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TASK 3 : CRITICAL ESSAYI was looking forward to this course TSL 1064 Drama in English since last semester when Madam Rovena told us that the chosen drama for us is Macbeth. This is due to in Form One, one of the poems included in our syllabus was Lifes Brief Candle and at that time I was really impressed by William Shakespeares timeless messages conveyed within a few lines, which is life is short and unpredictable and we should learn to use time wisely and to the fullest to ensure a successful life. The poem teaches us that we must also set goals in life and make life meaningful, so that we know what we want to do in life which had made me knew something about life at the young age. Because of the eagerness to learn more about the play Macbeth, actually I had started to read the play during school holiday. However, I faced problem in understanding the Shakespearean language because for me, it looked strange and different from English I have learnt before. When the second semester starts, we bought the reference book Macbeth with some explanation and guideline provided, which I think is really helpful especially for me who was a beginner to the exposure of Shakespearean language. Madam Rovena told us Shakespeares plays is meant for performance on the stage. We can understand it more easily when we read the lines aloud and act out the play. During lessons, we sat in groups and took on a particular role and read the lines. Sometimes, we had our classmates and even Madam Rovena to act in the class. Through their acting in the class, I found it to be easier to understand the meaning of the play, especially by madams acting. It was truly impressive because madam could get into each role very easily with good acting skills, facial expression, body language, intonation and others. From here we can know what a good acting is and apply it in our drama performance.When our group first discussed about the script writing, we found it was not easy as we need to take bits and pieces from the play and adapt it accordingly using Shakespearean language without changing the original meaning of the scene. After discussing, we had decided to take Macduff loyalty towards Scotland as the main idea of our play. If I were given a second chance, I think adding the scene where Macbeth recite the poem Lifes brief candle would make our play a more interesting one as audience will be able see two different sides of Macbeth, one is the grief of Macbeth when he is reciting poem and another one is what we had done that is Macbeth fights Macduff showing he is a brave and valiant warrior by not giving up till the end even though he knows he is doomed.After having the script, we started our drama practice until the day of rehearsal had finally came. During the rehearsal, I realised that performing the play on the stage could be a very different thing compared to practices we had before. On the stage, we need to consider about many other aspects that we did not notice when we were practicing like stage directions, the way to throw our voices, not showing our backs to the audiences and others. Although we had lectures about these aspects before, but only when I was on the stage, some aspects like throwing my voice was not easy, proving theory and practice are two different things. However, Madam Rovena had gave us some guidance and advices that enable us to have our problems solved and a better performance on the stage. The experiences I gained during the drama rehearsal and performances are really valuable and unforgettable.Days before the drama performance, we were busy preparing poster and background for our hall design. Although we were not having bombastic design for the hall, but producing a simple DIY poster and props was not an easy job. Anyway, this was not a problem for us as all of us worked together and many hands make light work. Although our tiredness were overloaded, but none of us has ever thought of giving up as we knew we can definitely go through the process together and the experiences gained will definitely mould us into a better teacher in the future.I enjoyed performing the play Macbeth because it conveys Shakespeares messages through the characters in the play and those messages are timeless. In the play, Shakespeare conveys a moral message to his audience by expressing the consequences that will occur from bad choices made in life. It is conveyed to the audience by using a variety of different language techniques of Macbeths actions. Macbeth is relevant to a modern audience as todays society have universal truths and beliefs such as to not murder innocent people, and that some people will go to such lengths to obtain power through ambition and would sacrifice their loyalty and trust of others to betray them in some way.I have learnt the importance of cooperation through the drama performance. We helped each other when another group was performing so that our performance could be a successful one. We even gave signal at backstage in case our friend on the stage forgets their lines. I think all these had certainly foster the relationship among my classmates besides gaining experiences of performing a play on the stage. Although our number is small, only fourteen of us, but it was never an obstacle for us to have a drama performance on the stage with the presence of lecturers from English Department and others students in our IPG. In conclusion, I think our drama performance was a successful one although there is a lot of improvements need to be done to make the performance more perfect. I started to enjoy the beauty of Shakespearean language instead of staying away from it, probably because this language is now understandable for me. This reminds me of a Malay proverbs You can't love what you don't know. We can only love something when we know what it is about, just like I started to enjoy and love Shakespearean language after understanding it and performing Macbeth. (1043 words)


Angka Giliran Pelajar : 2014272310072

Tajuk Tugasan : TASK 3 : CRITICAL ESSAY


Kursus /Mata Pelajaran: TSL 1064 DRAMA IN ENGLISH

Tarikh Hantar : 17/4/2015Tarikh Diterima :

Pengakuan PelajarSaya mengaku bahawa tugasan ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya.Tandatangan : _____________________________ Tarikh : 16/4/2015 ( YOO CHEN CHEN )




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Pengesahan Pelajar Terhadap Maklum Balas Yang Diberi Oleh Pensyarah Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberi oleh pensyarah telah saya rujuki dan fahami.Catatan (jika ada):

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Name of Student: YOO CHEN CHENIndex No.: 2014272310072Identity Card No. : 961126-07-5394Programme/Intake/Group: PPISMP June 2014 Intake Year 1, Semester 2/2014, PPTESLName of Lecturer: MADAM ROVENA ELAINE CAPELName of Academic Tutors: MADAM CHOONG SEE YOONG MADAM FOO LAY KUAN Date of Submission: 17.4.2015

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