kingdom:

l. Prom merchandise exports ••.••••••••.•• $20

2, Prom shipping and interest •• ,......... 15

~ . Prom o tber 1 tems. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

B. Receipts from the United states ~1 rest or Sterling Areas

155 l. From merchandise exports • •........• • • • 70

2 , Other items •...... . .... . .............. _]2.

C, Dollar receipts from Areas outside U.s • •• •. ·• •. • · •" _l2..

Total dollar receipts, excluding newly-mined gold •..•...................................... •

Total dollar deficit of Sterling Area (principall:J British Empire), Janua~ l to liar ch "1, 194~ . . ...................... • .. • · • · • •


Total dollar r~e~~~~t~s~·~·~·~·~·~·:·:··~·~·~·~·;·~·:·:··~·~·~·;·--~·~}~7~0~-

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-. 178

- 2 -

No to: - In presenting these figures , the BritiSh Treasur y made the following stntement with r espect to the acquisi tion of gold : "No close a s time te of our probable purchases of ,;ol d enii be made even for the eu••rent quarter . '!be output of gold in the Starling Area is l ikely to dftc.llna to en ex tent da;~endln3 on the demand of manpower and on the availablli ty of mining plants and stores. " U pro­duction is maintni nad nt the level orevailing in Se;~tet1ber 19h2 , the gold output of 'the Sterling Area, Jnnuory throu.!J' March 194,, will be $150 million.

Treusur}' Deps rtment, 151vision of Mone t ary Research

J nnuar y 1~ , 1943

These fi~es also include the dollar expenditures and receipts of non- British members of the St erling Area -­namely , ~gypt , Anglo- EOYPtian Sud89, Ira~, Belginn Congo and Ruandi- Urundi , Iceland, the Paroe Islands, and P1ght1ng French t erritories 1n Af rica and Oceani a , Syriaf and Lebanon . The net dollar expend! turaa and r ecei pts o

these areas are small .

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STRICTLY CONFJDEIITlA~uah· Gold ad Dollar ·""" •• Seltcto4 Da\ ( -"'&ua\ 31 , 1939 - ».cea"ber Jl, 19112 ••·

(except whore aote4 the ttcoreo are !rttloh trea.wr,r 4&\a)

(In aUUone of 1\ollaro)

Gol d •• .. ... .•... , • .•.••••.••• .• .•••.

C!f!elel dollar balanceo •• , .........

U. S. seeurlt lee .• .. .. .. . . . . .... . . ...

Dtr~ct and •tac~llaneoua tn.-eet •ente In O.S,, lncludl n& truo\o tor O. l . 'oonof lclarleo ..... ......... ..

-'-11«· 31. 1939




!otal . ..... . .. . .......... , • • • J, 938

~ secur ltt ea an.d. dirPct lnvr atmento lodgrd a«alnat $390 mil lion r rct lvod b:r t bt Brlt1ab on the R.r,o. lean........... . .... _____

Total , acljuoto6. for collatrral lo4ged agalnet amount received on R.:r.c. lean .. . .......... , 3,938

Pr l .. tr dollar balanc••·, •••• ,. ..... 545 (Thlo Ia tak•n f r om U.S. Treasury


Dec. 31, 19lio







'"«· 31. 1941




l, 217


».c. 31, 1942





!b1a !1«Ur• 1ncluclca tho $205 m1111on of occur1t1ta ~lt4&•4 acalnot the R.F.C.

loan ..

Th1e fl.urc 1nclu4•• the $295 million of dlrtct lnv•otmrnto pl •d&• d e&alnot thr R.J.C, loan and thP $200 million of branch•• of ! rltloh 1nouranc• co~anieo vhooc ••rntnge arc a oo1gne4 to the a.r.o. loan. Ot the &SOO mil lion of seour1t1ea and direct investments cove red by the pled{;e agrooment, :ISO 111ll1on remain to be clepoaited with the Reconstruction Finance Cor, orat i on. This "111 be done only if and when the Br1t1ah GovertUrBnt tuea up tho romainj ng &35 oillion availlible

to 1t under the loan . Di,;Art,.;:nt, llh Ti1or:l ot"lionotaryllearmll ___ -- J'anuar:r 1,, 191i)7'

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rill riSH t'IOS1' S!'&Rt."T U. 8. S!'&f!l,'1'

QJ!!:.W. l!g 0 ll


IIOf TO & l!&-T!W!S!!Ittiip

0 0


Information received up to 7 A.N. , 27th JMUSI')', 194).


llt.DI"riRRAN.:tll. r:ntrenco to T!UI'OLI Hubour 1o coapletoly blonkod,

H lo hoped to oleru" 100 foot peaaage for ohlpe or 24 toet clreught by 8th Feb­

rusry. One or 11.11. Sulau'ioes torpedoed t.nd probahl,y lank a 8,SOO too eh.ip on

)rd in tho Strait of lli:SSI!Il..

2 . lllt.!'I'ARX

LIBYL.. B)' •,!onin£ 26th our fot'W!l.rd troops hod reocbed points 4

miles woat or ZAUI/, Md 50 miles aouth-souLhwoot or ZU.U!JI :t~LUT P.oad .

~· u.,_~er Don. Russians continuo t.o attJ~ek on broad front

south of VORONt;ZH. STt.LI!IGRAI>. German 6Lh A.,.y roduood to approldmat.ely 12,000

"'"" split into 2 lsolatod groupe. Lo.:or IJOil, Houvy riahtl.n& continues between

Rivero DON and IIANIICH. Situation obscure.


ns'l''l FJn!T, ~· shoda and r&il""'' at 8lalG&S boabod by lO

Vonturaa (B. )4). lS Sq1.ladron8 of S~Ufires oporoloed ovor en-.y territor)'.

£n- caaualUoa ), nU, one. Ours 4, nil, l. U on0111 ldrcrett cn>ssed our

coast. l doatroyod. Dcu, ond casualties olloht. 26th/27th. Urcran were

doapa t.ehod - LORtdiT 156, 2 ll!iaslng, 80118 cloud nnd ground haze; Leofl.eto over

F'R..MC~ 18; onoey abipplng' )) .

f&;liCH NORI'll AfRICA. On 25t h adverso ... thor roatrlcted operotJono.

Jdl!Ib. 24th/25th Md 25th. A totol or 17 CICICIJ.• -bare ODCI )6

littyhawka (P ,UJ) -bod 11.:D£21Il1Z fi'eat LaJ1di~>i Ground. On 25th r:lttyhawka (P . 40)

ll&do ~ boooblni; attocka oo shlliPI.n& at ZDARA.

~· 25th. Shlppinc at 11/.!•()(J(Jl attockad by 9 0.5. Liboretore

(!I. 24). 1 6,000 too ahl,> hit. 25th/26th. IUliO (250 ..U•• eoa~ o! Altllll) booobod

by 10 llelllnatooa.

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The Honorable


W A!HIIC'IllN, D. C.

Tho Seonot&Jy of the Trea8Ur7

DMr llr. Secnot&Jy:


In tbo ,..port entitled., •Report on Cork•, elated J&m~&ey 25,

1943 whiob wao diacussed. at tho Bo&rd of loonoaic llarfa...

meeting on Januar.y 28 there are two errora1 Page 2, ••cond

paracrapb, second line - •65,000 tone• should road •6500 tons•;

Page 't• firat line - "JO •trio tone• ebould road •.)0,000 Mtric

IIUl 7011 pleaoo ban )'our COJl1 corrected. aceordingl)'.

Sincerol.T ['

. ~ Th&.

ooutivo ~r


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To Secretary »orgenthau

,.o,. Harold llager lfn. -


January 28,

Intelligence Report 58 (1-15-43) contains matter that should be of interest to you:-

(1) Taxes. Preas Bureau SurTeys and field reports suggest ~the proposed new taxes and compulsory eaTings recommended by the President in his Budget »eaaage ($16 billion) will be accepted by the public. Corre­spondents report that people appear to haTe a good understanding of the ease fo r higher taxes. A selec­tive poll made as early aa last October reTeala that nearly half of the people were reconciled to the neceaaity for higher taxes in 1948. {Sea pages 12 and 13.)

People are concerned about two things, howeTer : {a) that they may be asked t o pay more taxes than their fair ahara of the burden {especially pronounced among white-collar, professional, and the small bus iness people whose income baa declined or remained fixed); {b) that pay-aa-you-go be imposed as aeon aa possible.

Intelligence Report 59 {1-22-43) reTeals that pay-aa-you-go has become synonymous with the Rllllll Plan for moat people, and that little patience baa been shown toward the Treasury's suggested aubatitutea or i ta objection that the plan fails to place tax liabilities actually on a current baaia. {See page 4-5~

{2) Rationing. Reaction of the public to food rationing is also extrem8}y interesting. Americana accept without reservation the need for comprehensive food rationing, according to the studies made . Tha overwhelming ma jority expreaa the foll:owing aentilllenta: that the Government plana to ration a large number of foods {8~); that auoh rationing would be approved {79%); that rat ioning should be instituted before shortages develop {77%); and that food rationing to date baa been handled ver;y well (66%) . {See pages 6 to 11, Intelligence Report 58.)

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(3 )


- 2 -

The general satisfaction with ra tioning as a device to distribute equitably goods in short supply suggests interesting possibilities for controlling i nf lationary influences by means other than fiscal policy.

Post -war flanning. There is a growing popular interest-­and sympa hi--in post-war planning. Vice President­Wallace is now receiving a very favorable press, an~ interesting reYersal from a short time ago. His approach to post-war problema is comi ng to be regarded as practical and reasonable, except for the extreme isolationist minority of the press. Moat editorial comments agree lhe t ime has now come for discussion of post-war problems. They agree , in particular, with the Vice President's view that the enemy must be disarmed physically and psychologically. Some urge that the nature of the peace be outlined in greater detail. (See Intelligence Report 58, pages 16, 17 and 18. )

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1'1 'I 1·15 . 43


0 F F ' 1 C I 0





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• •


.... !DI10RIAL Am'I'IJDI!S • • • • • • • • 1

IM•NC• • • • • • • • • 1 The J>Naid-•e IIAdio A...U.- • • • 2 Ceoaorahi.p • • • • • • • • 2 Gaaolllw .. • • • • • • • • • Opt.iall• 1Jl u.a ... • • • • • s


React.i ona t.o Ban on Ple&a\IN Drl'tiJI& 6

llaaponae t.o Plan8 tor P'oocl Rat.ioniAI • 7

m!LOPOO SI'!UA'I'IOIIS • • • • • • • • • 12

,_ • • • • 12

Poat..-Wiu' PlanniJls • • • • • • 16

.... Regraded Unclassified

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" sw._l')' of lt~v .. tlgatlo" a.I'Nf 11a la uM"'tt4 f or ~na.tft OWl off lc la. ta, I .­sued for OWl and tile lt~terut of otMr NMMrt of the Gove rNMnt .

The oeriOd cove,..d by thl a report h t he week of Januart7 t hrovgh January 1), ex­upt.tlere otherwt .. speclflca111 atete<J.


tblt P'r'N14ent.' • _,M&• OD nato. o! t.btl 0n1oa ~ ~ .a.­t.orial applaue aooo1"4ed h1a a1oce IU• lui. ~· beto,. eon,,...., 1) .ont.M eco, to announce that. J,~Mrloa. ... a.t. ...-. the ~.e.oau Clt.r 1\&r

call~ 1\. -.ut.erM"a Wol"' .. r.ltcru Nicl J.t. ..,. "inap1r1nc•J

t..he Phlbde}J)hJ.a Record wu cont.«~t. with no lee• an a.d, \han ...,_.

n1t1cent.." With the uoept.lon o r at .. b1t.t.eJ"oo'M4 ~ ot t.M i.dld.~

It. ,., oonoUiat.or'J' c.ona or \.be ••MC• which e't'Ob4 \.be &I'Mt.t\

-*1N.UOGo eo-tftW.\.ore niC-Cipi.Hd U. GUWt.n\ched. blad IDd •t.o-.4 ..,...,.

N&•me•• to &J"UP it; ~ or t.bla t•lt. that. t.hl ,.. ~ aow OQ&bt.

to be w1ll1Ac to -.t. t.hl '"llident. bal.t wq. 11M a~ n-e D:lepa..­

c.all.e4 1t. •an .&~.r. .. t.o pi"CQQt.a atJ.ocal aalt.)'. !be,. _. 1a 1\

t.o rv.tne t.M •..wibili\.1 .. ot wrr &roa;» ot IMricMa.• l'ren taW..

R&ndol.pb HM.nt.•a ,... torte Dlril¥ l!1..rror ~,\. "110 ont could liRelt

t.o, or Nad, tM •••ac• wit.hout. not.l.a& ita dold.n&nt. ot cono.1U­

at.1on, The Pr .. idant. Mld. ou.t. the oll" bJWJCh \.0 Coni1"Nio Mia ,........

lbould 10 tar to-&rd .. t.hat WOrid.nD; COO~Nt.ion bat.WNn the

la&hl.ati .. and u.ouu .. brent:ha• or qUt' .... rlcan ct.ocraq whiob bu

ftaN WM cnUttoaUOG, t.Go, O'l'llr U. Prta:14ettt•e c.andor 1a &.okDOIIl.q,iftl

put. lllet.UcM an4 owr hl• ....eQ£n1Uoa tha.t. crlUci• baa i t.a loliiJIM, 1M

- 1 -

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...-.rtc S\.l.r a..ctpr ~.,...... a c_, reac-Uoa 1A ~ t.bat. -n. Pl'Uiclt nt. w lc.-cl ortt1c1• u a ~ t.o our tftort., OCt.q euch oriUciaa a• Je aal.ic10i.LI and llkel¥ to• doubt~ and !Mn. 1\ .., a l pMCb \.bat. hold.a OQ1. \.he pro-iN of ainctN and erttoUft coope;raUce

'"""'" a at.ron&--.incled. tM• Dea.l Pl' .. Jde.nt and a NI\&J"Sint., o~.nat.1.,. COc\IJ'I••·• Bdit.ore .. ,.. ttp.d&l.lJ' pl.-...d b7 \be wa...U. of Mr • .,_e'Nlt.••

t.rlbutA \.0 AMrlCM,. •

F1MlJ.71 theN wu nlht Wt. tbe PrHident. laid hla PriMI'7 ~~ lilpCID

u. ~of ....,., 111\.bout. 1atroduoins, 1a det.aU, eQOt~al pJ"'oo

poeW for tht tutu,... The 8&].tt.ore Su.n add, 11\ t.hia ccanMt.iOIU "With

b.i• u.unnc• that Yict.oJT 1A t.h• 1lllr l t ov t1r.t CO&l Mel t.bat. 'rlc\of7 1a

in 1•ner&1. ..,., w:leh it. •u.t.ed. NOtJUne oaa come be tor. a1U\&J7 Yict.o17, d.\.Mr in U.. or in l.ntA,..I\. It hu prlorl.ty 1n '"J"7 ........

~· PrteJdent•• reo! tal ot AMrlo-.n acco.pllthDint• And. hit 6~\&l..rt~il ot

United "'"«~~ proeptctA tor the ,...,. .,... ~&J"' u areat.l.7 bN.r'· ft• P"" tone 1n all conment. on the • •e&g• ••• ~ of


PrN!dent. ~ .... u.• • •••11• t.o ConcNu on U. oL tJM u.Uoa ... bMrd• \.o • lllll.tTt7 O<lftdQI:Wd b7 c. B. Hooptr, 1D 1/7.7 pel" Mat. ot all AMrioua t.c.N wU.b N41oe. 1'be ad\&lt. 111'\.eninc audience ... ...U.tAd to ba" b<Md about U,()CX),OOO.


- 2-

.:111t.&!7 ~.p. ,.t. ~of t .IM JloN UrloM -... lp, Ute edJ,t.oN ,.Heft dltN\ with tM tl.lant.i\7 en;l tbt Nllabw\7 of ' one h'aa \bat Met.or. .,,.. ne•\l.f u., ,..,. d.t~ bJ' u. $*101~ of dtwi.l in accowrt.• of air b&Ultt 1ft U'l• eou~.t Pfldt1c. Ov lot ... ha'ft bMn cono"-leci, c.• Pltt cMr Prat.t, • Nhlad \M UoiUl e1.U1 cenMnhiP"J \.hrt atat,_,t. that. \MJ' ~ MlllclbH, be ,.. ..

.. ..,. ~h1n& at au, ••Pto1all7 a.t\4r *'' \he)< t.old u.e \bt Tolqo


a-.t. the U:nlhtt. concem Q'l'tr conc•tl.Mnt. wu u:pn....S in ,..careS. t.o U.

•r .w:..n.nee in t.he A.t.lanUo. A recent t b)' Mll!lral S\Utl an4 ao appl"'aital of \1M tJ w.t.U• 1n \be Clui• U e Sdenoe tlordt.or .,..,.

to han t.~ohed ott the curNnt d.M&nd tor ..:>,.. facti. "&Maue of U&ttt oaftl cm.eor~l\lp,• e&ld t.h• Qllaha ~r~ral.t, "it 1a not poeaible \o NT .t\at. 01U lMM• han ~ 1n U'lol U.boa:t. war. 4UU.WM~l.J, \hq haw '"­

II'M\.o HW'Idn4t or our •tuelt, loaded with pl"'C1out e-uaa.e, haw bten Mft\. WI u., '00\1Aa. fht.t. bU. bJ.& ~·hid ,... of W dq. It U

oa\ll11lC Cf'&n conctm to t.h• otticitl• 1n liatl\1n,&'Wift, bv.t. 1JM P"Pl• .,.. not \.old about. ur ott1c1all¥· ft.,. •re allowed to 10 tl0ftll1Undl¥1A b4.Uet t.M.t. our lt t..aJd.DI: n•IT t.rick.•

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1D .sdiUon to d_,,.,. .,... W...Uoo ~t Alp loe ... , eOM c~

t.atore baW 'oeCim W vrse a4opUon OC rnlt.al1ud ..thad.~ for COiilbat.UJtc tM --.l"t..n-~. In • oriUc!• .cM«l bT O'lohent W.J.t.r 1.1.,._.. _., Mr"fti4 U\,a\, -our cooduet of \M ~rl.nt -.r 1• tiM .,..t,. Mck'llvd. M4 U.. aoat. pr1JI1t.1n, t.M l ... t. inep1r1n& ·.nd ~ lat.h&reio, t.he l ean pl.atlaed Md t.M .oet unorpnlsed c&11p&l.p 1n ow- tiehUn&.• Me o&ll.ed. totr \.hie .. ~u.-.m. of • apecial c.orpe wiUdA the .. '7, c~ b7 • ...... u.rine adlllr-.1, wJ.U\ atatua COIIIP&.r&ble to that Of the ~rl.nea. The IJ'OWii'C cU.uaU.afiC't.ic•; 1d.t.h t.he la97 Oft Uda .core ~ M • product. of 1.cnonnc• ew.:d..f'll rrc. 1M4tq\L&tA 1nfoJ'Mt.1on abO\at 'C.oh• 1&"7' • real ac.oCIIIIIPliehMGW.•

The ban on dridni in uattm•• .,.. accepted b7 .,.t of the

pre•• ec.~tlbat 11171¥, but no\ UDCbM~. to IWWP'P'ft boaUla to U.. ~tNtion, 1t t\uftiabed, of COUI'M, aa occulOft for acldlal.ou rwrt.l-

netJ.oa baNd \I.POD plou• h1nr1111&ht. Tbu, luhl.a&t.oa t:l•e-KeNl.d. tnd

\hi •• Torte. Dd.l.T • • • took \be opportunit.;r t.o obMn-et ... do oot. ... u. hO"f tbe 'NNaucrate oan duck tM ch&r&• that their laolc. of to,..•l&ht ...

chleflJ'IIba\. br'OY&bt. Oft ~ .. ~Nff•l'irl&•·•

A P'M\ a.t'tT c.~at.ore hid. lliaP'f'• about U. illpl.-ntetlon of OPA'• Nlin&. 1'IM:J' .. ,.. uncert.&in abou.t U. clefin1UOft of t he t.eN "Pl•a.NN,• and ft'lft \boll&b Q11P6u..t.ic W \he DMIII tor CCIDNrTi.a& c.uoUDrt, b&UDt4 nhMM~ at. ttl an!otc .. nt •thoct ~ re.taM"'Id to .. •eaoopin&. •

Ttl• Scri9PI'-KOW&rd MWp&pa.n cho.l.aNd U.t. ~Uric the ~r of .u.a,S.clc:. on a .an or tfOIIIM and tiMn ~rinc hh to olMr h1uelt aMOka of polio•


..- orrucla...Skal- • -.u....,w~la- ot the o.napo." Molt. ~wto" *CI"Hd, bowftr, u..t. u 1e u. o1Y111aa'• doi\J 14 pt ~ oa u U\U. ~ ond t1oo1 OU • ~blo.


