Page 1: Reflection on planning

Reflection on Planning Process:

During this process I have created a Gantt Chart, mood board, contacted

models, created contact sheet and location recces, storyboard, mock ups for

magazine and mastheads, analysed flat plans and created my own and

gained insight into the professional world of the magazine industry.

Analysing the research and the feedback from my target demographic I was

able to produce ideas in to how my music magazine will look, what colours

to use and what sort of articles will interest my audience so by creating a

mood board I was able to gain an idea of what I wanted to appear in my

magazine. Also by using a Gantt chart I was able to create a timetable of

when I was going to do objectives like create a mock draft etc. keep on

track and do it professionally.

By creating a call sheet, location recces and a storyboard I was able to keep

to a timetable and get things accomplished quickly and done professionally.

The location recces allowed me to analyse locations that would be suitable

for my photo shoot and how effective they would be, plus the call sheet

made sure I had everything I would need in the shot and insured my

models would be at the location.

The ideas for my masthead were helpful as I was able to narrow down my

ideas and the masthead would reflect the theme of the music magazine. I

also received feedback from my target demographic which was helpful in

getting the final idea for which masthead which I will use in my final design.

In this process I have created 3 mock ups of my front cover, contents page

and double page spread. This allowed me to experiment and use ideas that

were unique and created different effects on the audience; it was useful in

knowing what would go where. I also received feedback on this for each of

the designs, I got positive and negative feedback on which one they liked

and disliked and why. They gave me ideas of what they wanted and I will

use their advice as they are the target demographic which my music

magazine is aimed at. Through this I was able to determine which design

was most effective and what else I could add to improve it.

Page 2: Reflection on planning

In my research I created 2 flat plans for existing music magazine which

showed me how the articles are laid out in a professional magazine. From

this I was able to come up with my own articles and idea of layouts for my

own music magazine, similar to the mock ups I got the chance to look at

different ideas and gained an idea of what would go where. I enjoyed this

task as I was able to put my ideas down and gain perspective of how a

magazine is created in the industry.

I feel my planning was effective as I was able to create my work get

feedback from my audience on what was good and other advice. I also

thought I was effective because of the designs I created which show I put a

lot of effort in to them.

It has taught me a bit more about what goes into a magazine as it is much

more than I would have expected but It certainly did feel like I was creating

a magazine using the real system for it. A lot more thought goes into the

magazine and shows there is a lot more pressure on those in the industry,

especially those in print as they have to make sure that everything is good

and there are little mistakes as they don’t get to update it like in digital

magazines. This process let me create a magazine properly and I have

enjoyed it and gained new ideas of how best to improve my magazine and

influence my target audience.

This process has aided me in my project, as I have created some ideas for

my magazine and created call sheets etc. to get a photo shoot done in an

organised way and also gained feedback from my target audience in what

was good and what I can add to my final design. Looking back on the

aspects of this process I have learnt more about what goes into a magazine

and also how it will help me in my final design, so thank you to all who gave

me feedback and hopefully I will be able to create a great final product

which meets my objectives. This task has been invaluable help and because

of it I have ideas of what my final design shall be.

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