Page 1: Regain young natural look with hair transplant surgery

Regain young natural look with hair transplant surgery

"There are many different types of solutions for baldness. Some of them are as follows. Have a glimpse of the following article to find out solutions for baldness."

In recent times in India, medical technology has found answers to almost all physiological and cosmetic problems and hair loss is one of them. Hair is one aspect about which most people are very sensitive, good hair, good skin and good figure are regarded as the major criteria for an attractive appearance. Hence, most people generally look upon any loss or depletion of hair as a personal crisis. It is a fact that hair does start thinning for everybody with advancing age, however for young and middle-age people; it is certainly while worthy to explore options for hair transplant surgery. There are two most common types of hair transplant surgery and one cost double the price of the other. Strip Harvesting was developed first but it is now less preferred by patients. Doing this procedure on you would require scalp tissues to be removed. That means surgical stitches, scars and a longer recovery period. It may be cheaper but you would have to bear with the side effects for a longer time. Plus, the scars would not necessarily be covered if you have short hair.

In India, Hair transplantation has become one of the most popular methods of addressing hair loss and is also called hair replacement or hair restoration. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure and, as is the case with all other surgeries, is a very individual decision based on the patient's age and other conditions. In fact, anyone planning hair transplant needs to have a detailed consultation with the hair transplant surgeon to discuss expectations, possibilities and risks. The majority of hair transplant aspirants in India are men, who experience severe thinning of hair leading to baldness. Women are also candidates for hair transplant, but not often because they normally experience only thinning of hair and not loss of hair in patches as men do. Sometimes a hair transplant surgery may be needed as re constructive surgery in cases of burns or trauma.

In choosing a hair transplant surgeon or a clinic where you going to have your surgeon done, you also have to consider the skills or at least the reputation of your surgeon. You should not just choose any random surgeon to do your hair transplant because safety should be your top priority. There are a lot of websites that will help you to choose the perfect hair transplant surgeon for you. Also, opinion from friends or acquaintances that have undergone the same procedure will benefit you greatly knowing the real cost of hair transplant surgery in India.

Only precautions that hair transplant surgery with these mini and micro grafts is that the dissected mini and micro grafts are to be inserted into the scalp as fast as possible after a silt is made. Transplanting of the grafts in the shortest possible time increases the chances of the hair follicles surviving the hair transplant procedures and actually grows into hair. To hasten up the above mentioned hair transplant surgery procedure, help from the assistant is taken who immediately inserts a graft into the slit as soon as it is created by the hair transplant surgeon. The blades used for the surgery are so small and sharp they leave almost no detectable scar on the scalp.

Page 2: Regain young natural look with hair transplant surgery

Call +91(079) 301-240-54/55 for your consultation from Dr. Chintan Patel. Check out all the Hair Transplant surgery photos and reviews for more information visit at Cutis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center Ahemdabad India.

Category : Health / Hair Loss

Keywords : Hair Loss, Hair Transplant Surgery in India, Hair Transplantation, Hair loss treatment

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