.t.A MAl.Jai• or -.Jor ba!"'u..,. 1D ~ Mtropo11\ . ..a __,.,." .,_ \MI.

..,.w iu U. prlnclp&l • .,. t hN.t.ere bd.rll ~to UM ""!f'lOM

people 1n on,..._l.a1tt&l¥ opt.i.Jd.eUc w..... TM balldl.iftN, f'ilrC&I'dl ... ot ' \.be ck't.a.1.b ~t.ed 1n U. etort .. ewer .tic:b \bq ~, duoradolM

aoocS ,.... ~ oxolui:n }¥.

tiU-riJIC the wMk of Jam&rJ S t.llrwlh JatU&I'J U, U. 20 ..,..,_,.,. .......,.

carrlocl 1.44 h .. dU.nN the flah\11'14 on \.hot Jblu1~t~ tront.. All bl\ OM o·r \MM heM1.lna• ~ .... of • &a.i.D tor u.. a.cs uwt. ..,. u. a .... &l• ucopU.on oould ftOt bo CCGI'l~rtd bed MftJ it. _, •"17 aoe: a a.d.t.t.ol

lA toM •- parioct, 81 IMadlina• ~ abou.t t.ha t1& 1A 'hal.lial 41

.. ~ or-dad ...-r ........... *'" u. or t.MM llo,_,.ht. poet Ud1ne• ; oal7 .6A NC rollt.1.nder could tM contide red aal'tbar opt.illl• t1o nor pe,.ialaUc.

~·- .....w ... ·-~ .... toou'­The ! t.lbl•• bo• hM·~ bat.\'rcllll,e .,. -4b...S 00 u. a1ct. of opUal-. Tbt 1-b*\oM* Ml

p1nlllrl Ol'er \.he put t f* ..Ut

-, -


Regraded Unclassified

Page 68: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

"'""""• 1IQood ..... ,.. ..... ... c aw lvNia m OlC IS 1\u\11t. 7S lS 10 ... _

es 10 s Solo-or~• 88 12 0



~ ban on pltwv" drhin& ••~ t-o bol•t•r the 11hconc• pt.1on that all._

ac• ratJ.onln& it e1~~pl.1 a dnic.e tor tq.lit.abl.7 a l.J.alWct 1\lp..

Pl1 of caeolln.. 'l"he rtht1on bet .. .n all .. s • NtJ.onll\l Nld Nbbtr conMr­

••t.ion h n 1U not c•nei'&UT a;:tpreciated,.

Aooo~ t.o OWl fltld ..n, aca. F*OP.lti ac:eeptAd. t.IM rKen\. o~

ot &NOUne &ll,o..,.., u • ~ra17 upedient. io -.t. U. cu Mid t'\Ml

oil ano.,..,.,. J thq at¥ cna-bl• 1t t.be7 are • t.Ul on abo~ reUOM .._

•P1'1nc ant .....

BetoN U. t.po,tiuoa. o t th• bt.n on pbuu..r. clrhtnc, p.opl • 41epl.qed. c~

dditrabl• arud.eC., about addiUon&l NttricUoM. at.ore nwri•IMd . 'J1)•

.,.\ o~ propheeJ.N turt.ber cu Nle eutpen.aione and \.he abollthMnt ot

•A• bootc.. In Ma .. aoMI••tt·• · a fMCT ,...,r -.:nt around auto• aot. nli ..

tenet now oO\lld not be reJ1•t.NCJ 1n \.h• •Prina, and the Oown1-..nt

int.tncltcl t.o t&kl ..U u,.., trc. WU"t&bt•red can,. ""ro••t4r \he

&I'Mt .. t l~rwt. re&in,.t1on Nt.h 14 ·u. h1.t1.0r7.

1D eo.tca. U. thld Mel npol"t«l• peopl• btc-. <pUt,., 4et...S.n ~bout,

t.W.r •A• boob. ,.., ~ took the .,a.ltioa that. U..S.r ••• Ntioo

- 6-

_. boanl7 ..rts.ot-.t tCIII" -... , •&17- d:d."f' 1 t• peop1.e ..,...... u.t.

u.,. .. ,.. ..Uu.ct \o a -r\e.b ~ .u..,. tor"~ ... , tor

'llbidl .....U 80\ be •: ~ alolbl.. to ..,....

g,..ptt,.e U.... atUWdN, tiM bu em pt.....,.. CUi~ ~ tabl¥ ..u ,......

c.t..:t 1a UM ~ of the 00: fi.U .-.; pe~ JI'OPl• f...rtc~ tAn

... n .ore Mftrt ......,... WIO\Il4 be t&Un. X.t1et.Mce t.o \.ht bM ..._.

creattet 1A c!Ue•, llkt Pitt.abu.r&b, Dre &uollM ._. Nlat.h •lT pltnU•


The ban ONattd a IN,IIII)er of nn probleu. Ia ••York, N t.ioa bot.rU .. ,..

IW....,.ci witb Nq.~Mtt t or cS.etinitian. of •••H nti&l.• d.rlrlftc. 7M _. of

tulo.ab• Mo._, tor a&q J*)pl•, a .or.J. bwe. *" Md theN ~

1M .80W' , M4 _,. cU.ill NportAcl &!.mat ~· t,.,_portat.loa

J-. Su~ .......... p&rU.col&rq b&Nllit.

Ka.qr of tbl 111\U"NU' • oo,...poa.deat., Mft uprNMd. U.. ..U•t tAl.\~

tea -.e a .s.e\ab 1A de~ *41•17 Oft t.l'lft&t.l &ad e~• \o e.

tore:• the ctri~ Mn. Tbl)" tMllen t.ha\ t.M bM N pNMattcl • oppo..,

Wnit,J t.o &1" ,.ople • & HnM of pa.rt.idpaUOD. 1D \be .,. elton •

It the 'tN.n it ext• natioNJ..l¥, U., NC~ that the coeroiw _,.,roeeb

be wpp]. ... nttd b7 intoN~Uonal effort.• duill*l t.o MO~o&N TOl\lnt.al7


PFS~SC TO PL4N$ FOR FOOO BITTOfi>C aoc•J~t. 111tt.~'t reMrtatlon DMd tor ~~w food n tlo.

··~•- H~•- or a """"7 _.. 1>7 \llo .._..,... .,..~ 1Ac· Thl• 1• .... Olllt.e--.... • • ......_..._.

af\.er .., Proc,.. .. atDCIIIIID(ed •

- 7 -Regraded Unclassified

Page 69: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

All ..... . '"1'7 , .. p.ople • .,. ..,.. Ula'Co t.t. Goft~ ... ..... \o ...u-. food, ADd \1>0)' .,,...... of tJw 1-:

'Ill 8) ~0

(Unh •• 11Don• t know") DO TCIJ APPROVE OR DIS... 4PPRC':JV! o,. nns?

A,ppl"''''t D1• appl'OY'e Don•t know

TbeN h et. PNMnt. Ut.tle •lQ)rtUed cw.r ~ht •l'l.i.pMnt. of

food abroad. ThN .. f01.1rtha or the people lcnP t.b&t wt U. ab1JIPiftC tooct

to ou.r U.U..e, and M e"Yeft la.ra:•r mllber - 90 per cent - _,,.,... ot CNr

d.oinc eo, ...-.n 1t it. ..W t"\a.J"UMr Nat.ric:Uona bere1

00 lW H.4PI'!II TO 1-. llmftEl! liE IJI! SHII'PJIIC AJ<r POOO 09llR TO H!lJ' rDn !!I:JJ.'ID Alii> IIISSU?

r .. , ue *ippllt& 714 •• .,. DOt. 1 Don't mo. 2'

00 TOO lWIMK ft QX)HT '1'0 SEIO !'OCIJ '1'0 BIICLAJID A11D I!I.'SSIA, 11YZ11 Ir IT IC!.lNS 1!.\TIO!Q!I< A LOT moz POOD3 OYER H!lllt

$houl.d Mncl tOO<! 90ll Should not S Don•t. know s

1'be publio .., l•u • ...,.. of tbe that ,.. .,.. M ftdin& food t.o Jlortb

A/rica t.o htlp tHd tht c!•i.Ua.n populat!OQ. as ptr cent ot \.bit ...

ple Mllewct \hat '" ~ toUa- -..elll • poUq1

-·-X- !765

r.opl• etf'CIIlC17 tnoNd • poU07 of n.t..t.~ p~ ~

........ -1 .... 00 TQ1 'nllHI( ft QX)HT TO STIJ!f 11001 TO RATIOR ALL P00DS II IIKICH SIIORTACES MAT D!ll!li.OP, OR 00 roo mtNI Ill axmT TO WAIT U!ITIL Mil! ~T IS A SHORTAD!t

m 17 6

.Uthoueb a .UOri.t.T 4ou.b\4Ml the oece .. itr fqr aurpr, on t.M wtlole

people .. ,.. .. u .. u etied wit.b tbe _, food rat.10G1nc hu bMD Mndl.clt

DO 1'CU tKUC IT WAS "'C!SS•.Kr tO R41'Iaf SUC&l ,_ CCPI'!Zt

r .. , boUt. tee, ..u.p.r; ~t. cottee tee, C:Of't'Mj l)ll:)t. .UCU Ito, neither Don1 t know

~ 1

18 8 s

1C1ULD TQ1 SAT mAT SO r1..• rooD JIATIOOIIC liAS -twfDI.ED VERf W!U, CIQ..T PAIRLY 'IIBU, C. rcaa • .n

~ 21 8 s

r PI'OCrM wiU work Otat. eaUetactoril¥t

011 'IMI trHU.E 00 roo Mill< ti!E 1'001> RATIOICIIIC PW:>CUII WllJ. WOIII .Dr tr!lJ., aiL! PAIRLY .U., OR f'IOI:&.n

, • .,. ..u ra1r1:1 ..u horl:l Don't. mo.

-9 -

~ 21

l ·7

Regraded Unclassified

Page 70: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

'llb;J U.,... OI<HeMJ7 '&.0 cth cto.• U.. Co'nn.eot.'•» ... ~~

~ by \.hOM tlbo M14 thal. \ltV bl&r'd or ,...,s t.bdr \.alb. tat !ld.1

Con.tld•rlnc the napl• u a • hole, *" diaa.~rond or the advano-e an­

nGUneiMA\. t.hltl of it.. P'Nvioue · hal ...-...1~ a

wld••pr .. d btliei thol\. advance &MOW')Cl.t-.nU l•ad \.o boardlnc. N• w.r­

.,.Y rtvttltd l.h&t. t.h'I"'H peopb in fOIU' lMr t.l'lat. p.ople •Ul e t.ook \l,p ln


4~ 47 ID

Ill M ICilT 1'011111, DC !QJ 'niilll l tor Of I"X»U 11JU. S10:I UP (II 'I'HI PODDS !l!l!T BXI'II:T '10 !!!: RltlCIIIIn

Ttl, & lot -t.U tt.oe.k up 7~ 11o ~s Don' t. know )

!be !M..r \.hat. o·Lher• will hoard M¥ eneourr.a• p«~plt to do a p,.._ hoa rdina on O'lll'l Kcount.. SUch ao ataht be bol1teNd

b7 upM\.a\.lon t.ha\. tnfof'Ctllllnt. WOD'\. bt 1trlct •DW~h to p,....nt.

"'bi"•, one:• t.he pros,... ro .. into .rreet . Tblrt h OOOMq\llnUJ

~ daac•r 1a tac-t \.hat. one penoa 1A rov beli..-.a Uta\ W

M-. & pod dMl, Of OhS..tllJ!II 1n COIIDIIcUoo 'Cl\.h IIY&U' aad cOrtM NUO.


-ID -

• 10 1'CU m. - HAS - IIIJCII CIIISII.I:IG U M RltlOKIJr. (111 SJCA& JJII) com:z.

• ~ S9 lS

!be ~ \0 board .., aleo tt. ~~ "r tht r .. r \.bat ...,W&ll.r

t.M,. won'\ bt tnOiolCh food "&.O co &I"'CQDDI. Oft~tC*J"tb or u. llliiiiPl• 41a­

pl.., 4"P anxie't.J' about t.he toocl ait.uauon,

DO TOO 1Mll« ftC! POOD stTUAne»: "nL 8!CO.IC "' SERIOUS 111AT sot.'B ff'.OPU WOti' 'J' iJB ABLE. TO Gin' .W. TltF. 1'000 THr.f Nr.BD7

Tu No Don't know

* 68 6

A. a peolal 1t.ud7 Mdl b7 the 8t.&..rNu lo PhU.edtlpb1a, on U.. t 'IIO d.,. toll~

1nc u. ~...,., or u.. tift procr-, itdlea\. .. thAt M/17 ~"' .,.

~ • ..- ,...u . .u- ... -.. .-..ob . .. ... - ._ ...... "' Mt.l-Adadalt\.rat.loo ~ l:tlql;d..Nr, 1\ . ..... ~ U..r """-'

U ,... lllnl.ld.Md b7 \be pro-#.dal.n1Ar.tiOD lbteord MIS b)' 1AOa ,._..,... 1a

b1e •"-'--'" t.b.utin1 t.b1 ~ ..... or U. clt7 !Of' \htir c.ooptre.Uo-..

bOMeln "'''ina .... tt~&ll7 pf'(:IIDOW)etd in \.he ·~~ . .. ,.

cuet.o.,. •nJored eeeurlty or anotV111t7. oup1t• n-r Dad•' ~Uclt

Nel\l.,t., \heN ..,., oon&iderable erld.enet that. people ,..,.. ehOpplnc aJ'OUftd

1n a tNIIlb.r' ot 1 t.orel tor h&J'd..t,o..cet. con.ocli u... OIMI'Id fOr Nb7 foodl

-.. coMpicuout l.T h••'¥7. Ot\1.1 t.M 1t.on1 1D l o.-lncc. .,.... .. .-. o.o-­

plo .. q -IM<I tor tho boq1oc .....


Regraded Unclassified

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ec.l P"Pl• t.o boerd, on u.. '~~bole, AMr1caDe..,.. ~ rooct ,.~ ta

a CCJOI:t.NCUn .-piri\1

• :nu.r $lilT rw rllliOO DO rou nas f'UFLB ~us lllOHT DO ro HELP t~m PIXI:) snv•mm

konc.l.H •-r&ll.T Act.Mll.r ptodlao• foo41 1\otMIAt .... ~ P\l.rohaae .-r1.nalT PN••rr• t.nd can food Ut.WH 1\lbatit.ut.ea PUn IOt&1.t bettAr ltU lNt chM,pU food 14ake t.M but. of U ~ • l•h .. .,u.u .... Hot. .. oert.a.l.Mble

-)2 21 16 11 11

9 6 5 5 ~ s ~

~ rM.~ tor ntiCiftiftc, tlb.Ua tbe7 ..nt ,...~w.ot, a,,_,.

t.o be ta1rl.7 ..u\ood. »on w~ ..... .t. ............... bolllrl'ar, • \be Oooorem.nt'a nuc:ea fetr &tlao•aad.,. Ua nUoaUtt ~ 1a

~. 1bt neoN tor ..,.1'70Dt t.o .ecept ~ iDIUridlMl .... p.eU~Ult,y aot.

to board U.O rtql&1.r'U etre••· J'1.Dr.alJ.T, coai.l.r~Ded. .....,.u --....R be pa.\ •

\be taot \.hit DO on......U food abonap S.. 1n proo.peoot., u4 \bet OMf''s.noe

wit.b ... plt.Uon. b a c.oratributloa. t.o the •r .rtort.


• ·~·· •\ ..... ~ • ..., ... nU Z...S.ftd ..,. \he .......

ClrDe or \liD ,..,.,..... a rpM UMt DO\ ~c.. u aDOb u S-' pw ..- e1 a


ll,09,000,ooo,oco ~ ~ t.. n1M4 throrlap ....... r • ,....,. .....

iop. - o41Uri.IU ......... u.. u.-~-- .. ~\1" tw UM eo........- t.o ~a pq w Jll •• ..u.u. ,.a.. 1RIIi.C.n ,...P~J~e,.. be" ~ aftoc&Ua& s.a s..r.u.uc ....,., ..a au. s..o.t..\eDoa, tor •- U.. an., 1a .-ra1, _....,.. ttl~ • ....­

Uoo \be broac:l wt.l1DM ot U.. hwd.clecrt'a procru.. 1bq t.ook U. PMtlia

thlt 1t ooonu.u.t.tcl • oballq-a to Cqreu and. \.0 \ ba •u-.

PN'tiou.t SurNu wtv•1• and tiald r.porta au,pat \bit. Jlll'opoHd •DIIf

a.M. o0111P&1.-o17 Nvin&• will be a ccap-Ud b7 t,t.,. ~o, too, wUb ao .,.

~h&n perf'\lnot.oJ")' aNIIbUnc. ~.,., UM 1DoneM4 1•¥1•• will bit ...

P"''lPe .. .,.o1al.l.T biN~ aDd .. ~ .., t~a .. w ~ t.a~e• to , •• u.u .• -. tax coll.ot..1co.

b~ 1A Oc\.cb.-r "'"•b4 thlt oear}J ball ot \be peorpU .. ,. ....,_

ODC.ile4 to \he nte-old.\7 tor blPr tuM .14 19431

DO mJ 1ll1lil f'UFLB*S TAUS liEU tiWI SIPU Ill 11101a nw1 ttmr mm r KIS 'IIWIT

t .. , ht&Mr Jlo Don't kDoW

1n another IW""VI1 that IAIM IIOfl;th, threo ..,.oplt in I04U" •ld \hat 1\ hid

*" no baN.Alp tor &cbea to pq kXd 1n tM put ,..r.

'l'be oorreapondenta ot \he 1\lrM\1 oL Intelllaaac• report \M\ pMPla lppe&r

to a.." • eoo4 \lfld,uetan41AI of \M "" for b1.abtr taea. Peopla do-'

quM\J.on \be DMd. tor an 11.1.-<N\ effort. t.o 14ft UM a .r, '1111!11\.ftoJ" \.be ooat .


Regraded Unclassified

Page 72: Regraded Unclassified · tD • N SHIPP ifl G REPORT AS OF JAllUARY 23 , 194.3 ..... CoiDOdib Shipped To Date Under Load On Hand At NYC En Route From U

• . ,...,.. b 11\\le 4bpoe1Uoa \o OCIIIIIP),.&1A ebollt tbl ~.,...... oL \ be _.

tuot or \o arpe U.t t he 1JQ1\oe4 suu. 1• apendinc .,,.. Ullin ...,. f air

~. h an oorel"' ~~·• ..,.,....._.., \htt \be ~._..

be ..u ... MJM t.o "-nd UN u,_..t ettid.MCT ud .CCIOQIO' OD \oM pa.n ol

the OcwemMIIt. ~tl11.b1• tab• the tors ot ~ .,..

GOO-o-.r ~t.\U"W.

l' no\ prot.aninc abcNt. p:t"'aJ*'t .h• biaher t.ue., people ar. d .. Pb ooa­

eern+di ebout tht poftlbWtr the, tU:t be ubd. to Pt7 .ore than \h~r ahar. ot t.he burden. 1't\h t .. ling pervadu all cl.Auaa. But 1t b

.. pec1111.7 pronounctd ..on& whJ.t....ooUu, prota .. ioDAl, and ...U buda..a

SGIIt ot the•• people eUpl.r po1n\ ""'• witbcut bUt.erne.aa, tbat •hip.r taaa

oc ata incrM.dAe ib:ODt are lua dift1cult t.o ••t t.h.aft ~r tax.a • a

fl.ahla or wea • dotc,...•ii'IC 1~. • !ut ~ are ao 11'1#lt.,... ~

tbe.1r c-J'&l po.J.Uon tAat \b.7 haT~~ an tlao.-t ~· c~

rtcuon U..t a.rv ,.... t.&u.e ..,.. C41l"LLin t.o h.ll aoa·t. hMri.l.J upoe """--

l':tOpla 1n thia MOd are flo.tqu.ent}3 about U.. ._, .. , and en.n.n­

pnct • oJ tbe • dal.n1atrtUon, and U\.~ly hotUle to.arcl 1n®t\r1t.l. wont­

an, Wboaa proaperit.7 thq t X&Ut1"11t.t and reaen~.

J*lpl• aener.U..,, thtl"41 i t oon.aidtrtble anxiet.y about. how to ace~

late •nou&h IIOMJ' to PI¥ tana, even at t heir pn .. nt level. WanT oorr.­

epondent.e apnea the tMr U....t .a.t • &• a r. not. M1 pro­

rla10ft \.o .. t. tWr 191.2 tax bUl•. 1'bq &nUc1}*t.e a p1nch '*" MaroA

dll d..rin .,.. wortcan into fob. banda of the 1oe.n ebarU and ~

--.. """"'' ... o\'- \o- \bo- ot - · -1'01 ~·; 1 d t .......... .....u-1 iNIIIIIfa1lll U'l1a& \be ,-u. \o Nl

-----· 111o~-1a- -

SC1M ol \b1e ..UdWde b ca;:c 1M11 b7 people .._ pl- ~"' sa

ore prori.._., -' .ut be al\r'JlN.t.ed \o 4ilrplM4. boeU.U\¥ t o-..rd .......

But~ o41\oro ... .u._. ~· ~ M~ \o -,. a1M

f.U. \be,\ 1adl~ tt'bo Jal .. bMa lirlac 0D a Mad-\oooeotoi\h but• ~DieM \o

be lMtNOted ab<Nt. bow \0 ...t \&De.

,..,.. 11 rid .. p...,.4 1D feTOr of •a. •orl ot ~10 p).M •

ll&nT oo,.....poadeD\• bl•• tlq)f't.•ted tbdr pe~ proe/t.l"tnna tor n ob a pl.M1

and han NpOrt.d \hat ide& ...U .S.t.b tnor peopla U all ~

.-..-. A tiW'ft7 _.. bJ t.t.. ...,_-u lAA ..-r, lldor. the lllpOdU• ot \M n.\oiT

-., l'ftMlM \bat. \U.8 ot w:UhWMnc l.e'l7 .. owuat ' <ftllr . ,....,...

b)' WO'J'tc.... Onl7 - rMpoodMrt u ,.., 'f'Oiced. M;f objec\100 t.o u. ..... 1'­

~u-. ot ..,..., Malt. w1\b a rda.U•al7 ..U. 410cUoo., bY\ 1\ U

e1plt1oant. \hat ..,.. worbn ~LIDW"•'7 WA••tMi \bit •n or all ot

t.ba1r inoc.e t.u. aboul4 ba pt.14 th~ ~\ioot r..- ... .,w,p. ,.._

t.Mir owm potm. of rt .. , tMy upOD dtbbolcU..Ill a\ aou.roa u • OCIID­

• •n1•t tnd Nl.A\1Yel.J p&inlaaa Mthocl of ... uac i&x ~·· An4 t.bllf

npnMct u •• a HMibla and .ttici.,t. WIT tor tiM ()onmMn\ to ooUaot.


-u -

Regraded Unclassified

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. .J ' $alOe"• on tiM! batUtfi'CinU b.u •d• 1\l\.W't .._ 1..-l.oen\ aDd nei. ._ M': .a*X&J "'Ol ~ ~~~ Ult.ort Mn ~ t.Uen 1 Unl.r bt.t:rett. 1.o poet..4U PJ'Cibl.-.

lftt.tNt\ ...nt..tN 1\..U -.t. clraaticall7 1D the re.c:Uon to ~-...,. -- ......... ~ ....... __ deC\•'• recent epMOb c,_.,ret.JJtc lfoocltoow .u..oa•a ~· !be

I .. lt'fO./~ Yloe ~·• JI1"'N.' Nt Uprond ui«daMnc)r aUc. b1a ,_ World ..._

4ro»otlutllq S, ..... _

Kr. Wall&c••• tdd.Nu ot .o.o-.r 28 •• sinn proalntnt. and. co..r-t k)o 1 nl 111 tJ, • bM'l-'l•tb!-w .: qt 1n all but tour ot 22 reproe. .. nUttve ,...pepere uaat.n.d ~ \.be Bw-Mt.l

• . I • ._ .. ' ot lnUl.Upoe:e. ~ low- excepUon~ wre Ullt &.t.Mt.t Ci\¥ Star and the

J • -Cbk..,o '1"ribua., ttdcb curled t\.of7 'but pn 1\ 11\\lt pn-s...,..,, tbe

1111Udoli'IW Rooord ...S U.. 11.- n..-lllopat.oll, wtlioh curled oo A007

1n U.. o41U- ow.lAblo, AU U.. -· .....w.& _,..,. !'"lilt"!' \llo ,,.., .,.__u, on .POl• 1, • ....., llYl.Ac U ba""!'" M<cllt.,.. oad o!.& at,.. ina ~· U.. 11 poeiUoo, TOn ot U.. 22 -popon ,Pftn\od ibo c~ LoliL

ot \bit apeecib .

--22 -pore rtzt..U, .__ llr, 1klloco•o .,.._.., Olllq 8 ••

\be ,_ World Auoo:ia~Uoo dl.rmer. .._.. t.._, all eM.,; ,. burled U.t

"J." ' kl ci1MUMlon ot ~ probl..,, M t ..C"m"& oaq t.Nt pen ot epMOb '"J "'ltl L•v.tJalr: tmiotl -'10De4 I pouible J tp&nNt et.\.M'k on AlaNa, Onl7 PM &ad \ btl

... ~ ..... Jl \oft& •J. t ~~· • ... , --a.a curiod U.. oooplA~ tat ot tbio ·-•J oc1.7 I'll ...s \llo

l&l.t.t-. ""' \no\od u .. U>o 11 ftor7J oQd ocl.7 .u - - 1\ .. -1.

ldl.t.wial I S• \o \be ................ !A ... CJ'' ........... ....

t.t. &n..r b1a ,,.. IIOtld "-lk, llt. lllllM• ••• \.M bwU ot _.. ......,

t.1~ •--".• !boee .-.ct.a\oN llbo d14 not. dMowlo• A1a •• u trpa\ of

• \0\&lit.lriaAUa t.eDded t.o r1d.toul• 1\U 14ua or, 1\ beet, t.o t.I'Mt bJa a.e a

..U-J.nt.cU_.s, tlu.t. t.pncUc&l, d,.....r •

1tM bulk ol the edi\OrUl .ol~ abou.t bb .ore t"'C:ettt tPMCb1 ~r,

pnbM it. Md, ror the Mtt pert, reprd...S 1t u a practioel, I'N.IOMCl ap­

proach to poet-war probl.... 1b• PNnil1na Jud,ptnt ••• apw b7 •

..SUorial in ttM Chl' Saiann Jlonitor• "ftloeo who call 1\h 1411 .. U\ooo

p1.aa, wtdlo t.~lne boli""'-.f'IC \.hit the Unit~ t t.ateJ ctn cnce aon lb­

.U,. 1A a e.uuta bl.P--\U'itf i.tolaUocd• c Ubotn. 'lfl"'lCldJJI U. PM"• u. \l'M reel 4:reaalln ••

IrrrMUw c.aa, of oou.reo, traa tM o¥\t't!M b ol.eUonhL a1DorU.7 ot \lilt Pf'N•• &.ach pe.pon eca1n l.tbelM the V1o• PI'Mict.nt.'• ido .. N Mnrri.Ye to tiM

~riO&&\ '11111' ol Ute .

lA ad41Uoa, ~ • .,_, c~ton ~ .,.. ,,.u..uo to

Adld.a:lat.reUoo UIII"M•od ala,. o.,..r ltr.•'• ~ U.t. ec-c,.... ehotlitld tor.all7 HOOCD1-M \M .J..QLenazao• of f'l&ll e.plco-at u • 6eola,...

neUooal pol..lq.• And UM7 .,,. W)Hq abod hie NC_.t.iOD \bat •...,

prioM 1ft oontrol aod ,,_,.. ooo\J.nuJ.V in the n.• of f.M.~. tM ,_

,...._boo Cl:u'CIId.ol• \bat. 111'h1• ~ 1A p1&1A ....,., _.. \be -­

JIIOII'W O«<Vol, ~JoN, rro.eo ~~ ~ prtoM, , ,._ eo1o locbr\4p ,...s...MLioa d f'IIC'Ila\lca ol pdnW W • ft ........

.....,.""7 •••••:lt~ lo .,. .. ra...,., ri•ift.e4 ,......,.u, 1lpaD .. la •


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But t.b1a aort ot lliappre!Mndon wu rare. lloat c-..t.a agned t.ha\ tile

tJ..M bad - ccae t or diacuuion ot poat-.r probl_., !baT ac;reecl, ill, wit.b t he Vice Preaidan"'• n• tbet e~ mat be 4iaar.act

Jlh¥a1callT and paJCbolo&icall7. ADcl - ot tbM ursec1 t.bat the DatlU"e ot peace be out.Unecl in greeter detail.

Int.ereet.1ngl:r eoougb, bowYer, there ae•• to be little M&emaae to t.n

President Roo•evelt present a blue print tor t he aolution ot poat_,-p~

1-. On the contrary, the prnailing judP""t appeara t.o be t.bat the Preai•

dent bes been wise in holdin& biJuelt aOMwbat aloof troa tbe Clli'Hilt dia­

cusaion, llr. \Tallace•a reurka w re genenlly construed aa a trial ballooa

tor tbe President'• Msaage to Con&reae. A DWIIber ot c-ntatora, ootablJ'

ilalter Lippmann, COMende<l the Pres,.dent tor allowins propoaala to be

broached b7 bia aidaa, while noidins apecitic cOIIIIit.aent to a.qy partiCNl&r

plan on his own account , '111e prevailing judgment in the press, 1n abort,

aeeaa to be that ~t~war plana abould be debated at tbia taa - but not

yet datel'llinecl,



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a U R £ A U 0 F


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IDI'l'ORIAL ATTmllliS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



.... 1


' 4

INJIOIIMI to Ba41o ,.reat.lllt of till lar , • • 5

~r ~~OD ••••••••••••••••••••••• lO Ball Oil wpt....,.. Dri "'i.Da: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11

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• ldit.on .... ~ ---· atta1n !.a lcrilo UrtM, lllo -

lit.•U• \bNe 1e ooaoMle4,. 'M7 obarp, brei:W24 a f'ru\nU..C 1 ueld,p

-.blob Mala& \.bta taO'\&•

f'bNe n..-\a cNri.DC \be WMk bl'OQ&tl\ lbair aui.t.J \o a ta,_. - a et.o17

b7 Oeottrq Pt.reou, Jr. 11\ lhe Nw York Hllnld ~ ,..por\111 ,. .. Uf ..

,.,.. .. Mt. .... \he Un.Uecl sut. .. and Bri\d.aa• or -. .. dUt ........

b7 a...-. Breoka u4 Harold MeoMJllen; and. U.. ~ otllai'Hl

r.:rr-- •• Qohnor O.oarol ol AlpriAI.

lfr. ·-·· ... ._. oal7 puUall;r diapollod • c...,.... t..U.C \W

81'1\&U bu M4o ~ a \ Ol'OM ~ ci.UI: \be ttal\.ed SWt.. belt;1M

U.. lor\b A.t'rio&D ...... au. pl.edp of c.oopenUao wu ...,..U, _, 1 1

!be pnv '"AI~ .U \bat..-., decla1ou _. bJ a.a tsmr

G0111R w be - w u.. u..l& "" bo<b eon.-...

&.. of UM o-.ral'• ckttodan tuaNt.d. tM\. 1M t.a bMa _. \M UU.

ot taoUOMl wn.acl1AI· 1M $crlppt-Koard pepen dNe..u..t 1\ 1a W. ..,.,

• ••• ~ lriMGbaiiNr .ow.d •• • , .u!"-17 ~r 1d.,_ • eiltl1e llr'l

'- nno17, lu\Md ot •• • J)U'UMA J10l1U.oJaD - No&UH t. ,.,.._. w .,._. ... r .. u.GIIIl. Dt OPllit\- \blq an .. _, ... ·- Ida. ......

1ao1aM lllo left wUc o1 lllo 0. Qaullla .. , a lriUab ottl.aS&I. - ( .....,...

- ~~ • ..,. .. •n--v ~.,.. •riM .. - --

or - 11o11 tw--··

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• 11111 u a~ -ried lot a- ol -- --.u, ~ t.o .,... W.,.U\n\100'• !ONip pollq. !be Woeao ~ •• ...... I• ~ ...... , -.onb .ltrioa bu ·~ .,__ - ~ 1a *1M ... t'1.1.oUIIc CJ"C*PP, a\ oroee pu"pOMa, ..,.. Mbet'lfQI o.o..l a...o­•a hope of a t \d.A1ac a .uit.a.17 deoiaion ••• 11M illpliMUOO 1e U..\1

..U. \I'J'iDI \.0 f1&" a...,., JM 1a cCIIIIpalle4 t.o look O"'V b.U • ._,.._. t.o

_....., aed ~ .. 41H ... r poUUoal ~ ot ~ _.ur..•

JQt .-. wt.n.ancliac c~W\o" or .," llbft'&l bue plaoM U. bl..IM tor

llort.b. Atrlcan political 41lt1o\\l.Uaa ~ u.poo ou.r o. Dlpli""""CR ot

s-.t... liQM ~ antd \be, • ...u ~ ft ' ~ ' -u.t u.. SWW Dtpra.r1.-ftt, or f'!l"eGGM U it, ba..-. a pereoa&l lead. wU.b Dl

o..u., do\1"1 r ... tho St. P1a~lon allaJ.r.,. !be IW'Mli.U. poUo1

ol Olll!' 8\l\t l>tpe.~ COM\.1\U\M a -...oe \o OQr ar.•

1\ .. tbe \,..,.!.,- ot V.. ~too tr.. Al"ppU.Dt to \.be ~ Atri.oaD

eceoe 11b1ob a'IOklld tba I I'M\41\ editoriAl ire. 1'be WaahlJict.on Po.l\ oau.-4

Wa \be •lu\ a\nw" a.a4 deolaNd, •Mortb Atrtoa ioclq ia 1a a b1cblT Cl7

plod .... Al\4. Ill DO ..U ....U. \.be bopeleq _,_,1 rl b7 cl'f111.U

'-rleao ott1ol.W oo ~ apot., 60t..bl7 toM .U.rioaD ltlii1Aar, Jabeft D.

~. 11 retpoui bla tor it. tt.. ela•aU.on of P~\oa \o a b1&b plt1.ct

1A \.be ~raUYe •.PP&N\u.e of &bat l.lbenWct rtclcm bu all \M daD-'

,.,... P"'lwteuu .. ot a l1.cbt4d. •tcb 1a a ,_..,. l:auTel.•

a:s.u...rq, ltl\.er ~ felt \bat tha 1'--d. ,._ \a. l i.c;• U..t.,

- OoaoNl a-. ... - wt\ll a poUUOfl ,....._- ..

• 2.

• •

- .... _.... Ida .... Ida aiiUl - -..... - pollt.laal .....

., . .-.n _,..., ..._ w .SaJr1Ja a tM .u .. u-.• 111r. u.,.... _...

.u-- .s.u.. w ••• ~,. ... \:S.- ...... w ........ JM41"' .,-ao lot pntm''nc \he\ poUUoal olW.U•I.a

~ Atrioa• ~ 1e our ..un l'MpoM1 MUV, 1a ...wl..t l>eMue ot ._,

... - ao14 - " - UoaoocJa - u !.a ~. !llat s. J..t - -.,.......woo- r .. . -·· - al...-r _..._,.of .-· ,.op1o. !be -...1 ol \AU o1\a&Uoa u 1A 'luh1ncWo oocl -. .. aloe,

ud 1i ie ia ~ \Mt. \be o~ 4ed.d.ODI tdll blift \o be •ell, oo4 u.. - -· w .-1 .. 110.\l! Alrioa wn ... polit.laal ,....

-w.uoo ot n.tf1eieft a\&Wn IDd. 0&1.1ber \o oope td.\b tbt pnbla.•

»ott o~Nt.on ..-.ct t.o baY• oo cbjeo\ioa, 011 p:riMlpl.e , to 41pl.GMUt

oppo~\lld.M u a .... tor U.. aobi....- ot p....U.Or'\br ..S.. !biT bin

. ......... ot .......... ""--- \llat ~· ........... ~ _, M .s.... Jd, a ppe..reaU7, • \.blf .,.. ~ t.o woodllr ..t.tbtr Wri-

MA ~_,. 1D lortb .ttrioa wu, iller all, ltn.daifl7 apedici.

mur 1 .. , c. Pnl'lllo•• ·~ kto,. • 5eaa\e o~t.t.M aDil tt.1dJ,6.rea\

nr1l<a 1.a ,.,. -\o .-1tW4o, attorOacl __ u .. , ""' ~"" 'T u. ,....., tw .,.U..U.• -h oa ~reUoa'• llbor ,.u.s-.

_,_ Regraded Unclassified

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( Ill •

.. ----\Mooolndloo u o pwn ;lu "'--~ - ... "' ~ - ott- 1a .-1• 14l\orial -\k n -. otdloooo _, ._....., .S.UpW bJ the tut *' oae ot \bt ca;:: Mel .._... r., -.. ~ ... \llo ~1U... oE iaoJ'MM4 Ollioa .... liT - t. ~o~So,

· ,.,. u.. nrib, .._ po)>ON ...- U..\ •& --. 11o4 •

Moet o-.Maion •• in tbia dW.Uoo tu.nb.r nicleDoe ot U.. e...U.'Ot

"mion d1Gt.atorW:.:i.P•J \lMI7 I&J"''M U..\ 1\ n.-ct tr. Adld.ld..ftn.U.O. tt­...S.U.. t.o.N l.abor aod. • t~ t.o .. \.lbllab lilld.GD r i'S dM"'I•

...... 1¥ all Mitorial oa.en\ 4-.o4e4 atJ"'QQ IOYei"DDIIRWl aoUoa \o bretilr . . . \be 1\rib ud applau.t.d Pn..S.diiOt RooMTal\'a l& t.o the nrl.t ... SYea ..,,..,.,.. Nl.aUY.J.J ..,..u.uo to labor oood...._. \1M! a-1W\l•

.t.crkl..,UU. ftM PhtJeM1phh lieoord Wt-"*1. \1M a\ri.UN ol OODCJ'Nd-.1 -. ~ aaaJ..a.n all or~•N labor anca CS.Ol.ared that, "Up \o aow, tbt

li.l"ib .... bMa pol.lkJ..T O&ll.ct. ril .... , '*"- .. QQ u ,. .... ........... . ..

ldi\orial .,........,. tor c ...,...._,_... ""plu, mtolo boo - _..,.

~~ Mhi'TJd ~ l •rftr' lut .... ...~,.. ~\bat \!M

w. ot- o1ll .......... oruu tor ""lob - ......,. .._.. 1o ....ut ......._.....


"'",...w.-- ... -.- ~~~-ooiA. _, •• , , .. - .. ,_ tora ot ...,......, ra• ca t.uaU•. !1111 Dl\roi\ ,.._ rr.. ........., tw

.,...te, un -c ncr ... • .n ,.....,... \uaU. """* 18 -. .....,.. .,. U

....... arrlftl ..... ol u. -· I) ••• 'ftd.l - """" _..._. ., \lrll

lbal pl.ID or • eiai.l&Jo cMtioe. •

1a --' .-.., , .. a.l pl&6 bM --, ......... ... ..,. .....,....... UtU. ,.u..... baa b-..._ w.ud * fr 21


---k\oo or \o U o objMUoo - .a. p1.u toll.o M Ill- -lloi>WUoo oo\oal.l¥ oa o ..,....m bulo. !bo lllo1 ploa oo • .,_ 1W

-,q-.1 71:1111 ao• 1a DCIIW .s.Ml.r aoo.p\M u • -.1• M1ae tor .......UC ta­

o\loo ........m""• lt - pool\l-..17 ..,.-.lo •


--..--­!M......, ..... 1A ,.,, • .,,..,. , MeiiiiM. -----­bol.oa I ' \04 1a .a.\ ol~ iloF \lie - \o ---*'­.......-.. ........... ~-\blair. ftU

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.. ~ ot all "' ........... u.. .. c:l .. OftJ' t.o \a. ..... .. ....

.s..M4 t.o ~. 1D, ~people feU "'- ... kc:ta#t-

I il>o

Cal¥ a t~ ol lba pooplo talt t.ho.l ~ •ro 11~ \o Uoo nGo laM

,...., ~ did • ,... aao. ~ -- tal\ \bat u.. - un­lJIII alxolt - - • ....t )S por ooct o1dMd \o M u.-., ..; .. , rvt.b..ore, .,,, or \hOM llbo • •re aore at.t.r1bu.f,M taetr s.,

orw.•M im•Na~ to \be war. 1D ooatrut, .on ot UloM llbo "" Uft.ea1Jtc lMe .... dGiD& 'eo, no\ *'-uae \bq WN 't.c~ Uri> wtU. ..... or procr- abou\ war, liNt ~ becau. tMr bad 1 ... u...

m..ct -u..w.c 1114 ..-...1 .... toallJIII u..t ....,.. u - - • u.. a1r ...,_, .... .,..

• 1\ ............. .-ue u ... _ ..... ..,,,..u .,., ................. .....,.s.- .... ... .

t.oo-- et d• • \M nr .. u Md:lu..l. 20,.,. .- N\ tM\ ........

""' - ol ~ ypoo ot - atariol. .a. ..ul -·· - --\on ... -UMU.. -l nr _,.. \0

wblob obJootl- •ro-~ ro1oo4.

llluaUohotlaD ll!.l.b t ba - ot - _. "' U. _, ba --Wd \0

tlllotuto 11!.\ll ....,... of latoroat 1o tba •ar at - port1wolu U.. oM

11!.\ll-r tooton. xn-t.., lion- .....a1J3Id.alllo- ._

,_ d1tl---·~ ~ .,.. people ... ,..,, ....... , "' ......... pi\-- ........ 1o ~. ... - ... - ·-u- oal7 '" ~ _.. poop1o 1o u.. ut<or- - ~ .. ~ 1a \M . ,., WI\ objM:t..d. \o \M OIW / e!1 tlr ~ el \I'M ......

,._ \Ito - 1a - - ot - !lao ~ llioMu.."lM 1o ~ ~Nlo4 ottoot ot - atorlol • o....,' •' ned Mou.t \.be .. or _,... ...

·~···~ ~ \ba ~•uoo of \ba - · - -u. n41o aDd """ .....-. -- "'I ~-

- ,__, \0 - _;, - l.bO -· -.. oartolt u ""' wll.b - -

\Ito -· - wil.b - tall< _..-117.

·~-. ~ .. rolo- ...---... .. _,_-'·-· --t.a---\ba- .. \ba- ... ,... •• _.-1 -'• • I • ' efpe4 -- \a. ..... fll w'ddi• ._,... \1M .... 1M ..----

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..... ..u~..u.&l.r ..... ,...., w ................... ... - ot -u.r td\11 w • r ottm ! io bo 4S.Mou.ft .. •U~-. u

s.-.. ---4· ,..., .... lMo ~"' bo .. u .. ~­Ml- 111 _,_. - ...UrlU...

:tawrwUAill _..,., olio JIOOJ>lo - bol4 W.. o\U- .,.. a1M-. ·

JII"'OO \bf.D tboM .... oloHl.T wi\b ••r \e •IIIP1ala \ale\

11 111 .alb oo \M rectio about t.b• •r. ftllol..e, ezq ettoft M pl..Ma\4 ._.

of t.boH not• ditNtbt•cUoc 1a relat.d to bu1o 41Mtt.oUOD b7 OlolUJ.illl

4owD tbt ~t ot\ U. dnotecl to Lht wu II'OIIIU ~ Ml.t

MicbWO tbe d.ltNUdacUoa ot otbtr ..-.... ot tbe .._ .,.....

People'• rl•• about wtwrth.-r there J.. \oo ..a, ko , 11\\le or the ri,pt Mt~~Utt. oL ~ em \be wv Oftl" \be &lr •wt doN DOt. ...n.:t it..U \.o &ell atpUt­... , - 1A tbo1r :U..lcl:dac IUUo, 11M _._.

aaol tbo --...rlaiw.l ''*"' - ... - - ol Uaa ll•tao:l.oc "' tbo ..-...

!loon ... -~\~ tor \bo ---to n o14 ......,.... td\11 tbo -· U S. e1ar \llo\ owr ..u-u.roou ... 4ooa aot boo4oolJT - r- \bo - or u.- 'bo7 "'*"' ~ "'..,. •MrUJ. • lbo - ·· It OIQ', t.booo llbo - ~­leut \t.o woh •WrS.&l oc.p1.&1a. .,.-t.

8\>t - broo4oooh, oloop1w tbo ~7 ot orlU- 117 \bo ...,..

r.J.t.ed IJ'CIIII.Pt, WIIN \U Mtt pop,alar or JII'OCI'M Uou.t \be ..,.. ._.

o-\1.\on Ntecl HOood, 1A .. t._ • .U.Wt \hrMI peop1.e 1a •• wwted

& pn.t.,_.. for Nrial ~ .. aad. ""-U•Uou of \a. .... A ..........

UftlT ...U _, ... IJ'OIIII ot ~ ... c~-_,... ot U..

tGt.ire n41o ...u-•, t~Ue ~17 a t\fteW M OJ ._, 1.- -'

l'o.t t.llal.e M .-edee.


u. __ ,....,_,__., __ , (1) ___ .._

t..Uft, • (I)- \boT P" ~ o- ot ~ 111 u.o--ot-..111•~·· a.,u. ___ _

...... MJ.,p elarlt1 .... -· ....... \o .... ~ ......

ou\t ~ lttr nr r rornta 1 u. ODl7 ftft,.,. Milt obJ•Md \e

W• pnoU.Oo,

• -Uoo - o1.oo ooPd -• ....U.o troo.- ot tbo UalW ••t.o w '

- U ~· _.. Rrfoiw.l td\b tbo •J.o• .. • ...-1\ ot \loa .U-~ ti'IP''P tlblob tiM JU'\ I"'ID 1U ....,... 1\ .. t .... U.\, .. t.M _....

\ ftJ7, - ~· Walr \!lot \eo UtU. ... boo - 11- - ·· UU.0

...... w.

--_ ... n,ltt_ _ _.... lo opiai•

11M ~· - pro\NW<I Uo\ \liON - w. .-11 or \oo U\\lo -• \110

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.... ,..... .. eri\1411 ... _., lea t: Q _.,,.

_,_ Regraded Unclassified

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IIIMII« <!!rlf.!IIC!f

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roo r .. , J.t .. DID'' a.

49ll 6


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WM ....,_,.

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Soutbwft will M Oil\ t.o oal'fe U. of \.bOM 1A U. ....n.:ra .,...., • ..... A trattlo - ocoohlot«< b)o tbo lorUI Caroll:la ~ Doparkoot - t.w nl- ot 1A t.bat. tt.W dilri&IC u.e.-..r 1942 ... 49 ptr

c.- ~:r tbM dlltr:S.rlc ~r 1941. 0111 NNl ~. W .re .. • ....,

• .....,. ot ¥1 ,._,. eta\ 1a uaUto. IQ. plbU4: ,.,., .... .,.. -.14 t.o ..

Mrioul.J ... n....d, wbUo priftW 0&1"0 l'\1l1 011 \ht f'Mii 4ri.ft .S.t.bltl\



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OPTEL No. 32

In.formation r eceived up t o seven A. M. 28th January, 1943 ,



~ Our forward armoured troops were hel d up by enemy r earguards in area seven miles west of Zaura where there was very bad soft sand on both sides of the road , Further south our patrols maintained contact with enemy armoured cars and a· few tanks on the Zuara-Gi ado Road at a point about 50 miles S ,W, Zuara where approximately 30 Italiafl•. Deserters surrendered , ·

TYNISIA During 25th and 26th Allied For ces have gained some gr ound in the Ousseltia Valley where we have consolidated our positions , On Northern Tunisia operations have bean confined to patrol and art i llery activity,

RUSSIA West of Voronezh Germans have withdrawn to a new defensive position which is being strongly attacked by Russians. Germans have captured a number of l ocalit i es 40 to 50 miles west south west of Voronezh. East of Rostov fierce and confused fighting continues be t ween Rivers Don end

. Manich , In Caucasus Russians have made progress on Rail way West or Salsk and N.E. of Tuapse ,


~STERN FRONT ' 26t h/2Zfh 182 tons of bombs were dropped at Lo~ent resulting in sea t ar ed fires with some lar ge ones i .n Dock Area in centre of town. ~ 9 Mosquitos (one missing one crashed) dropped sevon tons-of bombs on Di esel Engine Works at Copenhagen. Fires wer e started in Test Shops. A force or Fortresses (17) and Liberators (24) were despatched to North \lest Germany. 53 Fortresses dropped 118 tons of R. E. on Wilhemsh~ven , Results believed good . Three Aircraft missing. One Locomotive destroyed and 10 damaged in France by Typhoons , Mustangs (51) and Spitfires . 27t~/28th Aircraft wer e despatched . Dusseldorf 162 (6 missing ~ea Mining 54 (one missing one crashed) Anti-Shipping 4, Intruder , one . The blind bombing attack on Dusseldorf c~nsidered successful.

FRENCH !IORTH A!3C~ 26th Hurricanes escorted by Spitfires (two missing) bom~ ot~ailway Station. 8 Enemy Ai r craft dive bombed Souk El Arbs Airfield , Allied casualties on ground t wo nil two, Enemy in Air nil two three,

IIALI 268h/27t2 Mosquitos damaged a Northbound Tanker orr So~astoast taly and throe engines on Rai l way on the s8me Coast . Liberators (24) bombed Messina obtaining hits near Ferry Terminus.

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!ll!TISI! oosr s;x;w u.s. S!l:lb'f

OP[/iL tlo . 38



COPY NO • .Jl_

Following ia aupp GOntary of opon.t.ional ovont s covering the

period 21st - 28th January, 194).


~!l?ITf.N!A.Nl!.\11 . A convoy to BOO& which arrlvocl 22nd twice hoovny at-

t.ockocl by aircr.rt, 4 of which abot down . One ahip duoaged. 8 ono,.y shipe reportod

5'.Jnk. tr; H.U:. su-.rlnea &nd naval &-ircratt, a lao one U-boat and 2 oaeort ah.ipi.

£~tiM ted -e 17,000 tons or one,y shipping 8\Dik or cl&maged by al.rcreJ"t. No Mjor

cho\ng• l.n position or lt&liOJ\ heavy naVlll units. Volu:o of trattlc to Tunillan

porta much lower in Januocy than in 2 mont.ha, Laat weok. aor e traffic

!'UU!S and lese to BIZERTA and SOUSSE .

~· Of 6 oubaarines on peasago f...,. "orth- oastAm SIBilUA and

PAC!MC to north RUSSIA via Alll'JUCA ono loot, three now at I'OS'ITH, ono in IC.lUJID

And one en passaa• t.o north RUSSIA . Ns.val COIIIIIIMder-ln.Cbief ~ck !loa

moved bla headquarters north to TOAPSE . ln SEA OF AZOV there is leo for dle~cc

or 7 aUcs from coaet line and covorina OULf OF TACANROC. Conaidorablo drift. leo

1n X&RCH su.ur.

SOr.~fNN£ WARFAJU:. A number of en_, eut.artnes of which thoro aro soce

9S in the A.1LANIC have been c:oneentrat.ed 1n tile arel\1 3outh ot CREDU.AMD but ban

not repeat not oo far 1ntercaptod a convoy though one homeward bound convoy le still

in d&nger . Thla i.m=\Ulity ma.y bo in part due to heavy waather. Waok ending 27t.h , 4

promloing att&eko on U- boata in IIEDITJ:.RllANEIIN.

SI!~I"G CASUAI.TIES. Durinl U>e -.oek 2)rd - 29th inolualvo 6 olllpe re­

ported torpedo 7 One 1n the nort.h-• estem appro4ehea, ) Unitod :>t.&t.11

ah\pe eoutbweat or the AZORES, ono Bolgte.n off ORAN and one Uni~od States in tho

South PACIFIC which wee last reported to be afloat ond dri fting. In addition , one

Brl tlah ship woo sunk and another daured by aircraft in tho western WlllTt.lUWIEAN

and a aallinc bars• was bl01111 up, probobl¥ by a Dine in the 1HAII&S ESWAIU'. 'fbo

Brttlah ablp reported last wool< tOrpedoed east of D£lii:IW!A hao arrivoc! uncluoJed.

One Pa.ruunanle.n tanker is reported overdue at. CIBRAL'l'AR.

TRAQE. Importe Into Unltoc! Kingdom in convoy durins woek undlng 2)rd -

JS2,000 tons, inoluding us,ooo oll.

2 . M!L!TAIU'

hl]lA. Tho on- hao euooeoded in wl tho bulk of hie forces

to tho arce. of' t.he 'funieian frontier and 11 unlikol.1 to make any effort

t.o halt our adve.nee before KlR.EtH LINl defoaees reached. Iapet\111 of our further

adYOllco l.argoi.Jo dopendent on pouibilltllo of reopening '11UPOLI port on which ioocl

?rocr••• bein.g Mde. Petrol now boing landed. OOOflUT.

Frul!C!I NORTH AfRIC&. Oper11Uono in OUSS!:LTlA oreo probnbly not ropoat

not lflore tbnn local importAnce . Not. gain t.o enemy hoe beeo ea.pturo ot some 110\

pouea north of OUSSil.1IA-K.<IAOIJAH Road, tiN• incrouins prot.ootion or 11JHIS-GAIIl"S

Co.ut.&l auppl.y ~t.e. Coneld•nble United. States fore:•• now ....._ebed Cent.ral1'un1ai.6

and anlat.tnc French.

RUSSIA . Ciemon Divllliona. FUrther dopu·t.ureo of dlvltJlone troca flt.'.HCi!

to IWSSU and Also alight intake or dlviaiono Into I'RA!lCE. Numb<>r in I'RAilC£ and

LOr COO!! rP.I.::S now u ted at )4.

FAR &\ST. BURIIAK-ARAK.1.~. Pooltlon uneh•nred lii.YU-RAntEDI.DNG aroa 1'bore

J&;)l.ntle e.e.y Mvo up to 2 bat.t.ftllono fo,...,.rci of AKfAB. troop iiDOVeiM!nt.d A­

port.od Ol"T&. No . 'n . Pr obubl.y part. of f)lM to reinforce AJtYAB arGa .

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... 188

.. .·.· - 2-

3. AIR OPE!!ii1'!0NS


li.IJ:b.l.. 768 boalbors took part in ni(lht operations. 17 missing. attacks O•l LORifliT by total of 389 aircraft. Objoot to damage town o.nd port •ac•aJL~ 't!r.S so as to slow up servicing and mnintononoo of U-boats baaed thoro . llombing was highly aucoossful, portioulorly bavinc regard to aMall area of targot vhich is less than that of Kruppa works at £SS£ll. Soma dislocation ""'Y bove boon caused to U-bost tum rowul but effect on the numbor operational at aoa cannot yot be •••• .. It 2 a ttacks on DUSSELOORF by total 245 o.ircrott >'hicb dropped 617 tons of boaba. lloved that in spite untavourabla •eether oonaiderable d., caused.

Jl.u.. One daylight attock slso on LORI£lir by 35 Unitod Statou P'ortresaes vrhieh droppecl66 tons. 5 aircraft missing out of 90 oporating. 53 f'ortrose.• :wd Liberators carried out first attack by Un1tod S tates forooa on GBI!IIANY lrJ b.lclbing t:rtf.lLIISHAVcli. 118 tons dropped. J a1rc""ft adssing which no web sllllller loss than expected . .Htack ouooosarw., n'"' dry docks under oooatruction and dock facUl­ties round ID&ln entrence being bit.

FR11lCH NOHTH AFRICA. Heavy attacks r.l8inta1nod on enemy porto ond commu­nications . BIZ.RTA Harbour bombed heavily Lr day and night . Now considorod thnt whole of Axil Libyllll DJ.r force la booed in Southern ·rUNISIA.

LIBYA. Allied fighter bombora and light boalbers operated on a large scslo and mintained constant pressure by day and nlcht on retreating colUI:Itla. For­ward landing grounds OCCUj)ied and Utilisod U OUr ground forces advanced, OffcneiVO patrols maintained over forward aree. Our forces not repeat not sorlouely opposed by enOQy air Gttacl<o . Corman fJ.ghters which hnd probably auatainod hoavy looses were entployed in ~rotection of their Panzor units.

R!ISSIA. Little news f""' northern and control front wt Ruesians hnve •ooewhat lntenaified tboir effort in south acainst cOiliiWlioatioos and supply bases.

ESSEN. Photographs 17th show dnmngo bot•·•on 2)rd Decet~bor and l)th January ns follows: Serious dAm&ge in 2 of Kru.•(1CI' Plante, also in Se•'lllills and Glassworka. Duage to residential and COIIIil8rcial pro party aoattered over wide area and =ostly troa bigb explosivoo.

OUISBURG. Photagrr. phs SllJlle day aho .. severe industrial damago especially to cablo worl<a e.n~ a stc~tl 1·orka . 5 lar&e warehouses in docks .rocked or wrnt out.


£atU...t8'1 civlllan c11susltlos week onding 27th. Ulled 1..."0, aerio"":.,. vounded 191, including In nnd U2 1n LalllON daylieht rnid 20th.

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Bera.tetn leaYlftl Vaehlng\oa \hie

aftemooo and V4Jl urhe laftft& approstaatel:r

lilll' o'alook Ban.aa Uae 11&\urda:r aonlq,

Janaary \lltrUe,ll. 11111 aoa\aa' Tbtrd Seoretu:r

of labaaw.r and 111 you ellortl:r thereafter.




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• .

• '-lJ•ll "" .......... ..,..u ....... n.u ~ 2}, 1""

-·~ total , ......

OlalaltlM't• ~-~--·· ....,.rot .tu.. et total ,..u ........ pl.oa.t 1a - ·--., ._ ... c .. ts-wt.)

IUSMtl lrp.ala•UON

(1) •sr.. wt\b 5,000 ... lor••• 01' .. ,.. ••••• 470 4n " (2) PU.. wl~ 500 t-1 Ja.,m ..,.lOJ"II o•••• • 5.722 5.855 ,e (51 Pl:r&e .S~ 100 tt 499 -1~•· • • ••• • !l.lli ~ ..!! ,,, ..... \&1 -~ ~~ •••••••••••• •••• 51, "-7 55.4n 90

lSI ...... ft. 1-.N U.. 100 --.alO'JMI• ••• 1U.I!2 ---· ~

'" Ye\&1 ... ta. •• oraaataatloa. •••••••••• m.m ___.: • o... ... t&1 -.·'Nt1_.

( 1 ) O...~t., ,,, , ,,,,,, , ,,, , ,,, • • • (2) ........ looal ..,..._., • •• • •••• •••• ---· • __,!

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• ..

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U,k,S,bo • • ,,,.,.fl! • ~

m.fol.U? U.TOO.WlJ ~

2,57'·"'7 z,loo,ooo }/ ., l.»,.oa z.s.s ,,811.101 , .70!.9 :& !2.6~&.~1 21.1a11.a 11 =*l

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: 8

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January 29, 1943.

Mail Report

Both in· volume and in content, mail for this week varied Vdry little from that received last week. Taxes continue to be the dominant subject, with interest again centering on some sort of pay-as-you-go plan. In a group of 50 letters urging adoption of such a plan, one-fourth mention and support the Ruml idea. Amon$ these letters were endorsements f r om groups of Publ1c Accountants , and an Association of Credit Wen. Fifteen letters opposed the Ruml Plan, believing it unwise to forgive a year's taxes .

The Victory Tax ·continues to be exceedingly un-popular . Fifteen letters called attention to the great

C number of persons who escape payment of 'the t ax; 3 Labor organizations protest collection of the tax on rai ses granted prior to January 1 but not paid until afterwards


because of delay by the Government itself - - the War Labor Board being slow in approving increases .

The Sales Tax was favored 2 to 1, and a tax on the excess profits of individuals had occasional endorsement.

There were 7 protests on increased taxation from white-collar taxpayers who have had no salary increases. There were the usual questions and suggestions in regard to the application of the tax bill.

Correspondence in regard to Bonds introduced no new note . Suggestions repeated those of earli er weeks -­smaller denominations , different maturity periods, need for additional safe- keeping facilities, and p~ssible methods of stimulating sales .

, .. •

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• 193

- 2 -

Kemorandum for the Secretary. January 29, 1943.

Of the 10 persons who wrote of the necessity for cashing Bonds to pay taxes , one or two considered this a good means of meeting tax obligations and suggested short-cuts in connection with the transaction. For ty­eight Bonds were submitted for redemption -- 10 came from Patchogue, Long Island, although 6 of these came at one t i me from the same owner . T&ere were 44 complaints in regard to outstandingly bad delays , 32 of these coming from War Department personnel .

In the gene~al correspondence there were a number of rather cynical co~ents upon the recent release of $6,600,000 in Federal Reserve Motes. ·

Only 5 persons advanced plans for prepayment on post­War del ivery of durable goods .

The pros and cons of advertising were discussed by a number of correspondents. ! few believe tha t advertis­ing should be almost completely banned; others wish it taxed heavily; and still others protest sny allowance for advertising expense on income tax returns. ! few letters have defenaed the basic principle and pointed to the part advertising has played in educating the public and forming good buying habits.

Ten letters proposed national lotteries and a number included clippings of editorials endorsing tbe idea.

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General Commenta

Ben DuBois , Secretary, The Independent Banke~s Association Sauk Centre, Minn. We understand that the Depart•ent ' of i grioulture expects to loan a quarter of a billion dollars to farmers through resurrected RACC. We also understand that the RACC will work in conjunction with the AAA to the confusion of other agencies within that Department. The country banks of the Nation are able and willing to finance all agriculture needs and why a quarter of a billion dollars of Government money should be used where i t isn't needed and an old agency brought to life to administrate it when that Depar tment has more financial agencies than it can intel lifently now use indicates confu.sion most confounded. pparently the Agriculture Department i s bent on the elimination of country banking at a time when much of the bankers' ener­gies are devoted to the sale of Government Bonds , etc .• *

Congressman John D. McWilliams, (Connecticut) . * * * It would seem that Mr. Yunz is being accorded treatment in direct contradiction t o our Democratic form of Govern­ment and to the country of his adoption. I have known. Mr. Munz pP.rsonally ever since I can remember, and can endorae wholeheartedly HeUyar's sentiments with regard to him, that he is considered among the half dozen most beloved persons in the City of Norwich. I can­not conceive of any American citizen being treated in_s~ch despicable fashion at the hands of our Government off1c1als , and I feel so strongly and deeply for both Kr. and lira. Wunz that I am determined to do for these good people what I would do for my very own family. It is my inten­tion to leave no stone unturned until I solve this shame­ful mystery and ferret out the facta in the case. * * * (The following are comments from Mr. Hellyar's letter to Congressman McWilliams. ) • • • Mr . Wunz is a Swiss by birth and his father and grandfather were Swiss . He came to the United States in 1889 end became an American citi­zen at the very earliest permissible time , in 1894. Mrs . Kunz is a native-born United States citizen and has never been outside the United States . wr. Wunz is now 76 years

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of age and lira. llunz 75. * * * During the more than forty years during Which Kr. Wunz baa been connected with our compa111, and during Which he baa held the highest offices it had to fill , he baa left the larger part of his excesa earnings, that is t o say, his life 's savings, on account with the compa111. * * * The result is that for many years, Mr. Wunz has had on cur book• a very large credit balance. * * * Now that our affaira are blocked and Mr. Wunz has retir ed from active service the Wunzes desired to withdraw a large part of the fund• ' due to them. The company not only did not oppose this, but welcomed the ligh tenin~ of its responsi b1li ties that such a withdrawal would br1ng about. * * * Application to do this immediately gave rise to a staggering amount of investigation and questioning, including a request that we trace all transactions in the Munz accounts back to the beginning of the account or accounts . Since Mr. Munz's account began about 1900, this would have involved the tracing of thousands of transactions. Documents in sworn form were required, photostats , copies of accounts, contracts and agreements were asked for. Citizenship papers had to be produced, and they were produced, yellow with age, and dated in 1894. 1ir . Uunz was asked to appear in New York for questioning. Stories were told and re­told; affidavits were filed in duplicate, in triplicate. The file became enormous. After two and one-half months the application was denied without any explanation. Appeal from denial was made and more papers were filed. Assurance was given that everything appeared to be regu­lar •and that tlie license ought 'to be forthcoming after the appeal. * * * Mr. Wunz was told in New York that since it might some time to decide the issues, an application for a much smaller amount would receive ia­mediate considerati on. Mr . Munz thereupon stated that he was in immediate need of about $2,000 for his living expenaea and he proceeded to file a stop-gap request for this amount. * * * The lest questionnaire received was a repetition of the requests for information which had already been filed in voluminous written and oral form hence it was necessary to go all over the story aga~. What was worse, the new questionnaire referred ~ to the atop-gap r equest for $2,000, although Yr. MUni' s appeal to t he Treasury asked for re-considerat ion of both denied applications. In the meantime, Mr. Wunz baa l'Oiind it necenary to borrow money for his immediate

needs. * * •

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Wm. E. Zeueh, Director , School of Organized Education, Fairhope, Alabama. Your reply, through Mr. Bell, to my recent letter is received. This ie an acknowledg­ment and not to prolong correspondence. I have a distinct impression from Mr. Bell 's letter and encloeure, as well as from press stories about the two-thirds b~ion greenbacks released, that the Treasury end F~eral Reserve System have knowingly and purposely embarked upon a program of inflation. The twelve bil­lion bond 1ssue based upon expanded bank credits and normally unused bank reserves permits no other inter­pretation. Some of us had hoped that the Administration would have the courage as well as the statesmanship to finance this war from taxes and savings derived from the stabilized values (prices) of current production. We have bought Bonds on the basis of that hope . Now that the Treasury and Federal Reserve System have launched upon a program of financ ing the war by debauching our currency, partially at leasti we cannot be charged with lack of patriotism if we no onger buy Bonds . And I can­not, wi th a clear conscience , advise others to buy Bonde that represent dollars whose purchasing power decreases as the Administration-inaugurated inflat1on develops.

R. C. Love, Sycamore, Va . Please find enclosed AA1 Pari ty check. I don't feel like taking money f rom th~ United States Treasury like that in t ime of war. It lS a small contribution, but please accept it with my best wishes . ($9.89)

H. 11. Spencer, Louisville, Ky. * ** I think you have done a swell job in a most difficult t ime.

Congressman Wesley E. Di sney, (Oklahoma), sends the following letter he has recei ved from Judge Tom Shaw of the Municipal Court of Tulsa, Oklahoma: 1& you know, we confiscate sizeable quantities ot liquor every month

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here in Tulse, and under our Stete lew we must destroy this liquor . This is e greet weete and when we edd this to the alcohol confiscated and destroyed all over the country, it is enormous. I t can be nothing less than a crime dur ing wartime to destroy this liquor which could be converted to war purposes. Therefore, in case you agree with me, I should like for you to do whatever can be done to have some kind of an order, l aw or edict invoked whereby all such contraband liquor could be turned over to the United ~tates Government for war purposes . Leonard VI. Hall (New York) , transmits letter from e constituent, Charles H. Gillespie, Williston Park, New York, and says in part: *** Today, we are cooperating and uniting our efforts as never before. Essentially, cooperation means common aid, common help, end I do not understand why the Federal Reserve Bank could not pitch in, and also other U. S. Government Agencies that could be of cooperation. (The following comments are from the letter written by Mr. Gillespie . ) As you are probably aware, the decen­tralization program has placed & number of Government Departments in New York. The result is that when the paychecks are distributed, there are hundreds of eddi­tional Government employees endeavoring to cash thei r checks at or about the same time. Sometimes the Post Offices are able and willing to cash these checks, but it can be readily understood that they f requently are not in a position to handle the demands made upon them. This means that many employees of the Federal Government have paychecks which are worthless to them for several days. Of course some of the middle and higher salaried group have checking accounts in the ci~ ~re are able to dis­pose of the checks through the usual banking cycles , but except for this minority, the banks are of no assistance whatsoever. "The Federal Reserve Bank" simply states that, •This i s a private institution; we do not cash those checks•. * * * I t is not a question of pr oper identification as most of the Departments furnish identi­fication certificates which bear the employee's certi f ­icate, position and signature . * * *

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William L. Standard, Counselor at Law, N.Y.C. • • • A problem to be· dealt with affects the unwar~anted with­holding by Treasury Department officials of money ea- ned by ~erchant s~amen as wages, and which they have in the1r possess1on at the tiae thel arrive iu this country. The manner in which the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is administering its vowera and duties, under the Foreign Funds Control Regulat1ons, unnecessarily works hardships on persons not intended to be affected by those Regula­tions. The purpose of these Regulations ia to prevent certain types of money from being brought into this country. At no time were they i ntended to deprive merchant seamen of their earned wages . (Gives example of seaman whose wages for 6 months were taken by Customs and not ye t re­funded . ) • • * This practice should be stopped in all cases where , as here , the seaman is able to prove where and how he received his money. *** While $830 of hie money has been tied up, he was left with only $50 when his funds were taken from hi.m. Having spent that , he now finds himself destitute . Kty I urge that you give such instructions as will guarantee to seamen that their earned wages will not be taken from them, wherever they can prove the sources from which they received same.

Fr.ank P. Fenton, Director of Organization, !merican Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C. * * * Your ser-vice discharged Mr . Gregory J. Bardacke because an in­vestigation showed that he was arrested several times on strike activities, although never convicted. Thia discharge was predicated upon an investigation made ~ ~U! Department . I was very much surpr1sed to learn of t6I8 because he waa working jointly with my representatives who have been appointed by your Department, and who alae have been appointed as voluntary workers of the imeriean Federat ion of Labor. I have known Mr . Bardacke for seYen or eight years and I have worked with him in many trade union matters , such as strikes , etc. , and I have always found him to be capable , honest, and an effici ent trade union officer. I find it difficult to unders tand why he waa discharged because he was arrested several times in trade union disputes. Surely t he valiant history of trade

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union struggle should mitigate any opinion about such arrests. • • • I cer tainly hope that you will see the ad,iaability of reopening this case so that justice and equity may be done to a man who has conscientiously devoted his service to the trade union movement.

Albert S. Goss , Master , The National Grange , Washington, D. C. For some time I have wanted to drop in to see you and tell you what a swell job you are doing, but I have not had nerve enough to take your time or even bother you with a letter . Now I have something definite to present and make use of the opportunity to tell you bow much we all aoprecia t e your work . • * • I believe the Treasury would find a lot of installment buyers who would welcome a bond which would be repayable, principal and inter est, in quarter ly sums throughout the life of the Bond. Such Bonds could run for 10, 16 , or 20 years , be iesued in mult iples of not lese than $100 or $200, bear a rate of interest, possibly as low as li%, and be r epayable in equal quarterly installments throughout the life of the Bond . The purcbaeer would then be able to use his money to further the War effort and would then have an instrument which would protect against any diffi­culties which might arise in connection with his mortgage. I have personally known a dozen or more cases where farmers have wri tten to me fo r advice on this very point, and I am sure there are a great many thousands of farmers and home owners who would be glad to invest in a Bond of this nature.

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Favorable Comments ~ Bonds

H. J . Stomberg, The Fox Rig & Lumber Co. , Ardmore Oklahoma. ~e have your circular l etter of January 14 relative to our offering encouragement to our employees to continue the payroll all otment plan for purchase of War Bonds, and disregard the increased income taxes and Victory Tax. This we are attempting to do. • • * In fact, we received the first target flag in the State of Oklahoma; our employees are continuing to buy War Bonds on the same basis as heretofore . lt the same time, ,. your letter has overlooked one very vital factor and that is the increased cost of living. 1s employers, we are perfectly willing to forego 'D¥ profit in our business during time s of this kind, but in order for an employee to lin, pay Victory Tax, pay increased income taxes, and buy War Bonds, it means that he mu$t receive enough salary to do so. We have been trying to increase the salaries of our employees to the extent that they would be able to do the above. However, we have been unable to receive authority to do so and have found the orders to be very complicated, the men in charge of Government offices apparently unwilling to listen to what we consider sound reasoning. * * *We believe that when an employer is willing to increase salaries to the extent that it will enable his employees to pay these different taxes, and in addition, buy War Bonds, he is entitled to more consideration than we have been accorded.

A. A. Pinski , Plumbing and Heating, Great Falls, Kent. • * • It is my observation that e,loyees and employers alike are realizing more and more he necessity of !acri­ficing and putting their country's needs before the 1r own. Also, as they accumulate a few ~ar Bonds1 the true pic ture unfolds and they are surprised and del1ghted to find that every dol lar invested in War Bonds rea~ly is an asset to their future welfare without &D¥ str1ngs attached guarded against marauding of numberless induce-menta to' part them from their savings, and las~, but not least their sense of obligation started them 1n a saving habit ' of far greater magnitude than they ever dreamed possible .

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Ralph Sorrentino and • illiam Capizzo, Brooklyn, N. Y. My friend, Willi , and I, Ralph, feel that we are not doing enough by going out to look for scrap only. We will like to have your permission to sell defence stamps . I think we are trustworthy of selling them. If you give us permission please send them to the above address . In case of an order of a Bond we will take their name and address and send it to the nearest bank . We like to do this because we are to young to join any of the arm f orces so at least we are doing our part by selling stamps . We will send the money to you. So please give us your per­mission and we will be on our way.

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Unfavorable Comments !!.!! Bonde

Nrs. D. J. Raymond, Route 2, EauClaire , Mich. (Letter referred from the ~ite House.) There is something gnawing at the ropes of Victory, and I believe you shoUld know about it . The boys in the Armed Services are urged to take out War Bonds. * * * Most of the boys don't mind, but they do worry when over five months have passed and those Bonds aren't sent . Our boy is in the Armf and had a Bond a month taken out of his psy. He wrote tellin£ us to be ex?ecting it; to put it away for him and to let him know JUSt as soon as they arrive. Five months have passed and there isn't any trace of a Bond. We have advised him to discontinue taking them. To moat of his inquiries be is told that's the way the Government does things . *' * * If the presses are so overworked printing Bonds as I was led to believe when I made an inquiry, maybe it would be a good idea to stop civilian sales of Bonds until the soldiers get at least their first one. * * * This is causing a great deal more worry than you can believe , not only with ours, but countless others . I am advised if I don 't want to get in trouble, to keep ~ mouth shut about things of this kind. But being an American of several generations, that ian' t easy when you think something is causing as much trouble as I believe this ia .

William K. Paton, President, Farmers Bank of the State of Delaware, Dover, Delaware . llben we down the line have the heat put on because it is believed we are not doing our job, and when bureaucratic orders come out of_Hash~ ington it just burns us up a little bit to see s1tuat1ons like this, minor though they may be. There is so much of it in the various Departments that comes to my atten­tion that I could not refrain from taking a crack at this ' one (Encloses full-page ad showing records of carrier-boy sales in various states. Delaware is o~tted in column between Connecticut end District of Columb1a, and the ad bears the following notation: "Since when has Delaware ceased to be a State -- or is it further


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in&ccur&cy in Government &t W&sbington? For your in­forma tion, it was the FIRST State in the Union ~

Lieutenant R. C. Draper , U.S.N.R., Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This is the third inquiry on the subject of Defense Bonds, and to date no reply. I allot $37.50 each month to purchase a $50.00 Bond, but to date no Bonds have been delivered. Original allotment was made-ar-Quonset Point , R. I ., in July, 1942. The address to which the Bonds were to be sent -- Mrs . R. C. Draper, Navesink River Road, Red Bank, New Jersey, U.S.i.

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Favorable Comments ~ Taxation

Jerome Laadt, Sales Organization, Chicago , I ll. TOO SUDDEN - - without any real serious consideration -and ABSOLUTELY IN THE WRONG Tn.tE - the Ruml Pay-As-You­Go Plan has been announced, which is nothing new. The Egyptians had it 3000 years ago. Hi tler has had it ever since 1931 when he began to build his war machine a bayoneted Nazi stands at every cashier's pay window and collects right then and there 40-50%, now supposed to be 70% of the wage-earner ' s pay, ae taxes. An old ' story -- •pay-as-you-go Plan• -- but a good one -- a very good one . * * * (After suggesting plan for 1944. ) Above all, stop talkin£ pay-as-you-go qu~ck, if you don' t want to get i nto a muddle by being shor millions of t ax re­turns by March 15. Please realize that you are "doing business• with people who are short-minded, they do not understand what you talk about. They hear all kind of conflicting reports over the radio and in newspapers -­this tax is on, this tax is off -- and so on, nothing definite. The only thing they know and remember is that they will not have to pay a tax for 1942 because of the pay-as-you-go tax plan. Whether they pay or not means nothing to them, they Just know and remember that which they hear over the rad1o, see on the screen and read in newspapers -- that their 1942 tax may be cancelled.

Edward Grop, Jr., C. P.A., Boston, Kass . Sitting here in my rather cool hotel room, I read the enclosed despatch re Ruml. * * * I know F.D. R. has given it his blessing under certain delightfully indefinite con~it~on~. I suv­~ose he· says to himself, and rightly so, Th1s 1s Henry s Job, let him muss up his hair on this one•. From a str ict ly selfish point of view, I ' m for it . ***What would Congress eay on some payday in 1944 if you had col­lected all taxes due, and borrowed all you coul d, and spent it, and th" e was no back-log for you to dig into to get that payroll? But le t me tell you, Henry, Yr. Ruml and his eminent endorsers haven't said anything

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about forgiTing the 1942 debts their customers owe them, provided said customer s pay on the nose for what they owe in 1943. Frankly, neither will I do it. * * * Based upon the possibility that many will not be able to pay their 1912 income taxes in 1943, eapecially the little fellows, let us adopt the Ruml, or perhaps some other pay-as-you-go plan for income taxes in 1943, but don't forgive the 1942 income taxes as per Ruml. * * * The real people in these United States don't want for­giveness , but they probably will appr eciate paying on 1943 income, as we go, and if you ' ll let them f&Y 1942 same as they do a betterment assessment on thelr r eal estate (seeing as how ther have been in 1942. back bills, taxes, and buying Bonds) t her will feel fine about it . * * *

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Unfavorable Comments 2a Taxation

Jack Winocur, President, Atlantic District American Communications Association, C. I . O., N. Y.c. ' We have written the Internal Revenue Department regarding the unjust application of the 5% Viotory Tax to seamen' s ·wages . Having received no reply f rom this bureau, I am writing you in the hope that something will be done to end the penalties and discrimination now being applied to the men who risk their lives in delivering the goods to our allies and armed forces. * * * Seamen receive the bulk of their wages in one lump sum at the end of their voyage. Voyages these days range anywhere from one to eighteen months in length. The 5% being deducted from the payoff at the end of the voyage is actually collecte~ on wages earned not onl{ in 1943 but also in 1942, and in some cases, even in 941. * * *

John H. Bowles, Notary Public, Fort Bragg, N.C. Ten days ago the undersigned made a formal request in writing to the Collector of Internal Revenue at Greensboro, N. C., for a special ruli~ on the following: Are the expenses incurred in travell1ng to and from work (Defense Jobs) deductible from income tax where the distance is 50 miles or more, roundtri~? The Collector at Greensboro, N.C., has not even repl1ed to my inqu.iry. I am this date asking Senator Bailey to get in touch with you in regard to my inqu.i ry.

W. Croft , Elmhurst, L. I., New York. In your pamphlet entitled, "Your New Income Tax• you alpeal to every one, who is able, to pay their income tax n full . I am ready to do so right now, my friends are ready to do so, and no doubt thousands of others are eager to do likewise • . There is only one thing that prevents people from do1ng so, and that is the uncertainty about what new rules may be for thcoming from Washington, and the result ~s that people are only going to pay one-quarter of the1r taxes until they know exactly where they stand. Will you please advise me what to do under the circumstances, and also the

( public at large, otherwise, I think your appeal will be in vain.

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Dunlevy Kilbank, N.Y.C. Your request that income taxes be paid as earlY as possible is understandable . The benefit to t he ~reaaury Department is obvious, but the disadvantages to the taxpayer are not so clear. The law requires the fi ling of income tax returns on March 15, and permits payment of income taxes in four installments, but the regulati one and practices of the Treasury Depart­ment modify this in certain~rtioulars. For example - ­the taxpayer cannot be sure , if in order to relieve the burden upon the Treasury Department, he anticipates the date for filing his return, that the statute of limita­tions will not thereby start to operate as of this earlier date; he cannot be sure if he antrcipates payment of his first inst allment of t axes that interest on additional assessments will not take this earlier date as the basis for computation; but he can be sure if he ~es payment of any installment or installments in Tax !nticipation ~otes , that i nterest thereon will be accrued and credited only to the first of the month in which he makes payment -­not to the first of the month in which payment is due . It seems to me that i f in issuing another appeal for early payment of income taxes, you will state that so far as the Treasury Depar tment is concerned, the taxpayer will not in any particular be penalized for his considerateness -­wi~h such an assurance you will find the taxpayer will cooperate .

Jan Williams, Drexel Kill , Pa. I am a sailor in the Kerohant Karine an.d have just returned from a 6 ~nths' trip abroad. You can imagine the surprise and d1sgust of myself and my fellow workers when we were told that this famous Victory Tax would apply to us from the beginning of our t rip, that is to say, from last July -­and even including money spent abroad or on allotments . to our families . I would be pleased if you cou~d expla1n to me why we sailors are penalized in this fash1on for having spent ~onths in a submarine-infe sted ocean an~ having daily run the riek of losing our lives, Why 18 it that those who bad sof t jobs ashore only pay the tax f rom January 1? If you can give a satisfactory explana­tion to this, you're a clever man.

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Copy of letter addressed to Frank Scofield Collector of Internal Revenue, Austin, Texas, by Edw~rd H Shirley and Wife, Eagle Lake, Texas. Am paying this interest under protest. When return was rendered last year well in advance of Karch 15, a serious but completely h~nest mistake was made in computing the tax, and in the amount sent in • . As soon as the form was mailed, we discovered the mistake and wrote in immediately, asking to be allowed to correct it , and HOW TO PROCEED. The answer over your signature was that in due time the matter would be taken up. In November your adjuster, Mr. Horn, in a most satisfactory and gentlemanly manner, want over it wi th us and the additional tax was paid. Mr. Horn in­formed us •an amended return• could have been filed . Which definite suggestion would have been appreciated at an earlier date. * * * We are loyal citizens, and are glad to pay our income tax, but we would be happier if fairer and more businesslike methods were used by the representatives of our Government.

Lawrence J. Klauder Certified Public Accountant, Phila­delphia; Pa., Prentice-Hall, Incorporated, publishers of the Federal Tax Service , states in a recent report that •An appeal for early filing of tax returns on 1942 income was made today to 35,000, 000 Americans by Secretary Korgentbau•. If you made this appeal, aa you are quoted as ha vi~ done, are you anre of the fact that in Phila­delphia ~t is still impossible to obtain 1942 corporation and fiduciary income ta.x blanks, and that individual tax blanks have not yet been received in the mail by" taxpayers?

Mrs. L. N. Wheelwright, Blowing Rook, N.C. * * * Millions of families like my own, on small fixed incomes, are com­pelled to turn•their home$ over to banks and insurance companies who hold the mortgages because we cannot meet the new taxati on -- especially the Victory Tax -- and pay the mortgage interest. i/e are going a.round these weeks with stricken hearts beoau$e on January 23 our life savings are wiped out by the Jefferson Standard Insurance Company, for lack of $394, with which to meet the interest,

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and $200.00 with which to meet the taxes (property tax) plus $98.00, town tax -- a sum we have raised each year for thirteen years by stinting to the b~e because we loved the place , and because it was home . We do our own work, our own ~ainting , planting, etc.i• because we stay at home and w1thin these gates, the p ace is our

' heaven on earth. Now we mu3t lose it. We had nothing to do with bringing War to America and can contribute in no way to its prosecution, being too old, the little ones too young. When we move on the 23rd, we must go into a small brown shingle house, heated only by one fireplace and a cooking stove, storing our furniture in a barn. I was supposed to be comforted by the tax col­lector who mentioned that a part of the tax would be re­funded later on, but that comes too late, we will have lost everything long before that time. The sense of frustratien, of silent fury at the helplessness of such people as ourselves makes matters even worse. To be able to do nothing except sit and wait until 1944, when we can cast t wo minor little votes against those responsible for the state of affairs in America is almost physically sickening. * * *

Arthur E. Bateman, Cambridge, Mass. Wf letter of Dec. 23, 1942, asked for a simple statement as to whether or not the benefits received from Accident and Health Insurance should or should not be included in my Federal Income Tax Return. On Januery 20, 1943, I received a two-page (on different kinds of paper) typed reply which was more or leas a copy of printed instructions which indicated that benefits should be excluded, although, "Section 23X", the exception was not explained satisfactorily. * * * Not receiving' an answer to my letter of December 23, 1942, and not receiving my Form with printed instructions, al­though we read continually in the press of difficulties in tax collecting, I visited the Boston Office of Interna+ Revenue on January 15, 1943, and from a Counter Clerk (I looked in vain f or an "Information" sign) learned that these benefits should be included in my return, but that I could exclude prem1ume paid. As this did not seem sensible I called at the Cambridge branch and received a contradictory statement; that is , the benefits should

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be excluded, which was verified by the print ed instruc­tions received subsequently, and also by the typed letter received 29 days after ~ letter of December 23, 1942. Possibly the Treasury Department is in a groove.

Raymond E. Guiel, Holyoke , Mass . I'm wrighting to know what the consaquences be to a working man or woman who cannot meet hie income .tax of 1942. Recently I red your booklet called, Your New Income Tax, and I'm not sure I can pay as much as i t calls for , I'm 17 years of age and I 've worked hard for the money I've earned. Each week l/4 of ~ pay goes to taxation, bonds and insurances. Besides all taxes on food , clothing, gas~ oil, ect. I have a brother 19 going in the ar~. I here are 4 s118ller than I, and Yom end Dad are not working . I have at last two sisters who pay their board a.nd so that l eaves onli me to keep my f8lllily going. llr . Korgenthau, I'd rea ly like to know what you would do, you in the place of mine. * * * I'd be pleased to have you, llr. Worgenthau, to write me back. Jersonally to what can be done to aid me through this pai ul year of income taxation. * * *

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31111'15!1 IIOST SE<:_RST U, S , :JEC:'\Fi:<:


COPY 110.

Tnforrr.ation r 3CC .. V':!t1 \,p to? A. U. , :!l')th .;nr.w;rv , l9~3. '

One ot H.b ~ su;,r.:kri..\t-5 3ank a 500 ton :~rme~ sh.\jt

nr.d two 25·) ton schoo!l6rs ,,,,.; •im.r J J1 two • h 11 ~ ., o .. er :m~oo tu:.:O.j."J

? , ~I.!.1T .Jll

LI~YJ. .. 2?th , beoiin.g elewents of 1 10~tn ,.;r l':"o·:....·cC:

bJ1&ede reacnuSa bra<ha which wa3 unoecupidd and .~va~ccd

another fifteen m1les,

RU3SlA. . Tt.e Rc.::.s1..nns J'l..ave eaptureJ U:e l'l·' l~t: j

jW\Ction Of K3storna~'S !i.!'t:y miles \/ODt of \'orot1PiZ"l . !n ~:'le

North C~ucosus tt.ey have HC:vanced south11est nnd ntrthoast nf



rGSTERN FRONT. 27th/28th. DUSSELDORF, 127 Urc!'aft

drop,od 47 tons of bombs 1n about oqual proportion H.E. and

l.B, including five 8 1000 pound and 93 4 1000 pound . Complete

cloud •n route end over obj~ctiVft large concentration of bomts

was dr opped on and around the ""'rkers plec~d by llosquitos,

Attack complet.c: 1!1 about tuenty-threo minutes . Clou of mony

fires soen on tl.e clouds but success or attack connot be

a3corta1nod ,, t, pre sent , Sea r chlights 1noffPc tive . lfo enC:J\l'

f1~s.httr' t1a< ~.

:,j .. h, "':n FranC'3 and Belgium our fightor~ destroy·.!·

O"l" t:r.(~ r:~u·•e/''· ~.v-,lve lort~I;"o~ives .. T\10 spitfires r.1..•&sL13 . J,t­

JJ e~ ~rv 1 • .lo 111 by fig!':~~;·.!~! oft Essex.

'·olli:£€!~TH .J'F.lCft, 27th , SiX U.S. lll.tchells

bor:'Dfld ,, . ... •1 t tJrJ C'··· cest:oyera, one was loft on fire and

l1aUnc l\6 •a'.y •!..~ 0 . '3, l'ootons bombod llozzouna f11'ty- rour

111los w • .-.YI , ~f SF.V: w1~h res·.llts bol1ovecl sotistactor y .

•• -

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" • • 214 . ... ,

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• January }0, 191'}

Dear id:

In the abeenoe ot the Secretary I aoknowledg~ receipt ot your letter ot Janu&ry Z7. 191'}.

Ve did not ha•e any auggeeted change• to aake in the etat .. ant which you propoeed to aake before the Foreign ltfatre Ooaat ttee of the Houee, eo we did not think it wae neceeeary t o cal l Mr. Davtdeon ae you euggeeted.

Very truly youre,

Honor~ble I. R. Btett1n1ue , Jr . , l datniltrator, Lend-Leaee ldain1etratton, 515- 22nd Street, ft . w. , ~aehtngton, D. 0.



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l 515 - :l2nd S~ree~ N.'ll.,

B. R. S~e~~iniue, Jr., Molnie~rator

1aehingt.on, D. C.

-My dear l!r. Sec retary,

J anuary 27, l94J

Attached is a prelisinary draft or ey ~esti<>o1'17


to be u ed before the Foreinn Affaire eo.i~tee ot the House 1n the Mxt. tn d.;yo in co"nection with the ext.en­aion or the Lend-Leaae Act. I~ i o likely our hearing• will co~~~~~ence Fri~.

Owing to the time limita tion, I wonder it you will be good eno)lgh t.o have your aecre~ary g1,. your con:menta to !Jr, Alfred Davidson, REpublic ?500, Ext. 6813, as early Thursday a s poasible.

WHh a ppreciation ot your aalietence and our be at wishes .

Sincerely your a, • (Signed) £, R. STE'M'IIIIUS, JR.

&. R. S~e~tinilll, Jr.

Honorable nonry llorge~hau, Jr.

The Secretary of ~he Treaaury

1aehingt.on, D. C.

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.. St.a\-\ ot Ji:, R. llt.uttiniua, Jr.

Lend-LMII• AGadniatretor Detore tha FoN!icn Attoin Ca.ait.taa 0\

t.he !:lct.enaion or the Leud-Leue Act


The AMrioan people and the Congrna conddered the Lond-Lesae lot

neoaae&1'7 in the spring or 1941 when we were not at war. I think t here '1110\lld

ba tw who l<'OI.Ild contend t hat IAnd-Leaaa i .a not a vital ll111t&r7 inllt,.._..t.

That lot, pa .. ed b)' the Congreaa in a tille or d1Mater, •• an

attil'll&ti'"' expression b)' the American people or their trill t.o oppose the

Alda 1n ita atteapt to dooinate the treo peoples or t he world. The years

prec~ the debate on the Lend-Lease Act had been :; \1'8 or retre<1t and

defeat: ~ had sei sed Auatri& and Caechoalovakin1 Japan had over J'WI

IIMohuria. Poland hAd fallen, and the Axis amies had blitaod t hoir 'ffD¥

thro11gh llo~, llol.&iua and thll llothorlanda. Thll men ot Vioey had met Tlith

llitler in too Ccllq>16cna For ect. Tho tuttwa.tfe wao ovor Britain night and dq,

There was no aaaurance in t ho soobre bcsi.nninJ; of 1941 that Bri t.ain

could hold out alone . '!11th I>Jnkorquo llrit.ain bad l ost t he najor part of hor

eqliiplllllllt. 'llo knon nOI't hOlt pititully .,..u ':Ills hor s t.ock of rranpono and

s~ppliea -- ao emall in fnct that t hu soo,ooo antiquated Loo-Entield ritloa,

tho ---- rOWII!. or •.-.nition, and t oo ---- pi ocoa or old

<~rt.illuy aent b7 our Oonr.-nt out ot ita r.orld .tocka .,...., a u j or

Cont ribution to tho oqliipMmt of har &l'I!IY 1 and to the 8\UitOn&ncO of h<ll'

spirit. in tho' darl: day~~.

llrpl.anoa, t.an1ce and otbur IINnitiona ordered by Britain a yenr

JOtoro bad ~ bci!Uft to arriYo. a.t British and l'Nnch ordore had

.t la&lAtocl our 1ndustrlua t o talco t ho> .l'iret atops t ou•.rda conToraion to "&!'•

'loolbora , tan1coe and ahipa c:annot bo bcu,-:ht ott t !lv ahd t. '!lo h3d be""'

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- 2 -

t .. •, lons;, hur<l r10rk of buUcanc <&nd equippin;: plwrt.a, of doaJ.cnl.n;, rlll.ooll~~r

.• , J t 8•tin:; . To t111'11 indulll.ry ! roo peace to \tar tG!-.ea t :...., 1'11At tille

, ,.,8 neeoea"ry - neceaelll')" to the defence ot the IJnJ.tecl llt.4toa to~Sq.

::e and our c111 .. ore tl«btin,; n011 moth the Mehinoe1 tho plAIIea Ul4 ·WApona

order ed in tho apring ond 8\D':IOr ot l940.r

FortuMtol;y, the Alllericnn people nnd the Conc;rvoe uore not rrilling

to &1 vo Brito in up t or lost • lob:lt uould hbvo h.lppcn<:d h.'ld we done ec7

C4n on;yone seriou::l;y believe t h"t t hero could hnv~ b<.en Q L1117mt or a

~rth African offensive in 1942 it Brit'"in h4d bcon boolhod into subaieaion?

Or uould ue hnve boon tightinc Hitler on t he shor es o! C· i no end IIC\7 Jcreq

ond Flori®?

Thu Aoor i c..n pcop1o end the Colll.">'OIG dvt uroinud in 1941 thnt t he

suppor t o! !lritain, 1n , ;tu,t lliniotor CINrcbUl enllod h ... r finest

hour, uno n~ousn:u:y t o thu do! cruo. o! t his country.' llr1t::1n dospcrut ol;y

nc;od"d p1<.n. s :Ul<l t:>nks <>nd guns, nn<i s l '" could not pey- ! or thal. Ror

do1lllr'n:!O h:\11 run 101:, Md sho could no 1onc•>r plnc" orders 1n t llie

country, r:hich \TaO th~n hor ouly courcv o! addition:U. ·.r..r llll\t or1o1.

The isau.: bc.!or<> t hv Con::r .ss 1n !larch 1941 'm" thiar Should

tho AIIIJric:m pcopl u st3nd by nne! aey, no cuniti ona un.1 . • s s tho c:u:h -

thv non-uxist unt cnsh - •r~r<: . put on t no bt'.rrolhcad?

That isauo uns mot 1n t ho most prnct i cal ld.nd o! way • l'lo

.>uld supply t hu t ools ot na r and discus s th" t o.,.,. o! cJttlWDont ll1tor.

·.v AmoricM pcop1.:l nnd th~ C9nsr<.sa o! a dcmocrntic countr;y under stood

tr dancvr nnd o ut tho lluzi che.llon.:o , Aid hcd t o be· ror•d•1N d th<lll. Tho

oocr11c1os hnd h.-,d unoueh ot too llttlu r.nd t oo lnt o. TodAJ' "" can bo

• .:.nld\U ! or t l.r.t viu1on 'Uld th~t for .. ~i;!ht .


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219 -)-

Tlw i.Xtll hr.d cowotuC: on our not bolpinc our 1'1-" ~r.<b ·.then thoir

till ron ~!'lpt;r. Tho:r hl>.d propcc:lndaa4 :l8<•1nct uo ~o nuch ne tho eountr.r

or tiK; aonc:r-buca thnt tho)" 0.'111l0 to buliovu that locond tiiO!olDolvos.

Tlw Lond.-Loneo Act \TilO tho nnattOr ot tho Ala.)ricnn pcoplu ru1<1 th<..

Concro•• U both cur triunda nnd cur uncmiue,

Tbo LonQ...Loaau 4ct o.::.nt t hnt tb. v:.r tor aur lite. :.a n t:ro"

poaplc wwl.d bo -· It ~ th.~t wppl;y lrould go t.'horu it w:oa noedod,

vith ro!wrwco onl¥ w nood, Wid ne'C. to ~ll.lre . It aonnt tl""t "" ~

renll:r bosl..n w nno, end to ere~ our OC0001:17 nnd o11r pcr.plo tor wo.r,

::1~111n e1.xtuun d:\)"a nttcr tlw p.'\Sa.,gu ot tho Lol)d-Lulao Act, tho

Ccnsrue nppnpr~tud •~vcn billion doll.nrr. to or.rr.r out ito proYioione.

Soc>n ni't~r t his n;:>propri:ltion nns P:' oacd , nbout C2,ooo,ooo,ooo we nllocnt utl tor th.. production of o:ircr:>ft, ovur 1\t\l.f " billion doll;.re

!or""" chip ~,...~, o.nd mm ohip conatruction , c:nd aol'<. thr.n Sl,?ru,ooo,ooo ..,......, nlloc:ot .. d !or tllol e<>r..:Jti'IICtion of ot.l~:r riUI\1tiune '>l".nta :-.nd =

L<.nd-Lolloo N14 th<. ;>ool~ o! R..oourc«D -- ·--In the 70:u- · :uv: a h:.\lt ~lnc. tnu p:; or tho Lo..nci-LoMo Act

t ho \twl.d eoooo l•,• · ohMc .. d vrlDmtuDl)". In Jl&nu 1941, l!itlur•a C\nli.Je

•~r'"'k W.rnrde tho llo'f'iut Uni.ou, In Doo<>o~bur, P.lnrl U:Ll'bor ..,. . .. • tnokud b;r thu .Jup.'\1\G.o, wid III.Uor o.ud WWJeolin1 d~olt.r..d \ ·Ill' n&:linl.t

c • ?bu Mntliot \t.doh hc.d Mt:•rt..d 1n DIJ'Opc ~~~ •pr~rlCI to tho own­

< tl"' unrUI. liUh ~bo: CDtr)' ot Ukl Ulli~..d Str.tue into lml'r IIDil vit.ll

r :t~, Rwl111n, CldAc: t.nd ~"" Uoit..d litnt. •o t1uro~ tio;, '· dotOIIdft


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220 -4-

••• Jd do~ e>ction ft&C.1rult AX1oo aar~••' u bo..... tor

Ulli t~od Hr. tiona t.o ccabiuo r.a rep~ And ,._ utticicnt.~ ::. poaaiblo t.bo1r

roaourcoe M4 lloiiiiJIOI'I'Ir•

. procoae ot ollppl.yina our o.....t torcoa ~.nd t.boao ot our c.Ui:.., ft1o

8711k8 tor :.Uoor.t.ii'IG lJnit.od H:.tiona .olpplioo t.o cl!.ttor<m\ tho:ltro.

ot WAr oocordinc to ailltory "'cd rcote on 1~ And l~ooae 1D

l'V'fora• , !1>o now ot 'llnl' cupplice trcn toot.orioe t.o tbo f1cbt1J11

troat.a JII'OOG..U wttbollt boiD& 1apc:<Lx~ b.r -id..onu .... ot n-. ....._ LoAao 1D tcot M.tUlod tbo Proa140(lt 1a or1c1Ml ploclcv w ,_ U.

.,.bol ot powlll atcrllne• tq rz-apflruu t.bu ""'•14ud, -. ....­tnlw tlw pluco ot auniU- " t"'t f:I..Jhtlnc boGftta,

Thoro ie onl;r 0110 w:.r. lihat.' .. eond t.o ti&bt. tlllluda or U.

lllddlo IA.t, tbo boabore bueod 1D llldt.AiD or AU\1"11114 cr IDdiA, U.

t.<Wca ~ob hl:w jut toqtlt. ACrOea UOO .Uoa ot doaort 1D 'Diao:to7 da!p,

t heao arc part. ot ov, \IQI' ottort.. !be ..,., food ~ tbo

wo rooe1w 4ll. ~r ._.14 1111 laDd-lcuo 1n l'O'IUJ'C • IU'O c Yit.ol

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t'aotor 1A tho 1uppl:y ot our troop•. lilt\1&1 ald ~ tho allloe, til tbe

auppl:y olde u 611 tho battlothldo, 11 ot tbe .. eon.,. of 011r orCUih&tlon

tor -cine war••t.ll orpnhatloll of Kat1on1 uni tod 1A oomplute detora.lnatiOil

to deotro:y Axi• power.

In tho l aat war there wae no real pooll.A' of tbe roo ourooo ot tho

Unito<l Stetea an<l ite allieo. 'l'ho On1to<l States paid in <lollaro all tho

noconar:y oxpou ooo tor ito a~ in Franco o.nd England, In tho :year o.ncl

ono•halt that tho Ul\ited Statoo wao in tho -r total upon<li turoo ot

tho Ul\ited Statu in F....,co exceeded two o.nd a quur ': ·r bUll on dollar e.

The aituo.tion in tho pr .. ent -r 1a WI oll:y difi'~r4nt. ll'oapono,

food, l.Ad\lotrial equil'b'nt tor Ruolla , Chino, the Unihd Kinsdoaa and

tho other alliocl countrieo oro pr oYided by the United 9totoo ll!lddr

lond- leAae , Thoae countr ioo in turn provide the a~d roroea or tho

Un~tod Stotoa oo r ooiprocal l vnd- loooe aid with oquipm~nt, food, ohultdr1

and all neeeaeary aerYlcea.

Then 1 apuak of tho pool111f> of tho r.~oourcoo of tho Uni to C. llationo

and wllon 1 r otor to tho. bottle of the worlcl b•twe•n tho Unihd Nation•

and tha Axil powor1, I wiah to .,.phoo ho tho ma¢ tude of our ouppl:y

problem, Thil aap aha... (opacity countrioo, diatancea, • to.).

To~l Lend- Lease Aiel

The total L'lount of lend- h aoo aid, to tho ond of Doo•l:lbor, 1942,

s t8,2S~, the Yolur.~• hoi incroaoocl CN~tl, · durins thu loot

·•• r •• ·u apparent fr<llll thie ohort (Chart llo . 1) • . .

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.. 222 ...


The nlue ot coo41 tranaferro d a~1d aor•icea reoderod Ullldor len-d• lo&M

tor the three montha ended Oc>ceabar 31, 1842, totaled {12,482,000 aa

oompl\rot<l with $690, 000, 000 tor thG throe mootha ended n.>o~r 1841,

or throe nnd on~-h~lt t~•• aa muoh .

Thia chart (Chart Bo , II) ahowo tho ,rcwth ot our aid to eaob ot

tho lllljor groupo or OOUI1tri.>l duriot; th~ period trOIJI Soptoabor 1941

t:o No'YdJIIbur 1942,



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• • •

Aid to Br1

;. , you will not.o , lond- loau aid 1n tho b. r;1nn1ot; wont almoot

ontiroly to hulp win tho battlo of 5r1tA1D, wh1oh wuo u t t hut t~o

eto.nding o..lor.o u..;a1nat thu ~;,tn cn•~Y · The flow of anu. f ood, Md othe r

aat3r1al a to Britci.n hu.a auatAinod tiret a dot uneivo opur~tlon and

aow M 1ncro£.ainr;l y pow~rtul ao~ri ta of' off.main thruata on tlw auae,

in tho l\lr, and on tha m.t..l'l)' f ront a of th" wo.r. 0!1e of th.J tr.ohtoat

llchiOY~a>Dta Of w nd-Loe.oo hal buOD tho !.olp \'rl) !\aYJ CivuD iD ..,_Jdn&

tho Brit hh hloo l1ll impror;nnblu bill~ for ofNnoivo op'"o.tlono end

ono or tho ~r::at • of ct.naoornoy. A larc:o pert ot tho Yor·th

Afric:,n cn~:~pn.ip wna lnwtoh Hl f rom 8r1trdn o.nd ao WJr.J tho otuapnie;ne

i.n tho Liddla So~oat, Ite.lif*n Africa , 8yr111, N&ldt~gt~ao; TJ th~ toro(.la


tor Indi'l, lrr.n, J ra.q, ~d DWl.Y ot;1ur plQC31 lt(\r tcd end • •r-o lc.r&oly

equippt•d f r om Br ituin , whioh Tdmt\lne onw ot tho k~JY r tJgionl of tho vm.r .

Brltoin pro.-1doo tho buo tor " United l'l<>tiono ot't,nalYo·-Md

the pool inc ot 1Jn1tod ll:l+.lona ruoour•• • 11 nowhu• J>,tt-or 11 luotrot~d

t.hnn i n Bri ttl i n , Ow- t r oop• i n Bri t uin hhv" r vouiY.Jd ao r uoiproool

Aid 111011 W>t'.ponl tllld 8UI\1 tlono of ""r • • Splttlru, 26 poundor ~··

snd othe r c.rtillory, -.o.ll t\rmJi , er.~ncul.,. r.nd minoa. &trrooke. hoatole,

tron opor t r.ti ou, Otllltoon ouppli•• • blunkvt a, mudio• l euppll• • bOY~ b<>on

• uppU .. d , " ' lll\jor Spiet;olb• r;; will w ll you in ... ro clot.all lAt.>r. I n

• pit, ot tho aaYuro ollor t.t.os• • d>loll oxie t 1n th• Uhl t od lint; d.,., our

flt;lltint; t o r o>l 1\l.vo Nouiva d lAr&J quw1t1 tl~• of Bri tiall- r;r OW'Il food,

& ttlo clr .. co 1utturvd by ou.r t i &)ltinc ob:po nnd our o. ' rolu.D- n hi.•

b•oon r•p•1rod 1n tho t1n1t ud Kln.;clom t1 roolpr oo•\ l d ·. . A N Y01Y1nc


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l'und in aterl1nt; """ been eotabliahed ror ... 1:1 tho Ohlted nncdca to

enable ua to take or all ahi!'Pin& diaburaomenta 1mioh J:llltt be ""'de

thore. Tlte Britilh have sent bon&ol and mAchine toolt to tlw United

States ftnJ have supplies our ri&htinc forces with innluable technical

and aoientifio advice out of their loncor experiJnco rJ ':h the ,.r,

Aid to the lli.Jdle Sut and fo.r Eaat

Tho oontral portion or this otu.rt ah01:1 tho dovolol'"'..nt or our

aid to the lliddlo £1>1t and F" r Sast. Tbit inelud3t our aid to I!Qpt

and thu Anuiea fighting in tho Lib)'tln doaort, of mleh I ahcll opoal<

briefly n littlo later .

Our n id to th~ Pu s .. at bna gone lftrgoly to Auatro.Ua and If""

Zonlft.'"ld und to Chin"•

Wo oro tending A.uatrelia ~rm• for her troopa • ,o ._, obina tool•

and r a.t 1114tJrinh ror h•r r"pidly-crouing "r•~nnl .

AuatrnU" 1a aupplying to ua, aa roelproecl lvad-uaao,

praotleolly all of tho food cona.-d by our avn 1n t h• South Plloirio

Ar 1ft , ~<nd it vxpanding hor rood pro&r..,. 1 0 t\1 to b• nblo to tuppq

tho Seutlll':eat Mleifie Ar<>a aa nelh fora.• in Auatr .. Ua hi>Yo alec

roooivod•~ Air fiolda, rophir dopotl, a eom!'l•to tire robui~din&

and lllllint•nt.nev plant, und n~D<~roua othor 1~•·

In 11•\f z 11\lll.tlcl-·noncall)' .. rood oxpor tinc NltlOft•• IIIOh s ree.\

qU<>ntl t .ie l or rood bnv• beoll -..pplivcl to our forM I w1 thOOlt ooat •

ut that •&&•• aUk wtcl Uuit 1\N in aloort ntppl71 ucl ~ e1v1Uaa

popuhUoa 1a teollq tn. pinoh~

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Cl\1», et -••• 1e a pl"fOtal 'kttle h out ln tllh &lolwol wc.r.

<:• h~-.o aot 'bo.., able ,..dar len< to 111ppl7 fill tho · Al4 'thAt 11

n• o414 ln Clli.JIA or tl\at"" W<N14 ho.n liked to lta-.o Npplio4, Clli.JIA '•

herolo etM4 dnoe leST o.t;alnet tho lltll toroe ot tile J4p•.n~•• Arw;y,

Nn")' Md Ur Foro• lltll 'boen ona ot tlln bri&ht ohl\pt•ro ln tho hhtoey

ot the '110rl4, Tho d11't1oultlue ot trr.naport ou th~ llllrw> Road wro

to.oed •n4 lmproTOd, But Bllrw> toll . Now, OY~n t;ro~t~r uttor tl muot

'bl vzar~d to "'t auppl1"• into Chin:. , Supplioo Clro bolnc tlO'IIIl Mroao

tllo hlr:hoot aountalna 1n til" world wdar conditio.-.a U.·• t air:ht ooo:o

fapou1ble , llllt thct7 o.N t;~ttin& tllro~~t;h. TMJ nr" li~ttlnc

in p1tilltllr 11111.11 ''""'unto in turas or wtu.t Chinn nood.o, but at ""

ocool.>rllting roto , 17~ will not--'clnd"" ohould. not-- J top until n ory

inc~nuitr an4 oYory ortot•t 11 ezpvn.S..d to ~;ot moro ,,u to Chin,.,.

r.hnt Chinn hu donu und.or rooiproonl l~n.d·lo•.•• 11 l)'lllbolio,

Chi.JIA pe.14 dol ltlra t o purch.tov Yi t al plr.neo tor tho 1'oaoua Fif:)ltln&

ficoro ot tho Aa~r1o:.n Voluut..•r Group. lftoon tl.~ A.t>ur l.oon Volunteer

Group ""'• to be obol1ahod, o. Boord or Onit"d S•" t v o A ..... · ottiooro ro•

c-.>nclud. tho.t tl\a •s plr.n~• und othu ot tlw F1r:ht1ng Tir:ero

bo to.kan OYor by tho Oni t..d St..toa Ai r Foro•• ""d pnid tor 1n cooh,,

But O.noreliuS.O Chlo.n& .Kt\1-aholc l noist..d upon turnlnr: OYvr tllo plwwo

~o thv 11rlitad sto.toa. Alr Poro.l l without tho ~ya.,nt ot oa;.ah . •• '-'

· ohn ot China' • t.><> tor whtot 1N h4.d don• tor lwr p Jopl o ,

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., 1 t.e '"'&e

'ftla top lqer an the ollart ...,..._" aU to Ule lcwiet. IIIIa.

Soul atkJ' lluda - i.nto Ule _,. a III•.SCIII ..... to

confer llith the Soriet Ocw·e~ .. ....,.,,, .-4 1111 ~ 1, 1941, Ule UN.W•• and GHat Bt'itaiD ..... the Soriet acw-t a 1'<11'81 u •-,

with rasa~ to the -JIOM and .upplla llhiob 1fCIIIl4 be ~.

len~ ae the Moacow P"l'otocol. Und11r tile ta~ ot t ba ProtMoJ., Ule

United States acrHd to lll&lte at United s:.. '-•• productiall

center• the gooele t o 11. vlaue o! approxiJIIatel¥ l;IIOO,voo,ooo, Aid 111

ebippil\& •• prcadee<l but no speciric aeaurance waa !;1- tbat tbe

Protocol 1 tema could all be dell vere<l,

Two montbe athr the ·~ o! the Protocol tile JapeM ..

attaekeel Pearl Harbor anel Oeno&IIY anel lta.l¥ cleC1.are<1 Mr upoo 11.1. lD

spite of the henvy <li-ain on United Statea production 111\ich • Uatal.T

resultecl , the tenu o! t he Protocol have bien aubatantiall1 .n.

A. eeoonel Protocol wa~ entered int o for tba period !r,. JulJ' l,

1942, to June )0, 194), and aiel to the Soviet UniCIII 11 ,_ beine ut4nded

under thie Protocol.

Since the ineaptioo ot tbe Soviet aiel procru 111 Oct.ober 1941,

we have ehippecl to ~e Soviet \Inion 9Ughtl¥ .ore ~

ot suppliaa, includin& tood. The _,t of tblla euppU .. eant to

the Soviet Union in relation to othaao areae ot the • ~rl<l 1a parbapa

beat eh..,... by thia chart (Chart No, V).

You 11111 note that Ru .. ia bas raca1Yed 41, )1; ot the tact.ical

planaa, and by that I mean nl1llt617 planee otl\er than t.ra1nina fl-,

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wlliola ban bMo ~ IIB'ler len4-1MaaJ 52,<Jll ot tbo~ tllllkaJ and

32.1111 ot t.b• etor fth1c1... In ordur to ~Yu 'I<N. a b~ttur id ... of

.nat tbia .ana 1n actual ticurea, I can tell you tb&~ we ha.d ~0

end ot lfOYOIIber 1942 aont Ruaaia 2670 planoa~ thAn to aey otb~r

countl"'f--And wo 111111 aent her .3888 tanlao--.ore t.b&n ~o 11U otbor cOWl­

triM c0111b1naa.


OUt ot Bri.tain•a Mrc!-prulaod protluction, aho bod, to tbc end

• .,.,.,.,., a411lt Ruuie 1,.5.54 J>].aros and a~t.. -¥ 2,,.500 tanka.

llwlaiu tood ahi~ta 1n tbQ p!l&t haw :o. , b<i8D such a large

JIUipc.-tion ot <N.I' total tood oxports, but Ruaaian food ahil*'l\tS &N

CI'Mtl'l on the 1ncroaau. For tb" 801\th of January 1 thu t<~nnu&o ot

tood ahi~ta to Ruaaia 1a ""i"'Cted to WDOIIIIt t o eight tillloa ~hut to

the Un1t..d Kil\j¢0111. llhilu this proportion 1a not uxpi,ctud to con­

Unuo, Lllld-1c:aau tood &hiPDOnte to rtuaeio 1M<! tr011 now on axc .. d by

a canaidorab1u •rein 1lllld-1eua tood ehip~~~Cnta to ~u otb~r parte of

1o - can • .,.,,. o;atiato how ~ch th• pooploa ot Ruaaia bav11

halpod ua bT holdin& b&ck JlaU 1'or<: .. end t.Jc1n& t.lou ottcr .. ih "~

trca u- lor can tt.QYon• ~•tiate th .. vuluo. to OW' ~~~~otiooal 1ntereata

ot the ~ t16ht which thw CldJio,a• huYu put UP "idhst thw Japaneae,

By tba U YM loat, tba oitioe and lwao» doati'O'Iucl lind 1n t.ha ot.h•r

l ose .. ot war llwla iA and ~ end Os·.at Britain Nlva IIIIAdo u.it1uaa , . · oatl'ibutlona to th4olr cauaa, ~<a wll aa to w.ra. T .. vro baa not

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and t huN novor will lx; dwolojlGd t. standard or vulu~s by l'lhich .,.,

can mvosuru livua lost og&inat oirpl>noa or sw>a,

EgYptian C•'P''SD

Brituin, Russia nnd Chino. aru not thu onl¥ tronta

on which l~nd-l~nsu hna plbJTed oln important pnrt , 'nlu l::gypti<ln

campnisn wns a n oxcellunt. WClll1ll>la or l olld-lvoau in cction, Dur1nc

228 poriod tr<:a Pobruart to Hov~~r, 1942, tho llnit• d St&tes exported

to J:is1pt ovor lJOOO plnnca , rYey hundruds ot tMJca, , .,ooo trucks and

bundn>ds ot piece a ot urtill"ry. H~t'\J ugoin w~ .r.. • d b..ln<.i'it ot

work dono ovur c. yoar ngo, tunda and Bri tish tundo 1rora uaed

to construct t.h~ suppl,y lll\.,s ov,.r which thu•u •~opona 'weru a.nt.

SUppl,y bnaua, docl<a, t.nd n:..v~l t uciliti""• oir l hlds, Uld ..:.nd

auombline •hops in tb" Red Son :>rua i .n<l •ill O:,;ypt wvro built, r ebuilt

or ~nlargud, Air t • rry rout..,s 'llvN ust. bliah•d noroao .. tric:., and,

to;;~ thor Ylith th .. Briti~ end I'Nnch, u, .. Unit ed Stutus built

or t.provud ~ir tiolda ulJ. t ho wo;y traa tb .. Atl;onUc CO<.at of Atric• t o

tho Anclo-EQpti.c.n SudAn and tho Red 3<1:>. \athout theau SliPPl;f l1noe,

tht: ~bn cNIIP"i&n could not ~vv """" undurtol<on.

Nort.b Attica - Mlllt: .. rx rrqnt,

'!hu 11111u conaidur-tiona 60Vvrned in thu F •f>'.l'&tlOCUI tor bct:Ue

' 1n North Atrico., \,'hib thul'\. .._ Aaurioon ahu'v ill Ollj)Jll¥ wu luJocer,

t hu o~icn Npl'<llllnh u aoouinu pool1na ot our rv.) U'Oel wit.h t.boae

or our Cllllue, n • ., 11111 t'117 burd11n in Ulu ~ ... t.u ~t ·oq"n:r

Jh>r <Hl b¥ tho Brit.iah <.nc.l oure.UY"vlo Now, lll'itieh, rr.-b IlDlA 'a.ri01.a

rorcea oru tialltinG tosvthvr in a o~lut~ ou.inud opo~ ... u-. !be

•qtUI*ont o! uv"f7 \lnit 1a both Britiall IlDlA -.riMA, 1 t ' 2 I

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sld llllll-l- in .......,.,. haft • larce part 1n the proooaa ot auppq.

ana lllllldncl ·~ ot tile plaMe n- tt- AMrioan pilota 1n the

1n'f!U1aa ot llcrtll Atriaa ...,.. Splttirea li'Nn to u. 'Qr the llritiah u

reals--1-llllll-l .. a . One ot our diYui- waa o~:apleteq eca14pped. ,

w1\h llri\1811 2~r c- inetead ot ~ted St.etea 7S'•• .Urtield

~. bcaba, a.uniUCift, 600 ubulmoea, reo~aanoe boate an4


r_. 1DC» bed tleld *p1t&la were aaonc the equts-nt prcm.~.

the deftlOJMI!t ot pl- tcr the OUIP(licn the !lritiah inatallod •IIPPl.T

ottloare in ~t.a State• lleadq\11\rtera with 1netruotiona to auppq whete'ler

the .a-ia&JlnliJ needed 81'111 _ the Britiah lla"f)' turniah ld two-thirda ot the wbioh con~ the eotpJditiCift.

l'lorth Jrioa - · ChUian P'ront.

Ja toWl war the oin.UAnJtmt. cannot be dhorood from lllilitary . '

copen\l- .u the llaa1e h..,., tOWid throuch bitter experience 1n

a..ta, Or.oe aid 'hcoalt.Yia, the population CQI\ pla 7 • vital

per\ l.D ~nc the war. Ill ow llbere.tiCift at North Atrioa we recop>1sod

till&\ ,. bad a portiaa at * French poopl o 'llflo c:O\ilcl, with aaaiatance,

be .&I attoatiw tlchU.C partMre 1n their ...., 1nteroat aid 1n tho intoroat

.r tho lln1tod au-. !be ~on ot _. pal!q, the ProeiAiant eaiAI, i.e to aoe to it the\ . .

0 DO <*)will 10 lluacr7 or without tho other aaane ot liwlil>ood in~

terri'-7 ooaupiad 'Qr tbo l)dtod HaUOIJ"•• it i t 1a h.-nq wi~hin our P.,..ore

to Mb the DOOC.aJT •llPPlies a ftUabla to thea. Wo11pona will oleo be

......Uod to tbo poop1o at those torritori:>s to hut •n tho doteat at tho

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Slnoo \M\ t.1M \he 8r1U.III and llllnoelYM haw ooll\ dtall,r

noecle4 a•Uiaa ..appU• t-1'4 \o Jlort,ll Urioao lortll u;s.. ia a I I •tr a IIIJ'I)lll8 prodlloer ot too4etatte1 'lnat tho IOIIIIW)' ... IIHft I fP 1•'121'

looted by tho 001'111.!11• u a ""'lilt, tho pooplo ol lfortll Atria -

oxperienoinc ox\~ lhorteco• ot toocl and oloWnc• lftl7 i'Dpll't. '110 ._

reitlretoe t ho urpnt neocl tor ci'l'iliu euppU• - a ~ wh1dl wUl Jan

llfttil tho non haMOet, o t loaat, and p;n'haJIII beJcaS Ulnt U. I• -


etiMStion dieappeer in &117 cmmt17 woe reoocnaw• lo -t aake euro U.t

reocoupat1on by our torcoa will bo acec.po,niod bir a ..Ut and woll,;,

planned t.portation ot toocl, aeecl, enl oeeen~l nppliot~. We-t-

tlit thnt populations deUwrecl trca AxU bcfdaa- ore pwa a real de­

linrence, Cor thrq- bc.w boon told ""'n.:f tiaca '117 our o.-oe that a

d•ocraCIT .:lAM trcodca '01'1 thout brc:uS, lfo suet bG r li1R 1 ani .,.. are

r eaciT. to eond tho oeoontiala at Uto with our troope, ""'ir ~ob "'

co.bat could be cruol,y coaplieatod bT rnoU ani JIIIIWaqN ~tile


This 'I'IOrk at teodinc 1a a rosponaibWt7 ot tho ontire ._.., ot

tho United Nations. It eboul:i be pl4nnecl allll OGrried out .llir ti.. United Natione workinc topthor, eoch contributina whllt it OaA in.euppU•,

shl,pe and eeroricee, In the begl.min, a lllrp pert ot the burdon .aT ..;u... . ..... t•U upon ua. Boat each ot tha United !:~~tiona will do wbat 1\ 11 able, ...

all will share the It abooald be noted t.bat in llor1h Atria& \lie


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:•Jll'li~3 thun n. tivu t.o tido ?YOr tl.<: IU'flYIIt :u>C: a~rioua ohnrt,.,goo

of tho rugion.

P'r<~nch llorth /.trion h:IB nl.Tia:rs baen an oxportillC country, mid


it nill booona oo again, ftw bulk of lond-lo::oo goads eont t a North

Atric:4 1a boin(: sold tor cash and this cash 1a boinr. ' ""'d t e acquire

1111ch critical rau oat ... rials as =ns andso, cobelt &lld c . • ·!: nhich, in

acoordanco nit.h th.. allocati on l.rJ t!1.. Ccobi:tcd Ra'r Wat~riale Board; -.,,,..., Africa \till bJ ablo to &UP'M t o uo . ()1c~ r oat or .:d, llorth L'rica

to su;>;>ly foo<' ! or our t roo·m. In our arm

and tb.> Unitod IIAtiona' concon i.nt<lr cot wa nw:t oa.ku tM.s poaai blo .

In cloao consultation " Governor Lulntlll, \/0 aro tr;finl: to

enlarge thu invuntorioJs ot su;lplice \7o havo on hand to muot tho chtlncinc

patt?m of l und• luooc noods in liburatud aruae, not ·only ._for llorth

Africa \/h:Jru th<. auppl.¥ probl'-"'l is rvlat1voly onw.ll, and nill become

aoallor, but t or tabor arcus aa t hey arll lib~rat.od. 17o h<lv<1 oatablish<.d

a Spueial D1Y1eion ot our ottico t.o norl: \lith t l)u Oovom o•· •s aWt in

prepa.rinf; ti'Mieo o.tlaat"" ao ns to tacilitat.o, at.roncthcro and un11'y all

ertarta in tbu Ci.tld ot to.-.'&rd purcbasin8• To a ~ oxt.cot "" aro

tryinc to l.1mit OIU' purcha•inf: to goods vhich, •N equal}¥ uaablo tor &n:f

l ·":nd-·lAlt&ao arM; tor our oun an:md torcua, or ovon 1'o1· our civilian occnCJ1117,

1! ur1u11t and W\0.\'pootod nuociB should dovolcp,

Tho IIIPI'li"l wu bu,y \/ill not b.:. lcol:ud up 1n vtOl'UhcUsJa, Suoh

" practice 110uld onl;' result in th"ir d.t. rioratiou. l, \ JY will be used

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ror l cnd-l .... o pupoe..-, and n.placocl ill .t.ocl:, illeotar aa

"" 0411 <io eo, t.o tllu ond t._\ an &doquatc auppl;r bo oo hMd at ~

tl.m"S to JOWt "ll DYUclll o


Thift program 1e an 1nd1aponsablo atop to lacllit.>to tho proeccut ion

ot t ho '"'r • An tM aa "'' C4ll caail~ aoo, '1':0 mw:t act I'Tith vi,::or

to euppl~ 1'1<-'<licinva, food, clot~Una wl() otlwr ncocla r, ••. tboav v- \bv

Hn&io and the Japan"uo hav~ d<.spoUvd. As tho Prou~d .. t baa ollie:, •Sucoou

1n r~etoring tho countrio~ u.: trv... \till bu A po~t.rllll !'ector 1n abort.aninl

tb<; war, aivinu tlw U bor :>tucl pooplce t lwir ohaneo to a!l.'\rO 1n the ncw..,-.


It wo look buck ov~r tho part that Lund- t.laau baa pll\70(1 1n tbo

wnr, and i ta r <Jl:>tion to tho Ul>it<.'<l Natioua battlo "i"inst tho AXis pcMOra1

w Nalilu t llllt a prinoiplo h::o b~on IIMmlur .. 'CI out 1n timo ot crisis , That

principle io th<~ prineiplo ot total coopornticn 1>a0111 naUonD - oocporotion

in t llu int ... roat o£ 0110h and for tho bcnofit Of all , It t he pollee 1a W

bu a laotinj; puACu - and i t au~t bu - it will bu towtdCX: on coopcrat.ioo,

nnd t ha blood ~.nd t oo euttarlnt; ot ti.U wrrilllo •= ,\till not him> bO<Izl

1n nin. Illdood thot ia 'AIIllt thlo \11\1' 1a ell About .

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---·-...--.,... fll .. ....... ...

• •

... .._.ftt a&a .... ,_ aa r...u .. _

._. e1 ._ 11oft. fer aa ..tua.ual w­tla ell tM .......... If tM 'Ta "Fo I UllAU.. fer -. _.-.. 1-.., 10, l,-J, ~ .. u. Uaka te ... at aa -,.... ........ -·· .... ,hAeloa1 ......... at ... I&Jtt _. aa --ala ..._ a i II• ......... ,.. ..•....

(~.) ! . )H. Jt.


\ \

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'\ · . 0 0 ,


• ftlla&l. ...........

or aw 1011

f •

l • o11r COIIpllaUoa fer •« 184M J-7 aJ, l911J, C dollar 4h11vM ... I

nt of \be llriUih a.,lre &114 rreach accouto a t IIllo

tlD&Dce4 .

7a1thr..ll7 yo~ra ,

1•1 L, v. l.aon

"· "· x.on' flee Fr10ldeat.

!1M lloMI'Ule llea17 llorceatbA~>, Jr • • ..... ..,. ., .. !rea&J7, IMIIu.toa, D, C.


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ft~ tM c "'',._te ot »riUU .l1r a.-tan.

..... -]- S\a'-t. .... '10 - AiNnt't. DNpa~

-tor welt .-:s...-:q 26, 1943.

!llo llolloaralllo IICl7 llorp~~tbn, lr. liMniu7 ot ~ ~ ••6!!lJC!!OI0 1). u.

~~ )0, 1')43.


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• '5 't:!g ,; 16-Vw ... ~m. Ill



V.I. V.I. V.I. .....

v.L V.I. V.I.


--. •• Alr1ca W' urtoa

I .L• • •





1 4 4 2


l 4 4






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OPTEL No. 34

COPY NO • .J.]?_

• Information reeeive4 up to seven A.M. 30th

January, 1943,

l , li.A:iA1I

One of a .w , ·~e Layers severely damaged by heavy weather on 25th west of Blo~y Foreland is now repeat now presumed lost with all hands , One or H.M, Suboarines sank a Schooner art Capri on 20th, One of H,K. Corvettes was sunk by a U- Boat North East of Bougie this morning,


~. By last night 28th our armoured ears had ·advanced to points ten miles south east and south of Zuara , Heavy shelling west of Mellite held up the advance of our armoured elements , Further South Patrols of Fourth Light Ar~oured Brigade reached points on the Zuara Road six miles north and south of El Ouot ia ,

TUNISIA . Increased enemy activity is reported in the Mateur Area ,

of Voronezh occupied important stubborn fighting ,


The Russian advance north west and west In the Northern Caucasus they have

Railway Junction of Kropotkin after

~~ ~ONT ~· orr the Norwegian Coast R.A. A. P, and~~A~. Hampdens put six torpedoes into a 6 000 ton ehip which was left sinking, Escorted Bostons aitacked the Reilway Viaduct at Korlaix Brittany, No hits are claimed but the Railway was damaged . In the da)ls operations enemy caauelties 5 3 5 Ours 4 missing .

29t~~O~h 146 Aircraft despatched, Lorient 116 (4 missing) Sea- n ng 17 (one missing) Leaflets 5 (one missing) Intruders 8 , There was heavy cloud over Loriant and all Aircrett bombed on Navigational Figures ,

~NCH NORTH ~IQA. ~. 60 escorted u.s. Bombers ertaetvely attaeed the ii'Ock1 and Railway Centre at Sfax, In ti&htin& en~ casualties 6 2 2 Allied one lost.


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.. 244

COPY 00. _Lj_ BRI'[ISH MQST Sil<RE'I' !/.S. Sil<Rr.'l'

Ol,.f&L No. JS •

Information received u;. ~o 7 A.M., 31s~ Januery', 1943.

Reference Ol'rt.'L llo. 28. - convoy of 11. sbipa Ius no•

l'oachocl dORl'H RDSSIA •ithou~ loss .

2 . UlLIIARl

• Llii!A. 29th. Our t.roopa ad"""cln& along tho coaa~ I'Ofld woro

Mld up S .Ues east of ZUAR.\, whore ~ho """"~' had t.alcon up defensive

poett.ion . In central eaetor our potrola hAve croeoed the 1'unie.1.An

fron~lor, Ylblle further south one of our patl'OlD round N.U.Oil'J: held by

~ho enomy.

.!!!!.§§ll. Ruo~it.ns announco a.p~ure of TIKJ!OREfSK Rnd MAlKOP

on 30th.


llbST- f1!0!11', )Oth. 6 MosquHoo .,,,.. oen~ ~ Bi!!!Llll, )

boebocl the cHy at 11 A. ll. and 2 a~ I. P .u. 15 500 jlOI1Ild boebci •ore

droppo4. 1 llosqui~ ia aioo1ns. 19 llo11ingtona wore son~ ~ attock

objoc~ivoo in Yloatorn GERIIA!IY, 4 are ai,.in&· 3 Boaurtaht.ors, ot which

2 &~·o a1U1ng, when on :>atrol in the BAY OP BISCAY destroyed 2 Junkers 88.

)0th/3lot. i69 bomboro dooputchod - IIAIIBURO 148, 888-llllning

· 17, othol' objac~ivos in o~X 4. S ~irornft oro missing.

!!£DITERP.ANEAH. 29th . A l\'o111neton ~rpodood o north bound

ehl p ot about 2,500 tons otr CAl'£ Rlzztml, CAUBIUA. SICILY. )Oth.

10 SpUtiros boabocl and hit a .,.....,,. ataUon oouth,.en of SYBACUSE.

fRtliCl! 1!01<111 AFRICA. 29th. 22 Unitocl Stoteo fortrooseo

"""'bod Blti':RTA and hi t ) shipa. 11 Unltocl Stotoa lbnudera ottocked

TUNIS "1rflo1d, dropp!.ng !:>oabci 01001111 perked alrcraCt.

Regraded Unclassified

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